// File: ccsv.cpp
// Module: CMPBK32.DLL
// Synopsis: Implementation of the class CCSVFile.
// Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: quintinb created header 08/17/99
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#include "cmmaster.h"
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#define chComma ','
#define chNewline '\n'
#define chReturn '\r'
#define chSpace ' '
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// CCSVFile - simple file i/o for CSV files
CCSVFile::CCSVFile() { m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_chLastRead = 0; m_pchLast = m_pchBuf = NULL; m_fReadFail = FALSE; m_fUseLastRead = FALSE; }
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CCSVFile::~CCSVFile() { CMASSERTMSG(m_hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,"CCSV file is still open"); }
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BOOLEAN CCSVFile::Open(LPCSTR pszFileName) { CMASSERTMSG(m_hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "a file is already open."); m_hFile = CreateFile((LPCTSTR) pszFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == m_hFile) { return FALSE; } m_pchLast = m_pchBuf = NULL; return TRUE; }
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BOOL CCSVFile::ClearNewLines(void) { //
// This routine is designed to eat characters until a non-newline char or
// the end-of-file is encountered. If a non-newline char is encountered,
// the fUseLast flag is set to ensure that the next call to ChNext will
// return the correct current character.
char ch = chNewline; WORD wRet; BYTE bErr;
// eat leading newlines
while (chNewline == ch) { //
// eat the leading space first
do { wRet = ChNext(); } while ((wRet == chSpace) || (wRet == TEXT('\t')));
bErr = HIBYTE(wRet); ch = LOBYTE(wRet);
// if EOF return false
if (0xff == bErr) { return FALSE; } }
// we hit a character other than newline, use current char as next.
m_fUseLastRead = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
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BOOLEAN CCSVFile::ReadToken(char *psz, DWORD cbMax) { char *pszOrig = psz; DWORD dwLen = 0; char ch; BYTE bErr = 0xff; WORD wRet;
wRet = ChNext(); bErr = HIBYTE(wRet); ch = LOBYTE(wRet);
if (0xff == bErr) { return FALSE; }
// read chars until we hit a comma, newline, or run out of file
while (dwLen < cbMax - 1 && chComma != ch && chNewline != ch && 0xff != bErr) { *psz++ = ch;
wRet = ChNext(); //Read in the next character
bErr = HIBYTE(wRet); ch = LOBYTE(wRet);
dwLen++; }
*psz++ = '\0'; // eat leading spaces
while (*pszOrig == chSpace) { lstrcpy(pszOrig,pszOrig+1); }
psz = pszOrig + lstrlen(pszOrig);
// eat trailing spaces
while ((psz != pszOrig) && (*(psz-1) == chSpace)) { psz--; *psz = 0; }
return TRUE; }
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void CCSVFile::Close(void) { if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(m_hFile); }
#ifdef DEBUG
if (m_hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CMTRACE("CCSVFile::Close was called, but m_hFile was already INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE\n"); }
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BOOL CCSVFile::ReadError(void) { return (m_fReadFail); }
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BOOL CCSVFile::FReadInBuffer(void) { //Read another buffer
if (!ReadFile(m_hFile, m_rgchBuf, CCSVFILE_BUFFER_SIZE, &m_cchAvail, NULL) || !m_cchAvail) { m_fReadFail = TRUE; return FALSE; //nothing more to read
m_pchBuf = m_rgchBuf; m_pchLast = m_pchBuf + m_cchAvail; return TRUE; //success
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inline WORD CCSVFile::ChNext(void) { //
// If the fUseLastRead flag is set, clear the
// flag and use the existing m_chLastRead
if (m_fUseLastRead) { m_fUseLastRead = FALSE; } else { //
// Get the next char in the buffer. Load new buffer if necessary.
if (m_pchBuf >= m_pchLast && !FReadInBuffer()) //implies that we finished reading the buffer. Read in some more.
{ return MAKEWORD(0, 0xff); //nothing more to read
m_chLastRead = *m_pchBuf++; //
// If its a carriage return, read another char
if (chReturn == m_chLastRead) { goto LNextChar; //faster to NOT make extra function call
} }
return MAKEWORD(m_chLastRead, 0); }