#include "stdafx.h"
#include "routeext.h"
#include "Route.h"
#include "faxhelp.h"
#include <atl21\atlwin.cpp>
#define MyHideWindow(_hwnd) ::SetWindowLong((_hwnd),GWL_STYLE,::GetWindowLong((_hwnd),GWL_STYLE)&~WS_VISIBLE)
// CRouteComponentData
static const GUID CRouteGUID_NODETYPE = { 0xde58ae00, 0x4c0f, 0x11d1, { 0x90, 0x83, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0xa, 0xb5, 0x4}}; const GUID* CRouteData::m_NODETYPE = &CRouteGUID_NODETYPE; const TCHAR* CRouteData::m_SZNODETYPE = _T("de58ae00-4c0f-11d1-9083-00a0c90ab504"); const TCHAR* CRouteData::m_SZDISPLAY_NAME = _T("CRoute"); const CLSID* CRouteData::m_SNAPIN_CLASSID = &CLSID_Route;
static const LPCWSTR RoutingGuids[RM_COUNT] = { L"{6bbf7bfe-9af2-11d0-abf7-00c04fd91a4e}", // RM_EMAIL
L"{9d3d0c32-9af2-11d0-abf7-00c04fd91a4e}", // RM_INBOX
L"{92041a90-9af2-11d0-abf7-00c04fd91a4e}", // RM_FOLDER
L"{aec1b37c-9af2-11d0-abf7-00c04fd91a4e}" // RM_PRINT
static const ULONG_PTR RoutingHelpIds[] = { IDC_ROUTE_TITLE, IDH_Fax_Modem_Routing_InboundRouting_GRP, IDC_PRINT, IDH_Fax_Modem_Routing_PrintTo, IDC_PRINT_TO, IDH_Fax_Modem_Routing_PrintTo, IDC_SAVE, IDH_Fax_Modem_Routing_SaveInFolder, IDC_INBOX, IDH_Fax_Modem_Routing_SendToLocalInbox, IDC_INBOX_PROFILE, IDH_Fax_Modem_Routing_ProfileName, IDC_INBOX_LABEL, IDH_Fax_Modem_Routing_ProfileName, IDC_DEST_FOLDER, IDH_Fax_Modem_Routing_SaveInFolder, IDC_BROWSE_DIR, IDH_Fax_Modem_Routing_SaveInFolder, IDC_EMAIL, IDH_Fax_Modem_Routing_SendToLocalInbox, 0, 0 };
CRoutePage::CRoutePage( TCHAR* pTitle, HANDLE FaxHandle, DWORD DeviceId, LPWSTR ComputerName ) : CPropertyPageImpl<CRoutePage> (pTitle) { DWORD rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD cMethods = 0;
m_FaxHandle = FaxHandle; m_DeviceId = DeviceId; m_BaseMethod = NULL; m_PortHandle = NULL; wcscpy( m_ComputerName, ComputerName ); m_MapiProfiles = NULL; if (!FaxGetMapiProfiles(m_FaxHandle, &m_MapiProfiles)) { m_MapiProfiles = NULL; } wcsncpy( m_Title, pTitle, MAX_TITLE_LEN);
m_bChanged = FALSE;
if (!FaxOpenPort( m_FaxHandle, m_DeviceId, PORT_OPEN_QUERY, &m_PortHandle )) { rc = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
if (!FaxEnumRoutingMethods( m_PortHandle, &m_BaseMethod, &cMethods )) { rc = GetLastError(); } else { DWORD CurrentRM; DWORD i; for (CurrentRM = RM_EMAIL; CurrentRM < RM_COUNT; CurrentRM++) { m_RoutingMethods[CurrentRM] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < cMethods; i++) { if (_wcsicmp( m_BaseMethod[i].Guid, RoutingGuids[CurrentRM] ) == 0) { m_RoutingMethods[CurrentRM] = &m_BaseMethod[i];
if (!FaxGetRoutingInfo( m_PortHandle, m_BaseMethod[i].Guid, &m_RoutingInfo[CurrentRM], &m_RoutingInfoSize[CurrentRM] )) { m_RoutingMethods[CurrentRM]->Enabled = FALSE; } break; } } } }
exit: if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SystemErrorMsg( rc ); }
if (m_PortHandle) { FaxClose(m_PortHandle); m_PortHandle = NULL; }
HRESULT CRouteData::CreatePropertyPages( LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle, IUnknown* pUnk ) { UINT cf = RegisterClipboardFormat(L"CF_FAX_DEVICE"); HRESULT hr = S_OK; STGMEDIUM stgmedium = { TYMED_HGLOBAL, NULL}; FORMATETC formatetc = { (CLIPFORMAT)cf, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL}; LPSTREAM lpStream; DWORD cbytes; HANDLE FaxHandle; DWORD DeviceId; WCHAR ComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; WCHAR Title[MAX_TITLE_LEN];
do { // Allocate memory for the stream
stgmedium.hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_SHARE, 128);
if (!stgmedium.hGlobal) { ATLTRACE(_T("Out of memory\n")); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
hr = m_pDataObject->GetDataHere(&formatetc, &stgmedium);
if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
} while (0);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return(hr); }
// this also frees the memory pointed to by stgmedium.hGlobal
CreateStreamOnHGlobal( stgmedium.hGlobal, TRUE, &lpStream ); lpStream->Read( (LPVOID) &FaxHandle, sizeof(DWORD), &cbytes ); lpStream->Read( (LPVOID) &DeviceId, sizeof(DWORD), &cbytes ); lpStream->Read( (LPVOID) ComputerName, sizeof(ComputerName), &cbytes ); lpStream->Release();
LoadString(_Module.m_hInst, IDS_TITLE, Title, MAX_TITLE_LEN);
CRoutePage* pPage = new CRoutePage(Title, FaxHandle, DeviceId, ComputerName); if (!pPage) { return(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
lpProvider->AddPage(pPage->Create()); return(S_OK); }
LRESULT CRoutePage::OnInitDialog( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled ) {
for (int i = 0; i < RM_COUNT; i++) { BOOL Enabled; LPWSTR CurSel; HWND hControl; PPRINTER_INFO_2 pPrinterInfo2, pSaved; DWORD cPrinters, dwFlags;
Enabled = m_RoutingMethods[i]->Enabled; CurSel = (LPWSTR) (m_RoutingInfo[i] + sizeof(DWORD)); SetChangedFlag( FALSE );
switch (i) { case RM_EMAIL: MyHideWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_EMAIL )); break;
if (MAPIENABLED) { CheckDlgButton( IDC_EMAIL, Enabled ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED ); } else { MyHideWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_EMAIL ) ); } break; case RM_INBOX: if (MAPIENABLED) { ::SendMessage( hControl = GetDlgItem( IDC_INBOX_PROFILE ), CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 ); CheckDlgButton( IDC_INBOX, Enabled ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED ); ::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_INBOX_LABEL ), Enabled ); ::EnableWindow( hControl, Enabled ); EnumMapiProfiles( hControl ); ::SendMessage( hControl, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); if (*CurSel) { ::SendMessage( hControl, CB_SELECTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) CurSel ); } } else { ::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_INBOX ), FALSE ); ::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_INBOX_LABEL ), FALSE ); ::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_INBOX_PROFILE ), FALSE ); } break; case RM_FOLDER:
CheckDlgButton( IDC_SAVE, Enabled ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED );
::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_DEST_FOLDER ), Enabled );
::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_BROWSE_DIR ), Enabled );
if (*CurSel) { SetDlgItemText( IDC_DEST_FOLDER, CurSel ); } break; case RM_PRINT: BOOL bPrinters = FALSE;
hControl = GetDlgItem( IDC_PRINT_TO );
pPrinterInfo2 = (PPRINTER_INFO_2) MyEnumPrinters(m_ComputerName, 2, &cPrinters, dwFlags);
if (pSaved = pPrinterInfo2) {
// Filtering out fax printers from the list
for ( ; cPrinters--; pPrinterInfo2++) {
if (_wcsicmp(pPrinterInfo2->pDriverName, FAX_DRIVER_NAME) != 0) { ::SendMessage( hControl, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) pPrinterInfo2->pPrinterName); bPrinters = TRUE; } }
MemFree(pSaved); }
CheckDlgButton( IDC_PRINT, (Enabled && bPrinters) ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED );
::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem(IDC_PRINT), bPrinters);
if (*CurSel) { ::SendMessage( hControl, CB_SELECTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) CurSel ); } else { ::SendMessage( hControl, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); }
::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_PRINT_TO ), (Enabled && bPrinters) ); break; } } ::SendMessage(GetParent(), PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS, 0, PSWIZB_FINISH); return 1; }
LRESULT CRoutePage::OnEmail( INT code, INT id, HWND hwnd, BOOL& bHandled ) { SetChangedFlag( TRUE ); return 1; }
LRESULT CRoutePage::OnPrint( INT code, INT id, HWND hwnd, BOOL& bHandled ) { ::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_PRINT_TO ), IsDlgButtonChecked( id ) == BST_CHECKED ? TRUE : FALSE ); SetChangedFlag( TRUE ); return 1; }
