/*******************************************************************/ /* Copyright(c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation */ /*******************************************************************/
// Filename: closehnd.c
// Description: This module contains auxiliary procedures for the
// supervisor's procedure-driven state machine that
// handles device closing events.
// Author: Stefan Solomon (stefans) June 1, 1992.
#include "ddm.h"
#include "handlers.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include <raserror.h>
#include <ddmif.h>
#include <util.h>
#include "rasmanif.h"
#include "isdn.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include <ntlsapi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Function: DevStartClosing
// Descr:
DDM_PRINT( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "DevStartClosing: Entered, hPort=%d", pDeviceObj->hPort);
// Was this a failure for a BAP callback?
if ( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_BAP_CALLBACK ) { PppDdmBapCallbackResult( pDeviceObj->hBapConnection, ERROR_PORT_DISCONNECTED );
pDeviceObj->fFlags &= ~DEV_OBJ_BAP_CALLBACK; }
// If not disconnected, disconnect the line.
if( pDeviceObj->ConnectionState != DISCONNECTED ) { if(( gblDDMConfigInfo.pServiceStatus->dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) && (!IsPortOwned(pDeviceObj))) { //
// RAS service is stopping and we do not own the port
// so just mark the state as DISCONNECTED
pDeviceObj->ConnectionState = DISCONNECTED;
DDM_PRINT( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "DevStartClosing:Disconnect not posted for biplx port%d", pDeviceObj->hPort); } else { RmDisconnect( pDeviceObj ); } }
// If we are doing security dialog.
if ( pDeviceObj->SecurityState == DEV_OBJ_SECURITY_DIALOG_ACTIVE ) { DDM_PRINT( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "DevStartClosing:Notifying sec. dll to Disconnect");
// If this fails then we assume that this port has been cleaned up
if ( (*gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnRasEndSecurityDialog)( pDeviceObj->hPort ) != NO_ERROR ) { pDeviceObj->SecurityState = DEV_OBJ_SECURITY_DIALOG_INACTIVE; } else { pDeviceObj->SecurityState = DEV_OBJ_SECURITY_DIALOG_STOPPING; } }
// If authentication is active, stop it
pDeviceObj->fFlags &= (~DEV_OBJ_AUTH_ACTIVE);
if ( ( pConnObj = ConnObjGetPointer( pDeviceObj->hConnection ) ) != NULL ) { //
// If our previous state has been active, get the time the user has been
// active and log the result.
if (pDeviceObj->DeviceState == DEV_OBJ_ACTIVE) { LogConnectionEvent( pConnObj, pDeviceObj ); } }
// If receive frame was active, stop it.
if ( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_RECEIVE_ACTIVE ) { pDeviceObj->fFlags &= (~DEV_OBJ_RECEIVE_ACTIVE ); }
// Stop timers. If no timer active, StopTimer still returns OK
TimerQRemove( (HANDLE)pDeviceObj->hPort, SvDiscTimeout );
TimerQRemove( (HANDLE)pDeviceObj->hPort, SvAuthTimeout );
TimerQRemove( (HANDLE)pDeviceObj->hPort, SvSecurityTimeout );
// Finally, change the state to closing
pDeviceObj->DeviceState = DEV_OBJ_CLOSING;
// If any any resources are still active, closing will have to wait
// until all resources are released.
// Check if everything has closed
DevCloseComplete( pDeviceObj ); }
// Function: DevCloseComplete
// Description: Checks if there are still resources allocated.
// If all cleaned up goes to next state
VOID DevCloseComplete( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObj ) { BOOL fAuthClosed = FALSE; BOOL fRecvClosed = FALSE; BOOL fConnClosed = FALSE; BOOL fSecurityClosed = FALSE; BOOL fPppClosed = FALSE; PCONNECTION_OBJECT pConnObj = ConnObjGetPointer( pDeviceObj->hConnection );
if ( !( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_AUTH_ACTIVE ) ) { fAuthClosed = TRUE; }
if ( !( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_RECEIVE_ACTIVE ) ) { fRecvClosed = TRUE; }
if ( !( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_PPP_IS_ACTIVE ) ) { fPppClosed = TRUE; }
// Was this is the last link in the connection
if (pDeviceObj->ConnectionState == DISCONNECTED ) { fConnClosed = TRUE; }
if (pDeviceObj->SecurityState == DEV_OBJ_SECURITY_DIALOG_INACTIVE ) { fSecurityClosed = TRUE; }
DDM_PRINT( gblDDMConfigInfo.dwTraceId, TRACE_FSM, "DevCloseComplete:hPort=%d,Auth=%d,Rcv=%d,Conn=%d %d,Sec=%d %d,Ppp=%d", pDeviceObj->hPort, !fAuthClosed, !fRecvClosed, pConnObj ? 0 : 1, !fConnClosed, pDeviceObj->ConnectionState, pDeviceObj->SecurityState, !fPppClosed );
if ( fAuthClosed && fRecvClosed && fConnClosed && fSecurityClosed && fPppClosed ) { //
// Was this the last link in the bundle? If it was we clean up
if ( pConnObj != NULL ) { HPORT hPortConnected;
// Remove this link from the connection
ConnObjRemoveLink( pDeviceObj->hConnection, pDeviceObj );
// If admin module is loaded, notify it of a link disconnection
if ( ( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_NOTIFY_OF_DISCONNECTION ) && ( gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnRasAdminLinkHangupNotification != NULL)) { RAS_PORT_0 RasPort0; RAS_PORT_1 RasPort1; VOID (*MprAdminLinkHangupNotification)(RAS_PORT_0 *, RAS_PORT_1*);
if ((GetRasPort0Data(pDeviceObj,&RasPort0) == NO_ERROR) && (GetRasPort1Data(pDeviceObj,&RasPort1) == NO_ERROR)) { MprAdminLinkHangupNotification = (VOID (*)( RAS_PORT_0 *, RAS_PORT_1 * )) gblDDMConfigInfo.lpfnRasAdminLinkHangupNotification;
MprAdminLinkHangupNotification( &RasPort0, &RasPort1 ); } }
// Confirm with RASMAN that there are no more ports in this
// bundle. It may be that there is one but DDM has not gotten
// a NewLink message from PPP yet.
if ( ( RasBundleGetPort( NULL, pConnObj->hConnection, &hPortConnected ) != NO_ERROR ) && ( pConnObj->cActiveDevices == 0 ) ) { //
// If admin module is loaded, notify it of disconnection
if ( pConnObj->fFlags & CONN_OBJ_NOTIFY_OF_DISCONNECTION ) { ConnectionHangupNotification( pConnObj ); }
// Remove the interface object if it is not a full router.
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection));
pIfObject = IfObjectGetPointer( pConnObj->hDIMInterface );
if ( pIfObject != NULL ) { IfObjectDisconnected( pIfObject );
if ( pIfObject->IfType != ROUTER_IF_TYPE_FULL_ROUTER ) { IfObjectDeleteInterface( pIfObject );
IfObjectRemove( pConnObj->hDIMInterface ); } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection)); }
// Remove the Connection Object
ConnObjRemoveAndDeAllocate( pDeviceObj->hConnection ); } }
// Release the media (if any) used by this port
if ( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_MARKED_AS_INUSE ) { pDeviceObj->fFlags &= ~DEV_OBJ_MARKED_AS_INUSE;
// Increase media count for this device
if ( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_ALLOW_ROUTERS ) { MediaObjAddToTable( pDeviceObj->wchDeviceType ); }
// Possibly need to notify router managers of reachability
// change
EnterCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) );
IfObjectNotifyAllOfReachabilityChange( TRUE, INTERFACE_OUT_OF_RESOURCES );
LeaveCriticalSection( &(gblpInterfaceTable->CriticalSection) ); }
// Release any RasMan buffers if we have allocated them
if ( pDeviceObj->pRasmanSendBuffer != NULL ) { RasFreeBuffer( pDeviceObj->pRasmanSendBuffer ); pDeviceObj->pRasmanSendBuffer = NULL; }
if ( pDeviceObj->pRasmanRecvBuffer != NULL ) { RasFreeBuffer( pDeviceObj->pRasmanRecvBuffer ); pDeviceObj->pRasmanRecvBuffer = NULL; }
RasSetRouterUsage( pDeviceObj->hPort, FALSE );
// If we have gotten a PnP remove message, then discard this port
if ( pDeviceObj->fFlags & DEV_OBJ_PNP_DELETE ) { //
// We do this in a worker thread since this thread may be
// walking the device list, hence we cannot modify it here.
RtlQueueWorkItem( DeviceObjRemoveFromTable, pDeviceObj->hPort, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT ); return; } else { //
// Reset fields in this port device
pDeviceObj->hConnection = (HCONN)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; pDeviceObj->wchUserName[0] = (WCHAR)NULL; pDeviceObj->wchDomainName[0] = (WCHAR)NULL; pDeviceObj->wchCallbackNumber[0] = (WCHAR)NULL; pDeviceObj->fFlags &= (~DEV_OBJ_IS_PPP); }
// switch to next state (based on the present service state)
switch ( gblDDMConfigInfo.pServiceStatus->dwCurrentState ) { case SERVICE_RUNNING: case SERVICE_START_PENDING:
// post a listen on the device
pDeviceObj->DeviceState = DEV_OBJ_LISTENING; RmListen(pDeviceObj); break;
// wait for the service to be running again
pDeviceObj->DeviceState = DEV_OBJ_CLOSED; break;
// this device has terminated. Announce the closure to
// the central stop service coordinator
pDeviceObj->DeviceState = DEV_OBJ_CLOSED; DDMServiceStopComplete(); break;
RTASSERT(FALSE); break; } } }