/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
mscope.cpp This file contains the implementation for the multicast scope node. FILE HISTORY: 9/25/97 EricDav Created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "server.h" // Server definition
#include "nodes.h" // Result pane node definitions
#include "mscope.h" // mscope definition
#include "addexcl.h"
#include "mscopepp.h" // properties of the mScope
#include "dlgrecon.h" // reconcile dialog
GetLangTag Sets the language tag based on the name Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GetLangTag ( CString & strLangTag ) { char b1[32], b2[32]; static char buff[80];
ZeroMemory(buff, sizeof(buff));
if (_stricmp(b1, b2)) sprintf(buff, "%s-%s", b1, b2); else strcpy(buff, b1);
strLangTag = buff; }
Class CDhcpMScope implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Function Name Here Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CDhcpMScope::CDhcpMScope ( ITFSComponentData* pTFSComponentData ) : CMTDhcpHandler(pTFSComponentData) { }
CDhcpMScope::~CDhcpMScope() { }
CDhcpMScope::InitializeNode Initializes node specific data Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::InitializeNode ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); CString strDisplayName;
BuildDisplayName(&strDisplayName, m_SubnetInfo.SubnetName); SetDisplayName(strDisplayName);
if (m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState == DhcpSubnetDisabled) { m_strState.LoadString(IDS_SCOPE_INACTIVE); } else { m_strState.LoadString(IDS_SCOPE_ACTIVE); }
// Make the node immediately visible
pNode->SetVisibilityState(TFS_VIS_SHOW); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_COOKIE, (LPARAM) pNode); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_IMAGEINDEX, GetImageIndex(FALSE)); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_OPENIMAGEINDEX, GetImageIndex(TRUE)); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_USER, (LPARAM) this); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_TYPE, DHCPSNAP_MSCOPE);
SetColumnStringIDs(&aColumns[DHCPSNAP_MSCOPE][0]); SetColumnWidths(&aColumnWidths[DHCPSNAP_MSCOPE][0]);
return hrOK; }
CDhcpMScope::OnCreateNodeId2 Returns a unique string for this node Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::OnCreateNodeId2(ITFSNode * pNode, CString & strId, DWORD * dwFlags) { const GUID * pGuid = pNode->GetNodeType(); CString strNode, strGuid;
StringFromGUID2(*pGuid, strGuid.GetBuffer(256), 256); strGuid.ReleaseBuffer();
// id string is server name, scope name and guid.
strNode = GetServerObject()->GetName(); strNode += GetName() + strGuid;
strId = strNode;
return hrOK; }
CDhcpMScope::GetImageIndex Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CDhcpMScope::GetImageIndex(BOOL bOpenImage) { int nIndex = -1;
switch (m_nState) { // TODO: these need to be updated with new busy state icons
case notLoaded: case loaded: if (bOpenImage) nIndex = (IsEnabled()) ? ICON_IDX_SCOPE_FOLDER_OPEN : ICON_IDX_SCOPE_INACTIVE_FOLDER_OPEN; else nIndex = (IsEnabled()) ? ICON_IDX_SCOPE_FOLDER_CLOSED : ICON_IDX_SCOPE_INACTIVE_FOLDER_CLOSED; break;
default: ASSERT(FALSE); }
if (m_spServerNode && IsEnabled()) { CDhcpServer * pServer = GetServerObject(); LPDHCP_MCAST_MIB_INFO pMibInfo = pServer->DuplicateMCastMibInfo(); if (!pMibInfo) return nIndex;
LPMSCOPE_MIB_INFO pScopeMibInfo = pMibInfo->ScopeInfo;
// walk the list of scopes and find our info
for (UINT i = 0; i < pMibInfo->Scopes; i++) { // Find our scope stats
if ( (m_SubnetInfo.SubnetName.CompareNoCase(pScopeMibInfo[i].MScopeName) == 0) && (m_SubnetInfo.SubnetAddress == pScopeMibInfo[i].MScopeId) ) { int nPercentInUse; if ((pScopeMibInfo[i].NumAddressesInuse + pScopeMibInfo[i].NumAddressesFree) == 0) nPercentInUse = 0; else nPercentInUse = (pScopeMibInfo[i].NumAddressesInuse * 100) / (pScopeMibInfo[i].NumAddressesInuse + pScopeMibInfo[i].NumAddressesFree); // look to see if this scope meets the warning or red flag case
if (pScopeMibInfo[i].NumAddressesFree == 0) { // red flag case, no addresses free, this is the highest
// level of warning, so break out of the loop if we set this.
if (bOpenImage) nIndex = ICON_IDX_SCOPE_FOLDER_OPEN_ALERT; else nIndex = ICON_IDX_SCOPE_FOLDER_CLOSED_ALERT; break; } else if (nPercentInUse >= SCOPE_WARNING_LEVEL) { // warning condition if Num Addresses in use is greater than
// some pre-defined threshold.
break; } }
pServer->FreeDupMCastMibInfo(pMibInfo); }
return nIndex; }
Overridden base handler functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CDhcpMScope::OnAddMenuItems Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CDhcpMScope::OnAddMenuItems ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, DWORD dwType, long * pInsertionAllowed ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
LONG fFlags = 0, fLoadingFlags = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString strMenuText;
if ( m_nState != loaded ) { fFlags |= MF_GRAYED; }
if ( m_nState == loading) { fLoadingFlags = MF_GRAYED; }
if (type == CCT_SCOPE) { //
// these menu items go in the new menu,
// only visible from scope pane
if (*pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_TOP) { strMenuText.LoadString(IDS_SCOPE_SHOW_STATISTICS); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuText, IDS_SCOPE_SHOW_STATISTICS, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, fFlags ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); // separator
hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuText, 0, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, MF_SEPARATOR); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
// reconcile
strMenuText.LoadString(IDS_SCOPE_RECONCILE); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuText, IDS_SCOPE_RECONCILE, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, fFlags ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
// separator
hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuText, 0, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, MF_SEPARATOR); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
// activate/deactivate
if (m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState == DhcpSubnetDisabled) { strMenuText.LoadString(IDS_SCOPE_ACTIVATE); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuText, IDS_SCOPE_ACTIVATE, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, fFlags ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); } else { strMenuText.LoadString(IDS_SCOPE_DEACTIVATE); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuText, IDS_SCOPE_DEACTIVATE, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, fFlags ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); } } }
return hr; }
CDhcpMScope::OnCommand Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CDhcpMScope::OnCommand ( ITFSNode * pNode, long nCommandId, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DWORD dwType ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch (nCommandId) { case IDS_ACTIVATE: case IDS_DEACTIVATE: case IDS_SCOPE_ACTIVATE: case IDS_SCOPE_DEACTIVATE: OnActivateScope(pNode); break; case IDS_REFRESH: OnRefresh(pNode, pDataObject, dwType, 0, 0); break;
case IDS_SCOPE_SHOW_STATISTICS: OnShowScopeStats(pNode); break;
case IDS_SCOPE_RECONCILE: OnReconcileScope(pNode); break;
case IDS_DELETE: OnDelete(pNode); break;
default: break; }
return hr; }
CDhcpMScope::CreatePropertyPages Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CDhcpMScope::CreatePropertyPages ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LONG_PTR handle, DWORD dwType ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
HRESULT hr = hrOK; DWORD dwError; DWORD dwDynDnsFlags; SPIComponentData spComponentData; LARGE_INTEGER liVersion; CDhcpServer * pServer; DHCP_IP_RANGE dhcpIpRange;
// Create the property page
CMScopeProperties * pScopeProp = new CMScopeProperties(pNode, spComponentData, m_spTFSCompData, NULL); // Get the Server version and set it in the property sheet
pServer = GetServerObject(); pServer->GetVersion(liVersion);
// Set scope specific data in the prop sheet
pScopeProp->m_pageGeneral.m_SubnetInfo = m_SubnetInfo;
ZeroMemory(&dhcpIpRange, sizeof(dhcpIpRange)); dwError = GetIpRange(&dhcpIpRange); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ::DhcpMessageBox(dwError); goto Cleanup; }
pScopeProp->m_pageGeneral.m_ScopeCfg.m_dwStartAddress = dhcpIpRange.StartAddress; pScopeProp->m_pageGeneral.m_ScopeCfg.m_dwEndAddress = dhcpIpRange.EndAddress;
pScopeProp->m_pageGeneral.m_uImage = GetImageIndex(FALSE);
dwError = GetLeaseTime(&pScopeProp->m_pageGeneral.m_ScopeCfg.m_dwLeaseTime);
END_WAIT_CURSOR; GetLifetime(&pScopeProp->m_pageLifetime.m_Expiry);
// Object gets deleted when the page is destroyed
Assert(lpProvider != NULL);
return pScopeProp->CreateModelessSheet(lpProvider, handle);
Cleanup: delete pScopeProp; return hrFalse; }
CDhcpMScope::OnPropertyChange Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::OnPropertyChange ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataobject, DWORD dwType, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
CMScopeProperties * pScopeProp = reinterpret_cast<CMScopeProperties *>(lParam);
LONG_PTR changeMask = 0;
// tell the property page to do whatever now that we are back on the
// main thread
pScopeProp->OnPropertyChange(TRUE, &changeMask);
if (changeMask) pNode->ChangeNode(changeMask);
return hrOK; }
CDhcpMScope::GetString Returns string information for display in the result pane columns Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP_(LPCTSTR) CDhcpMScope::GetString ( ITFSNode * pNode, int nCol ) { switch (nCol) { case 0: return GetDisplayName();
case 1: return m_strState;
case 2: return m_SubnetInfo.SubnetComment; } return NULL; }
CDhcpMScope::CompareItems Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP_(int) CDhcpMScope::CompareItems ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookieA, MMC_COOKIE cookieB, int nCol ) { SPITFSNode spNode1, spNode2;
m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookieA, &spNode1); m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookieB, &spNode2); int nCompare = 0;
return nCompare; }
CDhcpServer::OnDelete The base handler calls this when MMC sends a MMCN_DELETE for a scope pane item. We just call our delete command handler. Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::OnDelete ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam ) { return OnDelete(pNode); }
CDhcpMScope::OnResultDelete This function is called when we are supposed to delete result pane items. We build a list of selected items and then delete them. Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::OnResultDelete ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
return hr; }
CDhcpMScope::OnGetResultViewType MMC calls this to get the result view information Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::OnGetResultViewType ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPOLESTR * ppViewType, long * pViewOptions ) { *pViewOptions = MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_MULTISELECT;
// we still want the default MMC result pane view, we just want
// multiselect, so return S_FALSE
return S_FALSE; }
CDhcpMScope::OnUpdateToolbarButtons We override this function to show/hide the correct activate/deactivate buttons Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::OnUpdateToolbarButtons ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPDHCPTOOLBARNOTIFY pToolbarNotify ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
if (pToolbarNotify->bSelect) { UpdateToolbarStates(); }
CMTDhcpHandler::OnUpdateToolbarButtons(pNode, pToolbarNotify);
return hr; }
CDhcpMScope::UpdateToolbarStates Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CDhcpMScope::UpdateToolbarStates() { if (m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState == DhcpSubnetDisabled) { g_SnapinButtonStates[DHCPSNAP_MSCOPE][TOOLBAR_IDX_ACTIVATE] = ENABLED; g_SnapinButtonStates[DHCPSNAP_MSCOPE][TOOLBAR_IDX_DEACTIVATE] = HIDDEN; } else { g_SnapinButtonStates[DHCPSNAP_MSCOPE][TOOLBAR_IDX_ACTIVATE] = HIDDEN; g_SnapinButtonStates[DHCPSNAP_MSCOPE][TOOLBAR_IDX_DEACTIVATE] = ENABLED; } }
Command Handlers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CDhcpmScope::OnActivateScope Message handler for the scope activate/deactivate menu Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::OnActivateScope ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
DWORD err = 0; int nOpenImage, nClosedImage; DHCP_SUBNET_STATE dhcpOldState = m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState; if (m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState == DhcpSubnetEnabled) { // if they want to disable the scope, confirm
if (AfxMessageBox(IDS_SCOPE_DISABLE_CONFIRM, MB_YESNO) != IDYES) { return err; } }
m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState = (m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState == DhcpSubnetDisabled) ? DhcpSubnetEnabled : DhcpSubnetDisabled;
// Tell the scope to update it's state
err = SetInfo(); if (err != 0) { ::DhcpMessageBox(err); m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState = dhcpOldState; } else { // update the icon and the status text
if (m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState == DhcpSubnetDisabled) { nOpenImage = ICON_IDX_SCOPE_INACTIVE_FOLDER_OPEN; nClosedImage = ICON_IDX_SCOPE_INACTIVE_FOLDER_CLOSED; m_strState.LoadString(IDS_SCOPE_INACTIVE); } else { nOpenImage = GetImageIndex(TRUE); nClosedImage = GetImageIndex(FALSE); m_strState.LoadString(IDS_SCOPE_ACTIVE); }
// Update the toolbar button
SendUpdateToolbar(pNode, TRUE); }
return err; }
CDhcpMScope::OnReconcileScope Reconciles the active leases database for this scope Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::OnReconcileScope ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
CReconcileDlg dlgRecon(pNode); dlgRecon.m_bMulticast = TRUE; dlgRecon.DoModal();
return hrOK; }
CDhcpMScope::OnShowScopeStats() Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::OnShowScopeStats ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString strScopeAddress;
// Fill in some information in the stats object.
// CreateNewStatisticsWindow handles the case if the window is
// already visible.
m_dlgStats.SetNode(pNode); m_dlgStats.SetServer(GetServerIpAddress()); m_dlgStats.SetScopeId(GetScopeId()); m_dlgStats.SetName(GetName()); CreateNewStatisticsWindow(&m_dlgStats, ::FindMMCMainWindow(), IDD_STATS_NARROW); return hr; }
CDhcpMScope::OnDelete() Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::OnDelete(ITFSNode * pNode) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = S_OK; SPITFSNode spParent;
BOOL fAbortDelete = FALSE; BOOL fDeactivated = FALSE;
LONG err = 0 ;
if (::DhcpMessageBox( IsEnabled() ? IDS_MSG_DELETE_ACTIVE : IDS_MSG_DELETE_SCOPE, MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) { pNode->GetParent(&spParent);
CDhcpServer * pServer = GETHANDLER(CDhcpServer, spParent); err = pServer->DeleteMScope(pNode); }
return hr; }
Background thread functionality ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDhcpMScope:OnHaveData Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CDhcpMScope::OnHaveData ( ITFSNode * pParentNode, ITFSNode * pNewNode ) { LPARAM dwType = pNewNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_TYPE);
switch (dwType) { case DHCPSNAP_MSCOPE_LEASES: pParentNode->AddChild(pNewNode); m_spActiveLeases.Set(pNewNode); break;
case DHCPSNAP_ADDRESS_POOL: pParentNode->AddChild(pNewNode); m_spAddressPool.Set(pNewNode); break; }
// now tell the view to update themselves
ExpandNode(pParentNode, TRUE); }
CDhcpMScope::OnHaveData Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CDhcpMScope::OnHaveData ( ITFSNode * pParentNode, LPARAM Data, LPARAM Type ) { // This is how we get non-node data back from the background thread.
if (Type == DHCP_QDATA_SUBNET_INFO) { LONG_PTR changeMask = 0; LPDHCP_MSCOPE_INFO pdhcpSubnetInfo = reinterpret_cast<LPDHCP_MSCOPE_INFO>(Data);
// update the scope name and state based on the info
if (pdhcpSubnetInfo->MScopeName && m_SubnetInfo.SubnetName.CompareNoCase(pdhcpSubnetInfo->MScopeName) != 0) { SetName(pdhcpSubnetInfo->MScopeName);
// update the comment
if (m_SubnetInfo.SubnetComment.CompareNoCase(pdhcpSubnetInfo->MScopeComment) != 0) { SetComment(pdhcpSubnetInfo->MScopeComment); }
if (m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState != pdhcpSubnetInfo->MScopeState) { DHCP_SUBNET_STATE dhcpOldState = m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState; m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState = pdhcpSubnetInfo->MScopeState;
pParentNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_IMAGEINDEX, GetImageIndex(FALSE)); pParentNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_OPENIMAGEINDEX, GetImageIndex(TRUE)); // Update the toolbar button
SendUpdateToolbar(pParentNode, TRUE);
// Update our internal struct
if (pdhcpSubnetInfo) ::DhcpRpcFreeMemory(pdhcpSubnetInfo);
if (changeMask) VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pParentNode->ChangeNode(changeMask))); } }
CDhcpMScope::OnCreateQuery() Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ITFSQueryObject* CDhcpMScope::OnCreateQuery(ITFSNode * pNode) { CDhcpMScopeQueryObj* pQuery = new CDhcpMScopeQueryObj(m_spTFSCompData, m_spNodeMgr); if ( pQuery == NULL ) return pQuery;
pQuery->m_strServer = GetServerObject(pNode)->GetIpAddress(); pQuery->m_strName = GetName(); return pQuery; }
CDhcpMScopeQueryObj::Execute() Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CDhcpMScopeQueryObj::Execute() { HRESULT hr = hrOK; DWORD dwReturn; LPDHCP_MSCOPE_INFO pMScopeInfo = NULL;
dwReturn = ::DhcpGetMScopeInfo(((LPWSTR) (LPCTSTR)m_strServer), ((LPWSTR) (LPCTSTR)m_strName), &pMScopeInfo);
if (dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS && pMScopeInfo) { AddToQueue((LPARAM) pMScopeInfo, DHCP_QDATA_SUBNET_INFO); } else { Trace1("CDhcpMScopeQueryObj::Execute - DhcpGetMScopeInfo failed! %d\n", dwReturn); PostError(dwReturn); return hrFalse; }
CreateSubcontainers(); return hrFalse; }
CDhcpMScope::CreateSubcontainers() Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScopeQueryObj::CreateSubcontainers() { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNode spNode;
// create the address pool Handler
CMScopeAddressPool *pAddressPool = new CMScopeAddressPool(m_spTFSCompData); CreateContainerTFSNode(&spNode, &GUID_DhcpMCastAddressPoolNodeType, pAddressPool, pAddressPool, m_spNodeMgr);
// Tell the handler to initialize any specific data
pAddressPool->InitializeNode((ITFSNode *) spNode);
// Add the node as a child to this node
AddToQueue(spNode); pAddressPool->Release();
// create the Active Leases Handler
CMScopeActiveLeases *pActiveLeases = new CMScopeActiveLeases(m_spTFSCompData); CreateContainerTFSNode(&spNode, &GUID_DhcpMCastActiveLeasesNodeType, pActiveLeases, pActiveLeases, m_spNodeMgr);
// Tell the handler to initialize any specific data
pActiveLeases->InitializeNode((ITFSNode *) spNode);
// Add the node as a child to this node
AddToQueue(spNode); pActiveLeases->Release();
return hr; }
Helper functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::BuildDisplayName ( CString * pstrDisplayName, LPCTSTR pName ) { if (pstrDisplayName) { CString strStandard, strName;
strName = pName;
strStandard.LoadString(IDS_MSCOPE_FOLDER); *pstrDisplayName = strStandard + _T(" [") + strName + _T("] "); }
return hrOK; }
HRESULT CDhcpMScope::SetName ( LPCWSTR pName ) { if (pName != NULL) { m_SubnetInfo.SubnetName = pName; }
CString strDisplayName; //
// Create the display name for this scope
// Convert DHCP_IP_ADDRES to a string and initialize this object
BuildDisplayName(&strDisplayName, pName);
SetDisplayName(strDisplayName); return hrOK; }
CDhcpMScope::GetServerIpAddress() Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LPCWSTR CDhcpMScope::GetServerIpAddress() { CDhcpServer * pServer = GetServerObject();
return pServer->GetIpAddress(); }
CDhcpMScope::GetServerIpAddress Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CDhcpMScope::GetServerIpAddress(DHCP_IP_ADDRESS * pdhcpIpAddress) { CDhcpServer * pServer = GetServerObject();
pServer->GetIpAddress(pdhcpIpAddress); }
CDhcpMScope::GetServerVersion Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CDhcpMScope::GetServerVersion ( LARGE_INTEGER& liVersion ) { CDhcpServer * pServer = GetServerObject(); pServer->GetVersion(liVersion); }
CDhcpMScope::InitMScopeInfo() Updates the scope's information Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::InitMScopeInfo ( LPDHCP_MSCOPE_INFO pMScopeInfo ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
return hr; }
CDhcpMScope::InitMScopeInfo() Updates the scope's information Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CDhcpMScope::InitMScopeInfo ( CSubnetInfo & subnetInfo ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
m_SubnetInfo = subnetInfo;
return hr; }
CDhcpMScope::SetInfo() Updates the scope's information Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::SetInfo ( LPCTSTR pNewName ) { DWORD err = ERROR_SUCCESS; DHCP_MSCOPE_INFO dhcpMScopeInfo = {0};
dhcpMScopeInfo.MScopeName = (pNewName) ? (LPWSTR) pNewName : (LPTSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_SubnetInfo.SubnetName); dhcpMScopeInfo.MScopeComment = (LPTSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_SubnetInfo.SubnetComment); dhcpMScopeInfo.MScopeId = m_SubnetInfo.SubnetAddress; dhcpMScopeInfo.MScopeAddressPolicy = m_SubnetInfo.MScopeAddressPolicy; dhcpMScopeInfo.MScopeState = m_SubnetInfo.SubnetState; dhcpMScopeInfo.MScopeFlags = 0; dhcpMScopeInfo.ExpiryTime = m_SubnetInfo.ExpiryTime; dhcpMScopeInfo.TTL = m_SubnetInfo.TTL;
// gotta fill in the language ID based on the name
GetLangTag(m_SubnetInfo.LangTag); dhcpMScopeInfo.LangTag = (LPWSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_SubnetInfo.LangTag);
// Review : ericdav - do we need to fill these in?
dhcpMScopeInfo.PrimaryHost.NetBiosName = NULL; dhcpMScopeInfo.PrimaryHost.HostName = NULL;
err = ::DhcpSetMScopeInfo(GetServerIpAddress(), (LPWSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_SubnetInfo.SubnetName), &dhcpMScopeInfo, FALSE);
// update the scope name if we are changing the name
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS && pNewName) { m_SubnetInfo.SubnetName = pNewName; }
return err; }
CDhcpMScope::GetLeaseTime Gets the lease time for this scope Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::GetLeaseTime ( LPDWORD pdwLeaseTime ) { //
// Check option -- the lease duration
DWORD dwLeaseTime = 0; DWORD err = ERROR_SUCCESS; DHCP_OPTION_VALUE * poptValue = NULL; err = GetOptionValue(MADCAP_OPTION_LEASE_TIME, &poptValue);
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace1("CDhcpScope::GetLeaseTime - couldn't get lease duration!! %d \n", err); dwLeaseTime = 0; } else { if (poptValue->Value.Elements != NULL) dwLeaseTime = poptValue->Value.Elements[0].Element.DWordOption;
if (poptValue) ::DhcpRpcFreeMemory(poptValue); }
*pdwLeaseTime = dwLeaseTime;
return err; }
CDhcpMScope::SetLeaseTime Sets the lease time for this scope Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::SetLeaseTime ( DWORD dwLeaseTime ) { DWORD err = 0;
// Set lease duration
CDhcpOption dhcpOption (MADCAP_OPTION_LEASE_TIME, DhcpDWordOption , _T(""), _T("")); dhcpOption.QueryValue().SetNumber(dwLeaseTime); err = SetOptionValue(&dhcpOption);
return err; }
CDhcpMScope::GetLifetime Gets the madcap scope lifetime Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::GetLifetime ( DATE_TIME * pdtLifetime ) { DWORD err = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (pdtLifetime) { pdtLifetime->dwLowDateTime = m_SubnetInfo.ExpiryTime.dwLowDateTime; pdtLifetime->dwHighDateTime = m_SubnetInfo.ExpiryTime.dwHighDateTime; }
return err; }
CDhcpMScope::SetLifetime Sets the madcap scope lifetime Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::SetLifetime ( DATE_TIME * pdtLifetime ) { DWORD err = 0;
if (pdtLifetime) { m_SubnetInfo.ExpiryTime.dwLowDateTime = pdtLifetime->dwLowDateTime; m_SubnetInfo.ExpiryTime.dwHighDateTime = pdtLifetime->dwHighDateTime; }
return err; }
CDhcpMScope::GetTTL Gets the TTL for this multicast scope Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::GetTTL ( LPBYTE pbTTL ) { DWORD err = 0;
if (pbTTL) *pbTTL = m_SubnetInfo.TTL;
return err; }
CDhcpMScope::SetTTL Sets the least time for this scope Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::SetTTL ( BYTE TTL ) { DWORD err = 0;
m_SubnetInfo.TTL = TTL;
return err; }
CDhcpMScope::DeleteClient Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::DeleteClient ( DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpClientIpAddress ) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DHCP_SEARCH_INFO dhcpClientInfo; dhcpClientInfo.SearchType = DhcpClientIpAddress; dhcpClientInfo.SearchInfo.ClientIpAddress = dhcpClientIpAddress; dwErr = ::DhcpDeleteMClientInfo((LPWSTR) GetServerIpAddress(), &dhcpClientInfo);
return dwErr; }
CDhcpMScope::SetOptionValue Sets the least time for this scope Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::SetOptionValue ( CDhcpOption * pdhcType ) { DWORD err = 0; DHCP_OPTION_DATA * pdhcOptionData; DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_INFO dhcScopeInfo; CDhcpOptionValue * pcOptionValue = NULL;
ZeroMemory( & dhcScopeInfo, sizeof(dhcScopeInfo) );
CATCH_MEM_EXCEPTION { pcOptionValue = new CDhcpOptionValue( & pdhcType->QueryValue() ) ; if ( pcOptionValue ) { dhcScopeInfo.ScopeType = DhcpMScopeOptions; dhcScopeInfo.ScopeInfo.MScopeInfo = (LPWSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_SubnetInfo.SubnetName);
pcOptionValue->CreateOptionDataStruct(&pdhcOptionData, TRUE);
err = (DWORD) ::DhcpSetOptionValue(GetServerIpAddress(), pdhcType->QueryId(), &dhcScopeInfo, pdhcOptionData); }
delete pcOptionValue ; } END_MEM_EXCEPTION(err) ;
return err ; }
CDhcpScope::GetOptionValue Gets an option value for this scope Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::GetOptionValue ( DHCP_OPTION_ID OptionID, DHCP_OPTION_VALUE ** ppdhcOptionValue ) { DWORD err = 0 ; DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_INFO dhcScopeInfo ;
ZeroMemory( &dhcScopeInfo, sizeof(dhcScopeInfo) );
CATCH_MEM_EXCEPTION { dhcScopeInfo.ScopeType = DhcpMScopeOptions; dhcScopeInfo.ScopeInfo.MScopeInfo = (LPWSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_SubnetInfo.SubnetName);
err = (DWORD) ::DhcpGetOptionValue(GetServerIpAddress(), OptionID, &dhcScopeInfo, ppdhcOptionValue ); } END_MEM_EXCEPTION(err) ;
return err ; }
CDhcpMScope::RemoveValue Removes an option Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::RemoveOptionValue ( DHCP_OPTION_ID dhcOptId ) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_INFO dhcScopeInfo;
ZeroMemory( &dhcScopeInfo, sizeof(dhcScopeInfo) );
dhcScopeInfo.ScopeType = DhcpMScopeOptions; dhcScopeInfo.ScopeInfo.MScopeInfo = (LPWSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_SubnetInfo.SubnetName);
dwErr = ::DhcpRemoveOptionValue(GetServerIpAddress(), dhcOptId, &dhcScopeInfo);
return dwErr; }
CDhcpMScope::AddElement Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::AddElement ( LPDHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_DATA_V4 pdhcpSubnetElementData ) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
dwErr = ::DhcpAddMScopeElement((LPWSTR) GetServerIpAddress(), (LPWSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_SubnetInfo.SubnetName), pdhcpSubnetElementData); return dwErr; }
CDhcpMScope::RemoveElement Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::RemoveElement ( LPDHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_DATA_V4 pdhcpSubnetElementData, BOOL bForce ) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
dwErr = ::DhcpRemoveMScopeElement((LPWSTR) GetServerIpAddress(), (LPWSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_SubnetInfo.SubnetName), pdhcpSubnetElementData, bForce ? DhcpFullForce : DhcpNoForce);
return dwErr; }
CDhcpMScope::GetIpRange() returns the scope's allocation range. Connects to the server to get the information Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::GetIpRange ( DHCP_IP_RANGE * pdhipr ) { BOOL bAlloced = FALSE; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
pdhipr->StartAddress = 0; pdhipr->EndAddress = 0;
CMScopeAddressPool * pAddressPool = GetAddressPoolObject();
if (pAddressPool == NULL) { // the address pool folder isn't there yet...
// Create a temporary one for now...
pAddressPool = new CMScopeAddressPool(m_spTFSCompData); bAlloced = TRUE; } // Get a query object from the address pool handler
CMScopeAddressPoolQueryObj * pQueryObject = reinterpret_cast<CMScopeAddressPoolQueryObj *>(pAddressPool->OnCreateQuery(m_spAddressPool));
// if we created an address pool handler, then free it up now
if (bAlloced) { pQueryObject->m_strServer = GetServerIpAddress(); pQueryObject->m_strName = GetName(); pAddressPool->Release(); }
// tell the query object to get the ip ranges
// check to see if there was any problems getting the information
dwError = pQueryObject->m_dwError; if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return dwError; }
LPQUEUEDATA pQD; while (pQD = pQueryObject->RemoveFromQueue()) { Assert (pQD->Type == QDATA_PNODE); SPITFSNode p; p = reinterpret_cast<ITFSNode *>(pQD->Data); delete pQD;
CDhcpAllocationRange * pAllocRange = GETHANDLER(CDhcpAllocationRange, p);
pdhipr->StartAddress = pAllocRange->QueryAddr(TRUE); pdhipr->EndAddress = pAllocRange->QueryAddr(FALSE);
p.Release(); }
return dwError; }
CDhcpMScope::UpdateIpRange() This function updates the IP range on the server. We also need to remove any exclusion ranges that fall outside of the new allocation range. Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::UpdateIpRange ( DHCP_IP_RANGE * pdhipr ) { return SetIpRange(pdhipr, TRUE); }
CDhcpMScope::QueryIpRange() Returns the scope's allocation range (doesn't talk to the server directly, only returns internally cached information). Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CDhcpMScope::QueryIpRange ( DHCP_IP_RANGE * pdhipr ) { pdhipr->StartAddress = 0; pdhipr->EndAddress = 0;
SPITFSNodeEnum spNodeEnum; SPITFSNode spCurrentNode; ULONG nNumReturned = 0;
spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned); while (nNumReturned) { if (spCurrentNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_TYPE) == DHCPSNAP_ALLOCATION_RANGE) { // found the address
CDhcpAllocationRange * pAllocRange = GETHANDLER(CDhcpAllocationRange, spCurrentNode);
pdhipr->StartAddress = pAllocRange->QueryAddr(TRUE); pdhipr->EndAddress = pAllocRange->QueryAddr(FALSE); }
spCurrentNode.Release(); spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned); } }
CDhcpMScope::SetIpRange Set's the allocation range for this scope Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::SetIpRange ( DHCP_IP_RANGE * pdhcpIpRange, BOOL bUpdateOnServer ) { CDhcpIpRange dhcpIpRange = *pdhcpIpRange;
return SetIpRange(dhcpIpRange, bUpdateOnServer); }
CDhcpMScope::SetIpRange Set's the allocation range for this scope Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::SetIpRange ( const CDhcpIpRange & dhcpIpRange, BOOL bUpdateOnServer ) { DWORD err = 0; if (bUpdateOnServer) { DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_DATA_V4 dhcSubElData; DHCP_IP_RANGE dhipOldRange;
err = GetIpRange(&dhipOldRange); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return err; }
dhcSubElData.ElementType = DhcpIpRanges; dhcSubElData.Element.IpRange = &dhipOldRange;
// First update the information on the server
// Remove the old IP range; allow "not found" error in new scope.
//if ( err == 0 || err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND )
DHCP_IP_RANGE dhcpNewIpRange = dhcpIpRange; dhcSubElData.Element.IpRange = &dhcpNewIpRange;
if ( (err = AddElement( & dhcSubElData )) == 0 ) { //m_ip_range = dhipr ;
} else { Trace1("SetIpRange - AddElement failed %lx\n", err);
// something bad happened, try to put the old range back
dhcSubElData.Element.IpRange = &dhipOldRange; if (AddElement(&dhcSubElData) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace0("SetIpRange - cannot return ip range back to old state!!"); } } //}
// Find the address pool folder and update the UI object
SPITFSNodeEnum spNodeEnum; SPITFSNode spCurrentNode; ULONG nNumReturned = 0;
if (m_spAddressPool == NULL) return err;
spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned); while (nNumReturned) { if (spCurrentNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_TYPE) == DHCPSNAP_ALLOCATION_RANGE) { // found the address
CDhcpAllocationRange * pAllocRange = GETHANDLER(CDhcpAllocationRange, spCurrentNode);
// now set them
pAllocRange->SetAddr(dhcpIpRange.QueryAddr(TRUE), TRUE); pAllocRange->SetAddr(dhcpIpRange.QueryAddr(FALSE), FALSE); // tell the UI to update
spCurrentNode->ChangeNode(RESULT_PANE_CHANGE_ITEM_DATA); }
spCurrentNode.Release(); spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned); }
return err ; }
CDhcpMScope::IsOverlappingRange determines if the exclusion overlaps an existing range Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CDhcpMScope::IsOverlappingRange ( CDhcpIpRange & dhcpIpRange ) { SPITFSNodeEnum spNodeEnum; SPITFSNode spCurrentNode; ULONG nNumReturned = 0; BOOL bOverlap = FALSE;
spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned); while (nNumReturned) { if (spCurrentNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_TYPE) == DHCPSNAP_EXCLUSION_RANGE) { // found the address
CDhcpExclusionRange * pExclusion = GETHANDLER(CDhcpExclusionRange, spCurrentNode);
if ( bOverlap = pExclusion->IsOverlap( dhcpIpRange ) ) { spCurrentNode.Release(); break; } }
spCurrentNode.Release(); spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spCurrentNode, &nNumReturned); }
return bOverlap ; }
CDhcpMScope::IsValidExclusion determines if the exclusion is valid for this scope Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::IsValidExclusion ( CDhcpIpRange & dhcpExclusionRange ) { DWORD err = 0; DHCP_IP_RANGE dhcpIpRange;
err = GetIpRange (&dhcpIpRange); CDhcpIpRange dhcpScopeRange(dhcpIpRange); //
// Get the data into a range object.
if ( IsOverlappingRange( dhcpExclusionRange ) ) { //
// Walk the current list, determining if the new range is valid.
// Then, if OK, verify that it's really a sub-range of the current range.
err = IDS_ERR_IP_RANGE_OVERLAP ; } else if ( ! dhcpExclusionRange.IsSubset( dhcpScopeRange ) ) { //
// Guarantee that the new range is an (improper) subset of the scope's range
return err; }
CDhcpMScope::StoreExceptionList Adds a bunch of exclusions to the scope Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::StoreExceptionList ( CExclusionList * plistExclusions ) { DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_DATA dhcElement ; DHCP_IP_RANGE dhipr ; CDhcpIpRange * pobIpRange ; DWORD err = 0, err1 = 0; POSITION pos;
pos = plistExclusions->GetHeadPosition(); while ( pos ) { pobIpRange = plistExclusions->GetNext(pos);
err1 = AddExclusion( *pobIpRange ) ; if ( err1 != 0 ) { err = err1; Trace1("CDhcpScope::StoreExceptionList error adding range %d\n", err); } }
return err ; }
CDhcpMScope::AddExclusion Adds an individual exclusion to the server Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::AddExclusion ( CDhcpIpRange & dhcpIpRange, BOOL bAddToUI ) { DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_DATA_V4 dhcElement ; DHCP_IP_RANGE dhipr ; DWORD err = 0;
dhcElement.ElementType = DhcpExcludedIpRanges ; dhipr = dhcpIpRange ; dhcElement.Element.ExcludeIpRange = & dhipr ;
Trace2("CDhcpMScope::AddExclusion add excluded range %lx %lx\n", dhipr.StartAddress, dhipr.EndAddress );
err = AddElement( & dhcElement ) ; //if ( err != 0 && err != ERROR_DHCP_INVALID_RANGE)
if ( err != 0 ) { Trace1("CDhcpMScope::AddExclusion error removing range %d\n", err); }
if (m_spAddressPool != NULL) { CMScopeAddressPool * pAddrPool = GETHANDLER(CMScopeAddressPool, m_spAddressPool);
if (!err && bAddToUI && pAddrPool->m_bExpanded) { SPITFSNode spNewExclusion;
CDhcpExclusionRange * pExclusion = new CDhcpExclusionRange(m_spTFSCompData, &((DHCP_IP_RANGE) dhcpIpRange)); CreateLeafTFSNode(&spNewExclusion, &GUID_DhcpExclusionNodeType, pExclusion, pExclusion, m_spNodeMgr);
// Tell the handler to initialize any specific data
pExclusion->InitializeNode((ITFSNode *) spNewExclusion);
// Add the node as a child to this node
m_spAddressPool->AddChild(spNewExclusion); pExclusion->Release(); } }
return err; }
CDhcpMScope::RemoveExclusion Removes and exclusion from the server Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CDhcpMScope::RemoveExclusion ( CDhcpIpRange & dhcpIpRange ) { DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_DATA_V4 dhcElement ; DHCP_IP_RANGE dhipr ; DWORD err = 0;
dhcElement.ElementType = DhcpExcludedIpRanges ; dhipr = dhcpIpRange ; dhcElement.Element.ExcludeIpRange = & dhipr ;
Trace2("CDhcpMScope::RemoveExclusion remove excluded range %lx %lx\n", dhipr.StartAddress, dhipr.EndAddress);
err = RemoveElement( & dhcElement ) ; //if ( err != 0 && err != ERROR_DHCP_INVALID_RANGE)
if ( err != 0 ) { Trace1("CDhcpMScope::RemoveExclusion error removing range %d\n", err); }
return err; }
// CMScopeActiveLeases implementation
Function Name Here Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CMScopeActiveLeases::CMScopeActiveLeases ( ITFSComponentData * pComponentData ) : CMTDhcpHandler(pComponentData) { }
CMScopeActiveLeases::~CMScopeActiveLeases() { }
CMScopeActiveLeases::InitializeNode Initializes node specific data Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CMScopeActiveLeases::InitializeNode ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); HRESULT hr = hrOK;
// Create the display name for this scope
CString strTemp; strTemp.LoadString(IDS_ACTIVE_LEASES_FOLDER); SetDisplayName(strTemp);
// Make the node immediately visible
SetColumnStringIDs(&aColumns[DHCPSNAP_MSCOPE_LEASES][0]); SetColumnWidths(&aColumnWidths[DHCPSNAP_MSCOPE_LEASES][0]); return hr; }
CMScopeActiveLeases::OnCreateNodeId2 Returns a unique string for this node Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CMScopeActiveLeases::OnCreateNodeId2(ITFSNode * pNode, CString & strId, DWORD * dwFlags) { const GUID * pGuid = pNode->GetNodeType();
CString strNode, strGuid;
StringFromGUID2(*pGuid, strGuid.GetBuffer(256), 256); strGuid.ReleaseBuffer();
// id string is server name, scope name and guid.
strNode = GetServerName(pNode); strNode += GetScopeObject(pNode)->GetName() + strGuid;
strId = strNode;
return hrOK; }
CMScopeActiveLeases::GetImageIndex Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CMScopeActiveLeases::GetImageIndex(BOOL bOpenImage) { int nIndex = -1; switch (m_nState) { case notLoaded: case loaded: if (bOpenImage) nIndex = ICON_IDX_ACTIVE_LEASES_FOLDER_OPEN; else nIndex = ICON_IDX_ACTIVE_LEASES_FOLDER_CLOSED; break; case loading: if (bOpenImage) nIndex = ICON_IDX_ACTIVE_LEASES_FOLDER_OPEN_BUSY; else nIndex = ICON_IDX_ACTIVE_LEASES_FOLDER_CLOSED_BUSY; break;
return nIndex; }
Overridden base handler functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CMScopeActiveLeases::OnAddMenuItems Adds entries to the context sensitive menu Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CMScopeActiveLeases::OnAddMenuItems ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, DWORD dwType, long * pInsertionAllowed ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
LONG fFlags = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString strMenuText;
if ( (m_nState != loaded) ) { fFlags |= MF_GRAYED; }
if (type == CCT_SCOPE) { }
return hr; }
CMScopeActiveLeases::OnCommand Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CMScopeActiveLeases::OnCommand ( ITFSNode * pNode, long nCommandId, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DWORD dwType ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch (nCommandId) { case IDS_REFRESH: OnRefresh(pNode, pDataObject, dwType, 0, 0); break;
default: break; }
return hr; }
CMScopeActiveLeases::OnResultDelete This function is called when we are supposed to delete result pane items. We build a list of selected items and then delete them. Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CMScopeActiveLeases::OnResultDelete ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
// translate the cookie into a node pointer
SPITFSNode spActiveLeases, spSelectedNode; m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spActiveLeases); pComponent->GetSelectedNode(&spSelectedNode);
Assert(spSelectedNode == spActiveLeases); if (spSelectedNode != spActiveLeases) return hr;
// build the list of selected nodes
CTFSNodeList listNodesToDelete; hr = BuildSelectedItemList(pComponent, &listNodesToDelete);
// Confirm with the user
CString strMessage, strTemp; int nNodes = (int)listNodesToDelete.GetCount(); if (nNodes > 1) { strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), nNodes); AfxFormatString1(strMessage, IDS_DELETE_ITEMS, (LPCTSTR) strTemp); } else { strMessage.LoadString(IDS_DELETE_ITEM); }
if (AfxMessageBox(strMessage, MB_YESNO) == IDNO) { return NOERROR; }
// Loop through all items deleting
while (listNodesToDelete.GetCount() > 0) { SPITFSNode spActiveLeaseNode; spActiveLeaseNode = listNodesToDelete.RemoveHead(); CDhcpMCastLease * pActiveLease = GETHANDLER(CDhcpMCastLease, spActiveLeaseNode); //
// delete the node, check to see if it is a reservation
DWORD dwError = GetScopeObject(spActiveLeases)->DeleteClient(pActiveLease->GetIpAddress()); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Client gone, now remove from UI
spActiveLeases->RemoveChild(spActiveLeaseNode); } else { ::DhcpMessageBox(dwError); RESTORE_WAIT_CURSOR;
Trace1("DeleteClient failed %lx\n", dwError); hr = E_FAIL; }
spActiveLeaseNode.Release(); } END_WAIT_CURSOR;
return hr; }
CMScopeActiveLeases::OnGetResultViewType MMC calls this to get the result view information Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CMScopeActiveLeases::OnGetResultViewType ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPOLESTR * ppViewType, long * pViewOptions ) { *pViewOptions = MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_MULTISELECT;
// we still want the default MMC result pane view, we just want
// multiselect, so return S_FALSE
return S_FALSE; }
CMScopeActiveLeases::CompareItems Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP_(int) CMScopeActiveLeases::CompareItems ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookieA, MMC_COOKIE cookieB, int nCol ) { SPITFSNode spNode1, spNode2;
m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookieA, &spNode1); m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookieB, &spNode2); int nCompare = 0;
CDhcpMCastLease *pDhcpAL1 = GETHANDLER(CDhcpMCastLease, spNode1); CDhcpMCastLease *pDhcpAL2 = GETHANDLER(CDhcpMCastLease, spNode2);
switch (nCol) { case 0: { // IP address compare
nCompare = CompareIpAddresses(pDhcpAL1, pDhcpAL2); } break; case 1: { // Client Name compare
CString strAL1 = pDhcpAL1->GetString(pComponent, cookieA, nCol); CString strAL2 = pDhcpAL2->GetString(pComponent, cookieA, nCol);
// Compare should not be case sensitive
nCompare = strAL1.CompareNoCase(strAL2); } break; case 2: { // Lease start compare
CTime timeAL1, timeAL2; pDhcpAL1->GetLeaseStartTime(timeAL1); pDhcpAL2->GetLeaseStartTime(timeAL2); if (timeAL1 < timeAL2) nCompare = -1; else if (timeAL1 > timeAL2) nCompare = 1; } break;
case 3: { // Lease expiration compare
CTime timeAL1, timeAL2; pDhcpAL1->GetLeaseExpirationTime(timeAL1); pDhcpAL2->GetLeaseExpirationTime(timeAL2); if (timeAL1 < timeAL2) nCompare = -1; else if (timeAL1 > timeAL2) nCompare = 1; } break;
case 4: { CString strClientId1 = pDhcpAL1->GetClientId();
nCompare = strClientId1.CompareNoCase(pDhcpAL2->GetClientId()); } break;
return nCompare; }
Function Name Here Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CMScopeActiveLeases::CompareIpAddresses ( CDhcpMCastLease * pDhcpAL1, CDhcpMCastLease * pDhcpAL2 ) { int nCompare = 0;
DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpIp1 = pDhcpAL1->GetIpAddress(); DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpIp2 = pDhcpAL2->GetIpAddress(); if (dhcpIp1 < dhcpIp2) nCompare = -1; else if (dhcpIp1 > dhcpIp2) nCompare = 1;
return nCompare; }
Background thread functionality ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CMScopeActiveLeases::OnCreateQuery() Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ITFSQueryObject* CMScopeActiveLeases::OnCreateQuery(ITFSNode * pNode) { CMScopeActiveLeasesQueryObj* pQuery = new CMScopeActiveLeasesQueryObj(m_spTFSCompData, m_spNodeMgr); if ( pQuery == NULL ) return pQuery;
pQuery->m_strServer = GetServerIpAddress(pNode);
pQuery->m_dhcpResumeHandle = NULL; pQuery->m_dwPreferredMax = 200;
CDhcpMScope * pScope = GetScopeObject(pNode); if (pScope) pQuery->m_strName = pScope->GetName(); else Panic0("no scope in MScopeActiveLease::OnCreateQuery!");
GetServerVersion(pNode, pQuery->m_liDhcpVersion); return pQuery; }
CMScopeActiveLeasesQueryObj::Execute() Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CMScopeActiveLeasesQueryObj::Execute() { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
hr = EnumerateLeases();
return hr; }
CMScopeActiveLeasesQueryObj::EnumerateLeases() Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CMScopeActiveLeasesQueryObj::EnumerateLeases() { DWORD dwError = ERROR_MORE_DATA; LPDHCP_MCLIENT_INFO_ARRAY pdhcpClientArray = NULL; DWORD dwClientsRead = 0, dwClientsTotal = 0; DWORD dwEnumedClients = 0; while (dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { if (m_strName.IsEmpty()) Panic0("CMScopeActiveLeasesQueryObj::EnumerateLeases() - m_strName is empty!!");
dwError = ::DhcpEnumMScopeClients(((LPWSTR) (LPCTSTR)m_strServer), (LPWSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_strName), &m_dhcpResumeHandle, m_dwPreferredMax, &pdhcpClientArray, &dwClientsRead, &dwClientsTotal); if (dwClientsRead && pdhcpClientArray) { //
// loop through all of the elements that were returned
for (DWORD i = 0; i < pdhcpClientArray->NumElements; i++) {
CDhcpMCastLease * pDhcpMCastLease; //
// Create the result pane item for this element
SPITFSNode spNode; pDhcpMCastLease = new CDhcpMCastLease(m_spTFSCompData); CreateLeafTFSNode(&spNode, &GUID_DhcpMCastLeaseNodeType, pDhcpMCastLease, pDhcpMCastLease, m_spNodeMgr);
// Tell the handler to initialize any specific data
pDhcpMCastLease->InitMCastInfo(pdhcpClientArray->Clients[i]); pDhcpMCastLease->InitializeNode(spNode);
AddToQueue(spNode); pDhcpMCastLease->Release(); }
dwEnumedClients += dwClientsRead; dwClientsRead = 0; dwClientsTotal = 0; pdhcpClientArray = NULL; } // Check the abort flag on the thread
if (FCheckForAbort() == hrOK) break;
// check to see if we have an error and post it to the main thread if we do..
if (dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS && dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS && dwError != ERROR_MORE_DATA) { Trace1("DHCP snapin: EnumerateLeases error: %d\n", dwError); m_dwErr = dwError; PostError(dwError); } } Trace1("DHCP snpain: Leases enumerated: %d\n", dwEnumedClients);
return hrFalse; }
Class CMScopeAddressPool implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Function Name Here Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CMScopeAddressPool::CMScopeAddressPool ( ITFSComponentData * pComponentData ) : CMTDhcpHandler(pComponentData) { }
CMScopeAddressPool::~CMScopeAddressPool() { }
CMScopeAddressPool::InitializeNode Initializes node specific data Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CMScopeAddressPool::InitializeNode ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); HRESULT hr = hrOK;
// Create the display name for this scope
CString strTemp; strTemp.LoadString(IDS_ADDRESS_POOL_FOLDER); SetDisplayName(strTemp);
// Make the node immediately visible
SetColumnStringIDs(&aColumns[DHCPSNAP_ADDRESS_POOL][0]); SetColumnWidths(&aColumnWidths[DHCPSNAP_ADDRESS_POOL][0]); return hr; }
CMScopeAddressPool::OnCreateNodeId2 Returns a unique string for this node Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CMScopeAddressPool::OnCreateNodeId2(ITFSNode * pNode, CString & strId, DWORD * dwFlags) { const GUID * pGuid = pNode->GetNodeType();
CString strNode, strGuid;
StringFromGUID2(*pGuid, strGuid.GetBuffer(256), 256); strGuid.ReleaseBuffer();
// id string is server name, scope name and guid.
strNode = GetServerName(pNode); strNode += GetScopeObject(pNode)->GetName() + strGuid;
strId = strNode;
return hrOK; }
CMScopeAddressPool::GetImageIndex Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CMScopeAddressPool::GetImageIndex(BOOL bOpenImage) { int nIndex = -1; switch (m_nState) { case notLoaded: case loaded: if (bOpenImage) nIndex = ICON_IDX_ADDR_POOL_FOLDER_OPEN; else nIndex = ICON_IDX_ADDR_POOL_FOLDER_CLOSED; break; case loading: if (bOpenImage) nIndex = ICON_IDX_ADDR_POOL_FOLDER_OPEN_BUSY; else nIndex = ICON_IDX_ADDR_POOL_FOLDER_CLOSED_BUSY; break;
return nIndex; }
Overridden base handler functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CMScopeAddressPool::OnAddMenuItems Adds entries to the context sensitive menu Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CMScopeAddressPool::OnAddMenuItems ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, DWORD dwType, long * pInsertionAllowed ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
LONG fFlags = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString strMenuText;
if ( (m_nState != loaded) ) { fFlags |= MF_GRAYED; }
if (type == CCT_SCOPE) { // these menu items go in the new menu,
// only visible from scope pane
if (*pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_TOP) { strMenuText.LoadString(IDS_CREATE_NEW_EXCLUSION); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuText, IDS_CREATE_NEW_EXCLUSION, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, fFlags ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); } }
return hr; }
CMScopeAddressPool::OnCommand Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CMScopeAddressPool::OnCommand ( ITFSNode * pNode, long nCommandId, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DWORD dwType ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch (nCommandId) { case IDS_CREATE_NEW_EXCLUSION: OnCreateNewExclusion(pNode); break; case IDS_REFRESH: OnRefresh(pNode, pDataObject, dwType, 0, 0); break;
default: break; }
return hr; }
Message handlers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CMScopeAddressPool::OnCreateNewExclusion Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CMScopeAddressPool::OnCreateNewExclusion ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
SPITFSNode spScopeNode; pNode->GetParent(&spScopeNode);
CAddExclusion dlgAddExclusion(spScopeNode, TRUE /* multicast */);
return 0; }
CMScopeAddressPool::OnResultDelete This function is called when we are supposed to delete result pane items. We build a list of selected items and then delete them. Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CMScopeAddressPool::OnResultDelete ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; BOOL bIsRes, bIsActive, bBadAddress;
// translate the cookie into a node pointer
SPITFSNode spAddressPool, spSelectedNode; m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spAddressPool); pComponent->GetSelectedNode(&spSelectedNode);
Assert(spSelectedNode == spAddressPool); if (spSelectedNode != spAddressPool) return hr;
// build the list of selected nodes
CTFSNodeList listNodesToDelete; hr = BuildSelectedItemList(pComponent, &listNodesToDelete);
// Confirm with the user
CString strMessage, strTemp; int nNodes = (int)listNodesToDelete.GetCount(); if (nNodes > 1) { strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), nNodes); AfxFormatString1(strMessage, IDS_DELETE_ITEMS, (LPCTSTR) strTemp); } else { strMessage.LoadString(IDS_DELETE_ITEM); }
if (AfxMessageBox(strMessage, MB_YESNO) == IDNO) { return NOERROR; }
// Loop through all items deleting
while (listNodesToDelete.GetCount() > 0) { SPITFSNode spExclusionRangeNode; spExclusionRangeNode = listNodesToDelete.RemoveHead(); CDhcpExclusionRange * pExclusion = GETHANDLER(CDhcpExclusionRange, spExclusionRangeNode); if (spExclusionRangeNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_TYPE) == DHCPSNAP_ALLOCATION_RANGE) { //
// This is the allocation range, can't delete
AfxMessageBox(IDS_CANNOT_DELETE_ALLOCATION_RANGE); spExclusionRangeNode.Release(); continue; }
// Try to remove it from the server
CDhcpIpRange dhcpIpRange((DHCP_IP_RANGE) *pExclusion);
DWORD dwError = GetScopeObject(spAddressPool)->RemoveExclusion(dhcpIpRange); if (dwError != 0) { ::DhcpMessageBox(dwError); RESTORE_WAIT_CURSOR;
hr = E_FAIL; continue; }
// Remove from UI now
spAddressPool->RemoveChild(spExclusionRangeNode); spExclusionRangeNode.Release(); }
return hr; }
CMScopeAddressPool::OnGetResultViewType MMC calls this to get the result view information Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CMScopeAddressPool::OnGetResultViewType ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPOLESTR * ppViewType, long * pViewOptions ) { *pViewOptions = MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_MULTISELECT;
// we still want the default MMC result pane view, we just want
// multiselect, so return S_FALSE
return S_FALSE; }
CMScopeAddressPool::CompareItems Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP_(int) CMScopeAddressPool::CompareItems ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookieA, MMC_COOKIE cookieB, int nCol ) { SPITFSNode spNode1, spNode2;
m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookieA, &spNode1); m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookieB, &spNode2); int nCompare = 0;
CDhcpAllocationRange *pDhcpAR1 = GETHANDLER(CDhcpAllocationRange, spNode1); CDhcpAllocationRange *pDhcpAR2 = GETHANDLER(CDhcpAllocationRange, spNode2);
switch (nCol) { case 0: { // Start IP address compare
DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpIp1 = pDhcpAR1->QueryAddr(TRUE); DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpIp2 = pDhcpAR2->QueryAddr(TRUE); if (dhcpIp1 < dhcpIp2) nCompare = -1; else if (dhcpIp1 > dhcpIp2) nCompare = 1;
// default is that they are equal
} break;
case 1: { // End IP address compare
DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpIp1 = pDhcpAR1->QueryAddr(FALSE); DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpIp2 = pDhcpAR2->QueryAddr(FALSE); if (dhcpIp1 < dhcpIp2) nCompare = -1; else if (dhcpIp1 > dhcpIp2) nCompare = 1;
// default is that they are equal
} break;
case 2: { // Description compare
CString strRange1 = pDhcpAR1->GetString(pComponent, cookieA, nCol); CString strRange2 = pDhcpAR2->GetString(pComponent, cookieA, nCol);
// Compare should not be case sensitive
strRange1.MakeUpper(); strRange2.MakeUpper();
nCompare = strRange1.Compare(strRange2); } break; }
return nCompare; }
Background thread functionality ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CMScopeAddressPool::OnCreateQuery() Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ITFSQueryObject* CMScopeAddressPool::OnCreateQuery(ITFSNode * pNode) { CMScopeAddressPoolQueryObj* pQuery = new CMScopeAddressPoolQueryObj(m_spTFSCompData, m_spNodeMgr);
if ( pQuery == NULL ) return pQuery;
pQuery->m_strServer = GetServerIpAddress(pNode); CDhcpMScope * pScope = GetScopeObject(pNode); if (pScope) pQuery->m_strName = pScope->GetName();
pQuery->m_dhcpExclResumeHandle = NULL; pQuery->m_dwExclPreferredMax = 0xFFFFFFFF; pQuery->m_dhcpIpResumeHandle = NULL; pQuery->m_dwIpPreferredMax = 0xFFFFFFFF;
return pQuery; }
CMScopeAddressPoolQueryObj::Execute() Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CMScopeAddressPoolQueryObj::Execute() { HRESULT hr1 = EnumerateIpRanges(); HRESULT hr2 = EnumerateExcludedIpRanges(); if (hr1 == hrOK || hr2 == hrOK) return hrOK; else return hrFalse; }
Function Name Here Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CMScopeAddressPoolQueryObj::EnumerateExcludedIpRanges() { DWORD dwError = ERROR_MORE_DATA; DHCP_RESUME_HANDLE dhcpResumeHandle = 0; LPDHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_INFO_ARRAY_V4 pdhcpSubnetElementArray = NULL; DWORD dwElementsRead = 0, dwElementsTotal = 0;
while (dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { dwError = ::DhcpEnumMScopeElements((LPWSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_strServer), (LPWSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_strName), DhcpExcludedIpRanges, &m_dhcpExclResumeHandle, m_dwExclPreferredMax, &pdhcpSubnetElementArray, &dwElementsRead, &dwElementsTotal); Trace3("Scope %s Excluded Ip Ranges read %d, total %d\n", m_strName, dwElementsRead, dwElementsTotal); if (dwElementsRead && dwElementsTotal && pdhcpSubnetElementArray) { //
// loop through all of the elements that were returned
for (DWORD i = 0; i < pdhcpSubnetElementArray->NumElements; i++) { //
// Create the result pane item for this element
SPITFSNode spNode; CDhcpExclusionRange * pDhcpExclusionRange = new CDhcpExclusionRange(m_spTFSCompData, pdhcpSubnetElementArray->Elements[i].Element.ExcludeIpRange); CreateLeafTFSNode(&spNode, &GUID_DhcpExclusionNodeType, pDhcpExclusionRange, pDhcpExclusionRange, m_spNodeMgr);
// Tell the handler to initialize any specific data
AddToQueue(spNode); pDhcpExclusionRange->Release(); }
// Free up the memory from the RPC call
::DhcpRpcFreeMemory(pdhcpSubnetElementArray); }
// Check the abort flag on the thread
if (FCheckForAbort() == hrOK) break;
// check to see if we have an error and post it to the main thread if we do..
if (dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS && dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS && dwError != ERROR_MORE_DATA) { Trace1("DHCP snapin: EnumerateExcludedIpRanges error: %d\n", dwError); m_dwErr = dwError; PostError(dwError); } }
return hrFalse; }
Function Name Here Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CMScopeAddressPoolQueryObj::EnumerateIpRanges() { DWORD dwError = ERROR_MORE_DATA; LPDHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_INFO_ARRAY_V4 pdhcpSubnetElementArray = NULL; DWORD dwElementsRead = 0, dwElementsTotal = 0;
while (dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { dwError = ::DhcpEnumMScopeElements((LPWSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_strServer), (LPWSTR) ((LPCTSTR) m_strName), DhcpIpRanges, &m_dhcpIpResumeHandle, m_dwIpPreferredMax, &pdhcpSubnetElementArray, &dwElementsRead, &dwElementsTotal);
Trace4("Scope %s allocation ranges read %d, total %d, dwError = %lx\n", m_strName, dwElementsRead, dwElementsTotal, dwError); if ((dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA) || ( (dwElementsRead) && (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) )) { //
// Loop through the array that was returned
for (DWORD i = 0; i < pdhcpSubnetElementArray->NumElements; i++) { //
// Create the result pane item for this element
SPITFSNode spNode; CDhcpAllocationRange * pDhcpAllocRange = new CDhcpAllocationRange(m_spTFSCompData, pdhcpSubnetElementArray->Elements[i].Element.IpRange); CreateLeafTFSNode(&spNode, &GUID_DhcpAllocationNodeType, pDhcpAllocRange, pDhcpAllocRange, m_spNodeMgr);
// Tell the handler to initialize any specific data
AddToQueue(spNode); pDhcpAllocRange->Release(); }
::DhcpRpcFreeMemory(pdhcpSubnetElementArray); } else if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS && dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { // set the error variable so that it can be looked at later
m_dwError = dwError; }
// Check the abort flag on the thread
if (FCheckForAbort() == hrOK) break;
// check to see if we have an error and post it to the main thread if we do..
if (dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS && dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS && dwError != ERROR_MORE_DATA) { Trace1("DHCP snapin: EnumerateAllocationRanges error: %d\n", dwError); m_dwErr = dwError; PostError(dwError); } }
return hrFalse; }