// File: profwiz.cpp
// Module: CMAK.EXE
// Synopsis: Main code for CMAK
// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: a-frankh Created 05/15/97
// quintinb Updated header and made a 08/07/98
// few other changes
#include "cmmaster.h"
#include "cmsecure.h"
// linkdll is needed because of cmsecure
#include "linkdll.h" // LinkToDll and BindLinkage
#include "linkdll.cpp" // LinkToDll and BindLinkage
// Include HasSpecifiedAccessToFileOrDir
#ifndef CreateFileU
#ifdef UNICODE
#define CreateFileU CreateFileW
#define CreateFileU CreateFileA
#include "hasfileaccess.cpp"
#include "gppswithalloc.cpp"
// Globals
// This global specifies what the return value of CMAK should be. Note that if the user
// cancels the wizard this value isn't used and FALSE (0) is returned by the wizard code.
// This was added for shipping with IEAK. If the /o command line switch is specified this
// bool is set to true and we don't show the finish dialog (either one).
BOOL g_bIEAKBuild = FALSE; const TCHAR* const g_szBadFilenameChars = TEXT("!@#$%^&*(){}[]+=,;:?/\\'\"`~|<>. "); const TCHAR* const g_szBadLongServiceNameChars = TEXT("*/\\:?\"<>|[]"); const TCHAR* const c_pszDoNotShowLcidMisMatchDialog = TEXT("DoNotShowLcidMisMatchDialog");
TCHAR g_szInfFile[MAX_PATH+1]; // full path/filename of working inf file
TCHAR g_szCmakdir[MAX_PATH+1]; // full path of working inf file (includes ending slash)
TCHAR g_szOsdir[MAX_PATH+1]; // full path of platform branch (includes ending slash)
TCHAR g_szSedFile[MAX_PATH+1]; // full path of working sed file
TCHAR g_szCmsFile[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szCmpFile[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szSupportDir[MAX_PATH+1]; // full path of support files are located
TCHAR g_szTempDir[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szLastBrowsePath[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
TCHAR g_szShortServiceName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szLongServiceName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szBrandBmp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szPhoneBmp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szLargeIco[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szSmallIco[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szTrayIco[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szPhonebk[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szRegion[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szHelp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szOutdir[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szUrl[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szOutExe[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szSvcMsg[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szPrefix[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szSuffix[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szLicense[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szPhoneName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szAppTitle[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szCmProxyFile[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szCmRouteFile[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szVpnFile[MAX_PATH+1];
BOOL g_bNewProfile = TRUE; BOOL g_bUseTunneling = FALSE; BOOL g_bUseSamePwd = FALSE; BOOL g_bUpdatePhonebook = FALSE; BOOL g_bPresharedKeyNeeded = FALSE;
#ifdef _WIN64
BOOL g_bIncludeCmCode = FALSE; // don't include CM code on IA64
TCHAR g_szCmBinsTempDir[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; BOOL g_bIncludeCmCode = TRUE; #endif
HINSTANCE g_hInstance;
ListBxList * g_pHeadDunEntry=NULL; ListBxList * g_pTailDunEntry=NULL;
ListBxList * g_pHeadVpnEntry=NULL; ListBxList * g_pTailVpnEntry=NULL;
ListBxList * g_pHeadProfile=NULL; ListBxList * g_pTailProfile=NULL; ListBxList * g_pHeadExtra=NULL; ListBxList * g_pTailExtra=NULL; ListBxList * g_pHeadMerge=NULL; ListBxList * g_pTailMerge=NULL; ListBxList * g_pHeadRefs=NULL; ListBxList * g_pTailRefs=NULL; ListBxList * g_pHeadRename=NULL; ListBxList * g_pTailRename=NULL;
CustomActionList* g_pCustomActionList = NULL;
IconMenu * g_pHeadIcon; IconMenu * g_pTailIcon;
IconMenu DlgEditItem; //global used to pass info to/from dialogs
// Function: TextIsRoundTripable
// Synopsis: Tests to see if the passed in text is convertables from Unicode
// to ANSI and then back to Unicode again. If so returns TRUE,
// else FALSE.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszCharBuffer - string to test
// BOOL bDisplayError - whether to display an error message or not
// if the text isn't roundtripable
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the roundtrip was success
// History: quintinb Created Header 6/16/99
BOOL TextIsRoundTripable(LPCTSTR pszCharBuffer, BOOL bDisplayError) {
LPWSTR pszUnicodeBuffer = NULL; BOOL bRoundTrip = FALSE;
if (pszCharBuffer) { LPSTR pszAnsiBuffer = WzToSzWithAlloc(pszCharBuffer);
if (pszAnsiBuffer) { pszUnicodeBuffer = SzToWzWithAlloc(pszAnsiBuffer); if (pszUnicodeBuffer && (0 == lstrcmp(pszCharBuffer, pszUnicodeBuffer))) { //
// Then we were able to round trip the strings successfully
// Set bRoundTrip to TRUE so that we don't throw an error.
bRoundTrip = TRUE; }
CmFree(pszUnicodeBuffer); CmFree(pszAnsiBuffer); }
if (!bRoundTrip && bDisplayError) { //
// Throw an error message.
LPTSTR pszTmp = CmLoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CANNOT_ROUNDTRIP);
if (pszTmp) { DWORD dwSize = lstrlen(pszTmp) + lstrlen(pszCharBuffer) + 1; LPTSTR pszMsg = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(dwSize*sizeof(TCHAR));
if (pszMsg) { wsprintf(pszMsg, pszTmp, pszCharBuffer); MessageBox(NULL, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); CmFree(pszMsg); }
CmFree(pszTmp); } } }
return bRoundTrip; }
// Function: GetTextFromControl
// Synopsis: This is a wrapper function that sends a WM_GETTEXT message to
// the control specified by the input parameters. Once the text
// is retrieved from the control, we convert it to ANSI and then
// back to UNICODE so that we can compare the original Unicode
// string to the round-tripped string. If these are not equal we
// throw an error message, if bDisplayError is TRUE, and return
// a failure value (-1). It is up to the caller to take appropriate
// behavior (preventing the user from continuing, etc.)
// Arguments: IN HWND hDlg - HWND of the dialog the control is on
// IN int nCtrlId - ID of the control to get text from
// OUT LPTSTR pszCharBuffer - out buffer to hold the returned TEXT
// IN DWORD dwCharInBuffer - numbers of chars in out buffer
// BOOL bDisplayError - if TRUE display an error message if
// the text isn't roundtripable
// Returns: LONG - the number of chars copied to the output buffer or -1 on error
// History: quintinb Created 6/15/99
LRESULT GetTextFromControl(IN HWND hDlg, IN int nCtrlId, OUT LPTSTR pszCharBuffer, IN DWORD dwCharInBuffer, BOOL bDisplayError) { LRESULT lResult = 0;
if (hDlg && nCtrlId && pszCharBuffer && dwCharInBuffer) { lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, nCtrlId, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)dwCharInBuffer, (LPARAM)pszCharBuffer); #ifdef UNICODE
// We want to make sure that we can convert the strings to MBCS. If we cannot then we are not
// going to be able to store the string in the our ANSI data files (.cms, .cmp, .inf, etc.).
// Thus we need to convert the string to MBCS and then back to UNICODE. We will then compare the original
// string to the resultant string and see if they match.
if (TEXT('\0') != pszCharBuffer[0]) { if (!TextIsRoundTripable(pszCharBuffer, bDisplayError)) { //
// Set the return code to an error value.
lResult = -1; } } #endif
} else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("Bad Parameter passed to GetTextFromControl!")); }
return lResult; }
// Function: FreeIconMenu
// Synopsis: This function frees the linked list of status area menu icons.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created Header 05/09/00
void FreeIconMenu() { IconMenu * LoopPtr; IconMenu * TmpPtr;
if (g_pHeadIcon == NULL) { return; } LoopPtr = g_pHeadIcon; while( LoopPtr != NULL) { TmpPtr = LoopPtr; LoopPtr = LoopPtr->next;
CmFree(TmpPtr); } g_pHeadIcon = NULL; g_pTailIcon = NULL; }
// Function: ReferencedDownLoad
// Synopsis: This function opens each referenced cms file to check and see if it has a
// PBURL. If so, then this files is considered to do PB downloads and should
// cause the top level profile to run the cmdl connect action.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: BOOL - returns whether referenced profiles need cmdl
// History: quintinb Created 2/2/98
BOOL ReferencedDownLoad() { ListBxList * ptrMergeProfile = NULL; TCHAR szRefCmsFile[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szPbUrl[MAX_PATH+1]; if (NULL == g_pHeadMerge) { return FALSE; } else { //
// Enumerate the referenced profiles to try to find one that has a PBURL field.
ptrMergeProfile = g_pHeadMerge; while (NULL != ptrMergeProfile) { //
// Let's try the profile directory for the merged profile in order to get the most up to date version. This
// is where CMAK will pull it from if available. If not, we will fall back to the one in the temp directory.
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szRefCmsFile) > (UINT)wsprintf(szRefCmsFile, TEXT("%s%s\\%s.cms"), g_szOsdir, ptrMergeProfile->szName, ptrMergeProfile->szName));
if (!FileExists(szRefCmsFile)) { //
// Next check to see if the merged cms file exists in the temp dir
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szRefCmsFile) > (UINT)wsprintf(szRefCmsFile, TEXT("%s\\%s.cms"), g_szTempDir, ptrMergeProfile->szName)); }
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspUrl, TEXT(""), szPbUrl, MAX_PATH, szRefCmsFile); //lint !e534
if (TEXT('\0') != szPbUrl[0]) { //
// Only takes one phonebook with a URL to enable referenced downloads
return TRUE; }
ptrMergeProfile = ptrMergeProfile->next; }
return FALSE; }
// Function: SetWindowLongWrapper
// Synopsis: This function is an error checking wrapper for the Windows API
// SetWindowLong. This function returns the value that is being
// overwritten by this call (if you set a the window long to a value
// you are overwriting the previous value that it contained. This
// previous value is the value returned by the API). If there is an
// error then this function returns 0. However, the previous value
// could have been 0. The only way to distinguish the two cases (an
// actual error and the previous value being zero) is to call SetLastError
// with a zero value. Then you can call GetLastError after the call and if
// the returned error code isn't zero then we know we have an error. All
// of this functionality is combined in this function.
// Arguments: HWND hWnd - handle of window to set the long var in
// int nIndex - offset of value to set
// LONG dwNewLong - new value
// Returns: BOOL - Returns TRUE if the call succeeded
// History: quintinb Created 1/7/98
BOOL SetWindowLongWrapper(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG dwNewLong ) { DWORD dwError;
SetLastError(0); SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, nIndex, (LONG_PTR)dwNewLong); //lint !e534
dwError = GetLastError();
return (0 == dwError);
} //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CopyFileWrapper
// Synopsis: Bundles disk full Error Handling with standard CopyFile functionality
// Arguments: lpExistingFileName -- source file of copy
// lpNewFileName -- destination file of copy
// bFailIfExists -- flag to tell copy to fail if file already exists
// Assumptions: This function assumes that the two filename parameters contain the
// fully qualified path to the source and destination files.
// Returns: TRUE if copy was sucessful, FALSE on an error
// History: quintinb created 11/7/97
BOOL CopyFileWrapper(LPCTSTR lpExistingFileName, LPCTSTR lpNewFileName, BOOL bFailIfExists) {
DWORD dwError; int nMessageReturn = 0; TCHAR szMsg[2*MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1];
do {
if (!CopyFile(lpExistingFileName, lpNewFileName, bFailIfExists)) { //
// The CopyFile failed, best check error codes
dwError = GetLastError();
switch(dwError) {
if (0 == GetFilePath(lpNewFileName, szPath)) { _tcscpy(szPath, lpNewFileName); }
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_DISKFULL, szTemp, MAX_PATH)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szMsg) > (UINT)wsprintf(szMsg, szTemp, szPath));
nMessageReturn = MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_RETRYCANCEL | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); if (nMessageReturn != IDRETRY) { return FALSE; } break;
default: //
// Replaces the functionality of the FileAccessErr function so all the file
// errors are trapped in one place. This function still exits for special
// cases.
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_NOACCESS, szTemp, MAX_PATH)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szMsg) > (UINT)wsprintf(szMsg, szTemp, lpNewFileName));
MessageBox(NULL ,szMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_TOPMOST );
return FALSE; } } else { nMessageReturn = 0; }
} while (IDRETRY == nMessageReturn);
return TRUE;
// Function: CheckDiskSpaceForCompression
// Synopsis: Checks to see if there is sufficient disk space for compressing
// the files listed in the passed in sed file. To do this, uses a simplistic
// algorithm of adding up the disk space used by all the files listed in the
// strings section of the SED file, under the FILE<num> entries. If there is
// at least dwBytes (space taken up by all the files in the SED) of space left
// on the partition containing the SED file, then the function returns true.
// Otherwise false is returned, indicating that there may not be enough space left.
// Arguments: szSed -- the full path to the SED file to look for filenames in
// Returns: TRUE if sufficient space to continue, FALSE if not sure or probably
// not enough
// Assumptions: That the partition we are checking for diskspace on is the partition of
// the current directory.
// History: quintinb created 11/10/97
BOOL CheckDiskSpaceForCompression (LPCTSTR szSed) { TCHAR szKey[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD dwBytes = 0; DWORD dwChars; //
// Calculate the amount of space taken up by the files listed in the SED
int nCount = 0; do { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szKey) > (UINT)wsprintf(szKey, TEXT("FILE%d"), nCount));
dwChars = GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, szKey, TEXT(""), szFileName, MAX_PATH, szSed); if (0 != dwChars) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { dwBytes += GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); MYVERIFY(0 != CloseHandle(hFile)); } }
nCount++; } while (0 != dwChars);
// Now that we know how much space the files in the SED take up, we should see how much space is on
// the partition.
DWORD dwFreeClusters; DWORD dwBytesPerSector; DWORD dwSectorsPerCluster; DWORD dwTotalClusters; DWORD dwModulus; if (GetDiskFreeSpace(NULL, &dwSectorsPerCluster, &dwBytesPerSector, &dwFreeClusters, &dwTotalClusters)) { //
// Because dwSectorsPerCluster*dwBytesPerSector*dwFreeClusters could very easily
// overflow a 32 bit value, we will calculate the total size of the files to compress
// in clusters (dwBytes/(dwSectorsPerCluster*dwBytesPerSector)) and compare
// against the dwFreeClusters value.
DWORD dwSizeInSectors = dwBytes / dwBytesPerSector; dwModulus = dwBytes % dwBytesPerSector;
if (dwModulus) { dwSizeInSectors++; // we want to round up if it didn't divide evenly
DWORD dwSizeInClusters = dwSizeInSectors / dwSectorsPerCluster; dwModulus = dwSizeInSectors % dwSectorsPerCluster;
if (dwModulus) { dwSizeInClusters++; // we want to round up if it didn't divide evenly
if (dwFreeClusters > dwSizeInClusters) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; }
// Function: ProcessBold
// Synopsis: This function makes the IDC_LBLTITLE static text control bold
// on the WM_INITDIALOG message and releases the bold on WM_DESTROY.
// This function is usually placed at the top of a window procedure
// so that these messages are handled automatically. Note that the
// function doesn't otherwise affect the processing of these messages
// by the original window procedure.
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - dialog window handle to process messages for
// UINT message - message to handle
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created Header 05/09/00
void ProcessBold(HWND hDlg, UINT message) { switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: MYVERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS == MakeBold(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LBLTITLE), TRUE)); break;
case WM_DESTROY: MYVERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS == ReleaseBold(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LBLTITLE))); break; default: break; } }
// Function: SetDefaultGUIFont
// Synopsis: Sets the font of the control to be the Default GUI Font.
// Arguments: hwnd - Window handle of the dialog
// message - message from the dialog box procedure
// cltID - ID of the control you want changed.
// History: 4/31/97 a-frankh Created
// quintinb Renamed from ProcessDBCS and cleaned up
void SetDefaultGUIFont(HWND hDlg, UINT message, int ctlID) { HFONT hFont = NULL;
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: hFont = (HFONT) GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
if (hFont == NULL) { hFont = (HFONT) GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT); }
if (hFont != NULL) { SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ctlID), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFont, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0)); //lint !e534 WM_SETFONT doesn't return anything
break; default: break; }
// Function: IsAlpha
// Synopsis: Determines if the current platform is Alpha.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: static BOOL - TRUE if the current platform is Alpha
// History: nickball Created 10/11/97
static BOOL IsAlpha() { SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
ZeroMemory(&sysinfo, sizeof(sysinfo)); GetSystemInfo(&sysinfo);
return (sysinfo.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ALPHA); }
// Function: ShowMessage
// Synopsis: Simple helper function to handle message display
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - Parent window handle
// int strID - Resource ID of the string to be displayed
// int mbtype - The type of messagebox (MB_OK, etc.)
// Returns: static int - User response to message box
// History: nickball Created Header 10/11/97
// quintinb Changed strID and mbtype to UINTs for LINT 1-5-98
// quintinb Change to use CmLoadString 6/17/99
int ShowMessage(HWND hDlg, UINT strID, UINT mbtype) { int iReturn = 0;
LPTSTR pszMsg = CmLoadString(g_hInstance, strID); if (pszMsg) { iReturn = MessageBox(hDlg, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, mbtype); }
return iReturn; }
// Function: GetFileName
// Synopsis: Get just the filename from a full path and filename
// Arguments: LPCTSTR lpPath - Ptr to the full name and path
// LPTSTR lpFileName - Ptr to the buffer the hold the extracted name
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created Header 10/11/97
// quintinb modified to fix bug with URL's 7-15-98
void GetFileName(LPCTSTR lpPath, LPTSTR lpFileName) { LPTSTR pch;
pch = _tcsrchr(lpPath, _T('\\')); if (NULL == pch) { //
// Catch paths like c:temp.inf
if (_istalpha(lpPath[0]) && (_T(':') == lpPath[1])) //lint !e732
{ pch = (TCHAR*)&(lpPath[1]); } }
if (NULL == pch) { _tcscpy(lpFileName, lpPath); } else { pch = CharNext(pch); _tcscpy(lpFileName, pch); } } //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: GetFilePath
// Synopsis: Get just the full path from a full path and filename
// Arguments: LPCTSTR lpFullPath - Ptr to the full name and path
// LPTSTR lpPath - Ptr to the buffer the hold the extracted path
// Returns: either 0 or the number of chars copied into the return buffer
// History: quintinb Created 11/11/97
int GetFilePath(LPCTSTR lpFullPath, LPTSTR lpPath) { LPTSTR pch;
_tcscpy(lpPath, lpFullPath);
// first find the last \ char in the
// string
pch = _tcsrchr(lpPath,_T('\\'));
// if this is null, look for a path similar to
// c:junk
if (pch == NULL) { pch = _tcsrchr(lpPath,_T(':')); if (NULL != pch) { pch = CharNext(pch); _tcscpy(pch, TEXT("\\")); pch = CharNext(pch); *pch = TEXT('\0'); return _tcslen(lpPath); } else { lpPath[0] = TEXT('\0'); return 0; } } else { *pch = TEXT('\0'); return _tcslen(lpPath);
} }
// Function: GetName
// Synopsis: Extracts filename from a full path and file name and returns a p
// tointer to the result.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR lpPath - Ptr to the full name and path
// Returns: LPTSTR - Ptr to the static buffer containing the result of the extraction.
// History: nickball Created Header 10/11/97
LPTSTR GetName(LPCTSTR lpPath) { static TCHAR szStr[MAX_PATH+1]; GetFileName(lpPath,szStr); return szStr; }
BOOL GetShortFileName(LPTSTR lpFile, LPTSTR lpShortName) { HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1];
GetFileName(lpFile,lpShortName); hFile = FindFirstFile(lpFile,&FindData); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// Not found, try looking from OS dir as the root, because
// the filename may be a relative path from a CMS file entry.
MYVERIFY(0 != GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH,szPath)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(g_szOsdir));
hFile = FindFirstFile(lpFile,&FindData); MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(szPath)); }
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (*FindData.cAlternateFileName) { if (_tcsicmp(lpShortName,FindData.cAlternateFileName) != 0) { _tcscpy(lpShortName,FindData.cAlternateFileName); } } MYVERIFY(0 != FindClose(hFile)); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
// Function: GetBaseName
// Synopsis: Extracts the base filename (no extension) from a full filename
// and path
// Arguments: LPTSTR lpPath - The full path and filename
// LPTSTR lpFileName - The buffer to receive the extracted base name.
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created Header 10/11/97
void GetBaseName(LPTSTR lpPath,LPTSTR lpFileName) { LPTSTR pch;
GetFileName(lpPath, lpFileName);
pch = _tcsrchr(lpFileName, _T('.'));
if (pch) { *pch = TEXT('\0'); } }
// Function: FileAccessErr
// Synopsis: Helper function that handles notification of a file access error
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - Parent window handle
// LPTSTR lpFile - The file that caused the access error.
// Returns: static void - Nothing
// History: nickball Created Header 10/11/97
static void FileAccessErr(HWND hDlg,LPCTSTR lpFile) { TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp2[2*MAX_PATH+1];
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance,IDS_NOACCESS,szMsg,MAX_PATH)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp2) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp2,szMsg,lpFile)); MessageBox(hDlg, szTemp2, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK); }
// Function: VerifyFile
// Synopsis: Given the ID of a dialog box edit control in ctrlID
// Check if user entered in something different than what is contained in lpFile
// If it is different, get the entire path and verify it exists.
// If it doesn't exist and ShowErr = TRUE, display an error message
// Copy the full path to lpFile if exists
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - Window handle of the dialog containing the edit control
// DWORD ctrlID - edit control containing the file to check
// LPTSTR lpFile - Filename to verify (checked against that contained in the control)
// BOOL ShowErr - Whether to show an error message or not
// Returns: BOOL - Return TRUE if the file was verified to exist
// History: quintinb Created Header 1/8/98
BOOL VerifyFile(HWND hDlg, DWORD ctrlID, LPTSTR lpFile, BOOL ShowErr) { TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp2[2*MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1]; int nResult; LPTSTR lpfilename; HANDLE hInf; LRESULT lrNumChars;
lrNumChars = GetTextFromControl(hDlg, ctrlID, szTemp, MAX_PATH, ShowErr); // bDisplayError == ShowErr
// don't check blank entry
if (0 == lrNumChars || 0 == szTemp[0]) { lpFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); return TRUE; } //
// Also check to make sure that we were able to convert the text to ANSI
if (-1 == lrNumChars) { SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ctrlID)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return FALSE; }
// if filename is still the same, ignore entry box
CheckNameChange(lpFile, szTemp);
MYVERIFY(0 != GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szPath));
// Check current directory, if not found, check OS directory as root.
// This handles relative paths from the CMS
nResult = SearchPath(NULL, lpFile, NULL, MAX_PATH, szTemp2, &lpfilename); if (!nResult) { MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(g_szOsdir)); nResult = SearchPath(NULL, lpFile, NULL, MAX_PATH, szTemp2, &lpfilename);
if (!nResult) { goto Error; } }
MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(szPath));
if (hInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto Error; } else { MYVERIFY(0 != CloseHandle(hInf)); } _tcscpy(lpFile,szTemp2);
return TRUE;
Error: _tcscpy(lpFile,szTemp); MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(szPath));
if (ShowErr) { MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_NOEXIST, szMsg, MAX_PATH)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp2) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp2, szMsg, szTemp)); MessageBox(hDlg, szTemp2, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ctrlID));
MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); } return FALSE;
// If has entry but file doesn't exist, blank out entry.
BOOL VerifyPhonebk(HWND hDlg,DWORD ctrlID,LPTSTR lpFile) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp2[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1]; int nResult; LPTSTR lpfilename; HANDLE hInf; LRESULT lrNumChars;
// If the text is not convertable to ANSI then we will catch it on the Next/Back. Thus
// don't try to catch it here, would throw too many error messages at the user.
lrNumChars = GetTextFromControl(hDlg, ctrlID, szTemp, MAX_PATH, FALSE); // bDisplayError == FALSE
// don't check blank entry
if (0 == lrNumChars || 0 == szTemp[0]) { lpFile[0] = 0; return TRUE; }
// if filename is still the same, don't check
MYVERIFY(0 != GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH,szPath));
MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(g_szOsdir));
nResult = SearchPath(NULL,lpFile,NULL,MAX_PATH,szTemp2,&lpfilename); if (!nResult) { goto Error; }
MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(szPath));
if (hInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto Error; } else { MYVERIFY(0 != CloseHandle(hInf)); } _tcscpy(lpFile,szTemp2); // SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ctrlID), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)lpFile);
return TRUE; Error:
lpFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ctrlID), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)lpFile)); return FALSE;
// If user entered in a new filename, copy it to lpnew
void CheckNameChange(LPTSTR lpold, LPTSTR lpnew) { //
// if filename changed or if new name contains directories, copy new to old
if ((_tcsicmp(GetName(lpold), lpnew) != 0) || (_tcschr(lpnew, TEXT('\\')) != NULL)) { _tcscpy(lpold, lpnew); } }
// Function: WriteRegStringValue
// Synopsis: Wrapper function to encapsulate opening a key for write access and
// then setting a string value. Assumes the string is NULL terminated.
// Arguments: HKEY hBaseKey - base key, HKCU/HKLM/etc.
// LPCTSTR pszKeyName - subkey name
// LPCTSTR pszValueName - Value name to write
// LPCTSTR pszValueToWrite - Value data string to write
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if successful
// History: quintinb Created 6/15/99
BOOL WriteRegStringValue(HKEY hBaseKey, LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszValueName, LPCTSTR pszValueToWrite) { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwSize; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
if (hBaseKey && pszKeyName && pszValueName && pszValueToWrite && TEXT('\0') != pszKeyName[0] && TEXT('\0') != pszValueName[0]) // pszValueToWrite could be empty
LONG lReturn = RegOpenKeyEx(hBaseKey, pszKeyName, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lReturn) { dwSize = (lstrlen(pszValueToWrite) +1)*sizeof(TCHAR);
lReturn = RegSetValueEx(hKey, pszValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pszValueToWrite, dwSize); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lReturn) { bReturn = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); } }
return bReturn; }
// check to see if the original CMAK installtion directory exists and
// contains the language directories.
// Function: EraseTempDir
// Synopsis: This function deletes all the files in the tempdir (stored in the global g_szTempDir)
// then changes directories to the CMAK dir (stored in the global g_szCmakdir). From
// there the temp dir is deleted.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the temp dir was deleted
// History: quintinb Created Header 1/5/98
// quintinb changed return type to a BOOL
BOOL EraseTempDir() { SHFILEOPSTRUCT FileOp; ZeroMemory(&FileOp, sizeof(SHFILEOPSTRUCT));
// First save a copy of the file
FileOp.wFunc = FO_DELETE; FileOp.pFrom = g_szTempDir; FileOp.fFlags = FOF_NOERRORUI | FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION;
int iRet = SHFileOperation (&FileOp); // return 0 on success
return (iRet ? FALSE : TRUE); }
// copies service profile information from the CMAK directory to the
// temporary directory
static BOOL CopyToTempDir(LPTSTR szName) { HANDLE hCopyFileSearch; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; BOOL bCopyResult; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1];
MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(g_szCmakdir)); if (!CreateDirectory(g_szTempDir,NULL)) { return FALSE; } if (TEXT('\0') == szName[0]) { return TRUE; }
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s"), g_szOsdir, szName));
if (!SetCurrentDirectory(szTemp)) { return FALSE; }
hCopyFileSearch = FindFirstFile(c_pszWildCard,&FindData); if (hCopyFileSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ((FindData.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szTempDir, FindData.cFileName)); //
MYVERIFY(0 != SetFileAttributes(FindData.cFileName,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)); if (!CopyFileWrapper(FindData.cFileName,szTemp,FALSE)) { return FALSE; }
bCopyResult = FindNextFile(hCopyFileSearch,&FindData);
} while (TRUE == bCopyResult); }
MYVERIFY(0 != FindClose(hCopyFileSearch)); return TRUE; }
// Function: GetInfVersion
// Synopsis: Opens the inf file and tries to get the InfVersion key from the CMAK Status
// section. If the inf file doesn't contain a version stamp then we know it is
// version 0 (1.0 and 1.1 releases).
// Arguments: LPTSTR szFullPathToInfFile - the full path the the inf file to get the version of
// Returns: int - returns the version value or zero if one wasn't found.
// History: quintinb Created 3/4/98
int GetInfVersion(LPTSTR szFullPathToInfFile) { if ((NULL == szFullPathToInfFile) || (TEXT('\0') == szFullPathToInfFile[0])) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("GetInfVersion -- Invalid InfPath Input.")); return FALSE; }
return ((int)GetPrivateProfileInt(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszInfVersion, 0, szFullPathToInfFile)); }
// Function: WriteInfVersion
// Synopsis: Opens the inf file and writes the current INF file version to the Cmak Status section.
// Arguments: LPTSTR szFullPathToInfFile - the full path the the inf file to get the version of
// Returns: Returns TRUE if able to write the value
// History: quintinb Created 3/4/98
BOOL WriteInfVersion(LPTSTR szFullPathToInfFile, int iVersion) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1];
if ((NULL == szFullPathToInfFile) || (TEXT('\0') == szFullPathToInfFile[0])) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("WriteInfVersion -- Invalid InfPath Input.")); return FALSE; }
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%d"), iVersion));
return (0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszInfVersion, szTemp, szFullPathToInfFile)); }
// Function: UpgradeInf
// Synopsis: This function upgrades and INF from an older version to the current
// version.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR szRenamedInfFile - Filename to save the old INF to
// LPCTSTR szFullPathToInfFile - Profile INF file
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if successful
// History: quintinb Created Header 7/31/98
BOOL UpgradeInf(LPCTSTR szRenamedInfFile, LPCTSTR szFullPathToInfFile) { SHFILEOPSTRUCT FileOp; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD dwSize; TCHAR* pszBuffer = NULL; const int NUMSECTIONS = 3; const TCHAR* const aszSectionName[NUMSECTIONS] = { c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszExtraFiles, c_pszMergeProfiles }; const int NUMKEYS = 4; const TCHAR* const aszKeyName[NUMKEYS] = { c_pszCmEntryServiceName, c_pszShortSvcName, c_pszUninstallAppTitle, c_pszDesktopIcon };
ZeroMemory(&FileOp, sizeof(SHFILEOPSTRUCT));
// First save a copy of the file
FileOp.wFunc = FO_COPY; FileOp.pFrom = szFullPathToInfFile; FileOp.pTo = szRenamedInfFile; FileOp.fFlags = FOF_NOERRORUI | FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION;
if (0 != SHFileOperation (&FileOp)) { return FALSE; } //
// First Copy the template.inf from the lang dir so that we have something to work from
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szSupportDir, c_pszTemplateInf)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != CopyFileWrapper(szTemp, szFullPathToInfFile, FALSE)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetFileAttributes(szFullPathToInfFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL));
// now migrate the [CMAK Status], [Extra Files], [Merge Profiles] sections
for (int i=0; i < NUMSECTIONS; i++) { pszBuffer = GetPrivateProfileSectionWithAlloc(aszSectionName[i], szRenamedInfFile); if (pszBuffer) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileSection(aszSectionName[i], pszBuffer, szFullPathToInfFile)); } }
// Free the allocated Buffer
CmFree(pszBuffer); pszBuffer = NULL;
// Migrate the ServiceName, ShortSvcName, DesktopGUID, UninstallAppTitle, DesktopIcon values
// from the strings section.
for (i=0; i < NUMKEYS; i++) { dwSize = GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, aszKeyName[i], TEXT(""), szTemp, MAX_PATH, szRenamedInfFile); if (0 != dwSize) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, aszKeyName[i], szTemp, szFullPathToInfFile)); } }
// Special Case for the Desktop GUID. We always write Quotes around the GUID and these get
// stripped by the reading routine. Thus we need to add them back.
dwSize = GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszDesktopGuid, TEXT(""), szTemp, MAX_PATH, szRenamedInfFile); if (0 != dwSize) { QS_WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszDesktopGuid, szTemp, szFullPathToInfFile); }
// The follwing sections should get rewritten and won't need to be migrated.
// [Xnstall.AddReg.Icon]
// [RegisterOCXSection], [Xnstall.CopyFiles], [Xnstall.CopyFiles.SingleUser], [Xnstall.CopyFiles.ICM],
// [Remove.DelFiles.ICM], [SourceDisksFiles], [Xnstall.RenameReg],
// [Remove.DelFiles]
return TRUE;
// Function: EnsureInfIsCurrent
// Synopsis: This function does whatever processing is necessary to upgrade the inf from
// its current version to the current version of CMAK itself.
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - window handle of the dialog box for modal messagebox purposes.
// LPTSTR szFullPathToInfFile - the full path the the inf file to get the version of
// Returns: BOOL - return TRUE if the inf was successfully upgraded, otherwise FALSE
// History: quintinb Created 3/4/98
BOOL EnsureInfIsCurrent(HWND hDlg, LPTSTR szFullPathToInfFile) {
int iInfVersion; TCHAR szRenamedInfFile[2*MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTitle[2*MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szMsg[2*MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; BOOL bUpgradeProfile = FALSE;
if ((NULL == szFullPathToInfFile) || (TEXT('\0') == szFullPathToInfFile[0])) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("EnsureInfIsCurrent -- Invalid InfPath Input.")); return FALSE; }
iInfVersion = GetInfVersion(szFullPathToInfFile);
ZeroMemory(szRenamedInfFile, sizeof(szRenamedInfFile));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szRenamedInfFile) > (UINT)wsprintf(szRenamedInfFile, TEXT("%s.bak"), szFullPathToInfFile));
// We want to upgrade the inf if the Profile versions don't match. We also have
// a special case to handle upgrading NT5 Beta3 (and IEAK) profiles to NT5 RTM
// profiles. In order to fix NTRAID 323721 and 331446, the inf format had to change
// slightly thus we need to make sure to upgrade these profiles. We will use any
// cmdial32.dll build prior to 2055 as needing this fix. If version == 4 and the BuildNumber
// doesn't exist we assume it is a new profile. Thus don't upgrade.
const DWORD c_dwBuild2080 = ((2080 << c_iShiftAmount) + VER_PRODUCTBUILD_QFE); DWORD dwProfileBuildNumber = (DWORD)GetPrivateProfileInt(c_pszSectionCmDial32, c_pszVerBuild, (c_dwBuild2080 + 1), szFullPathToInfFile);
bUpgradeProfile = (iInfVersion != PROFILEVERSION) || ((4 == iInfVersion) && (c_dwBuild2080 > dwProfileBuildNumber));
// Always grab most of the information out of the template so that we get the correct language
// info.
if (bUpgradeProfile) { MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_MUST_UPGRADE_INF, szTitle, 2*MAX_PATH)); // temporarily use szTitle
GetFileName(szRenamedInfFile, szTemp); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szMsg) > (UINT)wsprintf(szMsg, szTitle, szTemp));
MYVERIFY(IDOK == MessageBox(hDlg, szMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK | MB_APPLMODAL)); return UpgradeInf(szRenamedInfFile, szFullPathToInfFile); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CopyFromTempDir(LPTSTR szName) { HANDLE hCopyFileSearch; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; BOOL bCopyResult; TCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szOut[MAX_PATH+1];
// Create profile directory
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szOut) > (UINT)wsprintf(szOut, TEXT("%s%s"), g_szOsdir, szName));
if (0 == SetCurrentDirectory(szOut)) { MYVERIFY(0 != CreateDirectory(szOut,NULL)); }
MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(g_szTempDir));
hCopyFileSearch = FindFirstFile(c_pszWildCard, &FindData);
if (hCopyFileSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (0 == (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, TEXT("%s\\%s"), szOut, FindData.cFileName));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szSource) > (UINT)wsprintf(szSource, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szTempDir, FindData.cFileName)); if (!CopyFileWrapper(szSource, szDest, FALSE)) { return FALSE; } } bCopyResult = FindNextFile(hCopyFileSearch, &FindData);
} while (bCopyResult == TRUE); }
MYVERIFY(0 != FindClose(hCopyFileSearch));
return TRUE; }
// Function: LoadServiceProfiles
// Synopsis: This function loads all the service profiles in the subdirectories
// of the current directory (thus you set this to c:\program files\cmak\profiles-32
// to have it load the normal profiles). The profiles are loaded into
// CMAK's internal linked list of available profiles to edit.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created Header 6/24/98
// quintinb removed two boolean arguments 6/24/98
void LoadServiceProfiles() { WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; HANDLE hFileSearch; HANDLE hCms; BOOL bResult; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1];
hFileSearch = FindFirstFile(c_pszWildCard,&FindData); if (hFileSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ((FindData.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s.cms"), FindData.cFileName, FindData.cFileName)); //
// If we can open the file, add a record to our profile list
hCms = CreateFile(szTemp,GENERIC_READ,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); if (hCms != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { MYVERIFY(0 != CloseHandle(hCms)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != createListBxRecord(&g_pHeadProfile, &g_pTailProfile, (void *)NULL, 0, FindData.cFileName)); } }
bResult = FindNextFile(hFileSearch, &FindData);
} while (TRUE == bResult);
MYVERIFY(0 != FindClose(hFileSearch)); } }
// Function: CopyNonLocalProfile
// Synopsis: Helper function to handle details of copying an external profile
// to the local CMAK layout.
// Arguments: pszName - The name of the profile to be copied
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball - created - 11/16/97
// quintinb - modified to not change directory -- 6/24/98
void CopyNonLocalProfile(LPCTSTR pszName, LPCTSTR pszExistingProfileDir) { WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szProfileDestDir[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szOldInf[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFindFilePath[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTempDest[MAX_PATH+1]; BOOL bCopyResult; HANDLE hCopyFileSearch; //
// First determine if it exists already, we don't want to overwrite
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s\\%s\\%s.cms"), g_szCmakdir, c_pszProfiles, pszName, pszName));
if (!FileExists(szTemp)) { //
// Profile does not exist locally, create profile and platform sub-dirs
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szProfileDestDir) > (UINT)wsprintf(szProfileDestDir, TEXT("%s%s\\%s"), g_szCmakdir, c_pszProfiles, pszName));
MYVERIFY(0 != CreateDirectory(szProfileDestDir, NULL));
// First try to copy the inf from the system directory. This is the old location.
// If it doesn't exist here, then we will pick it up when we copy the profile directory, so
// don't report an error on failure.
MYVERIFY(0 != GetSystemDirectory(szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp))); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szOldInf) > (UINT)wsprintf(szOldInf, TEXT("%s\\%s.inf"), szTemp, pszName)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s.inf"), szProfileDestDir, pszName));
if (FileExists(szOldInf)) { MYVERIFY(0 != CopyFile(szOldInf, szTemp, FALSE)); }
// Start copying files
MYVERIFY (CELEMS(szFindFilePath) > (UINT)wsprintf(szFindFilePath, TEXT("%s\\*.*"), pszExistingProfileDir));
hCopyFileSearch = FindFirstFile(szFindFilePath, &FindData); if (hCopyFileSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ((FindData.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { MYVERIFY (CELEMS(szTempDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTempDest, TEXT("%s\\%s"), szProfileDestDir, FindData.cFileName));
MYVERIFY (CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), pszExistingProfileDir, FindData.cFileName));
MYVERIFY(0 != CopyFile(szTemp, szTempDest, FALSE)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetFileAttributes(szTempDest, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)); }
bCopyResult = FindNextFile(hCopyFileSearch,&FindData);
} while (TRUE == bCopyResult);
MYVERIFY(0 != FindClose(hCopyFileSearch)); }
//4404 - don't copy .cmp with user information in it. always create new.
} }
// Function: GetProfileDirAndShortSvcNameFromCmpFilePath
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: IN LPCTSTR szCmpFileLocation - Cmp File location of the profile
// OUT LPTSTR pszShortServiceName - returns the ShortServiceName of the profile
// OUT LPTSTR pszProfileDirLocation - returns the Full path to the profile dir
// IN UINT uiStrLen - Length of the buffer pointed to by pszProfileDirLocation
// in characters.
// Returns: TRUE if successful
// History: quintinb Created 6/24/98
BOOL GetProfileDirAndShortSvcNameFromCmpFilePath(IN LPCTSTR pszCmpFileLocation, OUT LPTSTR pszShortServiceName, OUT LPTSTR pszProfileDirLocation, IN UINT uiStrLen) { //
// Check Inputs
MYDBGASSERT(pszCmpFileLocation); MYDBGASSERT(pszProfileDirLocation); MYDBGASSERT(pszShortServiceName); MYDBGASSERT(0 != uiStrLen); MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != pszCmpFileLocation[0]);
if ((NULL == pszCmpFileLocation) || (TEXT('\0') == pszCmpFileLocation[0]) || (NULL == pszProfileDirLocation) || (NULL == pszShortServiceName) || (0 == uiStrLen) ) { return FALSE; }
// Split the input cmp path
CFileNameParts FileParts(pszCmpFileLocation);
// Construct the cms path from the cmp path parts
MYVERIFY(uiStrLen > (UINT)wsprintf(pszProfileDirLocation, TEXT("%s%s%s"), FileParts.m_Drive, FileParts.m_Dir, FileParts.m_FileName));
// Short Service Names are 8.3
MYVERIFY(9 > (UINT)wsprintf(pszShortServiceName, TEXT("%s"), FileParts.m_FileName));
return TRUE; }
// Function: CopyInstalledProfilesForCmakToEdit
// Synopsis: This function finds all the installed profiles that a user has
// access to and copies them to the CMAK\Profiles-32 directory so
// the user may edit them in CMAK. To do this it enumerates both
// the HKLM and the current HKCU Connection Manager Mappings keys
// and calls CopyNonLocalProfile on each found profile.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created 6/24/98
void CopyInstalledProfilesForCmakToEdit() { HKEY hKey; HKEY hBaseKey; DWORD dwType; LPTSTR pszCurrentValue = NULL; LPTSTR pszCurrentData = NULL; TCHAR szShortServiceName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szCurrentProfileDirPath[MAX_PATH+1]; LPTSTR pszExpandedPath = NULL;
for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) { //
// First Load the Single User Profiles (we want to give preference to loading these if
// they happen to have it installed both all user and single user)
if (0 == i) { hBaseKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; } else { hBaseKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hBaseKey, c_pszRegCmMappings, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey)) { DWORD dwValueBufSize = 0; DWORD dwDataBufSize = 0;
// figure out how big the buffers need to be
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwValueBufSize, &dwDataBufSize, NULL, NULL)) {
// Increment the count we got back to include the terminating NULL char
dwValueBufSize++; dwDataBufSize += 2; // this is in bytes
// allocate the space we need
pszCurrentValue = (LPTSTR) CmMalloc(dwValueBufSize * sizeof(TCHAR)); pszCurrentData = (LPTSTR) CmMalloc(dwDataBufSize);
CMASSERTMSG(pszCurrentValue && pszCurrentData, TEXT("CopyInstalledProfilesForCmakToEdit -- CmMalloc failed allocating value and data buffers.")); if (pszCurrentValue && pszCurrentData) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwValueSize = dwValueBufSize; // only used for the in/out param
DWORD dwDataSize = dwDataBufSize; // only used for the in/out param
while (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumValue(hKey, dwIndex, pszCurrentValue, &dwValueSize, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pszCurrentData, &dwDataSize)) { if (REG_SZ == dwType) { MYDBGASSERT(0 != pszCurrentValue[0]); MYDBGASSERT(0 != pszCurrentData[0]); //
// Expand environment strings if necessary (single user profiles contain the
// %USERPROFILE% environment var).
DWORD dwDataSizeExpanded = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(pszCurrentData, NULL, 0);
CMASSERTMSG((dwDataSizeExpanded != 0), TEXT("CopyInstalledProfilesForCmakToEdit -- Error expanding environment vars."));
if (dwDataSizeExpanded) { pszExpandedPath = (LPTSTR) CmMalloc(dwDataSizeExpanded * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (NULL != pszExpandedPath) { DWORD dwTmp = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(pszCurrentData, pszExpandedPath, dwDataSizeExpanded); MYDBGASSERT(dwTmp == dwDataSizeExpanded);
if (dwTmp) { MYVERIFY(0 != GetProfileDirAndShortSvcNameFromCmpFilePath(pszExpandedPath, szShortServiceName, szCurrentProfileDirPath, CELEMS(szCurrentProfileDirPath)));
MYDBGASSERT(0 != szCurrentProfileDirPath[0]); MYDBGASSERT(0 != szShortServiceName[0]);
CopyNonLocalProfile(szShortServiceName, szCurrentProfileDirPath); }
CmFree(pszExpandedPath); } } }
dwValueSize = dwValueBufSize; dwDataSize = dwDataBufSize; dwIndex++; }
CmFree(pszCurrentValue); CmFree(pszCurrentData); } } MYVERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCloseKey(hKey)); } } }
// Function: GetLangFromInfTemplate
// Synopsis: Wrote to replace GetLangFromDir. This function gets the LCID value
// from an inf and then calls GetLocaleInfo to get the Language Display
// name.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR szFullInfPath - full path to the inf file
// OUT LPTSTR pszLanguageDisplayName - out param to hold the display name of the LCID value
// IN int iCharsInBuffer - number of chars in the out buffer
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if successful
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/8/98
BOOL GetLangFromInfTemplate(LPCTSTR szFullInfPath, OUT LPTSTR pszLanguageDisplayName, IN int iCharsInBuffer) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1] = TEXT("");
MYDBGASSERT(NULL != szFullInfPath); MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != szFullInfPath[0]); MYDBGASSERT(NULL != pszLanguageDisplayName); MYDBGASSERT(0 < iCharsInBuffer);
if (FileExists(szFullInfPath)) { //
// First check for the new LCID location under strings, we shouldn't need to
// check both places because it is template.inf but we will anyway just for
// completeness.
if (0 == GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszCmLCID, TEXT(""), szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), szFullInfPath)) { //
// If the new key didn't exist, then try the old [Intl] section and
// display key. The change was made during the CMAK Unicode changes to
// make the inf template easier to localize.
MYVERIFY(0 != GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszIntl, c_pszDisplay, TEXT(""), szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), szFullInfPath)); }
// Now try to extract the LCID from the string if we have one.
if (TEXT('\0') != szTemp[0]) { //
// This value should be an LCID so a negative value is invalid anyway
DWORD dwLang = (DWORD)_ttol(szTemp); int nResult = GetLocaleInfo(dwLang, LOCALE_SLANGUAGE | LOCALE_USE_CP_ACP, pszLanguageDisplayName, iCharsInBuffer);
if (0 == nResult) { ZeroMemory(pszLanguageDisplayName, sizeof(TCHAR)*iCharsInBuffer); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("GetLangFromInfTemplate can't find %s"), szFullInfPath); }
return FALSE; }
// Function: GetLocalizedLanguageNameFromLCID
// Synopsis: This function returns the language name of the given LCID in the
// language of the current system default language.
// Arguments: DWORD dwLCID - Locale Identifier to get the language for
// Returns: LPTSTR - returns NULL if unsuccessful, a pointer to the string
// otherwise. The Caller is responsible for CmFree-ing it.
// History: quintinb Created 6/17/99
LPTSTR GetLocalizedLanguageNameFromLCID(DWORD dwLCID) { LPTSTR pszReturnString = NULL; LPTSTR pszTmp = NULL;
if (dwLCID) { int nCharsNeeded = GetLocaleInfo(dwLCID, LOCALE_SLANGUAGE, NULL, 0); pszTmp = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(nCharsNeeded*sizeof(TCHAR) + sizeof(TCHAR)); // one extra for the NULL
if (pszTmp) { nCharsNeeded = GetLocaleInfo(dwLCID, LOCALE_SLANGUAGE, pszTmp, nCharsNeeded); if (0 != nCharsNeeded) { pszReturnString = pszTmp; } } }
return pszReturnString; }
// Function: GetDoNotShowLcidMisMatchDialogRegValue
// Synopsis: This function gets the registry key value which stores whether
// the user has checked the box on the Lcids don't match dialog
// displayed by CMAK which says, "Don't show this dialog again".
// Arguments: None
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if cmak should NOT show the dialog or FALSE if it should
// History: quintinb Created 03/22/2001
BOOL GetDoNotShowLcidMisMatchDialogRegValue() { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; HKEY hKey;
LONG lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_pszRegCmak, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult) { DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwDoNotShowDialog = 0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, c_pszDoNotShowLcidMisMatchDialog, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwDoNotShowDialog, &dwSize); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult) { bReturn = (BOOL)dwDoNotShowDialog; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return bReturn; }
// Function: SetDoNotShowLcidMisMatchDialogRegValue
// Synopsis: This function sets the registry key value which stores whether
// the user has checked the box on the Lcids don't match dialog
// displayed by CMAK which says, "Don't show this dialog again".
// Arguments: DWORD dwValueToSet - TRUE or FALSE value that should be set in reg
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the value was set successfully, FALSE otherwise
// History: quintinb Created 03/22/2001
BOOL SetDoNotShowLcidMisMatchDialogRegValue(DWORD dwValueToSet) { HKEY hKey; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
LONG lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_pszRegCmak, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult) { lResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, c_pszDoNotShowLcidMisMatchDialog, NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwValueToSet, sizeof(DWORD)); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult) { bReturn = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return bReturn; }
// Function: ProcessLCIDsDontMatchPopup
// Synopsis: Processes windows messages for the dialog which tells the user they
// have a mismatch between the system locale and the language of CMAK
// itself. Note that we pass in a pointer to the message string containing
// the language names through the lParam parameter.
// Arguments: WND hDlg - dialog window handle
// UINT message - message identifier
// WPARAM wParam - wParam Value
// LPARAM lParam - lParam Value
// History: quintinb Created 03/22/01
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessLCIDsDontMatchPopup(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD dwChecked = 0; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg, message, IDC_MSG); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_LCID_POPUP)) return TRUE;
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG:
// We need to set the text passed through the lParam parameter
// to the IDC_MSG control.
if (lParam) { LPTSTR pszMsg = (LPTSTR)lParam; MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendDlgItemMessage (hDlg, IDC_MSG, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)pszMsg)); }
break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: // Continue
// Get the value of the "Do not show me this dialog again", checkbox
// and save it to the registry
dwChecked = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetDoNotShowLcidMisMatchDialogRegValue(dwChecked));
MYVERIFY(0 != EndDialog(hDlg, IDOK)); return TRUE; break;
case IDCANCEL: // Cancel
MYVERIFY(0 != EndDialog(hDlg, IDCANCEL)); return TRUE; break;
default: break; } break;
default: return FALSE; } return FALSE; }
// Function: DisplayLcidsDoNotMatchDialog
// Synopsis: This function handles the details of displaying the Lcids don't
// match dialog. Including such details as checking the registry
// key to see if the user has already seen the message and asked
// not to see it again, loading the proper string resources, displaying
// the dialog, and processing the user's answer.
// Arguments: HINSTANCE hInstance - Instance handle for resources
// DWORD dwCmakNativeLCID - LCID of CMAK itself
// DWORD dwSystemDefaultLCID - current system LCID
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if cmak should continue, FALSE if it should exit
// History: quintinb Created 03/26/2001
BOOL DisplayLcidsDoNotMatchDialog(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwCmakNativeLCID, DWORD dwSystemDefaultLCID) { //
// If we are in here, then the CMAK LCID and the Default System LCID
// have a different Primary language (Japanese vs English for instance).
// Thus we want to warn the user that they can continue but that the
// language version of CM is potentially going to be different than the
// language version of the text that they are typing into the profile.
// It would probably be a better user experience to use the native version
// of CMAK that makes the language you have set as your default locale.
// First, however, we need to check to see if a registry value exists which
// tells us the user has already seen the dialog and asked not to see it again...
BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
if (FALSE == GetDoNotShowLcidMisMatchDialogRegValue()) { //
// Get the Language Names of the Two LCIDs (sys default and CMAK lang)
LPTSTR pszSystemLanguage = GetLocalizedLanguageNameFromLCID(dwSystemDefaultLCID); LPTSTR pszCmakLanguage = GetLocalizedLanguageNameFromLCID(dwCmakNativeLCID); LPTSTR pszFmtString = CmLoadString(hInstance, IDS_LCIDS_DONT_MATCH);
if (pszSystemLanguage && pszCmakLanguage && pszFmtString) { LPTSTR pszMsg = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(pszSystemLanguage) + lstrlen(pszCmakLanguage) + lstrlen(pszFmtString) + 1));
if (pszMsg) { wsprintf(pszMsg, pszFmtString, pszSystemLanguage, pszCmakLanguage);
if (IDCANCEL == nResult) { bReturn = FALSE; }
CmFree(pszMsg); } }
CmFree(pszSystemLanguage); CmFree(pszCmakLanguage); CmFree(pszFmtString); }
return bReturn; }
// Function: CheckLocalization
// Synopsis: This function checks to make sure that the current default
// system language has a default ANSI code page and that the
// CMAK Native language (what it is localized to) and the current
// default system language are in the same language family. If there
// is no default ANSI code page or the LCIDs of CMAK and the system
// don't match, then we throw an error message.
// Arguments: HINSTANCE hInstance - Instance handle for resources
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if cmak should continue, FALSE if it should exit
// History: quintinb Created 6/25/99
BOOL CheckLocalization(HINSTANCE hInstance) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
// Check localization requirements. We want to make sure that the current system
// default language has an ANSI code page, otherwise we are not going to be
// able to convert the Unicode text that the user types in to anything that we
// can store in our ANSI text data store (ini files).
DWORD dwSystemDefaultLCID = GetSystemDefaultLCID(); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CheckLocalization -- System Default LCID is %u"), dwSystemDefaultLCID);
GetLocaleInfo(dwSystemDefaultLCID, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)); DWORD dwAnsiCodePage = CmAtol(szTemp);
if (0 == dwAnsiCodePage) { //
// Then this LCID has no ANSI code page and we need to throw an error. The user
// will not be able to create a profile without an ANSI codepage of some sort.
int iReturn = ShowMessage(NULL, IDS_NO_ANSI_CODEPAGE, MB_YESNO);
if (IDNO == iReturn) { return FALSE; } } else { //
// We have an ANSI codepage, very good. We want to check and see if the current language the
// user is using is different from that of CMAK itself. If so, then we need to tell the user
// that the language they are entering and the language of the CM bits are different. While this
// is okay, it may not provide the experience they are looking for.
// Get the CMAK Native LCID
CmakVersion CmakVer; DWORD dwCmakNativeLCID = CmakVer.GetNativeCmakLCID(); BOOL bSeenDialog = FALSE;
// Compare the Primary Lang IDs of the language that CMAK is in and the language
// the system locale is set to (this tells us what code page is loaded.
if (!ArePrimaryLangIDsEqual(dwCmakNativeLCID, dwSystemDefaultLCID)) { bReturn = DisplayLcidsDoNotMatchDialog(hInstance, dwCmakNativeLCID, dwSystemDefaultLCID); bSeenDialog = TRUE; }
// Now load the Native CMAK LCID from the CMAK resources. If this doesn't match
// what we got from above we know MUI is involved and we still could have a problem
// as the user may be entering text in a different language then what we are expecting.
if (!bSeenDialog) { MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(hInstance, IDS_NATIVE_LCID, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp))); dwCmakNativeLCID = CmAtol(szTemp);
if (!ArePrimaryLangIDsEqual(dwCmakNativeLCID, dwSystemDefaultLCID)) { bReturn = DisplayLcidsDoNotMatchDialog(hInstance, dwCmakNativeLCID, dwSystemDefaultLCID); } } }
return bReturn; }
// Function: WinMain
// Synopsis: Main function for CMAK. Basically does some initialization and
// then launches the wizard.
// History: quintinb on 8/26/97: made changes to fix bug 10406, see below
// quintinb Created new style Header 3/29/98
int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE, //hInstance
HINSTANCE, //hPrevInstance
LPSTR, //lpCmdLine
int nCmdShow ) { LPTSTR lpfilename; int nresult; TCHAR szSaveDir[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp[2*MAX_PATH+1]; HWND hwndPrev; HWND hwndChild; BOOL bTempDirExists; // added by quintinb, please see comment below
HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); LPTSTR lpCmdLine = GetCommandLine(); DWORD dwFlags; INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX InitCommonControlsExStruct = {0};
g_hInstance = hInstance;
// Process Command Line Arguments
ZeroMemory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)); const DWORD c_dwIeakBuild = 0x1; ArgStruct Args;
Args.pszArgString = TEXT("/o"); Args.dwFlagModifier = c_dwIeakBuild;
{ // Make sure ArgProcessor gets destructed properly and we don't leak mem
CProcessCmdLn ArgProcessor(1, (ArgStruct*)&Args, TRUE, TRUE); //bSkipFirstToken == TRUE, bBlankCmdLnOkay == TRUE
if (ArgProcessor.GetCmdLineArgs(lpCmdLine, &dwFlags, szTemp, 2*MAX_PATH)) { g_bIEAKBuild = dwFlags & c_dwIeakBuild; } }
// Get the name product name from resource, now we're just a lowly component.
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_APP_TITLE, g_szAppTitle, MAX_PATH));
// Check if already executing program by trying to set Mutex
MYVERIFY(NULL != CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, TEXT("spwmutex"))); if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // if error, then must already be in use by first instance
hwndPrev = FindWindow(NULL, c_pszAppCaption); if (!hwndPrev) { // check for error message box
hwndPrev = FindWindow(NULL, g_szAppTitle); if (!hwndPrev) { return CMAK_RETURN_ERROR; } }
// Bring up previous executing copy to the top.
ShowWindow(hwndPrev,SW_SHOWNORMAL); hwndChild = GetLastActivePopup(hwndPrev); MYVERIFY(0 != BringWindowToTop(hwndPrev)); if (IsIconic(hwndPrev)) { ShowWindow(hwndPrev,SW_RESTORE); } if (hwndChild != hwndPrev) { MYVERIFY(0 != BringWindowToTop(hwndChild)); }
MYVERIFY(0 != SetForegroundWindow(hwndChild));
// save off the current instance
g_szPhonebk[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szRegion[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szHelp[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szLicense[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szPhoneName[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szCmProxyFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szCmRouteFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szVpnFile[0] = TEXT('\0');
// SearchPath will return only the ugly filename format of the path.
// On NT, it works
// On 95, it returns upper case form.
nresult = SearchPath(NULL, c_pszCmakExe, NULL, CELEMS(g_szCmakdir), g_szCmakdir, &lpfilename); if (nresult == 0) { FileAccessErr(NULL, c_pszCmakExe); return CMAK_RETURN_ERROR; }
// delete the file name to leave the exe directory
*lpfilename = TEXT('\0');
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegisterBitmapClass(hInstance)) { return CMAK_RETURN_ERROR; }
// Make sure we have a temp directory and then create %TEMP%\cmaktemp
MYVERIFY(0 != GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szSaveDir));
MYVERIFY(0 != GetTempPath(CELEMS(g_szTempDir), g_szTempDir)); // begin changes by quintinb on 8/26/97
// added to handle bug 10406
bTempDirExists = SetCurrentDirectory(g_szTempDir); if (!bTempDirExists) { // temp dir doesn't exist even though the system thinks it does,
// so create it and everybody is happy
MYVERIFY(0 != CreateDirectory(g_szTempDir, NULL)); } // end changes by quintinb on 8/26/97
MYDBGASSERT(_tcslen(g_szTempDir) <= CELEMS(g_szTempDir)); MYVERIFY(0 != CreateDirectory(g_szTempDir,NULL));
// Fill in the path for the support directory, we will need it below
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(g_szSupportDir) > (UINT)wsprintf(g_szSupportDir, TEXT("%s%s"), g_szCmakdir, c_pszSupport));
// Now we need to check that we have compatible versions of cmak.exe and cmbins.exe.
// In the win64 case, we have no cmbins.exe so we use the native cmdial32.dll in
// system32. On x86, we need to open the CM binaries cab and check the version of cmdial32.dll
// to ensure that they are compatible. For instance different versions (5.0 vs 5.1)
// shouldn't work together. We also don't want CMAK to work with
// a cmdial that is of the same version but the cmdial has a lower build number.
#ifdef _WIN64
// On Win64 we are using the native cmdial32.dll in system32
CmVersion CmDialVer; #else
// Extract the CM binaries from the cmbins.exe so that we can get
// the version number from cmdial32.dll and can get the correct version
// of cmstp.exe to put in the cab.
wsprintf(g_szCmBinsTempDir, TEXT("%s\\cmbins"), g_szTempDir); if (FAILED(ExtractCmBinsFromExe(g_szSupportDir, g_szCmBinsTempDir))) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("WinMain -- ExtractCmBinsFromExe Failed.")); return CMAK_RETURN_ERROR; }
wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\cmdial32.dll"), g_szCmBinsTempDir);
CVersion CmDialVer(szTemp); #endif
CmakVersion CmakVer;
if (CmDialVer.IsPresent()) { const DWORD c_dwCmakBuildNumber = VER_PRODUCTBUILD; if ((c_dwCurrentCmakVersionNumber < CmDialVer.GetVersionNumber())) { //
// Then we have a newer version of CM then we know how to handle,
// throw an error and exit
MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(NULL, IDS_CM_TOO_NEW, MB_OK)); g_iCMAKReturnVal = CMAK_RETURN_ERROR; goto exit; } else if ((c_dwCurrentCmakVersionNumber > CmDialVer.GetVersionNumber()) || ((c_dwCurrentCmakVersionNumber == CmDialVer.GetVersionNumber()) && (c_dwCmakBuildNumber > CmDialVer.GetBuildNumber()))) { //
// Then we have a older version of CM then we need,
// throw an error and exit
MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(NULL, IDS_CM_TOO_OLD, MB_OK)); g_iCMAKReturnVal = CMAK_RETURN_ERROR; goto exit; } } else { //
// Then we have no CM bits, lets throw an error
MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(NULL, IDS_NO_CM_BITS, MB_OK)); g_iCMAKReturnVal = CMAK_RETURN_ERROR; goto exit; }
// Setup the profiles path in Temp
g_szShortServiceName[0] = TEXT('\0'); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s"), g_szCmakdir, c_pszProfiles)); if (0 == SetCurrentDirectory(szTemp)) { MYVERIFY(0 != CreateDirectory(szTemp, NULL)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(szTemp)); }
// We need to make sure that the user has Read/Write
// permissions to the Profiles directory. Otherwise they can
// get themselves into the situation where they would build a
// whole profile and lose all of the work because they couldn't
// save it to the output directory (since we work out of the temp
// dir until we actually build the cab itself). NTRAID 372081
// Also note that since this function is shared by cmdial we use
// function pointers (here just the function names themselves)
// for items that cmdial32.dll doesn't statically link to so that
// it can dynamically link to them but still use the same code while
// allowing cmak not to have to do the dynamic link. Quirky but it
// works.
if (!HasSpecifiedAccessToFileOrDir(szTemp, FILE_GENERIC_READ | FILE_GENERIC_WRITE)) { //
// Then we need to throw an error to the user and exit.
LPTSTR pszTmp = CmLoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_INSUFF_PERMS);
if (pszTmp) { DWORD dwSize = lstrlen(pszTmp) + lstrlen(szTemp) + 1; LPTSTR pszMsg = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(dwSize*sizeof(TCHAR));
if (pszMsg) { wsprintf(pszMsg, pszTmp, szTemp); MessageBox(NULL, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); CmFree(pszMsg); }
CmFree(pszTmp); }
g_iCMAKReturnVal = CMAK_RETURN_ERROR; goto exit; }
// Grab all the installed CM profiles and copy them
// to the CMAK dir so that they can be edited.
// Ensure that the directory CMAK\Support exists
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s"), g_szCmakdir, c_pszSupport)); if (0 == SetCurrentDirectory(szTemp)) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(NULL, IDS_NOLANGRES, MB_OK)); g_iCMAKReturnVal = CMAK_RETURN_ERROR; goto exit; }
MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(szSaveDir));
if (!CheckLocalization(g_hInstance)) { g_iCMAKReturnVal = CMAK_RETURN_CANCEL; goto exit; }
// Initialize the common controls
InitCommonControlsExStruct.dwSize = sizeof(InitCommonControlsExStruct); InitCommonControlsExStruct.dwICC = ICC_INTERNET_CLASSES | ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES; if (FALSE == InitCommonControlsEx(&InitCommonControlsExStruct)) { g_iCMAKReturnVal = CMAK_RETURN_ERROR; goto exit; }
g_pCustomActionList = new CustomActionList();
MYVERIFY(-1 != CreateWizard(NULL));
// Make sure to delete the CustomActionList Class, it is
// allocated on the custom action screen.
delete g_pCustomActionList;
EraseTempDir(); ExitProcess((UINT)g_iCMAKReturnVal); return g_iCMAKReturnVal; } //lint !e715 we don't use nCmdShow, lpCmdLine, nor hPrevInstance
// Function: DoBrowse
// Synopsis: This function does the necessary work to pop up a Browse Common Dialog (either for
// saving files or for opening files depending on the SaveAs flag).
// Arguments: WND hDlg - handle of current dialog
// UINT IDS_FILTER - ID for display filter description
// LPTSTR lpMask - file filter (*.ext)
// int IDC_EDIT - ID of edit field
// LPCTSTR lpDefExt - file filter extension (ext)
// LPTSTR lpFile - path/filename currently selected file on input and output
// Returns: Returns 1 if successful, -1 if the user hit cancel, and 0 if there was an error.
// History: quintinb 8-26-97
// Reorganized and rewrote most of this function to resolve bug # 13159.
// Tried to keep the original variable names and style as much as possible
// to keep the code style the same.
// quintinb 01/22/1998 changed the return value to int so that we could
// return -1 on cancel and 0 on error and distinguish the
// two cases.
// quintinb 07/13/1998 changed the function prototype so that more than one filter/mask
// pair could be specified.
// quintinb 01/14/2000 Remove SaveAs functionality as it was no longer used
int DoBrowse(HWND hDlg, UINT* pFilterArray, LPTSTR* pMaskArray, UINT uNumFilters, int IDC_EDIT, LPCTSTR lpDefExt, LPTSTR lpFile) { OPENFILENAME filedef; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR* pszFilter = NULL; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFileTitle[MAX_PATH+1]; int nResult; LPTSTR lpfilename; int iReturnValue;
// Check Inputs
if ((NULL == pFilterArray) || (NULL == pMaskArray) || (0 == uNumFilters)) { return FALSE; }
ZeroMemory(&filedef, sizeof(OPENFILENAME));
szFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); szDir[0] = TEXT('\0');
// Allocate Memory for the Filter string
pszFilter = (TCHAR*)CmMalloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*MAX_PATH*uNumFilters); if (pszFilter) { ZeroMemory(pszFilter, sizeof(TCHAR)*MAX_PATH*uNumFilters);// REVIEW: This really isn't necessary since CmMalloc always zeros
} else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DoBrowse -- CmMalloc returned a NULL pointer")); return FALSE; }
// Initialize the OPENFILENAME data structure
filedef.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); filedef.hwndOwner = hDlg; filedef.hInstance = g_hInstance; filedef.lpstrFilter = pszFilter; filedef.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; filedef.nMaxCustFilter = 0; filedef.nFilterIndex = 0; filedef.lpstrFile = szFile; filedef.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; filedef.lpstrFileTitle = szFileTitle; filedef.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; filedef.lpstrInitialDir = szDir; filedef.lpstrTitle = szMsg; filedef.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST|OFN_LONGNAMES|OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; filedef.lpstrDefExt = lpDefExt;
// create filter string - separated by 0 and ends with 2 0's
UINT uCurrentCharInBuffer=0; UINT uTempChars;
for (UINT i = 0; i < uNumFilters; i++) { uTempChars = (UINT)LoadString(g_hInstance, pFilterArray[i], szTemp, MAX_PATH); if ((MAX_PATH*uNumFilters) <= (uCurrentCharInBuffer + uTempChars)) { //
// We don't want to overrun the buffer
break; }
_tcscpy(&(pszFilter[uCurrentCharInBuffer]), szTemp); uCurrentCharInBuffer += uTempChars;
uTempChars = (UINT)_tcslen(pMaskArray[i]);
if ((MAX_PATH*uNumFilters) <= (uCurrentCharInBuffer + uTempChars)) { //
// We don't want to overrun the buffer
break; }
_tcscpy(&(pszFilter[uCurrentCharInBuffer + 1]), pMaskArray[i]);
// Add 2 chars so that we get a \0 between strings.
uCurrentCharInBuffer = (uCurrentCharInBuffer + uTempChars + 2); }
// if a path/file passed in, find its directory and make it szDir
if (TEXT('\0') != lpFile[0]) { nResult = GetFullPathName(lpFile, CELEMS(szDir), szDir, &lpfilename);
if (nResult != 0) { if (lpfilename) // 13062
{ _tcscpy(szFile,lpfilename); *lpfilename = TEXT('\0'); } } }
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_BROWSETITLE, szMsg, MAX_PATH)); //
// pop up the open dialog
if (GetOpenFileName((OPENFILENAME*)&filedef)) { MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szFileTitle)); _tcscpy(lpFile, szFile);
iReturnValue = 1; } else { //
// If we are in this state than the user could have hit cancel or there could have
// been an error. If the CommDlgExtendedError function returns 0 then we know it was
// just a cancel, otherwise we have an error.
if (0 == CommDlgExtendedError()) { iReturnValue = -1; } else { iReturnValue = 0; } }
CmFree(pszFilter); return iReturnValue; }
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessCancel(HWND hDlg, UINT message, LPARAM lParam) { int iRes; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
switch (message) {
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) { case PSN_QUERYCANCEL: iRes = ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_CANCELWIZ, MB_YESNO);
if (iRes==IDYES) { //
// Free Up the memory we used
ClearCmakGlobals(); FreeList(&g_pHeadProfile, &g_pTailProfile);
EraseTempDir(); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,FALSE)); } else { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT,TRUE)); } return TRUE;
default: return FALSE; } default: return FALSE; } }
// Function: ProcessHelp
// Synopsis: Processes messages that have to do with the Help button.
// Arguments: WND hDlg - dialog handle
// UINT message - Message ID to process
// LPARAM lParam - the lParam of the message
// DWORD_PTR dwHelpId - The Help ID of the page in question
// (this is the ID that will be launched
// for a help request from this page).
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the message was handled
// History: quintinb Created Header 10/15/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessHelp(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD_PTR dwHelpId) { NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
switch (message) { case WM_NOTIFY:
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) { case PSN_HELP: HtmlHelp(hDlg, c_pszCmakOpsChm, HH_HELP_CONTEXT, dwHelpId); //lint !e534 we don't care about the htmlhelp HWND
return TRUE;
default: return FALSE; } break;
case WM_HELP: HtmlHelp(hDlg, c_pszCmakOpsChm, HH_HELP_CONTEXT, dwHelpId); //lint !e534 we don't care about the htmlhelp HWND
return TRUE; break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_HELPBUTTON: HtmlHelp(hDlg, c_pszCmakOpsChm, HH_HELP_CONTEXT, dwHelpId); //lint !e534 we don't care about the htmlhelp HWND
return TRUE; break; }
default: return FALSE; } }
// Function: ProcessWelcome
// Synopsis: Welcome to the Connection Manager Administration Kit.
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage1 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessWelcome( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam; RECT rDlg; RECT rWorkArea; ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_WELCOME)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE;
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: if (GetWindowRect(GetParent(hDlg),&rDlg) && SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,&rWorkArea,0)) { MoveWindow(GetParent(hDlg), rWorkArea.left + ((rWorkArea.right-rWorkArea.left)-(rDlg.right-rDlg.left))/2, rWorkArea.top + ((rWorkArea.bottom-rWorkArea.top)-(rDlg.bottom-rDlg.top))/2, rDlg.right-rDlg.left, rDlg.bottom-rDlg.top, FALSE); } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: break;
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), PSWIZB_NEXT); break;
case PSN_WIZBACK: break;
case PSN_WIZNEXT: break;
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void ClearCmakGlobals(void) {
// Free the connect action class
delete(g_pCustomActionList); g_pCustomActionList = NULL;
FreeDnsList(&g_pHeadDunEntry, &g_pTailDunEntry); FreeDnsList(&g_pHeadVpnEntry, &g_pTailVpnEntry); FreeList(&g_pHeadExtra, &g_pTailExtra); FreeList(&g_pHeadMerge, &g_pTailMerge); FreeList(&g_pHeadRefs, &g_pTailRefs); FreeList(&g_pHeadRename, &g_pTailRename); FreeIconMenu();
g_szOutExe[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szCmsFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szInfFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szCmpFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szSedFile[0] = TEXT('\0');
EraseTempDir(); _tcscpy(g_szOutdir, g_szTempDir);
// Reset Connect Action Intro Screen
g_bUseTunneling = FALSE; }
BOOL EnsureProfileFileExists(LPTSTR pszOutFile, LPCTSTR szTemplateFileName, LPCTSTR szExtension, UINT uCharsInBuffer) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1];
MYVERIFY(uCharsInBuffer > (UINT)wsprintf(pszOutFile, TEXT("%s\\%s%s"), g_szOutdir, g_szShortServiceName, szExtension));
if (!FileExists(pszOutFile)) { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szSupportDir, szTemplateFileName));
if (!CopyFileWrapper(szTemp, pszOutFile, FALSE)) { return FALSE; }
MYVERIFY(0 != SetFileAttributes(pszOutFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL));
return TRUE; }
BOOL IsNativeLCID(LPCTSTR szFullPathToInf) { HANDLE hFile; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH+1] = TEXT(""); TCHAR szNativeLCID[MAX_PATH+1] = TEXT("");
hFile = CreateFile(szFullPathToInf, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { MYVERIFY(0 != CloseHandle(hFile));
// First check for the new LCID location under strings
if (0 == GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszCmLCID, TEXT(""), szName, CELEMS(szName), szFullPathToInf)) { //
// If the new key didn't exist, then try the old [Intl] section and
// display key. The change was made during the CMAK Unicode changes to
// make the inf template easier to localize.
MYVERIFY(0 != GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszIntl, c_pszDisplay, TEXT(""), szName, CELEMS(szName), szFullPathToInf)); } if (TEXT('\0') != szName[0]) { //
// This value should be an LCID so a negative value is invalid anyway
DWORD dwLang = (DWORD)_ttol(szName); MYDBGASSERT((long)dwLang >= 0);
CmakVersion CmakVer; DWORD dwNative = CmakVer.GetNativeCmakLCID();
MYDBGASSERT((long)dwNative >= 0);
if (dwLang == dwNative) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }
// Function: ProcessAddEditProfile
// Synopsis: Choose whether to create a new profile or edit an existing one.
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage1A 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessAddEditProfile( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { INT_PTR nResult; INT_PTR lCount; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szLanguageDisplayName[MAX_PATH+1]; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam; static LONG_PTR iCBSel = 0;
BOOL bNameChanged;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_STARTCUST)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_COMBO1);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: RefreshComboList(hDlg, g_pHeadProfile); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1), FALSE);
lCount = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_GETCOUNT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); if ((CB_ERR != lCount) && (lCount > 0)) { MYVERIFY(CB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0)); }
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, IDC_RADIO1)); g_bNewProfile = TRUE;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_RADIO1: //Build a new service profile
g_szShortServiceName[0] = TEXT('\0'); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_COMBO1),FALSE); g_bNewProfile = TRUE; break;
case IDC_RADIO2: //Edit an existing service profile
lCount = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, (LPARAM)0); if ((CB_ERR != lCount) && (lCount > 0)) { if (iCBSel > lCount) { iCBSel = 0; }
MYVERIFY(CB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)iCBSel, (LPARAM)0)); } g_bNewProfile = FALSE;
case IDC_COMBO1: MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO1,IDC_RADIO2,IDC_RADIO2));
nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM)0);
if (nResult != LB_ERR) { iCBSel = nResult; MYVERIFY(CB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)iCBSel, (LPARAM)szName)); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM)0); //lint !e534 this will error if no items in combo
nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_COMBO1,CB_GETCURSEL,0,(LPARAM)0); if (nResult != LB_ERR) { iCBSel = nResult; MYVERIFY(CB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)nResult, (LPARAM)szName)); } else { return 1; } }
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_COMBO1),TRUE); break;
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK)); break;
// Establish global platform path
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(g_szOsdir) > (UINT)wsprintf(g_szOsdir, TEXT("%s%s\\"), g_szCmakdir, c_pszProfiles));
// Create the support dir path and get the Name of its Language
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s\\%s"), g_szCmakdir, c_pszSupport, c_pszTemplateInf)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != GetLangFromInfTemplate(szTemp, szLanguageDisplayName, CELEMS(szLanguageDisplayName)));
// Determine if its a new or existing profile
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2) == BST_CHECKED) { //
// Editing an existing profile
nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_COMBO1,CB_GETCURSEL,0,(LPARAM)0); if (nResult != LB_ERR) { MYVERIFY(CB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)nResult, (LPARAM)szName)); } else { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NEEDPROF, MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1));
return 1; } //
// if already editing a profile, don't reset everything
// if didn't switch to another profile.
bNameChanged = (_tcsicmp(szName,g_szShortServiceName) != 0); if (bNameChanged) { _tcscpy(g_szShortServiceName, szName); ClearCmakGlobals(); //
// Okay, copy the profile files to the temp dir
if (!CopyToTempDir(g_szShortServiceName)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } }
// We need to make sure that the user has Read/Write
// permissions to the Profiles\<g_szShortServiceName> directory. Otherwise
// they can get themselves into the situation where they would build a
// whole profile and lose all of the work because they couldn't
// save it to the output directory (since we work out of the temp
// dir until we actually build the cab itself). NTRAID 372081
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s\\%s"), g_szCmakdir, c_pszProfiles, g_szShortServiceName)); if (!HasSpecifiedAccessToFileOrDir(szTemp, FILE_GENERIC_READ | FILE_GENERIC_WRITE)) { //
// Then we need to throw an error to the user and exit.
LPTSTR pszTmp = CmLoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_INSUFF_PERMS);
if (pszTmp) { DWORD dwSize = lstrlen(pszTmp) + lstrlen(szTemp) + 1; LPTSTR pszMsg = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(dwSize*sizeof(TCHAR));
if (pszMsg) { wsprintf(pszMsg, pszTmp, szTemp); MessageBox(NULL, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL); CmFree(pszMsg); }
CmFree(pszTmp); }
MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } } else { //
// Building a new profile
if (TEXT('\0') == g_szShortServiceName[0]) { ClearCmakGlobals(); if (FileExists(g_szTempDir)) { EraseTempDir(); } MYVERIFY(0 != CreateDirectory(g_szTempDir, NULL));
// Don't do this if in the special case where we have not verified the short name.
GetFileName(g_szCmsFile, szTemp); if (_tcsicmp(szTemp, TEXT(".cms")) != 0) { if (!EnsureProfileFileExists(g_szCmsFile, c_pszTemplateCms, TEXT(".cms"), MAX_PATH)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
if (!EnsureProfileFileExists(g_szCmpFile, c_pszTemplateCmp, c_pszCmpExt, MAX_PATH)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
if (!EnsureProfileFileExists(g_szSedFile, c_pszTemplateSed, TEXT(".sed"), MAX_PATH)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
if (!EnsureProfileFileExists(g_szInfFile, c_pszTemplateInf, TEXT(".inf"), MAX_PATH)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
// Since we removed multi-language support from CMAK (NTRAID 177515),
// we need to check to make sure they aren't trying to edit a foriegn
// language profile. If so then we need to force an upgrade.
if (!IsNativeLCID(g_szInfFile)) { MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_NONNATIVELCID, szTemp, MAX_PATH)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szMsg) > (UINT)wsprintf(szMsg, szTemp, g_szShortServiceName, szLanguageDisplayName)); if (IDYES == MessageBox(hDlg, szMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_YESNO | MB_APPLMODAL | MB_DEFBUTTON2 | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)) { //
// They want to continue in the current language so upgrade the
// inf so that it uses the native language template.
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT) wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s.bak"), g_szInfFile)); MYVERIFY(TRUE == UpgradeInf(szTemp, g_szInfFile)); } else { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } }
// Since the Unicode changes to CMAK and the multi-language capabilities of NT5, it is
// possible to create many different language profiles inside CMAK. Thus we need to check that
// the Current System Default language and the language of the profile the user is editing have
// the same primary language ID, otherwise display problems may arise. For instance, a use
// with an English version of the OS and CMAK, could set their default system locale to Japanese
// and create a Japanese profile for a client. Then if they change their system default language
// back to English and try to edit the profile the Japanese characters in the profile will not
// display correctly. Thus, we should detect the situation where the display language of the profile
// and the current system default language are not the same and throw a warning.
DWORD dwSystemDefaultLCID = GetSystemDefaultLCID(); DWORD dwProfileDisplayLanguage = 0;
if (0 != GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszDisplayLCID, TEXT(""), szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szInfFile)) { dwProfileDisplayLanguage = (DWORD)_ttol(szTemp); if (!ArePrimaryLangIDsEqual(dwProfileDisplayLanguage, dwSystemDefaultLCID)) { //
// If we are in here, then the default system LCID that the profile was
// last editted in and the current Default System LCID
// have a different Primary language (Japanese vs English for instance).
// Thus we want to warn the user that they can continue but certain characters
// may not display properly. They should probably change their system default
// locale back to the setting that it was originally editted in.
// Get the Language Names of the Two LCIDs (sys default and CMAK lang)
LPTSTR pszSystemLanguage = GetLocalizedLanguageNameFromLCID(dwSystemDefaultLCID); LPTSTR pszProfileDisplayLanguage = GetLocalizedLanguageNameFromLCID(dwProfileDisplayLanguage); LPTSTR pszFmtString = CmLoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_DIFF_DISPLAY_LCID);
if (pszSystemLanguage && pszProfileDisplayLanguage && pszFmtString) { LPTSTR pszMsg = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(pszSystemLanguage) + lstrlen(pszProfileDisplayLanguage) + lstrlen(pszFmtString) + 1)); if (pszMsg) { wsprintf(pszMsg, pszFmtString, pszSystemLanguage, pszProfileDisplayLanguage); MessageBox(hDlg, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); CmFree(pszMsg); } }
CmFree(pszSystemLanguage); CmFree(pszProfileDisplayLanguage); CmFree(pszFmtString); } }
// We have the possiblity that the inf will be of an old format. Call
// Upgrade Inf to see if it needs to be upgraded.
MYVERIFY (TRUE == EnsureInfIsCurrent(hDlg, g_szInfFile)); WriteInfVersion(g_szInfFile); //lint !e534
default: return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Write out profile strings with quotes around the entry
// Takes string const as second param
void QS_WritePrivateProfileString(LPCTSTR pszSection, LPCTSTR pszItem, LPTSTR entry, LPCTSTR inifile) { TCHAR szTemp[2*MAX_PATH+1] = TEXT("");
if (NULL != entry) { MYDBGASSERT(_tcslen(entry) <= ((2 * MAX_PATH) - 2)); _tcscpy(szTemp,TEXT("\"")); _tcscat(szTemp,entry); _tcscat(szTemp,TEXT("\"")); }
MYDBGASSERT(_tcslen(szTemp) <= sizeof(szTemp));
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(pszSection, pszItem, szTemp, inifile)); }
// Function: ValidateServiceName
// Synopsis: This function makes sure that a long service name is valid.
// For a long service name to be valid it must contain at least
// one alpha-numeric character, not start with a period (.), and
// not contain any of the following characters : */\\:?\"<>|[]
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszLongServiceName - the service name to check
// Returns: BOOL returns TRUE if the name is valid.
// History: quintinb Created 10/29/98
int ValidateServiceName(HWND hDlg, LPTSTR pszLongServiceName) { BOOL bBadServiceNameCharFound = FALSE; BOOL bFoundAlphaNumeric = FALSE; LPTSTR pch; int iLen;
if ((NULL == pszLongServiceName) || (TEXT('\0') == pszLongServiceName[0])) { //
// Cannot have an empty service name
MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOSERVICE, MB_OK)); return FALSE; } else if (MAX_LONG_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH < _tcslen(pszLongServiceName)) { //
// Too Long
if (pszMsg) { MessageBox(hDlg, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK); CmFree(pszMsg); }
return FALSE; } else { iLen = lstrlen(g_szBadLongServiceNameChars); pch = pszLongServiceName;
// Check that the service name doesn't start with a period
if (TEXT('.') == pszLongServiceName[0]) { bBadServiceNameCharFound = TRUE; }
// Check that it doesn't contain any bad characters
while (!bBadServiceNameCharFound && (*pch != _T('\0'))) { for (int j = 0; j < iLen; ++j) { if (*pch == g_szBadLongServiceNameChars[j]) { bBadServiceNameCharFound = TRUE; break; } }
pch = CharNext(pch); }
// Check that it contains at least one alphanumeric character
iLen = lstrlen(pszLongServiceName); WORD *pwCharTypeArray = (WORD*)CmMalloc(sizeof(WORD)*(iLen + 1));
if (pwCharTypeArray) { if (GetStringTypeEx(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, CT_CTYPE1, pszLongServiceName, -1, pwCharTypeArray)) { for (int i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { if (pwCharTypeArray[i] & (C1_ALPHA | C1_DIGIT)) { bFoundAlphaNumeric = TRUE; break; // only need one alpha numeric char.
} } }
CmFree(pwCharTypeArray); }
if (bBadServiceNameCharFound || !bFoundAlphaNumeric) { //
// Contains bad chars.
LPTSTR pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInstance, IDS_BADLONGNAME, g_szBadLongServiceNameChars);
if (pszMsg) { MessageBox(hDlg, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK); CmFree(pszMsg); } return FALSE; } else { //
// A good long service name
return TRUE; } } }
// Function: ValidateShortServiceName
// Synopsis: This function checks to see if a given short service name is valid.
// To be valid, a short service name must be less than 8 bytes long
// (but not empty) and must not contain any characters found in
// g_szBadFilenameChars ... basically we only allow letters and
// numbers.
// Arguments: LPTSTR pszShortServiceName - the short service name to verify
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the short service name passed in is valid
// History: quintinb Created 10/29/98
BOOL ValidateShortServiceName(HWND hDlg, LPTSTR pszShortServiceName) { LPTSTR pch;
if ((NULL == pszShortServiceName) || (TEXT('\0') == pszShortServiceName[0])) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOSHORTNAME, MB_OK)); return FALSE; }
// Notice that 8.3 filenames are 8 bytes not 8 characters. Thus we can only have
// 4 DBCS chars.
#ifdef UNICODE
LPSTR pszAnsiShortServiceName = WzToSzWithAlloc(pszShortServiceName);
if (MAX_SHORT_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH < lstrlenA(pszAnsiShortServiceName)) #else
if (MAX_SHORT_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH < strlen(pszShortServiceName)) #endif
{ MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_TOOLONG, MB_OK)); return FALSE; } else { // check for valid file name
int iLen = lstrlen(g_szBadFilenameChars); pch = pszShortServiceName;
while(*pch != _T('\0')) { for (int j = 0; j < iLen; ++j) { if (*pch == g_szBadFilenameChars[j]) { LPTSTR pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInstance, IDS_BADNAME, g_szBadFilenameChars);
if (pszMsg) { MessageBox(hDlg, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK); CmFree(pszMsg); }
return FALSE; } } pch = CharNext(pch); } }
#ifdef UNICODE
CmFree(pszAnsiShortServiceName); #endif
return TRUE; }
// Function: CmStrStrI
// Synopsis: Simple replacement for StrStr from C runtime, but case-insensitive
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszString - The string to search in
// LPCTSTR pszSubString - The string to search for
// Returns: LPTSTR - Ptr to the first occurence of pszSubString in pszString.
// NULL if pszSubString does not occur in pszString
// History: SumitC copied from CmStrStrW 15-Mar-2001
// Check the inputs
MYDBGASSERT(pszString); MYDBGASSERT(pszSubString);
if (NULL == pszSubString || NULL == pszString) { return NULL; }
// Check to make sure we have something to look for
if (TEXT('\0') == pszSubString[0]) { return((LPWSTR)pszString); }
// Okay, start looking for the string
LPWSTR pszCurrent = (LPWSTR)pszString; LPWSTR pszTmp1; LPWSTR pszTmp2;
while (*pszCurrent) { pszTmp1 = pszCurrent; pszTmp2 = (LPWSTR) pszSubString;
while (*pszTmp1 && *pszTmp2 && (tolower(*pszTmp1) == tolower(*pszTmp2))) { pszTmp1 = CharNext(pszTmp1); pszTmp2 = CharNext(pszTmp2); }
if (TEXT('\0') == *pszTmp2) { return pszCurrent; }
pszCurrent = CharNext(pszCurrent); }
return NULL; }
// Func: FixupCMSFileForClonedProfile
// Desc: Parses the CMS file and replaces references to the old shortname
// Args: [pszCMSFile] - name of the CMS file
// [pszOld] - old short service name
// [pszNew] - new short service name
// Return: HRESULT
// Notes:
// History: 16-Feb-2001 SumitC Created
HRESULT FixupCMSFileForClonedProfile(LPTSTR pszCMSFile, LPTSTR pszOld, LPTSTR pszNew) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPTSTR pszCurrentSection = NULL;
if (NULL == pszCMSFile || NULL == pszOld || NULL == pszNew || (lstrlen(pszOld) > MAX_SHORT_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Set up the string we're going to look for in the Values
lstrcpy(szOldNamePlusSlash, pszOld); lstrcat(szOldNamePlusSlash, TEXT("\\"));
// read in all the sections from the CMS file
LPTSTR pszAllSections = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(NULL, NULL, TEXT(""), pszCMSFile);
// iterate over all the sections
for (pszCurrentSection = pszAllSections; pszCurrentSection && (TEXT('\0') != pszCurrentSection[0]); pszCurrentSection += (lstrlen(pszCurrentSection) + 1)) { //
// Skip the [Connection Manager] section. The entries here are image files,
// and are dealt with in a later CMAK page.
if (0 == lstrcmpi(c_pszCmSection, pszCurrentSection)) { continue; } //
// for each section, get all the keys
LPTSTR pszKeysInThisSection = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(pszCurrentSection, NULL, TEXT(""), pszCMSFile); LPTSTR pszCurrentKey = NULL; //
// iterate over all the keys
for (pszCurrentKey = pszKeysInThisSection; pszCurrentKey && (TEXT('\0') != pszCurrentKey[0]); pszCurrentKey += (lstrlen(pszCurrentKey) + 1)) // alternate is CmEndOfStr(pszCurrentKeyName) & pszCurrentKeyName++
{ //
// Get the value for this key
LPTSTR pszValue = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(pszCurrentSection, pszCurrentKey, TEXT(""), pszCMSFile);
if (pszValue) { //
// Search for "pszOld\", and replace with "pszNew\" (the \ is
// to ensure that it is part of a path)
if (CmStrStrI(pszValue, szOldNamePlusSlash) == pszValue) { UINT cLen = lstrlen(pszValue) - lstrlen(pszOld) + lstrlen(pszNew) + 1;
LPTSTR pszNewValue = (LPTSTR) CmMalloc(cLen * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszNewValue) { lstrcpy(pszNewValue, pszNew); lstrcat(pszNewValue, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(pszNewValue, pszValue + lstrlen(szOldNamePlusSlash));
// Write back the value (this doesn't affect the list
// of keys, so it is safe to do.)
MYDBGASSERT(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(pszCurrentSection, pszCurrentKey, pszNewValue, pszCMSFile));
CmFree(pszNewValue); } }
CmFree(pszValue); } } CmFree(pszKeysInThisSection); }
return hr; }
// Func: CloneProfile
// Desc: Does the gruntwork to clone a given profile
// Args: [pszShortServiceName] - new short service name
// [pszLongServiceName] - new long service name
// Return: HRESULT
// Notes:
// History: 16-Feb-2001 SumitC Created (most code copied from ProcessServiceName)
HRESULT CloneProfile(IN LPTSTR pszShortServiceName, IN LPTSTR pszLongServiceName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH+1];
MYDBGASSERT(pszShortServiceName); MYDBGASSERT(pszLongServiceName);
if ((_tcsicmp(g_szShortServiceName, pszShortServiceName) != 0)) { //
// If this is a cloned profile, we want to delete the
// old executable file and the old .inf.bak file so that
// we don't leave it around.
if (TEXT('\0') != g_szShortServiceName[0]) { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szMsg) > (UINT)wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("%s\\%s.exe"), g_szOutdir, g_szShortServiceName));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szMsg) > (UINT)wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("%s\\%s.inf.bak"), g_szOutdir, g_szShortServiceName));
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszDesktopGuid,TEXT(""), g_szInfFile));
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache
// (win95 only). This call will return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, g_szInfFile); //lint !e534 this call will return 0
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szMsg) > (UINT)wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("%s\\%s.inf"), g_szOutdir, pszShortServiceName)); MYVERIFY(0 != MoveFile(g_szInfFile, szMsg)); _tcscpy(g_szInfFile, szMsg);
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szMsg) > (UINT)wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("%s\\%s.sed"), g_szOutdir, pszShortServiceName)); MYVERIFY(0 != MoveFile(g_szSedFile, szMsg)); _tcscpy(g_szSedFile, szMsg);
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szMsg) > (UINT)wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("%s\\%s.cms"), g_szOutdir, pszShortServiceName)); MYVERIFY(0 != MoveFile(g_szCmsFile, szMsg)); _tcscpy(g_szCmsFile, szMsg);
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szMsg) > (UINT)wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("%s\\%s.cmp"), g_szOutdir, pszShortServiceName)); MYVERIFY(0 != MoveFile(g_szCmpFile, szMsg)); _tcscpy(g_szCmpFile, szMsg);
// Fix up any entries that are pointing to the old path
(void) FixupCMSFileForClonedProfile(g_szCmsFile, g_szShortServiceName, pszShortServiceName); } _tcscpy(g_szShortServiceName, pszShortServiceName);
// Check to see if the user changed the long service name
if ((0 != lstrcmpi(pszLongServiceName, g_szLongServiceName)) && (TEXT('\0') != g_szLongServiceName[0])) { const int c_iNumDunSubSections = 4; TCHAR szCurrentSectionName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szNewSectionName[MAX_PATH+1]; const TCHAR* const ArrayOfSubSections[c_iNumDunSubSections] = { c_pszCmSectionDunServer, c_pszCmSectionDunNetworking, c_pszCmSectionDunTcpIp, c_pszCmSectionDunScripting };
// Free the DNS list so that we will re-read it later. This ensures that
// we will get rid of any default entries we added that don't really exist
// and will add new defaults if we need them.
FreeDnsList(&g_pHeadDunEntry, &g_pTailDunEntry); FreeDnsList(&g_pHeadVpnEntry, &g_pTailVpnEntry);
// The user cloned the long service name. Update the DUN key and rename the
// default DUN entry if the long service name and the DUN name match. If they
// don't match we don't want to rename them as a phonebook may be referencing them
// by their original name.
GetDefaultDunSettingName(g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName, pszShortServiceName, MAX_PATH + 1);
if (0 == lstrcmpi(g_szLongServiceName, pszShortServiceName)) { for (int i = 0; i < c_iNumDunSubSections; i++) { wsprintf(szCurrentSectionName, TEXT("%s&%s"), ArrayOfSubSections[i], g_szLongServiceName); wsprintf(szNewSectionName, TEXT("%s&%s"), ArrayOfSubSections[i], pszLongServiceName);
RenameSection(szCurrentSectionName, szNewSectionName, g_szCmsFile); }
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryDun, pszLongServiceName, g_szCmsFile)); }
// Now update the TunnelDUN key and rename the Tunnel DUN entry if Tunnel DUN name is based on the original
// long service name. If they aren't related then we don't want to rename them.
GetTunnelDunSettingName(g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName, pszShortServiceName, MAX_PATH + 1); wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("%s %s"), g_szLongServiceName, c_pszCmEntryTunnelPrimary);
if (0 == lstrcmpi(szMsg, pszShortServiceName)) { for (int i = 0; i < c_iNumDunSubSections; i++) { wsprintf(szCurrentSectionName, TEXT("%s&%s %s"), ArrayOfSubSections[i], g_szLongServiceName, c_pszCmEntryTunnelPrimary); wsprintf(szNewSectionName, TEXT("%s&%s %s"), ArrayOfSubSections[i], pszLongServiceName, c_pszCmEntryTunnelPrimary);
RenameSection(szCurrentSectionName, szNewSectionName, g_szCmsFile); }
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szNewSectionName) > (UINT)wsprintf(szNewSectionName, TEXT("%s %s"), pszLongServiceName, c_pszCmEntryTunnelPrimary)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelDun, szNewSectionName, g_szCmsFile)); } }
CMTRACEHR("CloneProfile", hr); return hr; }
// Function: ProcessServiceName
// Synopsis: Setup service and File Names
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage2 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessServiceName( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp2[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH+1]; LONG lLongServiceReturn; LONG lShortServiceReturn; int nResult; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_NAMES)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_SERVICE); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_SSERVICE);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: // this init's the focus, otherwise Setfocus won't work 1st time
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SERVICE)); // bug fix 6234, quintinb 9-8-97
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_SERVICE, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)MAX_LONG_SERVICE_NAME_LENGTH, (LPARAM)0);//lint !e534 EM_SETLIMITTEXT doesn't return anything useful
// end bug fix 6234, quintinb
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1;
break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK)); if (*g_szShortServiceName) { MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_SSERVICE, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM) g_szShortServiceName));
GetFileName(g_szCmsFile,szTemp); if (_tcsicmp(szTemp,TEXT(".cms")) != 0) { MYVERIFY(0 != GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryServiceName, TEXT(""), g_szLongServiceName, CELEMS(g_szLongServiceName), g_szCmsFile)); }
case PSN_WIZBACK: // fall through to Next
case PSN_WIZNEXT: // the Next button was pressed
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_SERVICE, szTemp2, MAX_PATH, (PSN_WIZNEXT == pnmHeader->code))) // bDisplayError == (PSN_WIZBACK == pnmHeader->code)
{ //
// Let the user go back if there is a problem with retrieving their text so that
// they can choose another profile.
if (PSN_WIZBACK == pnmHeader->code) { return FALSE; } else { goto ServiceNameError; } }
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_SSERVICE, szTemp, MAX_PATH, (PSN_WIZNEXT == pnmHeader->code))) // bDisplayError == (PSN_WIZBACK == pnmHeader->code)
{ //
// Let the user go back if there is a problem with retrieving their text so that
// they can choose another profile.
if (PSN_WIZBACK == pnmHeader->code) { return FALSE; } else { goto ServiceNameError; } }
// If both the servicename and the short servicename are blank and the user
// is navigating back, then allow them to continue. Otherwise go through all
// the normal checks.
if ((pnmHeader && (PSN_WIZBACK == pnmHeader->code))) { if ((szTemp[0] == TEXT('\0')) && (szTemp2[0] == TEXT('\0'))) { return 0; } } //
// Validate the Long Service Name
if (!ValidateServiceName(hDlg, szTemp2)) { goto ServiceNameError; }
// Now lets validate the short service name
if (!ValidateShortServiceName(hDlg, szTemp)) { goto ShortServiceNameError; }
// Changing one of the service names without changing the
// other can cause problems when installing the profile
// later. Warn the user if this is the case.
{ // scoping braces
BOOL bShortServiceNameChanged = !!lstrcmpi(g_szShortServiceName, szTemp); BOOL bLongServiceNameChanged = !!lstrcmpi(g_szLongServiceName, szTemp2);
if ((FALSE == g_bNewProfile) && (bShortServiceNameChanged != bLongServiceNameChanged)) { nResult = ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_CHANGED_ONLY_SS_OR_LS, MB_YESNO); if (nResult == IDYES) { if (bShortServiceNameChanged) { goto ServiceNameError; } if (bLongServiceNameChanged) { goto ShortServiceNameError; } } } }
// Create a default output directory based on the short name.
// NTRAID 159367 -- quintinb
// Must leave the comparison between the ShortName and szTemp, otherwise the
// user can change the shortname and we won't rename the files. This allows
// profile cloning.
if ((_tcsicmp(g_szShortServiceName, szTemp) != 0)) { BOOL bFound; bFound = FindListItemByName(szTemp, g_pHeadProfile, NULL); // NULL passed because we don't need a pointer to the item returned
if (bFound) { nResult = ShowMessage(hDlg,IDS_PROFEXISTS,MB_YESNO); if (nResult == IDNO) { goto ShortServiceNameError; } }
MYVERIFY(S_OK == CloneProfile(szTemp, szTemp2)); } //
// The Long Service Name is valid, lets keep it.
_tcscpy(g_szLongServiceName, szTemp2);
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryServiceName, g_szLongServiceName, g_szCmsFile));
QS_WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszCmEntryServiceName, g_szLongServiceName, g_szInfFile);
QS_WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszUninstallAppTitle, g_szLongServiceName, g_szInfFile);
QS_WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszShortSvcName, g_szShortServiceName, g_szInfFile);
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE;
ServiceNameError: SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SERVICE)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1;
ShortServiceNameError: SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SSERVICE)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
// Function: ProcessSupportInfo
// Synopsis: Customize Support Information
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage2_A 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessSupportInfo( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_SUPPINFO)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg, message, lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg, message, IDC_SUPPORT);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG:
// Fix for Whistler bug 9156
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_SUPPORT, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, (WPARAM) 50, 0);
// this init's the focus, otherwise Setfocus won't work 1st time
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SUPPORT)); break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK));
// this call to GetPrivateProfileString may retreive a blank string, thus don't use the MYVERIFY macro
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryServiceMessage, TEXT(""), g_szSvcMsg, CELEMS(g_szSvcMsg), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_SUPPORT, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM) g_szSvcMsg));
break; case PSN_WIZBACK:
case PSN_WIZNEXT: // the Next button was pressed
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_SUPPORT, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_SUPPORT)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
CmStrTrim(szTemp); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_SUPPORT, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM) szTemp)); _tcscpy(g_szSvcMsg,szTemp); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection,c_pszCmEntryServiceMessage,g_szSvcMsg,g_szCmsFile));
#ifdef _WIN64
// If we are going forward, skip the Include CM binaries page if this is IA64
if (pnmHeader && (PSN_WIZNEXT == pnmHeader->code)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, IDD_LICENSE)); } #endif
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: ProcessIncludeCm
// Synopsis: Include CM bits
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage2A 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessIncludeCm( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_CMSW)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE;
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG:
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK)); MYVERIFY(0 != GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszIncludeCmCode, c_pszOne, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szInfFile)); if (*szTemp == TEXT('1')) { g_bIncludeCmCode = TRUE; MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_CHECK1,TRUE)); } else { g_bIncludeCmCode = FALSE; MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_CHECK1,FALSE)); }
case PSN_WIZBACK: case PSN_WIZNEXT: g_bIncludeCmCode = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_CHECK1); if (g_bIncludeCmCode) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus,c_pszIncludeCmCode,c_pszOne,g_szInfFile)); } else { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus,c_pszIncludeCmCode,c_pszZero,g_szInfFile)); }
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void EnableDisableCmProxyControls(HWND hDlg) { BOOL bCmProxyEnabled = (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2)); HWND hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1); EnableWindow(hControl, bCmProxyEnabled);
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1); EnableWindow(hControl, bCmProxyEnabled);
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PROXYLABEL); EnableWindow(hControl, bCmProxyEnabled); }
BOOL FillInCustomActionStructWithCmProxy(BOOL bRestorePrevProxySettings, CustomActionListItem* pCustomAction, BOOL bDisconnectAction, LPCTSTR pszProxyFile) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; MYDBGASSERT(pCustomAction && pszProxyFile && (TEXT('\0') != pszProxyFile[0])); if (pCustomAction && pszProxyFile && (TEXT('\0') != pszProxyFile[0])) { const TCHAR* const c_pszBackupFileName = TEXT("proxy.bak"); const TCHAR* const c_pszDialRasEntry = TEXT("%DIALRASENTRY%"); const TCHAR* const c_pszProfile = TEXT("%PROFILE%"); const TCHAR* const c_pszTunnelRasEntry = TEXT("%TUNNELRASENTRY%"); const TCHAR* const c_pszSetProxyFunction = TEXT("SetProxy");
UINT uDescription;
LPTSTR aArrayOfStrings[10]; UINT uCount = 0;
if (bDisconnectAction) { aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszSourceFileNameSwitch; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszBackupFileName; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszDialRasEntrySwitch; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszDialRasEntry; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszTunnelRasEntrySwitch; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszTunnelRasEntry; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszProfileSwitch; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszProfile; uCount++;
uDescription = IDS_CMPROXY_DIS_DESC; } else { aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszSourceFileNameSwitch; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)pszProxyFile; uCount++;
if (bRestorePrevProxySettings) { aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszBackupFileNameSwitch; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszBackupFileName; uCount++; }
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszDialRasEntrySwitch; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszDialRasEntry; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszTunnelRasEntrySwitch; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszTunnelRasEntry; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszProfileSwitch; uCount++;
aArrayOfStrings[uCount] = (LPTSTR)c_pszProfile; uCount++;
uDescription = IDS_CMPROXY_CON_DESC; } MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, uDescription, pCustomAction->szDescription, CELEMS(pCustomAction->szDescription))); pCustomAction->Type = bDisconnectAction ? ONDISCONNECT : ONCONNECT;
wsprintf(pCustomAction->szProgram, TEXT("%s\\cmproxy.dll"), g_szSupportDir); lstrcpy(pCustomAction->szFunctionName, c_pszSetProxyFunction); pCustomAction->bIncludeBinary = TRUE; pCustomAction->bBuiltInAction = TRUE; pCustomAction->bTempDescription = FALSE; pCustomAction->dwFlags = ALL_CONNECTIONS;
HRESULT hr = BuildCustomActionParamString(&(aArrayOfStrings[0]), uCount, &(pCustomAction->pszParameters));
bReturn = (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pCustomAction->pszParameters); }
return bReturn; }
// Function: ProcessCmProxy
// Synopsis: Automatic IE proxy configuration
// History: quintinb Created 03/23/00
HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam; BOOL bEnableCmProxy; BOOL bRestorePrevProxySettings; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1];
CustomActionListItem* pCmProxyCustomAction = NULL; CustomActionListItem UpdatedCmProxyAction;
ProcessBold(hDlg, message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_APCONFIG)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDIT1);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_RADIO1: case IDC_RADIO2: EnableDisableCmProxyControls(hDlg); break;
case IDC_BUTTON1: // browse
{ //
// If the user clicked the browse button without clicking the Proxy radio button,
// then we need to set the radio and make sure the other Proxy controls are
// enabled.
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, IDC_RADIO2)); EnableDisableCmProxyControls(hDlg);
UINT uFilter = IDS_TXTFILTER; TCHAR* pszMask = TEXT("*.txt"); int iTemp = DoBrowse(hDlg, &uFilter, &pszMask, 1, IDC_EDIT1, TEXT("txt"), g_szLastBrowsePath);
MYDBGASSERT(0 != iTemp);
if (0 < iTemp) // -1 means the user cancelled
{ //
// We want to copy the full path to the filename into g_szCmProxyFile so
// that we have it for later in case the user wants to include it in the profile.
lstrcpy (g_szCmProxyFile, g_szLastBrowsePath);
// We also want to save the last browse path so that when the user next
// opens the browse dialog they will be in the same place they last
// browsed from.
LPTSTR pszLastSlash = CmStrrchr(g_szLastBrowsePath, TEXT('\\'));
if (pszLastSlash) { pszLastSlash = CharNext(pszLastSlash); *pszLastSlash = TEXT('\0'); } else { g_szLastBrowsePath[0] = TEXT('\0'); } } } break; default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK));
// Ensure we have a custom action list
if (NULL == g_pCustomActionList) { g_pCustomActionList = new CustomActionList;
if (NULL == g_pCustomActionList) { return FALSE; }
// Read in the custom actions from the Cms File
hr = g_pCustomActionList->ReadCustomActionsFromCms(g_hInstance, g_szCmsFile, g_szShortServiceName); CMASSERTMSG(SUCCEEDED(hr), TEXT("ProcessCmProxy -- Loading custom actions failed.")); }
// Init the static variables to no proxy settings
bEnableCmProxy = FALSE; bRestorePrevProxySettings = FALSE; g_szCmProxyFile[0] = TEXT('\0');
// Now lets search the custom action list for cmproxy
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CMPROXY_CON_DESC, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)));
hr = g_pCustomActionList->GetExistingActionData(g_hInstance, szTemp, ONCONNECT, &pCmProxyCustomAction);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pCmProxyCustomAction) { //
// Get the filename that the user specified and add it to the UI
if (FindSwitchInString(pCmProxyCustomAction->pszParameters, c_pszSourceFileNameSwitch, TRUE, szTemp)) // bReturnNextToken == TRUE
{ //
// Figure out if we have the disconnect action too, ensuring to free the existing action first
CmFree(pCmProxyCustomAction->pszParameters); CmFree(pCmProxyCustomAction);
wsprintf(g_szCmProxyFile, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szTempDir, szTemp); bEnableCmProxy = TRUE; MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CMPROXY_DIS_DESC, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)));
hr = g_pCustomActionList->GetExistingActionData(g_hInstance, szTemp, ONDISCONNECT, &pCmProxyCustomAction);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pCmProxyCustomAction) { bRestorePrevProxySettings = TRUE; CmFree(pCmProxyCustomAction->pszParameters); CmFree(pCmProxyCustomAction); } } else { CmFree(pCmProxyCustomAction->pszParameters); CmFree(pCmProxyCustomAction); CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ProcessCmProxy -- parameter string format incorrect")); } } MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1, bRestorePrevProxySettings)); MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, (bEnableCmProxy ? IDC_RADIO2 : IDC_RADIO1))); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(g_szCmProxyFile)));
// Now make sure the correct set of controls is enabled.
// Get the checkbox and radio button state
bEnableCmProxy = (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2)); bRestorePrevProxySettings = (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1));
if (bEnableCmProxy) { //
// Lets get the proxy file and verify that they gave us a file and that
// the file actually exists.
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
if (TEXT('\0') == szTemp[0]) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NEED_PROXY_FILE, MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
if (!VerifyFile(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, g_szCmProxyFile, TRUE)) { SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); return TRUE; }
// Lets copy the proxy file to the temp dir
wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szTempDir, GetName(g_szCmProxyFile));
if (0 != lstrcmpi(szTemp, g_szCmProxyFile)) { MYVERIFY(TRUE == CopyFileWrapper(g_szCmProxyFile, szTemp, FALSE)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetFileAttributes(szTemp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)); }
// Now we have all of the data we need, lets build the custom action struct and then
// either edit it or add it depending on whether it already exists or not.
MYVERIFY(LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CMPROXY_CON_DESC, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)));
if (szTemp[0]) { hr = g_pCustomActionList->GetExistingActionData(g_hInstance, szTemp, ONCONNECT, &pCmProxyCustomAction);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { FillInCustomActionStructWithCmProxy(bRestorePrevProxySettings, &UpdatedCmProxyAction, FALSE, GetName(g_szCmProxyFile)); // bDisconnectAction == FALSE
hr = g_pCustomActionList->Edit(g_hInstance, pCmProxyCustomAction, &UpdatedCmProxyAction, g_szShortServiceName); MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(hr));
CmFree(UpdatedCmProxyAction.pszParameters); UpdatedCmProxyAction.pszParameters = NULL;
CmFree(pCmProxyCustomAction->pszParameters); CmFree(pCmProxyCustomAction); } else { FillInCustomActionStructWithCmProxy(bRestorePrevProxySettings, &UpdatedCmProxyAction, FALSE, GetName(g_szCmProxyFile)); // bDisconnectAction == FALSE
hr = g_pCustomActionList->Add(g_hInstance, &UpdatedCmProxyAction, g_szShortServiceName); CmFree(UpdatedCmProxyAction.pszParameters); UpdatedCmProxyAction.pszParameters = NULL;
MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } } } else { //
// Clear out the global proxy file path
g_szCmProxyFile[0] = TEXT('\0');
// The user doesn't want cmproxy. Delete it from the connect action list.
MYVERIFY(LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CMPROXY_CON_DESC, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)));
g_pCustomActionList->Delete(g_hInstance, szTemp, ONCONNECT); }
// Now do the same for the disconnect cmproxy action if needed
if (bEnableCmProxy && bRestorePrevProxySettings) { MYVERIFY(LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CMPROXY_DIS_DESC, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)));
if (szTemp[0]) { hr = g_pCustomActionList->GetExistingActionData(g_hInstance, szTemp, ONDISCONNECT, &pCmProxyCustomAction);
if (S_OK == hr) { FillInCustomActionStructWithCmProxy(bRestorePrevProxySettings, &UpdatedCmProxyAction, TRUE, GetName(g_szCmProxyFile)); // bDisconnectAction == TRUE
hr = g_pCustomActionList->Edit(g_hInstance, pCmProxyCustomAction, &UpdatedCmProxyAction, g_szShortServiceName); MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(hr));
CmFree(UpdatedCmProxyAction.pszParameters); UpdatedCmProxyAction.pszParameters = NULL;
CmFree(pCmProxyCustomAction->pszParameters); CmFree(pCmProxyCustomAction); } else { FillInCustomActionStructWithCmProxy(bRestorePrevProxySettings, &UpdatedCmProxyAction, TRUE, GetName(g_szCmProxyFile)); // bDisconnectAction == TRUE
hr = g_pCustomActionList->Add(g_hInstance, &UpdatedCmProxyAction, g_szShortServiceName); MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(hr));
CmFree(UpdatedCmProxyAction.pszParameters); UpdatedCmProxyAction.pszParameters = NULL; } } } else { //
// Now try to delete the disconnect action
MYVERIFY(LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CMPROXY_DIS_DESC, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)));
if (szTemp[0]) { g_pCustomActionList->Delete(g_hInstance, szTemp, ONDISCONNECT); } } break;
default: return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void EnableDisableCmRouteControls(HWND hDlg) { BOOL bCmRouteEnabled = (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2)); HWND hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_FILE); EnableWindow(hControl, bCmRouteEnabled);
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_FILE_LABEL); EnableWindow(hControl, bCmRouteEnabled);
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_URL); EnableWindow(hControl, bCmRouteEnabled);
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_URL_LABEL); EnableWindow(hControl, bCmRouteEnabled);
// We only want to enable the require URL checkbox if there is text in the URL field.
LRESULT lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_URL, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1); EnableWindow(hControl, bCmRouteEnabled && lResult);
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_CHECK2); EnableWindow(hControl, bCmRouteEnabled); }
BOOL FindSwitchInString(LPCTSTR pszStringToSearch, LPCTSTR pszSwitchToFind, BOOL bReturnNextToken, LPTSTR pszToken) { if ((NULL == pszStringToSearch) || (NULL == pszSwitchToFind) || (bReturnNextToken && (NULL == pszToken))) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("FindSwitchInString -- invalid parameter")); return FALSE; }
BOOL bReturn = FALSE; BOOL bLongFileName = FALSE; LPTSTR pszSourceFileName = CmStrStr(pszStringToSearch, pszSwitchToFind); if (pszSourceFileName) { if (bReturnNextToken) { pszSourceFileName = pszSourceFileName + lstrlen(pszSwitchToFind);
while (CmIsSpace(pszSourceFileName)) { pszSourceFileName = CharNext(pszSourceFileName); }
if (TEXT('"') == *pszSourceFileName) { bLongFileName = TRUE; pszSourceFileName = CharNext(pszSourceFileName); } LPTSTR pszCurrent = pszSourceFileName; while (pszCurrent && (TEXT('\0') != *pszCurrent)) { if (bLongFileName && (TEXT('"') == *pszCurrent)) { break; } else if ((FALSE == bLongFileName) && (CmIsSpace(pszCurrent))) { break; }
pszCurrent = CharNext(pszCurrent); }
if (pszCurrent) { lstrcpyn(pszToken, pszSourceFileName, (int)(pszCurrent - pszSourceFileName + 1)); bReturn = TRUE; } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("FindSwitchInString -- unable to find next token to return")); } } else { bReturn = TRUE; } }
return bReturn; }
HRESULT BuildCustomActionParamString(LPTSTR* aArrayOfStrings, UINT uCountOfStrings, LPTSTR* ppszParamsOutput) { if ((NULL == aArrayOfStrings) || (0 == uCountOfStrings) || (NULL == ppszParamsOutput)) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("BuildCustomActionParamString -- Invalid Parameter")); return E_INVALIDARG; }
UINT uMemoryNeeded = 0; LPTSTR pszCurrent; BOOL bNeedQuotes; //
// First lets figure out how much memory we need to allocate
for (UINT i = 0; i < uCountOfStrings; i++) { if (aArrayOfStrings[i] && (TEXT('\0') != aArrayOfStrings[i])) { uMemoryNeeded = uMemoryNeeded + lstrlen(aArrayOfStrings[i]);
// Next check to see if we need double quotes around the item because it contains spaces
pszCurrent = (LPTSTR)aArrayOfStrings[i]; bNeedQuotes = FALSE;
while (pszCurrent && (TEXT('\0') != *pszCurrent)) { if (CmIsSpace(pszCurrent)) { bNeedQuotes = TRUE; break; }
pszCurrent = CharNext(pszCurrent); }
// Add the item to the string, making sure to add a space if this isn't the last
// item in the list
if (bNeedQuotes) { uMemoryNeeded = uMemoryNeeded + 2; }
// Add a space unless this is the last item in the list
if (i < (uCountOfStrings - 1)) { uMemoryNeeded++; } } }
// Make sure to add one for the null terminator and multiply by the size of a character
uMemoryNeeded = (uMemoryNeeded + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR);
// Now allocate the memory we need
*ppszParamsOutput = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(uMemoryNeeded);
// Finally copy over the data
if (*ppszParamsOutput) {
for (UINT i = 0; i < uCountOfStrings; i++) { if (aArrayOfStrings[i] && (TEXT('\0') != aArrayOfStrings[i])) { //
// Next check to see if we need double quotes around the item because it contains spaces
pszCurrent = (LPTSTR)aArrayOfStrings[i]; bNeedQuotes = FALSE;
while (pszCurrent && (TEXT('\0') != *pszCurrent)) { if (CmIsSpace(pszCurrent)) { bNeedQuotes = TRUE; break; }
pszCurrent = CharNext(pszCurrent); }
// Add the item to the string, making sure to add a space if this isn't the last
// item in the list
if (bNeedQuotes) { lstrcat(*ppszParamsOutput, TEXT("\"")); } lstrcat(*ppszParamsOutput, aArrayOfStrings[i]);
if (bNeedQuotes) { lstrcat(*ppszParamsOutput, TEXT("\"")); }
// Add a space unless this is the last item in the list
if (i < (uCountOfStrings - 1)) { lstrcat(*ppszParamsOutput, TEXT(" ")); } } } } else { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return S_OK; }
BOOL FillInCustomActionStructWithCmRoute(CustomActionListItem* pCustomAction, BOOL bDisconnectIfUrlUnavailable, LPCTSTR pszUrlPath, LPCTSTR pszRouteFile) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
MYDBGASSERT(pCustomAction && pszUrlPath && pszRouteFile && ((TEXT('\0') != pszRouteFile[0]) || (TEXT('\0') != pszUrlPath[0])));
if (pCustomAction && pszUrlPath && pszRouteFile && ((TEXT('\0') != pszRouteFile[0]) || (TEXT('\0') != pszUrlPath[0]))) { const TCHAR* const c_pszCmRouteFunction = TEXT("SetRoutes"); const TCHAR* const c_pszProfileMacro = TEXT("%PROFILE%");
MYVERIFY(LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CMROUTE_DESC, pCustomAction->szDescription, CELEMS(pCustomAction->szDescription))); pCustomAction->Type = ONCONNECT; wsprintf(pCustomAction->szProgram, TEXT("%s\\cmroute.dll"), g_szSupportDir);
LPTSTR aArrayOfStrings[8] = {0}; UINT uIndex = 0;
if (TEXT('\0') != pszRouteFile[0]) { aArrayOfStrings[uIndex] = (LPTSTR)c_pszProfileSwitch; uIndex++;
aArrayOfStrings[uIndex] = (LPTSTR)c_pszProfileMacro; uIndex++;
aArrayOfStrings[uIndex] = (LPTSTR)c_pszStaticFileNameSwitch; uIndex++;
aArrayOfStrings[uIndex] = (LPTSTR)pszRouteFile; uIndex++; }
if (TEXT('\0') != pszUrlPath[0]) { aArrayOfStrings[uIndex] = (LPTSTR)c_pszUrlPathSwitch; uIndex++;
aArrayOfStrings[uIndex] = (LPTSTR)pszUrlPath; uIndex++; }
if ((FALSE == bDisconnectIfUrlUnavailable) && (TEXT('\0') != pszUrlPath[0])) { aArrayOfStrings[uIndex] = (LPTSTR)c_pszDontRequireUrlSwitch; uIndex++; }
HRESULT hr = BuildCustomActionParamString(&(aArrayOfStrings[0]), uIndex, &(pCustomAction->pszParameters)); MYDBGASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); lstrcpy(pCustomAction->szFunctionName, c_pszCmRouteFunction); pCustomAction->bIncludeBinary = TRUE; pCustomAction->bBuiltInAction = TRUE; pCustomAction->bTempDescription = FALSE; pCustomAction->dwFlags = ALL_CONNECTIONS;
bReturn = (NULL != pCustomAction->pszParameters); }
return bReturn; }
// Function: ProcessRoutePlumbing
// Synopsis: Add Route Plumbing information
// History: quintinb Created 03/23/00
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessRoutePlumbing( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
BOOL bEnableRoutePlumbing; BOOL bDisconnectIfUrlUnavailable; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szUrlPath[MAX_PATH+1];
HRESULT hr; CustomActionListItem UpdatedCmRouteAction; CustomActionListItem* pCmRouteCustomAction = NULL;
ProcessBold(hDlg, message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_RTPLUMB)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_ROUTE_FILE); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_ROUTE_URL);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_ROUTE_URL:
if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) { EnableDisableCmRouteControls(hDlg); return (TRUE); } break;
case IDC_RADIO1: case IDC_RADIO2: EnableDisableCmRouteControls(hDlg); break;
case IDC_BUTTON1: // browse
{ //
// If the user clicked the browse button without clicking the CmRoute radio button,
// then we need to set the radio and make sure the other CmRoute controls are
// enabled.
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, IDC_RADIO2)); EnableDisableCmRouteControls(hDlg);
UINT uFilter = IDS_TXTFILTER; TCHAR* pszMask = TEXT("*.txt"); int iTemp = DoBrowse(hDlg, &uFilter, &pszMask, 1, IDC_ROUTE_FILE, TEXT("txt"), g_szLastBrowsePath);
MYDBGASSERT(0 != iTemp);
if (0 < iTemp) // -1 means the user cancelled
{ //
// We want to copy the full path to the filename into g_szCmRouteFile so
// that we have it for later in case the user wants to include it in the profile.
lstrcpy (g_szCmRouteFile, g_szLastBrowsePath);
// We also want to save the last browse path so that when the user next
// opens the browse dialog they will be in the same place they last
// browsed from.
LPTSTR pszLastSlash = CmStrrchr(g_szLastBrowsePath, TEXT('\\'));
if (pszLastSlash) { pszLastSlash = CharNext(pszLastSlash); *pszLastSlash = TEXT('\0'); } else { g_szLastBrowsePath[0] = TEXT('\0'); } } } break; default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK));
// Ensure we have a custom action list
if (NULL == g_pCustomActionList) { g_pCustomActionList = new CustomActionList;
if (NULL == g_pCustomActionList) { return FALSE; }
// Read in the custom actions from the Cms File
hr = g_pCustomActionList->ReadCustomActionsFromCms(g_hInstance, g_szCmsFile, g_szShortServiceName); CMASSERTMSG(SUCCEEDED(hr), TEXT("ProcessRoutePlumbing -- Loading custom actions failed.")); }
// Init the static variables to no route plumbing
bEnableRoutePlumbing = FALSE; bDisconnectIfUrlUnavailable = TRUE; // default behavior is to disconnect if URL is unreachable
g_szCmRouteFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); szUrlPath[0] = TEXT('\0');
// Now lets search the custom action list for cmproxy
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CMROUTE_DESC, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)));
hr = g_pCustomActionList->GetExistingActionData(g_hInstance, szTemp, ONCONNECT, &pCmRouteCustomAction);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Enable Route plumbing
bEnableRoutePlumbing = TRUE;
// Get the name of the static text file specified for cmroute.dll
if (FindSwitchInString(pCmRouteCustomAction->pszParameters, c_pszStaticFileNameSwitch, TRUE, szTemp)) //bReturnNextToken == TRUE
{ wsprintf(g_szCmRouteFile, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szTempDir, szTemp); }
// Get the name of the URL to a route file
if (FindSwitchInString(pCmRouteCustomAction->pszParameters, c_pszUrlPathSwitch, TRUE, szUrlPath)) //bReturnNextToken == TRUE
{ bDisconnectIfUrlUnavailable = (FALSE == FindSwitchInString(pCmRouteCustomAction->pszParameters, c_pszDontRequireUrlSwitch, FALSE, NULL)); //bReturnNextToken == FALSE
CmFree(pCmRouteCustomAction->pszParameters); CmFree(pCmRouteCustomAction); }
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, (bEnableRoutePlumbing ? IDC_RADIO2 : IDC_RADIO1))); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_FILE), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(g_szCmRouteFile))); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_URL), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szUrlPath));
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1, bDisconnectIfUrlUnavailable));
// Now make sure the correct set of controls is enabled.
case PSN_WIZNEXT: //
// Lets figure out if Route plumbing should be enabled or not.
bEnableRoutePlumbing = (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2));
if (bEnableRoutePlumbing) { //
// First try to get the static route file. If we don't have one that is okay
// as long as they gave us a route URL.
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_FILE, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_FILE)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_URL, szUrlPath, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_URL)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
if ((TEXT('\0') == szTemp[0]) && (TEXT('\0') == szUrlPath[0])) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NEED_ROUTE_FILE, MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_FILE)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
// If they gave us a static route file then we need to verify it
if (TEXT('\0') != szTemp[0]) { if (!VerifyFile(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_FILE, g_szCmRouteFile, TRUE)) { SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_ROUTE_FILE)); return TRUE; } else { //
// Lets copy the route file to the temp dir
wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szTempDir, GetName(g_szCmRouteFile));
if (0 != lstrcmpi(szTemp, g_szCmRouteFile)) { MYVERIFY(TRUE == CopyFileWrapper(g_szCmRouteFile, szTemp, FALSE)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetFileAttributes(szTemp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)); } } } else { g_szCmRouteFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
// If they gave us a route URL then we need to make sure it starts with
// http:// or https:// or file://, basically that it contains ://. Note we
// really don't do any validation here under the assumption that they will discover
// it doesn't work when they test it if the URL is invalid.
if ((szUrlPath[0]) && (NULL == CmStrStr(szUrlPath, TEXT("://")))) { lstrcpy (szTemp, szUrlPath); wsprintf (szUrlPath, TEXT("http://%s"), szTemp); }
bDisconnectIfUrlUnavailable = (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1)); // note we don't write this if we don't have a URL path
// Now we have all of the data we need, lets build the custom action struct and then
// either edit it or add it depending on whether it already exists or not.
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CMROUTE_DESC, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)));
hr = g_pCustomActionList->GetExistingActionData(g_hInstance, szTemp, ONCONNECT, &pCmRouteCustomAction);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { FillInCustomActionStructWithCmRoute(&UpdatedCmRouteAction, bDisconnectIfUrlUnavailable, szUrlPath, GetName(g_szCmRouteFile));
hr = g_pCustomActionList->Edit(g_hInstance, pCmRouteCustomAction, &UpdatedCmRouteAction, g_szShortServiceName); MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(hr));
CmFree(UpdatedCmRouteAction.pszParameters); UpdatedCmRouteAction.pszParameters = NULL; CmFree(pCmRouteCustomAction->pszParameters); CmFree(pCmRouteCustomAction); } else { FillInCustomActionStructWithCmRoute(&UpdatedCmRouteAction, bDisconnectIfUrlUnavailable, szUrlPath, GetName(g_szCmRouteFile));
hr = g_pCustomActionList->Add(g_hInstance, &UpdatedCmRouteAction, g_szShortServiceName); MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(hr));
CmFree(UpdatedCmRouteAction.pszParameters); UpdatedCmRouteAction.pszParameters = NULL; } } else { //
// Clear out the global route file path
g_szCmRouteFile[0] = TEXT('\0');
// The user doesn't want cmroute. Delete it from the connect action list.
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CMROUTE_DESC, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)));
if (szTemp[0]) { hr = g_pCustomActionList->Delete(g_hInstance, szTemp, ONCONNECT); } } break;
default: return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void EnableDisableRealmControls(HWND hDlg) { BOOL bRealmControlsEnabled = (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2)); HWND hControl;
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1); if (hControl) { EnableWindow(hControl, bRealmControlsEnabled); }
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REALMNAME); if (hControl) { EnableWindow(hControl, bRealmControlsEnabled); } hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_RADIO3); if (hControl) { EnableWindow(hControl, bRealmControlsEnabled); }
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_RADIO4); if (hControl) { EnableWindow(hControl, bRealmControlsEnabled); }
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REALM_SEP); if (hControl) { EnableWindow(hControl, bRealmControlsEnabled); } }
// Function: ProcessRealmInfo
// Synopsis: Add a Realm Name
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage2B 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessRealmInfo( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam; ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_REALM)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDIT1);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_RADIO1: // Do not Add a Realm Name
case IDC_RADIO2: // Add a Realm Name
EnableDisableRealmControls(hDlg); break;
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK)); //
// The next two calls to GetPrivateProfileString could return empty strings, thus don't use MYVERIFY macro
ZeroMemory(g_szPrefix, sizeof(g_szPrefix)); GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUserPrefix, TEXT(""), g_szPrefix, CELEMS(g_szPrefix), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
ZeroMemory(g_szSuffix, sizeof(g_szSuffix)); GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUserSuffix, TEXT(""), g_szSuffix, CELEMS(g_szSuffix), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
if (*g_szSuffix) { MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, IDC_RADIO2)); MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO3, IDC_RADIO4, IDC_RADIO4));
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)MAX_PATH, (LPARAM) g_szSuffix)); } else if (*g_szPrefix) { MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, IDC_RADIO2)); MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO3, IDC_RADIO4, IDC_RADIO3));
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)MAX_PATH, (LPARAM) g_szPrefix)); } else { MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, IDC_RADIO1)); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)MAX_PATH, (LPARAM)TEXT("")));
// Suffix is the default, set this just in case the user adds a suffix or prefix
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO3, IDC_RADIO4, IDC_RADIO4)); }
// First check if IDC_RADIO1 is checked, if so that means that the user
// doesn't want Realm info
if (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1)) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection,c_pszCmEntryUserPrefix,TEXT(""),g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection,c_pszCmEntryUserSuffix,TEXT(""),g_szCmsFile)); g_szSuffix[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szPrefix[0] = TEXT('\0'); } else if (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2)) { //
// If Radio2 is checked then they do want Realm info and we need to
// see if the string exists and if it is convertable to ANSI form.
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
if (TEXT('\0') == szTemp[0]) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOREALM, MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } //
// Now check to see if this is a Prefix or a Suffix
if (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO3)) // Prefix
{ _tcscpy(g_szPrefix, szTemp); g_szSuffix[0] = TEXT('\0');
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUserPrefix, g_szPrefix, g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUserSuffix, TEXT(""), g_szCmsFile)); } else if (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO4)) // Suffix
{ _tcscpy(g_szSuffix, szTemp); g_szPrefix[0] = TEXT('\0');
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUserSuffix, g_szSuffix, g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUserPrefix, TEXT(""), g_szCmsFile)); } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ProcessRealmInfo -- Unknown State, bailing")); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ProcessRealmInfo -- Unknown State, bailing")); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } break;
default: return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void RefreshList(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uCrtlId, ListBxList * HeadPtr) { ListBxList * LoopPtr;
SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, (LPARAM)0); //lint !e534 LB_RESETCONTENT doesn't return anything
if (HeadPtr == NULL) { return; }
LoopPtr = HeadPtr;
while( LoopPtr != NULL) { MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, uCrtlId, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)LoopPtr->szName));
LoopPtr = LoopPtr->next; } }
void RefreshComboList(HWND hwndDlg, ListBxList * HeadPtr) { ListBxList * LoopPtr;
SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_COMBO1,CB_RESETCONTENT,0,(LPARAM)0); //lint !e534 CB_RESETCONTENT doesn't return anything useful
if (HeadPtr == NULL) { return; } LoopPtr = HeadPtr; while( LoopPtr != NULL) { MYVERIFY(CB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)LoopPtr->szName));
LoopPtr = LoopPtr->next; } }
void FreeList(ListBxList ** pHeadPtr, ListBxList ** pTailPtr) { ListBxList * pTmpPtr; ListBxList * pLoopPtr = *pHeadPtr;
while(NULL != pLoopPtr) { CmFree(pLoopPtr->ListBxData); pTmpPtr = pLoopPtr; pLoopPtr = pLoopPtr->next;
CmFree(pTmpPtr); }
*pHeadPtr = NULL; *pTailPtr = NULL; }
// Function: MoveCmsFile
// Synopsis: This function checks a referenced CMS file to see if it contains
// script files. If the CMS file contains script files, then it
// copies them to the temporary directory and adds a referenced
// file entry to the g_pHeadRefs linked list.
// Arguments: LPTSTR szFile - name of the cms file to move
// Returns: BOOL - returns TRUE on Success
// History: quintinb Created Header 01/09/98
// quintinb rewrote for the Unicode Converversion 06/14/99
// quintinb updated for rewrite of DUN settings 03/21/00
BOOL MoveCmsFile(LPCTSTR pszCmsFile, LPCTSTR pszShortServiceName) { BOOL bReturn = TRUE; ListBxList* pTmpHeadDns = NULL; ListBxList* pTmpTailDns = NULL; ListBxList* pTmpCurrentDns = NULL; CDunSetting* pTmpDunSetting = NULL; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH+1];
if ((NULL == pszCmsFile) || (NULL == pszShortServiceName) || (TEXT('\0') == pszCmsFile[0]) || (TEXT('\0') == pszShortServiceName[0])) { return FALSE; }
// Get the Long Service Name from the profile just in case we need a default entry.
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryServiceName, TEXT(""), szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), pszCmsFile); //lint !e534
if (ReadNetworkSettings(pszCmsFile, szTemp, TEXT(""), &pTmpHeadDns, &pTmpTailDns, g_szOsdir, FALSE)) // FALSE == bLookingForVpnEntries
{ if (NULL != pTmpHeadDns) // just return TRUE if no entries
{ pTmpCurrentDns = pTmpHeadDns; while (pTmpCurrentDns && pTmpCurrentDns->ListBxData) { pTmpDunSetting = (CDunSetting*)pTmpCurrentDns->ListBxData;
if (TEXT('\0') != pTmpDunSetting->szScript[0]) { //
// Then we have a script, lets copy it and then add it to the g_pHeadRefs List
GetFileName(pTmpDunSetting->szScript, szFileName);
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szOutdir, szFileName)); //
// Copy the Script File
if (CopyFileWrapper(pTmpDunSetting->szScript, szDest, FALSE)) { MYVERIFY(0 != SetFileAttributes(szDest, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)); //
// Add the file to the Referenced files list
bReturn = bReturn && createListBxRecord(&g_pHeadRefs, &g_pTailRefs, (void *)NULL, 0, szFileName); //
// Update the script section in the existing cms to point
// to the new directory.
// Originally: [Scripting&Merge Profile Name]
// Name=merge\script.scp
// Becomes: [Scripting&Merge Profile Name]
// Name=toplvl\script.scp
// Note the change in directory name so that the script file
// can be found.
TCHAR szSection[MAX_PATH+1]; MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szSection) > (UINT)wsprintf(szSection, TEXT("%s&%s"), c_pszCmSectionDunScripting, pTmpCurrentDns->szName));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), pszShortServiceName, szFileName));
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, c_pszCmEntryDunScriptingName, szTemp, pszCmsFile)); } }
pTmpCurrentDns = pTmpCurrentDns->next; } } } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("MoveCmsFile -- ReadDnsList Failed. GetLastError Returns %d"), GetLastError()); bReturn = FALSE; goto exit; }
exit: //
// Free the DNS List
FreeDnsList(&pTmpHeadDns, &pTmpTailDns); return (bReturn); }
// Function: ProcessDunEntries
// Synopsis: Set up Dial-up networking
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage2C 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessDunEntries( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //
// We have a static Memory buffer and a static pointer
// so that we can know when the user has changed the phonebook
// on us (meaning we need to reread the Networking settings).
// Note that we use the static pointer to tell us if we have read
// the settings at least once.
static TCHAR szCachedPhoneBook[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; static TCHAR* pszCachedPhoneBook = NULL; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_DENTRY)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_LIST1);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_BUTTON1: //add
OnProcessDunEntriesAdd(g_hInstance, hDlg, IDC_LIST1, &g_pHeadDunEntry, &g_pTailDunEntry, FALSE, g_szLongServiceName, g_szCmsFile); // FALSE == bCreateTunnelEntry
return TRUE;
break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_BUTTON2: //edit
OnProcessDunEntriesEdit(g_hInstance, hDlg, IDC_LIST1, &g_pHeadDunEntry, &g_pTailDunEntry, g_szLongServiceName, g_szCmsFile);
return TRUE;
break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_BUTTON3: //delete
OnProcessDunEntriesDelete(g_hInstance, hDlg, IDC_LIST1, &g_pHeadDunEntry, &g_pTailDunEntry, g_szLongServiceName, g_szCmsFile); return TRUE;
break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_LIST1: if (LBN_SELCHANGE == HIWORD(wParam)) { //
// The selection in the listbox changed, lets figure out if we need to
// enable/disable the delete button
EnableDisableDunEntryButtons(g_hInstance, hDlg, g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName); } else if (LBN_DBLCLK == HIWORD(wParam)) { OnProcessDunEntriesEdit(g_hInstance, hDlg, IDC_LIST1, &g_pHeadDunEntry, &g_pTailDunEntry, g_szLongServiceName, g_szCmsFile); } break;
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK));
// To avoid reading the network settings more than we have to, we only want to
// read the networking settings the first time the users hits this page or any
// time the user changes the phonebook (if they clone the profile or edit a different
// one, clearing this will be taken care of elsewhere).
if ((NULL == g_pHeadDunEntry) || (NULL == pszCachedPhoneBook) || lstrcmpi(g_szPhonebk, pszCachedPhoneBook)) {
FreeDnsList(&g_pHeadDunEntry, &g_pTailDunEntry);
MYVERIFY(ReadNetworkSettings(g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName, g_szPhonebk, &g_pHeadDunEntry, &g_pTailDunEntry, g_szOsdir, FALSE)); //FALSE == bLookingForVpnEntries
pszCachedPhoneBook = szCachedPhoneBook; lstrcpy(pszCachedPhoneBook, g_szPhonebk); }
RefreshDnsList(g_hInstance, hDlg, IDC_LIST1, g_pHeadDunEntry, g_szLongServiceName, g_szCmsFile, NULL); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON1)); EnableDisableDunEntryButtons(g_hInstance, hDlg, g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName);
// Before writing out the entries we must make sure that we don't have a name collision with entries
// from the VPN list. Thus we will check each name in the DUN entries list for a matching name in the
// VPN entries list. If we detect a collision, then we will throw an error message to the user and
// let them deal with the problem.
if (!CheckForDUNversusVPNNameConflicts(hDlg, g_pHeadDunEntry, g_pHeadVpnEntry)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
// Now it is okay to write out the networking entries
WriteNetworkingEntries(g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName, g_szShortServiceName, g_pHeadDunEntry);
// If we aren't updating the phonebook then we need to go right back to the phonebook page
// and skip the pbk update page
if (pnmHeader && (PSN_WIZBACK == pnmHeader->code) && !g_bUpdatePhonebook) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, IDD_PHONEBOOK)); } break;
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: DoesSomeVPNsettingUsePresharedKey
// Synopsis: Checks VPN DUN settings to see if any chose to use a preshared key
// Returns: BOOL (TRUE if some VPN setting does use a pre-shared key)
// History: 25-Apr-2001 SumitC Created
BOOL DoesSomeVPNsettingUsePresharedKey() { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; ListBxList * ptr = g_pHeadVpnEntry;
if (g_bUseTunneling) { while (ptr != NULL) { CDunSetting * pDunSetting = (CDunSetting*)(ptr->ListBxData);
if (pDunSetting && pDunSetting->bUsePresharedKey) { bReturn = TRUE; break; } ptr = ptr->next; } }
return bReturn; }
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessVpnEntries( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //
// We have a static Memory buffer and a static pointer
// so that we can know when the user has changed the phonebook
// on us (meaning we need to reread the Networking settings).
// Note that we use the static pointer to tell us if we have read
// the settings at least once.
BOOL bFreeDunList = FALSE; static TCHAR szCachedPhoneBook[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; static TCHAR* pszCachedPhoneBook = NULL; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_VENTRY)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_LIST1);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_BUTTON1: //add
OnProcessDunEntriesAdd(g_hInstance, hDlg, IDC_LIST1, &g_pHeadVpnEntry, &g_pTailVpnEntry, TRUE, g_szLongServiceName, g_szCmsFile); // TRUE == bCreateTunnelEntry
return TRUE;
break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_BUTTON2: //edit
OnProcessDunEntriesEdit(g_hInstance, hDlg, IDC_LIST1, &g_pHeadVpnEntry, &g_pTailVpnEntry, g_szLongServiceName, g_szCmsFile);
return TRUE;
break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_BUTTON3: //delete
OnProcessDunEntriesDelete(g_hInstance, hDlg, IDC_LIST1, &g_pHeadVpnEntry, &g_pTailVpnEntry, g_szLongServiceName, g_szCmsFile); return TRUE;
break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_LIST1: if (LBN_SELCHANGE == HIWORD(wParam)) { //
// The selection in the listbox changed, lets figure out if we need to
// enable/disable the delete button
EnableDisableDunEntryButtons(g_hInstance, hDlg, g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName); } else if (LBN_DBLCLK == HIWORD(wParam)) { OnProcessDunEntriesEdit(g_hInstance, hDlg, IDC_LIST1, &g_pHeadVpnEntry, &g_pTailVpnEntry, g_szLongServiceName, g_szCmsFile); } break;
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK));
// To avoid reading the network settings more than we have to, we only want to
// read the networking settings the first time the users hits this page or any
// time the user changes the VPN File (if they clone the profile or edit a different
// one, clearing this will be taken care of elsewhere).
if ((NULL == g_pHeadVpnEntry) || (NULL == pszCachedPhoneBook) || lstrcmpi(g_szVpnFile, pszCachedPhoneBook)) { FreeDnsList(&g_pHeadVpnEntry, &g_pTailVpnEntry);
MYVERIFY(ReadNetworkSettings(g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName, g_szVpnFile, &g_pHeadVpnEntry, &g_pTailVpnEntry, g_szOsdir, TRUE)); //TRUE == bLookingForVpnEntries
pszCachedPhoneBook = szCachedPhoneBook; lstrcpy(pszCachedPhoneBook, g_szVpnFile); }
RefreshDnsList(g_hInstance, hDlg, IDC_LIST1, g_pHeadVpnEntry, g_szLongServiceName, g_szCmsFile, NULL); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON1)); EnableDisableDunEntryButtons(g_hInstance, hDlg, g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName);
// Before writing out the entries we must make sure that we don't have a name collision with entries
// from the DUN list. Thus we will check each name in the VPN entries list for a matching name in the
// DUN entries list. If we detect a collision, then we will throw an error message to the user and
// let them deal with the problem. One further complication here is that the DUN entries list may not be
// read in yet and we can't read it in permanently in that case since the phonebook may not have been
// given yet or may change. Thus we will read in a temp copy to compare against if the list pointer is NULL.
if (NULL == g_pHeadDunEntry) { bFreeDunList = TRUE; MYVERIFY(ReadNetworkSettings(g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName, g_szPhonebk, &g_pHeadDunEntry, &g_pTailDunEntry, g_szOsdir, FALSE)); //FALSE == bLookingForVpnEntries
if (!CheckForDUNversusVPNNameConflicts(hDlg, g_pHeadDunEntry, g_pHeadVpnEntry)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
if (bFreeDunList) { FreeDnsList(&g_pHeadDunEntry, &g_pTailDunEntry); }
// Okay, now it's safe to write out the entries
WriteNetworkingEntries(g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName, g_szShortServiceName, g_pHeadVpnEntry);
// If any of the VPN dun settings has Pre-shared key enabled, go to the Pre-Shared key page
if (g_pHeadVpnEntry) { //
// If we are going forward, skip the Pre-shared key page if
// no DUN entries have Preshared key enabled.
g_bPresharedKeyNeeded = DoesSomeVPNsettingUsePresharedKey(); if (pnmHeader && (PSN_WIZNEXT == pnmHeader->code) && !g_bPresharedKeyNeeded) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, IDD_PHONEBOOK)); } } break;
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void EnableDisableTunnelAddressControls(HWND hDlg) { BOOL bEnabledTunnelControls = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1) || IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_CHECK2); BOOL bUseVpnFile = (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2));
// Enable/Disable the single VPN Server Edit control
HWND hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1); EnableWindow(hControl, bEnabledTunnelControls);
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1); EnableWindow(hControl, (bEnabledTunnelControls && !bUseVpnFile));
// Enable/Disable the VPN File edit control, and browse button
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2); EnableWindow(hControl, bEnabledTunnelControls);
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2); EnableWindow(hControl, (bEnabledTunnelControls && bUseVpnFile));
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON1); EnableWindow(hControl, bEnabledTunnelControls);
// Enable/Disable the use same username checkbox
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_CHECK3); EnableWindow(hControl, bEnabledTunnelControls); }
// Function: ProcessTunneling
// Synopsis: Setup Tunneling
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage2E 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessTunneling( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { UINT uEditControl = 0; UINT uRadioButton = 0; UINT uMissingMsgId = 0; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTempVpnFile[MAX_PATH+1]; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_SECURE)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE;
switch (message) {
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1)); break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_RADIO1: case IDC_RADIO2: case IDC_CHECK1: case IDC_CHECK2: EnableDisableTunnelAddressControls(hDlg); break;
case IDC_BUTTON1: // Browse button
// If the user clicked the browse button without clicking the VPN File radio button,
// then we need to set the radio and make sure the other controls are
// enabled.
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, IDC_RADIO2)); EnableDisableTunnelAddressControls(hDlg);
UINT uFilter = IDS_TXTFILTER; TCHAR* pszMask = TEXT("*.txt"); int iTemp = DoBrowse(hDlg, &uFilter, &pszMask, 1, IDC_EDIT2, TEXT("txt"), g_szLastBrowsePath);
MYDBGASSERT(0 != iTemp);
if (0 < iTemp) // -1 means the user cancelled
{ //
// We want to copy the full path to the filename into g_szVpnFile so
// that we have it for later in case the user wants to include it in the profile.
lstrcpy (g_szVpnFile, g_szLastBrowsePath);
// We also want to save the last browse path so that when the user next
// opens the browse dialog they will be in the same place they last
// browsed from.
LPTSTR pszLastSlash = CmStrrchr(g_szLastBrowsePath, TEXT('\\'));
if (pszLastSlash) { pszLastSlash = CharNext(pszLastSlash); *pszLastSlash = TEXT('\0'); } else { g_szLastBrowsePath[0] = TEXT('\0'); } } } break;
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) { case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK)); //
// Is this a tunneling profile? If so, check the tunnel this profile checkbox
MYVERIFY(0 != GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelPrimary, c_pszZero, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_CHECK1,(*szTemp == TEXT('1'))));
// If we have merged profiles and the profile has tunnel references turned on then
// we want to check the tunnel references checkbox.
if (g_pHeadMerge == NULL) { MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_CHECK2,FALSE)); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_CHECK2),FALSE); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_CHECK2),TRUE); MYVERIFY(0 != GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelReferences, c_pszZero, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg,IDC_CHECK2,(*szTemp == TEXT('1')))); }
// Now we need to decide if we have a VPN File for this profile or just a single
// Tunnel Address. First try the TunnelFile entry.
szTemp[0] = TEXT('\0'); szTempVpnFile[0] = TEXT('\0');
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelFile, TEXT(""), szTempVpnFile, CELEMS(szTempVpnFile), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
if (TEXT('\0') != szTempVpnFile[0]) { //
// The VpnFile text should be a relative path (corpras\vpn.txt) and
// thus we will want to add the path to the profile dir in front of it.
wsprintf(g_szVpnFile, TEXT("%s%s"), g_szOsdir, szTempVpnFile);
// Now verify that this exists
if (FileExists(g_szVpnFile)) { LPTSTR pszSlash = CmStrrchr(g_szVpnFile, TEXT('\\'));
if (pszSlash) { pszSlash = CharNext(pszSlash); lstrcpy(szTempVpnFile, pszSlash); } } else { //
// This might just mean that the file is in the temp dir and we haven't
// created a dir under profiles yet ... Lets try looking for the file
// in the temp dir instead.
LPTSTR pszSlash = CmStrrchr(g_szVpnFile, TEXT('\\'));
if (pszSlash) { pszSlash = CharNext(pszSlash); lstrcpy(szTempVpnFile, pszSlash); } wsprintf(g_szVpnFile, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szTempDir, szTempVpnFile); if (!FileExists(g_szVpnFile)) { //
// Well, we still didn't find it. Looks like the user has us baffled at this point.
// Clear out the buffers and the user will be forced to fill in the correct
// file path before continuing.
g_szVpnFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); szTempVpnFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); } }
uRadioButton = IDC_RADIO2; } else { //
// We didn't get a VPN file so lets try for a Tunnel Address
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelAddress, TEXT(""), szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
uRadioButton = IDC_RADIO1; }
// Now fill in one of the edit controls and set a Radio Button
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTemp)); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTempVpnFile));
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, uRadioButton)); //
// Now get the UseSameUserName value and set that as appropriate
MYVERIFY(0 != GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUseSameUserName, c_pszZero, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szCmsFile)); g_bUseSamePwd = (*szTemp == TEXT('1')); MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECK3, (UINT)g_bUseSamePwd));
EnableDisableTunnelAddressControls(hDlg); break;
// Read the checkboxes to figure out if we are tunneling or not
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_CHECK1)) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelPrimary, c_pszOne, g_szCmsFile)); } else { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelPrimary, c_pszZero, g_szCmsFile)); }
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_CHECK2)) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelReferences, c_pszOne, g_szCmsFile)); } else { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelReferences, c_pszZero, g_szCmsFile)); }
// If we are tunneling then set the tunnel settings
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_CHECK2) || IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_CHECK1)) { g_bUseTunneling = TRUE;
// Figure out if we are looking for a single tunnel address or a VPN file
if (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1)) { uEditControl = IDC_EDIT1; uMissingMsgId = IDS_NOTUNNEL; g_szVpnFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); } else { uEditControl = IDC_EDIT2; uMissingMsgId = IDS_NOTUNNELFILE; }
// Get the tunnel server address or VPN file
LRESULT lResult = GetTextFromControl(hDlg, uEditControl, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE); // bDisplayError == TRUE
if (-1 == lResult) { SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, uEditControl)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1));
return 1; } else if (0 == lResult) { szTemp[0] = TEXT('\0'); } //
// Trim the string
// Check to make sure that they actually gave us text
if (TEXT('\0') == szTemp[0]) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, uMissingMsgId, MB_OK));
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, uEditControl)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1));
return 1; }
// If we have a VPN file, we need to verify it
if (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2)) { if (!VerifyFile(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2, g_szVpnFile, TRUE)) { SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return TRUE; } else { //
// We have now verified that we can find the file, but since
// the user cannot enter their own tunnel address we need to
// go one step further and make sure that there is at least one
// tunnel address in the file.
if (!VerifyVpnFile(g_szVpnFile)) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_BADVPNFORMAT, MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return TRUE; }
// Lets copy the VPN file to the temp dir
wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szTempDir, GetName(g_szVpnFile));
if (0 != lstrcmpi(szTemp, g_szVpnFile)) { MYVERIFY(TRUE == CopyFileWrapper(g_szVpnFile, szTemp, FALSE)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetFileAttributes(szTemp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)); } } }
// Write out the vpn file and tunnel address entries
if (BST_CHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1)) { //
// szTemp contains the tunnel address already, so just
// clear the vpn file variable.
szTempVpnFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); } else { //
// clear the tunnel address and set the vpn file
szTemp[0] = TEXT('\0'); wsprintf(szTempVpnFile, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szShortServiceName, GetName(g_szVpnFile)); }
// Write out the tunnel address
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelAddress, szTemp, g_szCmsFile));
// Write out the tunnel file
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelFile, szTempVpnFile, g_szCmsFile));
// Set the name of the Tunnel Dun setting
MYVERIFY(0 != GetTunnelDunSettingName(g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp))); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelDun, szTemp, g_szCmsFile)); //
// Write out the use same user name value
g_bUseSamePwd = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_CHECK3);
if (g_bUseSamePwd) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUseSameUserName, c_pszOne, g_szCmsFile)); } else { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUseSameUserName, c_pszZero, g_szCmsFile)); } } else { //
// Set g_bUseTunneling to False but don't clear out the tunnel settings until the
// user hits the finish button. That way if they change their mind part way through
// building the profile we don't throw away their settings.
g_bUseTunneling = FALSE; }
// Skip the VPN entries dialog if we don't have tunneling enabled.
if (pnmHeader && (PSN_WIZNEXT == pnmHeader->code) && !g_bUseTunneling) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, IDD_PHONEBOOK)); } break;
default: return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: ValidatePresharedKey
// Synopsis: Checks the given pre-shared key for validity
// Arguments: pszPresharedKey - string to check
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE => key is good, FALSE => bad
// History: sumitc Created 03/27/01
BOOL ValidatePresharedKey(LPTSTR pszPresharedKey) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
if (pszPresharedKey && (TEXT('\0') != pszPresharedKey[0]) && (lstrlen(pszPresharedKey) <= c_dwMaxPresharedKey)) { bReturn = TRUE; } return bReturn; }
// Function: ValidatePresharedKeyPIN
// Synopsis: Checks the given PIN for validity
// Arguments: pszPresharedKey - string to check
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE => PIN is good, FALSE => bad
// History: sumitc Created 03/27/01
BOOL ValidatePresharedKeyPIN(LPTSTR pszPresharedKeyPIN) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
if (pszPresharedKeyPIN && (TEXT('\0') != pszPresharedKeyPIN[0]) && (lstrlen(pszPresharedKeyPIN) >= c_dwMinPresharedKeyPIN) && (lstrlen(pszPresharedKeyPIN) <= c_dwMaxPresharedKeyPIN)) { bReturn = TRUE; } return bReturn; }
// Function: EncryptPresharedKey
// Synopsis: Encrypts the given key into a form that can be serialized.
// Arguments: szKey - key to encrypt
// szPIN - pin to use as seed
// ppszEncrypted - resultant string
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE => successfully encrypted key, FALSE => failed
// History: sumitc Created 03/27/01
BOOL EncryptPresharedKey(IN LPTSTR szKey, IN LPTSTR szPIN, OUT LPTSTR * ppszEncrypted) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; DWORD dwLenEncrypted = 0; LPSTR pszAnsiEncrypted = NULL;
MYDBGASSERT(ppszEncrypted); LPSTR pszAnsiKey = WzToSzWithAlloc(szKey); LPSTR pszAnsiPIN = WzToSzWithAlloc(szPIN);
MYDBGASSERT(pszAnsiKey && pszAnsiPIN); if (ppszEncrypted && pszAnsiKey && pszAnsiPIN) { //
// Initialize
InitSecure(FALSE); // use secure, not fast encryption
// Encrypt it
if (EncryptString(pszAnsiKey, pszAnsiPIN, (PBYTE*) &pszAnsiEncrypted, &dwLenEncrypted, #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_MEM)
(PFN_CMSECUREALLOC)AllocDebugMem, // Give the DEBUG_MEM version of alloc/free
(PFN_CMSECUREFREE)FreeDebugMem)) // Not quit right, AllocDebugMem takes 3 param
(PFN_CMSECUREALLOC)CmMalloc, // mem allocator
(PFN_CMSECUREFREE)CmFree)) // mem deallocator
{ bReturn = TRUE; }
// Uninitialize
if (bReturn) { *ppszEncrypted = SzToWzWithAlloc(pszAnsiEncrypted); ZeroMemory(pszAnsiEncrypted, lstrlenA(pszAnsiEncrypted) * sizeof(CHAR)); #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(DEBUG_MEM)
FreeDebugMem(pszAnsiEncrypted); #else
CmFree(pszAnsiEncrypted); #endif
} }
CmFree(pszAnsiKey); CmFree(pszAnsiPIN);
return bReturn; }
// Function: EnableDisablePresharedKeyControls
// Synopsis: Based on whether we have a key, set enabled/disabled state of UI
// History: 27-Mar-2001 SumitC Created
void EnableDisablePresharedKeyControls(HWND hDlg, BOOL bEnable) { //
// Enable edit controls and checkboxes
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY), bEnable); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_USEENCRYPTION), bEnable); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY_PIN), bEnable); if (bEnable) { CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_USEENCRYPTION, TRUE); }
// Either clear edit control or fill with info text
if (bEnable) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)TEXT("")); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY)); } else { LPTSTR pszTmp = CmLoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_PRESHAREDKEY_ALREADY); if (pszTmp) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pszTmp); } CmFree(pszTmp); }
// Show or hide the "Replace Key" button
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_REPLACE_PSK), !bEnable); }
// Function: ProcessPresharedKey
// Synopsis: Setup Pre-shared key usage for this profile
// History: 27-Mar-2001 SumitC Created
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessPresharedKey( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam; static LPTSTR pszPresharedKey = NULL; static BOOL bEncryptPresharedKey = FALSE;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_PRESHARED)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE;
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: //
// Set max text lengths for the edit controls
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)c_dwMaxPresharedKey, (LPARAM)0); //lint !e534 EM_SETLIMITTEXT doesn't return anything useful
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY_PIN, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)c_dwMaxPresharedKeyPIN, (LPARAM)0); //lint !e534 EM_SETLIMITTEXT doesn't return anything useful
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_REPLACE_PSK: if (IDYES == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_REALLY_REPLACE_PSK, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING)) { CmFree(pszPresharedKey); pszPresharedKey = NULL; EnableDisablePresharedKeyControls(hDlg, TRUE); } break;
case IDC_USEENCRYPTION: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY_PIN), IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_USEENCRYPTION)); break;
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) { case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK));
CMASSERTMSG(g_bPresharedKeyNeeded, TEXT("we shouldn't get to this page otherwise."));
// Read in the Pre-shared key and the flag that says if it's encrypted
pszPresharedKey = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPresharedKey, TEXT(""), g_szCmpFile); //lint !e534
bEncryptPresharedKey = (BOOL)GetPrivateProfileInt(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryKeyIsEncrypted, FALSE, g_szCmpFile); //lint !e534
// If we don't have a pre-shared key, hide the Replace button, and enable all
// the other controls. If we already have a pre-shared key, disable all the
// controls and enable the Replace button.
EnableDisablePresharedKeyControls(hDlg, !pszPresharedKey); break;
case PSN_WIZBACK: g_bPresharedKeyNeeded = FALSE; // force this to be recomputed, since it can change if we go back
// fall through and verify pre-shared key as well
if (NULL == pszPresharedKey) { TCHAR szPresharedKey[c_dwMaxPresharedKey + 1]; TCHAR szPresharedKeyPIN[c_dwMaxPresharedKeyPIN + 1];
// verify Pre-shared Key
GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY, szPresharedKey, c_dwMaxPresharedKey, TRUE);
if (FALSE == ValidatePresharedKey(szPresharedKey)) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_PRESHAREDKEY_BAD, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
// if key is being encrypted, verify the PIN and use to encrypt key
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_USEENCRYPTION)) { GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY_PIN, szPresharedKeyPIN, c_dwMaxPresharedKeyPIN, TRUE); if (FALSE == ValidatePresharedKeyPIN(szPresharedKeyPIN)) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_PRESHAREDKEY_PIN_BAD, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY_PIN)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
// Encrypt Pre-shared Key
if (FALSE == EncryptPresharedKey(szPresharedKey, szPresharedKeyPIN, &pszPresharedKey)) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_PSK_ENCRYPT_FAILED, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PRESHARED_KEY_PIN)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
MYDBGASSERT(pszPresharedKey); bEncryptPresharedKey = TRUE; } else { pszPresharedKey = CmStrCpyAlloc(szPresharedKey); }
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPresharedKey, pszPresharedKey, g_szCmpFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryKeyIsEncrypted, (bEncryptPresharedKey ? c_pszOne : c_pszZero), g_szCmpFile));
ZeroMemory(szPresharedKey, c_dwMaxPresharedKey * sizeof(TCHAR)); ZeroMemory(szPresharedKeyPIN, c_dwMaxPresharedKeyPIN * sizeof(TCHAR)); } CmFree(pszPresharedKey); pszPresharedKey = NULL; break;
default: return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: RenameSection
// Synopsis: This function renames an INI file section from the current name to
// the new name.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR szCurrentSectionName - Current name that you want renamed
// LPCTSTR szNewSectionName - name you want the above renamed to
// LPCTSTR szFile - INI file to rename the section in
// Returns: BOOL - Returns TRUE unless a malloc error occurred
// History: quintinb Created 9/11/98
BOOL RenameSection(LPCTSTR szCurrentSectionName, LPCTSTR szNewSectionName, LPCTSTR szFile) { //
// Get the existing section
LPTSTR pszBuffer = GetPrivateProfileSectionWithAlloc(szCurrentSectionName, szFile);
if (NULL == pszBuffer) { return FALSE; } else { //
// Erase the old section
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(szCurrentSectionName, NULL, NULL, szFile));
// Write out the renamed section
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileSection(szNewSectionName, pszBuffer, szFile)); }
CmFree(pszBuffer); return TRUE; }
// Function: ProcessCustomActionPopup
// Synopsis: Processes windows messages for the dialog which allows CMAK to add
// or edit custom actions. Note that we pass in a pointer to a
// CustomActionListItem struct on WM_INITDIALOG through the lParam.
// If the user hits OK, we copy the data that they gave us into this
// structure. Note that we only do this to communicate the data back to
// the caller as we update the custom action list ourselves.
// Arguments: WND hDlg - dialog window handle
// UINT message - message identifier
// WPARAM wParam - wParam Value
// LPARAM lParam - lParam Value
// History: quintinb Created 02/25/00
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessCustomActionPopup(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; HRESULT hr; int iTemp; LRESULT lResult; LPTSTR pszTypeString = NULL; CustomActionTypes Type; CustomActionExecutionStates ExecutionIndex; static CustomActionListItem* pItem; CustomActionListItem* pTempItem = NULL; CustomActionListItem NewItem;
static TCHAR szFullPathToProgram[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
HWND hControl; LPTSTR pszTemp;
SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg, message, IDC_EDIT1); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg, message, IDC_EDIT2); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg, message, IDC_EDIT3); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg, message, IDC_COMBO1); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg, message, IDC_COMBO2); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_CONNECT)) return TRUE;
switch (message) {
MYDBGASSERT(g_pCustomActionList); if (NULL == g_pCustomActionList) { return TRUE; }
// We keep the full path to the program in this static string.
ZeroMemory(szFullPathToProgram, sizeof(szFullPathToProgram));
// Check to see if we got an initialization parameter
if (lParam) { //
// Thus we were passed a CustomActionListItem structure. It either contains a
// type and a description, meaning that this is an edit and we should lookup the
// data, or we got just a type and we just need to pre-set the type combo to the
// type the user was currently viewing in the listbox.
pItem = (CustomActionListItem*)lParam;
if (pItem->szDescription[0]) { hr = g_pCustomActionList->GetExistingActionData(g_hInstance, pItem->szDescription, pItem->Type, &pTempItem);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Let's set the dialog title to say that we are editing an entry. If we fail to retrive
// the string the dialog may look a little funny but should still be functional so we
// won't try to bail out.
pszTemp = CmLoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CA_EDIT_TITLE);
if (pszTemp) { MYVERIFY(SendMessage (hDlg, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pszTemp)); CmFree(pszTemp); }
// Okay, we have data so lets set the item fields. Don't set the description if it
// is only the temporary description that we concatenated from the program and the
// arguments.
if (FALSE == pTempItem->bTempDescription) { MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT3), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pTempItem->szDescription)); }
// Set the program edit control, note we only show the filename if the user is including the
// binary in the package. Also note that we save the full path in szFullPathToProgram so that
// we have it for later.
if (pTempItem->bIncludeBinary) { GetFileName(pTempItem->szProgram, szTemp); lstrcpyn(szFullPathToProgram, pTempItem->szProgram, CELEMS(szFullPathToProgram)); } else { lstrcpyn(szTemp, pTempItem->szProgram, CELEMS(szTemp)); }
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTemp));
// Set the include program checkbox
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1, pTempItem->bIncludeBinary));
// Set the parameters edit control. Note that we put the function name and the parameters
// back together if necessary.
if (NULL != pTempItem->pszParameters) { LPTSTR pszParamToDisplay = NULL;
if (pTempItem->szFunctionName[0]) { pszParamToDisplay = CmStrCpyAlloc(pTempItem->szFunctionName); MYDBGASSERT(pszParamToDisplay);
if (pszParamToDisplay && pTempItem->pszParameters[0]) { pszParamToDisplay = CmStrCatAlloc(&pszParamToDisplay, TEXT(" ")); MYDBGASSERT(pszParamToDisplay);
if (pszParamToDisplay) { pszParamToDisplay = CmStrCatAlloc(&pszParamToDisplay, pTempItem->pszParameters); MYDBGASSERT(pszParamToDisplay); } } } else { pszParamToDisplay = CmStrCpyAlloc(pTempItem->pszParameters); MYDBGASSERT(pszParamToDisplay); }
if (pszParamToDisplay) { MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pszParamToDisplay)); CmFree(pszParamToDisplay); } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("pTempItem->pszParameters is NULL")); } } }
// Figure out what type of custom action we are editing or trying to add (we pre-seed the add type with
// the type the user was viewing. If they were viewing all we set it to the first in the combo).
Type = pItem->Type; hr = g_pCustomActionList->MapFlagsToIndex((pTempItem ? pTempItem->dwFlags : 0), (int*)&ExecutionIndex);
if (FAILED(hr)) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ProcessCustomActionPopup -- MapFlagsToIndex failed, setting execution state to Always.")); ExecutionIndex = (CustomActionExecutionStates)0; // set it to the first item in the enum
} } else { pItem = NULL; Type = (CustomActionTypes)0; // set it to the first item in the enum
ExecutionIndex = (CustomActionExecutionStates)0; // set it to the first item in the enum
if (pTempItem) { CmFree(pTempItem->pszParameters); CmFree(pTempItem); pTempItem = NULL; }
// Setup the custom action types combobox, note that we set bAddAll to FALSE so that we don't add the
// All connect action type used for viewing the connect actions on the main dialog.
hr = g_pCustomActionList->AddCustomActionTypesToComboBox(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, g_hInstance, g_bUseTunneling, FALSE);
// Pick a connect action type
hr = g_pCustomActionList->GetTypeStringFromType(g_hInstance, Type, &pszTypeString);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)pszTypeString);
if (CB_ERR != lResult) { MYVERIFY(CB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)lResult, (LPARAM)0)); }
CmFree(pszTypeString); }
// Next initialize the the combo that tells us when to run a connect action. If we are tunneling
// then the user can pick to run the connection for direct connections only, dialup connections only,
// all connections that involve dialup, all connections that involve a tunnel, or all connections.
hr = g_pCustomActionList->AddExecutionTypesToComboBox(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, g_hInstance, g_bUseTunneling);
// Pick when the connect action will execute if it is enabled
if (g_bUseTunneling) { lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, CB_GETCOUNT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); if ((CB_ERR != lResult) && (lResult > 0)) { MYVERIFY(CB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)ExecutionIndex, (LPARAM)0)); } }
break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_BUTTON1: // Browse
{ UINT uFilterArray[2] = {IDS_CONACTFILTER, IDS_ALLFILTER}; TCHAR* pszMaskArray[2] = {TEXT("*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.dll"), TEXT("*.*")}; iTemp = DoBrowse(hDlg, uFilterArray, pszMaskArray, 2, IDC_EDIT1, TEXT("exe"), g_szLastBrowsePath);
MYDBGASSERT(0 != iTemp);
if (0 < iTemp) // -1 means the user cancelled
{ //
// Check the include binary button for the user
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1, TRUE));
// We want to copy the full path to the filename into szFullPathToProgram so
// that we have it for later in case the user wants to include it in the profile.
lstrcpyn(szFullPathToProgram, g_szLastBrowsePath, CELEMS(szFullPathToProgram));
// We also want to save the last browse path so that when the user next
// opens the browse dialog they will be in the same place they last
// browsed from.
LPTSTR pszLastSlash = CmStrrchr(g_szLastBrowsePath, TEXT('\\'));
if (pszLastSlash) { pszLastSlash = CharNext(pszLastSlash); *pszLastSlash = TEXT('\0'); } else { g_szLastBrowsePath[0] = TEXT('\0'); } } } break;
case IDOK:
// Make sure we have a valid custom action list
MYDBGASSERT(g_pCustomActionList); if (NULL == g_pCustomActionList) { return TRUE; }
// Get the text from the Program Edit Control, verifying
// we can convert it to something ANSI
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); return TRUE; }
// Check to make sure the program field isn't blank.
if (TEXT('\0') == szTemp[0]) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NEEDPROG, MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); return TRUE; }
// Make sure that the program doesn't have a comma or a plus
// sign in it as that will mess up our parsing routines. There
// is no need to allow users to use such odd ball file names.
if (CmStrchr(szTemp, TEXT('+')) || CmStrchr(szTemp, TEXT(','))) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOPLUSORCOMMAINPROG, MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); return TRUE; }
// Now check to see if we need to verify that the file exists.
// We only want to do that if they have the include program files
// checkbox checked.
ZeroMemory(&NewItem, sizeof(CustomActionListItem)); NewItem.bIncludeBinary = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1);
if (NewItem.bIncludeBinary) { if (!VerifyFile(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, szFullPathToProgram, TRUE)) { return TRUE; } else { lstrcpyn(NewItem.szProgram, szFullPathToProgram, CELEMS(NewItem.szProgram)); } } else { //
// Copy the file as is, but warn the user if they have
// a string with a path but doesn't start with a environment
// variable.
iTemp = IDNO;
LPTSTR pszSlash = CmStrchr(szTemp, TEXT('\\')); if (pszSlash && (TEXT('%') != szTemp[0])) { iTemp = ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_PATH_WITH_NO_ENV, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING); }
if (IDNO == iTemp) { lstrcpyn(NewItem.szProgram, szTemp, CELEMS(NewItem.szProgram)); } else { return TRUE; } }
// Get the Text from the Params edit control, make sure to validate
// that we can convert it to ANSI
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2); MYDBGASSERT(hControl); pszTemp = NULL;
if (hControl) { iTemp = GetCurrentEditControlTextAlloc(hControl, &pszTemp);
if (-1 == iTemp) { SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2)); return TRUE; } }
// Check to see if we have a dll for a program. If so, the first parameter is the function name.
if (pszTemp) { CmStrTrim(pszTemp);
iTemp = lstrlen(NewItem.szProgram) - 4; // 4 == lstrlen (TEXT(".dll"));
if (0 == lstrcmpi(TEXT(".dll"), (NewItem.szProgram + iTemp))) { //
// Make sure that we have a parameter string
if (pszTemp && pszTemp[0]) { LPTSTR pszEndOfFunctionName = CmStrchr(pszTemp, TEXT(' '));
if (pszEndOfFunctionName) { LPTSTR pszParams = CharNext(pszEndOfFunctionName); *pszEndOfFunctionName = TEXT('\0');
lstrcpyn(NewItem.szFunctionName, pszTemp, CELEMS(NewItem.szFunctionName)); NewItem.pszParameters = CmStrCpyAlloc(pszParams); } else { lstrcpyn(NewItem.szFunctionName, pszTemp, CELEMS(NewItem.szFunctionName)); } } else { MYVERIFY (IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_DLLMUSTHAVEPARAM, MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2)); return TRUE; }
CmFree(pszTemp); } else { NewItem.pszParameters = pszTemp; pszTemp = NULL; } } else { NewItem.pszParameters = CmStrCpyAlloc(TEXT("")); MYDBGASSERT(NewItem.pszParameters); }
// Get the Text from the Description edit control
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDIT3, NewItem.szDescription, CELEMS(NewItem.szDescription), TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT3)); return TRUE; }
// If the description was empty, then fill it in from the program and the parameters. Also
// remember to keep track of the fact that this is only a temporary description.
if (TEXT('\0') == NewItem.szDescription[0]) { hr = g_pCustomActionList->FillInTempDescription(&NewItem); MYDBGASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
// Figure out the type of custom action
hr = MapComboSelectionToType(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, FALSE, g_bUseTunneling, &(NewItem.Type)); // bIncludesAll == FALSE
if ((ONINTCONNECT == NewItem.Type) && NewItem.szFunctionName[0]) { MYVERIFY (IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NODLLAUTOAPP, MB_OK)); return TRUE; }
// Now build the flags section
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM)0);
if (lResult != LB_ERR) { hr = g_pCustomActionList->MapIndexToFlags((int)lResult, &(NewItem.dwFlags));
if (FAILED(hr)) { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); NewItem.dwFlags = 0; } } else { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); NewItem.dwFlags = 0; }
// Now, lets try to add the New or Edited entry. If we have a description
// in pItem->szDescription then we need to call edit, otherwise add.
if (pItem && pItem->szDescription[0]) { hr = g_pCustomActionList->Edit(g_hInstance, pItem, &NewItem, g_szShortServiceName); } else { hr = g_pCustomActionList->Add(g_hInstance, &NewItem, g_szShortServiceName); }
// Check to see if we failed because a duplicate exists
// The user has tried to add an entry which already exists. Inform the
// user and see if they want to overwrite.
pszTypeString = NULL; hr = g_pCustomActionList->GetTypeStringFromType(g_hInstance, NewItem.Type, &pszTypeString);
if (pszTypeString) { LPTSTR pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInstance, IDS_CANAMEEXISTS, NewItem.szDescription, pszTypeString);
MYDBGASSERT(pszMsg); if (pszMsg) { iTemp = MessageBox(hDlg, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_YESNO | MB_APPLMODAL | MB_DEFBUTTON2 | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
if (IDYES == iTemp) { //
// Okay, they want to replace it. Note that the old item is only
// used to get the szDescription and the Type thus
// it is safe to call Edit with NewItem as both Old and New.
if (pItem && pItem->szDescription[0]) { hr = g_pCustomActionList->Delete (g_hInstance, pItem->szDescription, pItem->Type); MYDBGASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
hr = g_pCustomActionList->Edit(g_hInstance, &NewItem, &NewItem, g_szShortServiceName);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { MYVERIFY(0 != EndDialog(hDlg, IDOK)); if (pItem) { //
// Make sure the type and description are up to date in pItem if we have one
lstrcpyn(pItem->szDescription, NewItem.szDescription, CELEMS(pItem->szDescription)); pItem->Type = NewItem.Type; } } } else { //
// Let's put the user back to the description field if it has text in it, otherwise
// we want to put the user in the program field.
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, lTextLen ? IDC_EDIT3 : IDC_EDIT1)); }
CmFree(pszMsg); }
CmFree(pszTypeString); } } else if (FAILED(hr)) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ProcessCustomActionPopUp -- unknown failure when trying to add or edit a connect action.")); } else { if (pItem) { //
// Make sure the type and description are up to date in pItem if we have one
lstrcpyn(pItem->szDescription, NewItem.szDescription, CELEMS(pItem->szDescription)); pItem->Type = NewItem.Type; }
MYVERIFY(0 != EndDialog(hDlg, IDOK)); }
CmFree(NewItem.pszParameters); NewItem.pszParameters = NULL; return (TRUE);
case IDCANCEL: MYVERIFY(0 != EndDialog(hDlg, IDCANCEL)); return (TRUE);
default: break; } break;
default: return FALSE; } return FALSE; }
// Read files under the [Extra Files] section in the .inf
static void ReadExtraList() { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp2[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szNum[MAX_PATH+1]; ExtraData TmpExtraData; int ConnectCnt = 0; HANDLE hInf;
_itot(ConnectCnt,szNum,10); //lint !e534 itoa doesn't return anything useful for error handling
// The following call to GetPrivateProfileString could return an empty string
// so we don't want to use the MYVERIFY macro on it.
ZeroMemory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)); GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszExtraFiles, szNum, TEXT(""), szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szInfFile); //lint !e534
while (*szTemp) { _tcscpy(TmpExtraData.szPathname, szTemp); GetFileName(TmpExtraData.szPathname, TmpExtraData.szName);
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp2) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp2, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szOutdir, TmpExtraData.szName));
if (hInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _tcscpy(TmpExtraData.szPathname,szTemp2); MYVERIFY(0 != CloseHandle(hInf)); }
MYVERIFY(FALSE != createListBxRecord(&g_pHeadExtra,&g_pTailExtra,(void *)&TmpExtraData,sizeof(TmpExtraData),TmpExtraData.szName));
++ConnectCnt; _itot(ConnectCnt,szNum,10); //lint !e534 itoa doesn't return anything useful for error handling
// The following call to GetPrivateProfileString could return an empty string
// so we don't want to use the MYVERIFY macro on it.
ZeroMemory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)); GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszExtraFiles, szNum, TEXT(""), szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szInfFile); //lint !e534
} }
// Function: ReadMergeList
// Synopsis: This function reads entries from the [Merge Profiles] section of the inf file.
// Any entries found are added to the g_pHeadMerge Linked list.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// History: Quintinb Created Header and restructured to use dwNumChars 1/7/98
static void ReadMergeList() { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szNum[MAX_PATH+1]; int filenum = 0; DWORD dwNumChars;
// Convert the number zero to the string "0"
_itot(filenum,szNum,10); //lint !e534 itoa doesn't return anything useful for error handling
// Try to get a merged profile entry from the INF
dwNumChars = GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszMergeProfiles, szNum,TEXT(""), szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szInfFile); while ((dwNumChars > 0) && (TEXT('\0') != szTemp[0])) { //
// If we are in this loop then we have a profile entry
MYVERIFY(FALSE != createListBxRecord(&g_pHeadMerge,&g_pTailMerge,(void *)NULL,0,szTemp)); //
// Increment the filenumber to look for the next entry
++filenum; //
// Convert the filenumber to a string
_itot(filenum,szNum,10); //lint !e534 itoa doesn't return anything useful for error handling
// Try to read in the next merge entry
dwNumChars = GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszMergeProfiles, szNum, TEXT(""), szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szInfFile);
} }
static void WriteExtraList() { ExtraData * pExtraData; ListBxList * LoopPtr; TCHAR szNum[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH+1]; int filenum = 0;
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileSection(c_pszExtraFiles, TEXT("\0\0"), g_szInfFile));
if (g_pHeadExtra == NULL) { return; } LoopPtr = g_pHeadExtra;
while( LoopPtr != NULL) { pExtraData = (ExtraData *)LoopPtr->ListBxData; { _itot(filenum,szNum,10); //lint !e534 itoa doesn't return anything useful for error handling
GetFileName(pExtraData->szPathname,szName); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszExtraFiles, szNum, szName, g_szInfFile)); filenum = filenum+1; }
LoopPtr = LoopPtr->next; }
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache
// (win95 only). This call will return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, g_szInfFile); //lint !e534 this call will always return 0
static void WriteMergeList() { ListBxList * LoopPtr; TCHAR szNum[MAX_PATH+1]; int filenum = 0;
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileSection(c_pszMergeProfiles,TEXT("\0\0"),g_szInfFile));
if (g_pHeadMerge == NULL) { return; } LoopPtr = g_pHeadMerge;
while( LoopPtr != NULL) { _itot(filenum,szNum,10); //lint !e534 itoa doesn't return anything useful for error handling
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszMergeProfiles, szNum,LoopPtr->szName, g_szInfFile)); filenum = filenum+1; LoopPtr = LoopPtr->next; }
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache (win95 only). This call will
// return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, g_szInfFile); //lint !e534 this call will always return 0.
// Function: IsFile8dot3
// Synopsis: Returns TRUE if the filename is in the 8.3 dos filename format
// Arguments: LPTSTR pszFileName - just the filename of the file to be checked (no path)
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE or FALSE if the file is 8.3
// History: quintinb created 11/26/97
BOOL IsFile8dot3(LPTSTR pszFileName) {
TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR * pszPtr;
if (!pszFileName) { return FALSE; }
if (TEXT('\0') == pszFileName[0]) { return TRUE; }
_tcscpy(szTemp, pszFileName);
pszPtr = _tcsrchr(szTemp, TEXT('.'));
// If there is an extension check the length
if (pszPtr) { if (_tcslen(pszPtr) > 4) { return FALSE; }
// Extension is ok check name part
*pszPtr = 0; } if (_tcslen(szTemp) > 8) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: ProcessCustomActions
// Synopsis: Processes windows messages for the page in CMAK that allows users
// to manipulate custom actions (add, edit, delete, move, etc.)
// Arguments: WND hDlg - dialog window handle
// UINT message - message identifier
// WPARAM wParam - wParam Value
// LPARAM lParam - lParam Value
// History: quintinb Created 02/25/00
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessCustomActions(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; INT_PTR nResult; int iTemp; HRESULT hr; static HWND hListView; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam; LPNMLISTVIEW pNMListView;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_CONNECT)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_LISTVIEW); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_COMBO1);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { if (NULL == g_pCustomActionList) { g_pCustomActionList = new CustomActionList;
if (NULL == g_pCustomActionList) { return FALSE; }
// Read in the custom actions from the Cms File
hr = g_pCustomActionList->ReadCustomActionsFromCms(g_hInstance, g_szCmsFile, g_szShortServiceName); CMASSERTMSG(SUCCEEDED(hr), TEXT("ProcessCustomActions -- Loading custom actions failed.")); }
// Cache the List View window handle
hListView = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LISTVIEW);
// Load the arrow images for the move up and move down buttons
HICON hUpArrow = (HICON)LoadImage(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_UP_ARROW), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); HICON hDownArrow = (HICON)LoadImage(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_DOWN_ARROW), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0);
// Set the arrow button bit maps
SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON4), BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)hUpArrow); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON5), BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)hDownArrow);
// Set the Column headings
AddListViewColumnHeadings(g_hInstance, hListView);
break; } case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_BUTTON1: //add
OnProcessCustomActionsAdd(g_hInstance, hDlg, hListView, g_bUseTunneling); break;
case IDC_BUTTON2: //edit
OnProcessCustomActionsEdit(g_hInstance, hDlg, hListView, g_bUseTunneling); break;
case IDC_BUTTON3: //delete
OnProcessCustomActionsDelete(g_hInstance, hDlg, hListView, g_bUseTunneling); break;
case IDC_BUTTON4: //UP
OnProcessCustomActionsMoveUp(g_hInstance, hDlg, hListView, g_bUseTunneling); break;
case IDC_BUTTON5: //down
OnProcessCustomActionsMoveDown(g_hInstance, hDlg, hListView, g_bUseTunneling); break;
case IDC_COMBO1: // type of connect action to display
if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { UINT uStringId; CustomActionTypes Type;
hr = MapComboSelectionToType(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, TRUE, g_bUseTunneling, &Type); // TRUE == bIncludesAll
MYDBGASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (ALL == Type) { uStringId = IDS_TYPE_COL_TITLE; } else { uStringId = IDS_PROGRAM_COL_TITLE; }
UpdateListViewColumnHeadings(g_hInstance, hListView, uStringId, 1); // 1 == second column
RefreshListView(g_hInstance, hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, hListView, 0, g_bUseTunneling); } }
default: break; }
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) { case LVN_ITEMCHANGED:
// We want to process item changed messages for when the selection changes. This
// way when the user selects an item in the list (either using the arrow keys or
// the mouse) we will accurately update the arrow keys. In order to cut down on the
// number of calls we filter out the unselected messages.
pNMListView = (LPNMLISTVIEW) lParam;
if ((LVIF_STATE & pNMListView->uChanged) && (LVIS_SELECTED & pNMListView->uNewState)) { int iTempItem = pNMListView->iItem; RefreshEditDeleteMoveButtonStates(g_hInstance, hDlg, hListView, IDC_COMBO1, &iTempItem, g_bUseTunneling); }
case NM_DBLCLK: case NM_RETURN: if (ListView_GetItemCount(hListView)) { OnProcessCustomActionsEdit(g_hInstance, hDlg, hListView, g_bUseTunneling); }
case LVN_KEYDOWN: { //
// User hit the right click key or typed Shift+F10
NMLVKEYDOWN* pKeyDown = (NMLVKEYDOWN*)lParam; if (((VK_F10 == pKeyDown->wVKey) && (0 > GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT))) || (VK_APPS == pKeyDown->wVKey)) { //
// Figure out what item is currently selected and gets its position
iTemp = ListView_GetSelectionMark(hListView); NMITEMACTIVATE ItemActivate = {0};
if (-1 != iTemp) { POINT ptPoint = {0}; if (ListView_GetItemPosition(hListView, iTemp, &ptPoint)) { RECT ItemRect;
if (ListView_GetItemRect(hListView, iTemp, &ItemRect, LVIR_LABEL)) { LONG lIndent = (ItemRect.bottom - ItemRect.top) / 2; ItemActivate.ptAction.x = ptPoint.x + lIndent; ItemActivate.ptAction.y = ptPoint.y + lIndent; ItemActivate.iItem = iTemp; OnProcessCustomActionsContextMenu(g_hInstance, hDlg, hListView, &ItemActivate, g_bUseTunneling, IDC_COMBO1); } } } } } break;
case NM_RCLICK: OnProcessCustomActionsContextMenu(g_hInstance, hDlg, hListView, (NMITEMACTIVATE*)lParam, g_bUseTunneling, IDC_COMBO1); break;
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK));
// Make sure we have a custom action class to work with
if (NULL == g_pCustomActionList) { g_pCustomActionList = new CustomActionList;
if (NULL == g_pCustomActionList) { return FALSE; }
// Read in the custom actions from the Cms File
hr = g_pCustomActionList->ReadCustomActionsFromCms(g_hInstance, g_szCmsFile, g_szShortServiceName); CMASSERTMSG(SUCCEEDED(hr), TEXT("ProcessCustomActions -- Loading custom actions failed.")); }
// Setup the ListView control and the corresponding Combo box, note that we set bAddAll to TRUE so
// that the All option is added.
hr = g_pCustomActionList->AddCustomActionTypesToComboBox(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, g_hInstance, g_bUseTunneling, TRUE);
nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_GETCOUNT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); if ((CB_ERR != nResult) && (nResult > 0)) { MYVERIFY(CB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0)); }
// Add built in custom actions
{ // adding scope
BOOL bAddCmdlForVpn = FALSE;
if (g_szVpnFile[0]) { //
// We have a VPN file so let's check and see if they defined an UpdateUrl
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionSettings, c_pszCmEntryVpnUpdateUrl, TEXT(""), szTemp, MAX_PATH, g_szVpnFile);
if (szTemp[0]) { bAddCmdlForVpn = TRUE; } }
hr = g_pCustomActionList->AddOrRemoveCmdl(g_hInstance, bAddCmdlForVpn, TRUE); // TRUE == bForVpn
hr = g_pCustomActionList->AddOrRemoveCmdl(g_hInstance, (g_bUpdatePhonebook || ReferencedDownLoad()), FALSE); // FALSE == bForVpn
// Add the items to the list view control
RefreshListView(g_hInstance, hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, hListView, 0, g_bUseTunneling);
// Set bUseTunneling == TRUE even though we may not be tunneling. The reason for this is that
// the user may have had a tunneling profile and then turned off tunneling. If they turn
// it back on again we don't want to lose all of their Pre-Tunnel actions nor do we want to
// lose all of the flag settings that they have added to each action. We will make sure
// to use the actual g_bUseTunneling value when we write the actions to the cms file in
// WriteCMSFile.
MYDBGASSERT(g_pCustomActionList); if (g_pCustomActionList) { hr = g_pCustomActionList->WriteCustomActionsToCms(g_szCmsFile, g_szShortServiceName, TRUE); CMASSERTMSG(SUCCEEDED(hr), TEXT("ProcessCustomActions -- Failed to write out connect actions")); }
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: ProcessStatusMenuPopup
// Synopsis: Processes Messages for the Popup dialog for Adding/Editing Status
// Area Icon Menu items
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage2G1 8/6/98
// USES GLOBAL VARIABLE DLGEDITITEM as input and output to the page
// You must sent DlgEditItem to the initial value of this page.
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessStatusMenuPopup( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH+1];
BOOL bChecked; static TCHAR szOld[MAX_PATH+1]; IconMenu TempEditItem; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDIT1); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDIT2); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDIT3); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_MENU)) return TRUE;
switch (message) {
// If we are editing we need to change the title
if (TEXT('\0') != DlgEditItem.szProgram[0]) { LPTSTR pszTemp = CmLoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_EDIT_SHORTCUT_TITLE);
if (pszTemp) { MYVERIFY(SendMessage (hDlg, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pszTemp)); CmFree(pszTemp); } }
_tcscpy (szOld, DlgEditItem.szName); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)DlgEditItem.szName)); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(DlgEditItem.szProgram))); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT3), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)DlgEditItem.szParams)); MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1, (UINT)DlgEditItem.bDoCopy));
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_BUTTON1: { UINT uFilter = IDS_PROGFILTER; TCHAR* szMask = TEXT("*.exe;*.com;*.bat");
int iReturn = DoBrowse(hDlg, &uFilter, &szMask, 1, IDC_EDIT2, TEXT("exe"), DlgEditItem.szProgram);
MYDBGASSERT(0 != iReturn); if (iReturn && (-1 != iReturn)) { //
// Check the include binary button for the user
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1, TRUE)); } } break;
case IDOK: if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, DlgEditItem.szName, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); return TRUE; }
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2)); return TRUE; } if (szTemp[0] == TEXT('\0')) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg,IDS_NEEDPROG,MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2)); return TRUE; }
if (NULL != _tcschr(DlgEditItem.szProgram, TEXT('='))) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOEQUALSINMENU, MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT2)); return TRUE; }
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDIT3, DlgEditItem.szParams, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT3)); return TRUE; } if (DlgEditItem.szName[0] == TEXT('\0')) { GetFileName(DlgEditItem.szProgram,DlgEditItem.szName); }
if (_tcschr(DlgEditItem.szName, TEXT('='))) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOEQUALSINMENU, MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); return TRUE; }
bChecked = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_CHECK1); if (bChecked) { if (!VerifyFile(hDlg,IDC_EDIT2,DlgEditItem.szProgram,TRUE)) { DlgEditItem.bDoCopy = FALSE; return TRUE; } else { DlgEditItem.bDoCopy = TRUE; } } else { DlgEditItem.bDoCopy = FALSE; }
if ((0 != _tcscmp(szOld, DlgEditItem.szName)) && (GetIconMenuItem(DlgEditItem.szName, &TempEditItem))) { //
// We have a duplicate entry, prompt the user to replace or try
// again.
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_MENUITEMEXISTS, szTemp, MAX_PATH)); //
// write the previously used name in the string
wsprintf(szMsg, szTemp, DlgEditItem.szName); //
// If the user doesn't want to replace the duplicate item then we should set the focus to the description
// edit control if it has text in it, otherwise we should set it to the program edit control.
if (IDNO == MessageBox(hDlg, szMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_YESNO | MB_APPLMODAL | MB_DEFBUTTON2 | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)) { LRESULT lTextLen = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, lTextLen ? IDC_EDIT1 : IDC_EDIT2));
return TRUE; } }
MYVERIFY(0 != EndDialog(hDlg,IDOK)); return (TRUE);
case IDCANCEL: MYVERIFY(0 != EndDialog(hDlg,IDCANCEL)); return (TRUE);
default: break; } break;
default: return FALSE; } return FALSE; } //lint !e715 we don't reference lParam
BOOL createListBxRecord(ListBxList ** HeadPtrListBx, ListBxList ** TailPtrListBx, void * pData, DWORD dwSize, LPCTSTR lpName) { ListBxList * ptr; void * dataptr; unsigned int n; // check for same named record and update
if ( *HeadPtrListBx != NULL ) { ptr = *HeadPtrListBx; while (ptr != NULL) { if (_tcsicmp(lpName, ptr->szName) == 0) { memcpy(ptr->ListBxData,pData,dwSize); return (TRUE); } ptr = ptr->next; } } n = sizeof( struct ListBxStruct ); ptr = (ListBxList *) CmMalloc(n); if (ptr == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
_tcscpy(ptr->szName, lpName);
if (pData) { dataptr = CmMalloc(dwSize);
if (dataptr) { memcpy(dataptr, pData, dwSize); ptr->ListBxData = dataptr; } else { CmFree(ptr); return FALSE; } }
ptr->next = NULL; if ( *HeadPtrListBx == NULL ) // If this is the first record in the linked list
{ *HeadPtrListBx = ptr; } else { (*TailPtrListBx)->next = ptr; }
*TailPtrListBx = ptr;
return TRUE; }
// delete named IconMenu item from linked list
void DeleteListBxRecord(ListBxList ** HeadPtrListBx,ListBxList ** TailPtrListBx, LPTSTR lpName) { ListBxList * ptr; ListBxList * prevptr;
if ( HeadPtrListBx != NULL ) { ptr = *HeadPtrListBx; prevptr = NULL; while (ptr != NULL) { if (_tcsicmp(lpName,ptr->szName) == 0) { if (prevptr == NULL) { *HeadPtrListBx = ptr->next; if (*HeadPtrListBx == NULL) { *TailPtrListBx = NULL; } else { if ((*HeadPtrListBx)->next == NULL) { *TailPtrListBx = *HeadPtrListBx; } } } else { prevptr->next = ptr->next; if (prevptr->next == NULL) { *TailPtrListBx = prevptr; } } CmFree(ptr->ListBxData); CmFree(ptr); return; } prevptr = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; } } }
BOOL FindListItemByName(LPTSTR pszName, ListBxList* pHeadOfList, ListBxList** pFoundItem) { if (NULL == pszName) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("FindListItemByName -- Invalid parameter")); return FALSE; } if (NULL != pHeadOfList) { ListBxList * pCurrent = pHeadOfList;
while (NULL != pCurrent) { if (0 == lstrcmpi(pszName, pCurrent->szName)) { //
// Return the pointer to pCurrent if the caller asked for it
if (pFoundItem) { *pFoundItem = pCurrent; }
return TRUE; }
pCurrent = pCurrent->next; } }
return FALSE; }
// Function: updateRecord
// Synopsis: Function updates an entry in the list of tray icon data structures
// thus the entry is not added and then deleted when the user edits an
// entry. This takes away the putting the entry at the bottom of the list
// problem cited in the bug.
// Arguments: PTSTR szName - New name of the entry
// LPTSTR szProgram - Program string to add to the Tray Icon Entry
// LPTSTR szParams - Parameter string to add to the Tray Icon Entry
// BOOL bDoCopy - Value of whether this program should be included with the profile data item
// LPTSTR szOld - Name of the entry to update
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if able to update the record
// FALSE if not able to find it
// Side Effects: Replaces the entry named by szOld with the entry data and name for
// entry called szName.
// History: quintinb Created for bugfix 14399 9-9-97
static BOOL updateRecord(LPTSTR szName, LPTSTR szProgram, LPTSTR szParams, BOOL bDoCopy, LPTSTR szOld) { IconMenu * ptr;
// check for same named record and update
if ( g_pHeadIcon != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadIcon; while (ptr != NULL) { if (_tcsicmp(szOld,ptr->szName) == 0) { _tcscpy(ptr->szProgram,szProgram); _tcscpy(ptr->szParams,szParams); ptr->bDoCopy = bDoCopy; _tcscpy(ptr->szName, szName); return (TRUE); } ptr = ptr->next; } } return (FALSE);
} // note, as of bug 14399 updating should be done with the above function
BOOL createRecord(LPCTSTR szName, LPCTSTR szProgram, LPCTSTR szParams, BOOL bDoCopy) { IconMenu * ptr; unsigned int n; // check for same named record and update
if ( g_pHeadIcon != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadIcon; while (ptr != NULL) { if (_tcsicmp(szName,ptr->szName) == 0) { _tcscpy(ptr->szProgram,szProgram); _tcscpy(ptr->szParams,szParams); ptr->bDoCopy = bDoCopy; return (TRUE); } ptr = ptr->next; } } //
n = sizeof( struct IconMenuStruct ); ptr = (IconMenu *) CmMalloc(n); if ( ptr == NULL ) { return FALSE; } _tcscpy(ptr->szName,szName); _tcscpy(ptr->szProgram,szProgram); _tcscpy(ptr->szParams,szParams); ptr->bDoCopy = bDoCopy;
ptr->next = NULL; if ( g_pHeadIcon == NULL ) // If this is the first record in the linked list
{ g_pHeadIcon = ptr; } else { g_pTailIcon->next = ptr; } g_pTailIcon = ptr;
return TRUE; }
// delete named IconMenu item from linked list
static void DeleteRecord(LPTSTR lpName) { IconMenu * ptr; IconMenu * prevptr;
if ( g_pHeadIcon != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadIcon; prevptr = NULL; while (ptr != NULL) { if (_tcsicmp(lpName,ptr->szName) == 0) { if (prevptr == NULL) { g_pHeadIcon = ptr->next; if (g_pHeadIcon == NULL) { g_pTailIcon = NULL; } else { if (g_pHeadIcon->next == NULL) { g_pTailIcon = g_pHeadIcon; } } } else { prevptr->next = ptr->next; if (prevptr->next == NULL) { g_pTailIcon = prevptr; } } CmFree(ptr); return; } prevptr = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; } } }
static BOOL MoveRecord(LPTSTR lpName, int direction) { IconMenu * ptr; IconMenu * prevptr; IconMenu * nextptr; IconMenu TempIconMenu;
if ( g_pHeadIcon != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadIcon; prevptr = NULL; while (ptr != NULL) { if (_tcsicmp(lpName,ptr->szName) == 0) { if (((direction > 0)&&(ptr->next == NULL))|| ((direction < 0)&&(prevptr == NULL))) return FALSE;
if ((direction > 0)&&(ptr->next != NULL)) { //swap contents with next element
nextptr = ptr->next; _tcscpy(TempIconMenu.szName,ptr->szName); _tcscpy(TempIconMenu.szProgram,ptr->szProgram); _tcscpy(TempIconMenu.szParams,ptr->szParams); TempIconMenu.bDoCopy = ptr->bDoCopy;
_tcscpy(ptr->szName,nextptr->szName); _tcscpy(ptr->szProgram,nextptr->szProgram); _tcscpy(ptr->szParams,nextptr->szParams); ptr->bDoCopy = nextptr->bDoCopy;
_tcscpy(nextptr->szName,TempIconMenu.szName); _tcscpy(nextptr->szProgram,TempIconMenu.szProgram); _tcscpy(nextptr->szParams,TempIconMenu.szParams); nextptr->bDoCopy = TempIconMenu.bDoCopy;
} else { if ((direction < 0)&&(prevptr != NULL)) { _tcscpy(TempIconMenu.szName,ptr->szName); _tcscpy(TempIconMenu.szProgram,ptr->szProgram); _tcscpy(TempIconMenu.szParams,ptr->szParams); TempIconMenu.bDoCopy = ptr->bDoCopy;
_tcscpy(ptr->szName,prevptr->szName); _tcscpy(ptr->szProgram,prevptr->szProgram); _tcscpy(ptr->szParams,prevptr->szParams); ptr->bDoCopy = prevptr->bDoCopy;
_tcscpy(prevptr->szName,TempIconMenu.szName); _tcscpy(prevptr->szProgram,TempIconMenu.szProgram); _tcscpy(prevptr->szParams,TempIconMenu.szParams); prevptr->bDoCopy = TempIconMenu.bDoCopy; } } return TRUE; } prevptr = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; } } return TRUE; }
// retrieve named IconMenu item from linked list
BOOL GetIconMenuItem(LPTSTR lpName, IconMenu * EditItem) { IconMenu * ptr; if ( g_pHeadIcon != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadIcon; while (ptr != NULL) { if (_tcsicmp(lpName,ptr->szName) == 0) { _tcscpy(EditItem->szName,ptr->szName); _tcscpy(EditItem->szProgram,ptr->szProgram); _tcscpy(EditItem->szParams,ptr->szParams); EditItem->bDoCopy = ptr->bDoCopy; return TRUE; } ptr = ptr->next; } } return FALSE; }
static BOOL WriteCopyMenuItemFiles(HANDLE hInf,LPTSTR pszFailFile, BOOL bWriteShortName) { IconMenu * ptr;
if (g_pHeadIcon != NULL) { ptr = g_pHeadIcon; while (ptr != NULL) { if (ptr->bDoCopy) { if (!WriteCopy(hInf, ptr->szProgram, bWriteShortName)) { _tcscpy(pszFailFile, ptr->szProgram); return FALSE; } }
ptr = ptr->next; } } return TRUE; }
static BOOL WriteCopyConActFiles(HANDLE hInf, LPTSTR pszFailFile, BOOL bWriteShortName) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG;
if ((INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hInf) && pszFailFile && g_pCustomActionList) { CustomActionListEnumerator EnumPrograms(g_pCustomActionList);
do { hr = EnumPrograms.GetNextIncludedProgram(szTemp, MAX_PATH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (S_FALSE != hr)) { if (!WriteCopy(hInf, szTemp, bWriteShortName)) { _tcscpy(pszFailFile, szTemp);
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } }
} while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (S_FALSE != hr)); }
return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
static BOOL WriteCopyExtraFiles(HANDLE hInf,LPTSTR pszFailFile, BOOL bWriteShortName) { ListBxList * ptr; ExtraData * pExtraData;
if (g_pHeadExtra != NULL) { ptr = g_pHeadExtra; while (ptr != NULL) { pExtraData = (ExtraData *)(ptr->ListBxData);
if (!WriteCopy(hInf, pExtraData->szPathname, bWriteShortName)) { _tcscpy(pszFailFile, pExtraData->szPathname); return FALSE; } ptr = ptr->next; } } return TRUE; }
static BOOL WriteCopyDnsFiles(HANDLE hInf, LPTSTR pszFailFile, BOOL bWriteShortName) { ListBxList * ptr; CDunSetting* pDunSetting;
if (g_pHeadDunEntry != NULL) { ptr = g_pHeadDunEntry; while (ptr != NULL) { pDunSetting = (CDunSetting*)(ptr->ListBxData); if (!WriteCopy(hInf, pDunSetting->szScript, bWriteShortName)) { _tcscpy(pszFailFile, pDunSetting->szScript); return FALSE; } ptr = ptr->next; } } return TRUE; }
void WriteDelMenuItemFiles(HANDLE hInf) { IconMenu * ptr;
if ( g_pHeadIcon != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadIcon; while (ptr != NULL) { if (ptr->bDoCopy) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,ptr->szProgram)); } ptr = ptr->next; } } }
static BOOL WriteRefsFiles(HANDLE hInf,BOOL WriteCM) { ListBxList * ptr; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1];
if ( g_pHeadRefs != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadRefs; while (ptr != NULL) { if ((_tcsstr(ptr->szName,c_pszCmpExt) == NULL) && (!WriteCM)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,ptr->szName)); } else { if ((_tcsstr(ptr->szName,c_pszCmpExt) != NULL) && (WriteCM)) { _tcscpy(szTemp,ptr->szName); _tcscat(szTemp, TEXT(",,,16")); // set to not overwrite existing file
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,szTemp)); } }
ptr = ptr->next; } } return TRUE; }
static BOOL WriteShortRefsFiles(HANDLE hInf,BOOL WriteCM) { ListBxList * ptr; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szShort[MAX_PATH + 1]; RenameData TmpRenameData; TCHAR szCurrentDir[MAX_PATH+1];
if (g_pHeadRefs != NULL) { ptr = g_pHeadRefs; // hack to fix short filename resolution
// change dir to cmaktemp dir and use getshortpathname
MYVERIFY(0 != GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szCurrentDir)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(g_szTempDir)); while (ptr != NULL) { if ((_tcsstr(ptr->szName,c_pszCmpExt) == NULL) && (!WriteCM)) { // writing non-cmp files so I want to make sure that I use
// the short file name if it is actually a long filename.
if (GetShortPathName(ptr->szName, szShort, MAX_PATH)) { _tcscpy(szTemp, szShort);
if (_tcsicmp(szShort,ptr->szName) != 0) { _tcscpy(TmpRenameData.szShortName,szShort); _tcscpy(TmpRenameData.szLongName,ptr->szName); MYVERIFY(FALSE != createListBxRecord(&g_pHeadRename,&g_pTailRename,(void *)&TmpRenameData,sizeof(TmpRenameData),TmpRenameData.szShortName)); } } else { _tcscpy(szTemp, ptr->szName); }
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,szTemp)); } else { if ((_tcsstr(ptr->szName,c_pszCmpExt) != NULL) && (WriteCM)) { _tcscpy(szTemp,ptr->szName); _tcscat(szTemp, TEXT(",,,16")); // set to not overwrite existing file
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,szTemp)); } }
ptr = ptr->next; }
MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(szCurrentDir)); } return TRUE; }
static BOOL WriteLongRefsFiles(HANDLE hInf) { ListBxList * ptr; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szShort[MAX_PATH + 1]; RenameData TmpRenameData; TCHAR szCurrentDir[MAX_PATH+1];
if (g_pHeadRefs != NULL) { ptr = g_pHeadRefs;
while (ptr != NULL) { GetFileName(ptr->szName, szTemp);
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf, szTemp)); ptr = ptr->next; } } return TRUE; }
if ((INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hInf) && g_pCustomActionList) {
CustomActionListEnumerator EnumPrograms(g_pCustomActionList);
do { hr = EnumPrograms.GetNextIncludedProgram(szTemp, MAX_PATH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (S_FALSE != hr)) { if (FALSE == WriteInfLine(hInf, szTemp)) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } }
} while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (S_FALSE != hr)); }
return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
void WriteDelExtraFiles(HANDLE hInf) { ListBxList * ptr; ExtraData * pExtraData;
if ( g_pHeadExtra != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadExtra; while (ptr != NULL) { pExtraData = (ExtraData *)(ptr->ListBxData); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,pExtraData->szPathname)); ptr = ptr->next; } } }
void WriteDelDnsFiles(HANDLE hInf) {
ListBxList * ptr; CDunSetting * pDunSetting;
if (NULL != g_pHeadDunEntry) { ptr = g_pHeadDunEntry; while (ptr != NULL) { pDunSetting = (CDunSetting*)(ptr->ListBxData);
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf, pDunSetting->szScript)); ptr = ptr->next; } } }
void WriteSrcMenuItemFiles(HANDLE hInf) { IconMenu * ptr;
if ( g_pHeadIcon != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadIcon; while (ptr != NULL) { if (ptr->bDoCopy) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,ptr->szProgram)); } ptr = ptr->next; } } }
if ((INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hInf) && g_pCustomActionList) {
CustomActionListEnumerator EnumPrograms(g_pCustomActionList);
do { hr = EnumPrograms.GetNextIncludedProgram(szTemp, MAX_PATH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (S_FALSE != hr)) { if (FALSE == WriteSrcInfLine(hInf, szTemp)) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } }
} while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (S_FALSE != hr)); }
return SUCCEEDED(hr); } //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: WriteSrcRefsFiles
// Synopsis: This function writes all the files on the HeadRef list to the
// [SourceDisksFiles] section of the INF. Note that it has to change
// directory to the temp dir so that the WriteSrcInfLine won't fail
// (it needs to locate the file to see if a short name should be used).
// Arguments: HANDLE hInf - Handle to the open inf file to pass to WriteSrcInfLine
// Returns: Returns TRUE if all the files were written out successfully
// History: quintinb Created Header and added hack to fix failure of WriteSrcInfLine
// because it couldn't find the file to find its short name 1/22/98
BOOL WriteSrcRefsFiles(HANDLE hInf) { ListBxList * ptr; BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; TCHAR szSavedDir[MAX_PATH+1];
// Save the current directory and then set the current dir to
// the temp dir so that WriteSrcInfLine can find the shortfilename
// of the referenced files.
if ( g_pHeadRefs != NULL ) {
if (0 == GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szSavedDir)) { return FALSE; } if (0 == SetCurrentDirectory(g_szTempDir)) { return FALSE; }
ptr = g_pHeadRefs; while (ptr != NULL) { bSuccess = (bSuccess && WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,ptr->szName)); ptr = ptr->next; }
MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(szSavedDir)); }
return bSuccess; }
void WriteSrcExtraFiles(HANDLE hInf) { ListBxList * ptr; ExtraData * pExtraData; if ( g_pHeadExtra != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadExtra; while (ptr != NULL) { pExtraData = (ExtraData *)(ptr->ListBxData); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,pExtraData->szPathname)); ptr = ptr->next; } } }
void WriteSrcDnsFiles(HANDLE hInf) { ListBxList * ptr; CDunSetting* pDunSetting;
if (NULL != g_pHeadDunEntry) { ptr = g_pHeadDunEntry;
while (NULL != ptr) { pDunSetting = (CDunSetting*)(ptr->ListBxData);
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf, pDunSetting->szScript)); ptr = ptr->next; } } }
BOOL WriteSEDConActFiles(HWND hDlg, int* pFileNum, LPCTSTR szSed) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG;
if (hDlg && pFileNum && szSed && g_pCustomActionList) { CustomActionListEnumerator EnumPrograms(g_pCustomActionList);
do { hr = EnumPrograms.GetNextIncludedProgram(szTemp, MAX_PATH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (S_FALSE != hr)) { GetFileName(szTemp, szFileName);
if (FALSE == WriteSED(hDlg, szFileName, pFileNum, szSed)) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } }
} while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (S_FALSE != hr)); }
return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
BOOL WriteSEDExtraFiles(HWND hDlg, int* pFileNum, LPCTSTR szSed) { ListBxList * ptr; ExtraData * pExtraData; BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
if ( g_pHeadExtra != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadExtra; while (ptr != NULL) { pExtraData = (ExtraData *)(ptr->ListBxData); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, pExtraData->szPathname, pFileNum, szSed); ptr = ptr->next; } }
return bReturn; }
BOOL WriteSEDDnsFiles(HWND hDlg, int* pFileNum, LPCTSTR szSed) { BOOL bReturn = TRUE; ListBxList * ptr; CDunSetting* pDunSetting; if (NULL != g_pHeadDunEntry) { ptr = g_pHeadDunEntry;
while (NULL != ptr) { pDunSetting = (CDunSetting*)(ptr->ListBxData);
bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, pDunSetting->szScript, pFileNum, szSed); ptr = ptr->next; } }
return bReturn; }
BOOL WriteSEDRefsFiles(HWND hDlg, int* pFileNum, LPCTSTR szSed) { ListBxList * ptr; BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
if ( g_pHeadRefs != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadRefs; while (ptr != NULL) { bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, ptr->szName, pFileNum, szSed); ptr = ptr->next; } } return bReturn; }
BOOL WriteSEDMenuItemFiles(HWND hDlg, int* pFileNum, LPCTSTR szSed) { IconMenu * ptr; BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
if ( g_pHeadIcon != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadIcon; while (ptr != NULL) { if (ptr->bDoCopy) { bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, ptr->szProgram, pFileNum, szSed); } ptr = ptr->next; } }
return bReturn; }
// Function: WriteRenameSection
// Synopsis: This function verifies that the name used in the rename data structure
// is correct (the files name in the temp directory could be different
// if the file was moved from a directory with multiple similarly named files) and then
// writes the rename section to the inf.
// Arguments: HANDLE hInf - handle to the inf to add the rename section to.
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created Header and added checking functionality 2/22/98
void WriteRenameSection(HANDLE hInf) { ListBxList * ptr; TCHAR szOut[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szPathToFileInTempDir[MAX_PATH+1];
RenameData * pRenameData;
if ( g_pHeadRename != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadRename; MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("\r\n"))); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("[Xnstall.RenameReg]\r\n"))); WriteInf(hInf, TEXT("HKLM,%KEY_RENAME%\\CMRENAME,,,\"%49001%\\%ShortSvcName%\"\r\n"));//lint !e534 compile doesn't like the MYVERIFY macro and big strings
while (ptr != NULL) { pRenameData = (RenameData *)(ptr->ListBxData);
// Get the current ShortName for the File
GetFileName(pRenameData->szLongName, szTemp); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szPathToFileInTempDir) > (UINT)wsprintf(szPathToFileInTempDir, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szTempDir, szTemp));
MYVERIFY(0 != GetShortPathName(szPathToFileInTempDir, szTemp, MAX_PATH));
GetFileName(szTemp, pRenameData->szShortName);
// Now Write out the files
_tcscpy(szOut,TEXT("HKLM,%KEY_RENAME%\\CMRENAME,")); _tcscat(szOut,pRenameData->szShortName); _tcscat(szOut,TEXT(",,\"")); _tcscat(szOut,pRenameData->szLongName); _tcscat(szOut,TEXT("\"\r\n")); MYDBGASSERT(_tcslen(szOut) <= sizeof(szOut)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,szOut)); ptr = ptr->next; } } }
void WriteEraseLongName(HANDLE hInf) { ListBxList * ptr; TCHAR szOut[MAX_PATH+1]; RenameData * pRenameData;
if ( g_pHeadRename != NULL ) { ptr = g_pHeadRename; while (ptr != NULL) { pRenameData = (RenameData *)(ptr->ListBxData); pRenameData->szShortName[7] = pRenameData->szShortName[7]+1; _tcscpy(szOut,pRenameData->szShortName); _tcscat(szOut,TEXT("\r\n")); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,szOut)); ptr = ptr->next; } } }
// Function: ProcessMenuItem
// Synopsis: This function retrieves the data associated with the given keyname
// under the [Menu Options] section of the given cms file. It then
// processes the data line into a program part and a parameters part.
// Then using the keyname, the program string, and the params string
// it adds an entry to the Status Area Menu Item linked list.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszKeyName - Name of the Menu Item
// LPCTSTR pszCmsFile - CMS file containing the menu items
// LPCTSTR pszProfilesDir - directory containing the profiles dir
// (to help determine if the file was included or not)
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if successful
// History: quintinb Created 6/14/99
BOOL ProcessMenuItem(LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszCmsFile, LPCTSTR pszProfilesDir) {
// Check parameters
if ((NULL == pszKeyName) || (NULL == pszCmsFile) || (TEXT('\0') == pszKeyName[0]) || (TEXT('\0') == pszCmsFile[0])) { CMTRACE(TEXT("ProcessMenuItem -- bad parameter passed.")); return FALSE; }
BOOL bFileIncluded = FALSE; BOOL bLongFileName = FALSE; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; LPTSTR pszParams = NULL; LPTSTR pszProgram = NULL; TCHAR szProgram[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR SeperatorChar = TEXT('\0');
// Get the Menu Item specified by pszKeyName
LPTSTR pszLine = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(c_pszCmSectionMenuOptions, pszKeyName, TEXT(""), pszCmsFile);
if ((NULL == pszLine) || (TEXT('\0') == pszLine[0])) { CMTRACE(TEXT("ProcessMenuItem -- GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc failed")); goto exit; }
// Now that we have a menu item, begin processing. Since we have the keyname, we already
// have the name of the menu item. We now could have any of the following strings:
// +Program Name+ Params
// +Program Name+
// ProgName Params
// ProgName
// Note that we surround long filenames with the '+' char.
CmStrTrim(pszLine); if (TEXT('+') == pszLine[0]) { bLongFileName = TRUE; SeperatorChar = TEXT('+');
pszProgram = CharNext(pszLine); // move past the initial +
} else { bLongFileName = FALSE; SeperatorChar = TEXT(' ');
pszProgram = pszLine; }
pszParams = CmStrchr(pszProgram, SeperatorChar);
if (pszParams) { LPTSTR pszTemp = pszParams; pszParams = CharNext(pszParams); // pszParams is either a NULL string or it is the parameters with a space.
*pszTemp = TEXT('\0'); } else { if (bLongFileName) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("ProcessMenuItem -- Unexpected Menu Item format: %s"), pszLine); goto exit; } else { //
// Then we don't have any parameters, just a Program
pszParams = CmEndOfStr(pszProgram); } }
CmStrTrim(pszParams); CmStrTrim(pszProgram);
// Now check to see if the file exists in the profile or not
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szProgram) > (UINT)wsprintf(szProgram, TEXT("%s%s"), pszProfilesDir, pszProgram)); bFileIncluded = FileExists(szProgram); if (bFileIncluded) { //
// If we are in this if block then we have an edited profile that contains menu items.
// Use the full path to add to the record list.
pszProgram = szProgram; // memory will be cleaned up below because we only had one
// allocation that we split up into several pieces.
bReturn = createRecord(pszKeyName, pszProgram, pszParams, bFileIncluded);
CmFree(pszLine); return bReturn; }
// Function: ReadIconMenu
// Synopsis: This function converts the Menu Options section of the given CMS
// into the Status Area Menu Items linked list that internally
// represents it.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszCmsFile - Cms File to read the menu items from
// LPCTSTR pszProfilesDir - full path to the Profiles directory
// (c:\program files\cmak\profiles usually)
// Returns: BOOL - Returns TRUE if Successful
// History: Created Header 6/14/99
// quintinb Rewrote for Unicode Conversion 6/14/99
BOOL ReadIconMenu(LPCTSTR pszCmsFile, LPCTSTR pszProfilesDir) { BOOL bReturn = TRUE; LPTSTR pszCurrentKeyName = NULL;
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache
// (win95 only). This call will return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534 this call will always return 0
// First we want to get all of the keynames in the Menu Options section
LPTSTR pszKeyNames = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(c_pszCmSectionMenuOptions, NULL, TEXT(""), pszCmsFile);
if (NULL == pszKeyNames) { //
// Nothing to process
goto exit; }
pszCurrentKeyName = pszKeyNames;
while (TEXT('\0') != (*pszCurrentKeyName)) { //
// Process the command line
bReturn = bReturn && ProcessMenuItem(pszCurrentKeyName, pszCmsFile, pszProfilesDir); //
// Find the next string by going to the end of the string
// and then going one more char. Note that we cannot use
// CharNext here but must use just ++.
pszCurrentKeyName = CmEndOfStr(pszCurrentKeyName); pszCurrentKeyName++; }
exit: CmFree(pszKeyNames);
return bReturn; }
static void WriteIconMenu() { IconMenu * LoopPtr; TCHAR szTemp[2*MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH+1]; BOOL longname;
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileSection(c_pszCmSectionMenuOptions,TEXT("\0\0"),g_szCmsFile));
if (g_pHeadIcon == NULL) { return; } LoopPtr = g_pHeadIcon;
while( LoopPtr != NULL) { GetFileName(LoopPtr->szProgram,szName);
if (IsFile8dot3(szName)) { longname = FALSE; } else { longname = TRUE; }
// surround long file names with plus signs - quotes won't work cause
// they get stripped by the reading routines
if (longname) { _tcscpy(szTemp,TEXT("+")); } else { szTemp[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
if (LoopPtr->bDoCopy) { _tcscat(szTemp,g_szShortServiceName); _tcscat(szTemp,TEXT("\\")); }
if (longname) { _tcscat(szTemp,TEXT("+")); }
_tcscat(szTemp,TEXT(" ")); _tcscat(szTemp,LoopPtr->szParams); MYDBGASSERT(_tcslen(szTemp) <= CELEMS(szTemp)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionMenuOptions,LoopPtr->szName,szTemp,g_szCmsFile)); LoopPtr = LoopPtr->next; } //
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache
// (win95 only). This call will return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534 this call will always return 0
static void RefreshIconMenu(HWND hwndDlg) { IconMenu * LoopPtr;
SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST1,LB_RESETCONTENT,0,(LPARAM)0); //lint !e534 LB_RESETCONTENT doesn't return anything
if (g_pHeadIcon == NULL) { return; } LoopPtr = g_pHeadIcon; while( LoopPtr != NULL) { MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) LoopPtr->szName));
LoopPtr = LoopPtr->next; } }
void UpdateEditDeleteMoveButtons(HWND hDlg, IconMenu* pHeadIcon) { LRESULT lResult; BOOL bEnableDeleteAndEdit = FALSE; BOOL bEnableMoveUp = FALSE; BOOL bEnableMoveDown = FALSE;
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); if (LB_ERR != lResult) { //
// Enable the Delete and Edit Buttons because we have at least 1 item.
bEnableDeleteAndEdit = (0 < lResult);
// If we have more than 1 item, then we need to enable the moveup and movedown
// buttons, depending on which item is selected.
if (1 < lResult) {
bEnableMoveUp = TRUE; bEnableMoveDown = TRUE;
// Get the name of the currently selected item
TCHAR szCurrentItem[MAX_PATH+1]; lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
if (LB_ERR != lResult) { lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETTEXT, lResult, (LPARAM)szCurrentItem);
if (LB_ERR != lResult) { IconMenu* pFollower = NULL; IconMenu* pCurrent = pHeadIcon;
while (pCurrent) { if (0 == lstrcmpi(szCurrentItem, pCurrent->szName)) { if (NULL == pFollower) { //
// First item in the list, disable move up
bEnableMoveUp = FALSE; } else if (NULL == pCurrent->next) { //
// Last item in the list, disable move down
bEnableMoveDown = FALSE; }
break; }
pFollower = pCurrent; pCurrent = pCurrent->next; } } } } }
HWND hCurrentFocus = GetFocus(); HWND hEditButton = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON2); HWND hDeleteButton = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON3); HWND hMoveUpButton = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON4); HWND hMoveDownButton = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON5); HWND hControl;
if (hEditButton) { EnableWindow(hEditButton, bEnableDeleteAndEdit); }
if (hDeleteButton) { EnableWindow(hDeleteButton, bEnableDeleteAndEdit); }
if (hMoveUpButton) { EnableWindow(hMoveUpButton, bEnableMoveUp); }
if (hMoveDownButton) { EnableWindow(hMoveDownButton, bEnableMoveDown); } if (FALSE == IsWindowEnabled(hCurrentFocus)) { if (hDeleteButton == hCurrentFocus) { //
// If delete is disabled and contained the focus, shift it to the Add button
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON1); SendMessage(hDlg, DM_SETDEFID, IDC_BUTTON1, (LPARAM)0L); //lint !e534 DM_SETDEFID doesn't return error info
SetFocus(hControl); } else if ((hMoveUpButton == hCurrentFocus) && IsWindowEnabled(hMoveDownButton)) { SetFocus(hMoveDownButton); SendMessage(hDlg, DM_SETDEFID, IDC_BUTTON5, (LPARAM)0L); //lint !e534 DM_SETDEFID doesn't return error info
} else if ((hMoveDownButton == hCurrentFocus) && IsWindowEnabled(hMoveUpButton)) { SetFocus(hMoveUpButton); SendMessage(hDlg, DM_SETDEFID, IDC_BUTTON4, (LPARAM)0L); //lint !e534 DM_SETDEFID doesn't return error info
} else { //
// If all else fails set the focus to the list control
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LIST1); SetFocus(hControl); } } }
BOOL OnProcessStatusMenuIconsEdit(HWND hDlg) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szOld[MAX_PATH+1]; INT_PTR nResult;
nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM)0);
if (nResult == LB_ERR) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOSELECTION, MB_OK)); return TRUE; }
MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)nResult, (LPARAM)szTemp));
MYVERIFY(FALSE != GetIconMenuItem(szTemp, &DlgEditItem));
_tcscpy(szOld, szTemp); nResult = DialogBoxParam(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MENU_ITEM_POPUP), hDlg, ProcessStatusMenuPopup, (LPARAM)0); if ((IDOK == nResult) && (TEXT('\0') != DlgEditItem.szName[0])) { if (0 == lstrcmpi(szOld, DlgEditItem.szName)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != updateRecord(DlgEditItem.szName, DlgEditItem.szProgram, DlgEditItem.szParams, DlgEditItem.bDoCopy, szOld)); } else { DeleteRecord(szOld); MYVERIFY(TRUE == createRecord(DlgEditItem.szName, DlgEditItem.szProgram, DlgEditItem.szParams, DlgEditItem.bDoCopy)); } RefreshIconMenu(hDlg); WriteIconMenu(); nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)DlgEditItem.szName); if (LB_ERR != nResult) { MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_LIST1,LB_SETCURSEL,(WPARAM)nResult,(LPARAM)0)); }
UpdateEditDeleteMoveButtons(hDlg, g_pHeadIcon); }
return TRUE; }
// Function: ProcessStatusMenuIcons
// Synopsis: Customize the status area icon menu
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage2F1 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessStatusMenuIcons( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szOld[MAX_PATH+1]; INT_PTR nResult; int direction; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam; ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_MENU)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_LIST1);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { //
// Load the arrow images for the move up and move down buttons
HICON hUpArrow = (HICON)LoadImage(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_UP_ARROW), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); HICON hDownArrow = (HICON)LoadImage(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_DOWN_ARROW), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0);
// Set the arrow button bit maps
SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON4), BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)hUpArrow); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON5), BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)hDownArrow); } break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_BUTTON1: //add
ZeroMemory(&DlgEditItem,sizeof(DlgEditItem)); nResult = DialogBoxParam(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MENU_ITEM_POPUP), hDlg, ProcessStatusMenuPopup, (LPARAM)0);
if ((nResult == IDOK) && (DlgEditItem.szName[0] != 0)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != createRecord(DlgEditItem.szName, DlgEditItem.szProgram, DlgEditItem.szParams, DlgEditItem.bDoCopy)); RefreshIconMenu(hDlg); WriteIconMenu();
nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)DlgEditItem.szName); if (LB_ERR != nResult) { MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_LIST1,LB_SETCURSEL,(WPARAM)nResult,(LPARAM)0)); }
UpdateEditDeleteMoveButtons(hDlg, g_pHeadIcon); } return (TRUE); break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_BUTTON2: //edit
break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_BUTTON3: //delete
nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_LIST1,LB_GETCURSEL,0,(LPARAM)0); if (nResult == LB_ERR) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOSELECTION, MB_OK)); return TRUE; } MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)nResult, (LPARAM)szTemp));
// Reset the cursor selection to the first in the list, unless the list is empty.
nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETCOUNT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
if (nResult) { MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0)); } UpdateEditDeleteMoveButtons(hDlg, g_pHeadIcon); WriteIconMenu(); return (TRUE);
break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_BUTTON4: //UP
case IDC_BUTTON5: //down
if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_BUTTON4) { direction = -1; } else { direction = 1; }
nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_LIST1,LB_GETCURSEL,0,(LPARAM)0);
if (nResult == LB_ERR) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOSELECTION, MB_OK)); return TRUE; }
MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)nResult, (LPARAM)szTemp));
if (MoveRecord(szTemp,direction)) { RefreshIconMenu(hDlg); MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)(nResult + direction), (LPARAM)0)); UpdateEditDeleteMoveButtons(hDlg, g_pHeadIcon); }
WriteIconMenu(); return (TRUE);
break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_LIST1: if (LBN_DBLCLK == HIWORD(wParam)) { OnProcessStatusMenuIconsEdit(hDlg); } else if (LBN_SELCHANGE == HIWORD(wParam)) { //
// The selection in the list box changed, update the move buttons if needed
UpdateEditDeleteMoveButtons(hDlg, g_pHeadIcon); } break; default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) { case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK));
if (g_pHeadIcon == NULL) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != ReadIconMenu(g_szCmsFile, g_szOsdir)); } RefreshIconMenu(hDlg);
// Reset the cursor selection to the first in the list, unless the list is empty.
// Then we should set focus on the Add button
nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETCOUNT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
if (nResult) { MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0)); } else { SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON1)); }
UpdateEditDeleteMoveButtons(hDlg, g_pHeadIcon); break;
case PSN_WIZBACK: WriteIconMenu();
break; case PSN_WIZNEXT: WriteIconMenu(); break;
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: DisplayBitmap
// Synopsis: This function takes a BMPDATA structure with a valid HDIBitmap data
// (device Independent bitmap data) and creates a device dependent bitmap
// and displays it on the specified bitmap window control.
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - Window handle of the dialog containing the Bitmap control
// int iBitmapControl - Resource ID of the bitmap window control
// HPALETTE* phMasterPalette - pointer to the master palette
// BMPDATA* pBmpData - pointer to the BMPDATA to display
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created 8/6/98
void DisplayBitmap(HWND hDlg, int iBitmapControl, HPALETTE* phMasterPalette, BMPDATA* pBmpData) { MYDBGASSERT(NULL != pBmpData); MYDBGASSERT(pBmpData->hDIBitmap); MYDBGASSERT(NULL != phMasterPalette); if ((NULL != pBmpData) && (pBmpData->hDIBitmap) && (NULL != phMasterPalette)) { pBmpData->phMasterPalette = phMasterPalette; pBmpData->bForceBackground = FALSE; // Paint as a Foreground App
if (CreateBitmapData(pBmpData->hDIBitmap, pBmpData, hDlg, TRUE)) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, iBitmapControl, STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, (LPARAM) pBmpData); //lint !e534 STM_SETIMAGE doesn't return error info
} } }
// Function: ProcesssSigninBitmap
// Synopsis: Customize the sign-in bitmap -- this function processes the
// messages for the page in CMAK that handles customizing the
// sign-in dialog bitmap.
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/6/98
// quintinb Rewrote to use new shared bitmap handling code 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessSigninBitmap( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR* pszBitmap; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam; static TCHAR szDisplay[MAX_PATH+1]; // keeps unselected custom entry
static BMPDATA BmpData; static HPALETTE hMasterPalette;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_BITMAPS)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDITSPLASH);
switch (message) {
case WM_INITDIALOG: SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH)); break;
case WM_PALETTECHANGED: if ((wParam != (WPARAM) hDlg) && (BmpData.hDIBitmap)) { //
// Handle the palette change.
CMTRACE2(TEXT("ProcessSigninBitmap handling WM_PALETTECHANGED message, wParam=0x%x, hDlg=0x%x."), wParam, hDlg); PaletteChanged(&BmpData, hDlg, IDC_DEFAULTBRAND); } return TRUE; break; //lint !e527 Unreachable but please keep in case someone removes the return
QueryNewPalette(&BmpData, hDlg, IDC_DEFAULTBRAND);
return TRUE; break; //lint !e527 Unreachable but please keep in case someone removes the return
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_RADIO1:
// Display the Default Bitmap
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_EDITSPLASH),FALSE); _tcscpy(szDisplay, g_szBrandBmp); //
// Load the default Bitmap
ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_CM_DEFAULT)); //
// Display it
DisplayBitmap(hDlg, IDC_DEFAULTBRAND, &hMasterPalette, &BmpData);
case IDC_RADIO2: //
// Display a custom Bitmap
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH), TRUE); if (TEXT('\0') != g_szBrandBmp[0]) { pszBitmap = g_szBrandBmp; } else if (TEXT('\0') != szDisplay[0]) { pszBitmap = szDisplay; } else { break; }
// Load the Custom Bitmap
ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, pszBitmap); //
// Display it
DisplayBitmap(hDlg, IDC_DEFAULTBRAND, &hMasterPalette, &BmpData);
case IDC_BROWSEBMP1: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH), TRUE);
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, IDC_RADIO2));
{ UINT uFilter = IDS_BMPFILTER; TCHAR* szMask = TEXT("*.bmp");
MYVERIFY(0 != DoBrowse(hDlg, &uFilter, &szMask, 1, IDC_EDITSPLASH, TEXT("bmp"), g_szBrandBmp)); }
// If we have a custom bitmap name, load and display it
if (TEXT('\0') != g_szBrandBmp[0]) { ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, g_szBrandBmp); //
// Display it
DisplayBitmap(hDlg, IDC_DEFAULTBRAND, &hMasterPalette, &BmpData); } break;
if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_KILLFOCUS) { //
// Notice that we do not do a file check on the text retrieved from the control.
// We do this because, changing focus is an awkward time to do this check and brings
// up the error dialog way to often. We will catch this on Back or Next anyway so let
// it go by here.
GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH, szTemp, MAX_PATH, FALSE); // bDisplayError == FALSE
CheckNameChange(g_szBrandBmp, szTemp);
if (TEXT('\0') != g_szBrandBmp[0]) { //
// Load the Custom Bitmap
ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, g_szBrandBmp); //
// Display it
DisplayBitmap(hDlg, IDC_DEFAULTBRAND, &hMasterPalette, &BmpData); } return TRUE; } break;
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK));
// Get the bitmap string from the CMS and verify that the file
// exists.
ZeroMemory(g_szBrandBmp, sizeof(g_szBrandBmp)); ZeroMemory(&BmpData, sizeof(BMPDATA));
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryLogo, TEXT(""), g_szBrandBmp, CELEMS(g_szBrandBmp), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
if (TEXT('\0') == g_szBrandBmp[0]) { //
// Then we use the default CM bitmap, disable edit control
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, IDC_RADIO1)); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH), FALSE); //
// Note that we use szDisplay here just in case the use selects a
// bitmap and then switches back to default.
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(szDisplay)));
// Load the default Bitmap
ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_CM_DEFAULT)); } else { //
// Use whatever bitmap is specified in the CMS.
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, IDC_RADIO2)); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH), TRUE); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(g_szBrandBmp))); MYVERIFY(FALSE != VerifyFile(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH, g_szBrandBmp, FALSE));
// Load the specified Bitmap
if (!FileExists(g_szBrandBmp)) { TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH+1];
GetFileName(g_szBrandBmp, szFile); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s\\%s"), g_szOsdir, g_szShortServiceName, szFile)); if (!FileExists(szTemp)) { return FALSE; //GIVE UP;
} else { _tcscpy(g_szBrandBmp, szTemp); } } if (TEXT('\0') != g_szBrandBmp[0]) { //
// Load the custom Bitmap
ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, g_szBrandBmp); } }
// If we have a handle, create a new Device Dependent bitmap
// and display it.
DisplayBitmap(hDlg, IDC_DEFAULTBRAND, &hMasterPalette, &BmpData);
// Make sure that the user typed in a Bitmap name if they selected
// to have a custom bitmap.
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2) == BST_CHECKED) { if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
if (!VerifyFile(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH, g_szBrandBmp, TRUE)) { return 1; } else if (TEXT('\0') == g_szBrandBmp[0]) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOBMP, MB_OK));
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } else { //
// Try to Load the bitmap to make sure it is valid
TCHAR szTemp1[MAX_PATH+1];
ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, g_szBrandBmp); if (NULL == BmpData.hDIBitmap) { //
// Use szTemp1 to hold the format string
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_INVALIDBMP, szTemp1, MAX_PATH)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, szTemp1, g_szBrandBmp));
MessageBox(hDlg, szTemp, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } } } else { g_szBrandBmp[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryLogo, g_szBrandBmp, g_szCmsFile)); //
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache
// (win95 only). This call will return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, g_szCmpFile); //lint !e534 this call will always return 0
// Fall through to cleanup code in RESET handler
case PSN_RESET: //
// Cleanup the Graphics Objects
if (NULL != hMasterPalette) { DeleteObject(hMasterPalette); hMasterPalette = NULL; }
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: ProcessPhoneBookBitmap
// Synopsis: Customize the Phone Book bitmap -- this function processes the
// messages for the page in CMAK that handles customizing the
// pb dialog bitmap.
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/6/98
// quintinb Rewrote to use new shared bitmap handling code 8/6/98
// quintinb Renamed from ProcessPage4
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessPhoneBookBitmap( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR* pszBitmap; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam; static TCHAR szDisplay[MAX_PATH+1]; // keeps unselected custom entry
static BMPDATA BmpData; static HPALETTE hMasterPalette;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_BITMAPS)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDITSPLASH);
switch (message) {
case WM_INITDIALOG: SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH)); break;
case WM_PALETTECHANGED: if ((wParam != (WPARAM) hDlg) && (BmpData.hDIBitmap)) { //
// Handle the palette change.
CMTRACE2(TEXT("ProcessSigninBitmap handling WM_PALETTECHANGED message, wParam=0x%x, hDlg=0x%x."), wParam, hDlg); PaletteChanged(&BmpData, hDlg, IDC_PDEFAULTBRAND); } return TRUE; break; //lint !e527 Unreachable but please keep in case someone removes the return
return TRUE; break; //lint !e527 Unreachable but please keep in case someone removes the return
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_RADIO1: //
// Display the Default Bitmap
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_EDITSPLASH),FALSE); _tcscpy(szDisplay, g_szPhoneBmp); //
// Load the default Bitmap
ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_CM_PB_DEFAULT)); //
// Display it
DisplayBitmap(hDlg, IDC_PDEFAULTBRAND, &hMasterPalette, &BmpData);
case IDC_RADIO2: //
// Display a custom Bitmap
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH), TRUE); if (TEXT('\0') != g_szPhoneBmp[0]) { pszBitmap = g_szPhoneBmp; } else if (TEXT('\0') != szDisplay[0]) { pszBitmap = szDisplay; } else { //
// Nothing has been specified yet
break; }
// Load the Custom Bitmap
ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, pszBitmap); //
// Display it
DisplayBitmap(hDlg, IDC_PDEFAULTBRAND, &hMasterPalette, &BmpData);
case IDC_BROWSEBMP2: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_EDITSPLASH),TRUE);
{ UINT uFilter = IDS_BMPFILTER; TCHAR* szMask = TEXT("*.bmp"); MYVERIFY(0 != DoBrowse(hDlg, &uFilter, &szMask, 1, IDC_EDITSPLASH, TEXT("bmp"), g_szPhoneBmp)); }
// If we have a custom bitmap name, load and display it
if (TEXT('\0') != g_szPhoneBmp[0]) { //
// Load the Custom Bitmap
ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, g_szPhoneBmp); //
// Display it
DisplayBitmap(hDlg, IDC_PDEFAULTBRAND, &hMasterPalette, &BmpData); } break;
// Note that we do not check whether we can convert the files to ANSI on Change of Focus
// the reason is because the user would get too many error messages and they would be somewhat
// confusing. Instead we will catch this on Next/Back and ignore it here.
GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH, szTemp, MAX_PATH, FALSE); // bDisplayError == FALSE
CheckNameChange(g_szPhoneBmp, szTemp); if (TEXT('\0') != g_szPhoneBmp[0]) { //
// Load the Custom Bitmap
ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, g_szPhoneBmp); //
// Display it
DisplayBitmap(hDlg, IDC_PDEFAULTBRAND, &hMasterPalette, &BmpData); } return TRUE; }
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK)); ZeroMemory(g_szPhoneBmp, sizeof(g_szPhoneBmp)); ZeroMemory(&BmpData, sizeof(BMPDATA)); GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPbLogo, TEXT(""), g_szPhoneBmp, CELEMS(g_szPhoneBmp), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
if (TEXT('\0') != g_szPhoneBmp[0]) { //
// We want to Display a Custom Bitmap
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH), TRUE); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(g_szPhoneBmp)));
MYVERIFY(FALSE != VerifyFile(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH, g_szPhoneBmp, FALSE)); if (!FileExists(g_szPhoneBmp)) { //
// We couldn't find it the first time so build the path to the profile
// directory and try again.
GetFileName(g_szPhoneBmp, szFile); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s\\%s"), g_szOsdir, g_szShortServiceName, szFile)); if (!FileExists(szTemp)) { //
// We can't find it so give up.
return FALSE; } else { _tcscpy(g_szPhoneBmp, szTemp); } } //
// Load the Custom Bitmap
ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, g_szPhoneBmp);
} else { //
// We want to Display the Default Bitmap
MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1, IDC_RADIO2, IDC_RADIO1));
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH), FALSE); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(szDisplay)));
// Load the default Bitmap
ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_CM_PB_DEFAULT));
// Display it
DisplayBitmap(hDlg, IDC_PDEFAULTBRAND, &hMasterPalette, &BmpData); break;
case PSN_WIZNEXT: //
// First check to see if the user entered a bmp file if they
// selected that they wanted to display a custom bitmap.
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2) == BST_CHECKED) { if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } if (!VerifyFile(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH, g_szPhoneBmp, TRUE)) { return 1; } else if (TEXT('\0') == g_szPhoneBmp[0]) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOBMP, MB_OK));
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } else { ReleaseBitmapData(&BmpData); BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInstance, g_szPhoneBmp);
if (NULL == BmpData.hDIBitmap) { TCHAR szTemp1[MAX_PATH+1];
// Then we have an invalid bitmap file. Inform the user.
// Using szTemp1 as a temp var for the format string.
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_INVALIDBMP, szTemp1, MAX_PATH)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, szTemp1, g_szPhoneBmp)); MessageBox(hDlg, szTemp, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK);
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSPLASH)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } } } else { g_szPhoneBmp[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection,c_pszCmEntryPbLogo,g_szPhoneBmp,g_szCmsFile)); //
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache
// (win95 only). This call will return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, g_szCmpFile); //lint !e534 this call will always return 0
// Fall through to cleanup code in RESET handler
// Cleanup the Graphics Objects
if (NULL != hMasterPalette) { DeleteObject(hMasterPalette); hMasterPalette = NULL; }
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
BOOL UpdateIcon(HWND hDlg,DWORD ctrlID,LPTSTR lpFile,BOOL issmall) { HANDLE hRes = NULL; DWORD nResult; LPTSTR lpfilename; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1] = TEXT(""); BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
// Don't do the ANSI conversion check on the Icons here because this function
// is only called from the Kill Focus windows message. Thus we don't want to
// put up an error message here. It will be caught by the Next/Back messages
// anyway so ignore it here.
GetTextFromControl(hDlg, ctrlID, szTemp, MAX_PATH, FALSE); // bDisplayError == FALSE
CheckNameChange(lpFile, szTemp);
lstrcpy(szTemp, lpFile); // we need a temp to hold lpFile so that it can be modified by Search Path as necessary.
nResult = SearchPath(NULL, szTemp, NULL, MAX_PATH, lpFile, &lpfilename); if (nResult != 0) { if (issmall) { hRes = LoadImage(NULL, lpFile, IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_LOADFROMFILE); } else { hRes = LoadImage(NULL, lpFile, IMAGE_ICON, 32, 32, LR_LOADFROMFILE); } }
return (NULL != hRes); }
BOOL VerifyIcon(HWND hDlg,DWORD ctrlID,LPTSTR lpFile,DWORD iconID,BOOL issmall,LPTSTR lpDispFile) { TCHAR szTemp2[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hRes;
if ((lpFile[0] == TEXT('\0')) && (lpDispFile[0] != TEXT('\0'))) { _tcscpy(lpFile,lpDispFile); }
if (!VerifyFile(hDlg,ctrlID,lpFile,TRUE)) { return FALSE; } else { //check for blank entry
if (lpFile[0] == TEXT('\0')) return TRUE;
if (issmall) { hRes = LoadImage(NULL,lpFile,IMAGE_ICON,16,16,LR_LOADFROMFILE); } else { hRes = LoadImage(NULL,lpFile,IMAGE_ICON,32,32,LR_LOADFROMFILE); }
if (hRes == 0) { MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance,IDS_INVALIDICO,szMsg,MAX_PATH)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp2) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp2,szMsg,lpFile)); MessageBox(hDlg, szTemp2, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, ctrlID)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return FALSE; } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,iconID,STM_SETIMAGE,IMAGE_ICON,(LPARAM) hRes); //lint !e534 STM_SETIMAGE doesn't return error info
} return TRUE; } }
// Function: InitIconEntry
// Synopsis: This function takes a resource ID of a key under the Connection Manager
// section and retrives the value and stores it in lpFile. It then sets the text
// in the passed in edit control and verifies that the file exists. Should the
// not exist, then the string will be set to the empty string.
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - Window handle of the icon dialog
// LPCTSTR pszKey - the flag string of the Icon to retrieve
// LPTSTR lpFile - String buffer to write the icon path in
// UINT CtrlId - Edit Control that is supposed to receive the icon string
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/4/98
void InitIconEntry(HWND hDlg, LPCTSTR pszKey, LPTSTR lpFile, UINT CtrlId) { //
// The following call to GetPrivateProfileString could return a blank string, thus don't
// use the MYVERIFY macro on it.
ZeroMemory(lpFile, sizeof(lpFile)); GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, pszKey, TEXT(""), lpFile, MAX_PATH, g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
// Both of the following functions will correctly handle a blank string.
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, CtrlId), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(lpFile)));
MYVERIFY(FALSE != VerifyFile(hDlg, CtrlId, lpFile, FALSE));
// Function: RefreshIconDisplay
// Synopsis: This fucntion is used to refresh the icons shown on the icons page.
// It takes a path to an Icon and tries to load it. If the load fails
// or if the boolean SetDefault is set, then it loads the default icon
// specified by the Instance handle and the integer resource ID (iDefault).
// The icon is displayed to the dwControlID passed into the function.
// Arguments: HWND hDlg -
// HINSTANCE hInstance -
// LPTSTR szIconFile -
// int iDefault -
// int xSize -
// int ySize -
// DWORD dwControlID -
// BOOL SetDefault -
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/4/98
// quintinb Changed Default setting to take a resource ID instead of
// a string. Thus we won't have to ship the icon files.
void RefreshIconDisplay(HWND hDlg, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPTSTR szIconFile, int iDefault, int xSize, int ySize, DWORD dwControlID, BOOL SetDefault) { HANDLE hRes; if (SetDefault) { hRes = NULL; } else { hRes = LoadImage(NULL, szIconFile, IMAGE_ICON, xSize, ySize, LR_LOADFROMFILE); } if (NULL == hRes) { //
hRes = LoadImage(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(iDefault), IMAGE_ICON, xSize, ySize, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); }
if (NULL != hRes) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, dwControlID, STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM) hRes); //lint !e534 STM_SETIMAGE doesn't return error info
} } //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: EnableCustomIconControls
// Synopsis: Function to enable or disable all of the controls associated with
// the custom icons. If the bEnabled value is TRUE the controls are
// enabled, otherwise the controls are disabled.
// Arguments: WND hDlg - window handle of the icon dialog
// BOOL bEnabled - whether the controls are enabled or disabled
// History: quintinb Created 11/12/99
void EnableCustomIconControls(HWND hDlg, BOOL bEnabled) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITLARGE), bEnabled); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LABEL1), bEnabled);
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSMALL), bEnabled); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LABEL2), bEnabled);
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITTRAY), bEnabled); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LABEL3), bEnabled);
// Comment about using defaults for unspecified icons
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_LABEL4), bEnabled);
// Function: ProcessIcons
// Synopsis: Function that processes messages for the page in CMAK that allows
// the user to add custom icons to their profile.
// Arguments: WND hDlg - window handle of the dialog
// UINT message - message ID
// WPARAM wParam - wParam of the message
// LPARAM lParam - lParma of the message
// History: quintinb Created Header 12/5/97
// quintinb modified to handle both w16 and w32 dialogs
// quintinb added fix for 35622, custom large icon not displaying on page load
// quintinb removed 16 bit support 7-8-98
// quintinb Renamed from ProcessPage5 8-6-98
// quintinb Added EnableCustomIconControls and changed browse button
// behavior for consistency 367112 11-12-99
// Customize icons
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessIcons( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; static TCHAR szDispLargeIco[MAX_PATH+1]; static TCHAR szDispSmallIco[MAX_PATH+1]; static TCHAR szDispTrayIco[MAX_PATH+1]; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam; ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_ICONS)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDITLARGE); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDITSMALL); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDITTRAY);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITLARGE));
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_RADIO1: EnableCustomIconControls (hDlg, FALSE);
RefreshIconDisplay(hDlg, g_hInstance, g_szLargeIco, IDI_CM_ICON, 32, 32, IDC_ICONLARGE, TRUE); RefreshIconDisplay(hDlg, g_hInstance, g_szSmallIco, IDI_CM_ICON, 16, 16, IDC_ICONSMALL, TRUE); RefreshIconDisplay(hDlg, g_hInstance, g_szTrayIco, IDI_CM_ICON, 16, 16, IDC_ICONTRAY, TRUE); _tcscpy(szDispTrayIco,g_szTrayIco); _tcscpy(szDispLargeIco,g_szLargeIco); _tcscpy(szDispSmallIco,g_szSmallIco);
case IDC_RADIO2: EnableCustomIconControls (hDlg, TRUE); if (!VerifyIcon(hDlg,IDC_EDITLARGE,g_szLargeIco,IDC_ICONLARGE,FALSE,szDispLargeIco)) { return 1; } if (!VerifyIcon(hDlg,IDC_EDITSMALL,g_szSmallIco,IDC_ICONSMALL,TRUE,szDispSmallIco)) { return 1; } if (!VerifyIcon(hDlg,IDC_EDITTRAY,g_szTrayIco,IDC_ICONTRAY,TRUE,szDispTrayIco)) { return 1; } break;
case IDC_EDITLARGE: if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_KILLFOCUS) { BOOL bIconUpdated = UpdateIcon(hDlg, IDC_EDITLARGE, g_szLargeIco, FALSE); //
// If icon wasn't updated than load the defaults
RefreshIconDisplay(hDlg, g_hInstance, g_szLargeIco, IDI_CM_ICON, 32, 32, IDC_ICONLARGE, !bIconUpdated);
return TRUE; } break;
case IDC_EDITSMALL: if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_KILLFOCUS) { BOOL bIconUpdated = UpdateIcon(hDlg,IDC_EDITSMALL,g_szSmallIco,TRUE); //
// If icon wasn't updated than load the defaults
RefreshIconDisplay(hDlg, g_hInstance, g_szSmallIco, IDI_CM_ICON, 16, 16, IDC_ICONSMALL, !bIconUpdated); return TRUE; } break;
case IDC_EDITTRAY: if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_KILLFOCUS) { BOOL bIconUpdated = UpdateIcon(hDlg,IDC_EDITTRAY,g_szTrayIco,TRUE);
// If icon wasn't updated than load the defaults
RefreshIconDisplay(hDlg, g_hInstance, g_szTrayIco, IDI_CM_ICON, 16, 16, IDC_ICONTRAY, !bIconUpdated); return TRUE; } break;
case IDC_BROWSE1: { UINT uFilter = IDS_ICOFILTER; TCHAR* szMask = TEXT("*.ico"); MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO1,IDC_RADIO2,IDC_RADIO2)); EnableCustomIconControls (hDlg, TRUE);
if (DoBrowse(hDlg, &uFilter, &szMask, 1, IDC_EDITLARGE, TEXT("ico"), g_szLargeIco)) { RefreshIconDisplay(hDlg, g_hInstance, g_szLargeIco, IDI_CM_ICON, 32, 32, IDC_ICONLARGE, FALSE); } }
case IDC_BROWSE2: { UINT uFilter = IDS_ICOFILTER; TCHAR* szMask = TEXT("*.ico"); MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO1,IDC_RADIO2,IDC_RADIO2)); EnableCustomIconControls (hDlg, TRUE);
if (DoBrowse(hDlg, &uFilter, &szMask, 1, IDC_EDITSMALL, TEXT("ico"), g_szSmallIco)) { RefreshIconDisplay(hDlg, g_hInstance, g_szSmallIco, IDI_CM_ICON, 16, 16, IDC_ICONSMALL, FALSE); } }
case IDC_BROWSE3: { UINT uFilter = IDS_ICOFILTER; TCHAR* szMask = TEXT("*.ico"); MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO1,IDC_RADIO2,IDC_RADIO2)); EnableCustomIconControls (hDlg, TRUE);
if (DoBrowse(hDlg, &uFilter, &szMask, 1, IDC_EDITTRAY, TEXT("ico"), g_szTrayIco)) { RefreshIconDisplay(hDlg, g_hInstance, g_szTrayIco, IDI_CM_ICON, 16, 16, IDC_ICONTRAY, FALSE); } }
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK)); InitIconEntry(hDlg, c_pszCmEntryBigIcon, g_szLargeIco, IDC_EDITLARGE); InitIconEntry(hDlg, c_pszCmEntrySmallIcon, g_szSmallIco, IDC_EDITSMALL); InitIconEntry(hDlg, c_pszCmEntryTrayIcon, g_szTrayIco, IDC_EDITTRAY); if ((g_szTrayIco[0] == TEXT('\0'))&&(g_szLargeIco[0] == TEXT('\0'))&&(g_szSmallIco[0] == TEXT('\0'))) { MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO1,IDC_RADIO2,IDC_RADIO1)); EnableCustomIconControls (hDlg, FALSE);
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITLARGE), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(szDispLargeIco))); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITSMALL), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(szDispSmallIco)));
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITTRAY), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(szDispTrayIco)));
} else { MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO1,IDC_RADIO2,IDC_RADIO2)); EnableCustomIconControls (hDlg, TRUE); }
RefreshIconDisplay(hDlg, g_hInstance, g_szLargeIco, IDI_CM_ICON, 32, 32, IDC_ICONLARGE, FALSE); RefreshIconDisplay(hDlg, g_hInstance, g_szSmallIco, IDI_CM_ICON, 16, 16, IDC_ICONSMALL, FALSE); RefreshIconDisplay(hDlg, g_hInstance, g_szTrayIco, IDI_CM_ICON, 16, 16, IDC_ICONTRAY, FALSE);
case PSN_WIZBACK: case PSN_WIZNEXT: if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO1)!=BST_CHECKED) { if (!VerifyIcon(hDlg,IDC_EDITLARGE,g_szLargeIco,IDC_ICONLARGE,FALSE,TEXT(""))) { return 1; } if (!VerifyIcon(hDlg,IDC_EDITSMALL,g_szSmallIco,IDC_ICONSMALL,TRUE,TEXT(""))) { return 1; } if (!VerifyIcon(hDlg,IDC_EDITTRAY,g_szTrayIco,IDC_ICONTRAY,TRUE,TEXT(""))) { return 1; } } else {
g_szTrayIco[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szLargeIco[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szSmallIco[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
if (TEXT('\0') != g_szLargeIco[0]) { // SPECIFY ICON NAME FOR THE DESKTOP
GetFileName(g_szLargeIco,szTemp); QS_WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszDesktopIcon, szTemp, g_szInfFile); }
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryBigIcon, g_szLargeIco, g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTrayIcon, g_szTrayIco, g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntrySmallIcon, g_szSmallIco, g_szCmsFile)); //
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache
// (win95 only). This call will return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534 this call will always return 0
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: ProcessPhoneBook
// Synopsis: Setup the phone book
// History: quintinb hid pbr browse button and edit control. Rewrote pbr/pbk logic for bug
// fix 14188 on 9-9-97
// quintinb added VerifyFileFormat check on .pbk file for bug fix 28416
// quintinb (11-18-97 29954) removed hidden pbr button and edit control from the dialog. Removed
// old verification code. Updated code to remove references to IDC_EDITREGION.
// quintinb (7-2-98) removed verifyfileformat call mentioned above because cm16 was pulled
// quintinb (8-6-98) Renamed from ProcessPage6
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessPhoneBook( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szMsg[2*MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR* pzTmp; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static TCHAR szMorePhone[MAX_PATH+1]; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_PHONEBK)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDITPHONE); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDIT1);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITPHONE)); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)MAX_PATH, (LPARAM)0); //lint !e534 EM_SETLIMITTEXT doesn't return anything useful
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
case IDC_BROWSE1: { UINT uFilter = IDS_PBKFILTER; TCHAR* szMask = TEXT("*.pbk");
MYVERIFY(0 != DoBrowse(hDlg, &uFilter, &szMask, 1, IDC_EDITPHONE, c_pszPbk, g_szPhonebk)); }
case IDC_CHECK1:
g_bUpdatePhonebook = IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg,IDC_CHECK1); if (g_bUpdatePhonebook) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszUpdatePhonebook, c_pszOne, g_szInfFile)); } else { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszUpdatePhonebook, c_pszZero, g_szInfFile)); }
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK)); //
// The following two calls to GetPrivateProfileString could return blank
// strings, thus we won't check the return with the MYVERIFY macro.
ZeroMemory(szMorePhone, sizeof(szMorePhone)); GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPbMessage, TEXT(""), szMorePhone, CELEMS(szMorePhone), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szMorePhone));
ZeroMemory(g_szPhonebk, sizeof(g_szPhonebk)); GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspPbFile, TEXT(""), g_szPhonebk, CELEMS(g_szPhonebk), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITPHONE), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(g_szPhonebk))); //
// The following call will handle a blank g_szPhonebk by returning FALSE and setting
// the control on the dialog to blank. Don't use MYVERIFY.
VerifyPhonebk(hDlg, IDC_EDITPHONE, g_szPhonebk); //lint !e534
MYVERIFY(0 != GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszUpdatePhonebook, c_pszOne, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szInfFile));
if (TEXT('1') == szTemp[0]) { g_bUpdatePhonebook = TRUE; MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1, TRUE)); } else { g_bUpdatePhonebook = FALSE; MYVERIFY(0 != CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_CHECK1, FALSE)); }
// fall through for further processing
case PSN_WIZNEXT: //
// quintinb, 9-9-97 for bug fix 14188
// cases: use browse button: both up to date, shortname(g_szPhonebk) == szTemp
// type unc into edit control: szTemp up to date, g_szPhonebk = szTemp must be done
// type filename into edit control: szTemp up to date, g_szPhonebk = getcurrentdir + \\ + szTemp must be done
// unc left over from previous, both same
// get text in the edit control and put in szTemp
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDITPHONE, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITPHONE)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } //
// first get szTemp and g_szPhonebk consistent
if (szTemp[0] != TEXT('\0')) { //
// if in here then we know that we have some text to work with
// first test if the two strings are exactly equal or the shortname of g_szPhonebk
// equals szTemp
if (0 != _tcscmp(szTemp, g_szPhonebk)) { if (0 != _tcscmp(szTemp, GetName(g_szPhonebk))) { //
// if not then g_szPhonebk and szTemp are out of sync, must update g_szPhonebk
// szTemp contains a backslash so it is probably a full path
if ( _tcsstr(szTemp, TEXT("\\")) ) { // probably contains a unc
_tcscpy(g_szPhonebk, szTemp); } else { // use GetFullPathName to return a name
MYVERIFY(0 != GetFullPathName(szTemp, MAX_PATH, g_szPhonebk, &pzTmp)); } } }
// Okay, check that we can open the file now. We need
// to change the current dir to the cmak dir since
// g_szPhonebk can be a relative path from a CMS file
MYVERIFY(0 != GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH+1, szTemp)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(g_szOsdir));
// Restore the cur dir
MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(szTemp)); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { // then we have an error and have exhausted our possibilities
MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_BADOUTEXE, MB_OK)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
MYVERIFY(0 != CloseHandle(hFile));
// if we got here then everything is sync-ed, make sure that the file is a pbk file
pzTmp = g_szPhonebk + _tcslen(g_szPhonebk) - _tcslen(c_pszPbk); if (_tcsicmp(pzTmp, c_pszPbk) != 0) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOTPBK, MB_OK)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
// now update the pbr file entry
_tcscpy(g_szRegion, g_szPhonebk); pzTmp = g_szRegion + _tcslen(g_szPhonebk) - _tcslen(c_pszPbk); _tcscpy(pzTmp, TEXT("pbr")); // removed for 29954
//SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITREGION), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(g_szRegion));
// Now open the pbr file to see that it exists. We need
// to change the current dir to the cmak dir since
// g_szPhonebk can be a relative path from a CMS file.
MYVERIFY(0 != GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH+1, szTemp)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(g_szOsdir));
// Restore the current directory
MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(szTemp)); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { //
// then we can't find the pbr file
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance,IDS_NEEDSPBR,szTemp,MAX_PATH)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szMsg) > (UINT)wsprintf(szMsg, szTemp, GetName(g_szRegion), g_szPhonebk, GetName(g_szRegion))); MessageBox(hDlg, szMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITPHONE)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } MYVERIFY(0 != CloseHandle(hFile));
} else { //
// just in case user wants to clear out the phonebk edit control
g_szPhonebk[0] = TEXT('\0'); g_szRegion[0] = TEXT('\0');
// end bugfix for 14188
if (g_bUpdatePhonebook) { GetFileName(g_szPhonebk, szTemp);
if (FALSE == IsFile8dot3(szTemp)) { LPTSTR pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInstance, IDS_BADPBNAME, szTemp);
if (pszMsg) { MessageBox(hDlg, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK); CmFree(pszMsg); } MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } } // end of changes for 28416
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } CmStrTrim(szTemp); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM) szTemp)); _tcscpy(szMorePhone,szTemp); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPbMessage, szMorePhone, g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspPbFile, g_szPhonebk, g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspRegionFile, g_szRegion, g_szCmsFile));
if (pnmHeader && (PSN_WIZBACK == pnmHeader->code)) { if (g_bUseTunneling) { //
// If we are going back, skip the Pre-shared key page if
// no DUN entries have Preshared key enabled.
// Note: g_bPresharedKeyNeeded should be current here, no need
// to call DoesSomeVPNsettingUsePresharedKey()
if (!g_bPresharedKeyNeeded) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, IDD_VPN_ENTRIES)); } } else { //
// If we are going back, skip the VPN entries dialog if we don't have any tunneling enabled.
// If we are going forward, skip the phonebook update page unless we are doing the PB download
if (pnmHeader && (PSN_WIZNEXT == pnmHeader->code) && !g_bUpdatePhonebook) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, IDD_DUN_ENTRIES)); } break;
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: ProcessPhoneBookUpdate
// Synopsis: Specify Phone Book Files and Updates
// History: Created Header 8/6/98
// quintinb Renamed from ProcessPage6A 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessPhoneBookUpdate( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; int j, iLen; LPTSTR pUrl,pch; BOOL showerr; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_PHONEBK)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDIT1); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDITURL);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG:
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDITURL, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)(MAX_PATH - 50), (LPARAM)0);//lint !e534 EM_SETLIMITTEXT doesn't return anything useful
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK)); //
// The following two calls to GetPrivateProfileString could return an empty
// string. We shouldn't use MYVERIFY on the return code.
ZeroMemory(g_szPhoneName, sizeof(g_szPhoneName)); ZeroMemory(g_szUrl,sizeof(g_szUrl));
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszPhoneName, TEXT(""), g_szPhoneName, CELEMS(g_szPhoneName), g_szInfFile); //lint !e534
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspUrl, TEXT(""), g_szUrl, CELEMS(g_szUrl), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
// skip past initial http://
if (*g_szUrl) { pUrl = _tcsstr(g_szUrl, c_pszCpsUrl); if (pUrl) { *pUrl = 0; //chop off dll filename
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITURL), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)&g_szUrl[7]));
} else { MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITURL), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)TEXT(""))); }
if (*g_szPhonebk) { GetBaseName(g_szPhonebk,szTemp); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM) szTemp)); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_EDIT1),FALSE); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1), TRUE); if (*g_szPhoneName) { MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM) g_szPhoneName)); } else { MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM) TEXT(""))); } }
showerr = (pnmHeader && (PSN_WIZNEXT == pnmHeader->code));
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, g_szPhoneName, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
// if ((g_szPhoneName[0] == TEXT('\0')) && (g_pHeadMerge == NULL) && showerr) - 20094
if ((g_szPhoneName[0] == TEXT('\0')) && showerr) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NEEDPHONENAME, MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
iLen = lstrlen(g_szBadFilenameChars); pch = g_szPhoneName; while(*pch != _T('\0')) { for (j = 0; j < iLen; ++j) { if ((*pch == g_szBadFilenameChars[j]) && showerr) { LPTSTR pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInstance, IDS_PHONENAMEERR, g_szBadFilenameChars);
if (pszMsg) { MessageBox(hDlg, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK); CmFree(pszMsg); }
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } } pch = CharNext(pch); }
// Note that 8.3 means 8 bytes not 8 Characters. Thus we have a limit of 4 DBCS
// characters.
#ifdef UNICODE
LPSTR pszAnsiPhoneName;
pszAnsiPhoneName = WzToSzWithAlloc(g_szPhoneName);
if ((lstrlenA(pszAnsiPhoneName) > 8) && showerr) #else
if ((strlen(g_szPhoneName) > 8) && showerr) #endif
{ LPTSTR pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInstance, IDS_PHONENAMEERR, g_szBadFilenameChars);
if (pszMsg) { MessageBox(hDlg, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_OK); CmFree(pszMsg); }
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
#ifdef UNICODE
CmFree(pszAnsiPhoneName); #endif
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDITURL, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITURL)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
if (szTemp[0] != TEXT('\0')) { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(g_szUrl) > (UINT)wsprintf(g_szUrl, TEXT("http://%s%s"), szTemp, c_pszCpsUrl)); } else { g_szUrl[0] = TEXT('\0'); } if ((g_szUrl[0] == TEXT('\0')) && showerr) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOURL, MB_OK));
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITURL)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszPhoneName, g_szPhoneName, g_szInfFile));
if (TEXT('\0') != g_szUrl[0]) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp,c_pszCmEntryIspUrl,g_szUrl,g_szCmsFile)); } else { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp,c_pszCmEntryIspUrl,TEXT(""),g_szCmsFile)); }
// the Next button was pressed or the back button was pressed
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: RemoveReferencesFromCMS
// Synopsis: This function searches for any previous References line in
// the ISP section of the cms file. If it finds a References
// line, then it parses it to find what other profiles are
// mentioned in the CMS. Then it will search for and remove
// any of the following lines in the ISP section that correspond
// to these references:
// CMSFile&test2=test3\test2.cms
// FilterA&test2=NosurchargeSignon
// FilterB&test2=SurchargeSignon
// note the function removes the reference line itself too.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb created for bug fix 10537 8/28/97
void RemoveReferencesFromCMS() { TCHAR szKey[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szReferences[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR* pszToken; DWORD dwNumChars;
dwNumChars = GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspReferences, TEXT(""), szReferences,MAX_PATH, g_szCmsFile);
if ((dwNumChars >0) && (TEXT('\0') != szReferences[0])) { // I have references, so we must parse them out and delete them
pszToken = _tcstok( szReferences, TEXT(" ")); while( pszToken != NULL ) { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szKey) > (UINT)wsprintf(szKey, TEXT("%s%s"), c_pszCmEntryIspCmsFile, pszToken)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, szKey, NULL, g_szCmsFile));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szKey) > (UINT)wsprintf(szKey, TEXT("%s%s"), c_pszCmEntryIspFilterA, pszToken)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, szKey, NULL, g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szKey) > (UINT)wsprintf(szKey, TEXT("%s%s"), c_pszCmEntryIspFilterB, pszToken)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, szKey, NULL, g_szCmsFile));
pszToken = _tcstok( NULL, TEXT(" ") ); } // after deleting the individual keys, must delete the references line itself
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspReferences, NULL, g_szCmsFile)); }
// Function: RefreshDualingListBoxes
// Synopsis: This function refreshes two listboxes from the given two linked
// lists. The destination listbox is filled from the destination
// linked list and then the source listbox is filled with all of the
// items in the source linked list that don't appear in the destination
// linked list and that aren't the name of the current profile to edit.
// Thus you effectively have one list where the items either show up
// in the source listbox or the destination listbox. Please note that
// there is one exception with the merged profile lists that this
// code was created for (items can exist in the merged list that we
// don't have profile source from, see the Delete/Remove code in
// ProcessMergedProfiles for more details). Also note that we
// enable/disable the corresponding Add and Remove buttons depending
// on the state of the lists.
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - window handle of the dialog containing all of the controls
// UINT uSourceListControlId - control id of the source listbox
// UINT uDestListControlId - control id of the dest listbox
// ListBxList* pSourceList - linked list to fill the source listbox from
// ListBxList* pDestList - linked list to fill the dest listbox from
// LPCTSTR pszShortName - short service name of the current profile
// UINT uAddCtrlId - control id of the Add button (add from source to dest)
// UINT uRemoveCtrlId - control id of the remove button (remove from dest to source)
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if successful
// History: quintinb created 03/09/00
BOOL RefreshDualingListBoxes(HWND hDlg, UINT uSourceListControlId, UINT uDestListControlId, ListBxList* pSourceList, ListBxList* pDestList, LPCTSTR pszShortName, UINT uAddCtrlId, UINT uRemoveCtrlId) { if ((NULL == hDlg) || (0 == uSourceListControlId) || (0 == uDestListControlId)) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("RefreshDualingListBoxes -- Invalid argument passed")); return FALSE; }
// Reset both of the listboxes
LRESULT lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uSourceListControlId, LB_RESETCONTENT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uDestListControlId, LB_RESETCONTENT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
// Add the destination items to the destination listbox
ListBxList* pCurrent = pDestList;
while (pCurrent) { lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uDestListControlId, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)pCurrent->szName);
pCurrent = pCurrent->next; }
// Add the source items to the source listbox, making sure to filter out items that are already
// in the destination list
pCurrent = pSourceList;
while (pCurrent) { if ((FALSE == FindListItemByName(pCurrent->szName, pDestList, NULL)) && (0 != lstrcmpi(pCurrent->szName, pszShortName))) { lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uSourceListControlId, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)pCurrent->szName);
pCurrent = pCurrent->next; } //
// Now that we have refreshed the list, we need to update the button and selection status.
// If the source list is empty, then we cannot do any Adds. On the other
// hand if the dest list is empty, then we cannot do any deletes.
HWND hAddControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, uAddCtrlId); HWND hRemoveControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, uRemoveCtrlId); HWND hCurrentFocus = GetFocus();
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uSourceListControlId, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, (LPARAM)0);
BOOL bListNotEmpty = ((LB_ERR != lResult) && (0 != lResult));
EnableWindow(hAddControl, bListNotEmpty);
if (bListNotEmpty) { MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uSourceListControlId, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM)0)); }
// Now check the destination list and the Remove button
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uDestListControlId, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, (LPARAM)0);
bListNotEmpty = ((LB_ERR != lResult) && (0 != lResult));
EnableWindow(hRemoveControl, bListNotEmpty);
if (bListNotEmpty) { MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uDestListControlId, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM)0)); }
// Figure out if we need to shift the focus because we just disabled the control that had it.
if (FALSE == IsWindowEnabled(hCurrentFocus)) { if ((hAddControl == hCurrentFocus) && IsWindowEnabled(hRemoveControl)) { SendMessage(hDlg, DM_SETDEFID, uRemoveCtrlId, (LPARAM)0L); //lint !e534 DM_SETDEFID doesn't return error info
SetFocus(hRemoveControl); } else if ((hRemoveControl == hCurrentFocus) && IsWindowEnabled(hAddControl)) { SendMessage(hDlg, DM_SETDEFID, uAddCtrlId, (LPARAM)0L); //lint !e534 DM_SETDEFID doesn't return error info
SetFocus(hAddControl); } else { SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, uSourceListControlId)); } }
return TRUE; }
void OnProcessMergedProfilesAdd(HWND hDlg) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; LRESULT lResult;
// Get the current selection from the listbox containing the items
// to merge.
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM)0);
if (lResult != LB_ERR) { lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)lResult, (LPARAM)szTemp);
if (lResult != LB_ERR) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != createListBxRecord(&g_pHeadMerge, &g_pTailMerge, NULL, 0, szTemp));
MYVERIFY(RefreshDualingListBoxes(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, IDC_LIST2, g_pHeadProfile, g_pHeadMerge, g_szShortServiceName, IDC_BUTTON1, IDC_BUTTON2)); } } }
void OnProcessMergedProfilesRemove(HWND hDlg) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; LRESULT lResult; //
// Get the listbox selection from the already merged in list
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST2, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM)0); if (LB_ERR == lResult) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOSELECTION, MB_OK)); } else { //
// Get the name of the profile to remove from the merge list
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST2, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)lResult, (LPARAM)szTemp); if (LB_ERR != lResult) { //
// Check to see if this is an item in the Profile list. If not, the user
// will not be able to add it back.
int iReturnValue = IDYES;
if (FALSE == FindListItemByName(szTemp, g_pHeadProfile, NULL)) // NULL because we don't need a pointer to the list item returned
{ LPTSTR pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInstance, IDS_NOTINPROFILELIST, szTemp, szTemp, szTemp);
if (pszMsg) { iReturnValue = MessageBox(hDlg, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_YESNO); CmFree(pszMsg); } }
if (IDYES == iReturnValue) { //
// Delete it from the merged profile linked list
DeleteListBxRecord(&g_pHeadMerge, &g_pTailMerge, szTemp); //
// Remove it from the UI
MYVERIFY(RefreshDualingListBoxes(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, IDC_LIST2, g_pHeadProfile, g_pHeadMerge, g_szShortServiceName, IDC_BUTTON1, IDC_BUTTON2)); } } } } //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: ProcessMergedProfiles
// Synopsis: Merge Profiles
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage6B 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessMergedProfiles( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_MERGE)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_LIST1); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_LIST2);
switch (message) { case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_BUTTON1: //add
OnProcessMergedProfilesAdd(hDlg); return TRUE;
break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_BUTTON2: //remove
OnProcessMergedProfilesRemove(hDlg); return TRUE; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_LIST1: if (LBN_DBLCLK == HIWORD(wParam)) { OnProcessMergedProfilesAdd(hDlg); return TRUE; }
case IDC_LIST2: if (LBN_DBLCLK == HIWORD(wParam)) { OnProcessMergedProfilesRemove(hDlg); return TRUE; } break; default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK));
// First lets setup the list of profiles that are actually merged into the
// profile. First step is to read in the merged profile list from the profile.
// Now delete the merged profile list and any filter/cms references from the profile.
// Refresh the two list boxes
MYVERIFY(RefreshDualingListBoxes(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, IDC_LIST2, g_pHeadProfile, g_pHeadMerge, g_szShortServiceName, IDC_BUTTON1, IDC_BUTTON2));
case PSN_WIZBACK: case PSN_WIZNEXT: WriteMergeList(); break;
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
BOOL CreateMergedProfile() { ListBxList * LoopPtr; TCHAR szReferences[MAX_PATH+1]; LPTSTR pszName; TCHAR szEntry[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szKey[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH+1];
szReferences[0] = TEXT('\0');
if (g_pHeadMerge == NULL) { return TRUE; } LoopPtr = g_pHeadMerge;
while( LoopPtr != NULL) { pszName = LoopPtr->szName;
_tcscat(szReferences, pszName); _tcscat(szReferences, TEXT(" ")); MYDBGASSERT(_tcslen(szReferences) <= CELEMS(szReferences));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s\\%s.cms"), g_szOsdir, pszName, pszName));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, TEXT("%s\\%s.cms"), g_szOutdir, pszName));
// First check to see if the profile exists in profile directory
if (!FileExists(szTemp)) { //
// Couldn't open it in the profile dir, lets try in the temp dir
if (!FileExists(szDest)) { FileAccessErr(NULL, szDest); return FALSE; } } else { if (!CopyFileWrapper(szTemp, szDest, FALSE)) { return FALSE; } } MYVERIFY(0 != SetFileAttributes(szDest,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL));
MYVERIFY(FALSE != MoveCmsFile(szDest, g_szShortServiceName)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s.cms"), pszName)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != createListBxRecord(&g_pHeadRefs,&g_pTailRefs,(void *)NULL,0,szTemp));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s.cms"), g_szShortServiceName, pszName)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szKey) > (UINT)wsprintf(szKey, TEXT("%s%s"), c_pszCmEntryIspCmsFile, pszName));
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp,szKey,szTemp,g_szCmsFile));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szKey) > (UINT)wsprintf(szKey, TEXT("%s%s"), c_pszCmEntryIspFilterA, pszName));
// only write if it doesn't exist
// The following call to GetPrivateProfileString could return a blank string, thus we don't
// use the MYVERIFY macro on it.
ZeroMemory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)); GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, szKey, TEXT(""), szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
if (TEXT('\0') == szTemp[0]) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, szKey, TEXT("NosurchargeSignon"), g_szCmsFile)); }
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szKey) > (UINT)wsprintf(szKey, TEXT("%s%s"), c_pszCmEntryIspFilterB, pszName));
// The following call to GetPrivateProfileString could return a blank string, thus we shouldn't
// check its return code with MYVERIFY.
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, szKey, TEXT(""), szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
if (TEXT('\0') == szTemp[0]) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, szKey, TEXT("SurchargeSignon"), g_szCmsFile)); }
MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(g_szOsdir));
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspPbFile, TEXT(""), szEntry, CELEMS(szEntry), szDest); //lint !e534 could return EMPTY string
GetFileName(szEntry,szFile); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szOutdir, szFile)); if (CopyFile(szEntry,szTemp,FALSE)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != createListBxRecord(&g_pHeadRefs, &g_pTailRefs, (void *)NULL, 0, szFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetFileAttributes(szTemp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)); } //
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szShortServiceName, szFile));
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspPbFile, szTemp, szDest));
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspRegionFile, TEXT(""), szEntry, CELEMS(szEntry), szDest); //lint !e534
GetFileName(szEntry,szFile); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szOutdir, szFile)); if (CopyFile(szEntry,szTemp,FALSE)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != createListBxRecord(&g_pHeadRefs,&g_pTailRefs,(void *)NULL,0,szFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetFileAttributes(szTemp,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)); }
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szShortServiceName, szFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspRegionFile, szTemp, szDest)); LoopPtr = LoopPtr->next; }
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspReferences, szReferences, g_szCmsFile)); return TRUE;
// Function: ProcessCustomHelp
// Synopsis: Set up windows help
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage7 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessCustomHelp( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; static TCHAR szDisplay[MAX_PATH+1]; // keeps unselected custom entry
NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_CMHELP)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDITHELP);
switch (message) {
case WM_INITDIALOG: SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITHELP));
break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_RADIO1: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_EDITHELP),FALSE); _tcscpy(szDisplay,g_szHelp); break;
case IDC_RADIO2: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_EDITHELP),TRUE); if (!(*g_szHelp) && (*szDisplay)) { _tcscpy(g_szHelp,szDisplay); }
case IDC_BROWSE1: { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_EDITHELP),TRUE); MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO1,IDC_RADIO2,IDC_RADIO2));
UINT uFilter = IDS_HLPFILTER; TCHAR* szMask = TEXT("*.hlp");
MYVERIFY(0 != DoBrowse(hDlg, &uFilter, &szMask, 1, IDC_EDITHELP, TEXT("hlp"), g_szHelp)); }
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK)); //
// The following call to GetPrivateProfileString could return an empty string
// thus we shouldn't check the return code with MYVERIFY.
ZeroMemory(g_szHelp, sizeof(g_szHelp)); GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHelpFile, TEXT(""), g_szHelp, CELEMS(g_szHelp), g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
if (TEXT('\0') == g_szHelp[0]) { MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO1,IDC_RADIO2,IDC_RADIO1)); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_EDITHELP),FALSE); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITHELP), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(szDisplay))); } else { MYVERIFY(0 != CheckRadioButton(hDlg,IDC_RADIO1,IDC_RADIO2,IDC_RADIO2)); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_EDITHELP),TRUE); MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITHELP), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(g_szHelp))); MYVERIFY(FALSE != VerifyFile(hDlg,IDC_EDITHELP,g_szHelp,FALSE)); } break;
case PSN_WIZNEXT: // the Next button was pressed
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_RADIO2)==BST_CHECKED) { if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDITHELP, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITHELP)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } if (!VerifyFile(hDlg,IDC_EDITHELP,g_szHelp,TRUE)) { if (g_szHelp[0] != TEXT('\0')) { return 1; } }
if (g_szHelp[0] == TEXT('\0')) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg,IDS_NOHELP,MB_OK)); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITHELP)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } } else { g_szHelp[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHelpFile, g_szHelp, g_szCmsFile));
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache
// (win95 only). This call will return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534 this call will always return 0
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: ProcessLicense
// Synopsis: Add a license agreement
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage7A 8/6/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessLicense( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_LICENSE)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDIT1);
switch (message) {
case WM_INITDIALOG: SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1));
break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_BROWSE1: { UINT uFilter = IDS_TXTFILTER; TCHAR* szMask = TEXT("*.txt");
MYVERIFY(0 != DoBrowse(hDlg, &uFilter, &szMask, 1, IDC_EDIT1, TEXT("txt"), g_szLicense)); } break;
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK));
// The following call to GetPrivateProfileString could return an empty string,
// thus we shouldn't use MYVERIFY on it.
ZeroMemory(g_szLicense, sizeof(g_szLicense)); GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszLicenseFile, TEXT(""), g_szLicense, CELEMS(g_szLicense), g_szInfFile); //lint !e534
MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)GetName(g_szLicense))); MYVERIFY(FALSE != VerifyFile(hDlg,IDC_EDIT1,g_szLicense,FALSE)); break;
case PSN_WIZNEXT: // the Next button was pressed
if (-1 == GetTextFromControl(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, szTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE)) // bDisplayError == TRUE
{ SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
if (!VerifyFile(hDlg,IDC_EDIT1,g_szLicense,TRUE)) { if (g_szLicense[0] != TEXT('\0')) { return 1; } } MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus,c_pszLicenseFile,g_szLicense,g_szInfFile));
#ifdef _WIN64
// If we are going back, skip the Include CM binaries page if this is IA64
if (pnmHeader && (PSN_WIZBACK == pnmHeader->code)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, IDD_SUPPORT_INFO)); } #endif
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: MultiSelectOpenFileName
// Synopsis: This function is called to allow the user to select multiple items
// to add to cmak. It is currently only used in the Additional Files
// dialog of CMAK. Note that *pszStringBuffer should be NULL when passed
// in. The caller is responsible for calling CmFree on pszStringBuffer
// when finished.
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - HWND of the current dialog
// TCHAR** pszStringBuffer - pointer to the buffer to hold the results
// Returns: BOOL - Returns True if successful, -1 on cancel and 0 on error.
// History: quintinb Created 9/16/98
BOOL MultiSelectOpenFileName(HWND hDlg, TCHAR** pszStringBuffer) { OPENFILENAME filedef; TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFilter[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFileTitle[MAX_PATH+1]; LPTSTR lpfilename; int iReturnValue;
// Check Inputs
if (NULL == pszStringBuffer) { return FALSE; }
ZeroMemory(&filedef, sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); ZeroMemory(szFilter, sizeof(szFilter));
szFile[0] = TEXT('\0');
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_BROWSETITLE, szTitle, MAX_PATH)); MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ALLFILTER, szFilter, MAX_PATH)); TCHAR * pszTemp = &(szFilter[_tcslen(szFilter) + 1]); MYVERIFY(0!= wsprintf(pszTemp, c_pszWildCard));
// Allocate memory for the multiple file selection return
DWORD dwSize = 10*1024; *pszStringBuffer = (TCHAR*)CmMalloc(dwSize*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == *pszStringBuffer) { return FALSE; } ZeroMemory(*pszStringBuffer, dwSize*sizeof(TCHAR));
// Initialize the OPENFILENAME data structure
filedef.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); filedef.hwndOwner = hDlg; filedef.lpstrFilter = szFilter; filedef.lpstrFile = *pszStringBuffer; filedef.nMaxFile = dwSize; filedef.lpstrTitle = szTitle; filedef.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_LONGNAMES | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT | OFN_EXPLORER; //
// pop up the open dialog
BOOL bExit;
do { bExit = TRUE;
BOOL bRet = GetOpenFileName((OPENFILENAME*)&filedef); if (bRet) { iReturnValue = 1; } else { //
// If we are in this state than the user could have hit cancel or there could have
// been an error. If the CommDlgExtendedError function returns 0 then we know it was
// just a cancel, otherwise we have an error.
DWORD dwError = CommDlgExtendedError();
if (0 == dwError) { //
// The user hit cancel
iReturnValue = -1; } else if (FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL == dwError) { //
// Not enough memory in the buffer. The user is picking a whole bunch
// of files. Lets warn them.
bExit = FALSE; } else { //
// An actual error occured, fail.
iReturnValue = 0; } }
} while(!bExit);
return iReturnValue;
// Function: ParseAdditionalFiles
// Synopsis: This function is used to parse the output from MultiSelectOpenFileName.
// It takes a Null seperated list generated by OpenFileName (either one
// full file path, or a directory path, NULL, and then NULL seperated
// filenames.) From this list of filenames it adds them to the passed in
// list of Extra file structures.
// Arguments: ListBxList **g_pHeadExtra - pointer to the head of the Extra struct list
// ListBxList **g_pTailExtra - pointer to the tail of the Extra struct list
// TCHAR* pszStringBuffer - string buffer of filenames to process
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE on Success
// History: quintinb Created 9/16/98
BOOL ParseAdditionalFiles(ListBxList **g_pHeadExtra, ListBxList **g_pTailExtra, TCHAR* pszStringBuffer) { UINT uCurrentCharInBuffer=0; UINT uTempChars; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1]; ExtraData DlgExtraEdit;
MYDBGASSERT(NULL != g_pHeadExtra); MYDBGASSERT(NULL != g_pTailExtra); MYDBGASSERT(NULL != pszStringBuffer); MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != pszStringBuffer[0]);
TCHAR* pStr = pszStringBuffer;
_tcscpy (szPath, pszStringBuffer); pStr = pStr + (_tcslen(pStr) + 1); if (TEXT('\0') == *pStr) { //
// If the user only selected one file, then we just need to copy it to a buffer
_tcscpy(DlgExtraEdit.szPathname, szPath); GetFileName(DlgExtraEdit.szPathname, DlgExtraEdit.szName);
MYVERIFY(FALSE != createListBxRecord(g_pHeadExtra, g_pTailExtra,(void *)&DlgExtraEdit, sizeof(DlgExtraEdit), DlgExtraEdit.szName)); return TRUE; } else { while (TEXT('\0') != *pStr) { //
// Fill the DlgExtra Struct with data
TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), szPath, pStr)); _tcscpy(DlgExtraEdit.szPathname, szTemp); _tcscpy(DlgExtraEdit.szName, pStr);
// Create the List box entry
MYVERIFY(FALSE != createListBxRecord(g_pHeadExtra, g_pTailExtra,(void *)&DlgExtraEdit, sizeof(DlgExtraEdit), DlgExtraEdit.szName)); //
// Increment
pStr = pStr + (_tcslen(pStr) + 1); }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
void EnableDisableDeleteButton(HWND hDlg) { //
// Enable the delete button if we have move than one item
LRESULT lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
HWND hDeleteButton = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON2); HWND hCurrentFocus = GetFocus(); HWND hControl;
if (hDeleteButton) { EnableWindow(hDeleteButton, (1 <= lResult)); }
if (1 <= lResult) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); }
if (FALSE == IsWindowEnabled(hCurrentFocus)) { if (hDeleteButton == hCurrentFocus) { //
// If delete is disabled and contained the focus, shift it to the Add button
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON1); SendMessage(hDlg, DM_SETDEFID, IDC_BUTTON1, (LPARAM)0L); //lint !e534 DM_SETDEFID doesn't return error info
SetFocus(hControl); } else { //
// If all else fails set the focus to the list control
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LIST1); SetFocus(hControl); } }
// Function: ProcessAdditionalFiles
// Synopsis: Add additional files to the profile
// History: quintinb Created Header and renamed from ProcessPage7B 8/6/98
// quintinb Added Multi-Select capability and removed intermediate dialog 9/16/98
// (NTRAID 210849)
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessAdditionalFiles( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; INT_PTR nResult; TCHAR* pszStringBuffer = NULL; BOOL bRet; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_ADDITION)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_LIST1);
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON1)); break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_BUTTON1: //add
bRet = MultiSelectOpenFileName(hDlg, &pszStringBuffer); if ((-1 != bRet) && (0 != bRet)) { ParseAdditionalFiles(&g_pHeadExtra, &g_pTailExtra, pszStringBuffer);
RefreshList(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, g_pHeadExtra); WriteExtraList(); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON1)); EnableDisableDeleteButton(hDlg); } CmFree(pszStringBuffer); return (TRUE); break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case IDC_BUTTON2: //delete
nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM)0); if (nResult == LB_ERR) { MYVERIFY(IDOK == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NOSELECTION, MB_OK)); return TRUE; }
MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)nResult, (LPARAM)szTemp)); DeleteListBxRecord(&g_pHeadExtra, &g_pTailExtra, szTemp); RefreshList(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, g_pHeadExtra); EnableDisableDeleteButton(hDlg); WriteExtraList(); return (TRUE); break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK)); if (g_pHeadExtra == NULL) { ReadExtraList(); }
RefreshList(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, g_pHeadExtra);
case PSN_WIZNEXT: //
// Before allowing the user to finish we need to check the extra files
// list and make sure that each file on it has a filename that is convertable
// to ANSI. If not then we need to make sure that we tell them so that they
// can delete the file or rename it. Checking this in ParseAdditional files
// seemed odd because they may have selected a bunch of files where only
// one of them was wrong. Thus we would be failing their browse and there was
// nothing they could do about it. Doing it here allows them to keep all of the
// good files that pass the roundtrip test and allows them to delete offending files
// at a spot where they can actually do so.
ExtraData * pExtraData; ListBxList * LoopPtr; if (NULL != g_pHeadExtra) { LoopPtr = g_pHeadExtra;
while( LoopPtr != NULL) { pExtraData = (ExtraData *)LoopPtr->ListBxData; { GetFileName(pExtraData->szPathname, szTemp); if (!TextIsRoundTripable(szTemp, TRUE)) // TRUE == bDisplayError
{ //
// Set the Cursor on the offending item in the list
nResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)szTemp); if (LB_ERR != nResult) { MYVERIFY(LB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LIST1, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)nResult, (LPARAM)0)); }
// Set focus on the delete button
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON2)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } }
LoopPtr = LoopPtr->next; } }
WriteExtraList(); break;
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
BOOL WriteInf(HANDLE hInf, LPCTSTR str) { DWORD written;
#ifdef UNICODE
BOOL bReturn = FALSE; LPSTR pszAnsiString = WzToSzWithAlloc(str); if (pszAnsiString) { bReturn = WriteFile(hInf, pszAnsiString, (lstrlenA(pszAnsiString))*sizeof(CHAR), &written, NULL); CmFree(pszAnsiString); }
return bReturn; #else
return (WriteFile(hInf, str, (lstrlen(str))*sizeof(TCHAR), &written, NULL)); #endif
// Function: WriteCopy
// Synopsis: This function writes an INF entry and copies the file to the temp
// directory. Note that the function expects a fully qualified path
// in lpFile or <shortservicename>\filename.ext.
// Arguments: HANDLE hInf - handle to the open inf file to write to
// LPTSTR lpFile - fully qualified path and filename of file to copy
// BOOL bWriteShortName -- should the filename be converted to the shortname
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the INF entry is written properly and the file is
// copied properly.
// NOTE: This code is written such that filenames passed in should reference the
// copy of the file in the temp directory (thus the user is editing the profile
// and hasn't changed it) or the file is a new file and the path is to its original
// location. Unfortunately, we usually pass in the path to the file in the Profile
// directory instead of in the temp dir. This works fine, but makes an additional copy
// operation necessary (since we copy all files to the temp dir in the beginning when
// editting anyway).
// History: quintinb Created Header 1/30/98
BOOL WriteCopy(HANDLE hInf, LPTSTR lpFile, BOOL bWriteShortName) { TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szSrc[MAX_PATH+1];
if (NULL != lpFile && lpFile[0] != TEXT('\0')) { //
// Prepare the destination in szDest
GetFileName(lpFile, szSrc); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, TEXT("%s\\%s"), g_szOutdir, szSrc));
// Prepare the source in szSrc. If we have <shortservicename>\filename.ext, then
// we need to prepend the path to the profiles dir, otherwise use as is.
wsprintf(szSrc, TEXT("%s\\"), g_szShortServiceName); CmStrTrim(lpFile);
if (lpFile == CmStrStr(lpFile, szSrc)) { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szSrc) > (UINT)wsprintf(szSrc, TEXT("%s%s\\%s"), g_szCmakdir, c_pszProfiles, lpFile)); } else { lstrcpy(szSrc, lpFile); }
// Copy the file
if (_tcsicmp(szSrc, szDest) != 0) { if (!CopyFileWrapper(szSrc, szDest, FALSE)) { return FALSE; } }
MYVERIFY(0 != SetFileAttributes(szDest, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL));
// If WriteShortName is set, then we want to write the short name of the file
// in the inf section. Otherwise we want to write the long name.
if (bWriteShortName) { if (!GetShortFileName(szDest, szSrc)) { return FALSE; } } else { GetFileName(szDest, szSrc); }
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, TEXT("%s\r\n"), szSrc));
return WriteInf(hInf, szDest); } return TRUE; }
BOOL WriteInfLine(HANDLE hInf,LPTSTR lpFile) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1];
if (lpFile[0] != TEXT('\0')) { GetFileName(lpFile,szTemp); _tcscat(szTemp,TEXT("\r\n")); return WriteInf(hInf,szTemp); } else { //
// If blank then nothing to write
return TRUE; } }
BOOL WriteSrcInfLine(HANDLE hInf,LPTSTR lpFile) { TCHAR szShort[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szLong[MAX_PATH+1]; RenameData TmpRenameData;
if (lpFile[0] != TEXT('\0')) { if (!GetShortFileName(lpFile,szShort)) { return FALSE; }
GetFileName(lpFile,szLong); if (_tcsicmp(szShort,szLong) != 0) { _tcscpy(TmpRenameData.szShortName,szShort); _tcscpy(TmpRenameData.szLongName,szLong); MYVERIFY(FALSE != createListBxRecord(&g_pHeadRename,&g_pTailRename,(void *)&TmpRenameData,sizeof(TmpRenameData),TmpRenameData.szShortName)); } _tcscat(szLong,TEXT("= 55\r\n")); return WriteInf(hInf,szLong); } else { //
// Nothing to write
return TRUE; } }
BOOL WriteFileSections(HWND hDlg) { HANDLE hInf; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szTempName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR ch; int i; DWORD dwRead; BOOL bWriteShortName;
hInf = CreateFile(g_szInfFile,GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); if (hInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _tcscpy(szTemp,g_szInfFile); FileAccessErr(hDlg,szTemp); goto error; }
i = GetFileSize(hInf,NULL); do { --i; MYVERIFY(INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER != SetFilePointer(hInf,i,NULL,FILE_BEGIN)); MYVERIFY(0 != ReadFile(hInf,&ch,1,&dwRead,NULL)); } while ((ch == TEXT('\r'))||(ch == TEXT('\n'))||(ch == TEXT(' ')));
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("[Xnstall.AddReg.Icon]\r\n"))); if (g_szLargeIco[0]==TEXT('\0')) { WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("HKCR,\"CLSID\\%DesktopGUID%\\DefaultIcon\",,,\"%11%\\CMMGR32.EXE,0\"\r\n"));//lint !e534 compile doesn't like the MYVERIFY macro and big strings
} else { WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("HKCR,\"CLSID\\%DesktopGUID%\\DefaultIcon\",,,\"%49000%\\%ShortSvcName%\\%DesktopIcon%\"\r\n"));//lint !e534 compile doesn't like the MYVERIFY macro and big strings
// We need to write a CopyFiles section with Long File Names (for NT5 Single User installs)
// and one with Short Files Names (for win9x and All user NT). This is to help fix
// NTRAID 323721 -- CM: User level accounts cannot install profiles on W2K Server
// The problem is that single users on NT5 do not have permission to write the
// Rename key (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles) and
// NT doesn't really need it anyway since the NT setup api's deal with long file
// names better than those of win95.
for (bWriteShortName = 0; bWriteShortName < 2; bWriteShortName++) { if (!bWriteShortName) { //
// Write out the Single User Version of Xnstall.CopyFiles -- Set bWriteShortName == FALSE
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf, TEXT("[Xnstall.CopyFiles.SingleUser]\r\n"))); } else { //
// Write out the All User Version of Xnstall.CopyFiles -- set bWriteShortName == TRUE
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("[Xnstall.CopyFiles]\r\n"))); }
if (!WriteCopy(hInf, g_szPhonebk, bWriteShortName)) {_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szPhonebk);goto error;} if (!WriteCopy(hInf, g_szRegion, bWriteShortName)) {_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szRegion);goto error;} if (!WriteCopy(hInf, g_szBrandBmp, bWriteShortName)) {_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szBrandBmp);goto error;} if (!WriteCopy(hInf, g_szPhoneBmp, bWriteShortName)) {_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szPhoneBmp);goto error;} if (!WriteCopy(hInf, g_szLargeIco, bWriteShortName)) {_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szLargeIco);goto error;} if (!WriteCopy(hInf, g_szSmallIco, bWriteShortName)) {_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szSmallIco);goto error;} if (!WriteCopy(hInf, g_szTrayIco, bWriteShortName)) {_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szTrayIco);goto error;} if (!WriteCopy(hInf, g_szHelp, bWriteShortName)) {_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szHelp);goto error;} if (!WriteCopy(hInf, g_szLicense, bWriteShortName)) {_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szLicense);goto error;} if (!WriteCopy(hInf, g_szCmProxyFile, bWriteShortName)) {_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szCmProxyFile);goto error;} if (!WriteCopy(hInf, g_szCmRouteFile, bWriteShortName)) {_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szCmRouteFile);goto error;} if (!WriteCopy(hInf, g_szVpnFile, bWriteShortName)) {_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szCmRouteFile);goto error;}
if (g_bIncludeCmCode) { MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_READMETXT, szTemp, MAX_PATH)); _tcscat(szTemp,TEXT("\r\n")); if (!WriteInf(hInf, szTemp)) {goto error;} }
// Write out tray icon command files
if (!WriteCopyMenuItemFiles(hInf, szTemp, bWriteShortName)) {goto error;}
// Write out connect action command files
if (!WriteCopyConActFiles(hInf,szTemp, bWriteShortName)) {goto error;} if (!WriteCopyExtraFiles(hInf,szTemp, bWriteShortName)) {goto error;} if (!WriteCopyDnsFiles(hInf,szTemp, bWriteShortName)) {goto error;}
if (bWriteShortName) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteShortRefsFiles(hInf, FALSE)); } else { MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteLongRefsFiles (hInf)); }
_tcscat(szTemp,TEXT(".cms,,,4\r\n")); // the 4 makes sure there is no version checking on the cms
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,szTemp));
_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szShortServiceName); _tcscat(szTemp,TEXT(".inf\r\n")); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,szTemp));
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("\r\n"))); }
// End of quintinb fix for 323721
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("[Xnstall.CopyFiles.ICM]\r\n"))); _tcscpy(szTemp,g_szShortServiceName); _tcscat(szTemp,TEXT(".cmp\r\n")); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,szTemp)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteRefsFiles(hInf,TRUE));// doesn't do anything because no cmp files in HeadRef list, call just writes the CMP file under [Xnstall.CopyFiles.ICM]
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("\r\n")));
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("[Remove.DelFiles.ICM]\r\n"))); _tcscpy(szTemp,g_szShortServiceName); _tcscat(szTemp,TEXT(".cmp\r\n")); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,szTemp)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteRefsFiles(hInf,TRUE));// doesn't anything because no cmp files in HeadRef list, call just writes the CMP file under [Remove.DelFiles.ICM]
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("\r\n"))); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("[SourceDisksFiles]\r\n"))); _tcscpy(szTemp,TEXT("%ShortSvcname%")); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,g_szPhonebk)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,g_szRegion)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,g_szBrandBmp)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,g_szPhoneBmp)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,g_szLargeIco)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,g_szSmallIco)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,g_szTrayIco)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,g_szHelp)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,g_szLicense)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,g_szCmProxyFile)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,g_szCmRouteFile)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcInfLine(hInf,g_szVpnFile));
_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szShortServiceName); _tcscat(szTemp,TEXT(".inf = 55\r\n")); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,szTemp));
_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szShortServiceName); _tcscat(szTemp,TEXT(".cmp = 55\r\n")); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,szTemp)); _tcscpy(szTemp,g_szShortServiceName); _tcscat(szTemp,TEXT(".cms = 55\r\n")); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,szTemp));
WriteSrcMenuItemFiles(hInf); WriteSrcConActFiles(hInf); WriteSrcExtraFiles(hInf); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteSrcRefsFiles(hInf)); // This call writes out the refs files to [Remove.DelFiles]
WriteSrcDnsFiles(hInf); WriteRenameSection(hInf);
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("\r\n"))); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("[Remove.DelFiles]\r\n"))); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s.cms\r\n"), g_szShortServiceName)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,szTemp));
if (g_bIncludeCmCode) { MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_READMETXT, szTemp, MAX_PATH)); _tcscat(szTemp,TEXT("\r\n")); MYVERIFY(0 != WriteInf(hInf,szTemp)); }
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,g_szPhonebk)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,g_szRegion)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,g_szBrandBmp)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,g_szPhoneBmp)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,g_szLargeIco)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,g_szSmallIco)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,g_szTrayIco)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,g_szHelp)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,g_szLicense)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,g_szCmProxyFile)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,g_szCmRouteFile)); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInfLine(hInf,g_szVpnFile));
WriteDelMenuItemFiles(hInf); WriteDelConActFiles(hInf); WriteDelExtraFiles(hInf); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteRefsFiles(hInf,FALSE)); WriteDelDnsFiles(hInf); WriteEraseLongName(hInf); MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteInf(hInf,TEXT("\r\n")));
MYVERIFY(0 != CloseHandle(hInf)); MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(g_szCmakdir));
return (TRUE); error: { //FileAccessErr(hDlg,szTemp);
MYVERIFY(0 != CloseHandle(hInf)); return (FALSE); } }
void EraseSEDFiles(LPCTSTR szSed) { int i = 0;
TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFileNum[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szSourceFilesSection[MAX_PATH+1];
_tcscpy(szSourceFilesSection, TEXT("SourceFiles0"));
do { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szFileNum) > (UINT)wsprintf(szFileNum, TEXT("FILE%d"), i));
// The following call to GetPrivateProfileString could return an empty string, thus don't
// use the MYVERIFY macro on it.
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, szFileNum, TEXT(""), szTemp, MAX_PATH, szSed); //lint !e534
if (*szTemp) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, szFileNum, NULL, szSed)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%%%s%%"), szFileNum)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(szSourceFilesSection, szTemp, NULL, szSed)); } else { break; }
++i; // increment the file number
} while(*szTemp);
// Erase the finish message key from the Sed. This will avoid double finish messages
// (since cmstp is now supposed to take care of finish message but older profiles had
// the message from here).
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszOptions, TEXT("FinishMessage"), TEXT(""), szSed));
// Write out the word <None> into the post install command so that showicon isn't a problem
// on an upgrade.
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, TEXT("PostInstallCmd"), TEXT("<None>"), szSed));
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache
// (win95 only). This call will return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, szSed); //lint !e534 this call will always return 0
// Function: WriteSED
// Synopsis: This function takes a fullpath to a file and the current file
// number entry to write it to and writes the file entry in the SED
// passed in. Before writing the entry, the functions enumerates all
// other files in the sed to check for duplicates. If it finds a
// file with the sme filename, it will not write the entry because
// since we are using a flat directory structure two files of the same
// name will overwrite each other anyway. Note that if the file is
// written, *pFileNum is incremented.
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - Window handle for FileAccessErr Messages
// LPTSTR szFullFilePath - Full path of the file to write
// LPINT pFileNum - Current File entry number
// LPCTSTR szSed - Full path to the sed file to write the entry to
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created Header, Removed UseLangDir, Changed to take a full path,
// and generally cleaned up. 8/7/98
BOOL WriteSED(HWND hDlg, LPTSTR szFullFilePath, LPINT pFileNum, LPCTSTR szSed) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szFileNumber[MAX_PATH+1];
if (TEXT('\0') != szFullFilePath[0]) {
// First Check to see if the file exists. If we write a file in the SED that
// IExpress can't find, then it will throw an error. We should definitely try
// to throw an error earlier and try to give the user a chance to fix it.
if (!FileExists(szFullFilePath)) { CFileNameParts FileParts(szFullFilePath); if ((TEXT('\0') == FileParts.m_Drive[0]) && (TEXT('\0') == FileParts.m_Dir[0]) && (TEXT('\0') != FileParts.m_FileName[0]) && (TEXT('\0') != FileParts.m_Extension[0])) { //
// The user only passed in the filename and extension. Lets look in
// the profile directory. If it isn't here then throw an error.
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s\\%s%s"), g_szOsdir, g_szShortServiceName, FileParts.m_FileName, FileParts.m_Extension)); if (!FileExists(szTemp)) { FileAccessErr(hDlg, szFullFilePath); return FALSE; } else { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szFullFilePath) > (UINT)wsprintf(szFullFilePath, szTemp)); } } else { FileAccessErr(hDlg, szFullFilePath); return FALSE; } }
// Get just the file name from the full path. We use this
// later to determine if the file already exists in the SED
// file.
GetFileName(szFullFilePath, szFileName);
// Construct the next FileNumber Entry
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szFileNumber) > (UINT)wsprintf(szFileNumber, TEXT("FILE%d"), *pFileNum));
// Check to make sure that we already don't have the file in the cab. If
// so then just ignore the entry.
for (int i=0; i<*pFileNum; ++i) { //
// Write the FILEX entry into a string to read in the file name for the
// current i.
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("FILE%d"), i)); TCHAR szTempFileName[MAX_PATH+1];
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, szTemp, TEXT(""), szTempFileName, CELEMS(szTempFileName), szSed); //lint !e534
if (TEXT('\0') != szTempFileName[0]) { //
// Get the filenames of both files since we are using a flat directory space.
// Two files of the same name will collide anyway.
GetFileName(szTempFileName, szTemp); if (0 == _tcsicmp(szTemp, szFileName)) { //
// don't add it because it already exists
CMASSERTMSG(0 == _tcsicmp(szFullFilePath, szTempFileName), TEXT("WriteSed -- We have two files that have the same FileName but different paths.")); return TRUE; } } }
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, szFileNumber, szFullFilePath, szSed));
*pFileNum = (*pFileNum) + 1;
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%%%s%%"), szFileNumber));
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(TEXT("SourceFiles0"), szTemp, TEXT(""), szSed)); }
return TRUE; }
// Function: WriteCMPFile
// Synopsis: This function is a wrapper file to write out the version to the CMP.
// Arguments: None
// History: nickball Created Header 07/22/98
void WriteCMPFile() { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; //
// Ensure that the version number is up to date in the .CMP
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%d"), PROFILEVERSION)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionProfileFormat, c_pszVersion, szTemp, g_szCmpFile));
// Write the CMS entry to the CMP File
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s.cms"), g_szShortServiceName, g_szShortServiceName));
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryCmsFile, szTemp, g_szCmpFile)); }
// Function: WriteOutRelativeFilePathOrNull
// Synopsis: This helper routine was written to shorten WriteCMSFile(). It tests
// to see if the inputted pszFile parameter is an empty string. If it
// is then it writes an empty string to the File entry specified by
// pszSection, pszEntryName, and pszFileToWriteTo. Otherwise it concats
// just the file name from pszFile with the parameter specified in
// pszShortName, seperating them with a '\' character. This is useful
// for CMS parameters that are either empty or a relative path from the
// cmp file location.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszFile - file entry to write
// LPCTSTR pszShortName - shortname of the profile
// LPCTSTR pszSection - string name of the section string
// LPCTSTR pszEntryName - string name of the entry name string
// LPCTSTR pszFileToWriteTo - full path of the file to write the entry to
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created 8/8/98
void WriteOutRelativeFilePathOrNull(LPCTSTR pszFile, LPCTSTR pszShortName, LPCTSTR pszSection, LPCTSTR pszEntryName, LPCTSTR pszFileToWriteTo) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH+1];
// Check Inputs
if ((NULL == pszFile) || (NULL == pszShortName) || (TEXT('\0') == pszShortName[0]) || (NULL == pszFileToWriteTo) || (TEXT('\0') == pszFileToWriteTo[0]) || (NULL == pszSection) || (TEXT('\0') == pszSection[0]) || (NULL == pszEntryName) || (TEXT('\0') == pszEntryName[0])) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("WriteoutRelativeFilePathOrNull -- Bad Parameter")); return; }
if (TEXT('\0') != pszFile[0]) { GetFileName(pszFile, szName); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), pszShortName, szName)); } else { szTemp[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(pszSection, pszEntryName, szTemp, pszFileToWriteTo)); }
// Function: WriteCMSFile
// Synopsis: This function is a wrapper file to write out the CMS file. Note
// that the cms is modified throughout CMAK, but this should be the
// last place where it is modified.
// Arguments: None
// History: quintinb Created Header 12/4/97
BOOL WriteCMSFile() { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH+1];
// Ensure that the Profile Format version number is up to date
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%d"), PROFILEVERSION)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionProfileFormat, c_pszVersion, szTemp, g_szCmsFile));
// erase name of phone book to be loaded if not doing download.
if (!g_bUpdatePhonebook) { g_szPhoneName[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
// Write out the Phonebook Name
if (TEXT('\0') != g_szPhonebk[0]) { GetFileName(g_szPhonebk, szName); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszVersion, c_pszOne, g_szCmsFile)); } else { //
// if no phone number, then set version to zero
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszVersion, c_pszZero, g_szCmsFile)); if (TEXT('\0') != g_szPhoneName[0]) { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szName) > (UINT)wsprintf(szName, TEXT("%s.pbk"), g_szPhoneName)); } else { //
// no phone book entered or set for download
szName[0] = TEXT('\0'); } }
WriteOutRelativeFilePathOrNull(szName, g_szShortServiceName, c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspPbFile, g_szCmsFile);
// Write out the Phonebook Name
if (TEXT('\0') != g_szRegion[0]) { GetFileName(g_szRegion, szName); } else { if (TEXT('\0') != g_szPhoneName[0]) { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szName) > (UINT)wsprintf(szName, TEXT("%s.pbr"), g_szPhoneName)); } else { szName[0] = TEXT('\0'); } }
WriteOutRelativeFilePathOrNull(szName, g_szShortServiceName, c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspRegionFile, g_szCmsFile);
// Write out the Large Icon
WriteOutRelativeFilePathOrNull(g_szLargeIco, g_szShortServiceName, c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryBigIcon, g_szCmsFile);
// Write out the Small Icon
WriteOutRelativeFilePathOrNull(g_szSmallIco, g_szShortServiceName, c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntrySmallIcon, g_szCmsFile);
// Write out the Tray Icon
WriteOutRelativeFilePathOrNull(g_szTrayIco, g_szShortServiceName, c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTrayIcon, g_szCmsFile); //
// Write out the custom help file
WriteOutRelativeFilePathOrNull(g_szHelp, g_szShortServiceName, c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHelpFile, g_szCmsFile);
// Write out the License File to the INF, thus we can easily redisplay
// it if they edit the profile again. (basically stash the license file
// name in the CMAK Status section of the inf)
WriteOutRelativeFilePathOrNull(g_szLicense, g_szShortServiceName, c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszLicenseFile, g_szInfFile);
// Write out the Main Screen Bitmap
WriteOutRelativeFilePathOrNull(g_szBrandBmp, g_szShortServiceName, c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryLogo, g_szCmsFile); //
// Write out the Phone Bitmap
WriteOutRelativeFilePathOrNull(g_szPhoneBmp, g_szShortServiceName, c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPbLogo, g_szCmsFile);
// Write the HideDomain flag
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHideDomain, TEXT(""), szTemp, MAX_PATH, g_szCmsFile); //lint !e534
// If using tunneling and the HideDomain entry doesn't previously exist, then write
// zero for the entry. Otherwise nothing should be written for this entry.
if (!(_tcscmp(TEXT(""), szTemp) ) && g_bUseTunneling) { //
// Don't want to overwrite a 1 if it exists.
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHideDomain, c_pszZero, g_szCmsFile)); }
// If we aren't tunneling, make sure to delete the tunnel settings
if (FALSE == g_bUseTunneling) { //
// First delete all of the Tunnel DUN Settings
ListBxList * pCurrent = g_pHeadVpnEntry;
while (NULL != pCurrent) { EraseNetworkingSections(pCurrent->szName, g_szCmsFile); pCurrent = pCurrent->next; }
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelDun, NULL, g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelAddress, NULL, g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelFile, NULL, g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUseSameUserName, NULL, g_szCmsFile)); } //
// Write out the rest of the CMS entries (service name, support message, etc.)
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryServiceName, g_szLongServiceName,g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryServiceMessage, g_szSvcMsg, g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUserPrefix, g_szPrefix, g_szCmsFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUserSuffix, g_szSuffix, g_szCmsFile));
// Set the name of the default Dun setting
MYVERIFY(0 != GetDefaultDunSettingName(g_szCmsFile, g_szLongServiceName, szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)));
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryDun, szTemp, g_szCmsFile));
// Write out the custom actions, make sure to set the bUseTunneling flag with the actual
// value to erase the PreTunnel section and set all of the flag values to zero if necessary
// (if for instance the user editted a tunneling profile and decided to make it non-Tunneling).
MYDBGASSERT(g_pCustomActionList); if (g_pCustomActionList) { HRESULT hr = g_pCustomActionList->WriteCustomActionsToCms(g_szCmsFile, g_szShortServiceName, g_bUseTunneling); CMASSERTMSG(SUCCEEDED(hr), TEXT("ProcessCustomActions -- Failed to write out connect actions")); }
// Delete mbslgn32.dll special handling in the INF, it is no longer supported.
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszUsePwdCache, NULL, g_szInfFile));
if (g_bUpdatePhonebook) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszUpdatePhonebook, c_pszOne, g_szInfFile)); } else { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszUpdatePhonebook, c_pszZero, g_szInfFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszPhoneName, TEXT(""), g_szInfFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspUrl, TEXT(""), g_szCmsFile)); }
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache
// (win95 only). This call will return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, g_szCmpFile); //lint !e534 this call will always return 0
return TRUE; }
// Function: IncludeOptionalCode
// Synopsis: This function writes the flags to CMAK to tell the profile installer
// whether or not CM bits and Support dll's should be installed.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created Header and rewrote 5/23/98
// quintinb NTRAID 162321, CM bits should not be installed on NT5 - 5/23/98
// quintinb NTRAID 192500, Support Dll's now always included with CM bits - 9-2-98
// quintinb we no longer ship the support dlls, removed support for them 4-19-2001
void IncludeOptionalCode() { if (g_bIncludeCmCode) { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszIncludeCmCode, c_pszOne, g_szInfFile)); } else { MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszIncludeCmCode, c_pszZero, g_szInfFile)); }
// We no longer ship the support files, erase the entry from the inf
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmakStatus, c_pszIncludeSupportDll, NULL, g_szInfFile)); }
// Function: HandleWindowMessagesWhileCompressing
// Synopsis: This function pumps messages while iexpress is running.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created 7/29/98
void HandleWindowMessagesWhileCompressing() { MSG msg;
while (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg);//lint !e534 ignore dispatchmessage return values
} }
// Function: DisableWizardButtons
// Synopsis: This function disables the four wizard buttons at the bottom
// of the wizard page. Since these buttons aren't really ours we
// need to get the window handle of the parent dialog and then get
// the window handle of the individual button controls that we want to
// disable (Help, Cancel, Back, and Finish/Next). When we have the
// window handle of each button we call EnableWindow on the button
// to disable it. This function also disables the geek pane controls
// and the advanced checkbox on the build profile page if they exist.
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - Wizard page window handle (handle to our template page)
// Returns: Nothing
// History: quintinb Created 7/29/98
void DisableWizardButtons(HWND hDlg) { #define IDBACK 12323
#define IDNEXT 12324
#define IDFINISH 12325
HWND hCurrentPage = GetParent(hDlg); if (hCurrentPage) { const int c_NumButtons = 5; int iArrayOfButtonsToDisable[c_NumButtons] = {IDCANCEL, IDHELP, IDBACK, IDNEXT, IDFINISH}; //
// Disable the Cancel Button
for (int i = 0; i < c_NumButtons; i++) { HWND hButton = GetDlgItem(hCurrentPage, iArrayOfButtonsToDisable[i]);
if (hButton) { EnableWindow(hButton, FALSE); } } }
// Disable the advanced button and the geek pane controls if they exist.
int iArrayOfItemsToDisable[] = {IDC_ADVANCED, IDC_COMBO1, IDC_COMBO2, IDC_COMBO3, IDC_EDIT1, IDC_BUTTON1}; const int c_NumItems = CELEMS(iArrayOfItemsToDisable);
for (int i = 0; i < c_NumItems; i++) { HWND hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, iArrayOfItemsToDisable[i]);
if (hControl) { EnableWindow(hControl, FALSE); } } }
// Function: WriteInfBeginAndEndPrompts
// Synopsis: This function writes the Begin and End Prompt strings to the
// inf file. These are written dynamically because they need to
// contain the Service Name.
// Arguments: HINSTANCE hInstance - Instance Handle to get string resources with
// LPTSTR szInf - Inf file to write the prompts too
// LPTSTR szServiceName - Long Service name of the profile
// Returns: Nothing
// History: Created Header 7/31/98
void WriteInfBeginAndEndPrompts(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR szInf, LPCTSTR szServiceName) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szPrompt[MAX_PATH+1];
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(hInstance, IDS_BeginPromptText, szTemp, MAX_PATH)); MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != szTemp[0]);
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szPrompt) > (UINT)wsprintf(szPrompt, szTemp, szServiceName)); QS_WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszInfBeginPrompt, szPrompt, szInf);
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(hInstance, IDS_EndPromptText, szTemp, MAX_PATH)); MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != szTemp[0]);
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szPrompt) > (UINT)wsprintf(szPrompt, szTemp, szServiceName)); QS_WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszInfEndPrompt, szPrompt, szInf); }
// Function: WriteInfFile
// Synopsis: This function encapsulates all the code needed to write an inf file.
// Arguments: HINSTANCE hInstance - Instance handle to get string resources from
// LPCTSTR szInf - Name of the Inf to write to
// LPCTSTR szLongServiceName - Long Service Name of the Profile
// Returns: BOOL - returns TRUE if succeeded
// History: quintinb created 8/10/98
BOOL WriteInfFile(HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hDlg, LPCTSTR szInf, LPCTSTR szLongServiceName) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH+1];
// Write out the version number of cmdial32.dll to the INF. This tells the installer
// what version of cmdial32.dll that this profile was built to use. We do this
// because if CM bits aren't bundled then we don't have cmdial32.dll to directly compare
// with. Note that we now get the version of cmdial32.dll from the cm binaries cab, not
// the version in system32.
#ifdef _WIN64
CmVersion CmdialVersion; #else
wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\cmdial32.dll"), g_szCmBinsTempDir);
if (!FileExists(szTemp)) { if (FAILED(ExtractCmBinsFromExe(g_szSupportDir, g_szCmBinsTempDir))) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("WriteInfFile -- ExtractCmBinsFromExe Failed.")); return FALSE; } }
CVersion CmdialVersion(szTemp); #endif
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%d"), CmdialVersion.GetVersionNumber())); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszSectionCmDial32, c_pszVersion, szTemp, szInf));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%d"), CmdialVersion.GetBuildAndQfeNumber())); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszSectionCmDial32, c_pszVerBuild, szTemp, szInf));
// Create a Desktop GUID if one doesn't already exist (a new profile instead of
// an editted one).
ZeroMemory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)); GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszDesktopGuid, TEXT(""), szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp), szInf); //lint !e534
if (TEXT('\0') == szTemp[0]) { MYVERIFY(S_OK == CoCreateGuid(&vGUID)); MYVERIFY(0 != StringFromGUID2(vGUID, szTemp, MAX_PATH));
QS_WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszDesktopGuid, szTemp, szInf); }
// Write out the Display LCID of the profile
wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%d"), GetSystemDefaultLCID()); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszDisplayLCID, szTemp, szInf));
// Erase the existing File sections
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(TEXT("Xnstall.CopyFiles"), NULL, NULL, szInf)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(TEXT("Xnstall.CopyFiles.SingleUser"), NULL, NULL, szInf)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(TEXT("Xnstall.CopyFiles.ICM"),NULL, NULL, szInf)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(TEXT("Remove.DelFiles"),NULL, NULL, szInf)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(TEXT("Remove.DelFiles.ICM"),NULL, NULL, szInf)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(TEXT("SourceDisksFiles"),NULL, NULL, szInf)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(TEXT("Xnstall.AddReg.Icon"),NULL, NULL, szInf)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(TEXT("RegisterOCXSection"),NULL, NULL, szInf)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(TEXT("Xnstall.RenameReg"),NULL, NULL, szInf));
if (!CreateMergedProfile()) { return FALSE; }
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache
// (win95 only). This call will return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, szInf); //lint !e534 this call will always return 0
// Add the dynamic file sections to the install
if (WriteFileSections(hDlg) == FALSE) { return FALSE; }
// Write the Begin and End Prompts
WriteInfBeginAndEndPrompts(hInstance, szInf, szLongServiceName);
return TRUE; }
// Function: ConCatPathAndWriteToSed
// Synopsis: This function is a wrapper for WriteSed that concats two paths
// together before calling WriteSed. This allows the caller to
// store a common path (such as the system directory) and call
// WriteSed with a bunch of different files all in the same directory
// without having to individually concatenate the common path and the
// filenames.
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - windows handle of the current dialog, needed for error messages
// LPCTSTR pszFileName - Name of the file
// LPCTSTR pszPath - Name of the path to prepend to the filename
// int* pFileNum - the number of the file in the SED file
// LPCTSTR szSed - the SED file to write to
// Returns: BOOL - Returns TRUE if succeeded
// History: quintinb Created 8/10/98
BOOL ConCatPathAndWriteToSed(HWND hDlg, LPCTSTR pszFileName, LPCTSTR pszPath, int* pFileNum, LPCTSTR szSed) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1];
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s\\%s"), pszPath, pszFileName)); return WriteSED(hDlg, szTemp, pFileNum, szSed); }
// Function: ConstructSedFile
// Synopsis: This function encapsulates all the work of creating an SED file.
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - window handle of the current dialog for error messages
// LPCTSTR szSed - filename of the sed file to write
// LPCTSTR szExe - executable filename for the SED to compress to
// Returns: BOOL - Returns TRUE if successful
// History: quintinb Created 8/10/98
BOOL ConstructSedFile(HWND hDlg, LPCTSTR szSed, LPCTSTR szExe) { int iFileNum=0; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; BOOL bReturn = TRUE; CPlatform cmplat;
// Clear the SED and begin writing new settings
// Write the Installer Package Exe Name
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszTargetName, szExe, szSed));
// Write the Long Service Name as the FriendlyName
if (!WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszFriendlyName, g_szLongServiceName, szSed)) { FileAccessErr(hDlg, szSed); return FALSE; }
// Load up IDS_INSTALL_PROMPT from the resources
// Format the string using the g_szLongServiceName
LPTSTR pszInstallPromptTmp = CmFmtMsg(g_hInstance, IDS_INSTALL_PROMPT, g_szLongServiceName);
if (pszInstallPromptTmp) { //
// Write the Install Prompt string
if (!WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszInstallPrompt, pszInstallPromptTmp, szSed)) { FileAccessErr(hDlg, szSed); return FALSE; } CmFree(pszInstallPromptTmp); pszInstallPromptTmp = NULL; } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ConstructSedFile -- CmFmtMsg returned NULL.")); FileAccessErr(hDlg, szSed); return FALSE; }
// Clear the Target File Version Key
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszOptions, c_pszTargetFileVersion, TEXT(""), szSed)); //
// Set the Reboot Mode
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszOptions, TEXT("RebootMode"), TEXT("N"), g_szSedFile));
// Write the License text file into the SED. Otherwise make sure to clear it.
if (TEXT('\0') != g_szLicense[0]) { //
// We write the license text file into the SED in two places. Once as a regular
// file and again using the c_pszDisplayLicense entry. Thus we copy it to the
// users profile dir and display it at install time. We want to make sure that
// we use the full file name in the SED files section, but the short file name
// in the part of the SED that actually lauches the license at install time
/// (aka the strings section).
TCHAR szTempName[MAX_PATH+1]; MYVERIFY (FALSE != GetShortFileName(g_szLicense, szTempName));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s\\%s"), g_szOsdir, g_szShortServiceName, szTempName));
bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, g_szLicense, &iFileNum, szSed); } else { szTemp[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszDisplayLicense, szTemp, szSed));
// Add the install command to the SED file
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT(".\\cmstp.exe %s.inf"), g_szShortServiceName)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszAppLaunched, szTemp, szSed));
// Get the System Directory path to concat to IEXPRESS and CM Files
TCHAR szSystemDir[MAX_PATH+1]; MYVERIFY(0 != GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir, MAX_PATH));
// Begin Adding Files to the SED File. Note that all 32-bit profiles
// must include IExpress file(s)
bReturn &= ConCatPathAndWriteToSed(hDlg, TEXT("advpack.dll"), szSystemDir, &iFileNum, szSed);
#ifndef _WIN64
bReturn &= ConCatPathAndWriteToSed(hDlg, TEXT("w95inf16.dll"), g_szSupportDir, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= ConCatPathAndWriteToSed(hDlg, TEXT("w95inf32.dll"), g_szSupportDir, &iFileNum, szSed);
// Always include cmstp.exe. Note that on x86 it comes from the binaries CAB.
bReturn &= ConCatPathAndWriteToSed(hDlg, TEXT("cmstp.exe"), g_szCmBinsTempDir, &iFileNum, szSed); #else
// Always include cmstp.exe. Note that on IA64 we get it from the system directory.
bReturn &= ConCatPathAndWriteToSed(hDlg, TEXT("cmstp.exe"), szSystemDir, &iFileNum, szSed); #endif
if (g_bIncludeCmCode) { //
// Readme.txt is a special case since it is a localizable filename.
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_READMETXT, szTemp, MAX_PATH)); bReturn &= ConCatPathAndWriteToSed(hDlg, szTemp, g_szSupportDir, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= ConCatPathAndWriteToSed(hDlg, TEXT("instcm.inf"), g_szSupportDir, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= ConCatPathAndWriteToSed(hDlg, TEXT("cmbins.exe"), g_szSupportDir, &iFileNum, szSed);
#ifndef _WIN64
if (!(IsAlpha())) { //
// Add the win95 config files
bReturn &= ConCatPathAndWriteToSed(hDlg, TEXT("ccfg95.dll"), g_szSupportDir, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= ConCatPathAndWriteToSed(hDlg, TEXT("cnet16.dll"), g_szSupportDir, &iFileNum, szSed);
// Add the Unicode to Ansi Conversion layer
bReturn &= ConCatPathAndWriteToSed(hDlg, TEXT("cmutoa.dll"), g_szSupportDir, &iFileNum, szSed); } #endif
// Write entry for Inf in SED
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s\\%s.inf"), g_szOsdir, g_szShortServiceName, g_szShortServiceName)); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, szTemp, &iFileNum, szSed);
// Write the Cmp to the Sed
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s\\%s.cmp"), g_szOsdir, g_szShortServiceName, g_szShortServiceName)); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, szTemp, &iFileNum, szSed);
// Write the Cms to the Sed
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szTemp) > (UINT)wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s%s\\%s.cms"), g_szOsdir, g_szShortServiceName, g_szShortServiceName)); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, szTemp, &iFileNum, szSed);
// Now include the Custom Added Files
bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, g_szPhonebk, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, g_szRegion, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, g_szBrandBmp, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, g_szPhoneBmp, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, g_szLargeIco, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, g_szSmallIco, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, g_szTrayIco, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, g_szHelp, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, g_szCmProxyFile, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, g_szCmRouteFile, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &= WriteSED(hDlg, g_szVpnFile, &iFileNum, szSed);
bReturn &=WriteSEDMenuItemFiles(hDlg, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &=WriteSEDConActFiles(hDlg, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &=WriteSEDExtraFiles(hDlg, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &=WriteSEDRefsFiles(hDlg, &iFileNum, szSed); bReturn &=WriteSEDDnsFiles(hDlg, &iFileNum, szSed);
// By calling WritePrivateProfileString with all NULL's we flush the file cache
// (win95 only). This call will return 0.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL, NULL, NULL, g_szSedFile); //lint !e534 this call will always return 0
return bReturn; }
void AddAllSectionsInCurrentFileToCombo(HWND hDlg, UINT uComboId, LPCTSTR pszFile) { if ((NULL == hDlg) || (0 == uComboId) || (NULL == pszFile)) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("AddAllKeysInCurrentSectionToCombo -- Invalid Parameter passed.")); return; }
// Reset the combobox contents
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uComboId, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); //lint !e534 CB_RESETCONTENT doesn't return anything useful
// First lets get all of the sections from the existing cmp
LPTSTR pszAllSections = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(NULL, NULL, TEXT(""), pszFile);
// Okay, now we have all of the sections in a buffer, lets add them to the combo
LPTSTR pszCurrentSection = pszAllSections;
while (pszCurrentSection && TEXT('\0') != pszCurrentSection[0]) { //
// Okay, lets add all of the sections that we found
MYVERIFY(CB_ERR!= SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uComboId, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pszCurrentSection));
// Now advance to the next string in pszAllSections
pszCurrentSection = pszCurrentSection + lstrlen(pszCurrentSection) + 1; }
CmFree(pszAllSections); }
void AddFilesToCombo(HWND hDlg, UINT uComboId) { //
// Reset the combobox contents
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uComboId, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); //lint !e534 CB_RESETCONTENT doesn't return anything useful
// Add the profile cmp
LRESULT lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uComboId, CB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)GetName(g_szCmpFile)); if (CB_ERR != lResult) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uComboId, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)lResult, (LPARAM)g_szCmpFile); } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("AddFilesToCombo -- unable to set item data")); }
// Add the profile cms
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uComboId, CB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)GetName(g_szCmsFile)); if (CB_ERR != lResult) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uComboId, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)lResult, (LPARAM)g_szCmsFile); } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("AddFilesToCombo -- unable to set item data")); } }
BOOL GetCurrentComboSelectionAlloc(HWND hDlg, UINT uComboId, LPTSTR* ppszText) { if ((NULL == hDlg) || (0 == uComboId) || (NULL == ppszText)) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("GetCurrentComboSelectionAlloc -- invalid parameter")); return FALSE; }
*ppszText = NULL; LRESULT lTextLen; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; LRESULT lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uComboId, CB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
if (CB_ERR != lResult) { lTextLen = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uComboId, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, (WPARAM)lResult, (LPARAM)0);
if (0 != lTextLen) { lTextLen++; // NULL char
*ppszText = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*lTextLen);
if (*ppszText) { lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, uComboId, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)lResult, (LPARAM)(*ppszText));
if (0 == lResult) { goto exit; } else { bReturn = TRUE; } } else { goto exit; } } else { goto exit; } } else { goto exit; } exit: if (FALSE == bReturn) { CmFree(*ppszText); }
return bReturn;
// Function: GetCurrentEditControlTextAlloc
// Synopsis: Figures out the length of the text in the edit control specified
// by the given window handle, allocates a buffer large enough to
// hold the text and then retrieves the text and stores it in the
// allocated buffer. The buffer is the caller's responsibility to
// free. Note that we ensure the data is roundtripable.
// Arguments: HWND hEditText - window handle of the edit control to get the text from
// LPTSTR* ppszText - pointer to a string pointer to recieve the output buffer
// Returns: int - Returns the number of characters copied to *ppszText
// 0 could be an error value but often means the control is empty
// -1 means that the text failed MBCS conversion and should not be used
// History: quintinb Created 04/07/00
int GetCurrentEditControlTextAlloc(HWND hEditText, LPTSTR* ppszText) { if ((NULL == hEditText) || (NULL == ppszText)) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("GetCurrentEditControlTextAlloc -- invalid parameter")); return 0; }
*ppszText = NULL; int iReturn = 0; LRESULT lResult; LRESULT lTextLen = SendMessage(hEditText, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
if (0 != lTextLen) { lTextLen++; // NULL char
*ppszText = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*lTextLen);
if (*ppszText) { lResult = SendMessage(hEditText, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)lTextLen, (LPARAM)(*ppszText));
if (0 == lResult) { goto exit; } else { #ifdef UNICODE
// We want to make sure that we can convert the strings to MBCS. If we cannot then we are not
// going to be able to store the string in the our ANSI data files (.cms, .cmp, .inf, etc.).
// Thus we need to convert the string to MBCS and then back to UNICODE. We will then compare the original
// string to the resultant string and see if they match.
if (!TextIsRoundTripable(*ppszText, TRUE)) { //
// Set the return code to an error value.
iReturn = -1; goto exit; } #endif
iReturn = (int)lResult; } } else { goto exit; } } else { goto exit; }
exit: if ((0 == iReturn) || (-1 == iReturn)) { CmFree(*ppszText); *ppszText = NULL; }
return iReturn; }
// Function: RemoveBracketsFromSectionString
// Synopsis: Removes brackets from section string. If a string is
// invalid, this function returns a newly allocated
// valid string without brackets and deleted the old invalid one.
// If there are no valid characters in the string this function
// return NULL in ppszSection. It is the caller's responibility to
// free the string.
// This function was created to fix Bug 189379 for Whistler.
// Arguments: LPTSTR *ppszSection - pointer to the address of the string
// History: tomkel Created 11/15/2000
BOOL RemoveBracketsFromSectionString(LPTSTR *ppszSection) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; LPTSTR pszSection = NULL; const TCHAR* const c_szBadSectionChars = TEXT("[]"); const TCHAR* const c_szLeftBracket = TEXT("["); const TCHAR* const c_szRightBracket = TEXT("]"); if (NULL == ppszSection) { return bReturn; }
pszSection = *ppszSection;
if (NULL != pszSection) { LPTSTR pszValidSection = NULL; LPTSTR pszToken = NULL; //
// We have a string so try to find an occurence of a bracket [].
if (CmStrStr(pszSection, c_szLeftBracket) || CmStrStr(pszSection, c_szRightBracket)) { //
// The pszSection string contains brackets.
// This treats brackets [] as delimiters. The loop concatenates the newly
// valid string.
pszToken = CmStrtok(pszSection, c_szBadSectionChars); if (NULL != pszToken) { //
// Found at least one valid token
while (NULL != pszToken) { if (NULL == pszValidSection) { pszValidSection = CmStrCpyAlloc(pszToken); } else { pszValidSection = CmStrCatAlloc(&pszValidSection, pszToken); }
// Find the next valid token
pszToken = CmStrtok(NULL, c_szBadSectionChars); }
if ( pszValidSection ) { //
// We encountered brackets []. Lets copy the valid string back to
// pszSection string so that the code below this section doesn't
// need to be modified.
CmFree(pszSection); pszSection = CmStrCpyAlloc(pszValidSection); CmFree(pszValidSection); pszValidSection = NULL; } } else { //
// There are no valid tokens. Delete the string and set it to NULL.
CmFree(pszSection); pszSection = NULL; }
*ppszSection = pszSection; bReturn = TRUE; } else { //
// Nothing to parse, which is ok.
bReturn = TRUE; } } else { //
// Nothing to parse, which is ok.
bReturn = TRUE; }
return bReturn; }
// Function: ProcessGeekPane
// Synopsis: Processes windows messages for the dialog which allows user to
// edit the cms/cmp files directly for features not exposed in CMAK
// directly.
// Arguments: WND hDlg - dialog window handle
// UINT message - message identifier
// WPARAM wParam - wParam Value
// LPARAM lParam - lParam Value
// History: quintinb Created 03/26/00
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessGeekPane(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg, message, IDC_EDIT1); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg, message, IDC_COMBO1); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg, message, IDC_COMBO2); SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg, message, IDC_COMBO3);
LRESULT lResult; static LPTSTR pszFile = NULL; static LPTSTR pszSection = NULL; static LPTSTR pszKey = NULL; LPTSTR pszValue = NULL; HWND hControl; static HWND hwndSectionEditControl = NULL; static HWND hwndKeyEditControl = NULL; COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam; DWORD dwFinishPage;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_ADVANCED)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) { if (0 == GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT)) { //
// If the user accepted the cancel then the DWLP_MSGRESULT value will be FALSE. If
// they chose to deny the cancel it will be TRUE. Thus if we need to, let's free
// up any allocated resources. If you change the free code, make sure to change
// it below in the kill active state too.
CmFree(pszSection); pszSection = NULL; CmFree(pszKey); pszKey = NULL; } return TRUE; }
switch (message) {
// Fill in the files combo
AddFilesToCombo(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1);
// Choose the Cms File because it is the one they are most likely to edit
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)GetName(g_szCmsFile)); if (CB_ERR != lResult) { MYVERIFY(CB_ERR != SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)lResult, (LPARAM)0)); }
pszFile = g_szCmsFile; AddAllSectionsInCurrentFileToCombo(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, (LPCTSTR)pszFile);
// Choose the first section in the list, don't assert because there may not be any
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
if (GetCurrentComboSelectionAlloc(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, &pszSection)) { AddAllKeysInCurrentSectionToCombo(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, pszSection, pszFile);
// Choose the first key in the list, don't assert because there may not be any
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
GetCurrentComboSelectionAlloc(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, &pszKey);
// Finally fill in the edit control
pszValue = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(pszSection, pszKey, TEXT(""), pszFile);
if (pszValue) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)pszValue); CmFree(pszValue); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)TEXT("")); } }
// Now lets get the window handles to the edit control portion of the section and key combobox controls
ZeroMemory(&cbInfo, sizeof(cbInfo)); cbInfo.cbSize = sizeof(cbInfo); hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2); if (hControl) { if (GetComboBoxInfo (hControl, &cbInfo)) { hwndSectionEditControl = cbInfo.hwndItem; } }
ZeroMemory(&cbInfo, sizeof(cbInfo)); cbInfo.cbSize = sizeof(cbInfo); hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3); if (hControl) { if (GetComboBoxInfo (hControl, &cbInfo)) { hwndKeyEditControl = cbInfo.hwndItem; } }
break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_COMBO1: if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
if (CB_ERR != lResult) { pszFile = (LPTSTR)SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO1, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)lResult, (LPARAM)0);
if (NULL != pszFile) { AddAllSectionsInCurrentFileToCombo(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, (LPCTSTR)pszFile);
// Choose the first section in the list, don't assert because there may not be any
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); } }
// Note that we don't break here, we fail through to pick up changes for the
// section and keys combo boxes
} else { break; }
case IDC_COMBO2: if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { CmFree(pszSection); GetCurrentComboSelectionAlloc(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, &pszSection);
AddAllKeysInCurrentSectionToCombo(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, pszSection, pszFile);
// Choose the first key in the list, don't assert because there may not be any
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
} else if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_EDITCHANGE) { CmFree(pszSection); if (-1 != GetCurrentEditControlTextAlloc(hwndSectionEditControl, &pszSection)) { AddAllKeysInCurrentSectionToCombo(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, pszSection, pszFile);
// Choose the first key in the list, don't assert because there may not be any
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); } else { break; } } else { //
// Note we don't break if the message is CBN_SELCHANGE or CBN_EDITCHANGE because
// we want to execute the code for the key combo changing
break; }
case IDC_COMBO3: if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { CmFree(pszKey); GetCurrentComboSelectionAlloc(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, &pszKey);
// Fill in the edit control
if (pszKey) { pszValue = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(pszSection, pszKey, TEXT(""), pszFile);
if (pszValue) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)pszValue); CmFree(pszValue); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)TEXT("")); } } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)TEXT("")); } } else if (HIWORD(wParam) == CBN_EDITCHANGE) { CmFree(pszKey); if (-1 != GetCurrentEditControlTextAlloc(hwndKeyEditControl, &pszKey)) { //
// Fill in the edit control
if (pszKey) { pszValue = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(pszSection, pszKey, TEXT(""), pszFile);
if (pszValue) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)pszValue); CmFree(pszValue); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)TEXT("")); } } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)TEXT("")); } } else { break; } }
case IDC_BUTTON1: // Update Value
if (RemoveBracketsFromSectionString(&pszSection)) { //
// Successfully removed brackets. Check if the valid string is empty. If so clear
// the fields
if (NULL == pszSection) { //
// The section string contained all invalid characters, so clear the combobox
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)TEXT(""));
// Clear the other edit boxes by sending a CBN_EDITCHANGE notification
lResult= SendMessage(hDlg, WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM)MAKEWPARAM((WORD)IDC_COMBO2,(WORD)CBN_EDITCHANGE), (LPARAM)GetDlgItem(hDlg,IDC_COMBO2)); } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ProcessGeekPane -- Trying to remove brackets from invalid section string.")); return 1; }
hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1);
if (hControl) { int iReturn = GetCurrentEditControlTextAlloc(hControl, &pszValue);
if (0 == iReturn) { pszValue = NULL; // delete the value
} else if (-1 == iReturn) { return 1; } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ProcessGeekPane -- Unable to get the window handle for the text control.")); return 1; }
if (NULL == pszSection) { ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_NEED_SECTION, MB_OK); return 1; } else if (NULL == pszKey) { int iReturn = IDNO; LPTSTR pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInstance, IDS_DELETE_SECTION, pszSection); if (pszMsg) { iReturn = MessageBox(hDlg, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_YESNO);
CmFree(pszMsg); }
if (IDNO == iReturn) { return 1; }
// Need to clear the value in case the section is NULL and the value isn't
// even though the WritePrivateProfileString handles it correctly
CmFree(pszValue); pszValue = NULL; } else if (NULL == pszValue) { //
// This else if needs to be the last one
// The following message should only be displayed
// if NULL != pszKey && NULL != pszSection && NULL == pszValue
// Prompt user to ask to delete this key.
int iReturn = IDNO; LPTSTR pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInstance, IDS_DELETE_KEY, pszKey); if (pszMsg) { iReturn = MessageBox(hDlg, pszMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_YESNO);
CmFree(pszMsg); }
if (IDNO == iReturn) { return 1; } }
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(pszSection, pszKey, pszValue, pszFile)); CmFree(pszValue);
// Make sure to reselect the section and key the user had before (especially important
// if the user just added a new section or file). First add all of the sections
AddAllSectionsInCurrentFileToCombo(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, (LPCTSTR)pszFile);
// Select the correct section
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)pszSection);
if (CB_ERR == lResult) { //
// Then the user deleted the value, lets select the first in the list
CmFree(pszSection); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); GetCurrentComboSelectionAlloc(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, &pszSection); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO2, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)lResult, (LPARAM)0); }
// Now add all of the keys in that section
AddAllKeysInCurrentSectionToCombo(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, pszSection, pszFile);
// Select the correct key
lResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)pszKey);
if (CB_ERR == lResult) { //
// Then the user deleted the value, lets select the first in the list
CmFree(pszKey); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); GetCurrentComboSelectionAlloc(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, &pszKey);
lResult = 0; } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_COMBO3, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)lResult, (LPARAM)0); }
// Fill in the edit control, since the user may have deleted the last selection
pszValue = GetPrivateProfileStringWithAlloc(pszSection, pszKey, TEXT(""), pszFile);
if (pszValue) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)pszValue); CmFree(pszValue); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_EDIT1, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)TEXT("")); }
default: break; } break;
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
// Free up any allocated values. If you add new values to free here, also
// make sure to add them in the cancel case.
CmFree(pszSection); pszSection = NULL; CmFree(pszKey); pszKey = NULL;
MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), PSWIZB_NEXT); break;
case PSN_WIZBACK: CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("There shouldn't be a back button on the Geek Pane, why are we getting PSN_WIZBACK?")); break;
if (BuildProfileExecutable(hDlg)) { dwFinishPage = g_bIEAKBuild ? IDD_IEAK_FINISH_GOOD_BUILD : IDD_FINISH_GOOD_BUILD; } else { dwFinishPage = IDD_FINISH_BAD_BUILD; }
MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, dwFinishPage)); return 1;
break; }
default: return FALSE; } return FALSE; }
// Function: BuildProfileExecutable
// Synopsis: This function takes care of all of the details of turning the
// CMAK files in the temp dir into a profile executable.
// Arguments: HWND hDlg - window handle of the calling dialog
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the profile built successfully, FALSE otherwise
// History: quintinb Created 05/17/00
BOOL BuildProfileExecutable(HWND hDlg) { DWORD dwExitCode = 0; DWORD dwWaitCode = 0; BOOL bExitLoop = FALSE; BOOL bEnoughSpaceToCompress; SHELLEXECUTEINFO seiInfo; static HANDLE hProcess = NULL; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szMsg[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR pszArgs[MAX_PATH+1]; BOOL bRes;
// The user may have unchecked UsePresharedKey for all VPN settings, in
// which case we need to remove the pre-shared key.
g_bPresharedKeyNeeded = DoesSomeVPNsettingUsePresharedKey(); if (FALSE == g_bPresharedKeyNeeded) { // remove the Pre-shared key values from the CMP
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPresharedKey, NULL, g_szCmpFile)); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryKeyIsEncrypted, NULL, g_szCmpFile)); }
if (!CopyFromTempDir(g_szShortServiceName)) { return FALSE; }
// Write the SED File.
// Note that the SED file has been moved from the temp dir to
// the profile dir. We now want to write the SED file entries
// in place before compressing them. This way we can verify the
// files exist right before compressing them.
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(g_szSedFile) > (UINT)wsprintf(g_szSedFile, TEXT("%s%s\\%s.sed"), g_szOsdir, g_szShortServiceName, g_szShortServiceName)); if (!ConstructSedFile(hDlg, g_szSedFile, g_szOutExe)) { return FALSE; }
_tcscpy(g_szOutdir, g_szOsdir); _tcscat(g_szOutdir, g_szShortServiceName);
// Setup IExpress to build in the output directory.
MYVERIFY(0 != SetCurrentDirectory(g_szOutdir));
// Check to make sure there is enough disk space
do { bEnoughSpaceToCompress = CheckDiskSpaceForCompression(g_szSedFile); if (!bEnoughSpaceToCompress) {
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_DISKFULL, szTemp, MAX_PATH)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szMsg) > (UINT)wsprintf(szMsg, szTemp, g_szOutdir));
int iMessageReturn = MessageBox(hDlg, szMsg, g_szAppTitle, MB_RETRYCANCEL | MB_ICONERROR | MB_APPLMODAL );
if (iMessageReturn == IDCANCEL) { return FALSE; } } } while(!bEnoughSpaceToCompress); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(pszArgs) > (UINT)wsprintf(pszArgs, TEXT("/N %s.sed"), g_szShortServiceName));
_tcscpy(szTemp, TEXT("iexpress.exe"));
ZeroMemory(&seiInfo,sizeof(seiInfo)); seiInfo.cbSize = sizeof(seiInfo); seiInfo.fMask |= SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI | SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; seiInfo.lpFile = szTemp; seiInfo.lpDirectory = g_szOutdir; seiInfo.lpParameters = pszArgs; seiInfo.nShow = SW_HIDE;
// Okay, we are finally ready to execute IExpress, lets disable all the
// wizard buttons.
// Execute IExpress
bRes = ShellExecuteEx(&seiInfo);
// Wait for the shellexecute to finish. Thus our cleanup code doesn't
// execute till IEpress is done.
if (bRes) { //
// hProcess contains the handle to the process
hProcess = seiInfo.hProcess;
do { dwWaitCode = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hProcess, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT); //
// Check to see if we returned because of a message, process termination,
// or an error.
switch(dwWaitCode) {
case 0:
// Normal termination case, we were signaled that the process ended
bExitLoop = TRUE; break;
case 1:
HandleWindowMessagesWhileCompressing(); break;
case -1:
// MsgWait returned an error
MYVERIFY(0 != GetExitCodeProcess(seiInfo.hProcess, &dwExitCode));
if (dwExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE) { continue; } else { bExitLoop = TRUE; }
default: //
// Do nothing
break; }
} while (!bExitLoop); }
// now need to send the user to the finish page. If their profile
// build successfully then we send them to the success page, otherwise
// we send them to the bad build page.
MYVERIFY(0 != GetExitCodeProcess(seiInfo.hProcess, &dwExitCode));
if (dwExitCode) { g_iCMAKReturnVal = CMAK_RETURN_ERROR;
// We encountered an error, clear the out exe val
// so that we write nothing to the output key.
ZeroMemory(g_szOutExe, sizeof(g_szOutExe)); } else { g_iCMAKReturnVal = CMAK_RETURN_SUCCESS; }
// Create a registry entry for IEAK to retrieve
// the path of the output profile.
MYVERIFY(FALSE != WriteRegStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_pszRegCmak, c_pszRegOutput, g_szOutExe));
// CMAK_RETURN_ERROR is -1, so return TRUE if g_iCMAKReturnVal is a positive integer
return (g_iCMAKReturnVal > 0); }
// Function: ProcessBuildProfile
// Synopsis: Processes windows messages for the page in CMAK that allows the
// user to build their profile or advance to the Advanced Customization
// page to make final edits before building the profile.
// WM_INITDIALOG - intializes the page
// WM_NOTIFY - processes the notifications sent to the page
// Specify the installation package location
// Arguments: WND hDlg -
// UINT message -
// WPARAM wParam -
// LPARAM lParam -
// Returns: INT_PTR APIENTRY -
// History: a-anasj restructured the function and Created Header 1/7/98
// note: the function does not allow the user to choose a location for
// their profile anylonger. It only informs them of where it will be
// created.
// quintinb Renamed from the feared ProcessPage8 8-6-98
// quintinb restructured for Whistler 108269 05/17/00
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessBuildProfile( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; int iMessageReturn; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_CREATE)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE;
switch (message) { case WM_NOTIFY:
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_KILLACTIVE: MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE)); return 1; break; //lint !e527 this line isn't reachable but
// keep it in case the return is removed
// Build default path of final executable
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(g_szOutExe) > (UINT)wsprintf(g_szOutExe, TEXT("%s%s\\%s.exe"), g_szOsdir, g_szShortServiceName, g_szShortServiceName));
PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_NEXT)); break;
case PSN_WIZBACK: break;
// Ensure that profile directory exists
_tcscpy(szTemp,g_szOsdir); _tcscat(szTemp,g_szShortServiceName); if (0 == SetCurrentDirectory(szTemp)) { MYVERIFY(0 != CreateDirectory(szTemp,NULL)); } //
// Prompt the user to overwrite the existing Executable
if (FileExists(g_szOutExe)) { iMessageReturn = ShowMessage(hDlg, IDS_OVERWRITE, MB_YESNO);
if (iMessageReturn == IDNO) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } }
// Write out the Inf File
if (!WriteInfFile(g_hInstance, hDlg, g_szInfFile, g_szLongServiceName)) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ProcessBuildProfile -- WriteInfFile Failed.")); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; } //
// Update version in CMP and party on the CMS
if (!WriteCMSFile()) { FileAccessErr(hDlg, g_szCmsFile); MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, -1)); return 1; }
// If the user wants to do advanced customization, delay building the profile executable
// until after they have done their final edits. Otherwise, it is time to build the profile!
if (BST_UNCHECKED == IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_ADVANCED)) { //
// The user is finished now, lets build the profile and skip over the advanced customization
// page to either the bad build page or the successful build page.
DWORD dwFinishPage;
if (BuildProfileExecutable(hDlg)) { dwFinishPage = g_bIEAKBuild ? IDD_IEAK_FINISH_GOOD_BUILD : IDD_FINISH_GOOD_BUILD; } else { dwFinishPage = IDD_FINISH_BAD_BUILD; }
MYVERIFY(FALSE != SetWindowLongWrapper(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, dwFinishPage)); return 1; }
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Function: ProcessFinishPage
// Synopsis: Handles the finish page
// Arguments: WND hDlg -
// UINT message -
// WPARAM wParam -
// LPARAM lParam -
// Returns: INT_PTR APIENTRY -
// History: quintinb created 6/25/98
INT_PTR APIENTRY ProcessFinishPage( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hDirEditControl; HWND hCurrentPage; NMHDR* pnmHeader = (NMHDR*)lParam;
ProcessBold(hDlg,message); if (ProcessHelp(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam, IDH_FINISH)) return TRUE; if (ProcessCancel(hDlg,message,lParam)) return TRUE; SetDefaultGUIFont(hDlg,message,IDC_EDITDIR); switch (message) { case WM_NOTIFY:
if (NULL == pnmHeader) { return FALSE; }
switch (pnmHeader->code) {
case PSN_SETACTIVE: PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(hDlg), (PSWIZB_FINISH)); //
// Disable the cancel button since it doesn't make a whole lot of
// sense on the last dialog.
hCurrentPage = GetParent(hDlg); if (hCurrentPage) { HWND hCancelButton = GetDlgItem(hCurrentPage, IDCANCEL); if (hCancelButton) { EnableWindow(hCancelButton, FALSE); } } //
// Fill in the path edit control. Note that this control doesn't exist if
// this is an IEAK build.
if (hDirEditControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDITDIR)) { MYVERIFY(TRUE == SendMessage(hDirEditControl, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)g_szOutExe)); }
// Now that we know we aren't returning, we can release
// the temp dir and cleanup our files lists
ClearCmakGlobals(); FreeList(&g_pHeadProfile, &g_pTailProfile); break;
default: return FALSE;
} break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// PURPOSE: Fills in the given PROPSHEETPAGE structure
// This function fills in a PROPSHEETPAGE structure with the
// information the system needs to create the page.
void FillInPropertyPage( PROPSHEETPAGE* psp, int idDlg, DLGPROC pfnDlgProc) { psp->dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); psp->dwFlags = PSP_HASHELP; psp->hInstance = g_hInstance; psp->pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(idDlg); psp->pszIcon = NULL; psp->pfnDlgProc = pfnDlgProc; psp->pszTitle = TEXT(""); psp->lParam = 0;
// Function: CreateWizard
// Synopsis: This function creates the wizard pages that make up CMAK.
// Arguments: HWND hwndOwner - window handle of the owner of this wizard
// Returns: int - A positive value if successful, -1 otherwise
// History: quintinb Created Header 1/5/98
// quintinb removed hInst from prototype, not used 1/5/98
INT_PTR CreateWizard(HWND hwndOwner) { PROPSHEETPAGE psp[28]; PROPSHEETHEADER psh;
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[0], IDD_WELCOME, ProcessWelcome); FillInPropertyPage( &psp[1], IDD_ADD_EDIT_PROFILE, ProcessAddEditProfile); FillInPropertyPage( &psp[2], IDD_SERVICENAME, ProcessServiceName); FillInPropertyPage( &psp[3], IDD_REALM_INFO, ProcessRealmInfo); FillInPropertyPage( &psp[4], IDD_MERGEDPROFILES, ProcessMergedProfiles); FillInPropertyPage( &psp[5], IDD_TUNNELING, ProcessTunneling); FillInPropertyPage( &psp[6], IDD_VPN_ENTRIES, ProcessVpnEntries); FillInPropertyPage( &psp[7], IDD_PRESHARED_KEY, ProcessPresharedKey); FillInPropertyPage( &psp[8], IDD_PHONEBOOK, ProcessPhoneBook); // Phonebook Setup
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[9], IDD_PBK_UPDATE, ProcessPhoneBookUpdate); // Phonebook Updates
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[10], IDD_DUN_ENTRIES, ProcessDunEntries); FillInPropertyPage( &psp[11], IDD_ROUTE_PLUMBING, ProcessRoutePlumbing); FillInPropertyPage( &psp[12], IDD_CMPROXY, ProcessCmProxy); FillInPropertyPage( &psp[13], IDD_CUSTOM_ACTIONS , ProcessCustomActions); // Setup Connect Actions
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[14], IDD_SIGNIN_BITMAP, ProcessSigninBitmap); // Sign-in Bitmap
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[15], IDD_PBK_BITMAP, ProcessPhoneBookBitmap); // Phonebook Bitmap
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[16], IDD_ICONS, ProcessIcons); // Icons
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[17], IDD_STATUS_MENU, ProcessStatusMenuIcons); // Status area menu items
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[18], IDD_CUSTOM_HELP, ProcessCustomHelp); // Help
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[19], IDD_SUPPORT_INFO, ProcessSupportInfo); FillInPropertyPage( &psp[20], IDD_INCLUDE_CM, ProcessIncludeCm); // Include CM, note this doesn't show on IA64
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[21], IDD_LICENSE, ProcessLicense); // License agreement
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[22], IDD_ADDITIONAL, ProcessAdditionalFiles); // Additional files
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[23], IDD_BUILDPROFILE, ProcessBuildProfile); // Build the profile
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[24], IDD_GEEK_PANE, ProcessGeekPane); // Advance customization
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[25], IDD_FINISH_GOOD_BUILD, ProcessFinishPage); // Finish Page -- Good Build
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[26], IDD_IEAK_FINISH_GOOD_BUILD, ProcessFinishPage); // Finish Page -- Good Build
FillInPropertyPage( &psp[27], IDD_FINISH_BAD_BUILD, ProcessFinishPage); // Finish Page -- Bad Build
psh.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER); psh.dwFlags = PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE | PSH_WIZARD | PSH_NOAPPLYNOW; psh.hwndParent = hwndOwner; psh.pszCaption = (LPTSTR) TEXT(""); psh.nPages = sizeof(psp) / sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); psh.nStartPage = 0; psh.ppsp = (LPCPROPSHEETPAGE) &psp; //lint !e545 Disables line error 545 for this line only
return (PropertySheet(&psh)); }