/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
statmapp.cpp Property Page for Active Registrations Record
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "winssnap.h"
#include "statmapp.h"
#include "server.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// Static Record Types
CString g_strStaticTypeUnique; CString g_strStaticTypeDomainName; CString g_strStaticTypeMultihomed; CString g_strStaticTypeGroup; CString g_strStaticTypeInternetGroup; CString g_strStaticTypeUnknown;
static const char rgchHex[16*2+1] = "00112233445566778899aAbBcCdDeEfF";
Return the byte value of a string. Return TRUE pbNum is set to the byte value (only if the string contains valid digits) Return FALSE if string has unrecognized digits or byte overflow. eg: szNum = "xFF" => return TRUE szNum = "255" => return TRUE szNum = "256" => return FALSE (overflow) szNum = "26a" => return TRUE (*pbNum = 26, *ppchNext = "a") szNum = "ab" => return FALSE (unrecognized digits) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FGetByte(IN const char szNum[], OUT BYTE * pbNum, OUT const char ** ppchNext) { ASSERT(szNum); ASSERT(pbNum); ASSERT(ppchNext); int nResult; char * pchNum = (char *)szNum; int iBase = 10; // Assume a decimal base
if (*pchNum == 'x' || *pchNum == 'X') // Check if we are using hexadecimal base
{ iBase = 16; pchNum++; }
char * pchDigit = strchr(rgchHex, *pchNum++); if (pchDigit == NULL) return FALSE; int iDigit = (int) ((pchDigit - rgchHex) >> 1); if (iDigit >= iBase) { // Hexadecimal character in a decimal integer
return FALSE; } nResult = iDigit; pchDigit = strchr(rgchHex, *pchNum); iDigit = (int) ((pchDigit - rgchHex) >> 1);
if (pchDigit == NULL || iDigit >= iBase) { // Only one character was valid
*pbNum = (BYTE) nResult; *ppchNext = pchNum; return TRUE; } pchNum++; nResult = (nResult * iBase) + iDigit; ASSERT(nResult < 256); if (iBase == 16) { // Hexadecimal value, stop there
*pbNum = (BYTE) nResult; *ppchNext = pchNum; return TRUE; } // Decimal digit, so search for an optional third character
pchDigit = strchr(rgchHex, *pchNum); iDigit = (int) ((pchDigit - rgchHex) >> 1); if (pchDigit == NULL || iDigit >= iBase) { *pbNum = (BYTE) nResult; *ppchNext = pchNum; return TRUE; } nResult = (nResult * iBase) + iDigit; if (nResult >= 256) return FALSE; pchNum++; *pbNum = (BYTE) nResult; *ppchNext = pchNum; return TRUE; } // FGetByte
// CStaticMappingProp property page
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CStaticMappingProp, CPropertyPageBase)
CStaticMappingProp::CStaticMappingProp(UINT uIDD) : CPropertyPageBase(uIDD), m_fStaticPropChanged (TRUE), m_uIDD(uIDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CStaticMappingProp)
m_strName = _T(""); m_strType = _T(""); m_strScopeName = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
CStaticMappingProp::~CStaticMappingProp() { }
void CStaticMappingProp::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CStaticMappingProp)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SCOPE_NAME, m_editScopeName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_IPADD, m_listIPAdd); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_REMOVE, m_buttonRemove); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_ADD, m_buttonAdd); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_COMPNAME, m_editName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_STATIC_TYPE, m_comboType); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_COMPNAME, m_strName); DDX_CBString(pDX, IDC_COMBO_STATIC_TYPE, m_strType); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SCOPE_NAME, m_strScopeName); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_IPADD, m_editCustomIPAdd); //DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_IPADD, m_ipControl);
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_IPADD, m_strIPAdd); }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CStaticMappingProp, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CStaticMappingProp)
// IP Address control
// CStaticMappingProp message handlers
void CStaticMappingProp::OnOK() { CPropertyPageBase::OnOK(); }
BOOL CStaticMappingProp::OnApply() { HRESULT hr = hrOK; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
// if not dirtied return
if (!IsDirty()) return TRUE;
if (((CStaticMappingProperties*)GetHolder())->m_bWizard) { UpdateData();
CActiveRegistrationsHandler *pActReg;
SPITFSNode spNode; spNode = GetHolder()->GetNode();
pActReg = GETHANDLER(CActiveRegistrationsHandler, spNode);
m_strName.TrimLeft(); m_strName.TrimRight();
int nMax = (pActReg->IsLanManCompatible()) ? 15 : 16; if (m_strName.IsEmpty()) { CString strMessage, strTemp; strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), nMax);
AfxFormatString1(strMessage, IDS_INVALID_NAME, strTemp); AfxMessageBox(strMessage);
m_editName.SetFocus(); m_editName.SetSel(0, -1); return FALSE; } else if (m_strType.IsEmpty()) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_INVALID_TYPE, MB_OK); m_comboType.SetFocus(); return FALSE; }
CString strTemp;
// check this only for Unique and Normal Group addresses,
// for the rest, the ipcontrol is balnk and the list box holds the IP a
// IP addresses for them.
