Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: rules.cpp Abstract: Rules Object implementation Author: noela - 09/11/98
Rev History:
//#define unicode
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include "tapi.h"
#include "tspi.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "rules.h"
Class : CRuleSet Method : Constructer
****************************************************************************/ CRuleSet::CRuleSet() { m_pszInternationalRule = NULL; m_pszLongDistanceRule = NULL; m_pszLocalRule = NULL; }
Class : CRuleSet Method : Destructer
Clean up memory allocations
****************************************************************************/ CRuleSet::~CRuleSet() { if ( m_pszInternationalRule != NULL ) { ClientFree(m_pszInternationalRule); }
if ( m_pszLongDistanceRule != NULL ) { ClientFree(m_pszLongDistanceRule); }
if ( m_pszLocalRule != NULL ) { ClientFree(m_pszLocalRule); } }
Class : CRuleSet Method : Initialize
****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CRuleSet::Initialize ( PWSTR pszInternationalRule, PWSTR pszLongDistanceRule, PWSTR pszLocalRule ) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// copy the international Rule
m_pszInternationalRule = ClientAllocString( pszInternationalRule ); if (m_pszInternationalRule == NULL) { LOG(( TL_ERROR, "Initialize create m_pszInternationalRule failed" )); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// copy the long Distance Rule
m_pszLongDistanceRule = ClientAllocString( pszLongDistanceRule ); if (m_pszLongDistanceRule == NULL) { ClientFree(m_pszInternationalRule);
LOG(( TL_ERROR, "Initialize create m_pszLongDistanceRule failed" )); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// copy the local Rule
m_pszLocalRule = ClientAllocString( pszLocalRule ); if (m_pszLocalRule == NULL) { ClientFree(m_pszInternationalRule); ClientFree(m_pszLongDistanceRule); LOG(( TL_ERROR, "Initialize create m_pszLocalRule failed" )); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return S_OK; }
Class : CAreaCodeRule Method : Constructer
****************************************************************************/ CAreaCodeRule::CAreaCodeRule() { m_pszAreaCode = NULL; m_pszNumberToDial = NULL; m_pszzPrefixList = NULL; }
Class : CAreaCodeRule Method : Destructer
Clean up memory allocations
****************************************************************************/ CAreaCodeRule::~CAreaCodeRule() { if ( m_pszAreaCode != NULL ) { ClientFree(m_pszAreaCode); }
if ( m_pszNumberToDial != NULL ) { ClientFree(m_pszNumberToDial); }
if ( m_pszzPrefixList != NULL ) { ClientFree(m_pszzPrefixList); }
Class : CAreaCodeRule Method : Initialize
****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CAreaCodeRule::Initialize ( PWSTR pszAreaCode, PWSTR pszNumberToDial, DWORD dwOptions, PWSTR pszzPrefixList, DWORD dwPrefixListSize ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// copy the AreaCode
m_pszAreaCode = ClientAllocString( pszAreaCode ); if (m_pszAreaCode == NULL) { LOG(( TL_ERROR, "Initialize create m_pszAreaCode failed" )); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
m_pszNumberToDial = ClientAllocString( pszNumberToDial ); if (m_pszNumberToDial == NULL) { LOG(( TL_ERROR, "Initialize create m_pszNumberToDial failed" )); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
m_dwOptions = dwOptions;
SetPrefixList(pszzPrefixList, dwPrefixListSize);
return hr;
Class : CAreaCodeRule Method : SetAreaCode
****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CAreaCodeRule::SetAreaCode(PWSTR pszAreaCode) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_pszAreaCode != NULL) { ClientFree(m_pszAreaCode); m_pszAreaCode = NULL; }
if(pszAreaCode != NULL) { m_pszAreaCode = ClientAllocString( pszAreaCode ); if (m_pszAreaCode == NULL) { LOG(( TL_ERROR, "SetAreaCode - alloc failed" )); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
return hr;
Class : CAreaCodeRule Method : SetAreaCode
****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CAreaCodeRule::SetNumberToDial(PWSTR pszNumberToDial) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_pszNumberToDial != NULL) { ClientFree(m_pszNumberToDial); m_pszNumberToDial = NULL; }
if(pszNumberToDial != NULL) { m_pszNumberToDial = ClientAllocString( pszNumberToDial ); if (m_pszNumberToDial == NULL) { LOG(( TL_ERROR, "SetNumberToDial - alloc failed" )); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
return hr;
Class : CAreaCodeRule Method : SetPrefixList
****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CAreaCodeRule::SetPrefixList(PWSTR pszzPrefixList, DWORD dwSize) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_pszzPrefixList != NULL) { ClientFree(m_pszzPrefixList); m_pszzPrefixList = NULL; m_dwPrefixListSize = 0; }
if(pszzPrefixList != NULL) { m_pszzPrefixList = (PWSTR) ClientAlloc(dwSize); if (m_pszzPrefixList != NULL) { CopyMemory(m_pszzPrefixList, pszzPrefixList, dwSize); // set the size !
m_dwPrefixListSize = dwSize;
} else { LOG(( TL_ERROR, "SetPrefixList - alloc failed" )); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
return hr;
Class : CAreaCodeRule Method : UseCallingCard
****************************************************************************/ void CAreaCodeRule::SetDialAreaCode(BOOL bDa) { if(bDa) { m_dwOptions |= RULE_DIALAREACODE; } else { m_dwOptions &= ~RULE_DIALAREACODE; } }
Class : CAreaCodeRule Method : UseCallingCard
****************************************************************************/ void CAreaCodeRule::SetDialNumber(BOOL bDn) { if(bDn) { m_dwOptions |= RULE_DIALNUMBER; } else { m_dwOptions &= ~RULE_DIALNUMBER; } }
Class : CAreaCodeRule Method : UseCallingCard
****************************************************************************/ void CAreaCodeRule::SetAppliesToAllPrefixes(BOOL bApc) { if(bApc) { m_dwOptions |= RULE_APPLIESTOALLPREFIXES; } else { m_dwOptions &= ~RULE_APPLIESTOALLPREFIXES; } }
Class : CAreaCodeRule Method : TapiSize Number of bytes needed to pack this into a TAPI structure to send to TAPISRV
****************************************************************************/ DWORD CAreaCodeRule::TapiSize() { DWORD dwSize=0;
// Calc size ofArea Code Rule
dwSize = sizeof(AREACODERULE); dwSize += ALIGN((lstrlenW(m_pszAreaCode) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); dwSize += ALIGN((lstrlenW(m_pszNumberToDial) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); dwSize += ALIGN(m_dwPrefixListSize);
return dwSize; }
Function : CreateDialingRule Create TAPI dialing rule - "xxxxFG" from number to dial & area code if required & subcriber number
****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CreateDialingRule ( PWSTR * pszRule, PWSTR pszNumberToDial, BOOL bDialAreaCode )
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; PWSTR pszRule1= NULL;
// Create the dialing Rule
// alloc enough space for number + "FG"
pszRule1 = (PWSTR) ClientAlloc( (lstrlenW(pszNumberToDial) + 3 ) * sizeof (WCHAR) ); if (pszRule1 != NULL) { // copy number "xxxx"
if(pszNumberToDial != NULL) { lstrcpyW(pszRule1, pszNumberToDial); } // Area code ? "xxxxF"
if (bDialAreaCode) { lstrcatW(pszRule1, L"F"); } // Subcriber Nmber "xxxxFG" or "xxxxG"
lstrcatW(pszRule1, L"G");
} else { LOG(( TL_ERROR, "CreateDialingRule - Alloc pszRule failed" )); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
*pszRule = pszRule1; return hr; }
Function : ClientAllocString Copys string. Allocate space for new string using ClientAlloc Returns pointer to new string or NULL
****************************************************************************/ #if DBG
PWSTR ClientAllocStringReal(PCWSTR psz, DWORD dwLine, PSTR pszFile ) #else
PWSTR ClientAllocStringReal(PCWSTR psz ) #endif
{ PWSTR pszNewString = NULL;
if (psz != NULL) { #if DBG
pszNewString = (PWSTR) ClientAllocReal((lstrlenW(psz)+1)* sizeof (WCHAR),dwLine,pszFile ); #else
pszNewString = (PWSTR) ClientAlloc((lstrlenW(psz)+1)* sizeof (WCHAR) ); #endif
if (pszNewString != NULL) { lstrcpyW(pszNewString, psz); } else { LOG(( TL_ERROR, "ClientAllocString Alloc string failed" )); } }
return pszNewString; }