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// File: himetric.cpp
// Module: Connection Manager
// Synopsis: Routines to convert Pixels to Himetric and vice versa
// Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: nickball Created 02/10/98
#include "cmmaster.h"
#pragma hdrstop
SIZE g_sizePixelsPerInch;
// Function: InitPixelsPerInch
// Synopsis: Initializing coordinate mapping for screen pixels
// Returns: HRESULT; S_OK on success, E_OUTOFMEMORY otherwise
void InitPixelsPerInch(VOID) { HDC hdc;
hdc = GetDC(NULL); if (!hdc) goto Error; = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX); = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
Cleanup: return;
Error: = 96; = 96; goto Cleanup; }
// Function: HimetricFromHPix
// Synopsis: Converts horizontal pixel units to himetric units.
long HimetricFromHPix(int iPix) { if (! InitPixelsPerInch();
return MulDiv(iPix, HIMETRIC_PER_INCH,; }
// Function: HimetricFromVPix
// Synopsis: Converts vertical pixel units to himetric units.
long HimetricFromVPix(int iPix) { if (! InitPixelsPerInch();
return MulDiv(iPix, HIMETRIC_PER_INCH,; }
// Function: HPixFromHimetric
// Synopsis: Converts himetric units to horizontal pixel units.
int HPixFromHimetric(long lHi) { if (! InitPixelsPerInch();
return MulDiv(, lHi, HIMETRIC_PER_INCH); }
// Function: VPixFromHimetric
// Synopsis: Converts himetric units to vertical pixel units.
int VPixFromHimetric(long lHi) { if (! InitPixelsPerInch();
return MulDiv(, lHi, HIMETRIC_PER_INCH); }
// Function: PixelFromHMRect
// Synopsis: Converts a Himetric RECTL to a Pixel RECT
void PixelFromHMRect(RECT *prcDest, RECTL *prcSrc) { prcDest->left = HPixFromHimetric(prcSrc->left); prcDest->top = VPixFromHimetric(prcSrc->top); prcDest->right = HPixFromHimetric(prcSrc->right); prcDest->bottom = VPixFromHimetric(prcSrc->bottom); }
// Function: HMFromPixelRect
// Synopsis: Converts a Pixel RECT to a Himetric RECTL
void HMFromPixelRect(RECTL *prcDest, RECT *prcSrc) { prcDest->left = HimetricFromHPix(prcSrc->left); prcDest->top = HimetricFromVPix(prcSrc->top); prcDest->right = HimetricFromHPix(prcSrc->right); prcDest->bottom = HimetricFromVPix(prcSrc->bottom); }