#include "cluster.h"
class CWlbsCluster;
// class CWlbsControl
// Description: This class is exported to perform cluster control operation,
// as well as get Cluster objects
// History: fengsun Created Header 3/2/00
class __declspec(dllexport) CWlbsControl { friend DWORD WINAPI WlbsCommitChanges(DWORD cluster);
public: CWlbsControl(); ~CWlbsControl(); DWORD Initialize(); bool ReInitialize();
DWORD WlbsQuery(CWlbsCluster* pCluster, DWORD host, PWLBS_RESPONSE response, PDWORD num_hosts, PDWORD host_map, PVOID reserved);
DWORD WlbsQuery(DWORD cluster, DWORD host, PWLBS_RESPONSE response, PDWORD num_hosts, PDWORD host_map, PVOID reserved);
DWORD WlbsSuspend(DWORD cluster, DWORD host, PWLBS_RESPONSE response, PDWORD num_hosts);
DWORD WlbsResume(DWORD cluster, DWORD host, PWLBS_RESPONSE response, PDWORD num_hosts);
DWORD WlbsStart(DWORD cluster, DWORD host, PWLBS_RESPONSE response, PDWORD num_hosts);
DWORD WlbsStop(DWORD cluster, DWORD host, PWLBS_RESPONSE response, PDWORD num_hosts);
DWORD WlbsDrainStop(DWORD cluster, DWORD host, PWLBS_RESPONSE response, PDWORD num_hosts);
DWORD WlbsEnable(DWORD cluster, DWORD host, PWLBS_RESPONSE response, PDWORD num_hosts, DWORD vip, DWORD port);
DWORD WlbsDisable(DWORD cluster, DWORD host, PWLBS_RESPONSE response, PDWORD num_hosts, DWORD vip, DWORD port);
DWORD WlbsDrain(DWORD cluster, DWORD host, PWLBS_RESPONSE response, PDWORD num_hosts, DWORD vip, DWORD port);
DWORD WlbsAdjust(DWORD cluster, DWORD host, PWLBS_RESPONSE response, PDWORD num_hosts, DWORD port, DWORD value);
// Set remote control parameters
void WlbsPortSet(DWORD cluster, WORD port); void WlbsPasswordSet(DWORD cluster, const WCHAR* password); void WlbsCodeSet(DWORD cluster, DWORD passw); void WlbsDestinationSet(DWORD cluster, DWORD dest); void WlbsTimeoutSet(DWORD cluster, DWORD milliseconds);
DWORD EnumClusters(OUT DWORD* pdwAddresses, IN OUT DWORD* pdwNum); // for API wrapper
DWORD GetClusterNum() { return m_dwNumCluster;} DWORD EnumClusterObjects(OUT CWlbsCluster** &ppClusters, OUT DWORD* pdwNum);
CWlbsCluster* GetClusterFromIp(DWORD dwClusterIp); CWlbsCluster* GetClusterFromIpOrIndex(DWORD dwClusterIpOrIndex);
HANDLE GetDriverHandle() {return m_hdl;}
// GetClusterFromAdapter looks up an adapter based on its GUID.
CWlbsCluster* GetClusterFromAdapter( IN const GUID &AdapterGuid );
// ValidateParam validates and fixes up the specified parameters structure. It has no side effects other than changing some
// fields within paramp, such as IP addresses which may be reformatted into canonical form.
BOOL ValidateParam( IN OUT PWLBS_REG_PARAMS paramp );
// Performs local cluster-wide control operations on the specified GUID.
DWORD LocalClusterControl( IN const GUID& AdapterGuid, IN LONG ioctl );
BOOLEAN IsClusterMember (DWORD dwClusterIp);
protected: struct WLBS_CLUSTER_PARAMS { DWORD cluster; DWORD passw; DWORD timeout; DWORD dest; WORD port; WORD valid; };
enum { WLBS_MAX_CLUSTERS = 128}; WLBS_CLUSTER_PARAMS m_cluster_params [WLBS_MAX_CLUSTERS]; // Cluster settings for remote control
BOOL m_init_once; // whether WlbsInit is called
BOOL m_remote_ctrl; // Whether remote operation can be performed on this machine
BOOL m_local_ctrl; // Whether local operation can be performed on this machine
HANDLE m_hdl; // handle to the device object
// HANDLE lock; // An mutex
DWORD m_def_dst_addr; // Default destination address for all clusters, set by WlbsDestinationSet
DWORD m_def_timeout;// Time out value for remote control
WORD m_def_port; // UDP port for remote control
DWORD m_def_passw; // Default password for remote control
HANDLE m_registry_lock; // used for mutually exclusive access to the registry, should use named lock
DWORD m_dwSrcAddress; // address of this machine, used by remote control packet
DWORD m_dwNumCluster; // number of clusters on this host
CWlbsCluster* m_pClusterArray[WLBS_MAX_CLUSTERS]; // an array of all clusters
DWORD GetInitResult() { if (m_local_ctrl && m_remote_ctrl) return WLBS_PRESENT; if (m_local_ctrl) return WLBS_LOCAL_ONLY; else if (m_remote_ctrl) return WLBS_REMOTE_ONLY; else return WLBS_INIT_ERROR; };
bool IsInitialized() const {return m_hdl != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;} DWORD RemoteQuery(DWORD cluster, DWORD host, PWLBS_RESPONSE response, PDWORD num_hosts, PDWORD host_map); DWORD WlbsRemoteControl(LONG ioctl, PIOCTL_CVY_BUF pin_bufp, PIOCTL_CVY_BUF pout_bufp, PWLBS_RESPONSE pcvy_resp, PDWORD nump, DWORD trg_addr, DWORD hst_addr, DWORD vip);
DWORD WlbsLocalControl(HANDLE hDevice, const GUID& AdapterGuid, LONG ioctl, PIOCTL_CVY_BUF in_bufp, PIOCTL_CVY_BUF out_bufp, DWORD vip);