Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

73 lines
1.6 KiB

  1. /**********************************************************************/
  2. /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/
  3. /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1998 **/
  4. /**********************************************************************/
  5. /*
  6. listview.h
  7. Individual option property page
  9. */
  10. #ifndef _LISTVIEW_H
  11. #define _LISTVIEW_H
  13. #define LISTVIEWEX_CHECKED 2
  14. #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
  15. #pragma once
  16. #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
  17. class CMyListCtrl : public CListCtrl
  18. {
  20. // Construction
  21. public:
  22. CMyListCtrl();
  23. // Attributes
  24. protected:
  25. BOOL m_bFullRowSel;
  26. public:
  27. BOOL SetFullRowSel(BOOL bFillRowSel);
  28. BOOL GetFullRowSel();
  29. int AddItem(LPCTSTR pName, LPCTSTR pType, LPCTSTR pComment, UINT uState);
  30. int AddItem(LPCTSTR pName, LPCTSTR pComment, UINT uState);
  31. BOOL SelectItem(int nItemIndex);
  32. BOOL IsSelected(int nItemIndex);
  33. BOOL CheckItem(int nItemIndex);
  34. BOOL SetCheck(int nItemIndex, BOOL fCheck);
  35. UINT GetCheck(int nItemIndex);
  36. int GetSelectedItem();
  37. // Overrides
  38. protected:
  39. // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
  40. //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CMyListCtrl)
  41. public:
  42. virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);
  43. //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
  44. // Implementation
  45. public:
  46. virtual ~CMyListCtrl();
  47. // Generated message map functions
  48. protected:
  49. //{{AFX_MSG(CMyListCtrl)
  50. afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
  51. afx_msg VOID OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
  52. //}}AFX_MSG
  54. };
  55. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  56. #endif _LISTVIEW_H