// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: PerfSnap.hxx
// Contents: Performace monitor. Snapshots system at user-defined time
// Classes: CPerfInfo, CPerformanceMonitor
// History: 30-Sep-93 KyleP Created
// Notes: These classes only do something interesting if PERFSNAP
// is defined.
#if !defined(__PERFSNAP_HXX__)
#define __PERFSNAP_HXX__
extern "C" { #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#ifdef NEVER
#include <rpc.h>
#include <rpcdce.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <debnot.h>
#include <heapstat.h>
// Class: CPerfInfo
// Purpose: Holds snapshot of performance data
// History: 30-Sep-93 KyleP Created
#if defined(PERFSNAP)
class CPerfInfo { public:
inline void Init(char const * pszTitle, int const level);
inline CPerfInfo & operator -(CPerfInfo const & piIn);
inline void Comment(FILE * pfOut, char const * pszComment, LARGE_INTEGER stime);
inline void Print(FILE * pfOut, LARGE_INTEGER stime);
inline void _Print(FILE * pfOut);
inline static void PrintHeader(FILE * pfOut);
enum { _cbProcPerfXfer = 100 * sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION) + 500 * sizeof(SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION) }; static unsigned char _ProcPerfXfer[_cbProcPerfXfer];
RPC_STATS_VECTOR _rpcStats; long _rpcExtraSpace[3]; // END OF DO NOT SEPARATE
unsigned char CPerfInfo::_ProcPerfXfer[CPerfInfo::_cbProcPerfXfer];
#else // PERFSNAP
#endif // PERFSNAP
// Class: CPerformanceMonitor
// Purpose: Monitor performance of system/process at user-defined time.
// History: 30-Sep-93 KyleP Created
class CPerformanceMonitor { public:
inline CPerformanceMonitor(char const * szFile = 0);
inline ~CPerformanceMonitor();
inline void PrintHeader();
inline void Comment(char const * pszComment);
inline void Snap(char const * pszTitle, int const level);
inline void Delta(char const * pszTitle, int const level);
#if defined(PERFSNAP)
FILE * _pfOut; int _iLastSnap; LARGE_INTEGER _time; CPerfInfo _aSnap[2]; #endif // PERFSNAP
inline CPerformanceMonitor::CPerformanceMonitor(char const * szFile) { #if defined(PERFSNAP)
NtQuerySystemTime(&_time); // start time
_iLastSnap = 0; if (szFile) _pfOut = fopen(szFile, "a"); else _pfOut = stdout; fprintf(_pfOut, "\n----------------------------------------\n");
_aSnap[0].Init("Start0", 0); _aSnap[1].Init("Start1", 0); #endif // PERFSNAP
inline CPerformanceMonitor::~CPerformanceMonitor() { #if defined(PERFSNAP)
fclose(_pfOut); #endif // PERFSNAP
inline void CPerformanceMonitor::PrintHeader() { #if defined(PERFSNAP)
_aSnap[0].PrintHeader(_pfOut); #endif // PERFSNAP
inline void CPerformanceMonitor::Comment(char const * pszComment) { #if defined(PERFSNAP)
_aSnap[_iLastSnap].Comment(_pfOut, pszComment, _time); #endif // PERFSNAP
inline void CPerformanceMonitor::Snap(char const * pszTitle, int const level) { #if defined(PERFSNAP)
_iLastSnap = (_iLastSnap + 1) % 2; _aSnap[_iLastSnap].Init(pszTitle, level); _aSnap[_iLastSnap].Print(_pfOut, _time); #endif // PERFSNAP
inline void CPerformanceMonitor::Delta(char const * pszTitle, int const level) { #if defined(PERFSNAP)
_iLastSnap = (_iLastSnap + 1) % 2; _aSnap[_iLastSnap].Init(pszTitle, level);
CPerfInfo piDelta = _aSnap[_iLastSnap] - _aSnap[(_iLastSnap + 1) % 2];
// _aSnap[_iLastSnap].Print(_pfOut, _time);
piDelta.Print(_pfOut, _time); #endif // PERFSNAP
#if defined(PERFSNAP)
inline void CPerfInfo::Init(char const * pszTitle, int const level) { //
// Get time
// Set level
_level = level;
// Copy title string
int len = strlen(pszTitle); if (len > sizeof(_szTitle) - 1) len = sizeof(_szTitle) - 1;
memcpy(_szTitle, pszTitle, len); _szTitle[len] = 0;
// Get performance information
NTSTATUS Status = NtQuerySystemInformation (SystemPerformanceInformation, &_SysPerf, sizeof(_SysPerf), 0);
// Process info. Comes back for *all* processes and threads!
Status = NtQuerySystemInformation (SystemProcessInformation, _ProcPerfXfer, _cbProcPerfXfer, 0);
// Find the process we care about and copy it out.
HANDLE pid = (HANDLE)NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess;
unsigned char * pb = _ProcPerfXfer;
if (pProc->UniqueProcessId == pid) { memcpy(&_ProcPerf, pProc, sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION)); break; }
if (pProc->NextEntryOffset == 0) { printf("Couldn't find info for process 0x%x\n", pid); break; }
pb += pProc->NextEntryOffset; }
#ifdef NEVER
// RPC Statistics
RpcMgmtInqStats(NULL, &pStats); memcpy(& _rpcStats, pStats, sizeof(_rpcStats) + sizeof(_rpcExtraSpace)); RpcMgmtStatsVectorFree(&pStats); #endif
// (Cairo) Heap Statistics
GetHeapStats(&_heapStats); }
inline CPerfInfo & CPerfInfo::operator -(CPerfInfo const & pi2) { CPerfInfo ret;
// Make a delta title
unsigned len = strlen(_szTitle); memcpy(ret._szTitle, _szTitle, len); if (len < sizeof(ret._szTitle)-4) { memcpy(ret._szTitle + len, " - ", 4); len += 3; } unsigned len2 = strlen(pi2._szTitle); if (len2 > sizeof(ret._szTitle) - len - 1) len2 = sizeof(ret._szTitle) - len - 1;
memcpy(ret._szTitle + len, pi2._szTitle, len2); ret._szTitle[len+len2] = 0;
ret._time = _time - pi2._time;
// 'Subtract' performance info
ret._SysPerf.AvailablePages = _SysPerf.AvailablePages - pi2._SysPerf.AvailablePages; ret._SysPerf.CommittedPages = _SysPerf.CommittedPages - pi2._SysPerf.CommittedPages; ret._SysPerf.PeakCommitment = max(_SysPerf.PeakCommitment, pi2._SysPerf.PeakCommitment); ret._SysPerf.PageFaultCount = _SysPerf.PageFaultCount - pi2._SysPerf.PageFaultCount; ret._SysPerf.PagedPoolPages = _SysPerf.PagedPoolPages - pi2._SysPerf.PagedPoolPages; ret._SysPerf.NonPagedPoolPages = _SysPerf.NonPagedPoolPages - pi2._SysPerf.NonPagedPoolPages;
// System/LPC calls
ret._SysPerf.SystemCalls = _SysPerf.SystemCalls - pi2._SysPerf.SystemCalls; #ifdef NEVER
ret._SysPerf.LpcCallOperationCount = _SysPerf.LpcCallOperationCount - pi2._SysPerf.LpcCallOperationCount;
// RPC
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) ret._rpcStats.Stats[i] = _rpcStats.Stats[i] - pi2._rpcStats.Stats[i]; #endif
// CPU time
ret._ProcPerf.UserTime = _ProcPerf.UserTime - pi2._ProcPerf.UserTime; ret._ProcPerf.KernelTime = _ProcPerf.KernelTime - pi2._ProcPerf.KernelTime;
// Memory
ret._ProcPerf.PagefileUsage = _ProcPerf.PagefileUsage - pi2._ProcPerf.PagefileUsage; ret._ProcPerf.PeakPagefileUsage = max(_ProcPerf.PeakPagefileUsage, pi2._ProcPerf.PeakPagefileUsage); ret._ProcPerf.PrivatePageCount = _ProcPerf.PrivatePageCount - pi2._ProcPerf.PrivatePageCount; ret._ProcPerf.QuotaPagedPoolUsage = _ProcPerf.QuotaPagedPoolUsage - pi2._ProcPerf.QuotaPagedPoolUsage; ret._ProcPerf.QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage = _ProcPerf.QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage - pi2._ProcPerf.QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; ret._ProcPerf.PeakWorkingSetSize = max(_ProcPerf.PeakWorkingSetSize, pi2._ProcPerf.PeakWorkingSetSize); ret._ProcPerf.WorkingSetSize = _ProcPerf.WorkingSetSize - pi2._ProcPerf.WorkingSetSize;
// Threads
ret._ProcPerf.NumberOfThreads = _ProcPerf.NumberOfThreads - pi2._ProcPerf.NumberOfThreads; ret._ProcPerf.NumberOfThreads;
// (Cairo) Heap Stats
ret._heapStats.cNew =_heapStats.cNew -pi2._heapStats.cNew; ret._heapStats.cZeroNew =_heapStats.cZeroNew -pi2._heapStats.cZeroNew; ret._heapStats.cDelete =_heapStats.cDelete -pi2._heapStats.cDelete; ret._heapStats.cZeroDelete=_heapStats.cZeroDelete - pi2._heapStats.cZeroDelete; ret._heapStats.cRealloc =_heapStats.cRealloc -pi2._heapStats.cRealloc; ret._heapStats.cbNewed =_heapStats.cbNewed -pi2._heapStats.cbNewed; ret._heapStats.cbDeleted =_heapStats.cbDeleted-pi2._heapStats.cbDeleted;
return(ret); }
inline void CPerfInfo::PrintHeader(FILE * pfOut) { LARGE_INTEGER time; SYSTEMTIME systime; NtQuerySystemTime(&time); FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME *)&time, &systime); fprintf(pfOut, "Performance Run %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", systime.wMonth, systime.wDay, systime.wYear, systime.wHour, systime.wMinute, systime.wSecond);
fprintf(pfOut, "Abs/Rel\t" "Level\t" "System Time\t" "System Time ms\t" "Title\t" "Physical Memory Available Kb\t" "Virtual Memory Committed Kb\t" "Virtual Memory Max Committed Kb\t" "Virtual Memory Page Faults\t" "System Total Paged Pool Kb\t" "System Total Nonpaged Pool Kb\t" "System Calls\t" "Process User CPU Time ms\t" "Process Kernel CPU Time ms\t" "Process Page File Used pages\t" "Process Page File Max Used pages\t" "Process Page File Private pages\t" "Process Paged Pool pages\t" "Process Nonpaged Pool pages\t" "Process #Threads\t" "Working Set Peak Kb\t" "Working Set Current Kb\t" "Heap Allocs\t" "0-len Heap Allocs\t" "Heap Deletes\t" "0-len Heap Deletes\t" "Heap Reallocs\t" "Heap Allocated bytes\t" "Heap Freed bytes\t" "Process ID\t" "Thread ID\t" "Time To Snap ms\t" "System Time ms absolute\n"); }
inline void CPerfInfo::_Print(FILE * pfOut) { // LPCCallOperationsCount not printed: its bogus
// _rpcStats[0..3] not printed: never non-zero
// "RPC Calls In\tRPC Calls Out\tRPC Packets In\tRPC Packets Out\t"
fprintf(pfOut, "%ld\t" "%ld\t" "%ld\t" "%lu\t" "%ld\t" "%ld\t" "%lu\t" "%lu\t" "%lu\t" "%ld\t" "%ld\t" "%ld\t" "%ld\t" "%ld\t" "%ld\t" "%ld\t" "%ld\t" "%lu\t" "%lu\t" "%lu\t" "%lu\t" "%lu\t" "%lu\t" "%lu\t" "%ld\t" "%ld", _SysPerf.AvailablePages * 4, _SysPerf.CommittedPages * 4, _SysPerf.PeakCommitment * 4, _SysPerf.PageFaultCount, _SysPerf.PagedPoolPages * 4, _SysPerf.NonPagedPoolPages * 4, _SysPerf.SystemCalls, (_ProcPerf.UserTime.LowPart+5000) / 10000, (_ProcPerf.KernelTime.LowPart+5000) / 10000, (_ProcPerf.PagefileUsage+1023) / 1024, (_ProcPerf.PeakPagefileUsage+1023) / 1024, (_ProcPerf.PrivatePageCount+1023) / 1024, (_ProcPerf.QuotaPagedPoolUsage+1023) / 1024, (_ProcPerf.QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage+1023) / 1024, _ProcPerf.NumberOfThreads, (_ProcPerf.PeakWorkingSetSize+1023) / 1024, (_ProcPerf.WorkingSetSize+1023) / 1024, _heapStats.cNew, _heapStats.cZeroNew, _heapStats.cDelete, _heapStats.cZeroDelete, _heapStats.cRealloc, _heapStats.cbNewed, _heapStats.cbDeleted, GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId() ); }
#define CVT_TO_MS(t) (((t.wHour*60 + t.wMinute)*60 + t.wSecond)*1000 + t.wMilliseconds)
inline void CPerfInfo::Print(FILE * pfOut, LARGE_INTEGER stime) { LARGE_INTEGER time; LARGE_INTEGER dtime; SYSTEMTIME systime;
_szTitle[sizeof(_szTitle)-1] = '\0';
// Time is either a delta or absolute.
if (_time.HighPart > 0) { SYSTEMTIME systime; FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME *)&_time, &systime); dtime = _time - stime; fprintf(pfOut, "A\t%d\t%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d\t%u\t%s\t", _level, systime.wHour, systime.wMinute, systime.wSecond, systime.wMilliseconds, dtime.LowPart / 10000, _szTitle); } else { // FILETIME is in units of 100 nanoseconds (== 0.1 ms)
fprintf(pfOut, "R\t%d\t\t%u\t%s\t", _level, _time.LowPart / 10000, _szTitle); }
// A FILETIME is in units of 100 nanoseconds (== 0.1 ms)
NtQuerySystemTime(&time); dtime = time - _time; FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&_time, &systime); fprintf(pfOut, "\t%d\t%d\n", dtime.LowPart / 10000, CVT_TO_MS(systime)); }
inline void CPerfInfo::Comment(FILE * pfOut, char const * pszComment, LARGE_INTEGER stime) { SYSTEMTIME systod; LARGE_INTEGER time; LARGE_INTEGER tod; LARGE_INTEGER dtime;
NtQuerySystemTime(&tod); FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&tod, &systod); dtime = tod - stime;
fprintf(pfOut, "C\t0\t%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d\t%d\t%s\t", systod.wHour, systod.wMinute, systod.wSecond, systod.wMilliseconds, dtime.LowPart / 10000, pszComment); _Print(pfOut); NtQuerySystemTime(&time); dtime = time - tod; fprintf(pfOut, "\t%d\t%d\n", dtime.LowPart / 10000, CVT_TO_MS(systod)); }
#endif // PERFSNAP
#endif // __PERFSNAP_HXX__