Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Three componants of the composite page description file: 1) A header describing the other two componants. 2) An embebbed meta file of the page description objects. 3) Text strings (or resource ID's of string data requiring substitution of user data passed in to the function).
Routine parses componants of composite page description file as created by the Windows NT "FaxCover" application; renders the objects to the DC, if hdc is not NULL.
Julia J. Robinson
Revision History:
Julia J. Robinson 6-7-96 Julia J. Robinson 9-20-96 Allow passing paper size and orientation.
Windows NT
#include <windows.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <winspool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "prtcovpg.h"
#include "resource.h"
#define NOTE_INDEX 22 // Index of "{Note}" in the InsertionTitle array.
BYTE UNICODE_Signature[20]= {0x46,0x41,0x58,0x43,0x4F,0x56,0x45,0x52,0x2D,0x56,0x45,0x52,0x30,0x30,0x35,0x77,0x87,0x00,0x00,0x00};
// Resource ID's corresponding to fields of USERDATA.
WORD InsertionTagResourceID[]= { IDS_PROP_RP_NAME, // "{Recipient Name}"
IDS_PROP_RP_FXNO, // "{Recipient Fax Number}"
IDS_PROP_RP_COMP, // "{Recipient's Company}"
IDS_PROP_RP_ADDR, // "{Recipient's Street Address}"
IDS_PROP_RP_CITY, // "{Recipient's City}"
IDS_PROP_RP_STAT, // "{Recipient's State}"
IDS_PROP_RP_ZIPC, // "{Recipient's Zip Code}"
IDS_PROP_RP_CTRY, // "{Recipient's Country}"
IDS_PROP_RP_TITL, // "{Recipient's Title}"
IDS_PROP_RP_DEPT, // "{Recipient's Department}"
IDS_PROP_RP_OFFI, // "{Recipient's Office Location}"
IDS_PROP_RP_HTEL, // "{Recipient's Home Telephone #}"
IDS_PROP_RP_OTEL, // "{Recipient's Office Telephone #}"
IDS_PROP_SN_NAME, // "{Sender Name}"
IDS_PROP_SN_FXNO, // "{Sender Fax #}"
IDS_PROP_SN_COMP, // "{Sender's Company}"
IDS_PROP_SN_ADDR, // "{Sender's Address}"
IDS_PROP_SN_TITL, // "{Sender's Title}"
IDS_PROP_SN_DEPT, // "{Sender's Department}"
IDS_PROP_SN_OFFI, // "{Sender's Office Location}"
IDS_PROP_SN_HTEL, // "{Sender's Home Telephone #}"
IDS_PROP_SN_OTEL, // "{Sender's Office Telephone #}"
IDS_PROP_MS_NOTE, // "{Note}"
IDS_PROP_MS_SUBJ, // "{Subject}"
IDS_PROP_MS_TSNT, // "{Time Sent}"
IDS_PROP_MS_NOPG, // "{# of Pages}"
IDS_PROP_RP_TOLS, // "{To: List}"
IDS_PROP_RP_CCLS // "{Cc: List}"
hDC - Device context. If NULL, we just read the file and set *pFlags
UserData - pointer to a structure containing user data for text insertions. May be NULL.
CompositeFileName - Name of the file created by the page editor, containing the META file.
pCovDocInfo - pointer to structure contining information about the cover page file. This includes
- Coordinates of the "Note" insertion rectangle, returned in device coordinates. This will be all 0 if hDC is NULL
- Returns bitwise OR of the following (or more):
COVFP_NOTE if .cov file contains a Note field.
COVFP_SUBJECT if .cov file contains a Subject field.
COVFP_NUMPAGES if .cov file contains Num Pages field.
- may use in DEVMODE as dmPaperSize
- may use in DEVMODE as dmOrientation
- Logfont structure to be used in rendering the NOTE. This will be meaningless if hDC is NULL. --*/
{ ENHMETAHEADER MetaFileHeader; UINT HeaderSize; LPBYTE pMetaFileBuffer = NULL; const BYTE *pConstMetaFileBuffer; DWORD rVal = ERROR_SUCCESS; INT TextBoxNbr; COLORREF PreviousColor; INT PreviousMapMode; HFONT hThisFont = NULL; HGDIOBJ hPreviousFont; DWORD NbrBytesRead; RECT ClientRect; RECT ClipRect; RECT TextRect; RECT NoteRect; CONST RECT *pClipRect; HRGN ClipRegion = NULL; int CRComplexity; // return value of SelectClipRegion
POINT OldWindowOrg; // return value of SetWindowOrg()
POINT OldViewPortOrg; // return value of SetViewPortOrg()
TEXTBOX TextBox; // buffer for reading in a TEXTBOX
DWORD PrinterUnitsX; // PHYSICALWIDTH - (width of margins)
DWORD PrinterUnitsY; // PHYSICALHEIGHT - (height of margins)
INT HeightDrawn; // return value of DrawText()
INT ReadBufferSize; // size of buffer for reading in strings.
INT ThisBufSize; // size buffer needed for current text string.
LPTSTR pStringReadIn = NULL; // buffer for reading in strings.
LPTSTR pWhichTextToRender; // pStringReadIn v. ArrayOfData[i]
INT i; // loop index
LPTSTR * ArrayOfData; // uses pointers in UserData as ragged array.
int CallersDCState = 0; // returned by SaveDC
int MyDCState = 0; // returned by SaveDC
DWORD ThisBit; // Flag field for current index.
DWORD Flags; // Return these if pFlags != NULL.
WORD MoreWords[3]; // Scale, PaperSize, and Orientation
LOGFONT NoteFont; // Logfont structure found in the NOTE box
__try {
// Initialize return values, handles, and pointers.
NoteRect.left = 0; NoteRect.right = 0; NoteRect.top = 0; NoteRect.bottom = 0; Flags = 0; hThisFont = NULL; CompositeFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; MyDCState = 0; CallersDCState = 0;
// Initialize a Pointer so that
// ArrayOfData[0] ===== pUserData->RecName ,
// ArrayOfData[1] ===== pUserData->RecFaxNumber ,
// ... etc. ...
if (UserData){ ArrayOfData = &UserData->RecName; }
ZeroMemory( &CompositeFileHeader, sizeof(CompositeFileHeader) ); ZeroMemory( &TextBox, sizeof(TextBox) );
// Open the composite data file.
CompositeFileHandle = CreateFile( CompositeFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (CompositeFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
if ((!ReadFile( CompositeFileHandle, &CompositeFileHeader, sizeof(CompositeFileHeader), &NbrBytesRead, NULL )) || sizeof(CompositeFileHeader) != NbrBytesRead) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
// Check the 20-byte signature in the header to see if the file
// contains ANSI or UNICODE strings.
if (memcmp( UNICODE_Signature, CompositeFileHeader.Signature, 20 )){ rVal = ERROR_BAD_FORMAT; goto exit; }
// Extract the embedded META file from the composite file and move
// into meta file buffer
pMetaFileBuffer = (LPBYTE) malloc( CompositeFileHeader.EmfSize ); if (!pMetaFileBuffer){ rVal = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
if ((!ReadFile( CompositeFileHandle, pMetaFileBuffer, CompositeFileHeader.EmfSize, &NbrBytesRead, NULL ) || CompositeFileHeader.EmfSize != NbrBytesRead)) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
if (hDC) { // Rendering
// Save Device Context state
CallersDCState = SaveDC( hDC ); if (CallersDCState == 0) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
// Set the client rectangle dimensions for display of the meta file
FullPrinterWidth = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, PHYSICALWIDTH ); PrinterUnitsX = FullPrinterWidth - 2 * GetDeviceCaps( hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX ); FullPrinterHeight = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, PHYSICALHEIGHT ); PrinterUnitsY = FullPrinterHeight - 2 * GetDeviceCaps( hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY );
ClientRect.top = CompositeFileHeader.CoverPageSize.cy / 2 ; ClientRect.left = -CompositeFileHeader.CoverPageSize.cx / 2; ClientRect.right = CompositeFileHeader.CoverPageSize.cx / 2; ClientRect.bottom = -CompositeFileHeader.CoverPageSize.cy / 2;
// Set device context appropriately for rendering both text and metafile.
PreviousMapMode = SetMapMode( hDC, MM_LOENGLISH ); if (PreviousMapMode == 0) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
if (!SetWindowOrgEx( hDC, 0, 0, &OldWindowOrg )) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
if (!SetViewportOrgEx( hDC, PrinterUnitsX/2, PrinterUnitsY/2, &OldViewPortOrg )) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
ClipRect = ClientRect; pClipRect = &ClipRect;
LPtoDP( hDC, (POINT*)&ClipRect, 2 ); ClipRegion = CreateRectRgnIndirect( pClipRect ); CRComplexity = SelectClipRgn( hDC, ClipRegion ); MyDCState = SaveDC( hDC );
if (!CompositeFileHeader.EmfSize){ //
// No objects to render.
rVal = ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES; goto exit; }
pConstMetaFileBuffer = pMetaFileBuffer;
// Create an enhanced metafile, in memory, from the data in the buffer.
MetaFileHandle = SetEnhMetaFileBits( CompositeFileHeader.EmfSize, pConstMetaFileBuffer ); if (!MetaFileHandle) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
// verify the metafile header.
HeaderSize = GetEnhMetaFileHeader( MetaFileHandle, sizeof(ENHMETAHEADER), &MetaFileHeader );
// Check header size is at least 0x64 -> NT4 or greater version of ENHMETAHEADER
if (HeaderSize < 0x64){ rVal = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; DeleteEnhMetaFile( MetaFileHandle ); goto exit; }
// Render the MetaFile
if (!PlayEnhMetaFile( hDC, MetaFileHandle, &ClientRect )) { rVal = GetLastError(); }
// Release the metafile handle and free the buffer.
DeleteEnhMetaFile( MetaFileHandle );
if (rVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// PlayEnhMetaFile failed.
goto exit; }
// Set Device Context for rendering text.
// Undo any changes that occurred when rendering the metafile.
RestoreDC( hDC, MyDCState ); MyDCState = 0;
if (CLR_INVALID == SetBkMode( hDC, TRANSPARENT)){ rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; } }
// Initialize buffer for reading in strings.
pStringReadIn = (LPTSTR) malloc( ReadBufferSize ); if (!pStringReadIn) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
// Read in Text Box objects from the composite file and print out the text.
pWhichTextToRender = NULL; for (TextBoxNbr=0; TextBoxNbr < (INT) CompositeFileHeader.NbrOfTextRecords; ++TextBoxNbr){
if ((!ReadFile( CompositeFileHandle, &TextBox, sizeof(TEXTBOX), &NbrBytesRead, NULL)) || NbrBytesRead != sizeof(TEXTBOX)) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
// Check buffer size, lock buffer, and
// read in variable length string of text.
ThisBufSize = sizeof(TCHAR) * (TextBox.NumStringBytes + sizeof(TCHAR)); if (ReadBufferSize < ThisBufSize) { pStringReadIn = realloc( pStringReadIn, ThisBufSize ); if (!pStringReadIn) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; } }
if ((!ReadFile( CompositeFileHandle, (void*)pStringReadIn, TextBox.NumStringBytes, &NbrBytesRead, NULL)) || NbrBytesRead != TextBox.NumStringBytes) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
pStringReadIn[TextBox.NumStringBytes / sizeof(TCHAR)] = 0;
if (hDC) {
// Correct position of text box.
TextRect.top = max( TextBox.PositionOfTextBox.top, TextBox.PositionOfTextBox.bottom ); TextRect.left = min( TextBox.PositionOfTextBox.left, TextBox.PositionOfTextBox.right ); TextRect.bottom = min( TextBox.PositionOfTextBox.top, TextBox.PositionOfTextBox.bottom ); TextRect.right = max( TextBox.PositionOfTextBox.left, TextBox.PositionOfTextBox.right );
pWhichTextToRender = pStringReadIn;
if (TextBox.ResourceID) {
// Text box contains a FAX PROPERTY field.
// Find appropriate field of USERDATA for this resource ID.
for (i=0,ThisBit=1; i<NUM_INSERTION_TAGS; ++i,ThisBit<<=1) {
if (TextBox.ResourceID == InsertionTagResourceID[i]){ pWhichTextToRender = UserData ? ArrayOfData[i] : NULL;
// Set Flags bit to indicate this FAX PROPERTY field is present.
Flags |= ThisBit; break; } }
if (TextBox.ResourceID == IDS_PROP_MS_NOTE && hDC) { //
// NOTE field found. Return its rectangle in device coordinates.
// Return its LOGFONT with height adjusted for device coordinates.
NoteRect = TextRect; LPtoDP( hDC, (POINT*)&NoteRect, 2 ); NoteFont = TextBox.FontDefinition; NoteFont.lfHeight = (LONG)MulDiv( (int)NoteFont.lfHeight, GetDeviceCaps( hDC, LOGPIXELSY ), 100 ); } }
if (hDC && pWhichTextToRender) {
// Set text color and font for rendering text.
PreviousColor = SetTextColor( hDC, TextBox.TextColor ); if (PreviousColor == CLR_INVALID){ rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
hThisFont = CreateFontIndirect( &(TextBox.FontDefinition) ); if (!hThisFont) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
hPreviousFont = SelectObject( hDC, hThisFont ); if (!hPreviousFont) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
// Render the text.
HeightDrawn = DrawText( hDC, pWhichTextToRender, -1, &TextRect, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK | (UINT)TextBox.TextAlignment ); if (!HeightDrawn) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
// Restore previous font and release the handle to the selected font
SelectObject( hDC, (HFONT)hPreviousFont ); SetTextColor( hDC, PreviousColor ); DeleteObject( hThisFont );
} // Ends loop over all textboxes.
// Read on to get Orientation and PaperSize
if ((!ReadFile( CompositeFileHandle, MoreWords, 3*sizeof(WORD), &NbrBytesRead, NULL )) || NbrBytesRead != 3 * sizeof(WORD)) { rVal = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
rVal = GetExceptionCode(); }
if (hThisFont) { DeleteObject( hThisFont ); }
if (pStringReadIn) { free( pStringReadIn ); }
if (pMetaFileBuffer) { free( pMetaFileBuffer ); }
if (CompositeFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ CloseHandle( CompositeFileHandle ); }
if( MyDCState ){ RestoreDC( hDC, MyDCState ); }
if( CallersDCState ){ RestoreDC( hDC, CallersDCState ); }
if (rVal == 0 && pCovDocInfo != NULL) { pCovDocInfo->Flags = Flags; pCovDocInfo->NoteRect = NoteRect; pCovDocInfo->PaperSize = (short) MoreWords[1]; pCovDocInfo->Orientation = (short) MoreWords[2]; pCovDocInfo->NoteFont = NoteFont; }
if (ClipRegion) { DeleteObject( ClipRegion ); }
return rVal; }