//* Microsoft Windows **
//* Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
// TCPCFG.C - Functions to read and set TCP/IP configuration
// 96/05/22 markdu Created (from inetcfg.dll)
#include "pch.hpp"
// function prototypes
UINT DetectModifyTCPIPBindings(DWORD dwCardFlags,LPCSTR pszBoundTo,BOOL fRemove,BOOL * pfBound);
// FUNCTION: IcfgIsGlobalDNS
// PURPOSE: Determines whether there is Global DNS set.
// PARAMETERS: lpfGlobalDNS - TRUE if global DNS is set, FALSE otherwise.
// RETURNS: HRESULT code, ERROR_SUCCESS if no errors occurred
// NOTE: This function is for Windows 95 only, and
// should always return ERROR_SUCCESS and set lpfGlobalDNS
// to FALSE in Windows NT.
extern "C" HRESULT IcfgIsGlobalDNS(LPBOOL lpfGlobalDNS) { CHAR szDNSEnabled[2]; // big enough for "1"
// open the global TCP/IP key
RegEntry reTcp(szTCPGlobalKeyName,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); HRESULT hr = reTcp.GetError(); if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // read the registry value to see if DNS is enabled
reTcp.GetString(szRegValEnableDNS,szDNSEnabled,sizeof(szDNSEnabled)); hr = reTcp.GetError(); if ((hr == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (!lstrcmpi(szDNSEnabled,sz1))) { // DNS is enabled
fGlobalDNS = TRUE; } }
if (NULL != lpfGlobalDNS) { *lpfGlobalDNS = fGlobalDNS; }
return hr; }
// FUNCTION: IcfgRemoveGlobalDNS
// PURPOSE: Removes global DNS info from registry.
// RETURNS: HRESULT code, ERROR_SUCCESS if no errors occurred
// NOTE: This function is for Windows 95 only, and
// should always return ERROR_SUCCESS in Windows NT.
extern "C" HRESULT IcfgRemoveGlobalDNS(void) { HRESULT hr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// open the global TCP/IP key
RegEntry reTcp(szTCPGlobalKeyName,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); hr = reTcp.GetError(); ASSERT(hr == ERROR_SUCCESS);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == hr) { // no name servers; disable DNS. Set registry switch to "0".
hr = reTcp.SetValue(szRegValEnableDNS,sz0); ASSERT(hr == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
return hr; }
// FUNCTION: IcfgIsFileSharingTurnedOn
// PURPOSE: Determines if file server (VSERVER) is bound to TCP/IP
// for specified driver type (net card or PPP).
// PARAMETERS: dwfDriverType - a combination of DRIVERTYPE_ flags
// that specify what driver type to check server-TCP/IP
// bindings for as follows:
// DRIVERTYPE_NET - net card
// lpfSharingOn - TRUE if bound once or more, FALSE if not bound
// RETURNS: HRESULT code, ERROR_SUCCESS if no errors occurred
extern "C" HRESULT IcfgIsFileSharingTurnedOn(DWORD dwfDriverType, LPBOOL lpfSharingOn) { BOOL fBound = FALSE;
// call worker function
HRESULT hr = DetectModifyTCPIPBindings(dwfDriverType,szVSERVER,FALSE,&fBound);
if (NULL != lpfSharingOn) { *lpfSharingOn = fBound; }
return hr; }
// FUNCTION: IcfgTurnOffFileSharing
// PURPOSE: Unbinds file server (VSERVER) from TCP/IP for
// specified driver type (net card or PPP).
// PARAMETERS: dwfDriverType - a combination of DRIVERTYPE_ flags
// that specify what driver type to remove server-TCP/IP
// bindings for as follows:
// DRIVERTYPE_NET - net card
// RETURNS: HRESULT code, ERROR_SUCCESS if no errors occurred
extern "C" HRESULT IcfgTurnOffFileSharing(DWORD dwfDriverType, HWND hwndParent) { BOOL fBound;
// call worker function
return DetectModifyTCPIPBindings(dwfDriverType,szVSERVER,TRUE,&fBound);
NAME: DetectModifyTCPIPBindings
SYNOPSIS: Finds (and optionally removes) bindings between VSERVER and TCP/IP for TCP/IP instances on a particular card type.
ENTRY: dwCardFlags - an INSTANCE_xxx flag to specify what card type to find/remove server-TCP/IP bindings for pszBoundTo - name of component to look for or modify bindings to. Can be VSERVER or VREDIR fRemove - if TRUE, all bindings are removed as we find them. If FALSE, bindings are left alone but *pfBound is set to TRUE if bindings exist. pfBound - pointer to BOOL to be filled in
EXIT: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, or a standard error code
NOTES: Worker function for TurnOffFileSharing and IsFileSharingTurnedOn
********************************************************************/ UINT DetectModifyTCPIPBindings(DWORD dwCardFlags,LPCSTR pszBoundTo, BOOL fRemove,BOOL * pfBound) { ASSERT(pfBound); *pfBound = FALSE; // assume not bound until proven otherwise
UINT err = EnumTcpInstance.GetError(); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) return err;
HKEY hkeyInstance = EnumTcpInstance.Next();
// for every TCP/IP node in enum branch, look at bindings key.
// Scan the bindings (values in bindings key), if they begin
// with the string pszBoundTo ("VSERVER" or "VREDIR") then
// the binding exists.
while (hkeyInstance) { // open bindings key
RegEntry reBindings(szRegKeyBindings,hkeyInstance); ASSERT(reBindings.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS); if (reBindings.GetError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegEnumValues * preBindingVals = new RegEnumValues(&reBindings); ASSERT(preBindingVals); if (!preBindingVals) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; // enumerate binding values
while (preBindingVals->Next() == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(preBindingVals->GetName()); // should always have a valid ptr
// does this binding begin with the string we were passed in
// pszBoundTo
CHAR szBindingVal[SMALL_BUF_LEN+1]; DWORD dwBoundToLen = lstrlen(pszBoundTo); lstrcpy(szBindingVal,preBindingVals->GetName()); if (((DWORD)lstrlen(szBindingVal)) >= dwBoundToLen) { // NULL-terminate the copy at the appropriate place
// so we can do a strcmp rather than a strncmp, which
// would involve pulling in C runtime or implementing
// our own strncmp
szBindingVal[dwBoundToLen] = '\0'; if (!lstrcmpi(szBindingVal,pszBoundTo)) {
*pfBound = TRUE; // remove the binding if specified by caller
if (fRemove) { // delete the value
// destroy and reconstruct RegEnumValues object, otherwise
// RegEnumValues api gets confused because we deleted a
// value during enum
delete preBindingVals; preBindingVals = new RegEnumValues(&reBindings); ASSERT(preBindingVals); if (!preBindingVals) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { // caller just wants to know if binding exists, we
// filled in pfBound above so we're done
return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } } } hkeyInstance = EnumTcpInstance.Next(); }
SYNOPSIS: Constructor for class to enumerate TCP/IP registry nodes according to type of card they are bound to
ENTRY: dwCardFlags - combination of INSTANCE_x flags indicating what kind of card to enumerate instances for dwNodeFlags - combination of NT_ flags indicating what type of node to return (driver node, enum node)
********************************************************************/ ENUM_TCP_INSTANCE::ENUM_TCP_INSTANCE(DWORD dwCardFlags,DWORD dwNodeFlags) : _dwCardFlags (dwCardFlags), _dwNodeFlags (dwNodeFlags) { _hkeyTcpNode = NULL; _error = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// init/reset netcard enumeration
BeginNetcardTCPIPEnum(); }
SYNOPSIS: Destructor for class
********************************************************************/ ENUM_TCP_INSTANCE::~ENUM_TCP_INSTANCE() { // close current TCP node key, if any
CloseNode(); }
SYNOPSIS: Enumerates next TCP/IP driver node
EXIT: Returns an open registry key handle, or NULL if no more nodes.
NOTES: Caller should not close the HKEY that is returned. This HKEY will be valid until the next time the Next() method is called or until the object is destructed.
********************************************************************/ HKEY ENUM_TCP_INSTANCE::Next() { CHAR szSubkeyName[MAX_PATH+1];
// close current TCP node key, if any
while (_error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CHAR szInstancePath[SMALL_BUF_LEN+1]; CHAR szDriverPath[SMALL_BUF_LEN+1];
if (!GetNextNetcardTCPIPNode(szSubkeyName,sizeof(szSubkeyName), _dwCardFlags)) return NULL; // no more nodes
// open the enum branch, find the specified subkey
RegEntry reEnumNet(szRegPathEnumNet,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
// if caller wanted enum node, just open that node
if (_dwNodeFlags & NT_ENUMNODE) { _error = RegOpenKey(reEnumNet.GetKey(),szSubkeyName, &_hkeyTcpNode); // return open key
return _hkeyTcpNode;
} else { // from enum node, figure out path to driver node
reEnumNet.MoveToSubKey(szSubkeyName); if (reEnumNet.GetError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; // find the driver path to the driver node
if (!reEnumNet.GetString(szRegValDriver,szDriverPath, sizeof(szDriverPath))) { ASSERTSZ(FALSE,"No driver path in enum branch for TCP/IP instance"); continue; }
// build the path to registry node for this instance
lstrcpy(szInstancePath,szRegPathClass); lstrcat(szInstancePath,szDriverPath);
_error = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,szInstancePath, &_hkeyTcpNode); // return open key
return _hkeyTcpNode; } }
// ran through all net cards of specified type w/o finding TCP/IP bound
_error = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; return NULL; }
SYNOPSIS: Private worker function to close TCP/IP node handle
********************************************************************/ VOID ENUM_TCP_INSTANCE::CloseNode() { if (_hkeyTcpNode) { RegCloseKey(_hkeyTcpNode); _hkeyTcpNode = NULL; } }