/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
rtrcomn.cpp FILE HISTORY: */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "tfschar.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "rtrstr.h"
#include "rtrcomn.h"
#include "rtrguid.h"
#include "mprapi.h"
#include "rtrutil.h"
#include "lsa.h"
#include "tregkey.h"
#include "reg.h"
Function: IfInterfaceIdHasIpxExtensions
Checks the string to see if it has the following extensions EthernetSNAP EthernetII Ethernet802.2 Ethernet802.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int IfInterfaceIdHasIpxExtensions(LPCTSTR pszIfId) { CString stIfEnd; CString stIf = pszIfId; BOOL bFound = TRUE; int iPos = 0;
do { stIfEnd = stIf.Right(lstrlen(c_szEthernetII)); if (stIfEnd == c_szEthernetII) break; stIfEnd = stIf.Right(lstrlen(c_szEthernetSNAP)); if (stIfEnd == c_szEthernetSNAP) break; stIfEnd = stIf.Right(lstrlen(c_szEthernet8022)); if (stIfEnd == c_szEthernet8022) break; stIfEnd = stIf.Right(lstrlen(c_szEthernet8023)); if (stIfEnd == c_szEthernet8023) break;
bFound = FALSE; } while (FALSE);
if (bFound) iPos = stIf.GetLength() - stIfEnd.GetLength(); return iPos; }
extern const GUID CLSID_RemoteRouterConfig;
HRESULT CoCreateRouterConfig(LPCTSTR pszMachine, IRouterInfo *pRouter, COSERVERINFO *pcsi, const GUID& riid, IUnknown **ppUnk) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; MULTI_QI qi;
*ppUnk = NULL; if (IsLocalMachine(pszMachine)) { hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_RemoteRouterConfig, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER | CLSCTX_ENABLE_CODE_DOWNLOAD, riid, (LPVOID *) &(qi.pItf)); } else { SPIRouterAdminAccess spAdmin; BOOL fAdminInfoSet = FALSE; COSERVERINFO csi;
Assert(pcsi); qi.pIID = &riid; qi.pItf = NULL; qi.hr = 0;
pcsi->dwReserved1 = 0; pcsi->dwReserved2 = 0; pcsi->pwszName = (LPWSTR) (LPCTSTR) pszMachine;
if (pRouter) { spAdmin.HrQuery(pRouter); if (spAdmin && spAdmin->IsAdminInfoSet()) { int cPassword; int cchPassword; WCHAR * pszPassword = NULL; UCHAR ucSeed = 0x83; pcsi->pAuthInfo->dwAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT; pcsi->pAuthInfo->dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE; pcsi->pAuthInfo->pwszServerPrincName = NULL; pcsi->pAuthInfo->dwAuthnLevel = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT; pcsi->pAuthInfo->dwImpersonationLevel = RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE; // pcsi->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData = &caid;
pcsi->pAuthInfo->dwCapabilities = EOAC_NONE;
if (spAdmin->GetUserName()) { pcsi->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->User = (LPTSTR) spAdmin->GetUserName(); pcsi->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->UserLength = StrLenW(spAdmin->GetUserName()); } if (spAdmin->GetDomainName()) { pcsi->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->Domain = (LPTSTR) spAdmin->GetDomainName(); pcsi->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->DomainLength = StrLenW(spAdmin->GetDomainName()); } spAdmin->GetUserPassword(NULL, &cPassword);
// Assume that the password is Unicode
cchPassword = cPassword / sizeof(WCHAR); pszPassword = (WCHAR *) new BYTE[cPassword + sizeof(WCHAR)];
spAdmin->GetUserPassword((PBYTE) pszPassword, &cPassword); pszPassword[cchPassword] = 0; RtlDecodeW(ucSeed, pszPassword);
delete pcsi->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->Password; pcsi->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->Password = pszPassword; pcsi->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->PasswordLength = cchPassword;
pcsi->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE;
fAdminInfoSet = TRUE; } else { pcsi->pAuthInfo = NULL; } }
hr = CoCreateInstanceEx(CLSID_RemoteRouterConfig, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER | CLSCTX_ENABLE_CODE_DOWNLOAD, pcsi, 1, &qi);
if (FHrOK(hr) && fAdminInfoSet) { DWORD dwAuthnSvc, dwAuthzSvc, dwAuthnLevel, dwImpLevel; DWORD dwCaps; OLECHAR * pszServerPrincipal = NULL; CComPtr<IUnknown> spIUnk;
qi.pItf->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&spIUnk); CoQueryProxyBlanket(spIUnk, &dwAuthnSvc, &dwAuthzSvc, &pszServerPrincipal, &dwAuthnLevel, &dwImpLevel, NULL, &dwCaps); hr = CoSetProxyBlanket(spIUnk, dwAuthnSvc, dwAuthzSvc, pszServerPrincipal, dwAuthnLevel, dwImpLevel, (RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE) pcsi->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData, dwCaps);
pszServerPrincipal = NULL; CoQueryProxyBlanket(qi.pItf, &dwAuthnSvc, &dwAuthzSvc, &pszServerPrincipal, &dwAuthnLevel, &dwImpLevel, NULL, &dwCaps); hr = CoSetProxyBlanket(qi.pItf, dwAuthnSvc, dwAuthzSvc, pszServerPrincipal, dwAuthnLevel, dwImpLevel, (RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE) pcsi->pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData, dwCaps);
} }
if (FHrSucceeded(hr)) { *ppUnk = qi.pItf; qi.pItf = NULL; } return hr; }
CoCreateProtocolConfig - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CoCreateProtocolConfig(const GUID& iid, IRouterInfo *pRouter, DWORD dwTransportId, DWORD dwProtocolId, IRouterProtocolConfig **ppConfig) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; GUID guidConfig;
guidConfig = iid;
if (((iid == GUID_RouterNull) || (iid == GUID_RouterError)) && pRouter) { RouterVersionInfo routerVersion; pRouter->GetRouterVersionInfo(&routerVersion);
// If we don't have a configuration GUID and this is an NT4
// router, then we create the default configuration object
// and use that to add/remove a protocol
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if ((routerVersion.dwRouterVersion <= 4) && (dwTransportId == PID_IP)) { // For NT4, we have to create our own object
// --------------------------------------------------------
guidConfig = CLSID_IPRouterConfiguration; } }
if (guidConfig == GUID_RouterNull) { // Skip the rest of the creation, we didn't supply a GUID
// ------------------------------------------------------------
goto Error; }
if (guidConfig == GUID_RouterError) { // We don't have a valid GUID
// ------------------------------------------------------------
hr = CoCreateInstance(guidConfig, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER | CLSCTX_ENABLE_CODE_DOWNLOAD, IID_IRouterProtocolConfig, (LPVOID *) ppConfig); CORg( hr );
Error: return hr; }
// Function: QueryIpAddressList(
// Loads a list of strings with the IP addresses configured
// for a given LAN interface, if any.
HRESULT QueryIpAddressList( IN LPCTSTR pszMachine, IN HKEY hkeyMachine, IN LPCTSTR pszInterface, OUT CStringList* pAddressList, OUT CStringList* pNetmaskList, OUT BOOL * pfDhcpObtained, OUT BOOL * pfDns, OUT CString * pDhcpServer ) {
DWORD dwErr; BOOL bDisconnect = FALSE; RegKey regkeyMachine; RegKey regkeyInterface; DWORD dwType, dwSize, dwEnableDHCP; SPBYTE spValue; HRESULT hr = hrOK; HKEY hkeyInterface; INT i; TCHAR* psz; LPCTSTR aszSources[2]; CStringList* alistDestinations[2] = { pAddressList, pNetmaskList }; CString stNameServer; LPCTSTR pszNameServer = NULL;
if (!pszInterface || !lstrlen(pszInterface) || !pAddressList || !pNetmaskList) CORg(E_INVALIDARG);
// If no HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key was given, get one
if (hkeyMachine == NULL) { CWRg( ConnectRegistry(pszMachine, &hkeyMachine) ); regkeyMachine.Attach(hkeyMachine); }
// Connect to the LAN card's registry key
CWRg( OpenTcpipInterfaceParametersKey(pszMachine, pszInterface, hkeyMachine, &hkeyInterface) ); regkeyInterface.Attach(hkeyInterface); //
// Read the 'EnableDHCP' flag to see whether to read
// the 'DhcpIPAddress' or the 'IPAddress'.
dwErr = regkeyInterface.QueryValue( c_szEnableDHCP, dwEnableDHCP ); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pfDhcpObtained) *pfDhcpObtained = dwEnableDHCP; } else dwEnableDHCP = FALSE; //
// If the flag isn't found, we look for the IP address;
// otherwise, we look for the setting indicated by the flag
if (dwErr == NO_ERROR && dwEnableDHCP) { //
// Read the 'DhcpIpAddress' and 'DhcpSubnetMask'
aszSources[0] = c_szDhcpIpAddress; aszSources[1] = c_szDhcpSubnetMask;
pszNameServer = c_szRegValDhcpNameServer;
} else { //
// Read the 'IPAddress' and 'SubnetMask'
aszSources[0] = c_szIPAddress; aszSources[1] = c_szSubnetMask;
pszNameServer= c_szRegValNameServer; }
if (pDhcpServer) { pDhcpServer->Empty(); regkeyInterface.QueryValue(c_szRegValDhcpServer, *pDhcpServer); } // Check the DhcpNameServer/NameServer to find the existence
// of DNS servers
if (pfDns) { regkeyInterface.QueryValue(pszNameServer, stNameServer); stNameServer.TrimLeft(); stNameServer.TrimRight(); *pfDns = !stNameServer.IsEmpty(); }
// Read the address list and the netmask list
for (i = 0; i < 2 && dwErr == NO_ERROR; i++) { //
// Get the size of the multi-string-list
dwErr = regkeyInterface.QueryTypeAndSize(aszSources[i], &dwType, &dwSize); // CheckRegQueryValueError(dwErr, (LPCTSTR) c_szTcpip, aszSources[i], _T("QueryIpAddressList"));
CWRg( dwErr );
// Allocate space for the list
spValue = new BYTE[dwSize + sizeof(TCHAR)]; Assert(spValue); ::ZeroMemory(spValue, dwSize + sizeof(TCHAR)); //
// Read the list
dwErr = regkeyInterface.QueryValue(aszSources[i], (LPTSTR) (BYTE *)spValue, dwSize, FALSE /* fExpandSz */); // CheckRegQueryValueError(dwErr, (LPCTSTR) c_szTcpip, aszSources[i], _T("QueryIpAddressList"));
CWRg( dwErr ); //
// Fill the CString list with items
for (psz = (TCHAR*)(BYTE *)spValue; *psz; psz += lstrlen(psz) + 1) { alistDestinations[i]->AddTail(psz); } spValue.Free(); dwErr = NO_ERROR; } Error: return dwErr; }
OpenTcpipInterfaceParametersKey - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD OpenTcpipInterfaceParametersKey(LPCTSTR pszMachine, LPCTSTR pszInterface, HKEY hkeyMachine, HKEY *phkeyParams) { DWORD dwErr; BOOL fNt4; CString skey;
dwErr = IsNT4Machine(hkeyMachine, &fNt4); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwErr; //$NT5 : kennt, the tcpip key is stored separately. What they
// have done is to reverse the hierarchy, instead of a tcpip key
// under interfaces, there are now interfaces under tcpip
// the key location is
// HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{interface}
// In NT4, this was
// HKLM\System\CCS\Services\{interface}\Parameters\Tcpip
// Need to determine if the target machine is running NT5 or not
if (fNt4) { skey = c_szSystemCCSServices; skey += TEXT('\\'); skey += pszInterface; skey += TEXT('\\'); skey += c_szParameters; skey += TEXT('\\'); skey += c_szTcpip; } else { skey = c_szSystemCCSServices; skey += TEXT('\\'); skey += c_szTcpip; skey += TEXT('\\'); skey += c_szParameters; skey += TEXT('\\'); skey += c_szInterfaces; skey += TEXT('\\'); skey += pszInterface; }
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = ::RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyMachine, skey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, phkeyParams); // CheckRegOpenError(dwErr, (LPCTSTR) skey, _T("OpenTcpInterfaceParametersKey"));
} return dwErr; }