#include "WLBS_Provider.h"
#include "WLBS_PortRule.h"
#include "ClusterWrapper.h"
#include "ControlWrapper.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "wlbsutil.h"
extern CWlbsControlWrapper* g_pWlbsControl;
// CWLBS_PortRule::CWLBS_PortRule
// Purpose: Constructor
CWLBS_PortRule::CWLBS_PortRule ( CWbemServices* a_pNameSpace, IWbemObjectSink* a_pResponseHandler ) : CWlbs_Root( a_pNameSpace, a_pResponseHandler ) { }
// CWLBS_PortRule::Create
// Purpose: This instantiates this class and is invoked from an array of
// function pointers.
CWlbs_Root* CWLBS_PortRule::Create ( CWbemServices* a_pNameSpace, IWbemObjectSink* a_pResponseHandler ) {
CWlbs_Root* pRoot = new CWLBS_PortRule( a_pNameSpace, a_pResponseHandler );
if( !pRoot ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
return pRoot; }
// CWLBS_PortRule::ExecMethod
// Purpose:
HRESULT CWLBS_PortRule::ExecMethod ( const ParsedObjectPath* /* a_pParsedPath */, const BSTR& a_strMethodName, long /* a_lFlags */, IWbemContext* /* a_pIContex */, IWbemClassObject* a_pIInParams ) { IWbemClassObject* pOutputInstance = NULL; VARIANT vValue; HRESULT hRes = 0;
try {
VariantInit( &vValue );
//determine the method being executed
if( _wcsicmp( a_strMethodName, MOF_PORTRULE::pMethods[MOF_PORTRULE::SETDEF] ) == 0 ) {
//get the node path
hRes = a_pIInParams->Get ( _bstr_t( MOF_PARAM::NODEPATH ), 0, &vValue, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes) ) { throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
//this check may not be necessary since WMI will do some
//parameter validation
//if( vValue.vt != VT_BSTR )
// throw _com_error ( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER );
//parse node path
CObjectPathParser PathParser; ParsedObjectPath *pParsedPath = NULL;
try {
int nStatus = PathParser.Parse( vValue.bstrVal, &pParsedPath ); if(nStatus != 0) { if (NULL != pParsedPath) { PathParser.Free( pParsedPath ); pParsedPath = NULL; }
throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER );
//get the name key, which should be the only key
if( *pParsedPath->m_paKeys == NULL ) { throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } DWORD dwReqClusterIpOrIndex = ExtractClusterIP( (*pParsedPath->m_paKeys)->m_vValue.bstrVal); DWORD dwReqHostID = ExtractHostID( (*pParsedPath->m_paKeys)->m_vValue.bstrVal); CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster = g_pWlbsControl->GetClusterFromIpOrIndex( dwReqClusterIpOrIndex);
if (pCluster == NULL || (DWORD)-1 == dwReqHostID) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER );
// The "PortRule(Disabled/Failover/Loadbalanced)" classes do NOT contain the VIP property,
// so, we do not want to operate on any cluster that has a port rule
// that is specific to a vip (other than the "all vip")
// The "EffectiveVersion" registry value is checked for a value of CVY_VERSION_FULL to
// see of there is any port rule that is specific to a vip
CNodeConfiguration NodeConfig; pCluster->GetNodeConfig(NodeConfig); if(NodeConfig.dwEffectiveVersion == CVY_VERSION_FULL) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION );
//validate host ID
if( dwReqHostID != pCluster->GetHostID()) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER );
//invoke method
pCluster->SetPortRuleDefaults(); } catch( ... ) {
if( pParsedPath ) { PathParser.Free( pParsedPath ); pParsedPath = NULL; }
throw; }
} else { throw _com_error( WBEM_E_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ); }
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
if (S_OK != VariantClear( &vValue )) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED );
if( pOutputInstance ) { pOutputInstance->Release(); pOutputInstance = NULL; }
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus( 0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL );
catch(CErrorWlbsControl Err) {
IWbemClassObject* pWbemExtStat = NULL;
CreateExtendedStatus( m_pNameSpace, &pWbemExtStat, Err.Error(), (PWCHAR)(Err.Description()) );
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_E_FAILED, NULL, pWbemExtStat);
if( pWbemExtStat ) pWbemExtStat->Release();
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
// No throw here since we are already throwing an exception.
VariantClear( &vValue );
if( pOutputInstance ) { pOutputInstance->Release(); pOutputInstance = NULL; }
//do not return WBEM_E_FAILED, this causes a race condition
catch(_com_error HResErr ) {
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, HResErr.Error(), NULL, NULL);
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
// No throw here since we are already throwing an exception.
VariantClear( &vValue );
if( pOutputInstance ) { pOutputInstance->Release(); }
hRes = HResErr.Error(); }
catch ( ... ) {
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
// No throw here since we are already throwing an exception.
VariantClear( &vValue );
if( pOutputInstance ) { pOutputInstance->Release(); }
throw; }
return hRes; }
// CWLBS_PortRule::GetInstance
// Purpose: This function retrieves an instance of a MOF PortRule
// class. The node does not have to be a member of a cluster.
HRESULT CWLBS_PortRule::GetInstance ( const ParsedObjectPath* a_pParsedPath, long /* a_lFlags */, IWbemContext* /* a_pIContex */ ) { IWbemClassObject* pWlbsInstance = NULL; HRESULT hRes = 0;
try {
if( !a_pParsedPath ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED );
wstring wstrHostName;
wstrHostName = (*a_pParsedPath->m_paKeys)->m_vValue.bstrVal;
DWORD dwReqStartPort = static_cast<DWORD>( (*(a_pParsedPath->m_paKeys + 1))->m_vValue.lVal );
CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster = GetClusterFromHostName(g_pWlbsControl, wstrHostName); if (pCluster == NULL) { throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); }
// The "PortRule(Disabled/Failover/Loadbalanced)" classes do NOT contain the VIP property,
// so, we do not want to operate on any cluster that has a port rule
// that is specific to a vip (other than the "all vip")
// The "EffectiveVersion" registry value is checked for a value of CVY_VERSION_FULL to
// see of there is any port rule that is specific to a vip
CNodeConfiguration NodeConfig; pCluster->GetNodeConfig(NodeConfig); if(NodeConfig.dwEffectiveVersion == CVY_VERSION_FULL) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION );
pCluster->GetPortRule(IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP), dwReqStartPort, &PortRule );
if( dwReqStartPort != PortRule.start_port ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND );
SpawnInstance( a_pParsedPath->m_pClass, &pWlbsInstance ); FillWbemInstance(a_pParsedPath->m_pClass, pCluster, pWlbsInstance, &PortRule );
//send the results back to WinMgMt
m_pResponseHandler->Indicate( 1, &pWlbsInstance );
if( pWlbsInstance ) pWlbsInstance->Release();
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus( 0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL );
catch(CErrorWlbsControl Err) {
IWbemClassObject* pWbemExtStat = NULL;
CreateExtendedStatus( m_pNameSpace, &pWbemExtStat, Err.Error(), (PWCHAR)(Err.Description()) );
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_E_FAILED, NULL, pWbemExtStat);
if( pWbemExtStat ) pWbemExtStat->Release();
if( pWlbsInstance ) pWlbsInstance->Release();
//do not return WBEM_E_FAILED, this causes a race condition
catch(_com_error HResErr ) {
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, HResErr.Error(), NULL, NULL);
if( pWlbsInstance ) pWlbsInstance->Release();
hRes = HResErr.Error(); }
catch(...) {
if( pWlbsInstance ) pWlbsInstance->Release();
return hRes; }
// CWLBS_PortRule::EnumInstances
// Purpose: This function obtains the PortRule data for the current host.
// The node does not have to be a member of a cluster for this
// to succeed. However, NLB must be installed.
HRESULT CWLBS_PortRule::EnumInstances ( BSTR a_bstrClass, long /*a_lFlags*/, IWbemContext* /*a_pIContex*/ ) { IWbemClassObject** ppWlbsInstance = NULL; HRESULT hRes = 0; PWLBS_PORT_RULE pPortRules = NULL; DWORD dwNumRules = 0; CNodeConfiguration NodeConfig;
try {
DWORD dwFilteringMode;
if( _wcsicmp( a_bstrClass, MOF_PRFAIL::szName ) == 0 ) { dwFilteringMode = WLBS_SINGLE; } else if( _wcsicmp( a_bstrClass, MOF_PRLOADBAL::szName ) == 0 ) { dwFilteringMode = WLBS_MULTI; } else if( _wcsicmp( a_bstrClass, MOF_PRDIS::szName ) == 0 ) { dwFilteringMode = WLBS_NEVER; } else { throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); }
DWORD dwNumClusters = 0; CWlbsClusterWrapper** ppCluster = NULL;
g_pWlbsControl->EnumClusters(ppCluster, &dwNumClusters); if (dwNumClusters == 0) { throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); }
//declare an IWbemClassObject smart pointer
IWbemClassObjectPtr pWlbsClass;
//get the MOF class object
hRes = m_pNameSpace->GetObject( a_bstrClass, 0, NULL, &pWlbsClass, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { throw _com_error( hRes ); }
for (DWORD iCluster=0; iCluster<dwNumClusters; iCluster++) { // The "PortRule(Disabled/Failover/Loadbalanced)" classes do NOT contain the VIP property,
// so, we do not want to return any port rule for a cluster that has a port rule
// that is specific to a vip (other than the "all vip")
// The "EffectiveVersion" registry value is checked for a value of CVY_VERSION_FULL to
// see of there is any port rule that is specific to a vip
ppCluster[iCluster]->GetNodeConfig(NodeConfig); if(NodeConfig.dwEffectiveVersion == CVY_VERSION_FULL) continue;
//call the API query function to find the port rules
ppCluster[iCluster]->EnumPortRules( &pPortRules, &dwNumRules, dwFilteringMode ); if( dwNumRules == 0 ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND );
//spawn an instance of the MOF class for each rule found
ppWlbsInstance = new IWbemClassObject *[dwNumRules];
if( !ppWlbsInstance ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY );
//initialize array
ZeroMemory( ppWlbsInstance, dwNumRules * sizeof(IWbemClassObject *) );
for( DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumRules; i ++ ) { hRes = pWlbsClass->SpawnInstance( 0, &ppWlbsInstance[i] );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
FillWbemInstance(a_bstrClass, ppCluster[iCluster], *(ppWlbsInstance + i), pPortRules + i ); }
//send the results back to WinMgMt
hRes = m_pResponseHandler->Indicate( dwNumRules, ppWlbsInstance );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { throw _com_error( hRes ); }
if( ppWlbsInstance ) { for( i = 0; i < dwNumRules; i++ ) { if( ppWlbsInstance[i] ) { ppWlbsInstance[i]->Release(); } } delete [] ppWlbsInstance; ppWlbsInstance = NULL; dwNumRules = NULL;
if( pPortRules ) { delete [] pPortRules; pPortRules = NULL; } }
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus( 0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL );
catch(CErrorWlbsControl Err) {
IWbemClassObject* pWbemExtStat = NULL;
CreateExtendedStatus( m_pNameSpace, &pWbemExtStat, Err.Error(), (PWCHAR)(Err.Description()) );
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_E_FAILED, NULL, pWbemExtStat);
if( pWbemExtStat ) pWbemExtStat->Release();
if( ppWlbsInstance ) { for( DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumRules; i++ ) { if( ppWlbsInstance[i] ) { ppWlbsInstance[i]->Release(); ppWlbsInstance[i] = NULL; } } delete [] ppWlbsInstance; }
if( pPortRules ) delete [] pPortRules;
//do not return WBEM_E_FAILED, this causes a race condition
catch(_com_error HResErr ) {
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, HResErr.Error(), NULL, NULL);
if( ppWlbsInstance ) { for( DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumRules; i++ ) { if( ppWlbsInstance[i] ) { ppWlbsInstance[i]->Release(); ppWlbsInstance[i] = NULL; } } delete [] ppWlbsInstance; }
if( pPortRules ) delete [] pPortRules;
hRes = HResErr.Error(); }
catch(...) {
if( ppWlbsInstance ) { for( DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumRules; i++ ) { if( ppWlbsInstance[i] ) { ppWlbsInstance[i]->Release(); ppWlbsInstance[i] = NULL; } } delete [] ppWlbsInstance; }
if( pPortRules ) delete [] pPortRules;
return hRes; }
// CWLBS_PortRule::DeleteInstance
// Purpose: This function deletes an instance of a MOF PortRule
// class. The node does not have to be a member of a cluster. However,
// WLBS must be installed for this function to succeed.
HRESULT CWLBS_PortRule::DeleteInstance ( const ParsedObjectPath* a_pParsedPath, long /*a_lFlags*/, IWbemContext* /*a_pIContex*/ ) {
HRESULT hRes = 0;
try { if( !a_pParsedPath ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED );
wstring wstrHostName; DWORD dwVip, dwReqStartPort;
wstrHostName = (*a_pParsedPath->m_paKeys)->m_vValue.bstrVal;
CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster = GetClusterFromHostName(g_pWlbsControl, wstrHostName); if (pCluster == NULL) { throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); }
// If the instance to be deleted is of type "PortRuleEx", then, retreive the vip, otherwise
// verify that we are operating in the "all vip" mode
if (_wcsicmp(a_pParsedPath->m_pClass, MOF_CLASSES::g_szMOFClassList[MOF_CLASSES::PRVIP]) == 0) { dwVip = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz((*(a_pParsedPath->m_paKeys + 1))->m_vValue.bstrVal); dwReqStartPort = static_cast<DWORD>( (*(a_pParsedPath->m_paKeys + 2))->m_vValue.lVal ); } else { // The "PortRule(Disabled/Failover/Loadbalanced)" classes do NOT contain the VIP property,
// so, we do not want to operate on any cluster that has a port rule
// that is specific to a vip (other than the "all vip")
// The "EffectiveVersion" registry value is checked for a value of CVY_VERSION_FULL to
// see of there is any port rule that is specific to a vip
CNodeConfiguration NodeConfig; pCluster->GetNodeConfig(NodeConfig); if(NodeConfig.dwEffectiveVersion == CVY_VERSION_FULL) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION );
dwVip = IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP); dwReqStartPort = static_cast<DWORD>( (*(a_pParsedPath->m_paKeys + 1))->m_vValue.lVal ); }
// Get the port rule for this vip & port
pCluster->GetPortRule(dwVip, dwReqStartPort, &PortRule );
if( (dwVip != IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(PortRule.virtual_ip_addr)) || (dwReqStartPort != PortRule.start_port) ) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND );
// Delete the port rule for this vip & port
pCluster->DeletePortRule(dwVip, dwReqStartPort );
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus( 0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL );
catch(CErrorWlbsControl Err) {
IWbemClassObject* pWbemExtStat = NULL;
CreateExtendedStatus( m_pNameSpace, &pWbemExtStat, Err.Error(), (PWCHAR)(Err.Description()) );
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_E_FAILED, NULL, pWbemExtStat);
if( pWbemExtStat ) pWbemExtStat->Release();
//do not return WBEM_E_FAILED, this causes a race condition
catch(_com_error HResErr ) {
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, HResErr.Error(), NULL, NULL);
hRes = HResErr.Error(); }
return hRes; }
// CWLBS_PortRule::PutInstance
// Purpose: This function updates an instance of a PortRule
// class. The host does not have to be a member of a cluster.
HRESULT CWLBS_PortRule::PutInstance ( IWbemClassObject* a_pInstance, long /*a_lFlags*/, IWbemContext* /*a_pIContex*/ ) { VARIANT vValue; HRESULT hRes = 0;
WLBS_PORT_RULE NewRule; //the instance to put
namespace PR, PRFO, PRLB; bool bPREx;
try {
VariantInit( &vValue );
//get the class name to determine port rule mode
hRes = a_pInstance->Get( _bstr_t( L"__Class" ), 0, &vValue, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
wcscpy(szClassName, vValue.bstrVal);
// If it is a port rule class containing the VIP, then, the namespaces are different
if (_wcsicmp(szClassName, MOF_CLASSES::g_szMOFClassList[MOF_CLASSES::PORTRULE_EX]) == 0) { bPREx = true; PR = PRFO = PRLB = MOF_PORTRULE_EX; } else { bPREx = false; PR = MOF_PORTRULE; PRFO = MOF_PRFAIL; PRLB = MOF_PRLOADBAL; }
// Need to check return code for error
if (S_OK != VariantClear( &vValue )) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED );
//get the host name value
hRes = a_pInstance->Get( _bstr_t( PR::pProperties[PR::NAME] ), 0, &vValue, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
wstring wstrHostName( vValue.bstrVal );
CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster = GetClusterFromHostName(g_pWlbsControl, wstrHostName); if (pCluster == NULL) { throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); }
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
if (S_OK != VariantClear( &vValue )) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED );
// If the instance to be put is of type "PortRuleEx", then, retreive the vip, otherwise
// verify that we are operating in the "all vip" mode
if (bPREx) { //get the vip
hRes = a_pInstance->Get( _bstr_t( PR::pProperties[PR::VIP] ), 0, &vValue, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
wcscpy(NewRule.virtual_ip_addr, vValue.bstrVal);
if (S_OK != VariantClear( &vValue )) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED ); } else { // The "PortRule(Disabled/Failover/Loadbalanced)" classes do NOT contain the VIP property,
// so, we do not want to operate on any cluster that has a port rule
// that is specific to a vip (other than the "all vip")
// The "EffectiveVersion" registry value is checked for a value of CVY_VERSION_FULL to
// see of there is any port rule that is specific to a vip
CNodeConfiguration NodeConfig; pCluster->GetNodeConfig(NodeConfig); if(NodeConfig.dwEffectiveVersion == CVY_VERSION_FULL) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION );
wcscpy(NewRule.virtual_ip_addr, CVY_DEF_ALL_VIP); }
//retrieve start and end ports
hRes = a_pInstance->Get( _bstr_t( PR::pProperties[PR::STPORT] ), 0, &vValue, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
NewRule.start_port = static_cast<DWORD>( vValue.lVal );
hRes = a_pInstance->Get( _bstr_t( PR::pProperties[PR::EDPORT] ), 0, &vValue, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
NewRule.end_port = static_cast<DWORD>( vValue.lVal );
//get the protocol
hRes = a_pInstance->Get( _bstr_t( PR::pProperties[PR::PROT] ), 0, &vValue, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
NewRule.protocol = static_cast<DWORD>( vValue.lVal );
if( _wcsicmp( szClassName, MOF_PRDIS::szName ) == 0 ) { NewRule.mode = WLBS_NEVER;
} else if(_wcsicmp( szClassName, PRFO::szName ) == 0 ) { NewRule.mode = WLBS_SINGLE;
VARIANT vRulePriority; VariantInit( &vRulePriority );
try { //get the rule priority
hRes = a_pInstance->Get( _bstr_t( PRFO::pProperties[PRFO::PRIO] ), 0, &vRulePriority, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
} catch( ... ) {
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
// No throw here since we are already throwing an exception.
VariantClear( &vRulePriority ); throw; }
NewRule.mode_data.single.priority = static_cast<DWORD>( vRulePriority.lVal );
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
if (S_OK != VariantClear( &vRulePriority )) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED );
} else if(_wcsicmp( szClassName, PRLB::szName ) == 0 ) { NewRule.mode = WLBS_MULTI;
VariantInit( &v );
try { //get the affinity
hRes = a_pInstance->Get( _bstr_t( PRLB::pProperties[PRLB::AFFIN] ), 0, &v, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
NewRule.mode_data.multi.affinity = static_cast<WORD>( v.lVal );
//get the equal load boolean
hRes = a_pInstance->Get( _bstr_t( PRLB::pProperties[PRLB::EQLD] ), 0, &v, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
if( v.boolVal == -1 ) { NewRule.mode_data.multi.equal_load = 1; } else { NewRule.mode_data.multi.equal_load = 0; }
//get the load
hRes = a_pInstance->Get( _bstr_t( PRLB::pProperties[PRLB::LDWT] ), 0, &v, NULL, NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
if( v.vt != VT_NULL ) NewRule.mode_data.multi.load = static_cast<DWORD>( v.lVal ); else NewRule.mode_data.multi.load = 0;
} catch( ... ) {
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
// No throw here since we are already throwing an exception.
VariantClear( &v );
throw; }
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
if (S_OK != VariantClear( &v )) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED ); }
//delete the port rule but cache in case of failure
WLBS_PORT_RULE OldRule; bool bOldRuleSaved = false;
if( pCluster->RuleExists(IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(NewRule.virtual_ip_addr), NewRule.start_port ) ) { pCluster->GetPortRule(IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(NewRule.virtual_ip_addr), NewRule.start_port, &OldRule ); bOldRuleSaved = true;
pCluster->DeletePortRule(IpAddressFromAbcdWsz(NewRule.virtual_ip_addr), NewRule.start_port ); }
//add the port rule, roll back if failed
try { pCluster->PutPortRule( &NewRule );
} catch(...) {
if( bOldRuleSaved ) pCluster->PutPortRule( &OldRule );
throw; }
//release resources
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
if (S_OK != VariantClear( &vValue )) throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED );
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus( 0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL );
catch(CErrorWlbsControl Err) {
IWbemClassObject* pWbemExtStat = NULL;
CreateExtendedStatus( m_pNameSpace, &pWbemExtStat, Err.Error(), (PWCHAR)(Err.Description()) );
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, WBEM_E_FAILED, NULL, pWbemExtStat);
if( pWbemExtStat ) pWbemExtStat->Release();
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
// No throw here since we are already throwing an exception.
VariantClear( &vValue );
//do not return WBEM_E_FAILED, this causes a race condition
catch(_com_error HResErr ) {
m_pResponseHandler->SetStatus(0, HResErr.Error(), NULL, NULL);
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
// No throw here since we are already throwing an exception.
VariantClear( &vValue );
hRes = HResErr.Error(); }
catch (...) {
// CLD: Need to check return code for error
// No throw here since we are already throwing an exception.
VariantClear( &vValue );
throw; }
return hRes; }
// CWLBS_PortRule::FillWbemInstance
// Purpose: This function copies all of the data from a node configuration
// structure to a WBEM instance.
void CWLBS_PortRule::FillWbemInstance ( LPCWSTR a_szClassName, CWlbsClusterWrapper* pCluster, IWbemClassObject* a_pWbemInstance, const PWLBS_PORT_RULE& a_pPortRule ) { namespace PR, PRFO, PRLB; bool bPRVip;
ASSERT( a_pWbemInstance );
// If it is a port rule class containing the VIP, then, the namespaces are different
if (_wcsicmp(a_szClassName, MOF_CLASSES::g_szMOFClassList[MOF_CLASSES::PORTRULE_EX]) == 0) { bPRVip = true; PR = PRFO = PRLB = MOF_PORTRULE_EX; } else { bPRVip = false; PR = MOF_PORTRULE; PRFO = MOF_PRFAIL; PRLB = MOF_PRLOADBAL; }
wstring wstrHostName; ConstructHostName( wstrHostName, pCluster->GetClusterIpOrIndex(g_pWlbsControl), pCluster->GetHostID());
HRESULT hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PR::pProperties[PR::NAME] ) , 0 , &_variant_t(wstrHostName.c_str()), NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
// Fill in VIP if it is a port rule class containing VIP
if (bPRVip) {
HRESULT hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PR::pProperties[PR::VIP] ) , 0 , &_variant_t(a_pPortRule->virtual_ip_addr), NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes ); }
hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PR::pProperties[PR::STPORT] ), 0 , &_variant_t(static_cast<long>(a_pPortRule->start_port)), NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PR::pProperties[PR::EDPORT] ), 0 , &_variant_t(static_cast<long>(a_pPortRule->end_port)), NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
GUID AdapterGuid = pCluster->GetAdapterGuid(); WCHAR szAdapterGuid[128]; StringFromGUID2(AdapterGuid, szAdapterGuid, sizeof(szAdapterGuid)/sizeof(szAdapterGuid[0]) ); hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PR::pProperties[PR::ADAPTERGUID] ), 0 , &_variant_t(szAdapterGuid), NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PR::pProperties[PR::PROT] ), 0, &_variant_t(static_cast<long>(a_pPortRule->protocol)), NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
// If it is a port rule class containing all parameters of all filtering modes,
// initialize them with a "don't care" value (zero). The appropriate fields (depending on filtering mode)
// are filled in later.
if (bPRVip) { hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PRLB::pProperties[PRLB::EQLD] ), 0, &_variant_t(0), NULL); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes ); hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PRLB::pProperties[PRLB::LDWT] ), 0, &_variant_t(0), NULL); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes ); hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PRLB::pProperties[PRLB::AFFIN] ), 0, &_variant_t(0), NULL); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes ); hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put (_bstr_t( PRFO::pProperties[PRFO::PRIO] ), 0, &_variant_t(0), NULL); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes ); }
// TO BE DONE : Fill in the "FilteringMode" for the PortRuleEx class
switch( a_pPortRule->mode ) { case WLBS_SINGLE: //PRIO
hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PRFO::pProperties[PRFO::PRIO] ), 0 , &_variant_t(static_cast<long>(a_pPortRule->mode_data.single.priority)), NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
break; case WLBS_MULTI: //EQLD
hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PRLB::pProperties[PRLB::EQLD] ), 0 , &_variant_t((a_pPortRule->mode_data.multi.equal_load != 0)), NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PRLB::pProperties[PRLB::LDWT] ), 0 , &_variant_t(static_cast<long>(a_pPortRule->mode_data.multi.load)), NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
hRes = a_pWbemInstance->Put ( _bstr_t( PRLB::pProperties[PRLB::AFFIN] ), 0 , &_variant_t(static_cast<long>(a_pPortRule->mode_data.multi.affinity)), NULL );
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) throw _com_error( hRes );
break; case WLBS_NEVER: //there are no properties
break; default: throw _com_error( WBEM_E_FAILED ); } }