/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
nodes.h This file contains all of the prototypes for the DHCP objects that appear in the result pane of the MMC framework. The objects are:
CDhcpActiveLease CDhcpConflicAddress CDhcpAllocationRange CDhcpExclusionRange CDhcpBootpTableEntry CDhcpOption
#ifndef _DHCPNODE_H
#define _DHCPNODE_H
#ifndef _DHCPHAND_H
#include "dhcphand.h"
extern const TCHAR g_szClientTypeDhcp[]; extern const TCHAR g_szClientTypeBootp[]; extern const TCHAR g_szClientTypeBoth[];
#define TYPE_FLAG_RESERVATION 0x00000001
#define TYPE_FLAG_ACTIVE 0x00000002
#define TYPE_FLAG_BAD_ADDRESS 0x00000004
#define TYPE_FLAG_RAS 0x00000008
#define TYPE_FLAG_GHOST 0x00000010
// NT5 lease types
#define TYPE_FLAG_DNS_REG 0x00000020
#define TYPE_FLAG_DNS_UNREG 0x00000040
#define TYPE_FLAG_DOOMED 0x00000080
#define RAS_UID _T("RAS")
Class: CDhcpActiveLease ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CDhcpActiveLease : public CDhcpHandler { // Constructor/destructor
public: CDhcpActiveLease(ITFSComponentData * pTFSCompData, LPDHCP_CLIENT_INFO_V5 pDhcpClientInfo); CDhcpActiveLease(ITFSComponentData * pTFSCompData, LPDHCP_CLIENT_INFO_V4 pDhcpClientInfo); CDhcpActiveLease(ITFSComponentData * pTFSCompData, LPDHCP_CLIENT_INFO pDhcpClientInfo); CDhcpActiveLease(ITFSComponentData * pTFSCompData, CDhcpClient & pClient); ~CDhcpActiveLease();
// Interface
public: // Result handler functionality
OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_HasPropertyPages() { return hrFalse; } OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_CreatePropertyPages(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_AddMenuItems(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_Command(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_GetString();
// base result handler overridees
OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultRefresh(); public: DHCP_IP_ADDRESS GetIpAddress() { return m_dhcpClientIpAddress; }; void GetLeaseExpirationTime (CTime & time); BOOL IsReservation(BOOL * pbIsActive, BOOL * pbIsBad); BOOL IsBadAddress() { return m_dwTypeFlags & TYPE_FLAG_BAD_ADDRESS; } BOOL IsGhost() { return m_dwTypeFlags & TYPE_FLAG_GHOST; } BOOL IsUnreg() { return m_dwTypeFlags & TYPE_FLAG_DNS_UNREG; } BOOL IsDoomed() { return m_dwTypeFlags & TYPE_FLAG_DOOMED; }
LPCTSTR GetClientLeaseExpires() { return m_strLeaseExpires; } LPCTSTR GetClientType(); LPCTSTR GetUID() { return m_strUID; } LPCTSTR GetComment() { return m_strComment; }
HRESULT DoPropSheet(ITFSNode * pNode, LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider = NULL, LONG_PTR handle = 0); void SetReservation(BOOL fIsRes);
// All of these items are optional info
LPCTSTR GetClientName() { return m_strClientName; } HRESULT SetClientName(LPCTSTR pName); BYTE SetClientType(BYTE bClientType) { BYTE bTmp = m_bClientType; m_bClientType = bClientType; return bTmp; }
// Implementation
public: // CDhcpHandler overrides
virtual HRESULT InitializeNode(ITFSNode * pNode);
private: void InitInfo(LPDHCP_CLIENT_INFO pDhcpClientInfo);
// Attributes
private: DHCP_IP_ADDRESS m_dhcpClientIpAddress; CString m_strClientName; CString m_strLeaseExpires; CTime m_timeLeaseExpires; DWORD m_dwTypeFlags; // Reservation, Active/Inactive, Bad Address
BYTE m_bClientType; // DHCP, BOOTP or both
CString m_strUID; CString m_strComment; FILETIME m_leaseExpires; };
Class: CDhcpAllocationRange ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CDhcpAllocationRange : public CDhcpHandler, public CDhcpIpRange { // Constructor/destructor
public: CDhcpAllocationRange(ITFSComponentData * pTFSCompData, DHCP_IP_RANGE * pdhcpIpRange); CDhcpAllocationRange(ITFSComponentData * pTFSCompData, DHCP_BOOTP_IP_RANGE * pdhcpIpRange);
// Interface
public: // Result handler functionality
// Implementation
public: // CDhcpHandler overrides
virtual HRESULT InitializeNode(ITFSNode * pNode);
// Attributes
private: CString m_strEndIpAddress; CString m_strDescription; ULONG m_BootpAllocated; ULONG m_MaxBootpAllowed; };
Class: CDhcpExclusionRange ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CDhcpExclusionRange : public CDhcpHandler, public CDhcpIpRange { public: CDhcpExclusionRange(ITFSComponentData * pTFSCompData, DHCP_IP_RANGE * pdhcpIpRange);
// Interface
public: // Result handler functionality
// base result handler overrides
OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultSelect(); OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultRefresh();
// Implementation
public: // CDhcpHandler overrides
virtual HRESULT InitializeNode(ITFSNode * pNode);
// Attributes
private: CString m_strEndIpAddress; CString m_strDescription; };
Class: CDhcpBootpEntry ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CDhcpBootpEntry : public CDhcpHandler { public: CDhcpBootpEntry(ITFSComponentData * pTFSCompData);
public: // Result handler functionality
OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_HasPropertyPages() { return hrOK; } OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_CreatePropertyPages(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_GetString();
// base result handler overrides
OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultPropertyChange(); OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultRefresh();
public: WCHAR * InitData(CONST WCHAR grszwBootTable[], DWORD dwLength); int CchGetDataLength(); WCHAR * PchStoreData(OUT WCHAR szwBuffer[]);
void SetBootImage(LPCTSTR szBootImage) { m_strBootImage = szBootImage; } void SetFileServer(LPCTSTR szFileServer) { m_strFileServer = szFileServer; } void SetFileName(LPCTSTR szFileName) { m_strFileName = szFileName; } LPCTSTR QueryBootImage() { return m_strBootImage; } LPCTSTR QueryFileServer() { return m_strFileServer; } LPCTSTR QueryFileName() { return m_strFileName; }
BOOL operator == (CDhcpBootpEntry & bootpEntry);
public: // CDhcpHandler overrides
virtual HRESULT InitializeNode(ITFSNode * pNode);
private: CString m_strBootImage; CString m_strFileServer; CString m_strFileName; };
Class: CDhcpOptionItem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CDhcpOptionItem : public CDhcpHandler, public CDhcpOptionValue { public: CDhcpOptionItem(ITFSComponentData * pTFSCompData, LPDHCP_OPTION_VALUE pOptionValue, int nOptionImage);
CDhcpOptionItem(ITFSComponentData * pTFSCompData, CDhcpOption * pOption, int nOptionImage);
// Interface
public: // Result handler functionality
OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_GetString(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_HasPropertyPages() { return hrOK; } OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_CreatePropertyPages();
// Implementation
public: // CDhcpHandler overrides
virtual HRESULT InitializeNode(ITFSNode * pNode);
public: // helpers
DHCP_OPTION_ID GetOptionId() { return m_dhcpOptionId; } LPCTSTR GetVendor() { return m_strVendor.IsEmpty() ? NULL : (LPCTSTR) m_strVendor; } LPCTSTR GetVendorDisplay() { return m_strVendorDisplay; } LPCTSTR GetClassName() { return m_strClassName; }
BOOL IsVendorOption() { return m_strVendor.IsEmpty() ? FALSE : TRUE; } BOOL IsClassOption() { return m_strClassName.IsEmpty() ? FALSE : TRUE; }
void SetClassName(LPCTSTR pClassName) { m_strClassName = pClassName; } void SetVendor(LPCTSTR pszVendor);
private: CDhcpOption * FindOptionDefinition(ITFSComponent * pComponent, ITFSNode * pNode);
// Attributes
private: CString m_strName; CString m_strValue; CString m_strVendor; CString m_strVendorDisplay; CString m_strClassName; DHCP_OPTION_ID m_dhcpOptionId; int m_nOptionImage; };
Class: CDhcpMCastLease ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CDhcpMCastLease : public CDhcpHandler { public: CDhcpMCastLease(ITFSComponentData * pTFSCompData);
// Interface
public: // Result handler functionality
OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_GetString(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_HasPropertyPages() { return hrFalse; }
// Implementation
public: // CDhcpHandler overrides
virtual HRESULT InitializeNode(ITFSNode * pNode);
public: // helpers
DHCP_IP_ADDRESS GetIpAddress() { return m_dhcpClientIpAddress; };
LPCTSTR GetName() { return m_strName; } void SetName(LPCTSTR pName) { m_strName = pName; }
LPCTSTR GetClientId() { return m_strUID; }
void GetLeaseStartTime (CTime & time) { time = m_timeStart; } void GetLeaseExpirationTime (CTime & time) { time = m_timeStop; }
// Attributes
private: CString m_strIp; CString m_strName; CString m_strLeaseStart; CString m_strLeaseStop;
CString m_strUID;
CTime m_timeStart; CTime m_timeStop;
DHCP_IP_ADDRESS m_dhcpClientIpAddress;
DWORD m_dwTypeFlags; };
#endif _DHCPNODE_H