#include "nt.h"
#include "ntrtl.h"
#include "nturtl.h"
#include "objbase.h"
#include <rpcasync.h> // I_RpcExceptionFilter
#include "ssdp.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "ssdpapi.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "ncmem.h"
#include "ncdefine.h"
#include "ncdebug.h"
#include "ssdpfuncc.h"
#include "ssdpparser.h"
#include "nccom.h"
#include "ncstring.h"
static LIST_ENTRY listNotify; PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE g_pSyncContext = NULL; static HANDLE g_hListNotify = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
static long g_fExiting = 0; // set to 1 when get notification thread is exiting
static long g_fSyncInited = FALSE; // TRUE if SyncHandle is initialized
static LONG g_lNotKey = 0;
extern LONG cInitialized;
// To-do: Rpc error server is too busy after GetNotificationRpc is in process.
// signal the semaphore in rundown.
VOID AddToListClientNotify(PSSDP_CLIENT_NOTIFY NotifyRequest); DWORD WINAPI GetNotificationLoop(LPVOID lpvThreadParam); VOID CallbackOnNotification(MessageList *list);
// Purpose: takes the g_hListNotify mutex and returns
// Note: This should be used only by code that lives on the Notify thread.
// Code that can be executed when servicing an SSDP api call must use
// MsgEnterListNotify instead. The purpose of having two functions
// is to save the notify thread (which has no message loop) from
// going through extra layers of method-call goop.
VOID EnterListNotify() { DWORD dwResult;
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Entering g_hListNotify...");
dwResult = ::WaitForSingleObject(g_hListNotify, INFINITE);
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "...acquired g_hListNotify");
AssertSz(WAIT_TIMEOUT != dwResult, "EnterListNotify: unexpected return value"); AssertSz(WAIT_ABANDONED != dwResult, "EnterListNotify: invalid mutex state"); AssertSz(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwResult, "EnterListNotify: unknown return value"); }
// Purpose: takes the g_hListNotify mutex and returns, servicing the message
// pump while waiting
// Note: This must be used instead of EnterListNotify by any code that
// can be executed on the client thread. Code that lives exclusively
// on the Notify thread should use EnterListNotify() instead.
VOID MsgEnterListNotify() { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwResult;
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Entering HrMyWaitForMultipleHandles");
hr = HrMyWaitForMultipleHandles(0, INFINITE, 1, &g_hListNotify, &dwResult); // We shouldn't get RPC_S_CALLPENDING because we're waiting forever
Assert(SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
// Purpose: frees the g_hListNotify mutex and returns
VOID LeaveListNotify() { BOOL fResult;
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Releasing Mutex");
fResult = ::ReleaseMutex(g_hListNotify);
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Mutex is released");
if (!fResult) { TraceLastWin32Error("LeaveListNotify"); } }
VOID FinishExitNotificationThread() { TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Removing Sync Handle %x", g_pSyncContext);
RpcTryExcept { RemoveSyncHandle(&g_pSyncContext); } RpcExcept(I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { unsigned long ExceptionCode = RpcExceptionCode(); TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "FinishExit... reported exception 0x%lx = %ld", ExceptionCode, ExceptionCode); } RpcEndExcept
InterlockedExchange(&g_fSyncInited, 0); }
VOID CleanupNotificationThread() { INT nStatus;
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Cleaning up notif thread: %d", g_hThread);
PLIST_ENTRY p; PLIST_ENTRY pListHead = &listNotify;
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "----- Cleanup SSDP Client Notify List -----");
p = pListHead->Flink;
while (p != pListHead) {
p = p->Flink;
} LeaveListNotify();
if (g_hThread && g_hThread != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Incrementing g_fExiting"); InterlockedExchange(&g_fExiting, 1);
RpcTryExcept { TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Wakie wakie!");
nStatus = WakeupGetNotificationRpc(g_pSyncContext);
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Wake up returned status %x\n", nStatus);
if (nStatus != 0 ) { // Big problem, damage control
FinishExitNotificationThread(); } } RpcExcept(I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { unsigned long ExceptionCode = RpcExceptionCode(); SetLastError(ExceptionCode); TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Wakeup: Runtime reported exception 0x%lx = %ld", ExceptionCode, ExceptionCode); FinishExitNotificationThread(); } RpcEndExcept
// note: we have to wait for our notify thread to exit _before_ we
// destroy g_hListNotify, as the notify thread might be holding it
// Wait for the thread to exit since we've just told it to wake up and die
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Waiting for the notification loop thread to exit.\n"); DWORD dwResult = 0; HrMyWaitForMultipleHandles( 0, INFINITE, 1, &g_hThread, &dwResult);
CloseHandle(g_hThread); g_hThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
{ BOOL fResult;
fResult = ::CloseHandle(g_hListNotify);
AssertSz(fResult, "CleanupListNotify: CloseHandle(g_hListNotify) failed");
g_hListNotify = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
HANDLE WINAPI RegisterNotification (NOTIFY_TYPE nt, CHAR * szType, CHAR *szEventUrl, SERVICE_CALLBACK_FUNC fnCallback, VOID *pContext) { PSSDP_CLIENT_NOTIFY ClientNotify = NULL; INT Size = sizeof(SSDP_CLIENT_NOTIFY); PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE phContext; INT status; DWORD ThreadId; SSDP_REGISTER_INFO info = {0}; SSDP_REGISTER_INFO *pinfo = &info; BOOL fHoldingListNotify = FALSE; BOOL bHoldingResource = FALSE;
if (!cInitialized) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_READY); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
switch (nt) { case NOTIFY_PROP_CHANGE: if (szEventUrl == NULL || szType != NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } break; case NOTIFY_ALIVE: if (szType == NULL || szEventUrl != NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } break; default: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if (fnCallback == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
ClientNotify = (PSSDP_CLIENT_NOTIFY) malloc(Size);
if (ClientNotify == NULL) { TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Couldn't allocate memory for " "ClientNotifyRequest for %s", szType); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
ZeroMemory(ClientNotify, sizeof(SSDP_CLIENT_NOTIFY));
switch (nt) { case NOTIFY_PROP_CHANGE: ClientNotify->Type = SSDP_CLIENT_EVENT_SIGNATURE; ClientNotify->szType = NULL; ClientNotify->szEventUrl = (CHAR *) malloc(strlen(szEventUrl)+1); if (ClientNotify->szEventUrl == NULL) { TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Couldn't allocate memory for " "szEventUrl for %s", szEventUrl); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); free(ClientNotify); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
strcpy(ClientNotify->szEventUrl, szEventUrl); break;
case NOTIFY_ALIVE: ClientNotify->Type = SSDP_CLIENT_NOTIFY_SIGNATURE; ClientNotify->szEventUrl = NULL; ClientNotify->szType = (CHAR *) malloc(strlen(szType)+1); if (ClientNotify->szType == NULL) { TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Couldn't allocate memory for " "szType for %s", szType); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); free(ClientNotify); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
strcpy(ClientNotify->szType, szType); break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if (InterlockedCompareExchange(&g_fSyncInited, 1, 0) == 0) { // First time ever going into this function
Assert(IsListEmpty(&listNotify)); RpcTryExcept { status = InitializeSyncHandle(&g_pSyncContext); TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "InitializeSyncHandler returned %d.", status); if (status) { SetLastError(status); InterlockedExchange(&g_fSyncInited, 0); SetEvent(g_hLaunchEvent); goto cleanup; } } RpcExcept(I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { unsigned long ExceptionCode = RpcExceptionCode(); SetLastError(ExceptionCode); TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Runtime reported exception 0x%lx = %ld", ExceptionCode, ExceptionCode); InterlockedExchange(&g_fSyncInited, 0); SetEvent(g_hLaunchEvent); goto cleanup; } RpcEndExcept
// create the thread to continuously get notifications
g_hThread = (HANDLE) CreateThread(NULL, 0, GetNotificationLoop, (LPVOID) g_pSyncContext, 0, &ThreadId); if (!g_hThread || g_hThread == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FinishExitNotificationThread(); InterlockedExchange(&g_fSyncInited, 0);
SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); } else { // reset this flag!
InterlockedExchange(&g_fExiting, 0); }
// Let other threads go
SetEvent(g_hLaunchEvent); } else { DWORD dwResult;
dwResult = WaitForSingleObject(g_hLaunchEvent, INFINITE); Assert(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwResult); }
// Somehow the thread wasn't created
if (!InterlockedExchange(&g_fSyncInited, g_fSyncInited)) { TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Thread wasn't created! Aborting..."); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_READY); goto cleanup; }
bHoldingResource = RtlAcquireResourceShared(&g_rsrcReg, TRUE); if(bHoldingResource) { __try { RpcTryExcept { status = RegisterNotificationRpc(&(ClientNotify->HandleServer), g_pSyncContext, nt, szType, szEventUrl, &pinfo); if (status) { TraceTag(ttidError, "RegisterNotification: " "RegisterNotificationRpc failed! %d", status); SetLastError(status); goto cleanup; } } RpcExcept(I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { unsigned long ExceptionCode = RpcExceptionCode(); SetLastError(ExceptionCode); TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Runtime reported exception 0x%lx = %ld", ExceptionCode, ExceptionCode); goto cleanup; } RpcEndExcept
// add to the client notify request list
ClientNotify->Size = Size; ClientNotify->Callback = fnCallback; ClientNotify->Context = pContext; if (pinfo) { Assert(pinfo->szSid);
ClientNotify->szSid = SzaDupSza(pinfo->szSid); ClientNotify->csecTimeout = pinfo->csecTimeout;
// Done with this
midl_user_free(pinfo->szSid); }
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Adding %p to list", ClientNotify); InsertHeadList(&listNotify, &(ClientNotify->linkage));
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Leaving mutex @382");
LeaveListNotify(); } __finally { RtlReleaseResource(&g_rsrcReg); } }
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "RegisterNotification returning %p", ClientNotify);
return ClientNotify;
cleanup: if (ClientNotify != NULL) { free(ClientNotify->szType); free(ClientNotify->szEventUrl); free(ClientNotify->szSid); free(ClientNotify); }
BOOL WINAPI DeregisterNotification(HANDLE hNotification) { INT status = 0; BOOL fLast = FALSE; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (!ClientNotify) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "DeregisterNotification was passed %p:%p", ClientNotify, &ClientNotify->HandleServer);
if (!cInitialized) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_READY); return FALSE; }
_try { if ((ClientNotify->Type != SSDP_CLIENT_NOTIFY_SIGNATURE && ClientNotify->Type != SSDP_CLIENT_EVENT_SIGNATURE) || ClientNotify->Size != sizeof(SSDP_CLIENT_NOTIFY)) { LeaveListNotify(); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } } _except (1) { LeaveListNotify(); unsigned long ExceptionCode = _exception_code(); TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Exception 0x%lx = %ld occurred in DeregisterNotification", ExceptionCode, ExceptionCode); SetLastError(ExceptionCode); return FALSE; }
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Removing %p from list", ClientNotify);
RpcTryExcept { status = DeregisterNotificationRpc(&ClientNotify->HandleServer, fLast); if (status != 0) { TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Deregister returned %d", status); } ABORT_ON_FAILURE(status); } RpcExcept(I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { unsigned long ExceptionCode = RpcExceptionCode(); SetLastError(ExceptionCode); TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Runtime reported exception 0x%lx = %ld", ExceptionCode, ExceptionCode); goto cleanup; } RpcEndExcept
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Checking if listNotify is empty\n");
fRet = TRUE;
cleanup: free(ClientNotify->szType); free(ClientNotify->szSid); free(ClientNotify->szEventUrl); free(ClientNotify);
return fRet; }
VOID FreeMessageList(MessageList *list) { INT i;
if (list != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < list->size; i++) { SSDP_REQUEST *pSsdpRequest;
pSsdpRequest = list->list+i;
} free(list->list); free(list); } }
const DWORD c_cRetryMax = 3;
DWORD WINAPI GetNotificationLoop(LPVOID lpvThreadParam) { DWORD cRetries = c_cRetryMax; ULONG ulExceptionCode = 0;
while (1) { MessageList *list = NULL;
if (!cRetries) { break; }
// reset this to make sure
ulExceptionCode = 0;
// To-do: Check if we are exiting?
// To-do: Check memory leak.
RpcTryExcept { TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Calling GetNotificationRpc..."); GetNotificationRpc(pSemaphore, &list); } RpcExcept(I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { ulExceptionCode = RpcExceptionCode(); TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "GetNotif: Runtime reported exception " "0x%lx = %ld", ulExceptionCode, ulExceptionCode); } RpcEndExcept
if (InterlockedExchange(&g_fExiting, g_fExiting) != 0) { TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "GetNotif is exiting."); FreeMessageList(list); break; } if (list != 0) { PrintSsdpMessageList(list); CallbackOnNotification(list); }
// Decrement the retry count if there is an error
if (NOERROR != ulExceptionCode) { cRetries--; } else { cRetries = c_cRetryMax; } } FinishExitNotificationThread();
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Thread is exiting");
return 0; }
BOOL InitializeListNotify() { Assert(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == g_hListNotify);
g_hListNotify = ::CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, NULL); if (!g_hListNotify) { return FALSE; }
// note: we don't need to call EnterListNotify() since we passed
// bInitialOwner == TRUE above
return TRUE; }
BOOL IsInListNotify(CHAR *szType) { PLIST_ENTRY p; PLIST_ENTRY pListHead = &listNotify;
p = pListHead->Flink;
while (p != pListHead) { PSSDP_CLIENT_NOTIFY NotifyRequest;
p = p->Flink;
if (NotifyRequest->szType && !lstrcmpi(NotifyRequest->szType, szType)) { LeaveListNotify(); return TRUE; } }
LeaveListNotify(); return FALSE; }
VOID CallbackOnNotification(MessageList *list) { INT i; PLIST_ENTRY p; PLIST_ENTRY pListHead = &listNotify;
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Callback on notification list.");
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Trying to get the exclusive lock...");
// Yeah this is a big hack, but it should work. If this is triggered by a call
// to RegisterNotificationRpc then we want to wait before that call has
// finished before allowing this guy to start. We just want to wait, not to
// synchronize access (which the list notify already does).
