/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
* Module Name: dsocode.c * * Copyright (c) 1985-1999, Microsoft Corporation * * This file contains the dump structure offset (dso) extension. It is * included by $(ALT_PROJECT)\dsotable.c which is generated by structo.exe * * History: * 06/17/96 GerardoB Created * 10/06/98 Rajeshsu edited to use wdbgexts.h \***************************************************************************/
#define DsoPrint(x) dprintf("%.*s", nIndent, " "); dprintf x
#define OFLAG(l) (1L << ((DWORD)#@l - (DWORD)'a'))
#define EvalExp (PVOID)GetExpression
int gnIndent = 0; // caller should set and restore this appropriately.
VOID moveBlock( PVOID pdst, PVOID src, DWORD size) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; ULONG Result; try { if (!ReadMemory((DWORD_PTR)src, pdst, size, &Result)) { fSuccess = FALSE; } } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { //dprintf(pszMoveException, pszExtName);
fSuccess = FALSE; }
if (!fSuccess) { dprintf("moveBlock(%x, %x, %x) failed.\n", pdst, src, size); } }
* dsoTerminateString * * This is used to "parse" the command line. It null-terminates a space * delimited string, returns its size and a pointer to the begining * of next string * * 06/17/96 Created Gerardob \***************************************************************************/ LPSTR dsoTerminateString(LPSTR psz, PDWORD pdwSize) { LPSTR pszWork = psz;
while (*pszWork != 0) { if (*pszWork == ' ') { *pszWork++ = 0; break; } pszWork++; }
*pdwSize = (DWORD)(pszWork - psz); if (*pszWork != 0) { (*pdwSize)--; }
while ((*pszWork != 0) && (*pszWork == ' ')) { pszWork++; }
return pszWork; } /***************************************************************************\
* dsoGetOffset * * If the highest order bit of psot->dwOffset is set, then the value is a * relative offset from the previous field; otherwise, it is the * actual field offset from the beginnig of the structure * * 06/20/96 Created Gerardob \***************************************************************************/ UINT dsoGetOffset (PSTRUCTUREOFFSETSTABLE psot) { if (!(psot->dwOffset & 0x80000000)) { return psot->dwOffset; } else { return ((psot->dwOffset & ~0x80000000) + dsoGetOffset(psot - 1)); } } /***************************************************************************\
* dsoGetSize * * The field size is calculated by substracting its offset from the next * field's offset. If the struct has unions, several "fields" might have * the same offset, or a given table entry (i.e., a field) might have an * offset value greater than the offset value for the next entry (a union * of two structures). * * 06/26/96 Created Gerardob \***************************************************************************/ UINT dsoGetSize (PSTRUCTUREOFFSETSTABLE psot, DWORD dwOffset) { DWORD dwNextFieldOffset;
do { psot++; dwNextFieldOffset = dsoGetOffset(psot); } while (dwNextFieldOffset <= dwOffset);
return dwNextFieldOffset - dwOffset; } /***************************************************************************\
* dsoGetStruct * * 07/03/96 Created Gerardob \***************************************************************************/ PSTRUCTURESTABLE dsoGetStruct (LPSTR pszStruct, DWORD dwSize) { PSTRUCTURESTABLE pst = gst;
* If dwSize is EXACT_MATCH, we try an exact * case sensitive match */ if (dwSize == EXACT_MATCH) { while (pst->pszName != NULL) { if (!strcmp(pszStruct, pst->pszName)) { return pst; } pst++; } return NULL; } /*
* Try an exact case insensitive match */ while (pst->pszName != NULL) { if (!_stricmp(pszStruct, pst->pszName)) { return pst; } pst++; }
* Partial prefix match */ pst = gst; while (pst->pszName != NULL) { if (!_strnicmp(pszStruct, pst->pszName, dwSize)) { return pst; } pst++; }
return NULL;
} /***************************************************************************\
* dsoGetField * * 07/03/96 Created Gerardob \***************************************************************************/ PSTRUCTUREOFFSETSTABLE dosGetField (PSTRUCTUREOFFSETSTABLE psot, LPSTR pszField, DWORD dwSize) { PSTRUCTUREOFFSETSTABLE psotFirst = psot;
* try an exact match */ while (psot->pszField != NULL) { if (!_stricmp(pszField, psot->pszField)) { return psot; } psot++; }
* Partial prefix match */ psot = psotFirst; while (psot->pszField != NULL) { if (!_strnicmp(pszField, psot->pszField, dwSize)) { return psot; } psot++; } return NULL;
} /***************************************************************************\
* Idso * * !dso StructName [FieldName] [Address] * * 06/17/96 Created Gerardob * 05/12/97 MCostea Added bit field support \***************************************************************************/
#define NFIELDS 2 // per row.
BOOL Idso(DWORD opts, LPSTR pszCmdLine) { BOOL fOneField = FALSE; DWORD dwValue, dwSize, dwBytesRead, dwOffset, dwOffsetNext, dwFieldsPerRow, dwMoveSize; DWORD dwBuffer [20]; /* Make sure it has an even number of elemnts and at least 4*/ const DWORD *pcdwLimit = dwBuffer + (sizeof(dwBuffer) / sizeof(*dwBuffer)); DWORD *pdwValue; LPSTR pszField, pszAddress; PBYTE pBufferOffset; PSTRUCTURESTABLE pst, pstNested; PSTRUCTUREOFFSETSTABLE psot; PVOID pAddress = NULL;
int cBFStart, cBFLength; /* for printing bit field values: keeps count of field location */ char* pTmp; DWORD dwMask; BOOL fBF; int cBF; /* no of dwords this set of bit-fields spread till now */ int cchName; /* length of field name */ int nIndent = gnIndent; /* amount to indent */
if (pszCmdLine == NULL) { return FALSE; }
* Find the struct table */ pszField = dsoTerminateString(pszCmdLine, &dwSize); pst = dsoGetStruct (pszCmdLine, dwSize); if (pst == NULL) { DsoPrint(("Structure not found: %s\n", pszCmdLine)); return TRUE; }
* Got a table */ psot = pst->psot;
* If there is another argument, let's assume a field name follows */ if (*pszField != 0) { /*
* Find the field */ pszAddress = dsoTerminateString(pszField, &dwSize); psot = dosGetField (psot, pszField, dwSize);
* If it didn't find the field and an address was provided, game over. * Otherwise, the second parameter might be the address */ if (psot == NULL) { if (*pszAddress != 0) { DsoPrint(("Field not found: %s. Struct: %s\n", pszField, pst->pszName)); return TRUE; } else { pszAddress = pszField; /*
* Reset psot since this argument was not a field */ psot = pst->psot; } } else { fOneField = TRUE; } /*
* Get the pointer to the struct */ if (*pszAddress != 0) { pAddress = EvalExp(pszAddress); if (pAddress == NULL) { /*
* EvalExp displayed the error message, so return silently */ return TRUE; } }
} /* if (*pszField != 0) */
* If a field name was specified, dump that field only * Otherwise, dump the whole table. */ if (fOneField) { /*
* If no address available, just display the field name and offset */ dwOffset = dsoGetOffset(psot);
DsoPrint(("Structure %s - Size: %#lx\n", pst->pszName, pst->dwSize));
* Try to see if the fields are not nested structures */ if (*psot->pszField >= 'A' && *psot->pszField <= 'Z') { /*
* Probably the field is a nested structure */ if (pstNested = dsoGetStruct (psot->pszField, EXACT_MATCH)) { DWORD dwNestedOffset = dsoGetOffset(psot); char cmdLine[80]; DsoPrint(("\nNested at offset %03lx: ", dwNestedOffset)); if (pAddress) { sprintf(cmdLine, "%s %p", psot->pszField, (PBYTE)pAddress + dwNestedOffset); pTmp = cmdLine; } else { pTmp = psot->pszField; } return Idso(opts, pTmp); } }
DsoPrint(("Field: %s - Offset: %#lx\n", psot->pszField, dwOffset)); if (pAddress == NULL) { return TRUE; }
* Printing field value */
/*123456789 1*/ DsoPrint(("Address Value\n"));
dwBytesRead = 0; dwSize = dsoGetSize(psot, dwOffset); /*
* Print 4 DWORDS per row; one row per loop */
do { /* while ((int)dwSize > 0) */
* Read values for next row */ if (4 * sizeof(DWORD) >= dwSize) { dwMoveSize = dwSize; } else { dwMoveSize = 4 * sizeof(DWORD); } moveBlock(dwBuffer, (PBYTE)pAddress + dwOffset + dwBytesRead, dwMoveSize); pBufferOffset = (PBYTE)dwBuffer;
* Print the address */ DsoPrint(("%p ", (DWORD_PTR)((PBYTE)pAddress + dwOffset + dwBytesRead))); /*
* Keep track of bytes read (dwBytesRead) and bytes * remaining to be read (dwSize) */ dwBytesRead += dwMoveSize; dwSize -= dwMoveSize; /*
* Print the values, one dword at the time */ while (dwMoveSize >= sizeof(DWORD)) { DsoPrint(("%08lx ", *((DWORD *)pBufferOffset))); pBufferOffset += sizeof(DWORD); dwMoveSize -= sizeof(DWORD); } /*
* If less than a DWORD left, zero extend and print a DWORD */ if (dwMoveSize > 0) { dwValue = 0; memcpy(&dwValue, pBufferOffset, dwMoveSize); DsoPrint(("%0*lx", dwMoveSize * 2, dwValue)); } dprintf("\n");
} while ((int)dwSize > 0);
return TRUE;
} /* if (fOneField) */
