Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Functions for working with cover pages
Windows NT fax driver user interface
Revision History:
02/05/96 -davidx- Created it.
mm/dd/yy -author- description
#include "faxui.h"
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
// Suffix string appended to all user cover page filenames
static TCHAR PersonalSuffixStr[64];
VOID InsertOneCoverPageFilenameToList( HWND hwndList, LPTSTR pFilename, INT flags )
Routine Description:
Insert one cover page filename into the list of cover pages
hwndList - Handle to list window pFilename - Name of the cover page file flags - Flags to be associated with the list item
Return Value:
{ INT listIndex; LPTSTR pBuffer = NULL;
// Add " (Personal)" suffix to all user cover pages
if ((flags & CPFLAG_SERVERCP) == 0) {
if (IsEmptyString(PersonalSuffixStr)) LoadString(ghInstance, IDS_USERCP_SUFFIX, PersonalSuffixStr, 64);
if (pBuffer = MemAlloc(SizeOfString(pFilename) + SizeOfString(PersonalSuffixStr))) {
_tcscpy(pBuffer, pFilename); _tcscat(pBuffer, PersonalSuffixStr);
flags |= CPFLAG_SUFFIX; pFilename = pBuffer; } }
// Insert the cover page filename into the list
listIndex = (INT)SendMessage(hwndList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) pFilename);
if (listIndex != CB_ERR) SendMessage(hwndList, CB_SETITEMDATA, listIndex, flags);
MemFree(pBuffer); }
VOID AddCoverPagesToList( PCPDATA pCPInfo, HWND hwndList, LPTSTR pSelected, INT nDirs )
Routine Description:
Add the cover page files in the specified directory to a list
pCPInfo - Points to cover page information hwndList - Handle to a list window pSelected - Currently selected cover page nDirs - Cover page directory index
Return Value:
{ WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFindFile; LPTSTR pDirPath, pFilename, pExtension; INT dirLen, fileLen, flags;
// Are we working on server or user cover pages?
flags = nDirs | ((nDirs < pCPInfo->nServerDirs) ? CPFLAG_SERVERCP : 0); pDirPath = pCPInfo->pDirPath[nDirs];
if (IsEmptyString(pDirPath)) return;
// Look at the directory prefix of the currently selected cover page file
if ((dirLen = _tcslen(pDirPath)) >= MAX_PATH - MAX_FILENAME_EXT - 1) {
Error(("Directory name too long: %ws\n", pDirPath)); return; }
_tcscpy(filename, pDirPath);
if (_tcsnicmp(pDirPath, pSelected, dirLen) != EQUAL_STRING) pSelected = NULL; else pSelected += dirLen;
// Go through the following loop twice:
// Once to add the files with .ncp extension
// Again to add the files with .lnk extension
// Don't chase links for server based cover pages
do {
// Generate a specification for the files we're interested in
pFilename = &filename[dirLen]; *pFilename = TEXT('*'); _tcscpy(pFilename+1, (flags & CPFLAG_LINK) ? LNK_FILENAME_EXT : CP_FILENAME_EXT);
// Call FindFirstFile/FindNextFile to enumerate the files
// matching our specification
hFindFile = FindFirstFile(filename, &findData);
if (hFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
do {
// Exclude directories and hidden files
if (findData.dwFileAttributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) continue;
// Make sure we have enough room to store the full pathname
if ((fileLen = _tcslen(findData.cFileName)) <= MAX_FILENAME_EXT) continue;
if (fileLen + dirLen >= MAX_PATH) {
Error(("Filename too long: %ws%ws\n", pDirPath, findData.cFileName)); continue; }
// If we're chasing links, make sure the link refers to
// a cover page file.
if (flags & CPFLAG_LINK) {
_tcscpy(pFilename, findData.cFileName);
if (! IsCoverPageShortcut(filename)) continue; }
// Compare with the currently selected cover page filename
if (pSelected && _tcsicmp(pSelected, findData.cFileName) == EQUAL_STRING) {
pSelected = NULL; flags |= CPFLAG_SELECTED;
} else flags &= ~CPFLAG_SELECTED;
// Don't display the filename extension
if (pExtension = _tcsrchr(findData.cFileName, TEXT(FILENAME_EXT))) { *pExtension = NUL; }
// Add the cover page name to the list window
InsertOneCoverPageFilenameToList(hwndList, findData.cFileName, flags);
} while (FindNextFile(hFindFile, &findData));
FindClose(hFindFile); }
flags ^= CPFLAG_LINK;
} while ((flags & CPFLAG_LINK) && ! (flags & CPFLAG_SERVERCP)); }
VOID InitCoverPageList( PCPDATA pCPInfo, HWND hwndList, LPTSTR pSelectedCoverPage )
Routine Description:
Generate a list of available cover pages (both server and user)
pCPInfo - Points to cover page information hwndList - Handle to the list window pSelectedCoverPage - Name of currently selected cover page file
Return Value:
{ INT itemFlags, index;
// Validate input parameters
if (pCPInfo == NULL || hwndList == NULL) return;
// Disable redraw on the list and reset its content
SendMessage(hwndList, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); SendMessage(hwndList, CB_RESETCONTENT, FALSE, 0);
// Add server and user cover pages to the list
for (index=0; index < pCPInfo->nDirs; index++) AddCoverPagesToList(pCPInfo, hwndList, pSelectedCoverPage, index);
// Highlight the currently selected cover page
index = (INT)SendMessage(hwndList, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
if (index > 0) {
// Go through each list item and check if it should be selected
while (--index >= 0) {
itemFlags = (INT)SendMessage(hwndList, CB_GETITEMDATA, index, 0);
if (itemFlags != CB_ERR && (itemFlags & CPFLAG_SELECTED)) {
SendMessage(hwndList, CB_SETCURSEL, index, 0); break; } }
// If nothing is selected, select the first item by default
if (index < 0) SendMessage(hwndList, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); }
// Enable redraw on the list window
SendMessage(hwndList, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); }
INT GetSelectedCoverPage( PCPDATA pCPInfo, HWND hwndList, LPTSTR pBuffer )
Routine Description:
Retrieve the currently selected cover page name
pCPInfo - Points to cover page information hwndList - Handle to the list window pBuffer - Points to a buffer for storing the selected cover page filename The size of the buffer is assumed to be MAX_PATH characters. if pBuffer is NULL, we assume the called is interested in the item flags
Return Value:
Flags associated with the currently selected item Negative if there is an error
{ LPTSTR pDirPath, pFilename; INT selIndex, itemFlags, nameLen;
// Default to empty string in case of an error
if (pBuffer) pBuffer[0] = NUL;
if (pCPInfo == NULL || hwndList == NULL) return CB_ERR;
// Get currently selected item index
if ((selIndex = (INT)SendMessage(hwndList, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)) == CB_ERR) return selIndex;
// Get the flags associated with the currently selected item
itemFlags = (INT)SendMessage(hwndList, CB_GETITEMDATA, selIndex, 0);
if (itemFlags != CB_ERR && pBuffer != NULL) {
Assert((itemFlags & CPFLAG_DIRINDEX) < pCPInfo->nDirs); pDirPath = pCPInfo->pDirPath[itemFlags & CPFLAG_DIRINDEX];
// Assemble the full pathname for the cover page file
// directory prefix
// display name
// filename extension
while (*pBuffer++ = *pDirPath++) NULL;
pBuffer--; pFilename = NULL;
if ((nameLen = (INT)SendMessage(hwndList, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, selIndex, 0)) != CB_ERR && (pFilename = MemAlloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * (nameLen + 1))) && SendMessage(hwndList, CB_GETLBTEXT, selIndex, (LPARAM) pFilename) != CB_ERR) { //
// If the cover page filename has a suffix, we need to remove it first
if (itemFlags & CPFLAG_SUFFIX) {
INT suffixLen = _tcslen(PersonalSuffixStr);
if (nameLen >= suffixLen && _tcscmp(pFilename + (nameLen - suffixLen), PersonalSuffixStr) == EQUAL_STRING) { *(pFilename + (nameLen - suffixLen)) = NUL;
} else Error(("Corrupted cover page filename: %ws\n", pFilename));
_tcscpy(pBuffer, pFilename); _tcscat(pBuffer, (itemFlags & CPFLAG_LINK) ? LNK_FILENAME_EXT : CP_FILENAME_EXT);
} else itemFlags = CB_ERR;
MemFree(pFilename); }
return itemFlags; }
BOOL GetServerCoverPageDirs( HANDLE hPrinter, PCPDATA pCPInfo )
Routine Description:
Find the directories in which the server cover pages are stored
hPrinter - Handle to a printer object pCPInfo - Points to cover page information
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
{ PPRINTER_INFO_2 pPrinterInfo2; BOOL status = FALSE; LPTSTR pServerDir = NULL; LPTSTR pServerSubDir, p;
// Find the name of the print server - We really would like to use
// level 4 instead of level 2 here. But GetPrinter returns error for
// remote printers.
if (! (pPrinterInfo2 = MyGetPrinter(hPrinter, 2))) return FALSE;
if ( !(pServerDir = MemAlloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * MAX_PATH)) || !GetServerCpDir(pPrinterInfo2->pServerName,pServerDir,MAX_PATH*sizeof(TCHAR)) ) { goto exit; } pCPInfo->pDirPath[pCPInfo->nDirs] = pServerDir; pCPInfo->nDirs += 1; pCPInfo->nServerDirs += 1; status = TRUE;
// Find a subdirectory for the specified printer
if (p = _tcsrchr(pPrinterInfo2->pPrinterName, TEXT(PATH_SEPARATOR))) p++; else p = pPrinterInfo2->pPrinterName;
if ((_tcslen(pServerDir) + _tcslen(p) < MAX_PATH) && (pServerSubDir = MemAlloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * MAX_PATH))) { _tcscpy(pServerSubDir, pServerDir); ConcatenatePaths(pServerSubDir, p);
pCPInfo->pDirPath[pCPInfo->nDirs] = pServerSubDir; pCPInfo->nDirs += 1; pCPInfo->nServerDirs += 1; }
// Clean up before returning to caller
exit: if (!status) { MemFree(pServerDir); }
MemFree( pPrinterInfo2 );
return status; }
VOID AppendPathSeparator( LPTSTR pDirPath )
Routine Description:
Append a path separator (if necessary) at the end of a directory name
pDirPath - Points to a directory name
Return Value:
{ INT length;
// Calculate the length of directory string
length = _tcslen(pDirPath);
if (length >= MAX_PATH-1 || length < 1) return;
// If the last character is not a path separator,
// append a path separator at the end
if (pDirPath[length-1] != TEXT(PATH_SEPARATOR)) {
pDirPath[length] = TEXT(PATH_SEPARATOR); pDirPath[length+1] = NUL; } }
hMod = LoadLibrary( L"winfax.dll" ); if (hMod == NULL) { return FALSE; }
pFaxConnectFaxServer = (PFAXCONNECTFAXSERVER) GetProcAddress( hMod, "FaxConnectFaxServerW" ); pFaxClose = (PFAXCLOSE) GetProcAddress( hMod, "FaxClose" ); pFaxFreeBuffer = (PFAXFREEBUFFER) GetProcAddress( hMod, "FaxFreeBuffer" ); pFaxGetConfiguration = (PFAXGETCONFIGURATIONW) GetProcAddress( hMod, "FaxGetConfigurationW" );
if (pFaxConnectFaxServer == NULL || pFaxClose == NULL || pFaxFreeBuffer == NULL || pFaxGetConfiguration == NULL) { FreeLibrary( hMod ); return FALSE; }
if (! (pPrinterInfo2 = MyGetPrinter(hPrinter, 2))) { goto exit; }
if (!pFaxConnectFaxServer( pPrinterInfo2->pServerName, &FaxHandle )) { goto exit; }
if (!pFaxGetConfiguration( FaxHandle, &FaxConfig )) { goto exit; }
Rval = FaxConfig->ServerCp;
exit: if (pPrinterInfo2) { MemFree( pPrinterInfo2 ); } if (FaxConfig) { pFaxFreeBuffer( FaxConfig ); } if (FaxHandle) { pFaxClose( FaxHandle ); }
return Rval; }
PCPDATA AllocCoverPageInfo( HANDLE hPrinter, BOOL ServerCpOnly )
Routine Description:
Allocate memory to hold cover page information
hPrinter - Handle to a printer object
Return Value:
Pointer to a CPDATA structure, NULL if there is an error
{ PCPDATA pCPInfo; INT nDirs; LPTSTR pDirPath, pUserCPDir, pSavedPtr;
if (pCPInfo = MemAllocZ(sizeof(CPDATA))) {
// Find the directory in which the server cover pages are stored
if (! GetServerCoverPageDirs(hPrinter, pCPInfo)) Error(("Couldn't get server cover page directories\n"));
// Find the directory in which the user cover pages are stored
if (ServerCpOnly == FALSE && (pUserCPDir = pSavedPtr = GetUserCoverPageDir())) { while (*pUserCPDir && pCPInfo->nDirs < MAX_COVERPAGE_DIRS) {
LPTSTR pNextDir = pUserCPDir;
// Find the next semicolon character
while (*pNextDir && *pNextDir != TEXT(';')) pNextDir++;
if (*pNextDir != NUL) *pNextDir++ = NUL;
// Make sure the directory name is not too long
if (_tcslen(pUserCPDir) < MAX_PATH) {
if (! (pDirPath = MemAlloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * MAX_PATH))) break;
pCPInfo->pDirPath[pCPInfo->nDirs++] = pDirPath; _tcscpy(pDirPath, pUserCPDir); }
pUserCPDir = pNextDir; }
MemFree(pSavedPtr); }
// Append path separators at the end if necessary
for (nDirs=0; nDirs < pCPInfo->nDirs; nDirs++) {
AppendPathSeparator(pCPInfo->pDirPath[nDirs]); Verbose(("Cover page directory: %ws\n", pCPInfo->pDirPath[nDirs])); } }
return pCPInfo; }
VOID FreeCoverPageInfo( PCPDATA pCPInfo )
Routine Description:
Free up memory used for cover page information
pCPInfo - Points to cover page information to be freed
Return Value:
{ if (pCPInfo) {
INT index;
for (index=0; index < pCPInfo->nDirs; index++) MemFree(pCPInfo->pDirPath[index]);
MemFree(pCPInfo); } }