RtlAcquireResourceExclusive(&g_rsrcReg, TRUE);
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "...got it!");
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Released it!");
struct CallbackInfo { SERVICE_CALLBACK_FUNC m_pfnCallback; SSDP_CALLBACK_TYPE m_ssdpCallbackType; PSSDP_MESSAGE m_pssdpMessage; void * m_pvContext; };
long nCallbackCount = 0;
// Go through list once to get a count of items
for (i = 0; i < list->size; i++) { SSDP_REQUEST *pSsdpRequest;
pSsdpRequest = list->list+i;
p = pListHead->Flink;
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Searching list to callback...");
while (p != pListHead) { TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Found an item to check...");
PSSDP_CLIENT_NOTIFY NotifyRequest; BOOL fShouldCallback;
if (NotifyRequest->Type == SSDP_CLIENT_EVENT_SIGNATURE) { // Match the SID in the NOTIFY to the SID in any local
// subscribers
fShouldCallback = (pSsdpRequest->Headers[GENA_SID] && !lstrcmp(pSsdpRequest->Headers[GENA_SID], NotifyRequest->szSid)); } else { fShouldCallback = (pSsdpRequest->Headers[SSDP_NT] && !lstrcmp(pSsdpRequest->Headers[SSDP_NT], NotifyRequest->szType)) || (pSsdpRequest->Headers[SSDP_ST] && !lstrcmp(pSsdpRequest->Headers[SSDP_ST], NotifyRequest->szType)); }
if (fShouldCallback) { ++nCallbackCount; } p = p->Flink; } }
CallbackInfo * arCallbackInfo = NULL; if(nCallbackCount) { arCallbackInfo = reinterpret_cast<CallbackInfo*>(malloc(nCallbackCount * sizeof(CallbackInfo))); } long nCallback = 0;
// Go through list again to store callback info
for (i = 0; i < list->size && arCallbackInfo && nCallback < nCallbackCount; i++) { SSDP_REQUEST *pSsdpRequest;
pSsdpRequest = list->list+i;
p = pListHead->Flink;
TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Searching list to callback...");
while (p != pListHead) { TraceTag(ttidSsdpCNotify, "Found an item to check...");
PSSDP_CLIENT_NOTIFY NotifyRequest; BOOL fShouldCallback;
if (NotifyRequest->Type == SSDP_CLIENT_EVENT_SIGNATURE) { // Match the SID in the NOTIFY to the SID in any local
// subscribers
fShouldCallback = (pSsdpRequest->Headers[GENA_SID] && !lstrcmp(pSsdpRequest->Headers[GENA_SID], NotifyRequest->szSid)); } else { fShouldCallback = (pSsdpRequest->Headers[SSDP_NT] && !lstrcmp(pSsdpRequest->Headers[SSDP_NT], NotifyRequest->szType)) || (pSsdpRequest->Headers[SSDP_ST] && !lstrcmp(pSsdpRequest->Headers[SSDP_ST], NotifyRequest->szType)); }
if (fShouldCallback) { PSSDP_MESSAGE pSsdpMessage;
pSsdpMessage = (PSSDP_MESSAGE) malloc(sizeof(SSDP_MESSAGE));
if (pSsdpMessage != NULL) { if (InitializeSsdpMessageFromRequest(pSsdpMessage, pSsdpRequest) == TRUE) { SSDP_CALLBACK_TYPE CallbackType = SSDP_ALIVE;
if (!lstrcmpi(pSsdpRequest->Headers[SSDP_NTS], "ssdp:byebye")) { CallbackType = SSDP_BYEBYE; } else if (!lstrcmpi(pSsdpRequest->Headers[SSDP_NTS], "upnp:propchange")) { CallbackType = SSDP_EVENT; } else if (!lstrcmpi(pSsdpRequest->Headers[SSDP_NTS], "upnp:dead")) { CallbackType = SSDP_DEAD; }
arCallbackInfo[nCallback].m_pfnCallback = NotifyRequest->Callback; arCallbackInfo[nCallback].m_ssdpCallbackType = CallbackType; arCallbackInfo[nCallback].m_pssdpMessage = pSsdpMessage; arCallbackInfo[nCallback].m_pvContext = NotifyRequest->Context; ++nCallback; } } else { --nCallbackCount; TraceTag(ttidSsdpNotify, "Failed to allocate memory for " "SsdpMessage."); } } p = p->Flink; } }
LeaveListNotify(); FreeMessageList(list);
// Make calls without list locked
for(long n = 0; n < nCallbackCount; ++n) { arCallbackInfo[n].m_pfnCallback( arCallbackInfo[n].m_ssdpCallbackType, arCallbackInfo[n].m_pssdpMessage, arCallbackInfo[n].m_pvContext); FreeSsdpMessage(arCallbackInfo[n].m_pssdpMessage); } free(arCallbackInfo); }