Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Managed Object Format file that contains descriptions of the WMI definitions (data blocks, events, methods) exposed by the NAT for firewall event logging.
Jonathan Burstein (jonburs) 20-Jan-2000
Revision History:
[abstract] class MSIPNAT { };
[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), Locale("MS\\0x409"), Description("Connection created event (TCP/UDP only)"), guid("{6acd39eb-4cb0-486b-83fa-307aa23767b1}")] class MSIPNAT_ConnectionCreationEvent : WmiEvent { [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;
[WmiDataId( 1 ), Description( "Local IP Address, in network byte order" ) ] uint32 LocalAddress;
[WmiDataId( 2 ), Description( "Remote IP Address, in network byte order" ) ] uint32 RemoteAddress;
[WmiDataId( 3 ), Description( "Local Port, in network byte order" ) ] uint16 LocalPort;
[WmiDataId( 4 ), Description( "Remote Port, in network byte order" ) ] uint16 RemotePort;
[WmiDataId( 5 ), Description( "IP-layer Protocol" ) ] uint8 Protocol;
[WmiDataId( 6 ), Description( "Inbound connection?" ) ] boolean InboundConnection; };
[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), Locale("MS\\0x409"), Description("Connection deleted event (TCP/UDP only)"), guid("{3757e105-5437-4a6f-a263-47eb04a593ac}")] class MSIPNAT_ConnectionDeletionEvent : WmiEvent { [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;
[WmiDataId( 1 ), Description( "Local IP Address, in network byte order" ) ] uint32 LocalAddress;
[WmiDataId( 2 ), Description( "Remote IP Address, in network byte order" ) ] uint32 RemoteAddress;
[WmiDataId( 3 ), Description( "Local Port, in network byte order" ) ] uint16 LocalPort;
[WmiDataId( 4 ), Description( "Remote Port, in network byte order" ) ] uint16 RemotePort;
[WmiDataId( 5 ), Description( "IP-layer Protocol" ) ] uint8 Protocol;
[WmiDataId( 6 ), Description( "Inbound connection?" ) ] boolean InboundConnection; };
[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), Locale("MS\\0x409"), Description("Packet dropped event"), guid("{65f67abd-ecd2-4501-9b10-d48db2300e6c}")] class MSIPNAT_PacketDroppedEvent : WmiEvent { [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;
[WmiDataId( 1 ), Description( "Source IP Address, in network byte order" ) ] uint32 SourceAddress;
[WmiDataId( 2 ), Description( "Destination IP Address, in network byte order" ) ] uint32 DestinationAddress;
[WmiDataId( 3 ), Description( "Source Identifier, in network byte order" ) ] uint16 SourceIdentifier;
[WmiDataId( 4 ), Description( "Destination Identifier, in network byte order" ) ] uint16 DestinationIdentifier;
[WmiDataId( 5 ), Description( "Total size of packet, in bytes" ) ] uint32 PacketSize;
[WmiDataId( 6 ), Description( "Protocol Specific Data 1" ) ] uint32 ProtocolData1;
[WmiDataId( 7 ), Description( "Protocol Specific Data 2" ) ] uint32 ProtocolData2;
[WmiDataId( 8 ), Description( "Protocol Specific Data 3" ) ] uint32 ProtocolData3;
[WmiDataId( 9 ), Description( "Protocol Specific Data 4" ) ] uint32 ProtocolData4;
[WmiDataId( 10 ), Description( "IP-layer Protocol" ) ] uint8 Protocol;