// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1995
// rovini.c
// This file contains profile (.ini) routines.
// Meant to be used in conjunction with rovcomm.c.
// History:
// 08-06-93 ScottH Transferred from twin code
// 05-05-95 ScottH Made generic from Briefcase code
#include "proj.h"
#include <rovcomm.h>
#pragma data_seg(DATASEG_READONLY)
// (c_szRovIniFile and c_szRovIniSecDebugUI are defined in rovdbg.h)
extern WCHAR const FAR c_szRovIniFile[]; extern WCHAR const FAR c_szRovIniSecDebugUI[];
TCHAR const FAR c_szZero[] = TEXT("0"); TCHAR const FAR c_szIniKeyBreakFlags[] = TEXT("BreakFlags"); TCHAR const FAR c_szIniKeyTraceFlags[] = TEXT("TraceFlags"); TCHAR const FAR c_szIniKeyDumpFlags[] = TEXT("DumpFlags");
#pragma data_seg()
// Some of the .ini processing code was pimped from the sync engine.
typedef struct _INIKEYHEADER { LPCTSTR pszSectionName; LPCTSTR pszKeyName; LPCTSTR pszDefaultRHS; } INIKEYHEADER;
typedef struct _BOOLINIKEY { INIKEYHEADER ikh; LPDWORD puStorage; DWORD dwFlag; } BOOLINIKEY;
typedef struct _INTINIKEY { INIKEYHEADER ikh; LPDWORD puStorage; } INTINIKEY;
// Some of these macros taken from prefs.h in Pen project...
#define PutIniIntCmp(idsSection, idsKey, nNewValue, nSave) \
if ((nNewValue) != (nSave)) PutIniInt(idsSection, idsKey, nNewValue)
#define WritePrivateProfileInt(szApp, szKey, i, lpFileName) \
{CHAR sz[7]; \ WritePrivateProfileString(szApp, szKey, SzFromInt(sz, i), lpFileName);}
#pragma data_seg(DATASEG_PERINSTANCE)
// Array of keys with Integer RHSs to be processed by ProcessIniFile()
static INTINIKEY s_rgiik[] = { { { c_szRovIniSecDebugUI, c_szIniKeyTraceFlags, TEXT("0x20000")}, &g_dwTraceFlags },
{ { c_szRovIniSecDebugUI, c_szIniKeyDumpFlags, c_szZero }, &g_dwDumpFlags },
{ { c_szRovIniSecDebugUI, c_szIniKeyBreakFlags, TEXT("0x1") }, &g_dwBreakFlags },
#pragma data_seg()
/* Boolean TRUE strings used by IsIniYes() (comparison is case-insensitive) */
static LPCTSTR s_rgpszTrue[] = { TEXT("1"), TEXT("On"), TEXT("True"), TEXT("Y"), TEXT("Yes") };
/* Boolean FALSE strings used by IsIniYes() (comparison is case-insensitive) */
static LPCTSTR s_rgpszFalse[] = { TEXT("0"), TEXT("Off"), TEXT("False"), TEXT("N"), TEXT("No") };
Purpose: Determines whether a string corresponds to a boolean TRUE value. Returns: The boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) Cond: -- */ BOOL PRIVATE IsIniYes( LPCTSTR psz) { int i; BOOL bNotFound = TRUE; BOOL bResult;
/* Is the value TRUE? */
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_rgpszTrue); i++) { if (IsSzEqual(psz, s_rgpszTrue[i])) { bResult = TRUE; bNotFound = FALSE; break; } }
/* Is the value FALSE? */
if (bNotFound) { for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_rgpszFalse); i++) { if (IsSzEqual(psz, s_rgpszFalse[i])) { bResult = FALSE; bNotFound = FALSE; break; } }
/* Is the value a known string? */
if (bNotFound) { /* No. Whine about it. */
TRACE_MSG(TF_WARNING, "IsIniYes() called on unknown Boolean RHS '%s'.", psz); bResult = FALSE; } }
return bResult; }
#if 0 // (use this as an example)
Purpose: Process keys with boolean RHSs. Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PRIVATE ProcessBooleans(void) { int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_rgbik); i++) { DWORD dwcbKeyLen; TCHAR szRHS[MAX_BUF]; BOOLINIKEY * pbik = &(s_rgbik[i]); LPCTSTR lpcszRHS;
/* Look for key. */
dwcbKeyLen = GetPrivateProfileString(pbik->ikh.pszSectionName, pbik->ikh.pszKeyName, TEXT(""), szRHS, SIZECHARS(szRHS), c_szRovIniFile);
if (dwcbKeyLen) lpcszRHS = szRHS; else lpcszRHS = pbik->ikh.pszDefaultRHS;
if (IsIniYes(lpcszRHS)) { if (IsFlagClear(*(pbik->puStorage), pbik->dwFlag)) TRACE_MSG(TF_GENERAL, "ProcessIniFile(): %s set in %s![%s].", pbik->ikh.pszKeyName, c_szRovIniFile, pbik->ikh.pszSectionName);
SetFlag(*(pbik->puStorage), pbik->dwFlag); } else { if (IsFlagSet(*(pbik->puStorage), pbik->dwFlag)) TRACE_MSG(TF_GENERAL, "ProcessIniFile(): %s cleared in %s![%s].", pbik->ikh.pszKeyName, c_szRovIniFile, pbik->ikh.pszSectionName);
ClearFlag(*(pbik->puStorage), pbik->dwFlag); } } } #endif
Purpose: Process keys with integer RHSs. Returns: -- Cond: -- */ void PRIVATE ProcessIntegers(void) { int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_rgiik); i++) { DWORD dwcbKeyLen; TCHAR szRHS[MAX_BUF]; INTINIKEY * piik = &(s_rgiik[i]); LPCTSTR lpcszRHS;
/* Look for key. */
dwcbKeyLen = GetPrivateProfileString(piik->ikh.pszSectionName, piik->ikh.pszKeyName, TEXT(""), szRHS, SIZECHARS(szRHS), c_szRovIniFile);
if (dwcbKeyLen) lpcszRHS = szRHS; else lpcszRHS = piik->ikh.pszDefaultRHS;
AnsiToInt(lpcszRHS, (int FAR *)piik->puStorage);
TRACE_MSG(TF_GENERAL, "ProcessIniFile(): %s set to %#08x.", piik->ikh.pszKeyName, *(piik->puStorage)); } }
Purpose: Process initialization file Returns: TRUE if initialization is successful Cond: -- */ BOOL PUBLIC RovComm_ProcessIniFile(void) { BOOL bResult = TRUE;
// Currently, all integer keys are for DEBUG use only.
return bResult; }
#endif // NOPROFILE