DWORD dwIp1, dwIp2, dwIp3, dwIp4; int nAdd = m_ipControl.GetAddress(&dwIp1, &dwIp2, &dwIp3, &dwIp4);
LONG lIPAdd = (LONG) MAKEIPADDRESS(dwIp1, dwIp2, dwIp3, dwIp4);
// it's so bcoz' only in the case of Unique and Normal Group names,
// IP address is read from the IP control, else from the list box
if ( (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeUnique) == 0) || (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeGroup) == 0) ) { if (nAdd != 4) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_INVALID_IPADDRESS, MB_OK); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetFocus(); return FALSE; }
// check if broadcast address has been entered
if (m_strIPAdd.CompareNoCase(_T("")) == 0) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_INVALID_IPADDRESS, MB_OK); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetFocus(); return FALSE; }
// check to make sure something was entered
if ( (m_strIPAdd.IsEmpty()) || (m_strIPAdd.CompareNoCase(_T("")) == 0) ) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_INVALID_IPADDRESS, MB_OK); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetFocus(); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetSel(0,-1); return FALSE; } } else { if (m_listIPAdd.GetCount() == 0) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_INVALID_IPADDRESS, MB_OK); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetFocus(); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetSel(0,-1); return FALSE; } }
BOOL fInternetGroup = FALSE;
if (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeInternetGroup) == 0) fInternetGroup = TRUE;
// Parse the string
BOOL fValid = TRUE; BOOL fBrackets = FALSE; BYTE rgbData[100]; BYTE bDataT; int cbData = 0; LPSTR szTemp = (char*) alloca(100);
// just use ACP here because we are just looking at the string
// we will do the OEM conversion later.
WideToMBCS(m_strName, szTemp);
const char * pch = (LPCSTR)szTemp;
while (*pch) { if (fBrackets) { fValid = FALSE; goto Done; } if (cbData > 16) goto Done; switch (*pch) { case '\\': pch++; if (*pch == '\\' || *pch == '[') { rgbData[cbData++] = *pch++; break; } if (!FGetByte(pch, &bDataT, &pch) || !bDataT) { fValid = FALSE; goto Done; } rgbData[cbData++] = bDataT; break;
case '[': { char szT[4] = { 0 }; const char * pchT;
fBrackets = TRUE; pch++; if (*(pch + 1) == 'h' || *(pch + 1) == 'H') { szT[0] = 'x'; szT[1] = *pch; pch += 2; } else if (*(pch + 2) == 'h' || *(pch + 2) == 'H') { szT[0] = 'x'; szT[1] = *pch; szT[2] = *(pch + 1); pch += 3; } if (szT[0]) { if (!FGetByte(szT, &bDataT, &pchT) || !bDataT || *pchT) { fValid = FALSE; goto Done; } } else if (!FGetByte(pch, &bDataT, &pch) || !bDataT) { fValid = FALSE; goto Done; } if (*pch++ != ']') { fValid = FALSE; goto Done; } while (cbData < 15) rgbData[cbData++] = ' '; rgbData[cbData++] = bDataT; } break;
#ifdef FE_SB
if (::IsDBCSLeadByte(*pch)) rgbData[cbData++] = *pch++;
rgbData[cbData++] = *pch++; } // switch
} Done: // Put a null-terminator at end of string
rgbData[cbData] = 0;
if (!cbData || cbData > nMax) { CString strMessage, strTemp; strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), nMax);
AfxFormatString1(strMessage, IDS_INVALID_NAME, strTemp); AfxMessageBox(strMessage);
m_editName.SetFocus(); m_editName.SetSel(0,-1); return FALSE; } if (!fValid) { CString strMessage, strTemp; strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), nMax);
