Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Interface to the windows address book.
Fax send wizard
Revision History:
10/23/97 -GeorgeJe- Created it.
mm/dd/yy -author- description
#include <windows.h>
#include <prsht.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <wab.h>
#include "faxui.h"
#include "cwabobj.h"
static LPWSTR DupUnicodeString( LPWSTR pStr );
static LPWSTR DupStringAnsiToUnicode( LPSTR pAnsiStr );
static LPSPropValue FindProp( LPSPropValue rgprop, ULONG cprop, ULONG ulPropTag );
static AddRecipient( PRECIPIENT *ppNewRecip, LPWSTR DisplayName, LPWSTR FaxNumber );
CWabObj::CWabObj( HINSTANCE hInstance ) /*++
Routine Description:
Constructor for CWabObj class
hInstance - Instance handle
Return Value:
{ m_Initialized = FALSE; m_lpAdrList = NULL;
m_hInstance = hInstance; }
BOOL CWabObj::Initialize( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
intialization function for CWabObj class
Return Value:
TRUE if the object is initialized successfully, else FALSE
{ TCHAR szDllPath[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey = NULL; LONG rVal; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData = MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR); HRESULT hr;
PCTSTR szDefaultPath = TEXT("%CommonProgramFiles%\\System\\wab32.dll");
m_Initialized = TRUE;
// get the path to wab32.dll
if (rVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
rVal = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT(""), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szDllPath, &cbData );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if (rVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szDefaultPath,szDllPath,sizeof(szDllPath)/sizeof(TCHAR)); }
m_hWab = LoadLibrary( szDllPath );
if (m_hWab != NULL) {
m_lpWabOpen = (LPWABOPEN) GetProcAddress( m_hWab , "WABOpen" );
} else {
m_lpWabOpen = (LPWABOPEN) NULL;
if (m_lpWabOpen == NULL) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// open the wab
hr = m_lpWabOpen( &m_lpAdrBook, &m_lpWABObject, 0, 0 );
exit: if (HR_FAILED(hr)) {
m_lpAdrBook = NULL; m_lpWABObject = NULL; m_Initialized = FALSE; if (m_hWab != NULL) { FreeLibrary( m_hWab ); } m_hWab = NULL; }
CWabObj::~CWabObj() /*++
Routine Description:
Destructor for CWabObj class
Return Value:
--*/ { if (m_lpAdrBook) { m_lpAdrBook->Release(); }
if (m_lpWABObject) { m_lpWABObject->Release(); }
if ( m_hWab ) { FreeLibrary( m_hWab ); } }
BOOL CWabObj::Address( HWND hWnd, PRECIPIENT pRecipients, PRECIPIENT * ppNewRecip ) /*++
Routine Description:
Bring up the address book UI. Prepopulate the to box with the entries in pRecipient. Return the modified entries in ppNewRecip.
hWnd - window handle to parent window pRecipients - list of recipients to look up ppNewRecipients - list of new/modified recipients
Return Value:
TRUE if all recipients had a fax number. FALSE if one or more of them didn't.
--*/ { ADRPARM AdrParms = { 0 }; LPADRLIST tmp; HRESULT hr; DWORD i; DWORD nRecips; PRECIPIENT tmpRecipient; ULONG DestComps[3] = { MAPI_TO, MAPI_CC, MAPI_BCC }; DWORD cDropped;
nRecips = 0; tmpRecipient = pRecipients;
m_hWnd = hWnd;
m_PickNumber = 0;
// count recipients and set up initial address list
while (tmpRecipient) {
nRecips++; tmpRecipient = (PRECIPIENT) tmpRecipient->pNext; }
if (nRecips > 0) {
hr = m_lpWABObject->AllocateBuffer( CbNewADRLIST( nRecips ), (LPVOID *) &m_lpAdrList ); m_lpAdrList->cEntries = nRecips;
} else {
m_lpAdrList = NULL;
for (i = 0, tmpRecipient = pRecipients; i < nRecips; i++, tmpRecipient = (PRECIPIENT) tmpRecipient->pNext) {
LPADRENTRY lpAdrEntry = &m_lpAdrList->aEntries[i];
lpAdrEntry->cValues = 3;
hr = m_lpWABObject->AllocateBuffer( sizeof( SPropValue ) * 3, (LPVOID *) &lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals );
ZeroMemory( lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals, sizeof( SPropValue ) * 3 );
lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals[0].ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A; lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals[0].Value.lpszA = DupStringUnicodeToAnsi( lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals, tmpRecipient->pName ); lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals[1].ulPropTag = PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE; lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals[1].Value.l = MAPI_TO; lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals[2].ulPropTag = PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER_A; lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals[2].Value.lpszA = DupStringUnicodeToAnsi( lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals, tmpRecipient->pAddress );
tmp = m_lpAdrList;
AdrParms.cDestFields = 1; AdrParms.ulFlags = DIALOG_MODAL; AdrParms.nDestFieldFocus = 0; AdrParms.lpulDestComps = DestComps; AdrParms.lpszCaption = TEXT( "" );
// Bring up the address book UI
hr = m_lpAdrBook->Address( (ULONG *) &hWnd, &AdrParms, &m_lpAdrList );
if (FAILED (hr) || !m_lpAdrList || m_lpAdrList->cEntries == 0) { //
// in this case the user pressed cancel, so we skip resolving any of our addresses that aren't listed in the
// WAB
cDropped = 0; goto skipresolve; }
// Resolve names
hr = m_lpAdrBook->ResolveName ((ULONG_PTR)hWnd, 0, NULL, m_lpAdrList);
skipresolve: tmp = m_lpAdrList;
if (m_lpAdrList) {
for (i = cDropped = 0; i < m_lpAdrList->cEntries; i++) { LPADRENTRY lpAdrEntry = &m_lpAdrList->aEntries[i];
if (!InterpretAddress( lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals, lpAdrEntry->cValues, ppNewRecip )){ cDropped++; }
// Clean up
for (ULONG iEntry = 0; iEntry < m_lpAdrList->cEntries; ++iEntry) { if(m_lpAdrList->aEntries[iEntry].rgPropVals) m_lpWABObject->FreeBuffer(m_lpAdrList->aEntries[iEntry].rgPropVals); } m_lpWABObject->FreeBuffer(m_lpAdrList); m_lpAdrList = NULL; }
m_hWnd = NULL;
return cDropped == 0; }
BOOL CWabObj::InterpretAddress( LPSPropValue SPropVal, ULONG cValues, PRECIPIENT *ppNewRecip ) /*++
Routine Description:
Interpret the address book entry represented by SPropVal.
SPropVal - Property values for address book entry. cValues - number of property values ppNewRecip - new recipient list
Return Value:
TRUE if all of the entries have a fax number. FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { LPSPropValue lpSPropVal; LPWSTR FaxNumber, DisplayName; BOOL rVal = FALSE;
// get the object type
lpSPropVal = FindProp( SPropVal, cValues, PR_OBJECT_TYPE );
if (lpSPropVal) {
// If the object is a mail user, get the fax numbers and add the recipient
// to the list. If the object is a distribtion list, process it.
switch (lpSPropVal->Value.l) {
if(GetRecipientInfo( SPropVal, cValues, &FaxNumber, &DisplayName )) {
AddRecipient( ppNewRecip, DisplayName, FaxNumber );
rVal = TRUE; }
rVal = InterpretDistList( SPropVal, cValues, ppNewRecip ); }
return rVal;
} else {
// If there is no object type then this is valid entry that we queried on that went unresolved.
// We know that there is a fax number so add it.
if(GetRecipientInfo( SPropVal, cValues, &FaxNumber, &DisplayName )) { AddRecipient( ppNewRecip, DisplayName, FaxNumber ); rVal = TRUE; }
return rVal; }
BOOL CWabObj::InterpretDistList( LPSPropValue SPropVal, ULONG cValues, PRECIPIENT * ppNewRecip ) /*++
Routine Description:
Process a distribution list.
SPropVal - Property values for distribution list. cValues - Number of properties. ppNewRecip - New recipient list.
Return Value:
TRUE if all of the entries have a fax number. FALSE otherwise.
#define EXIT_IF_FAILED(hr) { if (FAILED(hr)) goto ExitDistList; }
{ LPSPropValue lpPropVals; LPSRowSet pRows = NULL; LPDISTLIST lpMailDistList = NULL; LPMAPITABLE pMapiTable = NULL; ULONG ulObjType, cRows; HRESULT hr; BOOL rVal = FALSE;
lpPropVals = FindProp( SPropVal, cValues, PR_ENTRYID );
if (lpPropVals) { LPENTRYID lpEntryId = (LPENTRYID) lpPropVals->Value.bin.lpb; DWORD cbEntryId = lpPropVals->Value.bin.cb;
// Open the recipient entry
hr = m_lpAdrBook->OpenEntry( cbEntryId, lpEntryId, (LPCIID) NULL, 0, &ulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *) &lpMailDistList );
// Get the contents table of the address entry
hr = lpMailDistList->GetContentsTable( MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, &pMapiTable );
// Limit the query to only the properties we're interested in
hr = pMapiTable->SetColumns((LPSPropTagArray) &sPropTags, 0);
// Get the total number of rows
hr = pMapiTable->GetRowCount(0, &cRows);
// Get the individual entries of the distribution list
hr = pMapiTable->SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, NULL);
hr = pMapiTable->QueryRows(cRows, 0, &pRows);
hr = S_OK;
if (pRows && pRows->cRows) {
// Handle each entry of the distribution list in turn:
// for simple entries, call InterpretAddress
// for embedded distribution list, call this function recursively
for (cRows = 0; cRows < pRows->cRows; cRows++) {
LPSPropValue lpProps = pRows->aRow[cRows].lpProps; ULONG cRowValues = pRows->aRow[cRows].cValues;
lpPropVals = FindProp( lpProps, cRowValues, PR_OBJECT_TYPE );
if (lpPropVals) {
switch (lpPropVals->Value.l) {
rVal = InterpretAddress( lpProps, cRowValues, ppNewRecip );
rVal = InterpretDistList( lpProps, cRowValues, ppNewRecip ); } } }
} } ExitDistList: //
// Perform necessary clean up before returning to caller
if (pRows) {
for (cRows = 0; cRows < pRows->cRows; cRows++) {
m_lpWABObject->FreeBuffer(pRows); }
if (pMapiTable) pMapiTable->Release();
if (lpMailDistList) lpMailDistList->Release();
return rVal; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK ChooseFaxNumberDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dialog proc for choose fax number dialog.
lParam - pointer to PickFax structure.
Return Value:
Control id of selection.
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG:
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_DISPLAY_NAME, pPickFax->DisplayName);
buffer[0] = 0; GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_BUSINESS_FAX, buffer, MAX_TITLE_LEN); _tcscat(buffer, pPickFax->BusinessFax); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_BUSINESS_FAX, buffer);
buffer[0] = 0; GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_HOME_FAX, buffer, MAX_TITLE_LEN); _tcscat(buffer, pPickFax->HomeFax); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_HOME_FAX, buffer);
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_BUSINESS_FAX, BST_CHECKED); return TRUE;
switch(LOWORD( wParam )){ case IDOK: if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_BUSINESS_FAX) == BST_CHECKED) { if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_ALWAYS_OPTION) == BST_CHECKED) { EndDialog(hDlg, IDC_ALLBUS); } else { EndDialog(hDlg, IDC_BUSINESS_FAX); } } else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_HOME_FAX) == BST_CHECKED) { if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDC_ALWAYS_OPTION) == BST_CHECKED) { EndDialog(hDlg, IDC_ALLHOME); } else { EndDialog(hDlg, IDC_HOME_FAX); } }
break;; }
default: return FALSE;
return FALSE; }
#define StrPropOk( strprop ) ((strprop) && (strprop)->Value.lpszA && *(strprop)->Value.lpszA)
BOOL CWabObj::GetRecipientInfo( LPSPropValue SPropVals, ULONG cValues, LPWSTR * FaxNumber, LPWSTR * DisplayName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get the fax number and display name properties.
SPropVal - Property values for distribution list. cValues - Number of properties. FaxNumber - pointer to pointer to string to hold the fax number. DisplayName - pointer to pointer to string to hold the display name.
Return Value:
TRUE if there is a fax number and display name. FALSE otherwise.
{ LPSPropValue lpPropVals; LPSPropValue lpPropArray; BOOL Result = FALSE; PICKFAX PickFax = { 0 };
*FaxNumber = *DisplayName = NULL;
// Get the entryid and open the entry.
lpPropVals = FindProp( SPropVals, cValues, PR_ENTRYID );
if (lpPropVals) { ULONG lpulObjType; LPMAILUSER lpMailUser = NULL; LPENTRYID lpEntryId = (LPENTRYID) lpPropVals->Value.bin.lpb; DWORD cbEntryId = lpPropVals->Value.bin.cb; HRESULT hr; ULONG countValues;
hr = m_lpAdrBook->OpenEntry( cbEntryId, lpEntryId, (LPCIID) NULL, 0, &lpulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *) &lpMailUser );
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Get the properties.
hr = ((IMailUser *) lpMailUser)->GetProps( (LPSPropTagArray) &sPropTags, 0, &countValues, &lpPropArray );
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
lpPropVals = FindProp( lpPropArray, countValues, PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER_A );
if (StrPropOk( lpPropVals )) { PickFax.BusinessFax = DupStringAnsiToUnicode( lpPropVals->Value.lpszA ); }
lpPropVals = FindProp( lpPropArray, countValues, PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER_A );
if (StrPropOk( lpPropVals )) { PickFax.HomeFax = DupStringAnsiToUnicode( lpPropVals->Value.lpszA ); }
lpPropVals = FindProp( lpPropArray, countValues, PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A );
if (StrPropOk( lpPropVals )) {
*DisplayName = PickFax.DisplayName = DupStringAnsiToUnicode( lpPropVals->Value.lpszA );
// If there are two fax numbers, ask the user to pick one.
if (PickFax.BusinessFax && PickFax.HomeFax) { int dlgResult;
if (m_PickNumber != 0) {
dlgResult = m_PickNumber;
} else { dlgResult = (int)DialogBoxParam( (HINSTANCE) m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_CHOOSE_FAXNUMBER ), m_hWnd, ChooseFaxNumberDlgProc, (LPARAM) &PickFax );
switch( dlgResult ) { case IDC_ALLBUS: m_PickNumber = IDC_BUSINESS_FAX; // fall through
MemFree( PickFax.HomeFax ); *FaxNumber = PickFax.BusinessFax; break;
case IDC_ALLHOME: m_PickNumber = IDC_HOME_FAX; // fall through
MemFree( PickFax.BusinessFax ); *FaxNumber = PickFax.HomeFax; break; }
} else if (PickFax.BusinessFax) {
*FaxNumber = PickFax.BusinessFax;
} else if (PickFax.HomeFax) {
*FaxNumber = PickFax.HomeFax;
m_lpWABObject->FreeBuffer( lpPropArray ); }
if (lpMailUser) { lpMailUser->Release(); }
} else { // If there is no entryid, then this is a valid entry that we queried on that went unresolved
// add if anyway. In this case we know that PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER_A and PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A will be
// present.
lpPropVals = FindProp( SPropVals, cValues, PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER_A );
if (lpPropVals) {
*FaxNumber = DupStringAnsiToUnicode( lpPropVals->Value.lpszA ); }
lpPropVals = FindProp( SPropVals, cValues, PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A );
if (lpPropVals) {
*DisplayName = DupStringAnsiToUnicode( lpPropVals->Value.lpszA ); }
if (FaxNumber && DisplayName) { return (*FaxNumber != 0 && *DisplayName != 0); } else { return FALSE; } }
LPSPropValue FindProp( LPSPropValue rgprop, ULONG cprop, ULONG ulPropTag ) /*++
Routine Description:
Searches for a given property tag in a propset. If the given property tag has type PT_UNSPECIFIED, matches only on the property ID; otherwise, matches on the entire tag.
rgprop - Property values. cprop - Number of properties. ulPropTag - Property to search for.
