Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Abstract: Worker threads for the router process
Revision History:
Gurdeep Singh Pall 7/28/95 Created
12-10-97: lokeshs: removed blocking of InitializeWorkerThread() on initialization of the first AlertableThread() created
--*/ #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <rtutils.h>
// #includes for the wait-server threads
#include "wt.h"
#include "wtproto.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "workerinc.h"
#include "wttrace.h"
// Global variables for wait-server threads
// Functions for asynchronous receives.
// Currently #def 0. If these functions are to be enabled, then
// all files #including rtutils.h should use winsock2.h
#if 0
// ProcessAsyncRecv //
// This function runs the callback registered with the asynchronous receive //
VOID WINAPI ProcessAsyncRecv( DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwNumBytesRecv, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ) { PASYNC_SOCKET_DATA pSockData;
TRACE_ENTER("ProcessAsyncRecv: going to run the user function");
pSockData = CONTAINING_RECORD(lpOverlapped, ASYNC_SOCKET_DATA, Overlapped);
pSockData->NumBytesReceived = dwNumBytesRecv;
TRACE1(RECEIVE, "Received %d bytes size packet", dwNumBytesRecv); ((WORKERFUNCTION)pSockData->pFunction)(pSockData);
TRACE_LEAVE("ProcessAsyncRecv: ran the user function");
return; }
// AsyncSocketInit //
// This function binds the socket with the IoCompletionPort, that is used to //
// wait for the asynchronous receives //
DWORD APIENTRY AsyncSocketInit ( SOCKET sock ) { HANDLE hTemp; DWORD dwErr;
// initialize worker threads if not yet done
if (!ENTER_WORKER_API) { dwErr = GetLastError(); return (dwErr == NO_ERROR ? ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE : dwErr); }
hTemp = CreateIoCompletionPort((HANDLE)sock, WorkQueuePort, (ULONG)ProcessAsyncRecv, 0);
if (hTemp!=WorkQueuePort) { dwErr = GetLastError(); return dwErr; }
return NO_ERROR; }
// AsyncWSARecvFrom //
// This function calls the WSARecvFrom // //
DWORD dwFromLen; DWORD dwErr;
dwFromLen = sizeof (pSockData->SrcAddress);
ZeroMemory((PVOID)&pSockData->Overlapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); pSockData->Overlapped.hEvent = NULL;
dwErr = WSARecvFrom(sock, &pSockData->WsaBuf, 1, &pSockData->NumBytesReceived, &pSockData->Flags, (SOCKADDR FAR *)&pSockData->SrcAddress, &dwFromLen, &pSockData->Overlapped, NULL);
if (dwErr!=SOCKET_ERROR) { TRACE0(RECEIVE, "the WSAReceiveFrom returned immediately\n"); } else { dwErr = WSAGetLastError(); if (dwErr!=WSA_IO_PENDING) { TRACE1(RECEIVE, "WSARecvFrom() returned in AsyncWSARecvFrom() with error code: %0x", dwErr); LOGERR0(WSA_RECV_FROM_FAILED, dwErr); } else TRACE0(RECEIVE, "WSARecvFrom() returned WSA_IO_PENDING in AsyncWSARecvFrom()"); }
TRACE_LEAVE("AsyncWSARecvFrom()"); return NO_ERROR; }
#endif //#def 0 of the Asynchronous Receive From functions
// Time that thread has to be idle before exiting
LARGE_INTEGER ThreadIdleTO = { (ULONG)(THREAD_IDLE_TIMEOUT*(-10000000)), 0xFFFFFFFF}; // Time that the worker queue is not served before starting new thread
CONST LARGE_INTEGER WorkQueueTO = { (ULONG)(WORK_QUEUE_TIMEOUT*(-10000000)), 0xFFFFFFFF}; // Total number of threads
LONG ThreadCount; // Number of threads waiting on the completion port
LONG ThreadsWaiting; // Min allowed number of threads
LONG MinThreads; // Completion port for threads to wait on
HANDLE WorkQueuePort; // Timer to intiate creation of new thread if worker queue is not
// server within a timeout
HANDLE WorkQueueTimer;
// Queue for alertable work items
LIST_ENTRY AlertableWorkQueue ; // Lock for the alertable work item queue
CRITICAL_SECTION AlertableWorkQueueLock ; // Heap for alertable work items
HANDLE AlertableWorkerHeap ; // Worker Semaphore used for releasing alertable worker threads
HANDLE AlertableThreadSemaphore; // Number of alertable threads
LONG AlertableThreadCount;
volatile LONG WorkersInitialized=WORKERS_NOT_INITIALIZED;
//* WorkerThread()
// Function: Thread to execute work items in.
// Returns: Nothing
DWORD APIENTRY WorkerThread ( LPVOID param ) { // It'll be waiting
InterlockedIncrement (&ThreadsWaiting); do { LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE completionRoutine; NTSTATUS status; PVOID context; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatus;
status = NtRemoveIoCompletion ( WorkQueuePort, (PVOID *)&completionRoutine, &context, &ioStatus, &ThreadIdleTO); if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { switch (status) { // We did dequeue a work item
case STATUS_SUCCESS: if (InterlockedExchangeAdd (&ThreadsWaiting, -1)==1) { // Last thread to wait, start the timer
// to create a new thread
SetWaitableTimer (WorkQueueTimer, &WorkQueueTO, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE); } // Execute work item/completion routine
completionRoutine ( // Quick check for success that all work items
// and most of IRP complete with
(ioStatus.Status==STATUS_SUCCESS) ? NO_ERROR : RtlNtStatusToDosError (ioStatus.Status), (DWORD)ioStatus.Information, (LPOVERLAPPED)context);
if (InterlockedExchangeAdd (&ThreadsWaiting, 1)==0) { // Cancel time if this is the first thread
// to return
CancelWaitableTimer (WorkQueueTimer); } break; // Thread was not used for ThreadIdle timeout, see
// if we need to quit
case STATUS_TIMEOUT: while (1) { // Make a local copy of the count and
// attempt to atomically check and update
// it if necessary
LONG count = ThreadCount;
// Quick check for min thread condition
if (count<=MinThreads) break; else { // Attempt to decrease the count
// use another local variable
// because of MIPS optimizer bug
LONG newCount = count-1; if (InterlockedCompareExchange (&ThreadCount, newCount, count)==count) { // Succeded, exit the thread
goto ExitThread; } // else try again
} } break; default: ASSERTMSG ("Unexpected status code returned ", FALSE); break; } } // Execute while we are initialized
} while (WorkersInitialized==WORKERS_INITIALIZED);
ExitThread: InterlockedDecrement (&ThreadsWaiting); return 0; }
//* AlertableWorkerThread()
// Function: Alertable work item thread
// Returns: Nothing
DWORD APIENTRY AlertableWorkerThread ( LPVOID param ) { HANDLE WaitArray [] = { #define ALERTABLE_THREAD_SEMAPHORE WAIT_OBJECT_0
AlertableThreadSemaphore, #define WORK_QUEUE_TIMER (WAIT_OBJECT_0+1)
WorkQueueTimer };
do { WorkItem *workitem; DWORD rc;
// Wait for signal to run
rc = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx ( sizeof (WaitArray)/sizeof (WaitArray[0]), WaitArray, FALSE, INFINITE, TRUE); switch (rc) { case ALERTABLE_THREAD_SEMAPHORE: // Pick up and execute the worker
EnterCriticalSection (&AlertableWorkQueueLock); ASSERT (!IsListEmpty (&AlertableWorkQueue)); workitem = (WorkItem *) RemoveHeadList (&AlertableWorkQueue) ; LeaveCriticalSection (&AlertableWorkQueueLock);
(workitem->WI_Function) (workitem->WI_Context); HeapFree (AlertableWorkerHeap, 0, workitem); break; case WORK_QUEUE_TIMER: // Work queue has not been served wothin specified
// timeout
while (1) { // Make a local copy of the count
LONG count = ThreadCount; // Make sure we havn't exceded the limit
if (count>=MAX_WORKER_THREADS) break; else { // Try to increment the value
// use another local variable
// because of MIPS optimizer bug
LONG newCount = count+1; if (InterlockedCompareExchange (&ThreadCount, newCount, count)==count) { HANDLE hThread; DWORD tid; // Create new thread if increment succeded
hThread = CreateThread (NULL, 0, WorkerThread, NULL, 0, &tid); if (hThread!=NULL) { CloseHandle (hThread); } else // Restore the value if thread creation
// failed
InterlockedDecrement (&ThreadCount); break; } // else repeat the loop if ThreadCount was modified
// while we were checking
} } break; case WAIT_IO_COMPLETION: // Handle IO completion
break; case 0xFFFFFFFF: // Error, we must have closed the semaphore handle
break; default: ASSERTMSG ("Unexpected rc from WaitForObject ", FALSE); } } while (WorkersInitialized==WORKERS_INITIALIZED);
return 0 ; }
//* WorkerCompletionRoutine
// Function: Worker function wrapper for non-io work items
VOID WINAPI WorkerCompletionRoutine ( DWORD dwErrorCode, PVOID ActualContext, LPOVERLAPPED ActualCompletionRoutine ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (dwErrorCode); ((WORKERFUNCTION)ActualCompletionRoutine)(ActualContext); }
//* InitializeWorkerThread()
// Function: Called by the first work item
// Returns: WORKERS_INITIALIZED if successful.
LONG InitializeWorkerThread ( LONG initFlag ) {
DWORD dwErr;
#if 0
DbgPrint ("RTUTILS: %lx - waiting for worker initialization.\n", GetCurrentThreadId ()); #endif
while (WorkersInitialized==WORKERS_INITIALIZING) Sleep (100); #if DBG
DbgPrint ("RTUTILS: %lx - wait for worker initialization done.\n", GetCurrentThreadId ()); #endif
if (WorkersInitialized==WORKERS_INITIALIZED) { return WORKERS_INITIALIZED; } else { INT i; DWORD tid; HANDLE threadhandle; SYSTEM_INFO systeminfo;
// Get number of processors
GetSystemInfo (&systeminfo) ;
MinThreads = systeminfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; ThreadsWaiting = 0;
// Init critical section
InitializeCriticalSection (&AlertableWorkQueueLock);
// Initialize work queue
InitializeListHead (&AlertableWorkQueue) ;
// Allocate private heap
AlertableWorkerHeap = HeapCreate (0, // no flags
systeminfo.dwPageSize,// initial heap size
0); // no maximum size
if (AlertableWorkerHeap != NULL) { // Create counting semaphore for releasing alertable threads
AlertableThreadSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, // No security
0, // Initial value
MAXLONG, // Max items to queue
NULL); // No name
if (AlertableThreadSemaphore!=NULL) { // Create completion port for work items
WorkQueuePort = CreateIoCompletionPort ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // Just create a port, no file yet
NULL, // New port
0, // Key is ignored
MAX_WORKER_THREADS); // Number of active threads
if (WorkQueuePort!=NULL) { // Create timer to trigger creation of
// new threads if work queue is not served
// for the specified timeout
WorkQueueTimer = CreateWaitableTimer ( NULL, // No security
FALSE, // auto-reset
NULL); // No name
if (WorkQueueTimer!=NULL) {
// Start Alertable threads
// initialize the global structure for wait threads
dwErr = InitializeWaitGlobal(); if (dwErr!=NO_ERROR) { DeInitializeWaitGlobal(); goto ThreadCreationError; }
/*WTG.g_InitializedEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (WTG.g_InitializedEvent==NULL) goto ThreadCreationError; */
// create one alertable thread and wait for it to get initialized
// This makes sure that at least one server thread is initialized
// before the others attemp to use it.
