Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: CONNECT.CPP Author: Arul Menezes Abstract: All the constant data used by the HTTP daemon --*/ #include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "httpd.h"
const char* rgWkday[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", 0}; const char* rgMonth[] = { "", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", 0};
const char cszServerID[] = "UPnP/1.0"; const char cszProductID[] = "UPnP Device Host/1.0"; // const char cszRespStatus[] = "HTTP/1.0 %d %s\r\n";
const char cszRespStatus[] = "HTTP/1.0 ";
// const char cszRespServer[] = "Server: %s\r\n";
const char cszRespServer2[] = "Server: "; // const char cszRespType[] = "Content-Type: %s\r\n";
const char cszRespType2[] = "Content-Type: "; // const char cszRespLength[] = "Content-Length: %d\r\n";
const char cszRespLength2[] = "Content-Length: ";
// const char cszRespWWWAuthBasic[] = "WWW-Authenticate: Basic\r\n";
const char cszRespWWWAuthBasic2[] = "WWW-Authenticate: Basic"; const char cszRespWWWAuthNTLM[] = "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM"; // const char cszDateFmt[] = "%3s, %02d %3s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT\r\n";
const char cszRespDate[] = "Date: "; // const char cszRespLocation[]="Location: %s\r\n";
const char cszRespLocation2[]="Location: ";
// const char cszConnection[] = "Connection: %s\r\n";
const char cszConnection2[] = "Connection: "; const char cszKeepAlive[] = "keep-alive"; const char cszClose[] = "close"; const char cszCRLF[] = "\r\n"; const char cszRespLastMod[] = "Last-Modified: ";
#define APPENDCRLF(psz) { *psz++ = '\r'; *psz++ = '\n'; }
// The order of items in this table must match that in enum RESPONSESTATUS
// This is not international safe! In new version, we fill the table on
// httpd initialization with string from the rc file.
STATUSINFO rgStatus[STATUS_MAX] = { { 200, "OK", NULL }, { 302, "Object Moved", "<head><title>Object Moved</title></head><body><h1>Object Moved</h1>This object has moved to "}, { 304, "Not Modified", NULL }, // body not allowed for 304
{ 400, "Bad Request", "The request was not understood" }, { 401, "Unauthorized", "Access denied" }, { 403, "Forbidden", "Access denied" }, { 404, "Object Not Found", "The requested URL was not found" }, { 500, "Internal Server Error", "The server encountered an error" }, { 501, "Not Implemented", "This method is not implemented" }, }; */
STATUSINFO rgStatus[STATUS_MAX] = { { 200, "OK", NULL}, // no body!
{ 301, "Object Moved", NULL}, { 304, "Not Modified", NULL}, // body not allowed for 304
{ 400, "Bad Request", NULL}, { 401, "Unauthorized", NULL}, { 403, "Forbidden", NULL}, { 404, "Object Not Found", NULL}, { 500, "Internal Server Error", NULL}, { 501, "Not Implemented", NULL}, { 505, "HTTP Version Not Supported", NULL}, };
int SendData(SOCKET sock, const char FAR *pszBuffData, int cbBuffLen, int flags) { // assumption - sock is a blocking one
char FAR *pszTempBuff ; int nBytesSent = 0; int retVal = cbBuffLen ;
pszTempBuff = (char FAR*)pszBuffData ; while ( cbBuffLen > 0 ) { if((nBytesSent = send(sock, pszTempBuff, cbBuffLen, flags)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { retVal = SOCKET_ERROR; TraceTag(ttidWebServer, "Send RESPONSE Data failed! - %d",WSAGetLastError()); break; } if( nBytesSent <= 0 ) { // XXX it may be that nBytesSent is zero. There is no simple solution other than
// doing a select until the socket becomes writeable. For now, we want to make
// sure that we make progress in the loop and ensure termination, so we will
// just break out if this happens.
retVal = SOCKET_ERROR; TraceTag(ttidWebServer, "Send RESPONSE Data failed! zero bytes sent - %d",WSAGetLastError()); break; } cbBuffLen -= nBytesSent; pszTempBuff += nBytesSent; }
return retVal; }
void CHttpResponse::SendHeaders(PCSTR pszExtraHeaders, PCSTR pszNewRespStatus) { DEBUG_CODE_INIT; CHAR szBuf[HEADERBUFSIZE]; PSTR pszBuf = szBuf;
PSTR pszTrav; int iLen; DWORD cbNeeded ;
PSTR pszFilterHeaders = NULL;
if ( g_pVars->m_fFilters && ! m_pRequest->CallFilter(SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RESPONSE)) myleave(97);
// For HTTP 0.9, we don't send headers back.
if (m_pRequest->m_dwVersion <= MAKELONG(9, 0)) myleave(0);
// We do calculation up front to see if we need a allocate a buffer or not.
// Certain may be set by an ISAPI Extension, Filter, or ASP
// and we must do the check to make sure their sum plus http headers server
// uses will be less than buffer we created.
cbNeeded = m_pRequest->m_bufRespHeaders.Count() + MyStrlenA(pszExtraHeaders) + MyStrlenA(pszNewRespStatus) + MyStrlenA(m_pszRedirect) + MyStrlenA(m_pRequest->m_pszNTLMOutBuf) + ((m_pRequest->m_pFInfo && m_rs == STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED) ? MyStrlenA(m_pRequest->m_pFInfo->m_pszDenyHeader) : 0);
// If what we need for extra + 1000 bytes (for the regular Http headers) is
// > our buf, allocate a new one
if (cbNeeded + 1000 > HEADERBUFSIZE) { if (!(pszBuf = MyRgAllocNZ(CHAR,cbNeeded+1000))) myleave(98); } pszTrav = pszBuf;
// if (pszNewRespStatus)
// iLen = sprintf(szBuf,"HTTP/1.0 %s\r\n",pszNewRespStatus);
// else
// iLen = sprintf(szBuf, cszRespStatus, rgStatus[m_rs].dwStatusNumber, rgStatus[m_rs].pszStatusText);
// the status line
// ServerSupportFunction on SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER can override the server value
pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,cszRespStatus); if (pszNewRespStatus) { pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,pszNewRespStatus); } else // copy the number and value over
{ _itoa(rgStatus[m_rs].dwStatusNumber,pszTrav,10); pszTrav = strchr(pszTrav,'\0'); *pszTrav++ = ' '; pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,rgStatus[m_rs].pszStatusText); } APPENDCRLF(pszTrav);
// the Date line
SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st); // NOTE: Must be GMT!
// iLen += sprintf(szBuf+iLen, cszDateFmt, rgWkday[st.wDayOfWeek], st.wDay, rgMonth[st.wMonth], st.wYear, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond);
pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav, cszRespDate); pszTrav = WriteHTTPDate(pszTrav,&st,TRUE); // APPENDCRLF(pszTrav);
// Connection: header
if (m_connhdr != CONN_NONE) { // iLen += sprintf(szBuf+iLen, cszConnection, (m_connhdr==CONN_KEEP ? cszKeepAlive : cszClose));
pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,cszConnection2); pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,(m_connhdr==CONN_KEEP ? cszKeepAlive : cszClose)); APPENDCRLF(pszTrav); }
// the server line
// iLen += sprintf(szBuf+iLen, cszRespServer, cszServerID);
pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,cszRespServer2); pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,g_pVars->m_pszServerID); APPENDCRLF(pszTrav);
// the Location header (for redirects)
if (m_pszRedirect) { DEBUGCHK(m_rs == STATUS_MOVED); // iLen += sprintf(szBuf+iLen, cszRespLocation, m_pszRedirect);
pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,cszRespLocation2); pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,m_pszRedirect); APPENDCRLF(pszTrav); }
// the WWW-Authenticate line
if (m_rs == STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED) { // In the middle of an NTLM authentication session
if (g_pVars->m_fNTLMAuth && m_pRequest->m_pszNTLMOutBuf) { // iLen += sprintf(szBuf+iLen,"%s %s\r\n",cszRespWWWAuthNTLM,m_pRequest->m_pszNTLMOutBuf);
pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,cszRespWWWAuthNTLM); *pszTrav++ = ' '; pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,m_pRequest->m_pszNTLMOutBuf); APPENDCRLF(pszTrav); } // If both schemes are enabled, send both back to client and let the browser decide which to use
else if (g_pVars->m_fBasicAuth && g_pVars->m_fNTLMAuth) { // iLen += sprintf(szBuf+iLen,"%s\r\n%s",cszRespWWWAuthNTLM,cszRespWWWAuthBasic);
pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,cszRespWWWAuthNTLM); APPENDCRLF(pszTrav); pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,cszRespWWWAuthBasic2); APPENDCRLF(pszTrav); } else if (g_pVars->m_fBasicAuth) { // iLen += sprintf(szBuf+iLen, cszRespWWWAuthBasic);
pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,cszRespWWWAuthBasic2); APPENDCRLF(pszTrav); } else if (g_pVars->m_fNTLMAuth) { // iLen += sprintf(szBuf+iLen,"%s\r\n",cszRespWWWAuthNTLM);
pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,cszRespWWWAuthNTLM); APPENDCRLF(pszTrav); } }
// the Last-Modified line
if (m_hFile) { FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; if ( GetFileTime(m_hFile, NULL, NULL, &ft) && // gets filetime in GMT
FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st) ) // converts GMT filetime to GMT systemtime
{ // iLen += sprintf(szBuf+iLen, cszDateFmt, rgWkday[st.wDayOfWeek], st.wDay, rgMonth[st.wMonth], st.wYear, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond);
pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav, cszRespLastMod); pszTrav = WriteHTTPDate(pszTrav,&st,TRUE); } }
// the Content-Type line
if (m_pszType) { // iLen += sprintf(szBuf+iLen, cszRespType, m_pszType);
pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,cszRespType2); pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,m_pszType); APPENDCRLF(pszTrav); } // the Content-Length line
if (m_dwLength) { // If we have a file that is 0 length, it is set to -1.
if (m_dwLength == -1) m_dwLength = 0; // iLen += sprintf(szBuf+iLen, cszRespLength, m_dwLength);
pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,cszRespLength2); _itoa(m_dwLength,pszTrav,10); pszTrav = strchr(pszTrav,'\0'); APPENDCRLF(pszTrav); }
if ((m_rs == STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED) && m_pRequest->m_pFInfo && m_pRequest->m_pFInfo->m_pszDenyHeader) { pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,m_pRequest->m_pFInfo->m_pszDenyHeader); // It's the script's responsibility to add any \r\n to the headers.
if (m_pRequest->m_bufRespHeaders.Data()) { memcpy(pszTrav,m_pRequest->m_bufRespHeaders.Data(),m_pRequest->m_bufRespHeaders.Count()); pszTrav += m_pRequest->m_bufRespHeaders.Count(); } // APPENDCRLF(pszTrav);
if (pszExtraHeaders) { pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,pszExtraHeaders); // It's the script's responsibility to add any \r\n to the headers.
} else { APPENDCRLF(pszTrav); // the double CRLF signifies that header data is at an end
*pszTrav = 0;
pszFilterHeaders = pszBuf; // pointer may be modified, don't loose original pszBuf ptr
iLen = (int)((INT_PTR)(pszTrav - pszBuf)); if (g_pVars->m_fFilters && ! m_pRequest->CallFilter(SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RAW_DATA, &pszFilterHeaders, &iLen)) myleave(99);
iLen = SendData(m_socket,pszFilterHeaders,iLen,0); done: TraceTag(ttidWebServer, "Sending RESPONSE HEADER<<%s>>", pszFilterHeaders);
if (pszBuf != szBuf) MyFree(pszBuf); }
void CHttpResponse::SendBody(void) { if (TOK_HEAD == m_pRequest->m_idMethod) return;
if (m_hFile) SendFile(m_socket, m_hFile, m_pRequest); else if (m_pszBody) { PSTR pszSendBuf = (PSTR) m_pszBody; int cbSendBuf = m_dwLength;
if (g_pVars->m_fFilters && ! m_pRequest->CallFilter(SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RAW_DATA, &pszSendBuf, &cbSendBuf)) { ; } else { // send if there's no filters or if filter call succeeded
SendData(m_socket, pszSendBuf, cbSendBuf, 0); }
TraceTag(ttidWebServer, "Sending RESPONSE BODY<<%s>> len=%d", pszSendBuf, cbSendBuf); } }
void SendFile(SOCKET sock, HANDLE hFile, CHttpRequest *pRequest) { BYTE bBuf[4096]; DWORD dwRead; PBYTE pszSendBuf; int cbSendBuf; int nBytesSent = 0;
while (ReadFile(hFile, bBuf, sizeof(bBuf), &dwRead, 0) && dwRead) { pszSendBuf = bBuf; cbSendBuf = dwRead;
if (g_pVars->m_fFilters && ! pRequest->CallFilter(SF_NOTIFY_SEND_RAW_DATA, (PSTR*) &pszSendBuf, &cbSendBuf)) { ; } else { // send if there's no filters or if filter call succeeded
if((nBytesSent = SendData(sock, (PSTR) pszSendBuf, cbSendBuf, 0)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { TraceTag(ttidWebServer, "Send RESPONSE Data failed! - %d",WSAGetLastError()); break; } else { TraceTag(ttidWebServer, "Sending RESPONSE Data - Bytes to be sent = %d bytes sent = %d", dwRead, nBytesSent ); } } }
return; }
// This function used to display the message "Object moved
void CHttpResponse::SendRedirect(PCSTR pszRedirect, BOOL fFromFilter) { if (!fFromFilter && m_pRequest->FilterNoResponse()) return;
DEBUGCHK(!m_hFile); DEBUGCHK(m_rs==STATUS_MOVED); // create a body
PSTR pszBody = MySzAllocA(strlen(rgStatus[m_rs].pszStatusBody)+2*strlen(pszRedirect)+30); DWORD dwLen = 0; if (pszBody) { // originally used this string set -- "Moved Permanently", "<head><title>Object Moved</title></head><body><h1>Object Moved</h1>This object has moved to <a HREF=\"%s\">%s</a></body>" },
// sprintf(pszBody, rgStatus[m_rs].pszStatusBody, pszRedirect, pszRedirect);
PSTR pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszBody,rgStatus[m_rs].pszStatusBody); pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,"<a href=\""); pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,pszRedirect); pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,"\">"); pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,pszRedirect); pszTrav = strcpyEx(pszTrav,"</a></body>"); SetBody(pszBody, cszTextHtml); } // set redirect header & send all headers, then the synthetic body
m_pszRedirect = pszRedirect; SendHeaders(NULL,NULL); SendBody(); MyFree(pszBody); }
// Read strings of the bodies to send on web server errors ("Object not found",
// "Server Error",...) using load string. These strings are in wide character
// format, so we first convert them to regular strings, marching along
// pszBodyCodes (which is a buffer size BODYSTRINGSIZE). After the conversion,
// we set each rgStatus[i].pszStatusBody to the pointer in the buffer.
void InitializeResponseCodes(PSTR pszStatusBodyBuf) { PSTR pszTrav = pszStatusBodyBuf; UINT i; int iLen; WCHAR wszBuf[256];
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZEOF(rgStatus); i++) { // no bodies for these
if (i == STATUS_OK || i == STATUS_NOTMODIFIED) continue;
LoadString(g_hInst,RESBASE_body + i,wszBuf,celems(wszBuf));
iLen = MyW2A(wszBuf, pszTrav, BODYSTRINGSIZE - (int)((INT_PTR)((pszTrav - pszStatusBodyBuf)))); if (!iLen) return;
rgStatus[i].pszStatusBody = pszTrav; pszTrav += iLen; } }