LRESULT CRoutePage::OnPrintTo( INT code, INT id, HWND hwnd, BOOL& bHandled ) { if (code == CBN_SELCHANGE) { SetChangedFlag( TRUE ); } return 1; }
LRESULT CRoutePage::OnSaveTo( INT code, INT id, HWND hwnd, BOOL& bHandled ) { ::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_DEST_FOLDER ), IsDlgButtonChecked( id ) == BST_CHECKED ? TRUE : FALSE ); ::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_BROWSE_DIR ), IsDlgButtonChecked( id ) == BST_CHECKED ? TRUE : FALSE ); SetChangedFlag( TRUE ); return 1; }
LRESULT CRoutePage::OnInbox( INT code, INT id, HWND hwnd, BOOL& bHandled ) { ::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_INBOX_PROFILE ), IsDlgButtonChecked( id ) == BST_CHECKED ? TRUE : FALSE ); ::EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( IDC_INBOX_LABEL ), IsDlgButtonChecked( id ) == BST_CHECKED ? TRUE : FALSE ); SetChangedFlag( TRUE ); return 1; }
LRESULT CRoutePage::OnProfile( INT code, INT id, HWND hwnd, BOOL& bHandled ) { if (code == CBN_SELCHANGE) { SetChangedFlag( TRUE ); } return 1; }
LRESULT CRoutePage::OnDestDir( INT code, INT id, HWND hwnd, BOOL& bHandled ) { if (code == EN_UPDATE) { SetChangedFlag( TRUE ); } return 1; }
LRESULT CRoutePage::OnBrowseDir( INT code, INT id, HWND hwnd, BOOL& bHandled ) { BrowseForDirectory(); return 1; }
#define INFO_SIZE (MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD))
BOOL CRoutePage::OnApply() {
BYTE SetInfo[RM_COUNT][INFO_SIZE]; LPWSTR lpCurSel; LPDWORD Enabled; DWORD ec; DWORD OneEnabled = 0; DWORD i;
if (!m_bChanged) { return TRUE; }
for (i = 0; i < RM_COUNT; i++) { INT SelIndex; HWND hControl; lpCurSel = (LPWSTR)(SetInfo[i] + sizeof(DWORD)); Enabled = (LPDWORD) SetInfo[i]; *Enabled = 0; ZeroMemory( lpCurSel, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR) );
switch (i) { case RM_PRINT:
*Enabled = (IsDlgButtonChecked( IDC_PRINT ) == BST_CHECKED);
if (*Enabled) {
SelIndex = (INT)::SendMessage( hControl = GetDlgItem( IDC_PRINT_TO ), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); if (SelIndex != CB_ERR) { ::SendMessage( hControl, CB_GETLBTEXT, SelIndex, (LPARAM) lpCurSel ); } else { lpCurSel[0] = 0; } if (lpCurSel[0] == 0) { DisplayMessageDialog( 0, IDS_PRINT_TO ); return FALSE; } }
case RM_EMAIL:
if (!MAPIENABLED) { break; }
*Enabled = (IsDlgButtonChecked( IDC_EMAIL ) == BST_CHECKED);
case RM_INBOX:
if (!MAPIENABLED) { break; }
*Enabled = (IsDlgButtonChecked( IDC_INBOX ) == BST_CHECKED);
if (*Enabled) {
SelIndex = (INT)::SendMessage( hControl = GetDlgItem( IDC_INBOX_PROFILE ), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); if (SelIndex != CB_ERR) { ::SendMessage( hControl, CB_GETLBTEXT, SelIndex, (LPARAM) lpCurSel ); } else { lpCurSel[0] = 0; } if (lpCurSel[0] == 0) { DisplayMessageDialog( 0, IDS_INBOX_PROFILE ); return FALSE; } }
*Enabled = (IsDlgButtonChecked( IDC_SAVE ) == BST_CHECKED);
if (*Enabled) {
GetDlgItemText( IDC_DEST_FOLDER, lpCurSel, MAX_PATH - 1 );
if (lpCurSel[0] == 0) { DisplayMessageDialog( 0, IDS_DEST_FOLDER ); return FALSE; } } }
OneEnabled |= *Enabled; }
if (!OneEnabled) { DisplayMessageDialog( 0, IDS_ONE_ENABLE ); return FALSE; }
if (!FaxOpenPort( m_FaxHandle, m_DeviceId, PORT_OPEN_QUERY | PORT_OPEN_MODIFY, &m_PortHandle )) { ec = GetLastError(); DisplayMessageDialog( 0, IDS_CANT_SAVE ); return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i < RM_COUNT; i++) {
Enabled = (LPDWORD) SetInfo[i]; if (!FaxEnableRoutingMethod( m_PortHandle, m_RoutingMethods[i]->Guid, *Enabled )) {
ec = GetLastError();
DisplayMessageDialog( 0, IDS_CANT_SAVE );
if (ec == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { break; } } else if (*Enabled && i!= RM_EMAIL && !FaxSetRoutingInfo( m_PortHandle, m_RoutingMethods[i]->Guid, &SetInfo[i][0], INFO_SIZE)) {
ec = GetLastError();
DisplayMessageDialog( 0, IDS_CANT_SAVE );
if (ec == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { break; } } }
if (m_PortHandle) { FaxClose( m_PortHandle ); m_PortHandle = NULL; }
return (ec == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID CRoutePage::SystemErrorMsg( DWORD ErrorCode ) { LPTSTR lpMsgBuf;
(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL );
MessageBox( lpMsgBuf, m_Title );
MemFree( lpMsgBuf ); }
VOID CRoutePage::EnumMapiProfiles( HWND hwnd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Put the mapi profiles in the combo box
hwnd - window handle to mapi profiles combo box
Return Value:
--*/ { LPWSTR MapiProfiles;
MapiProfiles = (LPWSTR) m_MapiProfiles;
while (MapiProfiles && *MapiProfiles) { ::SendMessage( hwnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) MapiProfiles ); MapiProfiles += wcslen(MapiProfiles) + 1; } }
VOID CRoutePage::SetChangedFlag( BOOL Flag ) { PropSheet_Changed( GetParent(), m_hWnd ); m_bChanged = TRUE; }
INT CRoutePage::DisplayMessageDialog( INT titleStrId, INT formatStrId, UINT type )
Routine Description:
Display a message dialog box
hwndParent - Specifies a parent window for the error message dialog type - Specifies the type of message box to be displayed titleStrId - Title string (could be a string resource ID) formatStrId - Message format string (could be a string resource ID) ...
Return Value:
Same as the return value from MessageBox
{ LPWSTR pTitle, pFormat, pMessage; INT result;
pTitle = pFormat = pMessage = NULL;
if ((pTitle = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc(MAX_TITLE_LEN * sizeof(WCHAR))) && (pFormat = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc(MAX_STRING_LEN * sizeof(WCHAR))) && (pMessage = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc(MAX_MESSAGE_LEN * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { //
// Load dialog box title string resource
if (titleStrId == 0) titleStrId = IDS_ERROR_DLGTITLE;
LoadString(_Module.m_hInst, titleStrId, pTitle, MAX_TITLE_LEN);
// Load message format string resource
LoadString(_Module.m_hInst, formatStrId, pFormat, MAX_STRING_LEN);
// Display the message box
result = MessageBox(pFormat, pTitle, type);
} else {
MessageBeep(MB_ICONHAND); result = 0; }
MemFree(pTitle); MemFree(pFormat); MemFree(pMessage); return result; }
BOOL CRoutePage::BrowseForDirectory( )
Routine Description:
Browse for a directory
hDlg - Specifies the dialog window on which the Browse button is displayed textFieldId - Specifies the text field adjacent to the Browse button titleStrId - Specifies the title to be displayed in the browse window
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if the user presses Cancel
m_hWnd, NULL, buffer, title, BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS, NULL, (LPARAM) buffer, };
if (! LoadString(_Module.m_hInst, IDS_INBOUND_DIR, title, MAX_TITLE_LEN)) title[0] = 0;
if (! GetDlgItemText( IDC_DEST_FOLDER, buffer, MAX_PATH)) buffer[0] = 0;
if (pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi)) {
if (SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, buffer)) {
if (wcslen(buffer) > MAX_ARCHIVE_DIR) DisplayMessageDialog(0,IDS_DIR_TOO_LONG); else {
SetDlgItemText(IDC_DEST_FOLDER, buffer); result = TRUE; } }
pMalloc->Release(); }
return result; }
LRESULT CRoutePage::OnWmHelp( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled ) { ::WinHelp((HWND) ((LPHELPINFO) lParam)->hItemHandle, FAXCFG_HELP_FILENAME, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR) &RoutingHelpIds); return 1; }
LRESULT CRoutePage::OnWmContextHelp( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled ) { ::WinHelp((HWND) wParam, FAXCFG_HELP_FILENAME, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR) &RoutingHelpIds); return 1; }