* stdunk.h - standard IUnknown implementaton definitions ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
#ifndef _STDUNK_H_
#define _STDUNK_H_
#include "punknown.h"
* Interfaces */
* INonDelegatingUnknown ***************************************************************************** * Non-delegating unknown interface. */ DECLARE_INTERFACE(INonDelegatingUnknown) { STDMETHOD_(NTSTATUS,NonDelegatingQueryInterface) ( THIS_ IN REFIID, OUT PVOID * ) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,NonDelegatingAddRef) ( THIS ) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,NonDelegatingRelease) ( THIS ) PURE; };
typedef INonDelegatingUnknown *PNONDELEGATINGUNKNOWN;
* Classes */
* CUnknown ***************************************************************************** * Base INonDelegatingUnknown implementation. */ class CUnknown : public INonDelegatingUnknown { private:
LONG m_lRefCount; // Reference count.
PUNKNOWN m_pUnknownOuter; // Outer IUnknown.
public: /*************************************************************************
* CUnknown methods. */ CUnknown(PUNKNOWN pUnknownOuter); virtual ~CUnknown(void); PUNKNOWN GetOuterUnknown(void) { return m_pUnknownOuter; }
* INonDelegatingUnknown methods. */ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingAddRef ( void ); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) NonDelegatingRelease ( void ); STDMETHODIMP_(NTSTATUS) NonDelegatingQueryInterface ( REFIID rIID, PVOID * ppVoid ); };
* Macros */
* DECLARE_STD_UNKNOWN ***************************************************************************** * Various declarations for standard objects based on CUnknown. */ #define DECLARE_STD_UNKNOWN() \
STDMETHODIMP_(NTSTATUS) NonDelegatingQueryInterface \ ( \ REFIID iid, \ PVOID * ppvObject \ ); \ STDMETHODIMP_(NTSTATUS) QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) \ { \ return GetOuterUnknown()->QueryInterface(riid,ppv); \ }; \ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() \ { \ return GetOuterUnknown()->AddRef(); \ }; \ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() \ { \ return GetOuterUnknown()->Release(); \ };
Class(PUNKNOWN pUnknownOuter) \ : CUnknown(pUnknownOuter) \ { \ }
#define QICAST(Type) \
#define QICASTUNKNOWN(Type) \
#define STD_CREATE_BODY_WITH_TAG_(Class,ppUnknown,pUnknownOuter,poolType,tag,base) \
NTSTATUS ntStatus; \ Class *p = new(poolType,tag) Class(pUnknownOuter); \ if (p) \ { \ *ppUnknown = PUNKNOWN((base)(p)); \ (*ppUnknown)->AddRef(); \ ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; \ } \ else \ { \ ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; \ } \ return ntStatus
#define STD_CREATE_BODY_WITH_TAG(Class,ppUnknown,pUnknownOuter,poolType,tag) \
#define STD_CREATE_BODY_(Class,ppUnknown,pUnknownOuter,poolType,base) \
#define STD_CREATE_BODY(Class,ppUnknown,pUnknownOuter,poolType) \
* Functions */ #ifndef PC_KDEXT // this is not needed for the KD extensions.
* ::new() ***************************************************************************** * New function for creating objects with a specified allocation tag. */ inline PVOID operator new ( size_t iSize, POOL_TYPE poolType ) { PVOID result = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(poolType,iSize,'wNcP');
if (result) { RtlZeroMemory(result,iSize); }
return result; }
* ::new() ***************************************************************************** * New function for creating objects with a specified allocation tag. */ inline PVOID operator new ( size_t iSize, POOL_TYPE poolType, ULONG tag ) { PVOID result = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(poolType,iSize,tag);
if (result) { RtlZeroMemory(result,iSize); }
return result; }
* ::delete() ***************************************************************************** * Delete function. */ inline void __cdecl operator delete ( PVOID pVoid ) { ExFreePool(pVoid); }
#endif // PC_KDEXT