Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This header file defines the FT API to be used as the interface to user mode programs for creating and administering FT sets.
Norbert Kusters 13-July-1996
Revision History:
#ifndef __FTAPI_H__
#define __FRAPI_H__
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#include <fttypes.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
typedef int BOOL; typedef BOOL *PBOOL;
// This API creates a logical disk id for a given partition.
BOOL FtCreatePartitionLogicalDisk( IN HANDLE PartitionHandle, OUT PFT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID NewLogicalDiskId );
// The create logical disk API is used to construct a new logical disk.
BOOL FtCreateLogicalDisk( IN FT_LOGICAL_DISK_TYPE LogicalDiskType, IN USHORT NumberOfMembers, IN PFT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID RootLogicalDiskIds, IN USHORT ConfigurationInformationSize, IN PVOID ConfigurationInformation, OUT PFT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID NewLogicalDiskId );
// The initialize logical disk API triggers the initialization of a new
// logical disk. This API is separate from the create logical disk API
// so that complex logical disks may be constructed and put together before
// starting initialization.
BOOL FtInitializeLogicalDisk( IN FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID RootLogicalDiskId, IN BOOL RegenerateOrphans );
// This API breaks up a logical disk into its sub-components.
BOOL FtBreakLogicalDisk( IN FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID RootLogicalDiskId );
// This API returns an array with all of the logical disk ids for all
// of the root logical disks in the system. When 'ArraySize' is passed in
// as 0, the array is not returned but the number of root logical disk ids
// is returned in 'NumberOfRootLogicalDiskIds'.
BOOL FtEnumerateLogicalDisks( IN ULONG ArraySize, OUT PFT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID RootLogicalDiskIds, /* OPTIONAL */ OUT PULONG NumberOfRootLogicalDiskIds );
// This API returns information about a given logical disk.
BOOL FtQueryLogicalDiskInformation( IN FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID LogicalDiskId, OUT PFT_LOGICAL_DISK_TYPE LogicalDiskType, /* OPTIONAL */ OUT PLONGLONG VolumeSize, /* OPTIONAL */ IN USHORT MembersArraySize, OUT PFT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID Members, /* OPTIONAL */ OUT PUSHORT NumberOfMembers, /* OPTIONAL */ IN USHORT ConfigurationInformationSize, OUT PVOID ConfigurationInformation, /* OPTIONAL */ IN USHORT StateInformationSize, OUT PVOID StateInformation /* OPTIONAL */ );
// This API orphans a member of a logical disk.
BOOL FtOrphanLogicalDiskMember( IN FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID LogicalDiskId, IN USHORT MemberNumberToOrphan );
// This API replaces a member of a logical disk.
BOOL FtReplaceLogicalDiskMember( IN FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID LogicalDiskId, IN USHORT MemberNumberToReplace, IN FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID NewMemberLogicalDiskId, OUT PFT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID NewLogicalDiskId /* OPTIONAL */ );
// This API returns the logical disk id for a given logical disk handle.
BOOL FtQueryLogicalDiskId( IN HANDLE RootLogicalDiskHandle, OUT PFT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID RootLogicalDiskId );
// This API opens a partition, given a signature and offset.
HANDLE FtOpenPartition( IN ULONG Signature, IN LONGLONG Offset );
// This API returns when there is a change to the overall FT state.
BOOL FtChangeNotify( );
// This API stops all sync operations on the given logical disk.
BOOL FtStopSyncOperations( IN FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID RootLogicalDiskId );
// This API queries the sticky drive letter for the given root logical disk.
BOOL FtQueryStickyDriveLetter( IN FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID RootLogicalDiskId, OUT PUCHAR DriveLetter );
// This API sets the sticky drive letter for the given root logical disk.
BOOL FtSetStickyDriveLetter( IN FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID RootLogicalDiskId, IN UCHAR DriveLetter );
// This API returns whether or not enough members of the given logical
// disk are online so that IO is possible on all parts of the volume.
// This API returns whether or not the FTDISK driver is loaded.
BOOL FtCheckDriver( OUT PBOOL IsDriverLoaded );
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif