// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: T F I N D . C P P
// Contents: Asynchronous find mechanism for UPnP tray monitor.
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 22 Nov 1999
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <wininet.h>
#include "tfind.h"
#include "clist.h"
#include "clistndn.h"
#include "tconst.h"
extern UINT g_iTotalBalloons;
CListString g_CListUDN; CListString g_CListUDNSearch; CListNDN g_CListNewDeviceNode; CListNameMap g_CListNameMap;
BOOL g_fIconPresent = FALSE;
// (tongl)
// List of devices currently on the network
// This is the cached device list to show in "My Network Places" folder
CListFolderDeviceNode g_CListFolderDeviceNode; CRITICAL_SECTION g_csFolderDeviceList;
// CLSID_NetworkNeighborhood
CONST WCHAR c_szNetworkNeighborhoodFolderPath[] = L"::{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}\\"; // CLSID UPnP Delegate Folder - note "," is used for the new parse syntax (guru)
CONST WCHAR c_szUPnPFolderPath[] = L"::{e57ce731-33e8-4c51-8354-bb4de9d215d1},"; CONST WCHAR c_szDelegateFolderPrefix[] = L"__upnpitem:"; CONST SIZE_T c_cchDelegateFolderPrefix = celems(c_szDelegateFolderPrefix) - 1;
BOOL CListFolderDeviceNode::FCompare(FolderDeviceNode * pNode, PCWSTR pszUDN) { // see whether UDNs match between two device nodes
Assert(pNode); Assert(pszUDN); return (wcscmp(pNode->pszUDN, pszUDN) == 0); }
BOOL CListNDN::FCompare(NewDeviceNode * pNode, LPCTSTR pszUDN) { // see whether UDNs match between two device nodes
Assert(pNode); Assert(pszUDN); return (_tcscmp(pNode->pszUDN, pszUDN) == 0); }
BOOL CListString::FCompare(LPTSTR pszCurrentNodeString, LPCTSTR pszKey) { // see whether UDNs match between two device nodes
Assert(pszCurrentNodeString); Assert(pszKey); return (_tcscmp(pszCurrentNodeString, pszKey) == 0); }
BOOL CListNameMap::FCompare(NAME_MAP *pnm, LPCTSTR szUdn) { // see whether UDNs match between two device nodes
Assert(pnm); Assert(szUdn); return (_tcscmp(pnm->szUdn, szUdn) == 0); }
TCHAR * BSTRToTsz(BSTR bstrInput) { return TszFromWsz(bstrInput); }
// The string created is:
// "::CLSID_NetworkNeighborhood\\__upnpitem:UPNP_device_UDN"
// The new shell changes
// "::CLSID_NetworkNeighborhood\\::GUID for UPnP Delegate Folder,<parse string>
// <parse string > __upnpitem:UDN of the device
LPWSTR CreateChangeNotifyString(LPCWSTR pszUdn) { LPWSTR pszNotifyString;
pszNotifyString = new WCHAR [ MAX_PATH ]; if (pszNotifyString) { Assert((celems(c_szNetworkNeighborhoodFolderPath) + celems(c_szDelegateFolderPrefix)) < MAX_PATH);
CONST SIZE_T cchMax = MAX_PATH - (celems(c_szNetworkNeighborhoodFolderPath) * sizeof(WCHAR)) - (celems(c_szUPnPFolderPath) * sizeof(WCHAR)) - (celems(c_szDelegateFolderPrefix) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + 2; // +2 we have subtracted Three null characters
// note: we know that the folder path and the prefix can fit
// in the MAX_PATH buffer
wcscpy(pszNotifyString, c_szNetworkNeighborhoodFolderPath); wcscat(pszNotifyString, c_szUPnPFolderPath); wcscat(pszNotifyString, c_szDelegateFolderPrefix); wcsncat(pszNotifyString, pszUdn, cchMax); } else { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "CreateChangeNotifyString: new failed"); }
return pszNotifyString; }
// Function: NewDeviceNode::NewDeviceNode
// Purpose: Initializes a NewDeviceNode structure.
// Notes:
NewDeviceNode::NewDeviceNode() { pszUDN = NULL; pszDisplayName = NULL; pszType = NULL; pszPresentationURL = NULL; pszManufacturerName = NULL; pszModelName = NULL; pszModelNumber = NULL; pszDescription = NULL; }
// Function: NewDeviceNode::~NewDeviceNode
// Purpose: Deletes a NewDeviceNode structure.
// Author: donryan 18 Feb 2000
// Notes: Moved from CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceAdded
NewDeviceNode::~NewDeviceNode() { delete pszUDN; delete pszDisplayName; delete pszType; delete pszPresentationURL; delete pszManufacturerName; delete pszModelName; delete pszModelNumber; delete pszDescription; }
// Function: HrMapUdnToFriendlyName
// Purpose: Given a UPnP device and UDN, maps the UDN to a friendly name
// from the registry if it is present, otherwise falls back to
// the friendly name from the device
// Arguments:
// pdev [in] UPnP device to check
// bstrUdn [in] UDN of device
// pbstrName [out] Returns friendly name of device
// Returns: S_OK if success, E_OUTOFMEMORY if no memory, or Win32 error
// code
// Author: danielwe 2000/10/25
// Notes:
HRESULT HrMapUdnToFriendlyName(IUPnPDevice *pdev, BSTR bstrUdn, BSTR *pbstrName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; NAME_MAP * pnm = NULL;
*pbstrName = NULL;
if (g_CListNameMap.FFind(bstrUdn, &pnm)) { Assert(pnm);
*pbstrName = SysAllocString(pnm->szName); if (!*pbstrName) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { // UDN doesn't have a mapping in registry. Fall back to device's
// friendly name
hr = pdev->get_FriendlyName(pbstrName); }
TraceError("HrMapUdnToFriendlyName", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrCreateDeviceNodeFromDevice
// Purpose: Utility function to transfer information from device object
// into NewDeviceNode structure.
// Arguments:
// pDevice [in] The device pointer
// ppNDN [out] The pointer to the NewDeviceNode pointer.
// Returns:
// Author: donryan 18 Feb 2000
// Notes: Moved from CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceAdded
HRESULT HrCreateDeviceNodeFromDevice( IUPnPDevice * pDevice, NewDeviceNode ** ppNDN ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrUDN = NULL; BSTR bstrDisplayName = NULL; BSTR bstrType = NULL; BSTR bstrPresentationURL = NULL; BSTR bstrManufacturerName = NULL; BSTR bstrModelName = NULL; BSTR bstrModelNumber = NULL; BSTR bstrDescription = NULL; PTSTR pszUDN = NULL; NewDeviceNode * pNDN = NULL;
Assert(pDevice); Assert(ppNDN);
hr = pDevice->get_UniqueDeviceName(&bstrUDN); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "Error calling pDevice->get_UniqueDeviceName"); goto Exit; }
hr = HrMapUdnToFriendlyName(pDevice, bstrUDN, &bstrDisplayName); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; }
hr = pDevice->get_Type(&bstrType); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "Error calling pDevice->get_Type"); goto Exit; }
hr = pDevice->get_PresentationURL(&bstrPresentationURL); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "Error calling pDevice->get_PresentationURL"); goto Exit; }
hr = pDevice->get_ManufacturerName(&bstrManufacturerName); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "Error calling pDevice->get_ManufacturerName"); goto Exit; }
hr = pDevice->get_ModelName(&bstrModelName); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "Error calling pDevice->get_ModelName"); goto Exit; }
hr = pDevice->get_ModelNumber(&bstrModelNumber); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "Error calling pDevice->get_ModelNumber"); goto Exit; }
hr = pDevice->get_Description(&bstrDescription); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "Error calling pDevice->get_Description"); goto Exit; }
// Create a new Device node, copy the strings into it, and add it to the device map
pNDN = new NewDeviceNode; if (pNDN) { Assert(bstrUDN); pNDN->pszUDN = BSTRToTsz(bstrUDN);
Assert(bstrDisplayName); pNDN->pszDisplayName = BSTRToTsz(bstrDisplayName);
Assert(bstrType); pNDN->pszType = BSTRToTsz(bstrType);
if (bstrPresentationURL) { pNDN->pszPresentationURL = BSTRToTsz(bstrPresentationURL); } else { pNDN->pszPresentationURL = new TCHAR [ 1 ]; if (pNDN->pszPresentationURL) { pNDN->pszPresentationURL[0] = TEXT('\0'); } }
Assert(bstrManufacturerName); pNDN->pszManufacturerName = BSTRToTsz(bstrManufacturerName);
Assert(bstrModelName); pNDN->pszModelName = BSTRToTsz(bstrModelName);
if (bstrModelNumber) { pNDN->pszModelNumber = BSTRToTsz(bstrModelNumber); } else { pNDN->pszModelNumber = new TCHAR [ 1 ]; if (pNDN->pszModelNumber) { pNDN->pszModelNumber[0] = TEXT('\0'); } }
if (bstrDescription) { pNDN->pszDescription = BSTRToTsz(bstrDescription); } else { pNDN->pszDescription = new TCHAR [ 1 ]; if (pNDN->pszDescription) { pNDN->pszDescription[0] = TEXT('\0'); } }
// If they didn't all copy fine, delete them
if (!(pNDN->pszUDN && pNDN->pszDisplayName && pNDN->pszType && pNDN->pszPresentationURL && pNDN->pszManufacturerName && pNDN->pszModelName && pNDN->pszModelNumber && pNDN->pszDescription)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; delete pNDN; pNDN = NULL; } } else { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "Could not allocate NewDeviceNode"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// transfer
*ppNDN = pNDN;
SysFreeString(bstrUDN); SysFreeString(bstrDisplayName); SysFreeString(bstrPresentationURL); SysFreeString(bstrType); SysFreeString(bstrManufacturerName); SysFreeString(bstrModelName); SysFreeString(bstrModelNumber); SysFreeString(bstrDescription);
TraceHr(ttidShellTray, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrCreateDeviceNodeFromDevice"); return hr; }
// Member: HrAddFolderDevice
// Purpose:
// Arguments:
// pDevice
// Returns:
// Author: tongl 15 Feb 2000
// Notes:
HRESULT HrAddFolderDevice(IUPnPDevice * pDevice) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
BSTR bstrUDN = NULL; BSTR bstrDisplayName = NULL; BSTR bstrType = NULL; BSTR bstrPresentationURL = NULL; BSTR bstrDescription = NULL;
// (tongl) Per cmr, some device property (display name, presentation url)
// could change on an existing device and this function will be called but
// the device was not first removed. In this case we need to notify shell
// to first remove the existing device then add the new one.
BOOL fUpdate = FALSE; BOOL fUpdateOldDevice = FALSE;
// fNewNode - If its really a new device
// fUpdate - The device is in MNP but must be updated bcoz device property has
// changed. Note above.
// fUpdateOldDevice - An old device has sent bye bye and later comes up alive
// with same UDN. We have cached the list of UDNs.
pDevice->AddRef(); hr = pDevice->get_UniqueDeviceName(&bstrUDN); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // If we're doing a search right now, just add this UDN to the list
// of devices that we've found so far in the search
if (g_fSearchInProgress) { if (!g_CListUDNSearch.FAdd(WszDupWsz(bstrUDN))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } else { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Failed in pDevice->get_UniqueDeviceName from HrAddFolderDevice"); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrMapUdnToFriendlyName(pDevice, bstrUDN, &bstrDisplayName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDevice->get_Type(&bstrType); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDevice->get_PresentationURL(&bstrPresentationURL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDevice->get_Description(&bstrDescription); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BOOL fNewNode;
FolderDeviceNode * pNewDevice = NULL; if( g_CListFolderDeviceNode.FFind((PWSTR)bstrUDN, &pNewDevice)) { Assert(pNewDevice);
fNewNode = FALSE;
if (!pNewDevice->fDeleted) { // Only update if friendly name or description
// changed.
if ((wcscmp(pNewDevice->pszDescription, bstrDescription)) || (wcscmp(pNewDevice->pszDisplayName, bstrDisplayName))) { fUpdate = TRUE; } } else { fUpdateOldDevice = TRUE; } } else { // truely a new device
pNewDevice = new FolderDeviceNode;
fNewNode = TRUE;
if (!pNewDevice) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (pNewDevice) { CONST SIZE_T cchMax = MAX_PATH - 1;
pNewDevice->fDeleted = FALSE;
Assert(bstrUDN); wcscpy(pNewDevice->pszUDN, L""); wcsncat(pNewDevice->pszUDN,(PWSTR)bstrUDN, cchMax);
Assert(bstrDisplayName); wcscpy(pNewDevice->pszDisplayName, L""); wcsncat(pNewDevice->pszDisplayName, bstrDisplayName, cchMax);
Assert(bstrType); wcscpy(pNewDevice->pszType, L""); wcsncat(pNewDevice->pszType, (PWSTR)bstrType, cchMax);
wcscpy(pNewDevice->pszPresentationURL, L""); if (bstrPresentationURL) { wcsncat(pNewDevice->pszPresentationURL, (PWSTR)bstrPresentationURL, cchMax); }
wcscpy(pNewDevice->pszDescription, L""); if (bstrDescription) { wcsncat(pNewDevice->pszDescription, (PWSTR)bstrDescription, cchMax); }
// add to our list if a true new device
if (fNewNode) { g_CListFolderDeviceNode.FAdd(pNewDevice);
TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "HrAddFolderDevice: Added %S to g_CListFolderDeviceNode", bstrDisplayName); } else { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "HrAddFolderDevice: Modified %S in g_CListFolderDeviceNode", bstrDisplayName); } TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "HrAddFolderDevice: Now, g_CListFolderDeviceNode has %d elements", g_CListFolderDeviceNode.GetCount());
} LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csFolderDeviceList);
if (fNewNode || fUpdate || fUpdateOldDevice) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // notify shell to add the new device
LPWSTR pszNotifyString;
pszNotifyString = CreateChangeNotifyString(bstrUDN); if (pszNotifyString) { if (fUpdate) { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Generating update device event for %S", bstrDisplayName); SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_UPDATEITEM, SHCNF_PATHW, pszNotifyString, NULL); } else { // Assert(fNewNode);
// fNewNode or fUpdateOldDevice
TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Generating new device event for %S", bstrDisplayName); SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_CREATE, SHCNF_PATHW, pszNotifyString, NULL); }
delete [] pszNotifyString; } } else { // Don't make a failure here.
TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Couldn't add device to list in CUPnPDeviceFolderDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceAdded"); } } else { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Nothing about device %S:%S changed", bstrUDN, bstrDisplayName); } } else { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Failed in get_Description from HrAddFolderDevice"); } } else { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Failed in get_PresentationURL from HrAddFolderDevice"); } } else { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Failed in pDevice->get_Type from HrAddFolderDevice"); } } else { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Failed in pDevice->get_FriendlyName from HrAddFolderDevice"); } }
SysFreeString(bstrUDN); SysFreeString(bstrDisplayName); SysFreeString(bstrPresentationURL); SysFreeString(bstrType); SysFreeString(bstrDescription);
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, (S_FALSE == hr), "HrAddFolderDevice"); return hr; }
// Member: HrDeleteFolderDevice
// Purpose:
// Arguments:
// szUDN
// Returns:
// Author: tongl 18 Feb 2000
// Notes:
HRESULT HrDeleteFolderDevice(PWSTR szUDN) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; FolderDeviceNode * pDevice = NULL;
EnterCriticalSection(&g_csFolderDeviceList); if (g_CListFolderDeviceNode.FFind(szUDN, &pDevice)) { pDevice->fDeleted = TRUE; } else { // can't delete a device that's not in our cache
TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "The device to delete is not in the cache: %S.", szUDN); hr = E_FAIL; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csFolderDeviceList);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // notify shell to delete the device
LPWSTR pszNotifyString;
pszNotifyString = CreateChangeNotifyString(szUDN); if (pszNotifyString) { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Delete device event for %S", szUDN); SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_DELETE, SHCNF_PATHW, pszNotifyString, NULL);
delete [] pszNotifyString; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
TraceError("HrDeleteFolderDevice", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceAdded
// Purpose: Our callback for "new device" -- duh. Here we get the
// important properties, pack them in a struct, and store them
// in our device list. We'll use this data if the user opens
// properties on one of the dialogs, or adds shortcuts.
// Arguments:
// lFindData [in] Our callback ID
// pDevice [in] The device pointer.
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 23 Nov 1999
// Notes:
HRESULT CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceAdded(LONG lFindData, IUPnPDevice * pDevice) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; NewDeviceNode * pNDN = NULL;
Assert(pDevice); pDevice->AddRef();
#if DBG
BSTR bstrUDN = NULL; hr = pDevice->get_UniqueDeviceName(&bstrUDN);
TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "DeviceFinderCallback -- New Device. SearchId: %x, UDN: %S", lFindData, bstrUDN);
#endif // DBG
BSTR bstrPresUrl;
hr = pDevice->get_PresentationURL(&bstrPresUrl); if (S_OK == hr) { URL_COMPONENTS urlComp = {0};
TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "Checking if %S is a valid URL...", bstrPresUrl);
// All we want to do here is verify that the URL is valid. We don't
// need anything back from this function
urlComp.dwStructSize = sizeof(URL_COMPONENTS); if (!InternetCrackUrl(bstrPresUrl, 0, 0, &urlComp)) { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "%S is NOT a valid URL!", bstrPresUrl); hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); }
SysFreeString(bstrPresUrl); } else { hr = E_FAIL; TraceError("Device did not have presentation URL!", hr); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // (tongl)
// add the device to our folder device list and notify shell in case folder is open
hr = HrAddFolderDevice(pDevice); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // transfer information from device object
hr = HrCreateDeviceNodeFromDevice(pDevice, &pNDN); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Assuming we don't already have this device is our list, add it.
if (!g_CListUDN.FFind(pNDN->pszUDN, NULL)) { // Add it to the New Device list.
// reset the total balloon count
g_iTotalBalloons =0; } else { // Cleanup already known device
delete pNDN; } } } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!g_fSearchInProgress) { hr = HrUpdateTrayInfo(); } }
TraceError("CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceAdded", hr); return S_OK; }
// Member: CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceRemoved
// Purpose: Device removed notification. NYI
// Arguments:
// lFindData []
// bstrUDN []
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 23 Nov 1999
// Notes:
HRESULT CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceRemoved( LONG lFindData, BSTR bstrUDN) { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceRemoved" " lFindData = %x, UDN = %S", lFindData, bstrUDN);
// (tongl)
// delete the device from our folder device list and notify shell in case folder is open
HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPTSTR pszUdn; BOOL fResult;
pszUdn = BSTRToTsz(bstrUDN); if (!pszUdn) { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "Could not copy UDN to TCHAR"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
// search through new device list for new node, removing any nodes
// with matching UDNs
fResult = g_CListNewDeviceNode.FDelete(pszUdn); if (!fResult) { // node wasn't deleted
TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceRemoved: " "%S not found in g_CListNewDeviceNode", pszUdn); }
// update tray information if search has completed
if (!g_fSearchInProgress) { hr = HrUpdateTrayInfo(); } else { // search is still running so delete this from the search list
fResult = g_CListUDNSearch.FDelete(pszUdn); if (!fResult) { // node wasn't deleted
TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceRemoved: " "%S not found in g_CListUDNSearch", pszUdn); } }
Exit: delete [] pszUdn;
TraceError("CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::DeviceRemoved", hr); return S_OK; }
// Member: CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::SearchComplete
// Purpose: Search complete. At this point I can add the tray icon
// if needed and allow for the UI to come up.
// Arguments:
// lFindData []
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 6 Jan 2000
// Notes:
HRESULT CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::SearchComplete(LONG lFindData) { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::SearchComplete" " lFindData = %x", lFindData);
g_fSearchInProgress = FALSE;
// Add the tray icon and such (if appropriate)
hr = HrInitializeUI(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_csFolderDeviceList);
FolderDeviceNode * pCurrentNode = NULL; BOOL fReturn = g_CListFolderDeviceNode.FFirst(&pCurrentNode);
// Loop through all UDNs in the cached list of devices we've found
// and for each one, see if it was found during the search. If not,
// we should delete it from the folder view and from the cache.
while (fReturn && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LPWSTR szUdn;
if (!g_CListUDNSearch.FFind(pCurrentNode->pszUDN, &szUdn)) { hr = HrDeleteFolderDevice(pCurrentNode->pszUDN); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!g_CListFolderDeviceNode.FDelete(pCurrentNode->pszUDN)) { hr = E_FAIL; } } }
// move to the next node
fReturn = g_CListFolderDeviceNode.FNext(&pCurrentNode); }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csFolderDeviceList); }
TraceError("CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::SearchComplete", hr); return S_OK; }
CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback() { m_pUnkMarshaler = NULL; TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback"); }
CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback::~CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback() { TraceTag(ttidShellTray, "~CUPnPMonitorDeviceFinderCallback"); }