/* Copyright (C) Boris Nikolaus, Germany, 1996-1997. All rights reserved. */ /* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-1998. All rights reserved. */
#include "precomp.h"
#define IDCHRSET "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_"
#define INDENT 4
#define TABSIZE 8
static FILE *fout; static int xcurrindent = 0; static int xindentflag = 0; static char *xbuf = 0; static int xbufsize = 0; static int xbuflen = 0; static int ycurrindent = 1; static char *ybuf = 0; static int ybufsize = 0; static int ybuflen = 0;
void xputc(char c); void xputs(char *s); void xflush(); void yputc(char c); void yputs(char *s); void yflush();
/* set the output file */ void setoutfile(FILE *f) { xflush(); fout = f; }
/* print indentation up to current indentation level */ static void findent() { int indent;
indent = xcurrindent * INDENT; while (indent >= TABSIZE) { xputc('\t'); indent -= TABSIZE; } while (indent-- > 0) xputc(' '); }
/* print indentation up to current indentation level */ /* but expect one character to be printed already */ static void findent1() { int indent;
indent = xcurrindent * INDENT; if (indent > 0 && indent < TABSIZE) indent--; while (indent >= TABSIZE) { xputc('\t'); indent -= TABSIZE; } while (indent-- > 0) xputc(' '); }
/* output function doing indentation automatically */ void outputv(const char *format, va_list args) { static char buf[4098]; static int pos = 0; char *p, *q; int l; /* get the string to write */ vsprintf(buf + pos, format, args);
/* print it line by line */ for (p = buf; *p; p = q) { q = strchr(p, '\n'); if (!q) { for (q = buf; *p;) *q++ = *p++; *q = 0; pos = q - buf; return; } *q++ = 0;
/* examine the first character for correct indentation */ if (strchr(IDCHRSET, *p)) { l = strspn(p, IDCHRSET); } else if (*p == '{' || *p == '}' || *p == '*' || *p == '&' || *p == '(' || *p == ')' || *p == '#') { l = 1; } else { l = 0; }
if (!l) {
/* no indentation at all */ xputs(p); xputc('\n'); continue; }
if (p[0] == '#') {
/* preprocessor directive: indent after # */ xputc('#'); findent1(); xputs(p + 1); xputc('\n'); continue; }
/* closing brace? then unindent */ if (p[0] == '}') xcurrindent--;
/* print the indentation, but labels will be less indented */ if (p[strlen(p) - 1] == ':') { xcurrindent--; findent(); xcurrindent++; } else { findent(); }
/* output the line */ xputs(p); xputc('\n');
/* back at indentation level 0? then we can flush our buffers */ /* first the variables then the other lines */ if (!xcurrindent) { yflush(); xflush(); }
/* undo indentation of non-braced if/else/switch/for/while/do stmt */ if (xindentflag) { xcurrindent--; xindentflag = 0; }
/* indent after opening brace */ if (p[strlen(p) - 1] == '{') { xcurrindent++; xindentflag = 0;
/* indent one line after if/else/switch/for/while/do stmt */ } else if (l == 2 && !memcmp(p, "if", l) || l == 4 && !memcmp(p, "else", l) || l == 6 && !memcmp(p, "switch", l) || l == 3 && !memcmp(p, "for", l) || l == 5 && !memcmp(p, "while", l) || l == 2 && !memcmp(p, "do", l)) { xcurrindent++; xindentflag = 1; } }
/* empty buffer after printing */ pos = 0; }
/* output function doing indentation automatically */ /*PRINTFLIKE1*/ void output(const char *format, ...) { va_list args;
va_start(args, format); outputv(format, args); va_end(args); }
/* output function without indentation */ void outputniv(const char *format, va_list args) { static char buf[512];
vsprintf(buf, format, args); xputs(buf); }
/* output function without indentation */ /*PRINTFLIKE1*/ void outputni(const char *format, ...) { va_list args;
va_start(args, format); outputniv(format, args); va_end(args); }
/* output an intx value definition */ void outputintx(const char *name, intx_t *val) { outputoctets(name, val->length, val->value); output("static ASN1intx_t %s = { %d, %s_octets };\n", name, val->length, name); }
/* output an real value definition */ void outputreal(const char *name, real_t *val) { char buf[256]; switch (val->type) { case eReal_Normal: sprintf(buf, "%s_mantissa", name); outputoctets(buf, val->mantissa.length, val->mantissa.value); sprintf(buf, "%s_exponent", name); outputoctets(buf, val->exponent.length, val->exponent.value); output("ASN1real_t %s = { eReal_Normal, { %u, %s_mantissa_octets }, %u, { %u, %s_exponent_octets } };\n", name, val->mantissa.length, name, val->base, val->exponent.length, name); break; case eReal_PlusInfinity: output("ASN1real_t %s = { eReal_PlusInfinity };\n", name); break; case eReal_MinusInfinity: output("ASN1real_t %s = { eReal_MinusInfinity };\n", name); break; } }
/* output an octet array definition */ void outputoctets(const char *name, uint32_t length, octet_t *val) { uint32_t i; char buf[1024]; char *p;
p = buf; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { sprintf(p, "0x%02x", val[i]); p += 4; if (i < length - 1) { sprintf(p, ", "); p += 2; } } *p = 0; output("static ASN1octet_t %s_octets[%u] = { %s };\n", name, length, buf); }
/* output an uint32 array definition */ void outputuint32s(const char *name, uint32_t length, uint32_t *val) { uint32_t i; char buf[256]; char *p;
p = buf; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { sprintf(p, "%u", val[i]); p += strlen(p); if (i < length - 1) { sprintf(p, ", "); p += 2; } } *p = 0; output("static ASN1uint32_t %s_elems[%u] = { %s };\n", name, length, buf); }
/* output forward declaration for a value */ void outputvalue0(AssignmentList_t ass, char *ideref, char *typeref, Value_t *value) { Type_t *type; char buf[256]; char *itype; int32_t noctets; uint32_t zero; uint32_t i; Value_t *values; Component_t *components; NamedValue_t *namedvalue; int32_t sign; char *pszStatic = "extern";
value = GetValue(ass, value); type = GetType(ass, value->Type); value = GetValue(ass, value); switch (type->Type) { case eType_Integer: itype = GetIntegerType(ass, type, &sign); if (!strcmp(itype, "ASN1intx_t")) { output("%s ASN1octet_t %s_octets[%u];\n", pszStatic, ideref, value->U.Integer.Value.length); } break; case eType_Real: itype = GetRealType(type); if (!strcmp(itype, "ASN1real_t")) { switch (value->U.Real.Value.type) { case eReal_Normal: output("%s ASN1octet_t %s_mantissa_octets[%u];\n", pszStatic, ideref, value->U.Real.Value.mantissa.length); output("%s ASN1octet_t %s_exponent_octets[%u];\n", pszStatic, ideref, value->U.Real.Value.exponent.length); break; } } break; case eType_BitString: output("%s ASN1octet_t %s_octets[%u];\n", pszStatic, ideref, (value->U.BitString.Value.length + 7) / 8); break; case eType_OctetString: output("%s ASN1octet_t %s_octets[%u];\n", pszStatic, ideref, value->U.OctetString.Value.length); break; case eType_UTF8String: output("%s ASN1wchar_t %s_wchars[%u];\n", pszStatic, ideref, value->U.UTF8String.Value.length); break; case eType_ObjectIdentifier: if (type->PrivateDirectives.fOidPacked || type->PrivateDirectives.fOidArray || g_fOidArray) { // doing nothing
