// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1993-1999.
// File: ReplAPI.h
// Contents: Public Replication APIs and Structures.
// History: 15-jul-93 PeterCo created
// Notes:
#ifndef _REPLAPI_H_
#define _REPLAPI_H_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
EXPORTDEF STDAPI ReplCreateObject( const WCHAR *pwszMachine, const WCHAR *pwszOraRelativeName, const CLSID& clsid, REFIID itf, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa, void** ppitf);
EXPORTDEF STDAPI ReplDeleteObject( const WCHAR *pwszMachine, const WCHAR *pwszOraRelativeName);
#define REPL_REPLICATE_NONE (0x00)
#define REPL_REPLICATE_ASYNC (0x01) // replicate asynchronously
#define REPL_REPLICATE_META_DATA_ONLY (0x02) // replicate meta data only
// until all urgent changes
// have been applied.
EXPORTDEF STDAPI ReplReplicate( const WCHAR *pwszMachine, const WCHAR *pwszOraRelativeReplicaConnection, DWORD options);
EXPORTDEF STDAPI ReplReplicateSingleObject( const WCHAR *pDfsPathOraMachine, const WCHAR *pDfsPathSrcObj, const WCHAR *pDfsPathSrcMachine, const WCHAR *pDfsPathDstObject, const WCHAR *pDfsPathDstMachine, BOOL bCreateDstIfRequired);
EXPORTDEF STDAPI ReplMetaDataReplicate( const WCHAR *pwszMachine, // ORA to pull to
const WCHAR *pwszSource, // ORA to pull from
const WCHAR *pwszOraRelativeReplicaSet);
#define REPL_URGENT_NONE (0x00) // no flags
#define REPL_URGENT_NO_HYSTERESIS (0x01) // exclude from hysteresis calc.
#define REPL_URGENT_TRIGGER_IMMEDIATE (0x02) // force immediate urgent cycle
EXPORTDEF STDAPI ReplUrgentChangeNotify( REFCLSID clsid, // should match CLSID on root IStg
DWORD flags, // ORing of URGENT_NOTIFY_*
PVOID reserved, // must be NULL
IStorage *pRootStorage); // must have STGM_READWRITE access
EXPORTDEF STDAPI ReplValidatePath( const WCHAR *pDfsPathMachine, // in
const WCHAR *pLocalWin32Path, // in
WCHAR **ppDfsPath, // out - Dfs path to stuff into replica
// object's "root" field
HRESULT *phr); // out - S_OK indicates path is valid,
// FAILED(*phr) identifies why if invalid
EXPORTDEF STDAPI ReplPropagateMetaData( const WCHAR *pDfsPathMachine, // in - which ORA is to do the propagating
// i.e. machine where changes were made
const WCHAR *pwszRSet); // in - name of replica set where changes
// were made - NULL means check all RSets
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif // _REPLAPI_H_