AfxFormatString1(strMessage, IDS_INVALID_NAME, strTemp); AfxMessageBox(strMessage);
m_editName.SetFocus(); m_editName.SetSel(0,-1); return FALSE; } if (fInternetGroup && rgbData[15] == 0x1C) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_INVALID_INTERNET_GROUP_NAME); m_editName.SetFocus(); m_editName.SetSel(0,-1); return FALSE; }
if (fInternetGroup) { while (cbData <= 15) rgbData[cbData++] = ' '; rgbData[cbData] = 0; }
szTemp = (LPSTR)rgbData;
// convert our touched up string back to unicode for use later
MBCSToWide(szTemp, pActReg->m_strStaticMappingName); //pActReg->m_strStaticMappingName = rgbData;
pActReg->m_strStaticMappingScope = m_strScopeName; pActReg->m_strStaticMappingType = m_strType; AssignMappingType(); pActReg->m_nStaticMappingType = m_fType;
// clear the IP adress array maintained in theactreg handler first
pActReg->m_strArrayStaticMappingIPAddress.RemoveAll(); pActReg->m_lArrayIPAddress.RemoveAll();
if ( (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeUnique) == 0) || (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeGroup) == 0) ) { pActReg->m_strArrayStaticMappingIPAddress.Add(m_strIPAdd); pActReg->m_lArrayIPAddress.Add(lIPAdd); } // copy from the array
else { for (int i = 0; i < m_strArrayIPAdd.GetSize(); i++) { pActReg->m_strArrayStaticMappingIPAddress.Add(m_strArrayIPAdd.GetAt(i)); pActReg->m_lArrayIPAddress.Add(m_dwArrayIPAdd.GetAt(i)); } }
// do the thread context switch so we can update the UI as well
bRet = CPropertyPageBase::OnApply();
if (bRet == FALSE) { // Something bad happened... grab the error code
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); ::WinsMessageBox(GetHolder()->GetError()); } else { // set back the defaults for the controls
m_comboType.SelectString(-1, g_strStaticTypeUnique); m_editCustomIPAdd.ShowWindow(TRUE); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetWindowText(_T("")); m_editName.SetWindowText(_T("")); m_editScopeName.SetWindowText(_T(""));
// clear and hide the list box and the Add and Remove buttons
m_buttonAdd.ShowWindow(FALSE); m_buttonRemove.ShowWindow(FALSE);
int nCount = m_listIPAdd.GetCount();
for (int i= 0; i < nCount; i++) { m_listIPAdd.DeleteString(i); }
m_listIPAdd.ShowWindow(FALSE); m_listIPAdd.ResetContent(); m_strArrayIPAdd.RemoveAll(); m_dwArrayIPAdd.RemoveAll();
SetDirty(FALSE); } } // if static mapping properties are modified, we need to do this
else { // validate the data and copy to ActReg node
SPITFSNode spNode; spNode = GetHolder()->GetNode();
CActiveRegistrationsHandler *pActReg;
pActReg = GETHANDLER(CActiveRegistrationsHandler, spNode);
// clear the array of IP addresses maintained in the act reg handler
pActReg->m_strArrayStaticMappingIPAddress.RemoveAll(); pActReg->m_lArrayIPAddress.RemoveAll();
DWORD dwIp1, dwIp2, dwIp3, dwIp4; int nAdd = m_ipControl.GetAddress(&dwIp1, &dwIp2, &dwIp3, &dwIp4);
if ( (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeUnique) == 0)|| (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeGroup) == 0)) { if (nAdd != 4) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_INVALID_IP, MB_OK); // set focus to the IP address control
m_editCustomIPAdd.SetFocus(); return hrFalse; } } LONG lIPAdd = (LONG) MAKEIPADDRESS(dwIp1, dwIp2, dwIp3, dwIp4);
pActReg->m_strStaticMappingName = m_strName; pActReg->m_strStaticMappingType = m_strType;
AssignMappingType(); pActReg->m_nStaticMappingType = m_fType;
if ( (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeUnique) == 0)|| (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeGroup) == 0)) { pActReg->m_strArrayStaticMappingIPAddress.Add(m_strIPAdd); pActReg->m_lArrayIPAddress.Add(lIPAdd); } // copy from the array
else { for (int i = 0; i < m_strArrayIPAdd.GetSize(); i++) { pActReg->m_strArrayStaticMappingIPAddress.Add(m_strArrayIPAdd.GetAt(i)); pActReg->m_lArrayIPAddress.Add(m_dwArrayIPAdd.GetAt(i)); } }
// do the thread context switch so we can update the UI as well
bRet = CPropertyPageBase::OnApply();
if (bRet == FALSE) { // Something bad happened... grab the error code
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); ::WinsMessageBox(GetHolder()->GetError()); } }
return bRet; }
void CStaticMappingProp::AssignMappingType() { if (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeInternetGroup) == 0) m_fType = WINSINTF_E_SPEC_GROUP; else if (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeUnique) == 0) m_fType = WINSINTF_E_UNIQUE; else if (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeMultihomed) == 0) m_fType = WINSINTF_E_MULTIHOMED; else if (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeGroup) == 0) m_fType = WINSINTF_E_NORM_GROUP; else if (m_strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeDomainName)== 0) m_fType = WINSINTF_E_SPEC_GROUP; }
void CStaticMappingProp::OnChangeIpAddress() { SetDirty(TRUE); CString strText; m_editCustomIPAdd.GetWindowText(strText);
if (strText.IsEmpty()) { // disable the Add and Remove buttons
CWnd * pCurFocus = GetFocus();
if (m_buttonAdd.GetSafeHwnd() == pCurFocus->GetSafeHwnd() || m_buttonRemove.GetSafeHwnd() == pCurFocus->GetSafeHwnd()) { m_editCustomIPAdd.SetFocus(); }
m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_buttonRemove.EnableWindow(FALSE); }
DWORD dwIp1, dwIp2, dwIp3, dwIp4; int nAdd = m_ipControl.GetAddress(&dwIp1, &dwIp2, &dwIp3, &dwIp4);
if (nAdd != 4) { CWnd * pCurFocus = GetFocus();
if (m_buttonAdd.GetSafeHwnd() == pCurFocus->GetSafeHwnd()) { m_editCustomIPAdd.SetFocus(); }
m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(TRUE); }
SetRemoveButtonState(); }
BOOL CStaticMappingProp::OnInitDialog() { // Initialize the IP address controls
m_ipControl.Create(m_hWnd, IDC_IPADD); m_ipControl.SetFieldRange(0, 0, 255); CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog();
// fill in the type strings
m_comboType.AddString(g_strStaticTypeUnique); m_comboType.AddString(g_strStaticTypeGroup); m_comboType.AddString(g_strStaticTypeDomainName); m_comboType.AddString(g_strStaticTypeInternetGroup); m_comboType.AddString(g_strStaticTypeMultihomed);
if (((CStaticMappingProperties*)GetHolder())->m_bWizard) { // set control states for the wizard part
HWND hWndSheet = ((CStaticMappingProperties*)GetHolder())->GetSheetWindow(); CString strTitle;
strTitle.LoadString(IDS_CREATE_STATIC_MAPPING); ::SetWindowText(hWndSheet, strTitle);
SetDefaultControlStates(); m_editScopeName.SetReadOnly(FALSE);
m_comboType.SelectString(-1, g_strStaticTypeUnique); } else { m_editScopeName.SetReadOnly(TRUE); m_buttonAdd.ShowWindow(FALSE); m_buttonRemove.ShowWindow(FALSE); m_listIPAdd.ShowWindow(FALSE); SetRemoveButtonState();
// owner only visible in properties mode
WinsRecord ws = ((CStaticMappingProperties*)GetHolder())->m_wsRecord;
if (ws.dwOwner != INVALID_OWNER_ID) { CString strOwner; MakeIPAddress(ws.dwOwner, strOwner); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_OWNER)->SetWindowText(strOwner); } FillControls(); }
// load the correct icon
for (int i = 0; i < ICON_IDX_MAX; i++) { if (g_uIconMap[i][1] == m_uImage) { HICON hIcon = LoadIcon(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(g_uIconMap[i][0])); if (hIcon) ((CStatic *) GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_ICON))->SetIcon(hIcon); break; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CStaticMappingProp::FillControls() { // get the actreg node
BOOL fHasScope = FALSE; CActiveRegistrationsHandler * pActReg; SPITFSNode spNode; spNode = GetHolder()->GetNode(); pActReg = GETHANDLER(CActiveRegistrationsHandler, spNode);
WinsRecord ws = ((CStaticMappingProperties*)GetHolder())->m_wsRecord;
// name and the IP address ypu anyway fill. the reamining depending on
// whether it's a static or dynamic record
if (ws.dwNameLen > 16) { fHasScope = TRUE; }
// build the name string
CString strName, strScopeName; pActReg->CleanNetBIOSName(ws.szRecordName, strName, TRUE, // Expand
TRUE, // Truncate
pActReg->IsLanManCompatible(), TRUE, // name is OEM
FALSE, // No double backslash
// check if it has a scope name attached to it., looking for a period
if (fHasScope) { LPSTR pScope = &ws.szRecordName[17];
// INTL$ should this be OEMCP, not ACP
MBCSToWide(pScope, strScopeName, WINS_NAME_CODE_PAGE);
int nPos = strName.Find(strScopeName); // means that the scope name is attached
if ( (nPos != -1) && (!strScopeName.IsEmpty()) ) { // all we want here is the name
strName = strName.Left(nPos - 1); } } m_strName = strName; m_strScopeName = strScopeName;
// IP address
CString strIP;
if (ws.dwState & WINSDB_REC_UNIQUE || ws.dwState & WINSDB_REC_NORM_GROUP) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < ws.dwNoOfAddrs; i++) { MakeIPAddress(ws.dwIpAdd[i], strIP); m_strArrayIPAdd.Add(strIP); m_dwArrayIPAdd.Add(ws.dwIpAdd[i]); } } // in this case the first IP address is that of the owner,
else { DWORD dwPos = 1;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < ws.dwNoOfAddrs/2; ++i) { ::MakeIPAddress(ws.dwIpAdd[dwPos], strIP); m_strArrayIPAdd.Add(strIP); m_dwArrayIPAdd.Add(ws.dwIpAdd[dwPos]); ++dwPos; ++dwPos; } } // text in the controls now
m_editName.SetWindowText(m_strName); m_editScopeName.SetWindowText(m_strScopeName);
//check if the record is static
if (ws.dwState & WINSDB_REC_STATIC) { // active status
CString strStaticType; pActReg->GetStaticTypeString(ws.dwState, strStaticType);
if (strStaticType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeDomainName) == 0) { //could be either Internet Group or Domain Name
// check for the 15th character , if 1C, then Domain Name
// else Internet Group Name
if ((BYTE)ws.szRecordName[15] == 0x1C) strStaticType = g_strStaticTypeDomainName; else strStaticType = g_strStaticTypeInternetGroup; } FillStaticRecData(strStaticType);
//m_fStaticPropChanged = TRUE;
m_strType = strStaticType; } else { } return TRUE; }
void CStaticMappingProp::FillStaticRecData(CString& strType) { // hide the combobox too, show the IPAdd control
// display the combobox
// disable thew type combobox
// get the type of record
m_comboType.SelectString(-1, strType);
// make the records read only.
// depending on the type, hide/show the list control
// and the add remove buttons.
if ( (strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeUnique) == 0) || strType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeGroup) == 0) { m_listIPAdd.ShowWindow(FALSE); m_buttonAdd.ShowWindow(FALSE); m_buttonRemove.ShowWindow(FALSE);
m_editCustomIPAdd.ShowWindow(TRUE); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetReadOnly(FALSE); // set it's text to that in the combo box
CString strIP; strIP = m_strArrayIPAdd.GetAt(0);
m_strOnInitIPAdd = strIP;
m_ipControl.SetAddress(strIP); } else { m_listIPAdd.ShowWindow(TRUE); m_buttonAdd.ShowWindow(TRUE); m_buttonRemove.ShowWindow(TRUE);
m_editCustomIPAdd.ShowWindow(TRUE); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetReadOnly(FALSE);
// fill the contents with that from the combo box
if (m_strArrayIPAdd.GetSize() > 0) m_strOnInitIPAdd = m_strArrayIPAdd.GetAt(0); }
SetRemoveButtonState(); }
void CStaticMappingProp::FillList() { CString strIP;
// clear the list box next
for (int i = 0; i < m_listIPAdd.GetCount(); i++) m_listIPAdd.DeleteString(i);
int nCount = (int) m_strArrayIPAdd.GetSize();
for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { strIP = m_strArrayIPAdd.GetAt(i);
m_listIPAdd.AddString(strIP); if (nCount == 1) m_ipControl.SetAddress(strIP); }
m_ipControl.SetAddress(_T("")); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetWindowText(_T("")); SetRemoveButtonState(); }
void CStaticMappingProp::FillDynamicRecData(CString& strType, CString& strActive, CString& strExpiration, CString& strVersion) { }
void CStaticMappingProp::SetDefaultControlStates() { m_comboType.EnableWindow(TRUE); m_comboType.ShowWindow(TRUE);
SetRemoveButtonState(); }
void CStaticMappingProp::OnButtonAdd() { UpdateData();
// add the IPAdd in the IPControl to the list box
// if valid
// check if broadcast address is being added
if (m_strIPAdd.CompareNoCase(_T("")) == 0) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_INVALID_IPADDRESS, MB_OK); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetFocus(); return; }
DWORD dwIp1, dwIp2, dwIp3, dwIp4; int nAdd = m_ipControl.GetAddress(&dwIp1, &dwIp2, &dwIp3, &dwIp4);
// check if the address is alreay in the list
for (int i = 0; i < m_strArrayIPAdd.GetSize() ; i++) { if (m_strArrayIPAdd[i].CompareNoCase(m_strIPAdd) == 0) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_IP_EXISTS, MB_OK); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetFocus(); m_editCustomIPAdd.SetSel(0,-1); return; } }
if (m_dwArrayIPAdd.GetSize() == WINSINTF_MAX_MEM) { // cannot add any more addresses
AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_TOOMANY_IP); return; }
LONG lIPAdd = (LONG) MAKEIPADDRESS(dwIp1, dwIp2, dwIp3, dwIp4);
// add to the list
m_listIPAdd.AddString(m_strIPAdd); m_strArrayIPAdd.Add(m_strIPAdd); m_dwArrayIPAdd.Add(lIPAdd);
//m_fStaticPropChanged = TRUE;
SetDirty(TRUE); }
void CStaticMappingProp::OnButtonRemove() { SPITFSNode spNode; spNode = GetHolder()->GetNode();
CActiveRegistrationsHandler* pActReg;
pActReg = GETHANDLER(CActiveRegistrationsHandler, spNode);
// remove from the list
int nSel = m_listIPAdd.GetCurSel(); CString strSel;
if (nSel != -1) { m_listIPAdd.GetText(nSel, strSel); m_listIPAdd.DeleteString(nSel); }
// set the IP address in the IP Control
// delete from the CStringArray
for (int i = 0; i < m_strArrayIPAdd.GetSize(); i++) { if (strSel == m_strArrayIPAdd.GetAt(i)) { m_strArrayIPAdd.RemoveAt(i); m_dwArrayIPAdd.RemoveAt(i); break; } }
// set the focus to the IP address control
//m_fStaticPropChanged = TRUE;
SetDirty(TRUE); }
void CStaticMappingProp::OnSelchangeComboType() { SetDirty(TRUE);
if (m_comboType.GetCurSel() == 2 || m_comboType.GetCurSel() == 3 || m_comboType.GetCurSel() == 4) { // show the list control and the add and the remove buttons
m_buttonAdd.ShowWindow(TRUE); m_buttonRemove.ShowWindow(TRUE); m_listIPAdd.ShowWindow(TRUE); } // hide them
else { m_buttonAdd.ShowWindow(FALSE); m_buttonRemove.ShowWindow(FALSE); m_listIPAdd.ShowWindow(FALSE); } SetRemoveButtonState(); }
void CStaticMappingProp::OnChangeEditCompname() { SetDirty(TRUE); }
void CStaticMappingProp::SetRemoveButtonState() { UpdateData();
if (m_listIPAdd.GetCurSel() == -1) { CWnd * pCurFocus = GetFocus();
if (m_buttonRemove.GetSafeHwnd() == pCurFocus->GetSafeHwnd()) { m_editCustomIPAdd.SetFocus(); }
m_buttonRemove.EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { m_buttonRemove.EnableWindow(TRUE); }
DWORD dwIp1, dwIp2, dwIp3, dwIp4; int nAdd = m_ipControl.GetAddress(&dwIp1, &dwIp2, &dwIp3, &dwIp4);
if (nAdd != 4) { CWnd * pCurFocus = GetFocus();
if (m_buttonAdd.GetSafeHwnd() == pCurFocus->GetSafeHwnd()) { m_editCustomIPAdd.SetFocus(); }
m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(TRUE);
} }
void CStaticMappingProp::OnSelChangeListIpAdd() { SetRemoveButtonState(); }
BOOL CStaticMappingProp::OnPropertyChange(BOOL bScope, LONG_PTR *ChangeMask) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSComponent spComponent; SPITFSNode spNode; spNode = GetHolder()->GetNode(); CActiveRegistrationsHandler * pActReg = GETHANDLER(CActiveRegistrationsHandler, spNode);
if (((CStaticMappingProperties*)GetHolder())->m_bWizard) { hr = pActReg->AddMapping(spNode); if (FAILED(hr)) { GetHolder()->SetError(WIN32_FROM_HRESULT(hr)); } else { *ChangeMask = RESULT_PANE_CHANGE_ITEM_DATA; } } else { ((CStaticMappingProperties *) GetHolder())->GetComponent(&spComponent);
DWORD dwErr = pActReg->EditMapping(spNode, spComponent, pActReg->m_nSelectedIndex); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { GetHolder()->SetError(dwErr); } else { *ChangeMask = RESULT_PANE_CHANGE_ITEM_DATA; } } return FALSE; }
CStaticMappingProperties::CStaticMappingProperties ( ITFSNode * pNode, IComponent * pComponent, LPCTSTR pszSheetName, WinsRecord * pwRecord, BOOL bWizard ) : CPropertyPageHolderBase(pNode, pComponent, pszSheetName), m_bWizard(bWizard) { m_bAutoDeletePages = FALSE; // we have the pages as embedded members
AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) m_ppageGeneral);
Init(pwRecord); }
CStaticMappingProperties::CStaticMappingProperties ( ITFSNode * pNode, IComponentData * pComponentData, LPCTSTR pszSheetName, WinsRecord * pwRecord, BOOL bWizard ) : CPropertyPageHolderBase(pNode, pComponentData, pszSheetName), m_bWizard(bWizard) { m_bAutoDeletePages = FALSE; // we have the pages as embedded members
AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) m_ppageGeneral);
Init(pwRecord); }
CStaticMappingProperties::~CStaticMappingProperties() { RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) m_ppageGeneral, FALSE);
delete m_ppageGeneral; m_ppageGeneral = NULL; }
void CStaticMappingProperties::InitPage(BOOL fWizard) { if (fWizard) { m_ppageGeneral = new CStaticMappingProp(IDD_STATIC_MAPPING_WIZARD); } else { m_ppageGeneral = new CStaticMappingProp(IDD_STATIC_MAPPING_PROPERTIES); } }
void CStaticMappingProperties::Init(WinsRecord * pwRecord) { if (pwRecord) { strcpy(m_wsRecord.szRecordName , pwRecord->szRecordName); m_wsRecord.dwExpiration = pwRecord->dwExpiration; m_wsRecord.dwExpiration = pwRecord->dwExpiration; m_wsRecord.dwNoOfAddrs = pwRecord->dwNoOfAddrs;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < pwRecord->dwNoOfAddrs; i++) { m_wsRecord.dwIpAdd[i] = pwRecord->dwIpAdd[i]; }
m_wsRecord.liVersion = pwRecord->liVersion; m_wsRecord.dwNameLen = pwRecord->dwNameLen; m_wsRecord.dwOwner = pwRecord->dwOwner; m_wsRecord.dwState = pwRecord->dwState; m_wsRecord.dwType = pwRecord->dwType; } }
HRESULT CStaticMappingProperties::SetComponent(ITFSComponent * pComponent) { m_spTFSComponent.Set(pComponent);
return hrOK; }
HRESULT CStaticMappingProperties::GetComponent(ITFSComponent ** ppComponent) { if (ppComponent) { *ppComponent = m_spTFSComponent; m_spTFSComponent->AddRef(); }
return hrOK; }