i =0; threadhandle = CreateThread ( NULL, // No security
0, // Default stack
AlertableWaitWorkerThread,// Start routine
(PVOID)(LONG_PTR)i, // Thread param
0, // No flags
&tid); if (threadhandle!=NULL) CloseHandle (threadhandle); else goto ThreadCreationError;
WaitForSingleObject(WTG.g_InitializedEvent, INFINITE); CloseHandle(WTG.g_InitializedEvent); */
// create the other alertable threads but dont wait on them to
// get initialization
for (i=1; i < NUM_ALERTABLE_THREADS; i++) { threadhandle = CreateThread ( NULL, // No security
0, // Default stack
AlertableWaitWorkerThread,// Start routine
(PVOID)(LONG_PTR)i, // Thread id
0, // No flags
&tid); if (threadhandle!=NULL) CloseHandle (threadhandle); else goto ThreadCreationError; }
// Start the rest of worker threads
for (i=0; i < MinThreads; i++) { threadhandle = CreateThread ( NULL, // No security
0, // Default stack
WorkerThread,// Start routine
NULL, // No parameter
0, // No flags
&tid) ; if (threadhandle!=NULL) CloseHandle (threadhandle); else goto ThreadCreationError; } ThreadCount = i; WorkersInitialized = WORKERS_INITIALIZED; return WORKERS_INITIALIZED; ThreadCreationError: // Cleanup in case of failure
// Threads will exit by themselves when objects are
// deleted
CloseHandle (WorkQueueTimer); } CloseHandle (WorkQueuePort); } CloseHandle (AlertableThreadSemaphore); } HeapDestroy (AlertableWorkerHeap); } DeleteCriticalSection (&AlertableWorkQueueLock);
#if DBG
DbgPrint ("RTUTILS: %lx - worker initialization failed (%ld).\n", GetCurrentThreadId (), GetLastError ()); #endif
//* StopWorkers()
// Function: Cleanup worker thread when dll is unloaded
VOID StopWorkers ( VOID ) { // Make sure we were initialized
if (WorkersInitialized==WORKERS_INITIALIZED) { // All work items should have been completed
// already (no other components should be using
// our routines or we shouldn't have been unloaded)
// Set the flag telling all threads to quit
WorkersInitialized = WORKERS_NOT_INITIALIZED; // Close all syncronization objects (this should
// terminate the wait)
CloseHandle (WorkQueueTimer); CloseHandle (WorkQueuePort); CloseHandle (AlertableThreadSemaphore); // Let threads complete
Sleep (1000); // Destroy the rest
HeapDestroy (AlertableWorkerHeap); DeleteCriticalSection (&AlertableWorkQueueLock); } }
//* QueueWorkItem()
// Function: Queues the supplied work item in the work queue.
// Returns: 0 (success)
// Win32 error codes for cases like out of memory
DWORD APIENTRY QueueWorkItem (WORKERFUNCTION functionptr, PVOID context, BOOL serviceinalertablethread) { DWORD retcode ; LONG initFlag;
// if uninitialized, attempt to initialize worker threads
if (!ENTER_WORKER_API) { retcode = GetLastError(); return (retcode == NO_ERROR ? ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE : retcode); }
// based on this flag insert in either the alertablequeue or the workerqueue
if (!serviceinalertablethread) { NTSTATUS status; // Use completion port to execute the item
status = NtSetIoCompletion ( WorkQueuePort, // Port
(PVOID)WorkerCompletionRoutine, // Completion routine
functionptr, // Apc context
(ULONG_PTR)context); // Information ()
if (status==STATUS_SUCCESS) retcode = NO_ERROR;
else retcode = RtlNtStatusToDosError (status); } else { // Create and queue work item
WorkItem *workitem ; workitem = (WorkItem *) HeapAlloc ( AlertableWorkerHeap, 0, // No flags
sizeof (WorkItem));
if (workitem != NULL) { workitem->WI_Function = functionptr ; workitem->WI_Context = context ;
EnterCriticalSection (&AlertableWorkQueueLock) ; InsertTailList (&AlertableWorkQueue, &workitem->WI_List) ;
LeaveCriticalSection (&AlertableWorkQueueLock) ; // let a worker thread run if waiting
ReleaseSemaphore (AlertableThreadSemaphore, 1, NULL) ;
retcode = 0 ;
} else retcode = GetLastError () ; }
return retcode ; }
// Function: Associates file handle with the completion port (all
// asynchronous io on this handle will be queued to the
// completion port)
// FileHandle: file handle to be associated with completion port
// CompletionProc: procedure to be called when io associated with
// the file handle completes. This function will be
// executed in the context of non-alertable worker thread
DWORD APIENTRY SetIoCompletionProc ( IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE CompletionProc ) { HANDLE hdl; LONG initFlag; DWORD retcode; // if uninitialized, attempt to initialize worker threads
if (!ENTER_WORKER_API) { retcode = GetLastError(); return (retcode == NO_ERROR ? ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE : retcode); }
hdl = CreateIoCompletionPort (FileHandle, WorkQueuePort, (UINT_PTR)CompletionProc, 0); if (hdl!=NULL) return NO_ERROR; else return GetLastError (); }