/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
general.h Header file for the general DHCP snapin admin classes
#ifndef _GENERAL_H
#define _GENERAL_H
extern const TCHAR g_szDefaultHelpTopic[];
#define DHCP_OPTION_ID_CSR 249
class CDhcpServer;
class CTimerDesc { public: SPITFSNode spNode; CDhcpServer * pServer; UINT_PTR uTimer; TIMERPROC timerProc; };
typedef CArray<CTimerDesc *, CTimerDesc *> CTimerArrayBase;
class CTimerMgr : CTimerArrayBase { public: CTimerMgr(); ~CTimerMgr();
public: int AllocateTimer(ITFSNode * pNode, CDhcpServer * pServer, UINT uTimerValue, TIMERPROC TimerProc); void FreeTimer(UINT_PTR uEventId); void ChangeInterval(UINT_PTR uEventId, UINT uNewInterval); CTimerDesc * GetTimerDesc(UINT_PTR uEventId); CCriticalSection m_csTimerMgr; };
typedef CArray<DWORD_DWORD, DWORD_DWORD> CDWordDWordArray;
// CDhcpIpRange prototype
// Simple wrapper for a DHCP_IP_RANGE
class CDhcpClient { public: CDhcpClient ( const DHCP_CLIENT_INFO * pdhcClientInfo ) ; CDhcpClient ( const DHCP_CLIENT_INFO_V4 * pdhcClientInfo ) ; CDhcpClient () ; ~ CDhcpClient () ;
const CString & QueryName () const { return m_strName ; } const CString & QueryComment () const { return m_strComment ; } const CString & QueryHostName ( BOOL bNetbios = FALSE ) const { return bNetbios ? m_strHostNetbiosName : m_strHostName ; } DHCP_IP_ADDRESS QueryIpAddress () const { return m_dhcpIpAddress ; } DHCP_IP_MASK QuerySubnet () const { return m_dhcpIpMask ; } DHCP_IP_ADDRESS QueryHostAddress () const { return m_dhcpIpHost ; } const DATE_TIME & QueryExpiryDateTime () const { return m_dtExpires ; } const CByteArray & QueryHardwareAddress () const { return m_baHardwareAddress ; } BYTE QueryClientType() const { return m_bClientType; }
BOOL IsReservation () const { return m_bReservation ; } void SetReservation ( BOOL bReservation = TRUE ) { m_bReservation = bReservation ; }
// Data change accessors: SOME OF THESE THROW EXCEPTIONS
void SetIpAddress ( DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhipa ) { m_dhcpIpAddress = dhipa ; } void SetIpMask ( DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhipa ) { m_dhcpIpMask = dhipa ; } void SetName ( const CString & cName ) { m_strName = cName ; } void SetComment( const CString & cComment ) { m_strComment = cComment ; } void SetHostName ( const CString & cHostName ) { m_strHostName = cHostName ; } void SetHostNetbiosName ( const CString & cHostNbName ) { m_strHostNetbiosName = cHostNbName ; } void SetHostIpAddress ( DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhipa ) { m_dhcpIpHost = dhipa ; } void SetExpiryDateTime ( DATE_TIME dt ) { m_dtExpires = dt ; } void SetHardwareAddress ( const CByteArray & caByte ) ; void SetClientType(BYTE bClientType) { m_bClientType = bClientType; }
protected: void InitializeData(const DHCP_CLIENT_INFO * pdhcClientInfo);
protected: DHCP_IP_ADDRESS m_dhcpIpAddress; // Client's IP address
DHCP_IP_MASK m_dhcpIpMask; // Client's subnet
CByteArray m_baHardwareAddress; // hardware addresss
CString m_strName; // Client name
CString m_strComment; // Client comment
DATE_TIME m_dtExpires; // date/time lease expires
BOOL m_bReservation; // This is a reservation
BYTE m_bClientType; // Client Type V4 and above only
// Host information
CString m_strHostName; CString m_strHostNetbiosName; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS m_dhcpIpHost; };
// CDhcpIpRange prototype
// Simple wrapper for a DHCP_IP_RANGE
class CDhcpIpRange { protected: DHCP_IP_RANGE m_dhcpIpRange; UINT m_RangeType;
public: CDhcpIpRange (DHCP_IP_RANGE dhcpIpRange); CDhcpIpRange (); virtual ~CDhcpIpRange();
operator DHCP_IP_RANGE () { return m_dhcpIpRange; }
operator DHCP_IP_RANGE () const { return m_dhcpIpRange; }
// Return TRUE if both addresses are generally OK
operator BOOL () { return m_dhcpIpRange.StartAddress != DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID && m_dhcpIpRange.EndAddress != DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_INVALID && m_dhcpIpRange.StartAddress <= m_dhcpIpRange.EndAddress; }
CDhcpIpRange & operator = (const DHCP_IP_RANGE dhcpIpRange);
DHCP_IP_ADDRESS QueryAddr (BOOL bStart) const { return bStart ? m_dhcpIpRange.StartAddress : m_dhcpIpRange.EndAddress; }
// Return TRUE if this range overlaps the given range.
BOOL IsOverlap (DHCP_IP_RANGE dhcpIpRange);
// Return TRUE if this range is a subset of the given range.
BOOL IsSubset (DHCP_IP_RANGE dhcpIpRange); // Return TRUE if this range is a superset of the given range.
BOOL IsSuperset (DHCP_IP_RANGE dhcpIpRange);
// Sort helper function
//int OrderByAddress ( const CObjectPlus * pobIpRange ) const;
void SetRangeType(UINT uRangeType); UINT GetRangeType(); };
typedef CList<CDhcpIpRange *, CDhcpIpRange *> CExclusionList;
// CDhcpOptionValue prototype
// Simple wrapper for DHCP_OPTION_DATA
class CDhcpOptionValue { public: CDhcpOptionValue ( const DHCP_OPTION & dhcpOption ); CDhcpOptionValue ( const DHCP_OPTION_VALUE & dhcpOptionValue ); CDhcpOptionValue ( DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE dhcDataType, INT cUpperBound = 0);
// Copy constructor.
CDhcpOptionValue ( const CDhcpOptionValue & cOptionValue ); CDhcpOptionValue ( const CDhcpOptionValue * dhcpOption );
// Assignment operator: assign a new value to this one.
CDhcpOptionValue & operator = ( const CDhcpOptionValue & dhcpValue );
CDhcpOptionValue () { }; ~CDhcpOptionValue ();
// Query functions
DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE QueryDataType () const { return m_dhcpOptionDataType; } int QueryUpperBound () const { return m_nUpperBound; } void SetUpperBound ( int nNewBound = 1 );
long QueryNumber ( INT index = 0 ) const; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS QueryIpAddr ( INT index = 0 ) const; LPCTSTR QueryString ( INT index = 0 ) const; INT QueryBinary ( INT index = 0 ) const; const CByteArray * QueryBinaryArray () const; DWORD_DWORD QueryDwordDword ( INT index = 0 ) const;
// Return a string representation of the current value.
LONG QueryDisplayString ( CString & strResult, BOOL fLineFeed = FALSE ) const; LONG QueryRouteArrayDisplayString( CString & strResult) const; //
// Modifiers: SetString accepts any string representation;
// others are specific.
LONG SetData ( const DHCP_OPTION_DATA * podData ); LONG SetData ( const CDhcpOptionValue * pOptionValue ); BOOL SetDataType ( DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE dhcpType, INT cUpperBound = 0 ); LONG SetString ( LPCTSTR pszNewValue, INT index = 0 ); LONG SetNumber ( INT nValue, INT nIndex = 0 ); LONG SetIpAddr ( DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpIpAddress, INT index = 0 ); LONG SetDwordDword ( DWORD_DWORD dwdwValue, INT index = 0 );
LONG RemoveString ( INT index = 0); LONG RemoveNumber ( INT index = 0); LONG RemoveIpAddr ( INT index = 0); LONG RemoveDwordDword ( INT index = 0);
BOOL IsValid () const;
LONG CreateOptionDataStruct(//const CDhcpOptionValue * pdhcpOptionValue,
LPDHCP_OPTION_DATA * ppOptionData, BOOL bForceType = FALSE); LONG FreeOptionDataStruct();
// implementation
private: //
// Release the value union data
void FreeValue (); //
// Initialize the value union data
LONG InitValue ( DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE dhcDataType, INT cUpperBound, BOOL bProvideDefaultValue = TRUE );
BOOL CreateBinaryData ( const DHCP_BINARY_DATA * podBin, DHCP_BINARY_DATA * pobData ) ; BOOL CreateBinaryData ( const CByteArray * paByte, DHCP_BINARY_DATA * pobData ) ;
// Attributes
private: DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE m_dhcpOptionDataType; DHCP_OPTION_DATA * m_pdhcpOptionDataStruct; INT m_nUpperBound ; union { CObject * pCObj; // Generic pointer
CDWordArray * paDword; // 8-, 16-, 32-bit data.
CStringArray * paString; // String data
CByteArray * paBinary; // Binary and encapsulated data
CDWordDWordArray * paDwordDword;// 62-bit data.
} m_dhcpOptionValue; };
// CDhcpOption prototype
// Simple wrapper for DHCP_OPTION
class CDhcpOption { public: // Standard constructor uses API data
CDhcpOption ( const DHCP_OPTION & dhpOption ); // Constructor that must get info about option id referenced by the given value.
CDhcpOption ( const DHCP_OPTION_VALUE & dhcpOptionValue, LPCTSTR pszVendor, LPCTSTR pszClass ); // Constructor with overriding value.
CDhcpOption ( const CDhcpOption & dhpType, const DHCP_OPTION_VALUE & dhcOptionValue ); // Constructor for dynamic instances
CDhcpOption ( DHCP_OPTION_ID nId, DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE dhcType, LPCTSTR pszOptionName, LPCTSTR pszComment, DHCP_OPTION_TYPE dhcOptType = DhcpUnaryElementTypeOption ); // Copy constructor
CDhcpOption ( const CDhcpOption & dhpType );
~CDhcpOption ();
CDhcpOptionValue & QueryValue () { return m_dhcpOptionValue ; }
const CDhcpOptionValue & QueryValue () const { return m_dhcpOptionValue ; }
DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE QueryDataType () const { return m_dhcpOptionValue.QueryDataType() ; }
DHCP_OPTION_ID QueryId () const { return m_dhcpOptionId ; } LPCTSTR QueryName () const { return m_strName ; } LPCTSTR QueryComment () const { return m_strComment ; }
void SetOptType ( DHCP_OPTION_TYPE dhcOptType ) ;
DHCP_OPTION_TYPE QueryOptType() const { return m_dhcpOptionType ; }
// Return TRUE if the option type is an array.
BOOL IsArray () const { return QueryOptType() == DhcpArrayTypeOption ; }
// Fill the given string with a displayable representation of the item.
void QueryDisplayName ( CString & cStr ) const ;
BOOL SetName ( LPCTSTR pszName ) ; BOOL SetComment ( LPCTSTR pszComment ) ;
LONG Update ( const CDhcpOptionValue & dhcpOptionValue ) ; static INT MaxSizeOfType ( DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE dhcType ) ;
BOOL SetDirty(BOOL bDirty = TRUE) { BOOL bOldFlag = m_bDirty; m_bDirty = bDirty; return bOldFlag; }
// vendor specifc option stuff
void SetVendor(LPCTSTR pszVendor) { m_strVendor = pszVendor; } BOOL IsVendor() { return !m_strVendor.IsEmpty(); } LPCTSTR GetVendor() { return m_strVendor.IsEmpty() ? NULL : (LPCTSTR) m_strVendor; }
BOOL IsDirty() { return m_bDirty; }
// class ID methods
LPCTSTR GetClassName() { return m_strClassName; } void SetClassName(LPCTSTR pClassName) { m_strClassName = pClassName; } BOOL IsClassOption() { return m_strClassName.IsEmpty() ? FALSE : TRUE; } DWORD SetApiErr(DWORD dwErr) { DWORD dwOldErr = m_dwErr; m_dwErr = dwErr; return dwOldErr; }
DWORD QueryApiErr() { return m_dwErr; }
protected: DHCP_OPTION_ID m_dhcpOptionId; // Option identifier
DHCP_OPTION_TYPE m_dhcpOptionType; // Option type
CDhcpOptionValue m_dhcpOptionValue; // Default value info
CString m_strName; // Name of option
CString m_strComment; // Comment for option
CString m_strVendor; // Vendor Name for this option
BOOL m_bDirty; DWORD m_dwErr; // stored err for later display
CString m_strClassName; };
// COptionList
// Object contains a list of options. Can be iterated.
typedef CList<CDhcpOption*, CDhcpOption*> COptionListBase;
class COptionList : public COptionListBase { public: COptionList() : m_pos(NULL), m_bDirty(FALSE) {} ~COptionList() { DeleteAll(); }
public: void DeleteAll() { while (!IsEmpty()) { delete RemoveHead(); } }
// removes an option from the list
void Remove(CDhcpOption * pOption) { POSITION pos = Find(pOption); if (pos) RemoveAt(pos); }
void Reset() { m_pos = GetHeadPosition(); } CDhcpOption * Next() { if (m_pos) return GetNext(m_pos); else return NULL; }
CDhcpOption * FindId(DWORD dwId, LPCTSTR pszVendor) { CDhcpOption * pOpt = NULL; CString strVendor = pszVendor; POSITION pos = GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { CDhcpOption * pCurOpt = GetNext(pos); if ( (pCurOpt->QueryId() == dwId) && ( (!pszVendor && !pCurOpt->GetVendor()) || (pCurOpt->GetVendor() && (strVendor.CompareNoCase(pCurOpt->GetVendor()) == 0) ) ) ) { pOpt = pCurOpt; break; } }
return pOpt; }
BOOL SetAll(BOOL bDirty) { BOOL bWasDirty = FALSE; POSITION pos = GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { CDhcpOption * pCurOpt = GetNext(pos); if (pCurOpt->SetDirty(bDirty)) bWasDirty = TRUE; } return bWasDirty; }
BOOL SetDirty(BOOL bDirty = TRUE) { BOOL bOldFlag = m_bDirty; m_bDirty = bDirty; return bOldFlag; }
static int __cdecl SortByIdHelper(const void * pa, const void * pb) { CDhcpOption ** ppOpt1 = (CDhcpOption **) pa; CDhcpOption ** ppOpt2 = (CDhcpOption **) pb;
if ((*ppOpt1)->QueryId() < (*ppOpt2)->QueryId()) return -1; else if ((*ppOpt1)->QueryId() > (*ppOpt2)->QueryId()) return 1; else { // options have equal IDs, but standard options come first
if ((*ppOpt1)->IsVendor() && !(*ppOpt2)->IsVendor()) return 1; else if (!(*ppOpt1)->IsVendor() && (*ppOpt2)->IsVendor()) return -1; else return 0; // they are either both standard or both vendor -- equal
} }
LONG SortById() { LONG err = 0; CDhcpOption * pOpt; int cItems = (int) GetCount();
if ( cItems < 2 ) return NO_ERROR;
CATCH_MEM_EXCEPTION { // Allocate the array
CDhcpOption ** paOpt = (CDhcpOption **) alloca(sizeof(CDhcpOption *) * cItems);
/// Fill the helper array.
POSITION pos = GetHeadPosition(); for (UINT i = 0; pos != NULL; i++ ) { pOpt = GetNext(pos); paOpt[i] = pOpt; }
ASSERT( GetCount() == 0 );
// Sort the helper array
::qsort( paOpt, cItems, sizeof(paOpt[0]), SortByIdHelper ) ;
// Refill the list from the helper array.
for ( i = 0 ; i < (UINT) cItems ; i++ ) { AddTail( paOpt[i] ); }
ASSERT( GetCount() == cItems ) ; } END_MEM_EXCEPTION(err)
return err ; }
private: POSITION m_pos; BOOL m_bDirty; };
Class: COptionValueEnum ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class COptionValueEnum : public COptionList { public: COptionValueEnum(); DWORD Init(LPCTSTR pServer, LARGE_INTEGER & liVersion, DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_INFO & dhcpOptionScopeInfo); DWORD Enum(); void Copy(COptionValueEnum * pEnum); void Remove(DHCP_OPTION_ID optionId, LPCTSTR pszVendor, LPCTSTR pszClass);
protected: DWORD EnumOptions(); DWORD EnumOptionsV5();
// V5 Helper
HRESULT CreateOptions(LPDHCP_OPTION_VALUE_ARRAY pOptionValues, LPCTSTR pClassName, LPCTSTR pszVendor);
public: DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_INFO m_dhcpOptionScopeInfo; LARGE_INTEGER m_liVersion; CString m_strServer; CString m_strDynBootpClassName; };
// CDhcpDefaultOptionsOnServer prototype
// Object contains a list of default options on a DHCP server
class CDhcpDefaultOptionsOnServer { // constructors
public: CDhcpDefaultOptionsOnServer(); ~CDhcpDefaultOptionsOnServer();
// exposed functions
public: LONG Enumerate(LPCWSTR pServer, LARGE_INTEGER liVersion); CDhcpOption * Find(DHCP_OPTION_ID dhcpOptionId, LPCTSTR pszVendor); BOOL IsEmpty() { return m_listOptions.IsEmpty(); } int GetCount() { return (int) m_listOptions.GetCount(); }
CDhcpOption * First(); CDhcpOption * Next(); void Reset();
LONG SortById();
COptionList & GetOptionList() { return m_listOptions; }
// implementation
private: LONG RemoveAll(); LONG EnumerateV4(LPCWSTR pServer); LONG EnumerateV5(LPCWSTR pServer);
// attributes
private: COptionList m_listOptions;
DWORD m_dwLastUpdate; DWORD m_dwOptionsTotal; POSITION m_pos; };
// CDhcpDefaultOptionsMasterList prototype
// Object contains master list of known options
typedef struct { int eOptType ; LPCTSTR pszOptTypeName ; } OPT_TOKEN ;
class CDhcpDefaultOptionsMasterList { // constructors
public: CDhcpDefaultOptionsMasterList(); ~CDhcpDefaultOptionsMasterList();
// exposed functions
public: LONG BuildList();
CDhcpOption * First(); CDhcpOption * Next(); void Reset(); int GetCount();
// implementation
private: BOOL scanNextParamType(LPCTSTR * ppszText, CDhcpOption * * ppParamType); LPCTSTR scanNextField(LPCTSTR pszLine, LPTSTR pszOut, int cFieldSize); BOOL allDigits(LPCTSTR psz); int recognizeToken(OPT_TOKEN * apToken, LPCTSTR pszToken); LPCTSTR skipToNextLine(LPCTSTR pszLine); BOOL skipWs(LPCTSTR * ppszLine);
// attributes
private: COptionList m_listOptions; POSITION m_pos; };
#endif _GENERAL_H