Return Value:
Pointer to property desired property value or NULL. --*/
{ BOOL f = PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag) == PT_UNSPECIFIED; LPSPropValue pprop = rgprop;
if (!cprop || !rgprop) return NULL;
while (cprop--) { if (pprop->ulPropTag == ulPropTag || (f && PROP_ID(pprop->ulPropTag) == PROP_ID(ulPropTag))) return pprop; ++pprop; }
return NULL; }
LPSTR CWabObj::DupStringUnicodeToAnsi( LPVOID lpObject, LPWSTR pUnicodeStr )
Routine Description:
Convert a Unicode string to a multi-byte string
pUnicodeStr - Pointer to the Unicode string to be duplicated
Return Value:
Pointer to the duplicated multi-byte string
This is only need because the WAB is not Unicode enabled on NT.
This uses the WAB memory allocator so it must be freed with FreeBuffer. --*/
{ INT nChar; LPSTR pAnsiStr;
// Figure out how much memory to allocate for the multi-byte string
if (! (nChar = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pUnicodeStr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)) || ! HR_SUCCEEDED( m_lpWABObject->AllocateMore( nChar, lpObject, (LPVOID *) &pAnsiStr ))) { return NULL; }
// Convert Unicode string to multi-byte string
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pUnicodeStr, -1, pAnsiStr, nChar, NULL, NULL); return pAnsiStr; }
LPWSTR DupStringAnsiToUnicode( LPSTR pAnsiStr )
Routine Description:
Convert a multi-byte string to a Unicode string
pAnsiStr - Pointer to the Ansi string to be duplicated
Return Value:
Pointer to the duplicated Unicode string
This is only need because MAPI is not Unicode enabled on NT.
This routine uses MemAlloc to allocate memory so the caller needs to use MemFree. --*/
{ INT nChar; LPWSTR pUnicodeStr;
// Figure out how much memory to allocate for the Unicode string
if (! (nChar = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pAnsiStr, -1, NULL, 0)) || ! ( pUnicodeStr = (LPWSTR) MemAlloc( nChar * sizeof(WCHAR) ) )) { return NULL; }
// Convert Unicode string to multi-byte string
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pAnsiStr, -1, pUnicodeStr, nChar);
return pUnicodeStr; }
LPWSTR DupUnicodeString( LPWSTR pStr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Duplicate a Unicode string.
pStr - pointer to string to duplicate.
Return Value:
pointer to duplicated string. --*/
{ LPWSTR NewStr;
NewStr = (LPWSTR) MemAlloc( (wcslen( pStr ) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); wcscpy( NewStr, pStr ); return NewStr; }
AddRecipient( PRECIPIENT *ppNewRecip, LPWSTR DisplayName, LPWSTR FaxNumber ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add a recipient to the recipient list.
ppNewRecip - pointer to pointer to list to add item to. DisplayName - recipient name. FaxNumber - recipient fax number.
Return Value:
NA --*/ { PRECIPIENT NewRecip;
NewRecip = (PRECIPIENT) MemAllocZ( sizeof( RECIPIENT ) );
if (NewRecip) {
NewRecip->pName = DisplayName; NewRecip->pAddress = FaxNumber; NewRecip->pNext = (LPVOID) *ppNewRecip; *ppNewRecip = NewRecip; }
return 0; }
extern "C" BOOL CallWabAddress( HWND hDlg, PUSERMEM pUserMem, PRECIPIENT * ppNewRecipient ) /*++
Routine Description:
C wrapper for CWabObj->Address
hDlg - parent window handle. pUserMem - pointer to USERMEM structure ppNewRecipient - list to add new recipients to.
Return Value:
TRUE if all of the entries have a fax number. FALSE otherwise.
{ LPWABOBJ lpCWabObj = (LPWABOBJ) pUserMem->lpWabInit;
return lpCWabObj->Address( hDlg, pUserMem->pRecipients, ppNewRecipient );
extern "C" LPVOID InitializeWAB( HINSTANCE hInstance ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize the WAB.
hInstance - instance handle.
Return Value:
NONE --*/
{ LPWABOBJ lpWabObj = new CWabObj( hInstance );
if (lpWabObj) { if (!lpWabObj->Initialize()) { delete (lpWabObj); lpWabObj = NULL; } }
return (LPVOID) lpWabObj; }
extern "C" VOID UnInitializeWAB( LPVOID lpVoid ) /*++
Routine Description:
UnInitialize the WAB.
Return Value:
NONE --*/
{ LPWABOBJ lpWabObj = (LPWABOBJ) lpVoid;
delete lpWabObj; }