Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: sdpbstrl.cpp
#include "sdppch.h"
#include "sdpbstrl.h"
#include <basetyps.h>
#include <oleauto.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <wchar.h>
SDP_ARRAY_BSTR::~SDP_ARRAY_BSTR( ) { int Size = (int)GetSize();
if ( 0 < Size ) { for ( int i=0; i < Size; i++ ) { BSTR Member = GetAt(i);
ASSERT(NULL != Member); if ( NULL == Member ) { return; }
SysFreeString(Member); } }
RemoveAll(); }
void SDP_BSTRING::Reset( ) { // perform the destructor actions (freeing ptrs) and the constructor actions (initializing
// member variables to starting values)
// if there is a bstr, free it
if ( NULL != m_Bstr ) { SysFreeString(m_Bstr); }
m_Bstr = NULL; m_CharacterSet = CS_UTF8; m_CodePage = CP_UTF8;
// call the base class Reset
BOOL SDP_BSTRING::ConvertToBstr( ) { // ZoltanS bugfix:
// MutliByteToWideChar always fails if its input string is empty.
// Therefore, we must special-case a zero-length string.
DWORD dwOriginalLength = GetLength();
if ( 0 == dwOriginalLength ) { // Shrink the member BSTR
if ( !SysReAllocStringLen(&m_Bstr, NULL, dwOriginalLength) ) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure the member BSTR is emptied
m_Bstr[0] = L'\0';
} else // we have a nonzero-length string to convert
{ // get the size of bstr needed to store the unicode representation
// cast the const char * returned from GetCharacterString to CHAR * because MultiByteToWideChar
// doesn't accept const char * (although thats what the parameter should be)
int BstrSize = MultiByteToWideChar(m_CodePage, 0, (CHAR *)GetCharacterString(), dwOriginalLength, NULL, 0 );
// Check if the token can be converted to an appropriate bstr.
if (0 == BstrSize) { return FALSE; }
// re-allocate bstr for the unicode representation
if ( !SysReAllocStringLen(&m_Bstr, NULL, BstrSize) ) { return FALSE; }
// convert character string to bstr
// cast the const char * returned from GetCharacterString to CHAR * because MultiByteToWideChar
// doesn't accept const char * (although thats what the parameter should be)
if ( BstrSize != MultiByteToWideChar( m_CodePage, 0, (CHAR *)GetCharacterString(), dwOriginalLength, m_Bstr, BstrSize ) ) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
HRESULT SDP_BSTRING::GetBstr( IN BSTR *pBstr ) { // ZoltanS
ASSERT( ! IsBadWritePtr(pBstr, sizeof(BSTR)) );
*pBstr = m_Bstr; return S_OK; }
HRESULT SDP_BSTRING::GetBstrCopy( IN BSTR * pBstr ) { // ZoltanS
if ( IsBadWritePtr(pBstr, sizeof(BSTR)) ) { return E_POINTER; }
BSTR LocalPtr = NULL; HRESULT HResult = GetBstr(&LocalPtr); if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { return HResult; }
if ( (*pBstr = SysAllocString(LocalPtr)) == NULL ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT SDP_BSTRING::SetBstr( IN BSTR Bstr ) { if ( NULL == Bstr ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
DWORD BstrLen = lstrlenW(Bstr); BOOL DefaultUsed = FALSE;
// determine length of character string buffer
// If the codepage is UTF8 the last argument should be NULL
// if the caracterset is ASCII then we need to determine if the
// WideCharToMultiByte methods nneds replacment characters
int BufferSize = WideCharToMultiByte( m_CodePage, 0, Bstr, BstrLen+1, NULL, 0, NULL, (m_CharacterSet == CS_ASCII ) ? &DefaultUsed : NULL );
if ( 0 == BufferSize ) { return HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE(GetLastError()); }
// now conversion cannot fail because the previous call made sure that
// the bstr can be converted to this multibyte string
// since failure is not possible, we do not need any code to restore
// the previous character string and it may be freed
if ( !ReAllocCharacterString(BufferSize) ) { return HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE(GetLastError()); }
// since the char string has been reallocated, the modifiable string must exist
// (i.e. the char string should not be by reference at this point)
ASSERT(NULL != GetModifiableCharString());
// convert to multibyte string
if ( BufferSize != WideCharToMultiByte( m_CodePage, 0, Bstr, BstrLen+1, GetModifiableCharString(), BufferSize, NULL, NULL ) ) { ASSERT(FALSE); return HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE(GetLastError()); }
// reallocate memory and copy bstr
if ( !SysReAllocStringLen(&m_Bstr, Bstr, BstrLen) ) { return HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE(GetLastError()); }
IsValid(TRUE); IsModified(TRUE); return S_OK; }
BOOL SDP_BSTRING::InternalSetCharStrByRef( IN CHAR *CharacterStringByReference, IN DWORD Length ) { if ( !SDP_CHAR_STRING::InternalSetCharStrByRef(CharacterStringByReference, Length) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( !ConvertToBstr() ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL SDP_BSTRING::InternalSetCharStrByCopy( IN const CHAR *CharacterStringByCopy, IN DWORD Length ) { if ( !SDP_CHAR_STRING::InternalSetCharStrByCopy(CharacterStringByCopy, Length) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( !ConvertToBstr() ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL SDP_BSTRING::InternalParseToken( IN CHAR *Token ) { UINT CodePage;
// parse the token using the base class parsing method
if ( !SDP_CHAR_STRING::InternalParseToken(Token) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( !ConvertToBstr() ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
SDP_BSTRING::~SDP_BSTRING() { if ( NULL != m_Bstr ) { SysFreeString(m_Bstr); } }
void SDP_OPTIONAL_BSTRING::Reset( ) { // perform the destructor actions (freeing ptrs) and the constructor actions (initializing
// member variables to starting values)
m_IsBstrCreated = FALSE;
// call the base class Reset
SDP_BSTRING::Reset(); }
// returns the bstr for the character string
// creates a bstr if required
ASSERT( ! IsBadWritePtr(pBstr, sizeof(BSTR)) );
if ( !m_IsBstrCreated ) { if ( !ConvertToBstr() ) { return HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE(GetLastError()); }
m_IsBstrCreated = TRUE; }
*pBstr = m_Bstr; return S_OK; }
HRESULT SDP_OPTIONAL_BSTRING::SetBstr( IN BSTR Bstr ) { HRESULT HResult = SDP_BSTRING::SetBstr(Bstr); if ( FAILED(HResult) ) { return HResult; }
m_IsBstrCreated = TRUE; ASSERT(S_OK == HResult); return HResult; }
BOOL SDP_OPTIONAL_BSTRING::InternalSetCharStrByRef( IN CHAR *CharacterStringByReference, IN DWORD Length ) { if ( !SDP_CHAR_STRING::InternalSetCharStrByRef(CharacterStringByReference, Length) ) { return FALSE; }
m_IsBstrCreated = FALSE; return TRUE; }
BOOL SDP_OPTIONAL_BSTRING::InternalSetCharStrByCopy( IN const CHAR *CharacterStringByCopy, IN DWORD Length ) { if ( !SDP_CHAR_STRING::InternalSetCharStrByCopy(CharacterStringByCopy, Length) ) { return FALSE; }
m_IsBstrCreated = FALSE; return TRUE; }
// since the bstr must only be created on demand, parsing must
// be over-ridden such that the bstr is not created during parsing
BOOL SDP_OPTIONAL_BSTRING::InternalParseToken( IN CHAR *Token ) { return SDP_CHAR_STRING::InternalParseToken(Token); }
HRESULT SDP_BSTRING_LINE::GetBstrCopy( IN BSTR *pBstr ) { // ZoltanS
if ( IsBadWritePtr(pBstr, sizeof(BSTR)) ) { return E_POINTER; }
// if no elements in the field array, then the instance is invalid
if ( 0 >= m_FieldArray.GetSize() ) { // ZoltanS fix: return a valid empty string! Otherwise we aren't
// conforming to Bstr semantics.
