// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: C L I S T . H
// Contents: Very simple templatized CList. Yes, we could import and use
// the STL stuff, but that's a real pain for this one class.
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 9 Dec 1999
#ifndef _CLIST_H_
#define _CLIST_H_
#pragma once
// T is the type stored in the list
// K is a type used to search for elements of type T
template<class T, class K> class CList { struct TNode { TNode * pNext; TNode * pPrev; T Data; };
public: inline CList() { m_pRootNode = NULL; m_pCurrentNode = NULL; m_pLastNode = NULL; m_iElements = 0; }; inline ~CList(); inline BOOL FAdd(T pNew); inline BOOL FDelete(K keyDelete); inline BOOL FFirst(T * pItem); inline BOOL FNext(T * pItem); inline VOID Flush(); inline int GetCount() { return m_iElements; }; inline BOOL FFind(K key, T * pItem);
protected: inline BOOL FInternalDelete(TNode * pItem); virtual BOOL FCompare(T pNode, K key) = 0; inline BOOL FInternalFind(K key, TNode ** ppItem);
protected: TNode * m_pRootNode; TNode * m_pCurrentNode; TNode * m_pLastNode;
int m_iElements; };
template <class T, class K> BOOL CList< T, K >::FInternalDelete(TNode * pItem) { Assert(pItem);
if (pItem->pPrev) { pItem->pPrev->pNext = pItem->pNext; }
if (pItem->pNext) { pItem->pNext->pPrev = pItem->pPrev; }
if (m_pRootNode == pItem) { m_pRootNode = pItem->pNext; }
if (m_pLastNode == pItem) { m_pLastNode = pItem->pPrev; }
if (m_pCurrentNode == pItem) { m_pCurrentNode = pItem->pNext; }
delete pItem->Data; delete pItem; m_iElements--;
return TRUE; }
template <class T, class K> CList< T, K >::~CList() { m_pCurrentNode = m_pRootNode;
while (m_pCurrentNode) { TNode *pNextNode = m_pCurrentNode->pNext;
delete m_pCurrentNode; m_pCurrentNode = pNextNode; m_iElements--; } }
template <class T, class K> BOOL CList< T, K >::FFirst( T * pItem ) { m_pCurrentNode = m_pRootNode; return FNext(pItem); }
template <class T, class K> BOOL CList< T, K >::FNext( T * pItem ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
if (m_pCurrentNode) { *pItem = m_pCurrentNode->Data; m_pCurrentNode = m_pCurrentNode->pNext; fReturn = TRUE; }
return fReturn; }
template <class T, class K> BOOL CList< T, K >::FAdd( T ItemToAdd ) { TNode * pNewNode = new TNode; if (!pNewNode) { return FALSE; } else { pNewNode->Data = ItemToAdd; pNewNode->pNext = NULL; if (m_pLastNode) { m_pLastNode->pNext = pNewNode; pNewNode->pPrev = m_pLastNode; } else { pNewNode->pPrev = NULL; }
m_pLastNode = pNewNode;
if (!m_pRootNode) m_pRootNode = m_pLastNode;
m_iElements++; }
return TRUE; }
template <class T, class K> VOID CList< T, K >::Flush() { TNode * pLast = m_pLastNode;
while (pLast) { FInternalDelete(pLast); pLast = m_pLastNode; }
Assert(m_iElements == 0); }
template <class T, class K> BOOL CList< T, K >::FDelete(K key) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; BOOL fFound = FALSE; TNode * pNode = NULL;
fFound = FInternalFind(key, &pNode); if (fFound) { fReturn = FInternalDelete(pNode); }
return fReturn; }
template <class T, class K> BOOL CList< T, K >::FFind(K key, T * pItem) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; TNode * pSearch = NULL;
fReturn = FInternalFind(key, &pSearch); if (fReturn) { Assert(pSearch);
if (pItem) { *pItem = pSearch->Data; } }
return fReturn; }
template <class T, class K> BOOL CList< T, K >::FInternalFind(K Key, TNode ** ppNode) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; BOOL fFound = FALSE; TNode * pSearch = NULL;
pSearch = m_pRootNode; while (!fFound && pSearch) { if (FCompare(pSearch->Data, Key)) { fFound = TRUE; } else { pSearch = pSearch->pNext; } }
if (fFound) { fReturn = TRUE; if (ppNode) { *ppNode = pSearch; } }
return fReturn; }
#endif // _CLIST_H_