} else { output("%s ASN1uint32_t %s_elems[%u];\n", pszStatic, ideref, value->U.ObjectIdentifier.Value.length); } break; case eType_BMPString: case eType_GeneralString: case eType_GraphicString: case eType_IA5String: case eType_ISO646String: case eType_NumericString: case eType_PrintableString: case eType_TeletexString: case eType_T61String: case eType_UniversalString: case eType_VideotexString: case eType_VisibleString: case eType_RestrictedString: itype = GetStringType(ass, type, &noctets, &zero); switch (noctets) { case 1: output("%s ASN1char_t %s_chars[%u];\n", pszStatic, ideref, value->U.RestrictedString.Value.length + zero); break; case 2: output("%s ASN1char16_t %s_chars[%u];\n", pszStatic, ideref, value->U.RestrictedString.Value.length + zero); break; case 4: output("%s ASN1char32_t %s_chars[%u];\n", pszStatic, ideref, value->U.RestrictedString.Value.length + zero); break; } break; case eType_ObjectDescriptor: output("%s ASN1char_t %s_chars[%u];\n", pszStatic, ideref, value->U.ObjectDescriptor.Value.length + 1); break; case eType_SequenceOf: case eType_SetOf: if (type->Rules & (eTypeRules_LengthPointer | eTypeRules_FixedArray)) { for (i = 0, values = value->U.SS.Values; values; i++, values = values->Next) {} if (value->U.SS.Values) { for (i = 0, values = value->U.SS.Values; values; i++, values = values->Next) { sprintf(buf, "%s_value%d", ideref, i); outputvalue0(ass, buf, GetTypeName(ass, type->U.SS.Type), values); } output("%s %s %s_values[%u];\n", pszStatic, GetTypeName(ass, type->U.SS.Type), ideref, i); } } else if (type->Rules & (eTypeRules_SinglyLinkedList | eTypeRules_DoublyLinkedList)) { for (i = 0, values = value->U.SS.Values; values; i++, values = values->Next) { sprintf(buf, "%s_element%d", ideref, i); outputvalue0(ass, buf, GetTypeName(ass, type->U.SS.Type), values); output("%s %s_Element %s_value%d;\n", pszStatic, typeref, ideref, i); } } else { MyAbort(); } break; case eType_Sequence: case eType_Set: case eType_External: case eType_EmbeddedPdv: case eType_CharacterString: case eType_InstanceOf: for (components = type->U.SSC.Components; components; components = components->Next) { switch (components->Type) { case eComponent_Normal: case eComponent_Optional: case eComponent_Default: namedvalue = FindNamedValue(value->U.SSC.NamedValues, components->U.NOD.NamedType->Identifier); if (!namedvalue) break; sprintf(buf, "%s_%s", ideref, Identifier2C(components->U.NOD.NamedType->Identifier)); outputvalue0(ass, buf, GetTypeName(ass, components->U.NOD.NamedType->Type), namedvalue->Value); break; } } break; } }
/* output definitions of value components */ void outputvalue1(AssignmentList_t ass, char *ideref, char *typeref, Value_t *value) { static uint32_t nOidPackedCount = 0; Type_t *type; char buf[256]; char *itype; int32_t noctets; uint32_t zero; uint32_t i; Value_t *values; Component_t *components; NamedValue_t *namedvalue; int32_t sign;
value = GetValue(ass, value); type = GetType(ass, value->Type); value = GetValue(ass, value); switch (type->Type) { case eType_Integer: itype = GetIntegerType(ass, type, &sign); if (!strcmp(itype, "ASN1intx_t")) { outputoctets(ideref, value->U.Integer.Value.length, value->U.Integer.Value.value); } break; case eType_Real: itype = GetRealType(type); if (!strcmp(itype, "ASN1real_t")) { switch (value->U.Real.Value.type) { case eReal_Normal: sprintf(buf, "%s_mantissa", ideref); outputoctets(buf, value->U.Real.Value.mantissa.length, value->U.Real.Value.mantissa.value); sprintf(buf, "%s_exponent", ideref); outputoctets(buf, value->U.Real.Value.exponent.length, value->U.Real.Value.exponent.value); break; } } break; case eType_BitString: outputoctets(ideref, (value->U.BitString.Value.length + 7) / 8, value->U.BitString.Value.value); break; case eType_OctetString: outputoctets(ideref, value->U.OctetString.Value.length, value->U.OctetString.Value.value); break; case eType_UTF8String: itype = GetStringType(ass, type, &noctets, &zero); output("static ASN1wchar_t %s_wchars[%u] = { ", ideref, value->U.UTF8String.Value.length + zero); for (i = 0; i < value->U.UTF8String.Value.length; i++) { output("0x%x", value->U.UTF8String.Value.value[i]); if (i < value->U.UTF8String.Value.length - 1) output(", "); } if (zero) { if (value->U.UTF8String.Value.length) output(", 0x0"); else output("0x0"); } output(" };\n"); break; case eType_ObjectIdentifier: if (type->PrivateDirectives.fOidPacked) { uint32_t length = value->U.ObjectIdentifier.Value.length; uint32_t *val = value->U.ObjectIdentifier.Value.value; uint32_t i, j, cb; uint32_t count = 0; uint32_t node; unsigned char aLittleEndian[16]; char buf[1024]; char *p = buf; sprintf(p, "{"); p += strlen(p); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { // get node value
node = val[i];
// special case for the first node
if (0 == i && length > 1) { i++; node = node * 40 + val[1]; }
// encode this node
ZeroMemory(aLittleEndian, sizeof(aLittleEndian)); for (j = 0; node != 0; j++) { aLittleEndian[j] = (unsigned char) (node & 0x7f); if (j != 0) { aLittleEndian[j] |= (unsigned char) 0x80; } node >>= 7; } cb = j ? j : 1; // at least one byte for zero value
// print out the values
for (j = 0; j < cb; j ++) { count++; sprintf(p, " %u,", (unsigned char) aLittleEndian[cb - j - 1]); p += strlen(p); } } --p; // remove the last ','
strcpy(p, " }"); output("static ASN1octet_t s_oid%u[] = %s;\n", nOidPackedCount, buf); output("ASN1encodedOID_t %s = { %u, s_oid%u };\n", ideref, count, nOidPackedCount); nOidPackedCount++; } else if (type->PrivateDirectives.fOidArray || g_fOidArray) { uint32_t length = value->U.ObjectIdentifier.Value.length; uint32_t *val = value->U.ObjectIdentifier.Value.value; uint32_t i; char buf[1024]; char *p = buf; sprintf(p, "{ "); p += strlen(p); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i == length - 1) { sprintf(p, "%u }", val[i]); } else { sprintf(p, "%u, ", val[i]); } p += strlen(p); } *p = 0; output("ASN1objectidentifier2_t %s = {\n%u, %s\n};\n", ideref, length, buf); } else { uint32_t length = value->U.ObjectIdentifier.Value.length; uint32_t *val = value->U.ObjectIdentifier.Value.value; uint32_t i; char buf[1024]; char *p = buf; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i == length - 1) { sprintf(p, "{ NULL, %u }", val[i]); } else { sprintf(p, "{ (ASN1objectidentifier_t) &(%s_list[%u]), %u },\n", ideref, i+1, val[i]); } p += strlen(p); } *p = 0; output("static const struct ASN1objectidentifier_s %s_list[%u] = {\n%s\n};\n", ideref, length, buf); } break; case eType_BMPString: case eType_GeneralString: case eType_GraphicString: case eType_IA5String: case eType_ISO646String: case eType_NumericString: case eType_PrintableString: case eType_TeletexString: case eType_T61String: case eType_UniversalString: case eType_VideotexString: case eType_VisibleString: case eType_RestrictedString: itype = GetStringType(ass, type, &noctets, &zero); switch (noctets) { case 1: output("static ASN1char_t %s_chars[%u] = { ", ideref, value->U.RestrictedString.Value.length + zero); break; case 2: output("static ASN1char16_t %s_chars[%u] = { ", ideref, value->U.RestrictedString.Value.length + zero); break; case 4: output("static ASN1char32_t %s_chars[%u] = { ", ideref, value->U.RestrictedString.Value.length + zero); break; } for (i = 0; i < value->U.RestrictedString.Value.length; i++) { output("0x%x", value->U.RestrictedString.Value.value[i]); if (i < value->U.RestrictedString.Value.length - 1) output(", "); } if (zero) { if (value->U.RestrictedString.Value.length) output(", 0x0"); else output("0x0"); } output(" };\n"); break; case eType_ObjectDescriptor: output("static ASN1char_t %s_chars[%u] = { ", ideref, value->U.ObjectDescriptor.Value.length + 1); for (i = 0; i < value->U.ObjectDescriptor.Value.length; i++) { output("0x%x, ", value->U.ObjectDescriptor.Value.value[i]); } output("0x0 };\n"); break; case eType_SequenceOf: case eType_SetOf: if (type->Rules & (eTypeRules_LengthPointer | eTypeRules_FixedArray)) { if (value->U.SS.Values) { for (i = 0, values = value->U.SS.Values; values; i++, values = values->Next) { sprintf(buf, "%s_value%d", ideref, i); outputvalue1(ass, buf, GetTypeName(ass, type->U.SS.Type), values); } output("static %s %s_values[%u] = { ", GetTypeName(ass, type->U.SS.Type), ideref, i); for (i = 0, values = value->U.SS.Values; values; i++, values = values->Next) { if (i) output(", "); sprintf(buf, "%s_value%d", ideref, i); outputvalue2(ass, buf, values); } output(" };\n"); } } else if (type->Rules & (eTypeRules_SinglyLinkedList | eTypeRules_DoublyLinkedList)) { for (i = 0, values = value->U.SS.Values; values; i++, values = values->Next) { sprintf(buf, "%s_element%d", ideref, i); outputvalue1(ass, buf, GetTypeName(ass, type->U.SS.Type), values); } for (i = 0, values = value->U.SS.Values; values; i++, values = values->Next) { output("static %s_Element %s_value%d = { ", typeref, ideref, i); if (values->Next) output("&%s_value%d, ", ideref, i + 1); else output("0, "); if (type->Rules & eTypeRules_DoublyLinkedList) { if (i) output("&%s_value%d, ", ideref, i - 1); else output("0, "); } sprintf(buf, "%s_element%d", ideref, i); outputvalue2(ass, buf, values); output(" };\n"); } } else { MyAbort(); } break; case eType_Sequence: case eType_Set: case eType_External: case eType_EmbeddedPdv: case eType_CharacterString: case eType_InstanceOf: for (components = type->U.SSC.Components; components; components = components->Next) { switch (components->Type) { case eComponent_Normal: case eComponent_Optional: case eComponent_Default: namedvalue = FindNamedValue(value->U.SSC.NamedValues, components->U.NOD.NamedType->Identifier); if (!namedvalue) break; sprintf(buf, "%s_%s", ideref, Identifier2C(components->U.NOD.NamedType->Identifier)); outputvalue1(ass, buf, GetTypeName(ass, components->U.NOD.NamedType->Type), namedvalue->Value); break; } } break; case eType_Choice: namedvalue = value->U.Choice.NamedValues; components = FindComponent(ass, type->U.Choice.Components, namedvalue->Identifier); sprintf(buf, "%s_%s", ideref, Identifier2C(components->U.NOD.NamedType->Identifier)); outputvalue1(ass, buf, GetTypeName(ass, components->U.NOD.NamedType->Type), namedvalue->Value); output("static %s %s = ", GetTypeName(ass, components->U.NOD.NamedType->Type), buf); outputvalue2(ass, buf, namedvalue->Value); output(";\n"); break; } }
/* output definition of value */ void outputvalue2(AssignmentList_t ass, char *ideref, Value_t *value) { Type_t *type; char buf[256]; char *itype; int32_t noctets; uint32_t zero; uint32_t i; Value_t *values; Component_t *components; NamedValue_t *namedvalue; char *comma; uint32_t ext; uint32_t opt; int32_t sign;
value = GetValue(ass, value); type = GetType(ass, value->Type); value = GetValue(ass, value); switch (type->Type) { case eType_Boolean: output("%d", value->U.Boolean.Value); break; case eType_Integer: itype = GetIntegerType(ass, type, &sign); if (!strcmp(itype, "ASN1intx_t")) { output("{ %d, %s_octets }", value->U.Integer.Value.length, ideref); } else if (sign > 0) { output("%u", intx2uint32(&value->U.Integer.Value)); } else { output("%d", intx2int32(&value->U.Integer.Value)); } break; case eType_Enumerated: output("%u", value->U.Enumerated.Value); break; case eType_Real: itype = GetRealType(type); if (!strcmp(itype, "ASN1real_t")) { switch (value->U.Real.Value.type) { case eReal_Normal: output("{ eReal_Normal, { %u, %s_mantissa_octets }, %u, { %u, %s_exponent_octets } }", value->U.Real.Value.mantissa.length, ideref, value->U.Real.Value.base, value->U.Real.Value.exponent.length, ideref); break; case eReal_PlusInfinity: output("{ eReal_PlusInfinity }"); break; case eReal_MinusInfinity: output("{ eReal_MinusInfinity }"); break; } } else { switch (value->U.Real.Value.type) { case eReal_Normal: output("%g", real2double(&value->U.Real.Value)); break; case eReal_PlusInfinity: case eReal_MinusInfinity: output("0.0"); break; } } break; case eType_BitString: output("{ %u, %s_octets }", value->U.BitString.Value.length, ideref); break; case eType_OctetString: output("{ %u, %s_octets }", value->U.OctetString.Value.length, ideref); break; case eType_UTF8String: output("{ %u, %s_utf8chars }", value->U.UTF8String.Value.length, ideref); break; case eType_ObjectIdentifier: if (type->PrivateDirectives.fOidPacked) { // doing nothing
} else if (type->PrivateDirectives.fOidArray || g_fOidArray) { output("(ASN1objectidentifier2_t *) &%s_list", ideref); } else { output("(ASN1objectidentifier_t) %s_list", ideref); } break; case eType_BMPString: case eType_GeneralString: case eType_GraphicString: case eType_IA5String: case eType_ISO646String: case eType_NumericString: case eType_PrintableString: case eType_TeletexString: case eType_T61String: case eType_UniversalString: case eType_VideotexString: case eType_VisibleString: case eType_RestrictedString: itype = GetStringType(ass, type, &noctets, &zero); if (zero) { output("%s_chars", ideref); } else { output("{ %u, %s_chars }", value->U.RestrictedString.Value.length, ideref); } break; case eType_ObjectDescriptor: output("%s_chars", ideref); break; case eType_GeneralizedTime: output("{ %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d }", value->U.GeneralizedTime.Value.year, value->U.GeneralizedTime.Value.month, value->U.GeneralizedTime.Value.day, value->U.GeneralizedTime.Value.hour, value->U.GeneralizedTime.Value.minute, value->U.GeneralizedTime.Value.second, value->U.GeneralizedTime.Value.millisecond, value->U.GeneralizedTime.Value.universal, value->U.GeneralizedTime.Value.diff); break; case eType_UTCTime: output("{ %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d }", value->U.UTCTime.Value.year, value->U.UTCTime.Value.month, value->U.UTCTime.Value.day, value->U.UTCTime.Value.hour, value->U.UTCTime.Value.minute, value->U.UTCTime.Value.second, value->U.UTCTime.Value.universal, value->U.UTCTime.Value.diff); break; case eType_SequenceOf: case eType_SetOf: if (type->Rules & (eTypeRules_LengthPointer | eTypeRules_FixedArray)) { if (value->U.SS.Values) { for (i = 0, values = value->U.SS.Values; values; i++, values = values->Next) {} output("{ %d, %s_values }", i, ideref); } else { output("{ 0, NULL }"); } } else if (type->Rules & (eTypeRules_SinglyLinkedList | eTypeRules_DoublyLinkedList)) { output("&%s_value0", ideref); } else { MyAbort(); } break; case eType_Sequence: case eType_Set: case eType_External: case eType_EmbeddedPdv: case eType_CharacterString: case eType_InstanceOf: comma = ""; output("{ "); if (type->U.SSC.Optionals || type->U.SSC.Extensions) { output("{ "); ext = 0; opt = 0; i = 0; comma = ""; for (components = type->U.SSC.Components; components; components = components->Next) { switch (components->Type) { case eComponent_Normal: if (!ext) break; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case eComponent_Optional: case eComponent_Default: namedvalue = FindNamedValue(value->U.SSC.NamedValues, components->U.NOD.NamedType->Identifier); if (namedvalue) opt |= (0x80 >> i); if (++i > 7) { output("%s0x%02x", comma, opt); opt = 0; i = 0; comma = ", "; } break; case eComponent_ExtensionMarker: if (i) { output("%s0x%02x", comma, opt); opt = 0; i = 0; comma = ", "; } ext = 1; break; } } if (i) output("%s0x%02x", comma, opt); output(" }"); comma = ", "; } for (components = type->U.SSC.Components; components; components = components->Next) { switch (components->Type) { case eComponent_Normal: case eComponent_Optional: case eComponent_Default: namedvalue = FindNamedValue(value->U.SSC.NamedValues, components->U.NOD.NamedType->Identifier); if (!namedvalue) { output("%s0", comma); } else { output("%s", comma); sprintf(buf, "%s_%s", ideref, Identifier2C(components->U.NOD.NamedType->Identifier)); outputvalue2(ass, buf, namedvalue->Value); } comma = ", "; break; } } output(" }"); break; case eType_Choice: i = ASN1_CHOICE_BASE; for (components = type->U.SSC.Components; components; components = components->Next) { switch (components->Type) { case eComponent_Normal: if (!strcmp(value->U.SSC.NamedValues->Identifier, components->U.NOD.NamedType->Identifier)) break; i++; continue; case eComponent_ExtensionMarker: continue; default: MyAbort(); } break; } output("{ %d }", i); } }
/* output assignments needed in initialization function */ void outputvalue3(AssignmentList_t ass, char *ideref, char *valref, Value_t *value) { Type_t *type; NamedValue_t *named; Value_t *values; int i; char idebuf[256]; char valbuf[256]; char *itype;
value = GetValue(ass, value); type = GetType(ass, value->Type); switch (type->Type) { case eType_SequenceOf: case eType_SetOf: for (values = value->U.SS.Values, i = 0; values; values = values->Next, i++) { if (type->Rules & (eTypeRules_LengthPointer | eTypeRules_FixedArray)) { sprintf(idebuf, "%s.value[%d]", ideref, i); } else if (type->Rules & (eTypeRules_SinglyLinkedList | eTypeRules_DoublyLinkedList)) { sprintf(idebuf, "%s_value%d", ideref, i); } else { MyAbort(); } sprintf(valbuf, "%s_value%d", valref, i); outputvalue3(ass, idebuf, valbuf, values); } break; case eType_Choice: output("%s.u.%s = %s_%s;\n", ideref, Identifier2C(value->U.SSC.NamedValues->Identifier), valref, Identifier2C(value->U.SSC.NamedValues->Identifier)); /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case eType_Sequence: case eType_Set: case eType_External: case eType_EmbeddedPdv: case eType_CharacterString: case eType_InstanceOf: for (named = value->U.SSC.NamedValues; named; named = named->Next) { sprintf(idebuf, "%s.%s", ideref, Identifier2C(named->Identifier)); sprintf(valbuf, "%s_%s", valref, Identifier2C(named->Identifier)); outputvalue3(ass, idebuf, valbuf, named->Value); } break; case eType_Real: itype = GetRealType(type); if (strcmp(itype, "ASN1real_t")) { switch (value->U.Real.Value.type) { case eReal_Normal: break; case eReal_PlusInfinity: output("%s = ASN1double_pinf();\n", ideref); break; case eReal_MinusInfinity: output("%s = ASN1double_minf();\n", ideref); break; } } } }
/* print indentation up to current indentation level for variables */ static void findentvar() { int indent;
indent = ycurrindent * INDENT; while (indent >= TABSIZE) { yputc('\t'); indent -= TABSIZE; } while (indent--) yputc(' '); }
/* print indentation up to current indentation level for variables */ void outputvarv(const char *format, va_list args) { static char buf[512]; static int pos = 0; char *p, *q; int l; /* get the string to write */ vsprintf(buf + pos, format, args);
/* print it line by line */ for (p = buf; *p; p = q) { q = strchr(p, '\n'); if (!q) { for (q = buf; *p;) *q++ = *p++; *q = 0; pos = q - buf; return; } *q++ = 0;
/* output every variable only once */ if (ycurrindent == 1) { l = 0; while (l < ybuflen) { if (!memcmp(ybuf + l + INDENT / TABSIZE + INDENT % TABSIZE, p, strlen(p))) break; l += (strchr(ybuf + l, '\n') - (ybuf + l)) + 1; } if (l < ybuflen) continue; }
/* examine the first character for correct indentation */ if (strchr(IDCHRSET, *p)) { l = strspn(p, IDCHRSET); } else if (*p == '{' || *p == '}') { l = 1; } else { l = 0; }
if (!l) {
/* no indentation at all */ yputs(p); yputc('\n'); continue; }
/* closing brace? then unindent */ if (p[0] == '}') ycurrindent--;
/* print indentation */ findentvar();
/* output the line */ yputs(p); yputc('\n');
/* indent after opening brace */ if (p[strlen(p) - 1] == '{') { ycurrindent++; } } pos = 0; }
/* print indentation up to current indentation level for variables */ /*PRINTFLIKE1*/ void outputvar(const char *format, ...) { va_list args;
va_start(args, format); outputvarv(format, args); va_end(args); }
/* output an octet array definition for variables */ void outputvaroctets(const char *name, uint32_t length, octet_t *val) { uint32_t i; char buf[256]; char *p;
p = buf; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { sprintf(p, "0x%02x", val[i]); p += 4; if (i < length - 1) { sprintf(p, ", "); p += 2; } } outputvar("static ASN1octet_t %s_octets[%u] = { %s };\n", name, length, buf); }
/* output an intx value definition for variables */ void outputvarintx(const char *name, intx_t *val) { outputvaroctets(name, val->length, val->value); outputvar("static ASN1intx_t %s = { %d, %s_octets };\n", name, val->length, name); }
/* output an real value definition for variables */ void outputvarreal(const char *name, real_t *val) { char buf[256]; switch (val->type) { case eReal_Normal: sprintf(buf, "%s_mantissa", name); outputvaroctets(buf, val->mantissa.length, val->mantissa.value); sprintf(buf, "%s_exponent", name); outputvaroctets(buf, val->exponent.length, val->exponent.value); outputvar("ASN1real_t %s = { eReal_Normal, { %u, %s_mantissa_octets }, %u, { %u, %s_exponent_octets } };\n", name, val->mantissa.length, name, val->base, val->exponent.length, name); break; case eReal_PlusInfinity: outputvar("ASN1real_t %s = { eReal_PlusInfinity };\n", name); break; case eReal_MinusInfinity: outputvar("ASN1real_t %s = { eReal_MinusInfinity };\n", name); break; } }
/* output a character of the function body */ void xputc(char c) { if (xbuflen + 1 > xbufsize) { xbufsize += 1024; if (!xbuf) xbuf = (char *)malloc(xbufsize); else xbuf = (char *)realloc(xbuf, xbufsize); } xbuf[xbuflen++] = c; }
/* output a string of the function body */ void xputs(char *s) { int sl;
sl = strlen(s); if (xbuflen + sl > xbufsize) { while (xbuflen + sl > xbufsize) xbufsize += 1024; if (!xbuf) xbuf = (char *)malloc(xbufsize); else xbuf = (char *)realloc(xbuf, xbufsize); } memcpy(xbuf + xbuflen, s, sl); xbuflen += sl; }
/* flush the function body into the output file */ void xflush() { if (xbuflen) { fwrite(xbuf, xbuflen, 1, fout); #if 0
fflush(fout); #endif
xbuflen = 0; } }
/* output a character of the function variables */ void yputc(char c) { if (ybuflen + 1 > ybufsize) { ybufsize += 1024; if (!ybuf) ybuf = (char *)malloc(ybufsize); else ybuf = (char *)realloc(ybuf, ybufsize); } ybuf[ybuflen++] = c; }
/* output a string of the function variables */ void yputs(char *s) { int sl;
sl = strlen(s); if (ybuflen + sl > ybufsize) { while (ybuflen + sl > ybufsize) ybufsize += 1024; if (!ybuf) ybuf = (char *)malloc(ybufsize); else ybuf = (char *)realloc(ybuf, ybufsize); } memcpy(ybuf + ybuflen, s, sl); ybuflen += sl; }
/* flush the function variables into the output file */ void yflush() { if (ybuflen) { fwrite(ybuf, ybuflen, 1, fout); #if 0
fflush(fout); #endif
ybuflen = 0; } }