Copyright (c) 1992-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines to manage conversions between OID descriptions and numerical OIDs.
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
10-May-1996 DonRyan Removed banner from Technology Dynamics, Inc.
//--------------------------- WINDOWS DEPENDENCIES --------------------------
#include <windows.h>
//--------------------------- STANDARD DEPENDENCIES -- #include<xxxxx.h> ----
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <snmp.h>
#include <snmputil.h>
//--------------------------- MODULE DEPENDENCIES -- #include"xxxxx.h" ------
#include "mibcc.h"
#include "mibtree.h"
//--------------------------- SELF-DEPENDENCY -- ONE #include"module.h" -----
#include "oidconv.h"
//--------------------------- PUBLIC VARIABLES --(same as in module.h file)--
/* name to used when converting OID <--> TEXT */ LPSTR lpInputFileName = "mib.bin";
//--------------------------- PRIVATE CONSTANTS -----------------------------
#define OID_PREFIX_LEN (sizeof MIB_Prefix / sizeof(UINT))
#define STR_PREFIX_LEN (strlen(MIB_StrPrefix))
#define SEEK_SET 0
#define SEEK_CUR 1
//--------------------------- PRIVATE STRUCTS -------------------------------
// Record structure in file
// These are the necessary fields to process a conversion request.
// When a request is made, the MIB file is searched sequentially
// matching subid's. The field, lNextOffset, is an offset from the
// current file position to the current nodes next sibling.
// The text subid for each node is stored directly after the
// T_FILE_NODE structure in the file. Its length is stored in the
// field, uStrLen.
// This is done because there are no limits placed on the size
// of a text subid. Hence, when the T_FILE_NODE structure is
// read from the MIB file, the field, lpszTextSubID is not valid.
// The field will eventually point to the storage allocated to
// hold the text subid.
// The order of the nodes in the file is the same as if the MIB
// tree was traversed in a "pre-order" manner.
typedef struct _FileNode { long lNextOffset; // This field must remain first
UINT uNumChildren; UINT uStrLen; LPSTR lpszTextSubID; UINT uNumSubID; } T_FILE_NODE;
// mib.bin file actually has the following platform independent format
// on 32bit(x86) and 64bit(ia64) environment. See Bug# 125494 for detail.
typedef struct _FileNodeEx { long lNextOffset; // This field must remain first
UINT uNumChildren; UINT uStrLen; UINT uReserved; UINT uNumSubID; } T_FILE_NODE_EX; #define FILENODE_SIZE_EX sizeof(T_FILE_NODE_EX)
//--------------------------- PRIVATE VARIABLES -----------------------------
LPSTR MIB_StrPrefix = "iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2";
UINT MIB_Prefix[] = { 1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1 }; AsnObjectIdentifier MIB_OidPrefix = { OID_PREFIX_LEN, MIB_Prefix };
//--------------------------- PRIVATE PROTOTYPES ----------------------------
//--------------------------- PRIVATE PROCEDURES ----------------------------
// GetNextNode
// Reads the next record from MIB file into a FILENODE structure.
// Notes:
// Return Codes:
// Error Codes:
// None.
{ SNMPAPI nResult; T_FILE_NODE_EX NodeEx; ZeroMemory(&NodeEx, FILENODE_SIZE_EX); Node->lpszTextSubID = NULL;
// Read in node
if ( FILENODE_SIZE_EX != _lread(fh, (LPSTR)(&NodeEx), FILENODE_SIZE_EX) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; } // Convert node format from mib.bin to format in memory
// The format in the file is independent of 32bit(x86)/64bit(ia64)
// architecture.
Node->lNextOffset = NodeEx.lNextOffset; Node->uNumChildren = NodeEx.uNumChildren; Node->uNumSubID = NodeEx.uNumSubID; Node->uStrLen = NodeEx.uStrLen;
// Alloc space for string
if ( NULL == (Node->lpszTextSubID = SnmpUtilMemAlloc((1+Node->uStrLen) * sizeof(char))) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// Read in subid string
if ( Node->uStrLen != _lread(fh, Node->lpszTextSubID, Node->uStrLen) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// NULL terminate the text sub id
Node->lpszTextSubID[Node->uStrLen] = '\0';
Exit: if ( SNMPAPI_ERROR == nResult ) { SnmpUtilMemFree( Node->lpszTextSubID ); }
return nResult; } // GetNextNode
// WriteNode
// Writes the node to the MIB file.
// Notes:
// Return Codes:
// Error Codes:
// None.
{ SNMPAPI nResult; T_FILE_NODE LocalNodeCopy;
// make a copy of the node so we can clean up any pointers
LocalNodeCopy.lNextOffset = Node->lNextOffset; LocalNodeCopy.uNumChildren = Node->uNumChildren; LocalNodeCopy.uStrLen = Node->uStrLen; LocalNodeCopy.lpszTextSubID = NULL; /* don't write pointers to disk */ LocalNodeCopy.uNumSubID = Node->uNumSubID;
// Write Node portion
if ( FILENODE_SIZE != _lwrite(fh, (LPSTR)&LocalNodeCopy, FILENODE_SIZE) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// Now write out what the pointers pointed to.
// Save text subid
if ( Node->uStrLen != _lwrite(fh, Node->lpszTextSubID, Node->uStrLen) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
Exit: return nResult; } // WriteNode
// SkipSubTree
// Frees a FILENODE and all information contained in it.
// Notes:
// Return Codes:
// Error Codes:
// None.
{ SNMPAPI nResult;
// Skip entire subtree
if ( -1 == _llseek(fh, Node->lNextOffset, SEEK_CUR) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
Exit: return nResult; } // SkipSubTree
//--------------------------- PUBLIC PROCEDURES -----------------------------
// SnmpMgrOid2Text
// Converts an OID to its textual description.
// Notes:
// Return Codes:
// Error Codes:
// None.
SNMPAPI SnmpMgrOid2Text( IN AsnObjectIdentifier *Oid, // Pointer to OID to convert
OUT LPSTR *lpszTextOid // Resulting text OID
{ T_FILE_NODE Node; OFSTRUCT of; HFILE fh; UINT Siblings; UINT OidSubId; UINT uTxtOidLen; BOOL bFound; BOOL bPartial; BOOL bDot; SNMPAPI nResult;
// OPENISSUE - this code does not generate errors if subid 0 is embeded
// OPENISSUE - opening file every time could be a performance issue
// OPENISSUE - optimization of file access could improve performance
*lpszTextOid = NULL;
// Open file and check for errors
if ( -1 == (fh = OpenFile(lpInputFileName, &of, OF_READ|OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE)) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// Test for MIB prefix
bDot = !( bPartial = OID_PREFIX_LEN < Oid->idLength && !SnmpUtilOidNCmp(Oid, &MIB_OidPrefix, OID_PREFIX_LEN) );
// Loop until conversion is finished
OidSubId = 0; uTxtOidLen = 0; Node.uNumChildren = 1; while ( OidSubId < Oid->idLength ) { // Init to not found on this level
bFound = FALSE; Siblings = Node.uNumChildren;
// While there are siblings and the sub id is not found keep looking
while ( Siblings && !bFound ) { Node.lpszTextSubID = NULL;
// Get next node from mib.bin file
if ( SNMPAPI_ERROR == GetNextNode(fh, &Node) ) { SnmpUtilMemFree( Node.lpszTextSubID ); nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
Siblings --;
// Compare the numeric subid's
if ( Oid->ids[OidSubId] == Node.uNumSubID ) { bFound = TRUE;
// If OID is a partial, then skip prefix subid's
if ( OidSubId >= OID_PREFIX_LEN || !bPartial ) { // Realloc space for text id - add 2 for '.' and NULL terminator
if ( NULL == (*lpszTextOid = SnmpUtilMemReAlloc(*lpszTextOid, (uTxtOidLen+Node.uStrLen+2) * sizeof(char))) ) { SnmpUtilMemFree( Node.lpszTextSubID ); nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// Add DOT separator
if ( bDot ) { (*lpszTextOid)[uTxtOidLen] = '.';
// Save text subid
memcpy( &(*lpszTextOid)[uTxtOidLen+1], Node.lpszTextSubID, Node.uStrLen+1 );
// Update length of text oid - add one for separator
uTxtOidLen += Node.uStrLen + 1; } else { bDot = TRUE;
// Save text subid
memcpy( &(*lpszTextOid)[uTxtOidLen], Node.lpszTextSubID, Node.uStrLen );
// Update length of text oid
uTxtOidLen += Node.uStrLen; } }
// try to convert the next OID subid
OidSubId ++; } else { // Skip over subtree since not a match
if ( SNMPAPI_ERROR == SkipSubTree(fh, &Node) ) { SnmpUtilMemFree( Node.lpszTextSubID ); nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; } }
// Free the text sub id read
SnmpUtilMemFree( Node.lpszTextSubID ); } // while
// If no sub id matches
if ( !bFound ) { break; } } // while
// Make sure that the entire OID was converted
while ( OidSubId < Oid->idLength ) { char NumChar[100];
_itoa( Oid->ids[OidSubId], NumChar, 10 ); // Realloc space for text id - add 2 for '.' and NULL terminator
if ( NULL == (*lpszTextOid = SnmpUtilMemReAlloc(*lpszTextOid, (uTxtOidLen+strlen(NumChar)+4) * sizeof(char))) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// Add DOT separator
(*lpszTextOid)[uTxtOidLen] = '.';
// Save text subid
memcpy( &(*lpszTextOid)[uTxtOidLen+1], NumChar, strlen(NumChar)+1 );
// Skip to next OID subid
OidSubId ++;
// Update length of text oid - add one for separator
uTxtOidLen += strlen(NumChar) + 1; } // while
Exit: if ( -1 != fh ) { _lclose( fh ); }
if ( SNMPAPI_ERROR == nResult ) { SnmpUtilMemFree( *lpszTextOid ); *lpszTextOid = NULL; }
return nResult; } // SnmpMgrOid2Text
// SnmpMgrText2Oid
// Converts an OID text description to its numerical equivalent.
// Notes:
// Return Codes:
// Error Codes:
// None.
SNMPAPI SnmpMgrText2Oid( IN LPSTR lpszTextOid, // Pointer to text OID to convert
IN OUT AsnObjectIdentifier *Oid // Resulting numeric OID
{ #define DELIMETERS ".\0"
T_FILE_NODE Node; OFSTRUCT of; HFILE fh; UINT Siblings; LPSTR lpszSubId; LPSTR lpszWrkOid = NULL; BOOL bFound; UINT uSubId; SNMPAPI nResult;
// OPENISSUE - this code does not generate errors if subid 0 is embeded
// OPENISSUE - opening file every time could be a performance issue
// OPENISSUE - optimization of file access could improve performance
// Init. OID structure
Oid->idLength = 0; Oid->ids = NULL;
// check for null string and empty string
if ( NULL == lpszTextOid || '\0' == lpszTextOid[0] ) { fh = -1; nResult = SNMPAPI_NOERROR; goto Exit; }
// Open file and check for errors
if ( -1 == (fh = OpenFile(lpInputFileName, &of, OF_READ|OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE)) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// Make working copy of string
if ( ('.' == lpszTextOid[0]) ) { if ( NULL == (lpszWrkOid = SnmpUtilMemAlloc((strlen(lpszTextOid)+1) * sizeof(char))) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
strcpy( lpszWrkOid, lpszTextOid+1 ); } else { if ( NULL == (lpszWrkOid = SnmpUtilMemAlloc((strlen(lpszTextOid)+STR_PREFIX_LEN+1+1) * sizeof(char))) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
strcpy( lpszWrkOid, MIB_StrPrefix ); lpszWrkOid[STR_PREFIX_LEN] = '.'; strcpy( &lpszWrkOid[STR_PREFIX_LEN+1], lpszTextOid ); }
Node.uNumChildren = 1; lpszSubId = strtok( lpszWrkOid, DELIMETERS );
// Loop until conversion is finished
while ( NULL != lpszSubId ) {
// Init to not found on this level
bFound = FALSE; Siblings = Node.uNumChildren;
// Check for imbedded numbers
if ( isdigit(*lpszSubId) ) { UINT I;
// Make sure this is a NUMBER without alpha's
for ( I=0;I < strlen(lpszSubId);I++ ) { if ( !isdigit(lpszSubId[I]) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; } }
uSubId = atoi( lpszSubId ); } else { uSubId = 0; }
// While there are siblings and the sub id is not found keep looking
while ( Siblings && !bFound ) { Node.lpszTextSubID = NULL;
// Get next sibling
if ( SNMPAPI_ERROR == GetNextNode(fh, &Node) ) { SnmpUtilMemFree( Node.lpszTextSubID ); nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
Siblings --;
if ( uSubId ) { // Compare the numeric subid's
if ( Node.uNumSubID == uSubId ) { bFound = TRUE;
// Add space for new sub id
if ( NULL == (Oid->ids = SnmpUtilMemReAlloc(Oid->ids, (Oid->idLength+1) * sizeof(UINT))) ) { SnmpUtilMemFree( Node.lpszTextSubID ); nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// Append this sub id to end of numeric OID
Oid->ids[Oid->idLength++] = Node.uNumSubID; } } else { // Compare the text subid's
if ( !strcmp(lpszSubId, Node.lpszTextSubID) ) { bFound = TRUE;
// Add space for new sub id
if ( NULL == (Oid->ids = SnmpUtilMemReAlloc(Oid->ids, (Oid->idLength+1) * sizeof(UINT))) ) { SnmpUtilMemFree( Node.lpszTextSubID ); nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// Append this sub id to end of numeric OID
Oid->ids[Oid->idLength++] = Node.uNumSubID; } }
// Skip over subtree since not a match
if ( !bFound && SNMPAPI_ERROR == SkipSubTree(fh, &Node) ) { SnmpUtilMemFree( Node.lpszTextSubID ); nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// Free the text sub id read
SnmpUtilMemFree( Node.lpszTextSubID ); } // while
// If no sub id matches
if ( !bFound ) { break; }
// Advance to next sub id
lpszSubId = strtok( NULL, DELIMETERS ); } // while
// Make sure that the entire OID was converted
while ( NULL != lpszSubId ) { UINT I;
// Make sure this is a NUMBER without alpha's
for ( I=0;I < strlen(lpszSubId);I++ ) { if ( !isdigit(lpszSubId[I]) ) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; } }
// Add space for new sub id
if ( NULL == (Oid->ids = SnmpUtilMemReAlloc(Oid->ids, (Oid->idLength+1) * sizeof(UINT))) ) { SnmpUtilMemFree( Node.lpszTextSubID ); nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// Append this sub id to end of numeric OID
Oid->ids[Oid->idLength++] = atoi( lpszSubId );
// Advance to next sub id
lpszSubId = strtok( NULL, DELIMETERS ); } // while
// it is illegal for an oid to be less than two subidentifiers
if (Oid->idLength < 2) { nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
Exit: if ( -1 != fh ) { _lclose( fh ); }
if ( SNMPAPI_ERROR == nResult ) { SnmpUtilOidFree( Oid ); }
if ( NULL != lpszWrkOid ) { SnmpUtilMemFree ( lpszWrkOid ); }
return nResult; } // SnmpMgrText2Oid
//------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------