;// Messages for IPX monitor
;// Help messages
MessageId=0001 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_HELP Language=English
IPX Router monitoring and configuration utility. Usage: %1!s! IPX command object options Where: command - is one of SHOW, SET, ADD, DELETE, HELP. object - is one of GLOBAL, INTERFACE, ROUTE, STATICROUTE, SERVICE, STATICSERVICE, FILTER. Use: %1!s! IPX HELP object to get syntax of all the commands available for the object. . MessageId=0006 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_HELP_IPXIF Language=English
Object INTERFACE is used to configure and monitor IPX interfaces. Command syntax: SHOW INTERFACE [ifname] SET INTERFACE ifname [[ADMSTATE= ] admstate] [[WANPROTOCOL= ] prot] ADD INTERFACE ifname DELETE INTERFACE ifname Where: ifname - name of the interface (use Dial-In for RAS clients). admstate - ENABLED or DISABLED. prot - PPP or IPXWAN. . MessageId=0007 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_HELP_ROUTE Language=English
Object ROUTE is used to monitor routing table. Command syntax: SHOW ROUTE [network] Where: network - 4-byte network address (up to 8 hex digits, leading 0's optional). . MessageId=0008 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_HELP_STATICROUTE Language=English
Object STATICROUTE is used to configure static routes on router interfaces. Command syntax: SHOW STATICROUTE ifname [network] SET STATICROUTE ifname network [[NEXTHOPMACADDRESS=] mac] [[TICKS=] ticks] [[HOPS=] hops] ADD STATICROUTE ifname network [NEXTHOPMACADDRESS=] mac [TICKS=] ticks [HOPS=] hops DELETE STATICROUTE ifname network Where: ifname - name of the interface. network - 4-byte network address (up to 8 hex digits, leading 0's optional). mac - 6-byte next hop mac address (up to 12 hex digits, leading 0's optional). ticks - tick count (decimal). hops - hop count (decimal). . MessageId=0009 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_HELP_SERVICE Language=English
Object SERVICE is used to monitor SAP service table. Command syntax: SHOW SERVICE [svtype [svname]] Where: svtype - 2-byte service type (up to 4 hex digits, leading 0's optional). svname - service name. . MessageId=0010 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_HELP_STATICSERVICE Language=English
Object STATICSERVICE is used to configure static services on router interfaces. Command syntax: SHOW STATICSERVICE ifname [svtype svname] SET STATICSERVICE ifname svtype svname [[NETWORK=] net] [[NODE=] node] [[SOCKET=] socket] [[HOPS=] hops] ADD STATICSERVICE ifname svtype svname [NETWORK=] net [NODE=] node [SOCKET=] socket [HOPS=] hops DELETE STATICSERVICE ifname svtype svname Where: ifname - name of the interface. svtype - 2-byte service type (up to 4 hex digits, leading 0's optional). svname - service name. net - 4-byte network address (up to 8 hex digits, leading 0's optional). node - 6-byte node address (up to 12 hex digits, leading 0's optional). socket - 2-byte socket address (up to 4 hex digits, leading 0's optional). hops - hop count (decimal). . MessageId=0011 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_HELP_TRAFFICFILTER Language=English
Object FILTER is used to configure traffic filters on router interfaces. Command syntax: SHOW FILTER ifname ADD FILTER ifname mode [SRCNET= net mask] [SRCNODE= node] [SRCSOCKET= socket] [DSTNET= net mask] [DSTNODE= node] [DSTSOCKET= socket] [PKTTYPE= pkttype] [LOG] DELETE FILTER ifname mode [SRCNET= net mask] [SRCNODE= node] [SRCSOCKET= socket] [DSTNET= net mask] [DSTNODE= node] [DSTSOCKET= socket] [PKTTYPE= pkttype] SET FILTER ifname mode action Where: ifname - name of the interface. mode - INPUT or OUTPUT. net - 4-byte network address (up to 8 hex digits, leading 0's optional). mask - 4-byte network mask (up to 8 hex digits, leading 0's optional). node - 6-byte node address (up to 12 hex digits, leading 0's optional). socket - 2-byte socket address (up to 4 hex digits, leading 0's optional). pkttype - 1-byte packet type (up to 2 hex digits, leading 0's optional). action - PERMIT or DENY. .
;// Table / screen formats
MessageId=0100 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_MIB_TABLE_HDR Language=English
Oper Admin WAN Prot. Type Name =============================================================================== . MessageId=0101 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_MIB_TABLE_FMT Language=English %1!-10.10s! %2!-10.10s! %3!-12.12s! %4!-12.12s! %5!-60.60s! . MessageId=0102 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_IPXIF_MIB_TABLE_FMT Language=English N/A %1!-10.10s! %3!-12.12s! %2!-12.12s! %4!-30.30s! . MessageId=0103 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_MIB_SCREEN_FMT Language=English
Interface Name : %1!-40ls! Interface Type : %2 WAN Protocol : %3 Administrative State : %4 Operational State : %5 Network Number : %6!.2x!%7!.2x!%8!.2x!%9!.2x! MAC Address : %10!.2x!%11!.2x!%12!.2x!%13!.2x!%14!.2x!%15!.2x! Input packets statistics: dropped due to header errors : %16!ld! dropped due to filtering : %17!ld! dropped due to no route : %18!ld! dropped for other reasons : %19!ld! received OK : %20!ld! Output packets statistics: dropped due to filtering : %21!ld! dropped for other reasons : %22!ld! sent OK : %23!ld! . MessageId=0104 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_CFG_TABLE_HDR Language=English
State Type WAN Prot. Name ============================================================================== . MessageId=0105 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_CFG_TABLE_FMT Language=English %1!-10.10s! %2!-12.12s! %3!-12.12s! %4!-40s! . MessageId=0106 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_IPXIF_CFG_TABLE_FMT Language=English %1!-10.10s! %2!-12.12s! %3!-12.12s! %4!-40s! . MessageId=0107 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_CFG_SCREEN_FMT Language=English
Interface Name : %1!-80ls! Interface Type : %2 WAN Protocol : %4 Administrative State : %3 . MessageId=0108 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_IPXIF_CFG_SCREEN_FMT Language=English
Interface Name : %4!-80s! Interface Type : %2 WAN Protocol : %3 Administrative State : %1 .
;// Route
MessageId=0139 SymbolicName=MSG_ROUTE_TABLE_HDR Language=English
Network Next Hop MAC Address Ticks Hops Protocol Interface Name ================================================================================ . MessageId=0140 SymbolicName=MSG_ROUTE_TABLE_FMT Language=English %1!.2x!%2!.2x!%3!.2x!%4!.2x! %6!.2x!%7!.2x!%8!.2x!%9!.2x!%10!.2x!%11!.2x! %12!3.3d! %13!2.2d! %14!-9.9s!%5!-50.50s! . MessageId=0141 SymbolicName=MSG_ROUTE_SCREEN_FMT Language=English
Network Number : %1!.2x!%2!.2x!%3!.2x!%4!.2x! Interface Name : %5!s! Next Hop MAC Address : %6!.2x!%7!.2x!%8!.2x!%9!.2x!%10!.2x!%11!.2x! Tick Count : %12!d! Hop Count : %13!d! Protocol : %14 .
;// Service
MessageId=0142 SymbolicName=MSG_SERVICE_TABLE_HDR Language=English
Type Server Name Hops Proto Interface Name =============================================================================== . MessageId=0143 SymbolicName=MSG_SERVICE_TABLE_FMT Language=English %1!.4x! %2!-47.47hs! %4!2.2d! %5 %3!-16.16s! . MessageId=0144 SymbolicName=MSG_SERVICE_SCREEN_FMT Language=English
Server Type : %1!.4x! Server Name : %2!hs! Interface Name : %3!s! Hop Count : %4!d! Network Address : %5!.2x!%6!.2x!%7!.2x!%8!.2x! Node Address : %9!.2x!%10!.2x!%11!.2x!%12!.2x!%13!.2x!%14!.2x! Socket Address : %15!.2x!%16!.2x! Protocol : %17 .
;// Static Route
MessageId=0145 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICROUTE_TABLE_HDR Language=English
Network Next Hop MAC Address Ticks Hops ========================================= . MessageId=0146 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICROUTE_TABLE_FMT Language=English %1!.2x!%2!.2x!%3!.2x!%4!.2x! %5!.2x!%6!.2x!%7!.2x!%8!.2x!%9!.2x!%10!.2x! %11!3.3d! %12!2.3d! . MessageId=0147 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICROUTE_SCREEN_FMT Language=English
Network Number : %1!.2x!%2!.2x!%3!.2x!%4!.2x! Next Hop MAC Address : %5!.2x!%6!.2x!%7!.2x!%8!.2x!%9!.2x!%10!.2x! Tick Count : %11!d! Hop Count : %12!d! .
;// Static Service
MessageId=0148 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICSERVICE_TABLE_HDR Language=English
Type Server Name Hops ========================================================= . MessageId=0149 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICSERVICE_TABLE_FMT Language=English %1!.4x! %2!-48.48hs! %3!2.2d! . MessageId=0150 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICSERVICE_SCREEN_FMT Language=English
Server Type : %1!.4x! Server Name : %2!hs! Hop Count : %3!d! Network Address : %4!.2x!%5!.2x!%6!.2x!%7!.2x! Node Address : %8!.2x!%9!.2x!%10!.2x!%11!.2x!%12!.2x!%13!.2x! Socket Address : %14!.2x!%15!.2x! .
MessageId=0151 SymbolicName=MSG_RIPFILTER_TABLE_HDR Language=English
%1 Filters, action: %2 matching routes. Network Network Mask ===================== . MessageId=0152 SymbolicName=MSG_RIPFILTER_TABLE_FMT Language=English %1!.2x!%2!.2x!%3!.2x!%4!.2x! %5!.2x!%6!.2x!%7!.2x!%8!.2x! .
MessageId=0153 SymbolicName=MSG_SAPFILTER_TABLE_HDR Language=English
%1 Filters, action: %2 matching services. Type Server Name ===================================================== . MessageId=0154 SymbolicName=MSG_SAPFILTER_TABLE_FMT Language=English %1!.4x! %2!hs! .
MessageId=0155 SymbolicName=MSG_NBNAME_TABLE_HDR Language=English
Name Type ==================== . MessageId=0156 SymbolicName=MSG_NBNAME_TABLE_FMT Language=English %1!-15.15s! <%2!.2x!> .
MessageId=0157 SymbolicName=MSG_TRAFFICFILTER_TABLE_HDR Language=English
%1 Traffic Filters, action: %2 matching packets. ===================================+===================================+===+=== SOURCE | DESTINATION |Pkt|Log Network-Netmask:MAC Address:Socket |Network-Netmask:MAC Address:Socket |Typ|Pkt ===================================+===================================+===+=== . ;//xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxx|xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxx| xx|xxx
MessageId=0158 SymbolicName=MSG_TRAFFICFILTER_TABLE_FMT Language=English %1-%2:%3:%4|%5-%6:%7:%8| %9|%10 . ;//Hex numbers are converted to strings first so that DON'T CARE (xxx)
;//can be used if filtering on specific component of the packet header
;//is not desired.
MessageId=0159 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_GLOBAL_FMT Language=English
Event Log Level : %1 .
MessageId=0160 SymbolicName=MSG_RIP_GLOBAL_FMT Language=English
Event Log Level : %1 .
MessageId=0161 SymbolicName=MSG_SAP_GLOBAL_FMT Language=English
Event Log Level : %1 .
;// Error messages
MessageId=0200 SymbolicName=MSG_INVALID_INTERFACE_NAME Language=English The interface name specifed is invalid. . MessageId=0201 SymbolicName=MSG_INTERFACE_INFO_CORRUPTED Language=English The interface configuration information is corrupted. . MessageId=0202 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_NOT_ROUTER Language=English The requested operation can only be performed on interfaces of type WAN ROUTER. . MessageId=0203 SymbolicName=MSG_INVALID_FILTERSET_NAME Language=English The filter set name specifed is invalid. . MessageId=0204 SymbolicName=MSG_ROUTER_INFO_CORRUPTED Language=English The router information database is corrupted. . MessageId=0205 SymbolicName=MSG_REGISTRY_FALLBACK Language=English Router query failed, trying to query registry... . MessageId=0206 SymbolicName=MSG_NO_IPX_ON_INTERFACE_ADM Language=English
IPX is not installed on this interface in the router. . MessageId=0207 SymbolicName=MSG_NO_IPX_ON_INTERFACE_CFG Language=English
IPX is not installed on this interface. . MessageId=0208 SymbolicName=MSG_NO_IPX_IN_ROUTER_ADM Language=English
Router does not have IPX installed. . MessageId=0209 SymbolicName=MSG_NO_IPX_IN_ROUTER_CFG Language=English
Router does not have IPX configured. . MessageId=0210 SymbolicName=MSG_INCOMPLETE_COMMAND Language=English
The command is incomplete. The possible completions are: .
;// Status messages
;// IPX
MessageId=0300 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set IPX information on interface %1!ls! into the router. . MessageId=0301 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set IPX information on interface %1!ls! into the registry. . MessageId=0302 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_IPXIF_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set IPX information on Dial-In Client interface into the router. . MessageId=0303 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_IPXIF_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set IPX information on Dial-In Client interface into the registry. . MessageId=0304 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_ADD_ADM Language=English
Successfully installed IPX on interface %1!ls! in the router. . MessageId=0305 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_ADD_CFG Language=English
Successfully installed IPX on interface %1!ls! in the registry. . MessageId=0306 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_DEL_ADM Language=English
Successfully removed IPX on interface %1!ls! from the router. . MessageId=0307 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXIF_DEL_CFG Language=English
Successfully removed IPX on interface %1!ls! from the registry. .
;// RIP
MessageId=0308 SymbolicName=MSG_RIPIF_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set RIP information on interface %1!ls! into the router. . MessageId=0309 SymbolicName=MSG_RIPIF_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set RIP information on interface %1!ls! into the registry. . MessageId=0310 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_RIPIF_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set RIP information on Dial-In Client interface into the router. . MessageId=0311 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_RIPIF_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set RIP information on Dial-In Client interface into the registry. .
;// SAP
MessageId=0312 SymbolicName=MSG_SAPIF_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set SAP information on interface %1!ls! into the router. . MessageId=0313 SymbolicName=MSG_SAPIF_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set SAP information on interface %1!ls! into the registry. . MessageId=0314 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_SAPIF_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set SAP information on Dial-In Client interface into the router. . MessageId=0315 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_SAPIF_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set SAP information on Dial-In Client interface into the registry. .
MessageId=0316 SymbolicName=MSG_NBIF_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set NBIPX information on interface %1!ls! into the router. . MessageId=0317 SymbolicName=MSG_NBIF_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set NBIPX information on interface %1!ls! into the registry. . MessageId=0318 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_NBIF_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set NBIPX information on Dial-In Client interface into the router. . MessageId=0319 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_NBIF_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set NBIPX information on Dial-In Client interface into the registry. . ;// STATICROUTE
MessageId=0320 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICROUTE_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set STATICROUTE information on interface %1!ls! into the router. . MessageId=0321 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICROUTE_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set STATICROUTE information on interface %1!ls! into the registry. . MessageId=0322 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICROUTE_CREATED_ADM Language=English
Successfully created STATICROUTE on interface %1!ls! in the router. . MessageId=0323 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICROUTE_CREATED_CFG Language=English
Successfully created STATICROUTE on interface %1!ls! in the registry. . MessageId=0324 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICROUTE_DELETED_ADM Language=English
Successfully deleted STATICROUTE on interface %1!ls! from the router. . MessageId=0325 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICROUTE_DELETED_CFG Language=English
Successfully deleted STATICROUTE on interface %1!ls! from the registry. .
MessageId=0326 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICSERVICE_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set STATICSERVICE information on interface %1!ls! into the router. . MessageId=0327 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICSERVICE_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set STATICSERVICE information on interface %1!ls! into the registry. . MessageId=0328 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICSERVICE_CREATED_ADM Language=English
Successfully created STATICSERVICE on interface %1!ls! in the router. . MessageId=0329 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICSERVICE_CREATED_CFG Language=English
Successfully created STATICSERVICE on interface %1!ls! in the registry. . MessageId=0330 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICSERVICE_DELETED_ADM Language=English
Successfully deleted STATICSERVICE on interface %1!ls! from the router. . MessageId=0331 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICSERVICE_DELETED_CFG Language=English
Successfully deleted STATICSERVICE on interface %1!ls! from the registry. .
MessageId=0332 SymbolicName=MSG_RIPFILTER_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set RIPFILTER information on interface %1!ls! into the router. . MessageId=0333 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_RIPFILTER_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set RIPFILTER information on Dial-In Client interface into the router. . MessageId=0334 SymbolicName=MSG_RIPFILTER_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set RIPFILTER information on interface %1!ls! into the registry. . MessageId=0335 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_RIPFILTER_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set RIPFILTER information on Dial-In Client interface into the registry. . MessageId=0336 SymbolicName=MSG_RIPFILTER_CREATED_ADM Language=English
Successfully created RIPFILTER on interface %1!ls! in the router. . MessageId=0337 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_RIPFILTER_CREATED_ADM Language=English
Successfully created RIPFILTER on Dial-In Client interface in the router. . MessageId=0338 SymbolicName=MSG_RIPFILTER_CREATED_CFG Language=English
Successfully created RIPFILTER on interface %1!ls! in the registry. . MessageId=0339 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_RIPFILTER_CREATED_CFG Language=English
Successfully created RIPFILTER on Dial-In Client interface in the registry. . MessageId=0340 SymbolicName=MSG_RIPFILTER_DELETED_ADM Language=English
Successfully deleted RIPFILTER on interface %1!ls! from the router. . MessageId=0341 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_RIPFILTER_DELETED_ADM Language=English
Successfully deleted RIPFILTER on Dial-In Client interface from the router. . MessageId=0342 SymbolicName=MSG_RIPFILTER_DELETED_CFG Language=English
Successfully deleted RIPFILTER on interface %1!ls! from the registry. . MessageId=0343 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_RIPFILTER_DELETED_CFG Language=English
Successfully deleted RIPFILTER on Dial-In Client interface from the registry. .
MessageId=0344 SymbolicName=MSG_SAPFILTER_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set SAPFILTER information on interface %1!ls! into the router. . MessageId=0345 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_SAPFILTER_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set SAPFILTER information on Dial-In Client interface into the router. . MessageId=0346 SymbolicName=MSG_SAPFILTER_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set SAPFILTER information on interface %1!ls! into the registry. . MessageId=0347 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_SAPFILTER_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set SAPFILTER information on Dial-In Client interface into the registry. . MessageId=0348 SymbolicName=MSG_SAPFILTER_CREATED_ADM Language=English
Successfully created SAPFILTER on interface %1!ls! in the router. . MessageId=0349 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_SAPFILTER_CREATED_ADM Language=English
Successfully created SAPFILTER on Dial-In Client interface in the router. . MessageId=0350 SymbolicName=MSG_SAPFILTER_CREATED_CFG Language=English
Successfully created SAPFILTER on interface %1!ls! in the registry. . MessageId=0351 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_SAPFILTER_CREATED_CFG Language=English
Successfully created SAPFILTER on Dial-In Client interface in the registry. . MessageId=0352 SymbolicName=MSG_SAPFILTER_DELETED_ADM Language=English
Successfully deleted SAPFILTER on interface %1!ls! from the router. . MessageId=0353 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_SAPFILTER_DELETED_ADM Language=English
Successfully deleted SAPFILTER on Dial-In Client interface from the router. . MessageId=0354 SymbolicName=MSG_SAPFILTER_DELETED_CFG Language=English
Successfully deleted SAPFILTER on interface %1!ls! from the registry. . MessageId=0355 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_SAPFILTER_DELETED_CFG Language=English
Successfully deleted SAPFILTER on Dial-In Client interface from the registry. .
MessageId=0356 SymbolicName=MSG_NBNAME_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set NBNAME information on interface %1!ls! into the router. . MessageId=0357 SymbolicName=MSG_NBNAME_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set NBNAME information on interface %1!ls! into the registry. . MessageId=0358 SymbolicName=MSG_NBNAME_CREATED_ADM Language=English
Successfully created NBNAME on interface %1!ls! in the router. . MessageId=0359 SymbolicName=MSG_NBNAME_CREATED_CFG Language=English
Successfully created NBNAME on interface %1!ls! in the registry. . MessageId=0360 SymbolicName=MSG_NBNAME_DELETED_ADM Language=English
Successfully deleted NBNAME on interface %1!ls! from the router. . MessageId=0361 SymbolicName=MSG_NBNAME_DELETED_CFG Language=English
Successfully deleted NBNAME on interface %1!ls! from the registry. .
MessageId=0362 SymbolicName=MSG_TRAFFICFILTER_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set FILTER information on interface %1!ls! into the router. . MessageId=0363 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_TRAFFICFILTER_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set FILTER information on Dial-In Client interface into the router. . MessageId=0364 SymbolicName=MSG_TRAFFICFILTER_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set FILTER information on interface %1!ls! into the registry. . MessageId=0365 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_TRAFFICFILTER_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set FILTER information on Dial-In Client interface into the registry. . MessageId=0366 SymbolicName=MSG_TRAFFICFILTER_CREATED_ADM Language=English
Successfully created FILTER on interface %1!ls! in the router. . MessageId=0367 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_TRAFFICFILTER_CREATED_ADM Language=English
Successfully created FILTER on Dial-In Client interface in the router. . MessageId=0368 SymbolicName=MSG_TRAFFICFILTER_CREATED_CFG Language=English
Successfully created FILTER on interface %1!ls! in the registry. . MessageId=0369 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_TRAFFICFILTER_CREATED_CFG Language=English
Successfully created FILTER on Dial-In Client interface in the registry. . MessageId=0370 SymbolicName=MSG_TRAFFICFILTER_DELETED_ADM Language=English
Successfully deleted FILTER on interface %1!ls! from the router. . MessageId=0371 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_TRAFFICFILTER_DELETED_ADM Language=English
Successfully deleted FILTER on Dial-In Client interface from the router. . MessageId=0372 SymbolicName=MSG_TRAFFICFILTER_DELETED_CFG Language=English
Successfully deleted FILTER on interface %1!ls! from the registry. . MessageId=0373 SymbolicName=MSG_CLIENT_TRAFFICFILTER_DELETED_CFG Language=English
Successfully deleted FILTER on Dial-In Client interface from the registry. . MessageId=0374 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXGL_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set IPX global parameters into the router. . MessageId=0375 SymbolicName=MSG_IPXGL_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set IPX global parameters into the registry. . MessageId=0376 SymbolicName=MSG_RIPGL_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set RIP global parameters into the router. . MessageId=0377 SymbolicName=MSG_RIPGL_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set RIP global parameters into the registry. . MessageId=0378 SymbolicName=MSG_SAPGL_SET_ADM Language=English
Successfully set SAP global parameters into the router. . MessageId=0379 SymbolicName=MSG_SAPGL_SET_CFG Language=English
Successfully set SAP global parameters into the registry. . MessageId=0380 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICSERVICE_NONE_FOUND Language=English
No static services are associated with the given interface. . MessageId=0381 SymbolicName=MSG_STATICROUTE_NONE_FOUND Language=English
No static routes are associated with the given interface. .
; // DUMP
MessageId=0901 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_DUMP_HEADER Language=English
#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!# # # # BEFORE running this script # # # # To restore IPX router configuration, you must first # # UNINSTALL IPX from the Network connections folder and # # then REINSTALL it. # # # # This deletes the old IPX router configuration # # and restores the IPX router configuration to its # # default # # # #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#
#---------------------------------------------------------- # IPX configuration #---------------------------------------------------------- .
MessageId=0902 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_DUMP_GLOBAL_HEADER Language=English
#---------------------------------------------------------- # IPX Global configuration #---------------------------------------------------------- .
MessageId=0903 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_DUMP_IF_HEADER Language=English
#---------------------------------------------------------- # IPX Interface configuration #---------------------------------------------------------- .
MessageId=0904 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_DUMP_STATIC_ROUTE_HEADER Language=English
#---------------------------------------------------------- # IPX Static Route configuration #---------------------------------------------------------- .
MessageId=0905 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_DUMP_STATIC_SERVICE_HEADER Language=English
#---------------------------------------------------------- # IPX Static Service configuration #---------------------------------------------------------- .
MessageId=0906 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_DUMP_TRAFFIC_FILTER_HEADER Language=English
#---------------------------------------------------------- # IPX Traffic Filter configuration #---------------------------------------------------------- .
MessageId=0907 SymbolicName=MSG_IPX_DUMP_FOOTER Language=English
# End of IPX configuration .