*pBstr = SysAllocString(L"");
if ( (*pBstr) == NULL ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return S_OK; }
return GetBstring().GetBstrCopy(pBstr); }
HRESULT SDP_BSTRING_LINE::SetBstr( IN BSTR Bstr ) { BAIL_ON_FAILURE(GetBstring().SetBstr(Bstr));
try { // set the field and separator char array
m_FieldArray.SetAtGrow(0, &GetBstring()); m_SeparatorCharArray.SetAtGrow(0, CHAR_NEWLINE); } catch(...) { m_FieldArray.RemoveAll(); m_SeparatorCharArray.RemoveAll();
return S_OK; }
void SDP_REQD_BSTRING_LINE::InternalReset( ) { m_Bstring.Reset(); }
void SDP_CHAR_STRING_LINE::InternalReset( ) { m_SdpOptionalBstring.Reset(); }
HRESULT SDP_LIMITED_CHAR_STRING::SetLimitedCharString( IN CHAR *String ) { // check if the string is a legal string
// check if the token is one of the legal strings
for(UINT i=0; i < m_NumStrings; i++) { if ( !strcmp(m_LegalStrings[i], String) ) { // parse the string using the base class parsing method
if ( !SDP_CHAR_STRING::InternalParseToken(String) ) { return HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE(GetLastError()); }
return S_OK; } }
// no matching legal string
BOOL SDP_LIMITED_CHAR_STRING::InternalParseToken( IN CHAR *Token ) { // check if the token is one of the legal strings
for(UINT i=0; i < m_NumStrings; i++) { if ( !strcmp(m_LegalStrings[i], Token) ) { // parse the token using the base class parsing method
if ( !SDP_CHAR_STRING::InternalParseToken(Token) ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } }
// the token does not match any of the legal strings
SetLastError(SDP_INVALID_FORMAT); return FALSE; }
BOOL SDP_ADDRESS::IsValidIP4Address( IN CHAR *Address, OUT ULONG &Ip4AddressValue ) { ASSERT(NULL != Address);
// check if there are atleast 3 CHAR_DOTs in the address string
// inet_addr accepts 3,2,1 or even no dots
CHAR *CurrentChar = Address; BYTE NumDots = 0; while (EOS != *CurrentChar) { if (CHAR_DOT == *CurrentChar) { NumDots++; if (3 == NumDots) { break; } }
// advance the ptr to the next char
CurrentChar++; }
// check for the number of dots
if (3 != NumDots) { SetLastError(SDP_INVALID_ADDRESS); return FALSE; }
// currently only ip4 is supported
Ip4AddressValue = inet_addr(Address);
// check if the address is a valid IP4 address
if ( (ULONG)INADDR_NONE == Ip4AddressValue ) { SetLastError(SDP_INVALID_ADDRESS); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
HRESULT SDP_ADDRESS::SetAddress( IN BSTR Address ) { // SetBstr also sets the is modified and is valid flags on success
HRESULT ToReturn = SDP_OPTIONAL_BSTRING::SetBstr(Address); if ( FAILED(ToReturn) ) { return ToReturn; }
// get the ip address
ULONG Ip4AddressValue;
// check if the token is a valid IP4 address
if ( !IsValidIP4Address(GetCharacterString(), Ip4AddressValue) ) { IsModified(FALSE); IsValid(FALSE); return HRESULT_FROM_ERROR_CODE(GetLastError()); }
m_IsMulticastFlag = IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(Ip4AddressValue));
// the grammar requires that a multicast address be either an administratively scoped
// address "239.*" or out of the internet multicast conferencing range "224.2.*"
// we won't check that here as that may be overly restrictive
return S_OK; }
HRESULT SDP_ADDRESS::SetBstr( IN BSTR Bstr ) { return SetAddress(Bstr); }
BOOL SDP_ADDRESS::InternalParseToken( IN CHAR *Token ) { ULONG Ip4AddressValue;
// check if the token is a valid IP4 address
if ( !IsValidIP4Address(Token, Ip4AddressValue) ) { return FALSE; }
// check if the address(unicast or multicast) is same as whats expected
if ( IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(Ip4AddressValue)) != m_IsMulticastFlag ) { SetLastError(SDP_INVALID_ADDRESS); return FALSE; }
// the grammar requires that a multicast address be either an administratively scoped
// address "239.*" or out of the internet multicast conferencing range "224.2.*"
// we won't check that here as that may be overly restrictive
// call the base class parse token method
if ( !SDP_CHAR_STRING::InternalParseToken(Token) ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }