Copyright (c) 1992-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains MIB_shar_lmget, which actually call lan manager for the share table, copies it into structures, and sorts it to return ready to use by the higher level functions.
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
10-May-1996 DonRyan Removed banner from Technology Dynamics, Inc.
//--------------------------- WINDOWS DEPENDENCIES --------------------------
//--------------------------- STANDARD DEPENDENCIES -- #include<xxxxx.h> ----
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <search.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
//--------------------------- MODULE DEPENDENCIES -- #include"xxxxx.h" ------
#include "mib.h"
#include "mibfuncs.h"
#include "shar_tbl.h"
#include "lmcache.h"
//--------------------------- SELF-DEPENDENCY -- ONE #include"module.h" -----
//--------------------------- PUBLIC VARIABLES --(same as in module.h file)--
//--------------------------- PRIVATE CONSTANTS -----------------------------
#define SafeBufferFree(x) if(NULL != x) NetApiBufferFree( x )
#define SafeFree(x) if(NULL != x) SnmpUtilMemFree( x )
//--------------------------- PRIVATE STRUCTS -------------------------------
//--------------------------- PRIVATE VARIABLES -----------------------------
//--------------------------- PRIVATE PROTOTYPES ----------------------------
int __cdecl shar_entry_cmp( IN const SHARE_ENTRY *A, IN const SHARE_ENTRY *B ) ;
void build_shar_entry_oids( );
//--------------------------- PRIVATE PROCEDURES ----------------------------
//--------------------------- PUBLIC PROCEDURES -----------------------------
// MIB_shar_lmget
// Retrieve sharion table information from Lan Manager.
// If not cached, sort it and then
// cache it.
// Notes:
// Return Codes:
// Error Codes:
// None.
SNMPAPI MIB_shares_lmget( )
DWORD entriesread; DWORD totalentries; LPBYTE bufptr; unsigned lmCode; unsigned i; SHARE_INFO_2 *DataTable; SHARE_ENTRY *MIB_ShareTableElement ; int First_of_this_block; time_t curr_time ; SNMPAPI nResult = SNMPAPI_NOERROR; DWORD resumehandle=0;
time(&curr_time); // get the time
// If cached, return piece of info.
if((NULL != cache_table[C_SHAR_TABLE].bufptr) && (curr_time < (cache_table[C_SHAR_TABLE].acquisition_time + cache_expire[C_SHAR_TABLE] ) ) ) { // it has NOT expired!
goto Exit ; // the global table is valid
} //
// Do network call to gather information and put it in a nice array
// remember to free the existing data
MIB_ShareTableElement = MIB_ShareTable.Table ;
// iterate over the whole table
for(i=0; i<MIB_ShareTable.Len ;i++) { // free any alloc'ed elements of the structure
SnmpUtilOidFree(&(MIB_ShareTableElement->Oid)); SafeFree(MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareName.stream); SafeFree(MIB_ShareTableElement->svSharePath.stream); SafeFree(MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareComment.stream); MIB_ShareTableElement ++ ; // increment table entry
} SafeFree(MIB_ShareTable.Table) ; // free the base Table
MIB_ShareTable.Table = NULL ; // just for safety
MIB_ShareTable.Len = 0 ; // just for safety
#if 0 // Done above
// init the length
MIB_ShareTable.Len = 0; #endif
First_of_this_block = 0; do { // as long as there is more data to process
lmCode = NetShareEnum(NULL, // local server
2, // level 2,
&bufptr, // data structure to return
MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &entriesread, &totalentries, &resumehandle // resume handle
// Filter out all the Admin shares (name ending with $).
DataTable = (SHARE_INFO_2 *) bufptr ;
if((NERR_Success == lmCode) || (ERROR_MORE_DATA == lmCode)) { // valid so process it, otherwise error
if(0 == MIB_ShareTable.Len) { // 1st time, alloc the whole table
// alloc the table space
MIB_ShareTable.Table = SnmpUtilMemAlloc(totalentries * sizeof(SHARE_ENTRY) ); // prefix bugs 445180
if (MIB_ShareTable.Table == NULL) { // free all of the lan man data
SafeBufferFree( bufptr ) ; // Signal error
nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; } } MIB_ShareTableElement = MIB_ShareTable.Table + First_of_this_block ; for(i=0; i<entriesread; i++) { // once for each entry in the buffer
// increment the entry number
MIB_ShareTable.Len ++; // Stuff the data into each item in the table
// share name
MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareName.dynamic = TRUE; #ifdef UNICODE
if (SnmpUtilUnicodeToUTF8( &MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareName.stream, DataTable->shi2_netname, TRUE)) { MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareName.length = 0; MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareName.stream = NULL; } else { MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareName.length = strlen(MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareName.stream); } #else
MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareName.stream = SnmpUtilMemAlloc ( strlen( DataTable->shi2_netname ) + 1 ) ; MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareName.length = strlen( DataTable->shi2_netname ) ; memcpy( MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareName.stream, DataTable->shi2_netname, strlen( DataTable->shi2_netname ) ) ; #endif
// Share Path
MIB_ShareTableElement->svSharePath.dynamic = TRUE; #ifdef UNICODE
if (SnmpUtilUnicodeToUTF8( &MIB_ShareTableElement->svSharePath.stream, DataTable->shi2_path, TRUE)) { MIB_ShareTableElement->svSharePath.length = 0; MIB_ShareTableElement->svSharePath.stream = NULL; } else { MIB_ShareTableElement->svSharePath.length = strlen(MIB_ShareTableElement->svSharePath.stream); } #else
MIB_ShareTableElement->svSharePath.stream = SnmpUtilMemAlloc ( strlen( DataTable->shi2_path ) + 1 ) ; MIB_ShareTableElement->svSharePath.length = strlen( DataTable->shi2_path ) ;
memcpy( MIB_ShareTableElement->svSharePath.stream, DataTable->shi2_path, strlen( DataTable->shi2_path ) ) ; #endif
// Share Comment/Remark
MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareComment.dynamic = TRUE; #ifdef UNICODE
if (SnmpUtilUnicodeToUTF8( &MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareComment.stream, DataTable->shi2_remark, TRUE)) { MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareComment.length = 0; MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareComment.stream = NULL; } else { MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareComment.length = strlen(MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareComment.stream); } #else
MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareComment.stream = SnmpUtilMemAlloc ( strlen( DataTable->shi2_remark ) + 1 ) ; MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareComment.length = strlen( DataTable->shi2_remark ) ;
memcpy( MIB_ShareTableElement->svShareComment.stream, DataTable->shi2_remark, strlen( DataTable->shi2_remark ) ) ; #endif
DataTable ++ ; // advance pointer to next shar entry in buffer
MIB_ShareTableElement ++ ; // and table entry
} // for each entry in the data table
// free all of the lan man data
SafeBufferFree( bufptr ) ; // indicate where to start adding on next pass, if any
First_of_this_block = i ; } // if data is valid to process
else { // Signal error
nResult = SNMPAPI_ERROR; goto Exit; }
} while (ERROR_MORE_DATA == lmCode) ;
// iterate over the table populating the Oid field
// Sort the table information using MSC QuickSort routine
qsort( &MIB_ShareTable.Table[0], MIB_ShareTable.Len, sizeof(SHARE_ENTRY), shar_entry_cmp );
// Cache table
if(0 != MIB_ShareTable.Len) { cache_table[C_SHAR_TABLE].acquisition_time = curr_time ;
cache_table[C_SHAR_TABLE].bufptr = bufptr ; }
// Return piece of information requested
Exit: return nResult; } // MIB_shar_get
// MIB_shar_cmp
// Routine for sorting the sharion table.
// Notes:
// Return Codes:
// Error Codes:
// None.
int __cdecl shar_entry_cmp( IN const SHARE_ENTRY *A, IN const SHARE_ENTRY *B )
{ // Compare the OID's
return SnmpUtilOidCmp( (AsnObjectIdentifier *)&A->Oid, (AsnObjectIdentifier *)&B->Oid ); } // MIB_shar_cmp
// None.
void build_shar_entry_oids( )
{ AsnOctetString OSA ; SHARE_ENTRY *ShareEntry ; unsigned i;
// start pointer at 1st guy in the table
ShareEntry = MIB_ShareTable.Table ;
// now iterate over the table, creating an oid for each entry
for( i=0; i<MIB_ShareTable.Len ; i++) { // for each entry in the sharion table
OSA.stream = ShareEntry->svShareName.stream ; OSA.length = ShareEntry->svShareName.length ; OSA.dynamic = FALSE;
// Make the entry's OID from string index
MakeOidFromStr( &OSA, &ShareEntry->Oid );
ShareEntry++; // point to the next guy in the table
} // for
} // build_shar_entry_oids
VOID AdminFilter( DWORD Level, LPDWORD pEntriesRead, LPBYTE ShareInfo )
Routine Description:
This function filters out the admin shares (ones denoted by a a $ as the last character in the name) from a NetShareEnum buffer.
This function only supports info levels 0,1, and 2. If any other level is passed in, the function doesn't perform the filter operation.
Level - Indicates the info level of the enumeration buffer passed in.
pEntriesRead - Pointer to a location which on entry indicates the number of entries to be filtered. On exit it will indicate the number of entries after filtering.
ShareInfo - Pointer to the buffer containing the enumerated structures.
Return Value:
--*/ { LPBYTE pFiltered = ShareInfo; DWORD filteredEntries=0; DWORD i; DWORD entrySize; DWORD namePtrOffset; LPWSTR pName;
switch(Level) { case 0: entrySize = sizeof(SHARE_INFO_0); namePtrOffset = (DWORD)((LPBYTE)&(((LPSHARE_INFO_0)ShareInfo)->shi0_netname) - ShareInfo); break; case 1: entrySize = sizeof(SHARE_INFO_1); namePtrOffset = (DWORD)((LPBYTE)&(((LPSHARE_INFO_1)ShareInfo)->shi1_netname) - ShareInfo); break; case 2: entrySize = sizeof(SHARE_INFO_2); namePtrOffset = (DWORD)((LPBYTE)&(((LPSHARE_INFO_2)ShareInfo)->shi2_netname) - ShareInfo); break; default: return; }
for (i=0; i < *pEntriesRead; i++) { pName = *((LPWSTR *)(ShareInfo+namePtrOffset)); if (pName[wcslen(pName)-1] != L'$') { filteredEntries++; if (pFiltered != ShareInfo) { memcpy(pFiltered, ShareInfo,entrySize); } pFiltered += entrySize; } ShareInfo += entrySize; } *pEntriesRead = filteredEntries; } //-------------------------------- END --------------------------------------