#ifndef __tapivid_h__
#define __tapivid_h__
#include "h245if.h"
#include "tapiqc.h"
* @doc INTERNAL TAPIVID * * @module TAPIVid.h | Header file for the new TAPI internal interfaces and * devine enumeration enums and struct, and our filter GUID. * * @comm Two interface declaration changes are due to a multiple inheritance * problem: <i IAMCameraControl> and <i IAMVideoProcAmp> interface methods * have identical prototypes. Our Video Capture filter implements both * interfaces. ***************************************************************************/
DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_TAPIVideoCapture, 0x70616376L, 0x5245, 0x4945, 0x52, 0x52, 0x45, 0x46, 0x4C, 0x49, 0x48, 0x50);
struct DECLSPEC_UUID("47a39f38-7f0f-4ce0-b788-d76b39fd6a4f") TAPIVideoCapture; struct DECLSPEC_UUID("145cb377-e7bb-4adf-bd42-a42304717ede") TAPIVideoDecoder;
const WCHAR* const PNAME_PREVIEW = L"Preview"; const WCHAR* const PNAME_CAPTURE = L"Capture"; const WCHAR* const PNAME_RTPPD = L"RtpPd";
* @doc INTERNAL CDEVENUMSTRUCTENUM * * @enum DeviceType | The <t DeviceType> enum is used to identify VfW and WDM * device types. * * @emem DeviceType_VfW | Specifies a VfW device. * * @emem DeviceType_WDM | Specifies a WDM device. * * @emem DeviceType_DShow | Specifies unknown DirectShow device (e.g., * DV camera) ****************************************************************************/ typedef enum tagDeviceType { DeviceType_VfW, DeviceType_WDM, DeviceType_DShow } DeviceType;
* @doc INTERNAL CDEVENUMSTRUCTENUM * * @enum CaptureMode | The <t CaptureMode> enum is used to identify frame * grabbing or streaming mode. * * @emem CaptureMode_FrameGrabbing | Specifies frame grabbing mode. * * @emem CaptureMode_Streaming | Specifies streaming mode. ****************************************************************************/ typedef enum tagCaptureMode { CaptureMode_FrameGrabbing, CaptureMode_Streaming } CaptureMode;
* @doc EXTERNAL CONSTANTS * * @const 4 | MAX_CAPTURE_DEVICES | Maximum number of capture devices. * * @const MAX_PATH | MAX_CAPDEV_DESCRIPTION | Maximum length of capture * device description string. * * @const 80 | MAX_CAPDEV_VERSION | Maximum length of capture device version * string. ****************************************************************************/ #define MAX_CAPTURE_DEVICES 10
* @doc INTERNAL CDEVENUMSTRUCTENUM * * @struct VIDEOCAPTUREDEVICEINFO | The <t VIDEOCAPTUREDEVICEINFO> structure is used to store capture * device information. * * @field char | szDeviceDescription[] | Specifies the description string of * the capture device. * * @field char | szDeviceVersion[] | Specifies the version string of * the capture device. * * @field BOOL | fHasOverlay | Specifies the overlay support of the capture * device. * * @field BOOL | fInUse | Set to TRUE when a device is being used by an * instance of the capture filter. * * @field DeviceType | nDeviceType | Specifies the type (VfW or WDM) of the * capture device. * * @field CaptureMode | nCaptureMode | Specifies the capture mode (frame grabbing * or streaming) of the capture device. * * @field DWORD | dwVfWIndex | Specifies the VfW index of the capture device. ***************************************************************************/ typedef struct tagDEVICEINFO { char szDeviceDescription[MAX_CAPDEV_DESCRIPTION]; char szDeviceVersion[MAX_CAPDEV_VERSION]; char szDevicePath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fHasOverlay; BOOL fInUse; DeviceType nDeviceType; CaptureMode nCaptureMode; DWORD dwVfWIndex; } VIDEOCAPTUREDEVICEINFO, *PDEVICEINFO;
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *PFNGetCapDeviceInfo)( IN DWORD dwDeviceIndex, OUT PDEVICEINFO pDeviceInfo );
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *PFNGetNumCapDevices)( OUT PDWORD pdwNumDevices );
// Video capture device selection/control interface (filter interface)
interface DECLSPEC_UUID("bda95399-48da-4309-af1b-9b8f65f4f9be") IVideoDeviceControl : public IUnknown { public: virtual STDMETHODIMP GetNumDevices(OUT PDWORD pdwNumDevices) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP GetDeviceInfo(IN DWORD dwDeviceIndex, OUT VIDEOCAPTUREDEVICEINFO *pDeviceInfo) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP GetCurrentDevice(OUT DWORD *pdwDeviceIndex) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP SetCurrentDevice(IN DWORD dwDeviceIndex) PURE; };
* @doc INTERNAL CPROCAMPSTRUCTENUM * * @enum VideoProcAmpProperty | The <t VideoProcAmpProperty> enum is used to * identify specific video quality settings. * * @emem VideoProcAmp_Brightness | Specifies the brightness setting in IRE * units * 100. The range for Value is -10000 to 10000; the default value * is 750 (7.5 IRE). * * @emem VideoProcAmp_Contrast | Specifies the contrast or luma gain setting * in gain factor * 100. The Value range is from zero to 10000, and the * default is 100 (1x). Note that a particular video encoder filter may * only implement a subset of this range. * * @emem VideoProcAmp_Hue | Specifies the hue setting in degrees * 100. Value * range is from -18000 to 18000 ( -180 to +180 degrees), and the default * is zero. Note that a particular video encoder filter may only implement * a subset of this range. * * @emem VideoProcAmp_Saturation | Specifies the saturation or chroma gain * setting in gain * 100. Value ranges from zero to 10000, and the default * is 100 (1x). Note that a particular video encoder filter may only * implement a subset of this range. * * @emem VideoProcAmp_Sharpness | Specifies the sharpness setting in * arbitrary units. Value ranges from zero to 100, and the default is 50. * Note that a particular video encoder filter may only implement a subset * of this range. * * @emem VideoProcAmp_Gamma | Specifies the gamma setting in gamma * 100. * Value ranges from 1 to 500, and the default is 100 (gamma = 1). Note * that a particular video encoder filter may only implement a subset of * this range. * * @emem VideoProcAmp_ColorEnable | Specifies the color enable setting as a * Boolean value. Value ranges from zero to 1, and the default is 1. * * @emem VideoProcAmp_WhiteBalance | Specifies the white balance setting * expressed as a color temperature in degrees Kelvin. The range and * default values for this setting are video encoder filter dependent. * * @emem VideoProcAmp_BacklightCompensation | Specifies the backlight * compensation setting which is a Boolean. Zero indicates backlight * compensation is disabled, and 1 indicates backlight compensation is * enabled. ****************************************************************************/
// IAMVideoProcAmp interface (filter interface)
interface DECLSPEC_UUID("C6E13360-30AC-11d0-A18C-00A0C9118956") IVideoProcAmp : public IUnknown { public: virtual STDMETHODIMP GetRange(IN VideoProcAmpProperty Property, OUT long *pMin, OUT long *pMax, OUT long *pSteppingDelta, OUT long *pDefault, OUT TAPIControlFlags *pCapsFlags) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP Set(IN VideoProcAmpProperty Property, IN long lValue, IN TAPIControlFlags Flags) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP Get(IN VideoProcAmpProperty Property, OUT long *lValue, OUT TAPIControlFlags *Flags) PURE; };
* @doc INTERNAL CCAMERACSTRUCTENUM * * @enum TAPICameraControlProperty | The <t TAPICameraControlProperty> enum * is used to identify specific camera control settings. * * @emem TAPICameraControl_Pan | Specifies the camera pan setting in degrees. * Values range from -180 to +180, and the default is zero. Positive values * are clockwise from the origin (the camera rotates clockwise when viewed * from above), and negative values are counterclockwise from the origin. * Note that a particular video capture filter may only implement a subset * of this range. * * @emem TAPICameraControl_Tilt | Specifies the camera tilt setting in degrees. * Values range from -180 to +180, and the default is zero. Positive values * point the imaging plane up, and negative values point the imaging plane * down. Note that a particular video capture filter may only implement a * subset of this range. * * @emem TAPICameraControl_Roll | Specifies the roll setting in degrees. Values * range from -180 to +180, and the default is zero. Positive values cause * a clockwise rotation of the camera along the image viewing axis, and * negative values cause a counterclockwise rotation of the camera. Note * that a particular video capture filter may only implement a subset of * this range. * * @emem TAPICameraControl_Zoom | Specifies the zoom setting in millimeter units. * Values range from 10 to 600, and the default is video capture filter * specific. * * @emem TAPICameraControl_Exposure | Specifies the exposure setting in seconds * using the following formula. For values less than zero, the exposure * time is 1/2n seconds. For positive values and zero, the exposure time is * 2n seconds. Note that a particular video capture filter may only * implement a subset of this range. * * @emem TAPICameraControl_Iris | Specifies the iris setting expressed as the * fstop * 10. * * @emem TAPICameraControl_Focus | Specifies the camera focus setting as the * distance to the optimally focused target in millimeters. The range and * default values are video encoder filter specific. Note that a * particular video capture filter may only implement a subset of this * range. * * @emem TAPICameraControl_FlipVertical | Specifies that the picture is * flipped vertically. * * @emem TAPICameraControl_FlipHorizontal | Specifies that the picture is * flipped horizontally. * * @comm Our software-only implementation provides zoom, pan, tilt, vertical * flip and horizontal flip capabilities. ****************************************************************************/
typedef enum tagTAPICameraControlProperty { TAPICameraControl_Pan = CameraControl_Pan, TAPICameraControl_Tilt = CameraControl_Tilt, TAPICameraControl_Roll = CameraControl_Roll, TAPICameraControl_Zoom = CameraControl_Zoom, TAPICameraControl_Exposure = CameraControl_Exposure, TAPICameraControl_Iris = CameraControl_Iris, TAPICameraControl_Focus = CameraControl_Focus, TAPICameraControl_FlipVertical = 0x100, TAPICameraControl_FlipHorizontal = 0x200 } TAPICameraControlProperty;
// ICameraControl interface (filter interface)
interface DECLSPEC_UUID("4cda4f2d-969e-4223-801e-68267395fce4") ICameraControl : public IUnknown { public: virtual STDMETHODIMP GetRange(IN TAPICameraControlProperty Property, OUT long *plMin, OUT long *plMax, OUT long *plSteppingDelta, OUT long *plDefault, OUT TAPIControlFlags *plCapsFlags) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP Set(IN TAPICameraControlProperty Property, IN long lValue, IN TAPIControlFlags lFlags) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP Get(IN TAPICameraControlProperty Property, OUT long *plValue, OUT TAPIControlFlags *plFlags) PURE; };
// IVideoControl interface (pin interface)
interface DECLSPEC_UUID("12345678-30AC-11d0-A18C-00A0C9118956") IVideoControl : public IUnknown { public: virtual STDMETHODIMP GetCaps(OUT long *pCapsFlags) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP SetMode(IN long Mode) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP GetMode(OUT long *Mode) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP GetCurrentActualFrameRate(OUT LONGLONG *ActualFrameRate) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP GetMaxAvailableFrameRate(IN long iIndex, IN SIZE Dimensions, OUT LONGLONG *MaxAvailableFrameRate) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP GetFrameRateList(IN long iIndex, IN SIZE Dimensions, IN long *ListSize, OUT LONGLONG **FrameRates) PURE; };
// RTP packetization descriptor control interface (pin interface)
interface DECLSPEC_UUID("f454d51d-dfa4-4f88-ad4a-e64940eba1c0") IRTPPDControl : public IUnknown { public: virtual STDMETHODIMP SetMaxRTPPacketSize(IN DWORD dwMaxRTPPacketSize, IN DWORD dwLayerId) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP GetMaxRTPPacketSize(OUT LPDWORD pdwMaxRTPPacketSize, IN DWORD dwLayerId) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP GetMaxRTPPacketSizeRange(OUT LPDWORD pdwMin, OUT LPDWORD pdwMax, OUT LPDWORD pdwSteppingDelta, OUT LPDWORD pdwDefault, IN DWORD dwLayerId) PURE; };
// Interface used to pass down an addrefed pointer to the IH245EncoderCommand interface (pin interface)
interface DECLSPEC_UUID("dcbd33c7-dc65-48f1-8e83-22fdc954a8e7") IOutgoingInterface : public IUnknown { public: virtual STDMETHODIMP Set(IN IH245EncoderCommand *pIH245EncoderCommand) PURE; };
typedef enum tagRTPPayloadHeaderMode { RTPPayloadHeaderMode_Draft = 0, // 0 = draft payload header (as for older compatibility, like Netmeeting)
RTPPayloadHeaderMode_RFC2190 = 1 // 1 = standard payload header (as in RFC 2190)
} RTPPayloadHeaderMode;
// Interface used to switch the above mode in filters (TAPIVCap and TAPIVDec)
interface DECLSPEC_UUID("d884c4e3-41d9-42a6-85c0-7d00658b4a26") IRTPPayloadHeaderMode : public IUnknown { public: virtual STDMETHODIMP SetMode(IN RTPPayloadHeaderMode rtpphmMode) PURE; };