#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
/* File created by MIDL compiler version 6.00.0347 */ /* Compiler settings for shappmgrp.idl:
Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run) protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data VC __declspec() decoration level: __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable) DECLSPEC_UUID(), MIDL_INTERFACE() */ //@@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( )
/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
#include "rpc.h"
#include "rpcndr.h"
#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
#error this stub requires an updated version of <rpcndr.h>
#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
#ifndef __shappmgrp_h__
#define __shappmgrp_h__
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
#pragma once
/* Forward Declarations */
#ifndef __IADCCtl_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __IADCCtl_FWD_DEFINED__
typedef interface IADCCtl IADCCtl; #endif /* __IADCCtl_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __ADCCtl_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __ADCCtl_FWD_DEFINED__
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef class ADCCtl ADCCtl; #else
typedef struct ADCCtl ADCCtl; #endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __ADCCtl_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __IInstalledApp_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __IInstalledApp_FWD_DEFINED__
typedef interface IInstalledApp IInstalledApp; #endif /* __IInstalledApp_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __IEnumInstalledApps_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __IEnumInstalledApps_FWD_DEFINED__
typedef interface IEnumInstalledApps IEnumInstalledApps; #endif /* __IEnumInstalledApps_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __EnumInstalledApps_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __EnumInstalledApps_FWD_DEFINED__
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef class EnumInstalledApps EnumInstalledApps; #else
typedef struct EnumInstalledApps EnumInstalledApps; #endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __EnumInstalledApps_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __IShellAppManager_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __IShellAppManager_FWD_DEFINED__
typedef interface IShellAppManager IShellAppManager; #endif /* __IShellAppManager_FWD_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __ShellAppManager_FWD_DEFINED__
#define __ShellAppManager_FWD_DEFINED__
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef class ShellAppManager ShellAppManager; #else
typedef struct ShellAppManager ShellAppManager; #endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __ShellAppManager_FWD_DEFINED__ */
/* header files for imported files */ #include "oleidl.h"
#include "oaidl.h"
#include "shappmgr.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{ #endif
void * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t); void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free( void * );
/* interface __MIDL_itf_shappmgrp_0000 */ /* [local] */
#ifndef _SHAPPMGRP_H_
#define _SHAPPMGRP_H_
extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_shappmgrp_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_shappmgrp_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
/* library SHAPPMGRPLib */ /* [version][lcid][helpstring][uuid] */
/* interface IADCCtl */ /* [dual][object][oleautomation][unique][helpstring][uuid] */
#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
MIDL_INTERFACE("3964D99F-AC96-11D1-9851-00C04FD91972") IADCCtl : public IDispatch { public: virtual /* [id][propput] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Dirty( /* [in] */ VARIANT_BOOL bDirty) = 0; virtual /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Dirty( /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbDirty) = 0; virtual /* [id][propput] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Category( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCategory) = 0; virtual /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Category( /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pbstrCategory) = 0; virtual /* [id][propput] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Sort( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrSortExpr) = 0; virtual /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Sort( /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pbstrSortExpr) = 0; virtual /* [id][propput] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_Forcex86( /* [in] */ VARIANT_BOOL bForce) = 0; virtual /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_Forcex86( /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbForce) = 0; virtual /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_ShowPostSetup( /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbShow) = 0; virtual /* [id][propput] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE put_OnDomain( /* [in] */ VARIANT_BOOL bOnDomain) = 0; virtual /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_OnDomain( /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbOnDomain) = 0; virtual /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE get_DefaultCategory( /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pbstrCategory) = 0; virtual /* [id][restricted] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE msDataSourceObject( /* [in] */ BSTR qualifier, /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **ppUnk) = 0; virtual /* [id][restricted] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE addDataSourceListener( /* [in] */ IUnknown *pEvent) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Reset( BSTR bstrQualifier) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IsRestricted( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPolicy, /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbRestricted) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Exec( BSTR bstrQualifier, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCmd, /* [in] */ LONG nRecord) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */
typedef struct IADCCtlVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IADCCtl * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IADCCtl * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetTypeInfoCount )( IADCCtl * This, /* [out] */ UINT *pctinfo); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetTypeInfo )( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ UINT iTInfo, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [out] */ ITypeInfo **ppTInfo); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetIDsOfNames )( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [size_is][in] */ LPOLESTR *rgszNames, /* [in] */ UINT cNames, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID *rgDispId); /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Invoke )( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [in] */ WORD wFlags, /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, /* [out] */ VARIANT *pVarResult, /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, /* [out] */ UINT *puArgErr); /* [id][propput] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *put_Dirty )( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ VARIANT_BOOL bDirty); /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_Dirty )( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbDirty); /* [id][propput] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *put_Category )( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCategory); /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_Category )( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pbstrCategory); /* [id][propput] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *put_Sort )( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrSortExpr); /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_Sort )( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pbstrSortExpr); /* [id][propput] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *put_Forcex86 )( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ VARIANT_BOOL bForce); /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_Forcex86 )( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbForce); /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_ShowPostSetup )( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbShow); /* [id][propput] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *put_OnDomain )( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ VARIANT_BOOL bOnDomain); /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_OnDomain )( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbOnDomain); /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *get_DefaultCategory )( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pbstrCategory); /* [id][restricted] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *msDataSourceObject )( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ BSTR qualifier, /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **ppUnk); /* [id][restricted] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *addDataSourceListener )( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ IUnknown *pEvent); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Reset )( IADCCtl * This, BSTR bstrQualifier); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *IsRestricted )( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPolicy, /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbRestricted); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Exec )( IADCCtl * This, BSTR bstrQualifier, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCmd, /* [in] */ LONG nRecord); END_INTERFACE } IADCCtlVtbl;
interface IADCCtl { CONST_VTBL struct IADCCtlVtbl *lpVtbl; };
#define IADCCtl_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
#define IADCCtl_AddRef(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
#define IADCCtl_Release(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
#define IADCCtl_GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfoCount(This,pctinfo)
#define IADCCtl_GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetTypeInfo(This,iTInfo,lcid,ppTInfo)
#define IADCCtl_GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetIDsOfNames(This,riid,rgszNames,cNames,lcid,rgDispId)
#define IADCCtl_Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Invoke(This,dispIdMember,riid,lcid,wFlags,pDispParams,pVarResult,pExcepInfo,puArgErr)
#define IADCCtl_put_Dirty(This,bDirty) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> put_Dirty(This,bDirty)
#define IADCCtl_get_Dirty(This,pbDirty) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> get_Dirty(This,pbDirty)
#define IADCCtl_put_Category(This,bstrCategory) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> put_Category(This,bstrCategory)
#define IADCCtl_get_Category(This,pbstrCategory) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> get_Category(This,pbstrCategory)
#define IADCCtl_put_Sort(This,bstrSortExpr) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> put_Sort(This,bstrSortExpr)
#define IADCCtl_get_Sort(This,pbstrSortExpr) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> get_Sort(This,pbstrSortExpr)
#define IADCCtl_put_Forcex86(This,bForce) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> put_Forcex86(This,bForce)
#define IADCCtl_get_Forcex86(This,pbForce) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> get_Forcex86(This,pbForce)
#define IADCCtl_get_ShowPostSetup(This,pbShow) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> get_ShowPostSetup(This,pbShow)
#define IADCCtl_put_OnDomain(This,bOnDomain) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> put_OnDomain(This,bOnDomain)
#define IADCCtl_get_OnDomain(This,pbOnDomain) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> get_OnDomain(This,pbOnDomain)
#define IADCCtl_get_DefaultCategory(This,pbstrCategory) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> get_DefaultCategory(This,pbstrCategory)
#define IADCCtl_msDataSourceObject(This,qualifier,ppUnk) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> msDataSourceObject(This,qualifier,ppUnk)
#define IADCCtl_addDataSourceListener(This,pEvent) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> addDataSourceListener(This,pEvent)
#define IADCCtl_Reset(This,bstrQualifier) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Reset(This,bstrQualifier)
#define IADCCtl_IsRestricted(This,bstrPolicy,pbRestricted) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> IsRestricted(This,bstrPolicy,pbRestricted)
#define IADCCtl_Exec(This,bstrQualifier,bstrCmd,nRecord) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Exec(This,bstrQualifier,bstrCmd,nRecord)
#endif /* COBJMACROS */
#endif /* C style interface */
/* [id][propput] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_put_Dirty_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ VARIANT_BOOL bDirty);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_put_Dirty_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_get_Dirty_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbDirty);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_get_Dirty_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][propput] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_put_Category_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCategory);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_put_Category_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_get_Category_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pbstrCategory);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_get_Category_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][propput] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_put_Sort_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrSortExpr);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_put_Sort_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_get_Sort_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pbstrSortExpr);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_get_Sort_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][propput] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_put_Forcex86_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ VARIANT_BOOL bForce);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_put_Forcex86_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_get_Forcex86_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbForce);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_get_Forcex86_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_get_ShowPostSetup_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbShow);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_get_ShowPostSetup_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][propput] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_put_OnDomain_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ VARIANT_BOOL bOnDomain);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_put_OnDomain_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_get_OnDomain_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbOnDomain);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_get_OnDomain_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_get_DefaultCategory_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pbstrCategory);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_get_DefaultCategory_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][restricted] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_msDataSourceObject_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ BSTR qualifier, /* [retval][out] */ IUnknown **ppUnk);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_msDataSourceObject_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
/* [id][restricted] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_addDataSourceListener_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ IUnknown *pEvent);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_addDataSourceListener_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_Reset_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_IsRestricted_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrPolicy, /* [retval][out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbRestricted);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_IsRestricted_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IADCCtl_Exec_Proxy( IADCCtl * This, BSTR bstrQualifier, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrCmd, /* [in] */ LONG nRecord);
void __RPC_STUB IADCCtl_Exec_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
#endif /* __IADCCtl_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
class DECLSPEC_UUID("3964D9A0-AC96-11D1-9851-00C04FD91972") ADCCtl; #endif
#ifndef __IInstalledApp_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
#define __IInstalledApp_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
/* interface IInstalledApp */ /* [object][helpstring][uuid] */
EXTERN_C const IID IID_IInstalledApp;
#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
MIDL_INTERFACE("1BC752DF-9046-11D1-B8B3-006008059382") IInstalledApp : public IShellApp { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Uninstall( HWND hwnd) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Modify( HWND hwndParent) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Repair( /* [in] */ BOOL bReinstall) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Upgrade( void) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */
typedef struct IInstalledAppVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IInstalledApp * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IInstalledApp * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IInstalledApp * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetAppInfo )( IInstalledApp * This, /* [out][in] */ PAPPINFODATA pai); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetPossibleActions )( IInstalledApp * This, /* [out] */ DWORD *pdwActions); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetSlowAppInfo )( IInstalledApp * This, /* [in] */ PSLOWAPPINFO psaid); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetCachedSlowAppInfo )( IInstalledApp * This, /* [in] */ PSLOWAPPINFO psaid); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *IsInstalled )( IInstalledApp * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Uninstall )( IInstalledApp * This, HWND hwnd); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Modify )( IInstalledApp * This, HWND hwndParent); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Repair )( IInstalledApp * This, /* [in] */ BOOL bReinstall); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Upgrade )( IInstalledApp * This); END_INTERFACE } IInstalledAppVtbl;
interface IInstalledApp { CONST_VTBL struct IInstalledAppVtbl *lpVtbl; };
#define IInstalledApp_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
#define IInstalledApp_AddRef(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
#define IInstalledApp_Release(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
#define IInstalledApp_GetAppInfo(This,pai) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetAppInfo(This,pai)
#define IInstalledApp_GetPossibleActions(This,pdwActions) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetPossibleActions(This,pdwActions)
#define IInstalledApp_GetSlowAppInfo(This,psaid) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetSlowAppInfo(This,psaid)
#define IInstalledApp_GetCachedSlowAppInfo(This,psaid) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetCachedSlowAppInfo(This,psaid)
#define IInstalledApp_IsInstalled(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> IsInstalled(This)
#define IInstalledApp_Uninstall(This,hwnd) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Uninstall(This,hwnd)
#define IInstalledApp_Modify(This,hwndParent) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Modify(This,hwndParent)
#define IInstalledApp_Repair(This,bReinstall) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Repair(This,bReinstall)
#define IInstalledApp_Upgrade(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Upgrade(This)
#endif /* COBJMACROS */
#endif /* C style interface */
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IInstalledApp_Uninstall_Proxy( IInstalledApp * This, HWND hwnd);
void __RPC_STUB IInstalledApp_Uninstall_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IInstalledApp_Modify_Proxy( IInstalledApp * This, HWND hwndParent);
void __RPC_STUB IInstalledApp_Modify_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IInstalledApp_Repair_Proxy( IInstalledApp * This, /* [in] */ BOOL bReinstall);
void __RPC_STUB IInstalledApp_Repair_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IInstalledApp_Upgrade_Proxy( IInstalledApp * This);
void __RPC_STUB IInstalledApp_Upgrade_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
#endif /* __IInstalledApp_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
#ifndef __IEnumInstalledApps_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
#define __IEnumInstalledApps_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
/* interface IEnumInstalledApps */ /* [object][helpstring][uuid] */
EXTERN_C const IID IID_IEnumInstalledApps;
#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
MIDL_INTERFACE("1BC752E1-9046-11D1-B8B3-006008059382") IEnumInstalledApps : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Next( /* [out] */ IInstalledApp **pia) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Reset( void) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */
typedef struct IEnumInstalledAppsVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IEnumInstalledApps * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IEnumInstalledApps * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IEnumInstalledApps * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Next )( IEnumInstalledApps * This, /* [out] */ IInstalledApp **pia); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Reset )( IEnumInstalledApps * This); END_INTERFACE } IEnumInstalledAppsVtbl;
interface IEnumInstalledApps { CONST_VTBL struct IEnumInstalledAppsVtbl *lpVtbl; };
#define IEnumInstalledApps_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
#define IEnumInstalledApps_AddRef(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
#define IEnumInstalledApps_Release(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
#define IEnumInstalledApps_Next(This,pia) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Next(This,pia)
#define IEnumInstalledApps_Reset(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Reset(This)
#endif /* COBJMACROS */
#endif /* C style interface */
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IEnumInstalledApps_Next_Proxy( IEnumInstalledApps * This, /* [out] */ IInstalledApp **pia);
void __RPC_STUB IEnumInstalledApps_Next_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IEnumInstalledApps_Reset_Proxy( IEnumInstalledApps * This);
void __RPC_STUB IEnumInstalledApps_Reset_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
#endif /* __IEnumInstalledApps_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_EnumInstalledApps;
#ifdef __cplusplus
class DECLSPEC_UUID("0B124F8F-91F0-11D1-B8B5-006008059382") EnumInstalledApps; #endif
#ifndef __IShellAppManager_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
#define __IShellAppManager_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
/* interface IShellAppManager */ /* [object][helpstring][uuid] */
typedef struct _ShellAppCategory { LPWSTR pszCategory; UINT idCategory; } SHELLAPPCATEGORY;
typedef struct _ShellAppCategory *PSHELLAPPCATEGORY;
typedef struct _ShellAppCategoryList { UINT cCategories; SHELLAPPCATEGORY *pCategory; } SHELLAPPCATEGORYLIST;
typedef struct _ShellAppCategoryList *PSHELLAPPCATEGORYLIST;
EXTERN_C const IID IID_IShellAppManager;
#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
MIDL_INTERFACE("352EC2B8-8B9A-11D1-B8AE-006008059382") IShellAppManager : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetNumberofInstalledApps( DWORD *pdwResult) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumInstalledApps( IEnumInstalledApps **peia) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetPublishedAppCategories( PSHELLAPPCATEGORYLIST pCategoryList) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumPublishedApps( LPCWSTR pszCategory, IEnumPublishedApps **ppepa) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InstallFromFloppyOrCDROM( HWND hwndParent) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */
typedef struct IShellAppManagerVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( IShellAppManager * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][out] */ void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( IShellAppManager * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( IShellAppManager * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetNumberofInstalledApps )( IShellAppManager * This, DWORD *pdwResult); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *EnumInstalledApps )( IShellAppManager * This, IEnumInstalledApps **peia); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetPublishedAppCategories )( IShellAppManager * This, PSHELLAPPCATEGORYLIST pCategoryList); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *EnumPublishedApps )( IShellAppManager * This, LPCWSTR pszCategory, IEnumPublishedApps **ppepa); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *InstallFromFloppyOrCDROM )( IShellAppManager * This, HWND hwndParent); END_INTERFACE } IShellAppManagerVtbl;
interface IShellAppManager { CONST_VTBL struct IShellAppManagerVtbl *lpVtbl; };
#define IShellAppManager_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
#define IShellAppManager_AddRef(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
#define IShellAppManager_Release(This) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
#define IShellAppManager_GetNumberofInstalledApps(This,pdwResult) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetNumberofInstalledApps(This,pdwResult)
#define IShellAppManager_EnumInstalledApps(This,peia) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> EnumInstalledApps(This,peia)
#define IShellAppManager_GetPublishedAppCategories(This,pCategoryList) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> GetPublishedAppCategories(This,pCategoryList)
#define IShellAppManager_EnumPublishedApps(This,pszCategory,ppepa) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> EnumPublishedApps(This,pszCategory,ppepa)
#define IShellAppManager_InstallFromFloppyOrCDROM(This,hwndParent) \
(This)->lpVtbl -> InstallFromFloppyOrCDROM(This,hwndParent)
#endif /* COBJMACROS */
#endif /* C style interface */
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IShellAppManager_GetNumberofInstalledApps_Proxy( IShellAppManager * This, DWORD *pdwResult);
void __RPC_STUB IShellAppManager_GetNumberofInstalledApps_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IShellAppManager_EnumInstalledApps_Proxy( IShellAppManager * This, IEnumInstalledApps **peia);
void __RPC_STUB IShellAppManager_EnumInstalledApps_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IShellAppManager_GetPublishedAppCategories_Proxy( IShellAppManager * This, PSHELLAPPCATEGORYLIST pCategoryList);
void __RPC_STUB IShellAppManager_GetPublishedAppCategories_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IShellAppManager_EnumPublishedApps_Proxy( IShellAppManager * This, LPCWSTR pszCategory, IEnumPublishedApps **ppepa);
void __RPC_STUB IShellAppManager_EnumPublishedApps_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IShellAppManager_InstallFromFloppyOrCDROM_Proxy( IShellAppManager * This, HWND hwndParent);
void __RPC_STUB IShellAppManager_InstallFromFloppyOrCDROM_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
#endif /* __IShellAppManager_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_ShellAppManager;
#ifdef __cplusplus
class DECLSPEC_UUID("352EC2B7-8B9A-11D1-B8AE-006008059382") ShellAppManager; #endif
/* interface __MIDL_itf_shappmgrp_0264 */ /* [local] */
#endif // _SHAPPMGRP_H_
extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_shappmgrp_0264_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_shappmgrp_0264_v0_0_s_ifspec;
/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
/* end of Additional Prototypes */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif