Copyright(c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
MODULE NAME impersn.c
ABSTRACT Impersonation routines for the automatic connection service.
AUTHOR Anthony Discolo (adiscolo) 04-Aug-1995
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <npapi.h>
#include <acd.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include "reg.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "process.h"
#include "imperson.h"
#include "mprlog.h"
#include "rtutils.h"
extern HANDLE g_hLogEvent;
DWORD LoadGroupMemberships();
// The static information we
// need to impersonate the currently
// logged-in user.
// TRUE if ImpersonationInfoG has been initialized
BOOLEAN ImpersonationInfoInitializedG = FALSE;
// Security attributes and descriptor
// necessary for creating shareable handles.
#ifdef notdef
BOOLEAN InteractiveSession()
DESCRIPTION Determine whether the active process is owned by the currently logged-in user.
RETURNS TRUE if it is, FALSE if it isn't.
{ HANDLE hToken; BOOLEAN bStatus; ULONG ulInfoLength; PTOKEN_GROUPS pTokenGroupList; PTOKEN_USER pTokenUser; ULONG ulGroupIndex; BOOLEAN bFoundInteractive = FALSE; PSID InteractiveSid; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY NtAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; static BOOLEAN fIsInteractiveSession = 0xffff;
#if 0
// Return the previous value of this function
// if we're called multiple times?! Doesn't
// GetCurrentProcess() return different values?
if (fIsInteractiveSession != 0xffff) { return fIsInteractiveSession; } #endif
bStatus = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &NtAuthority, 1, SECURITY_INTERACTIVE_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &InteractiveSid); if (!bStatus) { RASAUTO_TRACE("InteractiveSession: AllocateAndInitializeSid failed"); return (fIsInteractiveSession = FALSE); } if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) { RASAUTO_TRACE("InteractiveSession: OpenProcessToken failed"); FreeSid(InteractiveSid); return (fIsInteractiveSession = FALSE); } //
// Get a list of groups in the token.
GetTokenInformation( hToken, TokenGroups, NULL, 0, &ulInfoLength); pTokenGroupList = (PTOKEN_GROUPS)LocalAlloc(LPTR, ulInfoLength); if (pTokenGroupList == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE("InteractiveSession: LocalAlloc failed"); FreeSid(InteractiveSid); return (fIsInteractiveSession = FALSE); } bStatus = GetTokenInformation( hToken, TokenGroups, pTokenGroupList, ulInfoLength, &ulInfoLength); if (!bStatus) { RASAUTO_TRACE("InteractiveSession: GetTokenInformation failed"); FreeSid(InteractiveSid); LocalFree(pTokenGroupList); return (fIsInteractiveSession = FALSE); } //
// Search group list for admin alias. If we
// find a match, it most certainly is an
// interactive process.
bFoundInteractive = FALSE; for (ulGroupIndex=0; ulGroupIndex < pTokenGroupList->GroupCount; ulGroupIndex++) { if (EqualSid( pTokenGroupList->Groups[ulGroupIndex].Sid, InteractiveSid)) { bFoundInteractive = TRUE; break; } }
if (!bFoundInteractive) { //
// If we haven't found a match,
// query and check the user ID.
GetTokenInformation( hToken, TokenUser, NULL, 0, &ulInfoLength); pTokenUser = LocalAlloc(LPTR, ulInfoLength); if (pTokenUser == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE("InteractiveSession: LocalAlloc failed"); FreeSid(InteractiveSid); LocalFree(pTokenGroupList); return (fIsInteractiveSession = FALSE); } bStatus = GetTokenInformation( hToken, TokenUser, pTokenUser, ulInfoLength, &ulInfoLength); if (!bStatus) { RASAUTO_TRACE("InteractiveSession: GetTokenInformation failed"); FreeSid(InteractiveSid); LocalFree(pTokenGroupList); LocalFree(pTokenUser); return (fIsInteractiveSession = FALSE); } if (EqualSid(pTokenUser->User.Sid, InteractiveSid)) fIsInteractiveSession = TRUE; LocalFree(pTokenUser); } FreeSid(InteractiveSid); LocalFree(pTokenGroupList);
return (fIsInteractiveSession = bFoundInteractive); } #endif
BOOLEAN SetProcessImpersonationToken( HANDLE hProcess ) { NTSTATUS status; HANDLE hThread, hToken = NULL;
// Open the impersonation token for the
// process we want to impersonate.
if (ImpersonationInfoG.hTokenImpersonation == NULL) { if (!OpenProcessToken( hProcess, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, &hToken)) { RASAUTO_TRACE1( "SetProcessImpersonationToken: OpenProcessToken failed (dwErr=%d)", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } //
// Duplicate the impersonation token.
if(!DuplicateToken( hToken, TokenImpersonation, &ImpersonationInfoG.hTokenImpersonation)) { RASAUTO_TRACE1( "SetProcessImpersonationToken: NtSetInformationThread failed (error=%d)", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } } //
// Set the impersonation token on the current
// thread. We are now running in the same
// security context as the supplied process.
hThread = NtCurrentThread(); status = NtSetInformationThread( hThread, ThreadImpersonationToken, (PVOID)&ImpersonationInfoG.hTokenImpersonation, sizeof (ImpersonationInfoG.hTokenImpersonation)); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { RASAUTO_TRACE1( "SetProcessImpersonationToken: NtSetInformationThread failed (error=%d)", GetLastError()); } if(NULL != hToken) { CloseHandle(hToken); }
return (status == STATUS_SUCCESS); } // SetProcessImpersonationToken
VOID ClearImpersonationToken() { //
// Clear the impersonation token on the current
// thread. We are now running in LocalSystem
// security context.
if (!SetThreadToken(NULL, NULL)) { DWORD retcode = GetLastError(); RASAUTO_TRACE1( "ClearImpersonationToken: SetThreadToken failed (error=%d)", retcode);
// Event log that thread failed to revert.
RouterLogWarning( g_hLogEvent, ROUTERLOG_CANNOT_REVERT_IMPERSONATION, 0, NULL, retcode) ; } } // ClearImpersonationToken
BOOLEAN SetPrivilege( HANDLE hToken, LPCTSTR Privilege, BOOLEAN fEnable ) { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; LUID luid; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tpPrevious; DWORD cbPrevious = sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES);
if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, Privilege, &luid)) return FALSE;
// First pass. Get current privilege setting.
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid; tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = 0;
AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &tp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), &tpPrevious, &cbPrevious);
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
// Second pass. Set privilege based on previous setting
tpPrevious.PrivilegeCount = 1; tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Luid = luid;
if (fEnable) tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Attributes |= (SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED); else { tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Attributes ^= (SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED & tpPrevious.Privileges[0].Attributes); }
AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &tpPrevious, cbPrevious, NULL, NULL);
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
return TRUE; } // SetPrivilege
BOOLEAN GetCurrentlyLoggedOnUser( HANDLE *phProcess ) { BOOLEAN fSuccess = FALSE; HKEY hkey; DWORD dwErr, dwType; DWORD dwDisp; WCHAR *pszShell = NULL, **pszShellArray = NULL; PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION pSystemInfo, pProcessInfo; PWCHAR psz, pszStart; DWORD i, dwSize, dwcCommands; NTSTATUS status; HANDLE hProcess = NULL; DWORD dwPid = 0;
// Get the shell process name. We will look for this
// to find out who the currently logged-on user is.
// Create a unicode string that describes this name.
if (RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SHELL_REGKEY, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkey, &dwDisp) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwSize = 0; if (RegQueryValueEx( hkey, SHELL_REGVAL, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pszShell = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwSize + sizeof (WCHAR)); if (pszShell == NULL) { RegCloseKey(hkey); return FALSE; } dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, SHELL_REGVAL, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pszShell, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hkey); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_SZ) { LocalFree(pszShell); pszShell = NULL; } } } //
// If no shell was found, use DEFAULT_SHELL.
if (pszShell == NULL) { pszShell = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc( LPTR, (lstrlen(DEFAULT_SHELL) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); if (pszShell == NULL) return FALSE; lstrcpy(pszShell, DEFAULT_SHELL); } RASAUTO_TRACE1("ImpersonateCurrentlyLoggedInUser: pszShell is %S", pszShell); //
// This string can be a comma separated list,
// so we need to parse it into a list of commands.
dwcCommands = 1; for (psz = pszShell; *psz != L'\0'; psz++) { if (*psz == L',') dwcCommands++; } //
// Allocate the list of string pointers.
pszShellArray = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof (PWCHAR) * dwcCommands); if (pszShellArray == NULL) { LocalFree(pszShell); return FALSE; } //
// Ignore any arguments from the command line.
dwcCommands = 0; psz = pszShell; pszStart = NULL; for (;;) { if (*psz == L'\0') { if (pszStart != NULL) pszShellArray[dwcCommands++] = pszStart; break; } else if (*psz == L',') { if (pszStart != NULL) pszShellArray[dwcCommands++] = pszStart; *psz = L'\0'; pszStart = NULL; } else if (*psz == L' ') { if (pszStart != NULL) *psz = L'\0'; } else { if (pszStart == NULL) pszStart = psz; } psz++; } for (i = 0; i < dwcCommands; i++) { RASAUTO_TRACE2( "ImpersonateCurrentlyLoggedInUser: pszShellArray[%d] is %S", i, pszShellArray[i]); } //
// Get the process list.
pSystemInfo = GetSystemProcessInfo();
if(NULL == pSystemInfo) { LocalFree(pszShell); LocalFree(pszShellArray); return FALSE; }
while(TRUE) { //
// See if any of the processes are running.
pProcessInfo = FindProcessByNameList( pSystemInfo, pszShellArray, dwcCommands, dwPid, ImpersonationInfoG.fSessionInitialized, ImpersonationInfoG.dwCurSessionId); //
// Open the process token if we've found a match.
if (pProcessInfo != NULL) { HANDLE hToken;
// Open the process.
hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, PtrToUlong(pProcessInfo->UniqueProcessId)); if (hProcess == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE2( "ImpersonateCurrentlyLoggedInUser: OpenProcess(%d) failed (dwErr=%d)", PtrToUlong(pProcessInfo->UniqueProcessId), GetLastError());
dwPid = PtrToUlong(pProcessInfo->UniqueProcessId); } else { fSuccess = TRUE; break; } } else { break; } }
#ifdef notdef
done: #endif
// Free resources.
FreeSystemProcessInfo(pSystemInfo); if (pszShell != NULL) LocalFree(pszShell); if (pszShellArray != NULL) LocalFree(pszShellArray); //
// Return process handle.
*phProcess = hProcess;
return fSuccess; } // GetCurrentlyLoggedOnUser
DWORD SetCurrentLoginSession( IN DWORD dwSessionId) { RASAUTO_TRACE1("SetCurrentLoginSession %d", dwSessionId);
EnterCriticalSection(&ImpersonationInfoG.csLock); ImpersonationInfoG.dwCurSessionId = dwSessionId; ImpersonationInfoG.fSessionInitialized = TRUE;
LeaveCriticalSection(&ImpersonationInfoG.csLock); return NO_ERROR; }
HANDLE RefreshImpersonation( HANDLE hProcess ) { NTSTATUS status;
EnterCriticalSection(&ImpersonationInfoG.csLock); //
// If the process still exists,
// we can return.
if (ImpersonationInfoG.hProcess != NULL && hProcess == ImpersonationInfoG.hProcess) { RASAUTO_TRACE1("RefreshImpersonation: hProcess=0x%x no change", hProcess); goto done; } //
// Otherwise recalcuate the current information.
// We have to clear the previous impersonation token,
// if any.
if (hProcess != NULL) ClearImpersonationToken(); if (ImpersonationInfoG.hProcess == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE("RefreshImpersonation: recalcuating token"); if (!GetCurrentlyLoggedOnUser(&ImpersonationInfoG.hProcess)) { RASAUTO_TRACE("RefreshImpersonation: GetCurrentlyLoggedOnUser failed"); goto done; } RASAUTO_TRACE("RefreshImpersonation: new user logged in"); } //
// Impersonate the currently logged-in user.
if (!SetProcessImpersonationToken(ImpersonationInfoG.hProcess)) { RASAUTO_TRACE( "RefreshImpersonation: SetProcessImpersonationToken failed"); goto done; } #ifdef notdef // imperson
// Reset HKEY_CURRENT_USER to get the
// correct value with the new impersonation
// token.
RegCloseKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER); #endif
RASAUTO_TRACE1( "RefreshImpersonation: new hProcess=0x%x", ImpersonationInfoG.hProcess); TraceCurrentUser();
// Open the currently logged on users hive and store it in a global
if(NULL != hkeyCUG) { NtClose(hkeyCUG); hkeyCUG = NULL; }
if(STATUS_SUCCESS != RtlOpenCurrentUser(KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyCUG)) { RASAUTO_TRACE("Failed to open HKCU for the current user"); }
done: LeaveCriticalSection(&ImpersonationInfoG.csLock);
return ImpersonationInfoG.hProcess; } // RefreshImpersonation
VOID RevertImpersonation()
DESCRIPTION Close all open handles associated with the logged-in user who has just logged out.
{ EnterCriticalSection(&ImpersonationInfoG.csLock);
if(ImpersonationInfoG.hToken != NULL) { CloseHandle(ImpersonationInfoG.hToken); ImpersonationInfoG.hToken = NULL; }
if(ImpersonationInfoG.hTokenImpersonation != NULL) { CloseHandle(ImpersonationInfoG.hTokenImpersonation); ImpersonationInfoG.hTokenImpersonation = NULL; }
if(ImpersonationInfoG.hProcess != NULL) { CloseHandle(ImpersonationInfoG.hProcess); ImpersonationInfoG.hProcess = NULL; } ImpersonationInfoG.fGroupsLoaded = FALSE;
if(NULL != hkeyCUG) { NtClose(hkeyCUG); hkeyCUG = NULL; } //
// Clear the thread's impersonation
// token, or it won't be able to open
// another user's process the next
// time around.
ClearImpersonationToken(); LeaveCriticalSection(&ImpersonationInfoG.csLock); } // RevertImpersonation
DWORD InitSecurityDescriptor( IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor )
DESCRIPTION Initialize a security descriptor allowing administrator access for the sharing of handles between rasman.dll.
This code courtesy of Gurdeep. You need to ask him exactly what it does.
ARGUMENTS pSecurityDescriptor: a pointer to the security descriptor to be initialized.
RETURN VALUE Win32 error code.
DWORD dwAcls;
// Set up the SID for the adminstrators that
// will be allowed access. This SID will have
// 1 sub-authorities: SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID.
pObjSid = (PSID)LocalAlloc(LPTR, GetSidLengthRequired(1)); if (pObjSid == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE("InitSecurityDescriptor: LocalAlloc failed"); return GetLastError(); } if (!InitializeSid(pObjSid, &sidIdentifierWorldAuth, 1)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); RASAUTO_TRACE1("InitSecurityDescriptor: InitializeSid failed (dwErr=0x%x)", dwErr); goto done; } //
// Set the sub-authorities.
pSubAuthority = GetSidSubAuthority(pObjSid, 0); *pSubAuthority = SECURITY_WORLD_RID; //
// Set up the DACL that will allow
// all processes with the above SID all
// access. It should be large enough to
// hold all ACEs.
cbDaclSize = sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid(pObjSid) + sizeof (ACL); pDacl = (PACL)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbDaclSize); if (pDacl == NULL ) { RASAUTO_TRACE("InitSecurityDescriptor: LocalAlloc failed"); dwErr = GetLastError(); goto done; } if (!InitializeAcl(pDacl, cbDaclSize, ACL_REVISION2)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); RASAUTO_TRACE1("InitSecurityDescriptor: InitializeAcl failed (dwErr=0x%x)", dwErr); goto done; }
dwAcls &= ~(WRITE_DAC | WRITE_OWNER); //
// Add the ACE to the DACL
if (!AddAccessAllowedAce( pDacl, ACL_REVISION2, dwAcls, pObjSid)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); RASAUTO_TRACE1("InitSecurityDescriptor: AddAccessAllowedAce failed (dwErr=0x%x)", dwErr); goto done; } //
// Create the security descriptor an put
// the DACL in it.
if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(pSecurityDescriptor, 1)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); RASAUTO_TRACE1("InitSecurityDescriptor: InitializeSecurityDescriptor failed (dwErr=0x%x)", dwErr); goto done; } if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( pSecurityDescriptor, TRUE, pDacl, FALSE)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); RASAUTO_TRACE1("InitSecurityDescriptor: SetSecurityDescriptorDacl failed (dwErr=0x%x)", dwErr); goto done; } //
// Set owner for the descriptor.
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorOwner(pSecurityDescriptor, NULL, FALSE)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); RASAUTO_TRACE1("InitSecurityDescriptor: SetSecurityDescriptorOwner failed (dwErr=0x%x)", dwErr); goto done; } //
// Set group for the descriptor.
if (!SetSecurityDescriptorGroup(pSecurityDescriptor, NULL, FALSE)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); RASAUTO_TRACE1("InitSecurityDescriptor: SetSecurityDescriptorGroup failed (dwErr=0x%x)", dwErr); goto done; }
done: //
// Cleanup if necessary.
if (dwErr) { if (pObjSid != NULL) LocalFree(pObjSid); if (pDacl != NULL) LocalFree(pDacl); } return dwErr; }
DWORD InitSecurityAttribute()
DESCRIPTION Initializes the global security attribute used in creating shareable handles.
This code courtesy of Gurdeep. You need to ask him exactly what it does.
RETURN VALUE Win32 error code.
{ DWORD dwErr;
// Initialize the security descriptor.
dwErr = InitSecurityDescriptor(&SecurityDescriptorG); if (dwErr) return dwErr; //
// Initialize the security attributes.
SecurityAttributeG.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); SecurityAttributeG.lpSecurityDescriptor = &SecurityDescriptorG; SecurityAttributeG.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
return 0; }
VOID TraceCurrentUser(VOID) { //WCHAR szUserName[512];
//DWORD dwSize = sizeof (szUserName) - 1;
//GetUserName(szUserName, &dwSize);
RASAUTO_TRACE1( "TraceCurrentUser: impersonating Current User %d", ImpersonationInfoG.dwCurSessionId); } // TraceCurrentUser
if(NULL == hkeyCUG) { dwErr = RtlOpenCurrentUser( KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyCUG);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { RASAUTO_TRACE1("DwGetHhcu: failed to open current user. 0x%x", dwErr);
goto done; } }
done: return dwErr; }
DWORD InitializeImpersonation()
DESCRIPTION Initializes the global structures used for impersonation
RETURN VALUE Win32 error code.
if (!ImpersonationInfoInitializedG) { ZeroMemory(&ImpersonationInfoG, sizeof(ImpersonationInfoG)); InitializeCriticalSection(&ImpersonationInfoG.csLock); ImpersonationInfoInitializedG = TRUE; }
return dwError; }
VOID CleanupImpersonation()
DESCRIPTION Cleans up the global structures used for impersonation
{ if (ImpersonationInfoInitializedG) { EnterCriticalSection(&ImpersonationInfoG.csLock); if (NULL != ImpersonationInfoG.pGuestSid) { FreeSid(ImpersonationInfoG.pGuestSid); ImpersonationInfoG.pGuestSid = NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection(&ImpersonationInfoG.csLock); DeleteCriticalSection(&ImpersonationInfoG.csLock); ImpersonationInfoInitializedG = FALSE; } }
BOOLEAN ImpersonatingGuest()
DESCRIPTION Returns whether or not the user that is currently being impersonating is a member of the local guests group
RETURN VALUE BOOLEAN -- TRUE if currently impersonating a guests, FALSE otherwise
{ BOOLEAN fIsGuest = FALSE; ASSERT(ImpersonationInfoInitializedG);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == LoadGroupMemberships()) { fIsGuest = ImpersonationInfoG.fGuest; }
return fIsGuest; }
DWORD LoadGroupMemberships()
DESCRIPTION Caches the group membership information for the impersonated user.
RETURN VALUE Win32 error code.
do { if (ImpersonationInfoG.fGroupsLoaded) { //
// Information already loaded
break; }
if (NULL == ImpersonationInfoG.hTokenImpersonation) { //
// There isn't an impersonated user.
dwError = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; break; }
if (NULL == ImpersonationInfoG.pGuestSid) { //
// Allocate the SID for the local guests group;
if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid( &IdentifierAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_GUESTS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &ImpersonationInfoG.pGuestSid )) { dwError = GetLastError(); break; } }
if (!CheckTokenMembership( ImpersonationInfoG.hTokenImpersonation, ImpersonationInfoG.pGuestSid, &fIsGuest )) { dwError = GetLastError(); break; }
ImpersonationInfoG.fGuest = !!fIsGuest; } while (FALSE);
return dwError; }
VOID LockImpersonation() { ASSERT(ImpersonationInfoInitializedG);
if(ImpersonationInfoInitializedG) { EnterCriticalSection(&ImpersonationInfoG.csLock); } }
VOID UnlockImpersonation() { ASSERT(ImpersonationInfoInitializedG);
if(ImpersonationInfoInitializedG) { LeaveCriticalSection(&ImpersonationInfoG.csLock); } }