* Printing all the fields. */ if (pAddress != NULL) { DsoPrint(("Structure %s %#lx - Size: %#lx", pst->pszName, pAddress, pst->dwSize)); } else { DsoPrint(("Structure %s - Size: %#lx", pst->pszName, pst->dwSize)); }
dwOffset = 0; pBufferOffset = NULL; /* Forces the local buffer to be loaded */ dwFieldsPerRow = NFIELDS; cBFStart = 0; cBF = 0;
* Loop through all fields in the table. Print one field per loop */
while (psot->pszField != NULL) {
* Print two fields per row */ if (dwFieldsPerRow == NFIELDS) { dprintf("\n"); dwFieldsPerRow = 1; cchName = 24 - gnIndent/NFIELDS; nIndent = gnIndent; // Print("cchName = %d\n", cchName);
} else { dwFieldsPerRow++; cchName = 24 - (gnIndent + 1)/NFIELDS; nIndent = 0; // Print("cchName = %d\n", cchName);
* -v functionality * Try to see if the fields are not nested structures * The naming convention assigns Uppercase names for them */ if (opts & OFLAG(v)) { if (*psot->pszField >= 'A' && *psot->pszField <= 'Z') { /*
* Probably the field is a nested structure */ if (pstNested = dsoGetStruct (psot->pszField, EXACT_MATCH)) { DWORD dwNestedOffset = dsoGetOffset(psot); char cmdLine[80]; DsoPrint(("\nNested at offset %03lx: ", dwNestedOffset)); if (pAddress) { sprintf(cmdLine, "%s %p", psot->pszField, (PBYTE)pAddress + dwNestedOffset); pTmp = cmdLine; } else { pTmp = psot->pszField; } Idso(opts, pTmp); dwOffsetNext = dsoGetOffset(psot + 1); dwFieldsPerRow = 0; goto Continue; } } }
* If no address provided, Print field name(s) and offset(s) only */ if (pAddress == NULL) { DsoPrint(("%03lx %-*.*s", dsoGetOffset(psot), cchName, cchName, psot->pszField)); } else { /*
* Printing offsets and values. * * Get the size of the value and max it to one DWORD */ dwOffsetNext = dsoGetOffset(psot + 1); if (dwOffsetNext > dwOffset) { dwSize = dwOffsetNext - dwOffset; } else { dwSize = dsoGetSize(psot, dwOffset); } if (dwSize > sizeof(DWORD)) { dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); }
* Get a pointer to the value in the local buffer * If the value is not in the buffer, load it */ pdwValue = (PDWORD)(pBufferOffset + dwOffset); if ((pdwValue < dwBuffer) || (pdwValue + dwSize > pcdwLimit)) { pBufferOffset = (PBYTE)dwBuffer - dwOffset; pdwValue = dwBuffer;
if (sizeof(dwBuffer) >= pst->dwSize - dwOffset) { dwMoveSize = pst->dwSize - dwOffset; } else { dwMoveSize = sizeof(dwBuffer); } moveBlock((PBYTE)dwBuffer, (PBYTE)pAddress + dwOffset, dwMoveSize);
* Copy the value and print it */ dwValue = 0; /* in case size < sizeof(DWORD) */ memcpy(&dwValue, pdwValue, dwSize);
* Deal with bit fields */ fBF = FALSE; pTmp = psot->pszField; while (*pTmp) { if (*pTmp++ == ':') {
fBF = TRUE; while ((*pTmp == ' ') || (*pTmp == '\t')) { /* skip white spaces */ ++pTmp; } cBFLength = *(pTmp++) - '0'; /* now get the bit size, maybe 2 digits */ if ((*pTmp >= '0') && (*pTmp <= '9')) cBFLength = cBFLength*10 + (*pTmp - '0');
if (cBFStart == 0) { DsoPrint(("(%03lx) %08lx BIT FIELDS\n", dwOffset, dwValue)); dwFieldsPerRow = 1; } else if (cBFStart >= 8*sizeof(DWORD)) { /* check for multi-dword fields */ cBF ++; cBFStart %= 8*sizeof(DWORD); }
dwMask = (1L << cBFLength) - 1; dwMask <<= cBFStart; /* print byte offset and the bit offset inside it */ DsoPrint(("(%03lx) (%d) %-2x %-*.*s", dwOffset + cBF*sizeof(DWORD) + cBFStart/8, cBFStart & 7, (dwMask & dwValue) >> cBFStart, cchName, cchName, psot->pszField)); cBFStart += cBFLength; cBFLength = 0; break; } } if (!fBF) { int width = 8; if (dwSize == sizeof(BYTE)) { dwValue &= 0xff; width = 2; } else if (dwSize == sizeof(WORD)) { dwValue &= 0xffff; width = 4; } DsoPrint(("(%03lx) %*s%0*lx %-*.*s", dwOffset, 8 - width, "", width, dwValue, cchName, cchName, psot->pszField)); cBFStart = 0; cBF = 0; }
} /* if (pAddress == NULL) */
Continue: dwOffset = dwOffsetNext; psot++;
} /* while (psot->pszField != NULL) */
return TRUE; }
DECLARE_API( psdso ) { LPSTR pszCmdLine = (LPSTR)args; DWORD opts = 0;
Idso(opts, pszCmdLine); }