#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */
/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
/* File created by MIDL compiler version 6.00.0347 */ /* Compiler settings for mddefw.idl:
Oi, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run) protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext error checks: allocation ref VC __declspec() decoration level: __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable) DECLSPEC_UUID(), MIDL_INTERFACE() */ //@@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( )
/* verify that the <rpcndr.h> version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
#include "rpc.h"
#include "rpcndr.h"
#ifndef __mddefw_h__
#define __mddefw_h__
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
#pragma once
/* Forward Declarations */
/* header files for imported files */ #include "unknwn.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{ #endif
void * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t); void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free( void * );
/* interface __MIDL_itf_mddefw_0000 */ /* [local] */
Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: mddef.h Definitions for Admin Objects and Metadata --*/ #ifndef _MD_DEFW_
#define _MD_DEFW_
#include <mdmsg.h>
#include <mdcommsg.h>
Error Codes Metadata api's all return HRESULTS. Since internal results are either winerrors or Metadata specific return codes (see mdmsg.h), they are converted to HRESULTS using the RETURNCODETOHRESULT macro (see commsg.h). */ /*
Max Name Length The maximum number of characters in the length of a metaobject name, including the terminating NULL. This refers to each node in the tree, not the entire path. eg. strlen("Root") < METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN */ #define METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN 256
Access Permissons Permissions associated with handles of type METADATA_HANDLE METADATA_PERMISSION_READ - Allows reading metadata. METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE - Allows writing metadata. */ #define METADATA_PERMISSION_READ 0x00000001
Data Types ALL_METADATA - Used on Get/Enum/Getall api's (ComMDGetMetaData, ComMDEnumMetaData, and ComMDGetAllMetaData), api's to allow getting all data. Not valid on the Set api. DWORD_METADATA - The data is an unsigned 32 bit value. STRING_METADATA - The data is a null terminated ASCII string. BINARY_METADATA - The data is any binary value. EXPANDSZ_METADATA - The data is a null terminated ASCII string. Clients are expected to treat this as an expandsz string. MULTISZ_METADATA - A series of NULL terminated ASCII strings. ending with 2 NULL's. */
Attributes - The flags for the data. METADATA_INHERIT - If set for a data item, the data item can be inherited. If set on input to the Get/Enum/Getall api's, (ComMDGetMetaData, ComMDEnumMetaData, and ComMDGetAllMetaData), inheritable data will be returned. If not set on input to the Get/Enum/Getall, inheritable data will not be returned. METADATA_PARTIAL_PATH - If set on input to Get/Enum/Getall api's, this routine will return ERROR_SUCCESS and the inherited data even if the entire path is not present. Only valid if METADATA_INHERIT is also set. Should not be set for data items on input the the Set api (ComMDSetMetaData). METADATA_SECURE - If set for a data item, the data is stored in a secure fasion. Should not be set on input to Get/Enum api's. METADATA_REFERENCE - If set for a data item, the data item may be gotten by reference. If set on input to Get/Enum/GetAll api's and set on a the data item being returned, the data is returned by reference. A pointer to the metadata server's copy of the data is placed in the Data field of the METADATA_RECORD or METADATA_GETALL_RECORD, and the DataTag field is set. This data must be freed by calling ComMDReleaseReferenceData. The client must not change this data. This flag must not be set on input to Get/Enum/Getall api's from remote clients. METADATA_VOLATILE - If set for a data item, the data item will not be saved to long term storage. METADATA_ISINHERITED - If specified on input to one of the get api's, the flag will be set on return if the data was inherited. METADATA_INSERT_PATH - If specified on input to one of the get api's, and on a string data item, the path relative to handle will replaced the string MD_INSERT_PATH_STRING in the string data. METADATA_LOCAL_MACHINE_ONLY - If set for a data item, the data item will not be replicated during web cluster replication. */ #define METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES 0
#define METADATA_INHERIT 0x00000001
#define METADATA_PARTIAL_PATH 0x00000002
#define METADATA_SECURE 0x00000004
#define METADATA_REFERENCE 0x00000008
#define METADATA_VOLATILE 0x00000010
#define METADATA_ISINHERITED 0x00000020
#define METADATA_INSERT_PATH 0x00000040
Backup Flags. MD_BACKUP_OVERWRITE - If set, the metabase will be backed up even if a backupe with the same name and version already exists. The existing backup will be overwritten. MD_BACKUP_SAVE_FIRST - If set backup will save the metabase prior to making the backup. If the save fails, backup behavior is dependent on the value of MD_BACKUP_FORCE_BACKUP. MD_BACKUP_FORCE_BACKUP - If set backup will proceed even if the save failed. Only valid if MD_BACKUP_SAVE_FIRST is set. If the save but the backup succeeds, a warning will be returned. */ #define MD_BACKUP_OVERWRITE 0x00000001
#define MD_BACKUP_SAVE_FIRST 0x00000002
#define MD_BACKUP_FORCE_BACKUP 0x00000004
Backup Version Defines. MD_BACKUP_NEXT_VERSION - For Backup, indicates use the next available backup version of the BackupLocation specified, ie. one higher than the highest existing version. Not valid for Restore or DeleteBackup. MD_BACKUP_HIGHEST_VERSION - For Backup, Restore, and DeleteBackup, will use the highest existing backup version of the BackupLocation specified. MD_BACKUP_MAX_VERSION - The highest allowed backup version number. MD_BACKUP_MAX_LEN - The maximup length, in UNICODE characters, of the BackupLocation. */ #define MD_BACKUP_NEXT_VERSION 0xffffffff
#define MD_BACKUP_HIGHEST_VERSION 0xfffffffe
#define MD_BACKUP_MAX_LEN (100)
Backup Location Defines. MD_DEFAULT_BACKUP_LOCATION - The default location to backup from or restore to if no location is specified. */ #define MD_DEFAULT_BACKUP_LOCATION TEXT("MDBackUp")
History Flags. MD_HISTORY_LATEST - The most recent history file by timestamp */ #define MD_HISTORY_LATEST 0x00000001
Export Flags. MD_EXPORT_INHERITED - If set, inherited properties will be backed up to special section in output file called IIsInheritedProperties. If not set, inherited properties are ignored. MD_EXPORT_NODE_ONLY - If set, children will not be exported. If not set, children will be exported. */ #define MD_EXPORT_INHERITED 0x00000001
#define MD_EXPORT_NODE_ONLY 0x00000002
Import Flags. MD_IMPORT_INHERITED - If set, inherited properties will be imported. MD_IMPORT_NODE_ONLY - If set, children will not be imported. If not set, children will be imported. MD_IMPORT_MERGE - If set, imported settings overwrite existing settings, but entire node is not overwritten. If not set, entire node is clobbered. */ #define MD_IMPORT_INHERITED 0x00000001
#define MD_IMPORT_NODE_ONLY 0x00000002
#define MD_IMPORT_MERGE 0x00000004
Insert Path Defines. */ #define MD_INSERT_PATH_STRINGA "<%INSERT_PATH%>"
Handle Defines. */ #define METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE 0
METADATA_RECORD is the basic input/output parameter for the set and get metadata api's. The Set api (ComMDSetMetaData) takes all fields as input, except DataTag. The Get/Enum api's (ComMDGetMetadata and ComMDEnumMetaData) take some of the fields as input, and fill in all fields as output. Identifier - The identifier of the data. Attributes - The flags for the data. UserType - The User Type for the data. This is a user defined field to allow users to group data. If set to anything other than ALL_METADATA on input to Get/Set apis, only metadata of the specified User Type will be returned. ALL_METADATA User Defined Values DataType - The Type of the data. Must be set to a valid value other than ALL_METADATA for each data item. If set to anything other than ALL_METADATA on input to Get/Set api's, only metadata of the specified Data Type will be returned. ALL_METADATA DWORD_METADATA STRING_METADATA BINARY_METADATA EXPANDSZ_METADATA DataLen - On input to the Set api, specifies the length of Data, in bytes. Inprocess clients only need to specify this for binary data. Remote clients need to specify this for all data types. For strings, this must include the trailing '\0', eg. strlen(string) + 1. On input to Get/Enum apis, specifies the size of the buffer pointed to by Data. On successful output from Get/Enum API's, specifies the size of Data in bytes. Data - On input to the Set api, points to the data. On input to the Get/Enum api's, points to a buffer to return the data in. On output from the Get/Enum api's, points to the data. If the data is not gotten by reference, the pointer will be unchanged. DataTag - A tag for reference data. Not used in the Set api. Not used on input to the Get/Enum api's. On successful return from the Get/Enum api's, this is set to a nonzero tag if the data was gotten by reference, and set to 0 if the data was not gotten by reference. */ typedef struct _METADATA_RECORD { DWORD dwMDIdentifier; DWORD dwMDAttributes; DWORD dwMDUserType; DWORD dwMDDataType; DWORD dwMDDataLen; /* [size_is][unique] */ unsigned char *pbMDData; DWORD dwMDDataTag; } METADATA_RECORD;
METADATA_GETALL_RECORD, is essentially the same as METADATA_RECORD, but is used by MDGetAllMetaData. It is used the same as the corresponding METADATA_RECORD values for the MDGetMetaData, with the following exceptions: MDGetAllMetadata does not take the structure as input, but takes parameters equivalent to Attributes, UserType, and DataType. On output, MDGetAllMetadata returns an array of METADATA_GETALL_RECORD. DataOffset/Data - If the data is not returned by reference, DataOffset contains the byte offset into the buffer provided. If the data is returned by reference, Data contains a pointer to the data. Because an opaque pointer to an array of _METADATA_GETALL_RECORD's is passed on calls to GetAllData, its size must be the same on x86 and ia64. So, the pbMDData member (not used by the public interface) has been removed and a new structure _METADATA_GETALL_INTERNAL_RECORD has been created for use by the callees of the internal interface */ typedef struct _METADATA_GETALL_RECORD { DWORD dwMDIdentifier; DWORD dwMDAttributes; DWORD dwMDUserType; DWORD dwMDDataType; DWORD dwMDDataLen; DWORD dwMDDataOffset; DWORD dwMDDataTag; } METADATA_GETALL_RECORD;
typedef struct _METADATA_GETALL_INTERNAL_RECORD { DWORD dwMDIdentifier; DWORD dwMDAttributes; DWORD dwMDUserType; DWORD dwMDDataType; DWORD dwMDDataLen; union { DWORD_PTR dwMDDataOffset; unsigned char *pbMDData; } ; DWORD dwMDDataTag; } METADATA_GETALL_INTERNAL_RECORD;
Handle Information Permissions - The permissions associated with the handle. METADATA_PERMISSION_READ METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE SystemChangeNumber - The system change number at the time the handle was allocated. */ typedef struct _METADATA_HANDLE_INFO { DWORD dwMDPermissions; DWORD dwMDSystemChangeNumber; } METADATA_HANDLE_INFO;
Change Object - The structure passed to ComMDSinkNotify. Path - The path of the MetaObject modified. ChangeType - The types of changes made, from the flags below. NumDataIDs - The number of data id's changed. DataIDs - An array of the data id's changed. */ #define MD_CHANGE_OBJECT MD_CHANGE_OBJECT_W
typedef struct _MD_CHANGE_OBJECT_W { /* [string] */ LPWSTR pszMDPath; DWORD dwMDChangeType; DWORD dwMDNumDataIDs; /* [size_is][unique] */ DWORD *pdwMDDataIDs; } MD_CHANGE_OBJECT_W;
Change Types MD_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE_OBJECT - The Meta Object was deleted. MD_CHANGE_TYPE_ADD_OBJECT - The Meta Object was added. MD_CHANGE_TYPE_SET_DATA - A data item was set. MD_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE_DATA - A data item was deleted. MD_CHANGE_TYPE_RENAME_OBJECT - The Meta Object was renamed. */ #define MD_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE_OBJECT 0x00000001
#define MD_CHANGE_TYPE_ADD_OBJECT 0x00000002
#define MD_CHANGE_TYPE_SET_DATA 0x00000004
#define MD_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE_DATA 0x00000008
Max Change Entries - The maximum number of change entries that will be sent on a single call to IMDCOMSINK::ComMDSinkNotify. If more notifications are required, IMDCOMSINK::ComMDSinkNotify will be called multiple times. */ #define MD_MAX_CHANGE_ENTRIES 100
extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_mddefw_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_mddefw_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
/* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
/* end of Additional Prototypes */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif