// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
// Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
#ifndef __AFXDAO_H
#define __AFXDAO_H
#error DAO Database classes not supported in this library variant.
#ifndef __AFXDISP_H__
#include <afxdisp.h> // Must include this before dao headers
#ifndef _DBDAOINT_H_
#include <dbdaoint.h>
#ifndef _DAOGETRW_H_
#include <daogetrw.h>
#ifndef _DBDAOID_H_
#include <dbdaoid.h>
#ifndef _DBDAOERR_H_
#include <dbdaoerr.h>
#ifndef __AFXDB__H__
#include <afxdb_.h> // shared header with ODBC database classes
#ifndef __AFXEXT_H__
#include <afxext.h> // for CFormView
#pragma component(minrebuild, off)
#pragma component(mintypeinfo, on)
// Win32 libraries
#ifdef _AFXDLL
#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(_AFX_MONOLITHIC)
#ifndef _UNICODE
#pragma comment(lib, "mfco42d.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "mfcd42d.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "mfco42ud.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "mfcd42ud.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "daouuid.lib")
#pragma pack(push, _AFX_PACKING)
// AFXDAO - MFC Database support using DAO
// Classes declared in this file
// CException
class CDaoException; // DAO error/exception handling
// CObject
class CDaoRecordView; class CDaoWorkspace; // DAO engine/transaction/security manager
class CDaoDatabase; // DAO database manager
class CDaoRecordset; // DAO result set manager
class CDaoTableDef; // DAO base table manager
class CDaoQueryDef; // DAO query manager
// Non-CObject classes
class CDaoFieldExchange; struct CDaoFieldCache; struct CDaoErrorInfo; struct CDaoWorkspaceInfo; struct CDaoDatabaseInfo; struct CDaoTableDefInfo; struct CDaoFieldInfo; struct CDaoIndexInfo; struct CDaoRelationInfo; struct CDaoQueryDefInfo; struct CDaoParameterInfo;
// AFXDLL support
#undef AFX_DATA
// Data caching structures
struct CDaoFieldCache { void* m_pvData; // Pointer to cached data of any supported type.
BYTE m_nStatus; // (NULL) status cache.
BYTE m_nDataType; // Type of data cached.
// Info structures
struct CDaoErrorInfo { // Attributes
long m_lErrorCode; CString m_strSource; CString m_strDescription; CString m_strHelpFile; long m_lHelpContext;
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
struct CDaoWorkspaceInfo { // Attributes
CString m_strName; // Primary
CString m_strUserName; // Secondary
BOOL m_bIsolateODBCTrans; // All
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
struct CDaoDatabaseInfo { // Attributes
CString m_strName; // Primary
BOOL m_bUpdatable; // Primary
BOOL m_bTransactions; // Primary
CString m_strVersion; // Secondary
long m_lCollatingOrder; // Secondary
short m_nQueryTimeout; // Secondary
CString m_strConnect; // All
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
struct CDaoTableDefInfo { // Attributes
CString m_strName; // Primary
BOOL m_bUpdatable; // Primary
long m_lAttributes; // Primary
COleDateTime m_dateCreated; // Secondary
COleDateTime m_dateLastUpdated; // Secondary
CString m_strSrcTableName; // Secondary
CString m_strConnect; // Secondary
CString m_strValidationRule; // All
CString m_strValidationText; // All
long m_lRecordCount; // All
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
struct CDaoFieldInfo { // Attributes
CString m_strName; // Primary
short m_nType; // Primary
long m_lSize; // Primary
long m_lAttributes; // Primary
short m_nOrdinalPosition; // Secondary
BOOL m_bRequired; // Secondary
BOOL m_bAllowZeroLength; // Secondary
long m_lCollatingOrder; // Secondary
CString m_strForeignName; // Secondary
CString m_strSourceField; // Secondary
CString m_strSourceTable; // Secondary
CString m_strValidationRule; // All
CString m_strValidationText; // All
CString m_strDefaultValue; // All
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
struct CDaoIndexFieldInfo { // Attributes
CString m_strName; // Primary
BOOL m_bDescending; // Primary
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
struct CDaoIndexInfo { // Constructors
// Attributes
CString m_strName; // Primary
CDaoIndexFieldInfo* m_pFieldInfos; // Primary
short m_nFields; // Primary
BOOL m_bPrimary; // Secondary
BOOL m_bUnique; // Secondary
BOOL m_bClustered; // Secondary
BOOL m_bIgnoreNulls; // Secondary
BOOL m_bRequired; // Secondary
BOOL m_bForeign; // Secondary
long m_lDistinctCount; // All
// Implementation
virtual ~CDaoIndexInfo(); BOOL m_bCleanupFieldInfo;
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
struct CDaoRelationFieldInfo { // Attributes
CString m_strName; // Primary
CString m_strForeignName; // Primary
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
struct CDaoRelationInfo { // Constructor
// Attributes
CString m_strName; // Primary
CString m_strTable; // Primary
CString m_strForeignTable; // Primary
long m_lAttributes; // Secondary
CDaoRelationFieldInfo* m_pFieldInfos; // Secondary
short m_nFields; // Secondary
// Implementation
virtual ~CDaoRelationInfo(); BOOL m_bCleanupFieldInfo;
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
struct CDaoQueryDefInfo { // Attributes
CString m_strName; // Primary
short m_nType; // Primary
COleDateTime m_dateCreated; // Secondary
COleDateTime m_dateLastUpdated; // Secondary
BOOL m_bUpdatable; // Secondary
BOOL m_bReturnsRecords; // Secondary
CString m_strSQL; // All
CString m_strConnect; // All
short m_nODBCTimeout; // See readme
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
struct CDaoParameterInfo { // Attributes
CString m_strName; // Primary
short m_nType; // Primary
COleVariant m_varValue; // Secondary
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
// DAO Helpers
// Flags for getting and/or setting object properties
#define AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO 0x00000001 // Get only primary
#define AFX_DAO_SECONDARY_INFO 0x00000002 // Get primary & secondary
#define AFX_DAO_ALL_INFO 0x00000004 // Get All info
// Jet engine TRUE/FALSE definitions
#define AFX_DAO_TRUE (-1L)
#define AFX_DAO_FALSE 0
// Set CDaoRecordset::Open option to use m_nDefaultType
// Flags used for Move/Find
#define AFX_DAO_NEXT (+1L)
#define AFX_DAO_PREV (-1L)
// Default sizes for DFX function PreAlloc sizes
// Flag used for DFX functions dwBindOptions bitmask
#define AFX_DAO_CACHE_BY_VALUE 0x80 // MFC Internal
// Field Flags, used to indicate status of fields
// Extended error codes
#define NO_AFX_DAO_ERROR 0
#define AFX_DAO_ERROR_MIN 2000
// Object status flags
#define AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_WS 0x01
#define AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_DB 0x02
#define AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_QD 0x04
#define AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_TD 0x08
#define AFX_DAO_DEFAULT_WS 0x80
// CDaoRecordView status flags
// Logging helpers
void AFXAPI AfxDaoCheck(SCODE scode, LPCSTR lpszDaoCall, LPCSTR lpszFile, int nLine, int nError = NO_AFX_DAO_ERROR, BOOL bMemOnly = FALSE);
#ifdef _DEBUG
void AFXAPI AfxDaoTrace(SCODE scode, LPCSTR lpszDaoCall, LPCSTR lpszFile, int nLine); #endif
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define DAO_CHECK(f) AfxDaoCheck(f, #f, THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
#define DAO_CHECK_ERROR(f, err) AfxDaoCheck(f, #f, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, err)
#define DAO_CHECK_MEM(f) AfxDaoCheck(f, #f, THIS_FILE, __LINE__, \
NO_AFX_DAO_ERROR, TRUE) #define DAO_TRACE(f) AfxDaoTrace(f, #f, THIS_FILE, __LINE__)
#define DAO_CHECK(f) AfxDaoCheck(f, NULL, NULL, 0)
#define DAO_CHECK_ERROR(f, err) AfxDaoCheck(f, NULL, NULL, 0, err)
#define DAO_CHECK_MEM(f) AfxDaoCheck(f, NULL, NULL, 0, \
// CDaoFieldExchange - for field exchange
class CDaoFieldExchange { // Attributes
public: enum DFX_Operation { AddToParameterList, // builds PARAMETERS clause
AddToSelectList, // builds SELECT clause
BindField, // sets up binding structure
BindParam, // sets parameter values
Fixup, // sets NULL status
AllocCache, // allocates cache used for dirty check
StoreField, // saves current record to cache
LoadField, // restores cached data to member vars
FreeCache, // frees cache
SetFieldNull, // sets field status & value to NULL
MarkForAddNew, // marks fields dirty if not PSEUDO NULL
MarkForEdit, // marks fields dirty if don't match cache
SetDirtyField, // sets field values marked as dirty
#ifdef _DEBUG
DumpField, #endif
MaxDFXOperation, // dummy operation type for input checking
UINT m_nOperation; // type of exchange operation
CDaoRecordset* m_prs; // recordset handle
// Operations
public: enum FieldType { none, outputColumn, param, };
void SetFieldType(UINT nFieldType); BOOL IsValidOperation();
// Implementation
public: CDaoFieldExchange(UINT nOperation, CDaoRecordset* prs, void* pvField = NULL);
void Default(LPCTSTR lpszName, void* pv, DWORD dwFieldType, DWORD dwBindOptions = 0);
static void PASCAL AppendParamType(CString& strParamList, DWORD dwParamType); static CDaoFieldCache* PASCAL GetCacheValue(CDaoRecordset* prs, void* pv); static void PASCAL SetNullValue(void* pv, DWORD dwDataType); static BOOL PASCAL IsNullValue(void* pv, DWORD dwDataType); static void PASCAL AllocCacheValue(CDaoFieldCache*& pCache, DWORD dwDataType); static void PASCAL DeleteCacheValue(CDaoFieldCache* pCache, DWORD dwDataType); static void PASCAL CopyValue(void* pvSrc, void* pvDest, DWORD dwDataType); static BOOL PASCAL CompareValue(void* pvSrc, void* pvDest, DWORD dwDataType); static void PASCAL FillVariant(void* pvValue, DWORD dwDataType, COleVariant** ppVar);
// Current type of field
UINT m_nFieldType; void* m_pvField; UINT m_nField; UINT m_nParam; UINT m_nFieldFound;
#ifdef _DEBUG
CDumpContext* m_pdcDump; #endif //_DEBUG
// Standard RecordSet Field Exchange routines
// variable length data
void AFXAPI DFX_Text(CDaoFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR lpszName, CString& value, int nPreAllocSize = AFX_DAO_TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE, DWORD dwBindOptions = AFX_DAO_ENABLE_FIELD_CACHE); void AFXAPI DFX_Binary(CDaoFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR lpszName, CByteArray& value, int nPreAllocSize = AFX_DAO_BINARY_DEFAULT_SIZE, DWORD dwBindOptions = 0); void AFXAPI DFX_LongBinary(CDaoFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR lpszName, CLongBinary& value, DWORD dwPreAllocSize = AFX_DAO_LONGBINARY_DEFAULT_SIZE, DWORD dwBndOptions = 0);
//fixed length data
void AFXAPI DFX_Bool(CDaoFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR lpszName, BOOL& value, DWORD dwBindOptions = AFX_DAO_ENABLE_FIELD_CACHE); void AFXAPI DFX_Byte(CDaoFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR lpszName, BYTE& value, DWORD dwBindOptions = AFX_DAO_ENABLE_FIELD_CACHE); void AFXAPI DFX_Short(CDaoFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR lpszName, short& value, DWORD dwBindOptions = AFX_DAO_ENABLE_FIELD_CACHE); void AFXAPI DFX_Long(CDaoFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR lpszName, long& value, DWORD dwBindOptions = AFX_DAO_ENABLE_FIELD_CACHE); void AFXAPI DFX_Currency(CDaoFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR lpszName, COleCurrency& value, DWORD dwBindOptions = AFX_DAO_ENABLE_FIELD_CACHE); void AFXAPI DFX_Single(CDaoFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR lpszName, float& value, DWORD dwBindOptions = AFX_DAO_ENABLE_FIELD_CACHE); void AFXAPI DFX_Double(CDaoFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR lpszName, double& value, DWORD dwBindOptions = AFX_DAO_ENABLE_FIELD_CACHE); void AFXAPI DFX_DateTime(CDaoFieldExchange* pFX, LPCTSTR lpszName, COleDateTime& value, DWORD dwBindOptions = AFX_DAO_ENABLE_FIELD_CACHE);
// Database Dialog Data Exchange cover routines
// Cover routines provide database semantics on top of DDX routines
// simple text operations
void AFXAPI DDX_FieldText(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, BOOL& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldText(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, BYTE& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldText(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, short& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldText(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, long& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldText(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, COleCurrency& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldText(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, DWORD& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldText(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, float& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldText(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, double& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldText(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, COleDateTime& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldText(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, CString& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); #if _MFC_VER >= 0x0600
void AFXAPI DDX_FieldText(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, LPTSTR pstrValue, int nMaxLen, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); #endif
// special control types
void AFXAPI DDX_FieldCheck(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, int& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldRadio(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, int& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldLBString(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, CString& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldCBString(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, CString& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldLBStringExact(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, CString& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldCBStringExact(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, CString& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldLBIndex(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, int& index, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldCBIndex(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, int& index, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldLBStringExact(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, CString& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldCBStringExact(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, CString& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); void AFXAPI DDX_FieldScroll(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, int& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); #if _MFC_VER >= 0x0600
void AFXAPI DDX_FieldSlider(CDataExchange* pDX, int nIDC, int& value, CDaoRecordset* pRecordset); #endif
// CDaoWorkspace - a DAO Workspace
class CDaoWorkspace : public CObject { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CDaoWorkspace)
// Constructors
public: CDaoWorkspace();
virtual void Create(LPCTSTR lpszName, LPCTSTR lpszUserName, LPCTSTR lpszPassword); virtual void Append();
virtual void Open(LPCTSTR lpszName = NULL); virtual void Close();
// Attributes
public: DAOWorkspace* m_pDAOWorkspace;
static CString PASCAL GetVersion(); static CString PASCAL GetIniPath(); static void PASCAL SetIniPath(LPCTSTR lpszRegistrySubKey); static void PASCAL SetDefaultUser(LPCTSTR lpszDefaultUser); static void PASCAL SetDefaultPassword(LPCTSTR lpszPassword); static short PASCAL GetLoginTimeout(); static void PASCAL SetLoginTimeout(short nSeconds);
CString GetName(); CString GetUserName(); void SetIsolateODBCTrans(BOOL bIsolateODBCTrans); BOOL GetIsolateODBCTrans();
BOOL IsOpen() const;
// Operations
public: void BeginTrans(); void CommitTrans(); void Rollback();
static void PASCAL CompactDatabase(LPCTSTR lpszSrcName, LPCTSTR lpszDestName, LPCTSTR lpszLocale = dbLangGeneral, int nOptions = 0); // Password parameter added late in dev cycle, new interface req'd
static void PASCAL CompactDatabase(LPCTSTR lpszSrcName, LPCTSTR lpszDestName, LPCTSTR lpszLocale, int nOptions, LPCTSTR lpszPassword); static void PASCAL RepairDatabase(LPCTSTR lpszName);
static void PASCAL Idle(int nAction = dbFreeLocks);
short GetWorkspaceCount(); void GetWorkspaceInfo(int nIndex, CDaoWorkspaceInfo& wkspcinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void GetWorkspaceInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoWorkspaceInfo& wkspcinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO);
short GetDatabaseCount(); void GetDatabaseInfo(int nIndex, CDaoDatabaseInfo& dbinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void GetDatabaseInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoDatabaseInfo& dbinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO);
// Overridables
// Implementation
public: virtual ~CDaoWorkspace();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
DAOWorkspaces* m_pDAOWorkspaces; DAODatabases* m_pDAODatabases; int m_nStatus;
CMapPtrToPtr m_mapDatabases; // Map of all Open CDaoDatabases
BOOL IsNew() const;
protected: BOOL m_bOpen; BOOL m_bNew;
static void AFX_CDECL InitializeEngine();
void InitWorkspacesCollection(); void FillWorkspaceInfo(DAOWorkspace* pDAOWorkspace, CDaoWorkspaceInfo& wsinfo, DWORD dwOptions);
void InitDatabasesCollection(); void FillDatabaseInfo(DAODatabase* pDAODatabase, CDaoDatabaseInfo& dbinfo, DWORD dwOptions);
virtual void ThrowDaoException(int nError = NO_AFX_DAO_ERROR); };
// CDaoException - DAO error trapping mechanism
class CDaoException : public CException { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CDaoException)
// Constructors
public: CDaoException();
// Attributes
public: CDaoErrorInfo* m_pErrorInfo;
SCODE m_scode; int m_nAfxDaoError; // DAO class extended error code
// Operations
public: short GetErrorCount(); void GetErrorInfo(int nIndex);
// Implementation
public: virtual ~CDaoException();
DAOError* m_pDAOError; DAOErrors* m_pDAOErrors;
virtual BOOL GetErrorMessage(LPTSTR lpszError, UINT nMaxError, PUINT pnHelpContext = NULL);
protected: void InitErrorsCollection(); void FillErrorInfo(); };
void AFXAPI AfxThrowDaoException(int nAfxDaoError = NO_AFX_DAO_ERROR, SCODE scode = S_OK);
// CDaoDatabase - a DAO Database
class CDaoDatabase : public CObject { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CDaoDatabase)
// Constructors
public: CDaoDatabase(CDaoWorkspace* pWorkspace = NULL);
virtual void Create(LPCTSTR lpszName, LPCTSTR lpszLocale = dbLangGeneral, int dwOptions = 0);
virtual void Open(LPCTSTR lpszName, BOOL bExclusive = FALSE, BOOL bReadOnly = FALSE, LPCTSTR lpszConnect = _T("")); virtual void Close();
// Attributes
public: CDaoWorkspace* m_pWorkspace; DAODatabase* m_pDAODatabase;
BOOL IsOpen() const;
BOOL CanUpdate(); BOOL CanTransact();
CString GetName(); CString GetConnect();
CString GetVersion(); short GetQueryTimeout(); void SetQueryTimeout(short nSeconds); long GetRecordsAffected();
// Operations
public: void Execute(LPCTSTR lpszSQL, int nOptions = dbFailOnError);
void DeleteTableDef(LPCTSTR lpszName); void DeleteQueryDef(LPCTSTR lpszName);
void CreateRelation(LPCTSTR lpszName, LPCTSTR lpszTable, LPCTSTR lpszForeignTable, long lAttributes, LPCTSTR lpszField, LPCTSTR lpszForeignField); void CreateRelation(CDaoRelationInfo& relinfo); void DeleteRelation(LPCTSTR lpszName);
short GetTableDefCount(); void GetTableDefInfo(int nIndex, CDaoTableDefInfo& tabledefinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void GetTableDefInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoTableDefInfo& tabledefinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO);
short GetRelationCount(); void GetRelationInfo(int nIndex, CDaoRelationInfo& relinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void GetRelationInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoRelationInfo& relinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO);
short GetQueryDefCount(); void GetQueryDefInfo(int nIndex, CDaoQueryDefInfo& querydefinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void GetQueryDefInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoQueryDefInfo& querydefinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO);
// Overridables
// Implementation
public: virtual ~CDaoDatabase();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
DAOTableDefs* m_pDAOTableDefs; DAORelations* m_pDAORelations; DAOQueryDefs* m_pDAOQueryDefs; DAORecordsets* m_pDAORecordsets; int m_nStatus;
CMapPtrToPtr m_mapTableDefs; // Map of all Open CDaoTableDefs
CMapPtrToPtr m_mapQueryDefs; // Map of all Open CDaoQueryDefs
CMapPtrToPtr m_mapRecordsets; // Map of all Open CDaoRecordsets
protected: BOOL m_bOpen;
void InitWorkspace(); void InitTableDefsCollection(); void FillTableDefInfo(DAOTableDef* pDAOTableDef, CDaoTableDefInfo& tabledefinfo, DWORD dwOptions); void InitRelationsCollection(); void FillRelationInfo(DAORelation* pDAORelation, CDaoRelationInfo& relinfo, DWORD dwOptions); void InitQueryDefsCollection(); void FillQueryDefInfo(DAOQueryDef* pDAOQueryDef, CDaoQueryDefInfo& querydefinfo, DWORD dwOptions);
virtual void ThrowDaoException(int nError = NO_AFX_DAO_ERROR); };
// CDaoTableDef - a DAO TableDef
class CDaoTableDef : public CObject { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CDaoTableDef)
// Constructors
public: CDaoTableDef(CDaoDatabase* pDatabase);
virtual void Create(LPCTSTR lpszName, long lAttributes = 0, LPCTSTR lpszSrcTable = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszConnect = NULL); virtual void Append();
virtual void Open(LPCTSTR lpszName); virtual void Close();
// Attributes
public: CDaoDatabase* m_pDatabase; DAOTableDef* m_pDAOTableDef;
BOOL IsOpen() const; BOOL CanUpdate();
void SetName(LPCTSTR lpszName); CString GetName(); void SetSourceTableName(LPCTSTR lpszSrcTableName); CString GetSourceTableName(); void SetConnect(LPCTSTR lpszConnect); CString GetConnect(); void SetAttributes(long lAttributes); long GetAttributes(); COleDateTime GetDateCreated(); COleDateTime GetDateLastUpdated(); void SetValidationRule(LPCTSTR lpszValidationRule); CString GetValidationRule(); void SetValidationText(LPCTSTR lpszValidationText); CString GetValidationText(); long GetRecordCount();
// Overridables
// Operations
public: void CreateField(LPCTSTR lpszName, short nType, long lSize, long lAttributes = 0); void CreateField(CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo); void DeleteField(LPCTSTR lpszName); void DeleteField(int nIndex);
void CreateIndex(CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo); void DeleteIndex(LPCTSTR lpszName); void DeleteIndex(int nIndex);
short GetFieldCount(); void GetFieldInfo(int nIndex, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void GetFieldInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO);
short GetIndexCount(); void GetIndexInfo(int nIndex, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void GetIndexInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO);
void RefreshLink();
// Implementation
public: ~CDaoTableDef();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
DAOFields* m_pDAOFields; DAOIndexes* m_pDAOIndexes;
protected: BOOL m_bOpen; BOOL m_bNew;
void InitFieldsCollection(); void InitIndexesCollection();
virtual void ThrowDaoException(int nError = NO_AFX_DAO_ERROR); };
// CDaoQueryDef - a DAO QueryDef
class CDaoQueryDef : public CObject { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CDaoQueryDef)
// Constructors
public: CDaoQueryDef(CDaoDatabase* pDatabase);
virtual void Create(LPCTSTR lpszName = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszSQL = NULL); virtual void Append();
virtual void Open(LPCTSTR lpszName = NULL); virtual void Close();
// Attributes
public: CDaoDatabase* m_pDatabase; DAOQueryDef* m_pDAOQueryDef;
BOOL CanUpdate();
CString GetName(); void SetName(LPCTSTR lpszName); CString GetSQL(); void SetSQL(LPCTSTR lpszSQL); short GetType(); COleDateTime GetDateCreated(); COleDateTime GetDateLastUpdated(); CString GetConnect(); void SetConnect(LPCTSTR lpszConnect); short GetODBCTimeout(); void SetODBCTimeout(short nODBCTimeout); BOOL GetReturnsRecords(); void SetReturnsRecords(BOOL bReturnsRecords); long GetRecordsAffected();
BOOL IsOpen() const;
// Operations
public: virtual void Execute(int nOptions = dbFailOnError);
virtual COleVariant GetParamValue(LPCTSTR lpszName); virtual COleVariant GetParamValue(int nIndex); virtual void SetParamValue(LPCTSTR lpszName, const COleVariant& varValue); virtual void SetParamValue(int nIndex, const COleVariant& varValue); void SetParamValueNull(LPCTSTR lpszName); void SetParamValueNull(int nIndex);
short GetFieldCount(); void GetFieldInfo(int nIndex, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void GetFieldInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO);
short GetParameterCount(); void GetParameterInfo(int nIndex, CDaoParameterInfo& paraminfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void GetParameterInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoParameterInfo& paraminfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO);
// Overridables
// Implementation
public: ~CDaoQueryDef();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
DAOFields* m_pDAOFields; DAOParameters* m_pDAOParameters;
protected: BOOL m_bOpen; BOOL m_bNew;
void InitFieldsCollection(); void InitParametersCollection(); void FillParameterInfo(DAOParameter* pDAOParameter, CDaoParameterInfo& paraminfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions);
virtual void ThrowDaoException(int nError = NO_AFX_DAO_ERROR); };
// CDaoRecordset - the result of a query or base table browse
class CDaoRecordset : public CObject { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CDaoRecordset)
// Constructor
public: CDaoRecordset(CDaoDatabase* pDatabase = NULL);
virtual void Open(int nOpenType = AFX_DAO_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE, LPCTSTR lpszSQL = NULL, int nOptions = 0); virtual void Open(CDaoQueryDef* pQueryDef, int nOpenType = dbOpenDynaset, int nOptions = 0); virtual void Open(CDaoTableDef* pTableDef, int nOpenType = dbOpenTable, int nOptions = 0); virtual void Close();
// Attributes
public: CDaoDatabase* m_pDatabase; // Source database for this result set
DAORecordset* m_pDAORecordset;
CString m_strFilter; // Filter string used when constructing SQL
CString m_strSort; // Sort string used when constructing SQL
int m_nFields; int m_nParams;
BOOL m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields; // Switch for dirty field checking.
BOOL CanUpdate() const; BOOL CanAppend() const; BOOL CanScroll() const; BOOL CanRestart(); BOOL CanTransact(); BOOL CanBookmark();
BOOL IsOpen() const; #if _MFC_VER >= 0x0600
BOOL IsBOF() const; BOOL IsEOF() const; #else
BOOL IsBOF(); BOOL IsEOF(); #endif
BOOL IsDeleted() const;
BOOL IsFieldDirty(void* pv); BOOL IsFieldNull(void* pv); BOOL IsFieldNullable(void* pv);
CString GetName(); short GetType(); short GetEditMode(); CString GetSQL() const;
COleDateTime GetDateCreated(); COleDateTime GetDateLastUpdated(); COleVariant GetLastModifiedBookmark(); CString GetValidationRule(); CString GetValidationText(); CString GetCurrentIndex(); void SetCurrentIndex(LPCTSTR lpszIndex);
long GetRecordCount();
// Operations
public: // Cursor operations
void MoveNext(); void MovePrev(); void MoveFirst(); void MoveLast(); virtual void Move(long lRows);
BOOL FindNext(LPCTSTR lpszFilter); BOOL FindPrev(LPCTSTR lpszFilter); BOOL FindFirst(LPCTSTR lpszFilter); BOOL FindLast(LPCTSTR lpszFilter); virtual BOOL Find(long lFindType, LPCTSTR lpszFilter);
COleVariant GetBookmark(); void SetBookmark(COleVariant varBookmark); long GetAbsolutePosition(); void SetAbsolutePosition(long lPosition); float GetPercentPosition(); void SetPercentPosition(float fPosition);
// seek allowed on recordset opened as tables (max keys = 13)
BOOL Seek(LPCTSTR lpszComparison, COleVariant* pKey1, COleVariant* pKey2 = NULL, COleVariant* pKey3 = NULL); BOOL Seek(LPCTSTR lpszComparison, COleVariant* pKeyArray, WORD nKeys);
// edit buffer operations
virtual void AddNew(); virtual void Edit(); virtual void Update(); virtual void Delete(); virtual void CancelUpdate();
// field operations
virtual void GetFieldValue(LPCTSTR lpszName, COleVariant& varValue); virtual void GetFieldValue(int nIndex, COleVariant& varValue); virtual void SetFieldValue(LPCTSTR lpszName, const COleVariant& varValue); virtual void SetFieldValue(int nIndex, const COleVariant& varValue); void SetFieldValue(int nIndex, LPCTSTR lpszValue); void SetFieldValue(LPCTSTR lpszName, LPCTSTR lpszValue); void SetFieldValueNull(LPCTSTR lpszName); void SetFieldValueNull(int nIndex);
virtual COleVariant GetParamValue(LPCTSTR lpszName); virtual COleVariant GetParamValue(int nIndex); virtual void SetParamValue(LPCTSTR lpszName, const COleVariant& varValue); virtual void SetParamValue(int nIndex, const COleVariant& varValue); void SetParamValueNull(LPCTSTR lpszName); void SetParamValueNull(int nIndex);
void SetFieldDirty(void* pv, BOOL bDirty = TRUE); void SetFieldNull(void* pv, BOOL bNull = TRUE);
void SetLockingMode(BOOL bPessimistic); BOOL GetLockingMode();
// Recordset operations
virtual void Requery();
// Jet's remote data caching operations
void SetCacheStart(COleVariant varBookmark); COleVariant GetCacheStart(); void SetCacheSize(long lSize); long GetCacheSize(); void FillCache(long* pSize = NULL, COleVariant* pBookmark = NULL);
short GetFieldCount(); void GetFieldInfo(int nIndex, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void GetFieldInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO);
short GetIndexCount(); void GetIndexInfo(int nIndex, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void GetIndexInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO);
// Overridables
public: virtual CString GetDefaultDBName(); virtual CString GetDefaultSQL();
// for recordset field exchange
virtual void DoFieldExchange(CDaoFieldExchange* pFX);
// Implementation
public: virtual ~CDaoRecordset();
// Out-of-date functions kept for backward compatability
virtual COleVariant GetFieldValue(LPCTSTR lpszName); virtual COleVariant GetFieldValue(int nIndex);
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
CString m_strSQL;
CDaoQueryDef* m_pQueryDef; // Source query for this result set
CDaoTableDef* m_pTableDef; ICDAORecordset* m_pICDAORecordsetGetRows; DAOFields* m_pDAOFields; DAOIndexes* m_pDAOIndexes;
void SetCursorAttributes(); void GetDataAndFixupNulls(); DWORD GetFieldLength(int nFieldIndex);
BOOL IsFieldStatusDirty(UINT nField); void SetDirtyFieldStatus(UINT nField); void ClearDirtyFieldStatus(UINT nField);
BOOL IsFieldStatusNull(UINT nField); void SetNullFieldStatus(UINT nField); void ClearNullFieldStatus(UINT nField);
BOOL IsFieldStatusNullable(UINT nField); void SetNullableFieldStatus(UINT nField);
BOOL IsFieldStatusNullableKnown(UINT nField); void SetNullableKnownFieldStatus(UINT nField);
void ClearFieldStatusFlags(); BOOL IsMatch();
DWORD m_cbFixedLengthFields; DAOCOLUMNBINDING* m_prgDaoColBindInfo; DWORD* m_pulColumnLengths; DAOFETCHROWS m_DaoFetchRows; BYTE* m_pbFieldFlags; BYTE* m_pbParamFlags;
CMapPtrToPtr* m_pMapFieldCache; CMapPtrToPtr* m_pMapFieldIndex;
static void AFX_CDECL StripBrackets(LPCTSTR lpszSrc, LPTSTR lpszDest);
protected: BOOL m_bOpen; int m_nStatus;
BOOL m_bAppendable; BOOL m_bScrollable; BOOL m_bDeleted;
int m_nOpenType; int m_nDefaultType; int m_nOptions;
CString m_strRequerySQL; CString m_strRequeryFilter; CString m_strRequerySort;
void BuildSQL(); void AllocDatabase();
// RFX Operation Cover Functions
void BuildSelectList(); void BuildParameterList(); void BindFields(); void BindParameters(); void Fixup(); void AllocCache(); void StoreFields(); void LoadFields(); void FreeCache(); void MarkForEdit(); void MarkForAddNew(); int GetFieldIndex(void* pv); virtual void SetDirtyFields();
void InitFieldsCollection(); void InitIndexesCollection();
virtual void ThrowDaoException(int nError = NO_AFX_DAO_ERROR);
friend class CDaoFieldExchange; friend class CDaoRecordView; };
// CDaoRecordView - form for viewing data records
#ifdef _AFXDLL
class CDaoRecordView : public CFormView #else
class AFX_NOVTABLE CDaoRecordView : public CFormView #endif
// Construction
protected: // must derive your own class
CDaoRecordView(LPCTSTR lpszTemplateName); CDaoRecordView(UINT nIDTemplate);
// Attributes
public: virtual CDaoRecordset* OnGetRecordset() = 0;
BOOL IsOnLastRecord(); BOOL IsOnFirstRecord();
// Operations
public: virtual BOOL OnMove(UINT nIDMoveCommand);
// Implementation
public: virtual ~CDaoRecordView(); #ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
virtual void OnInitialUpdate();
protected: int m_nStatus; COleVariant m_varBookmarkCurrent; COleVariant m_varBookmarkFirst; COleVariant m_varBookmarkLast;
afx_msg void OnUpdateRecordFirst(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateRecordPrev(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateRecordNext(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateRecordLast(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); //}}AFX_MSG
afx_msg void OnMove(int cx, int cy);
// DAODBEngine helpers - implementation specific and undocumented
void AFXAPI AfxDaoInit(); DAODBEngine* AFXAPI AfxDaoGetEngine(); void AFXAPI AfxDaoTerm();
// Inline function declarations
#pragma pack(pop)
#include <afxdao.inl>
#undef AFX_DATA
#define AFX_DATA
#pragma component(minrebuild, on)
#pragma component(mintypeinfo, off)
#endif //__AFXDAO_H__