#define LINT_ARGS
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <search.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include "mbrmake.h"
#define LONGESTPATH 128
#define SLASH "\\"
#define SLASHCHAR '\\'
#define XSLASHCHAR '/'
WORD near cAtomsMac; // total number of atoms
WORD near cModulesMac; // total number of modules
WORD near cSymbolsMac; // total number of symbols
static char *tmpl = "XXXXXX";
extern WORD HashAtomStr (char *);
// rjsa LPCH GetAtomStr (VA vaSym);
void SeekError (char *pfilenm) // couldn't seek to position ... emit error message
{ Error(ERR_SEEK_FAILED, pfilenm); }
void ReadError (char *pfilenm) // couldn't read from file... emit error message
{ Error(ERR_READ_FAILED, pfilenm); }
void WriteError (char *pfilenm) // couldn't write to file ... emit error message
{ Error(ERR_WRITE_FAILED, pfilenm); }
void FindTmp (char *pbuf) /* copy TMP path to pbuf if exists */ //
{ char ebuf[LONGESTPATH]; char *env = ebuf;
*pbuf = '\0'; *env = '\0';
// if (!(env = getenv("TMP")))
if (!(env = getenvOem("TMP"))) return; /* no path, return */
// env = strncpy(ebuf, env, LONGESTPATH-1);
strncpy(ebuf, env, LONGESTPATH-1); free( env ); env = ebuf; ebuf[LONGESTPATH-1] = '\0';
if (!( env = ebuf ) ) return;
env = ebuf + strcspn(ebuf, ";"); if (*env == ';') *env = '\0';
if (env != ebuf) { env--; if (*env != SLASHCHAR && *env != XSLASHCHAR) strcat(ebuf, SLASH); } strcpy (pbuf, ebuf); }
char * MakTmpFileName (char *pext) // Create a temporary file with the extension supplied.
// returns a pointer to the file name on the heap.
{ char ptmpnam[96]; char btmpl[7]; char *p;
strcpy (btmpl, tmpl); p = mktemp(btmpl); FindTmp (ptmpnam); strcat (ptmpnam, p); free (p); strcat (ptmpnam, pext); /* /tmp/xxxxxx.ext file */ return (LszDup(ptmpnam)); }
LSZ LszBaseName (LSZ lsz) // return the base name part of a path
{ LPCH lpch;
lpch = strrchr(lsz, '\\'); if (lpch) return lpch+1; if (lsz[1] == ':') return lsz+2;
return lsz; }
VA VaSearchModule (char *p) // search for the named module in the module list
{ VA vaMod; LSZ lsz, lszBase; char buf[PATH_BUF];
strcpy(buf, ToAbsPath(p, r_cwd)); lszBase = LszBaseName(buf);
vaMod = vaRootMod;
while (vaMod) { gMOD(vaMod);
lsz = GetAtomStr(cMOD.vaNameSym);
if (strcmpi(LszBaseName(lsz), lszBase) == 0 && strcmpi(buf,ToAbsPath(lsz, c_cwd)) == 0) { SetVMClient(VM_MISC); return (vaMod); } vaMod = cMOD.vaNextMod; } SetVMClient(VM_MISC); return vaNil; }
VA VaSearchModuleExact (char *p) // search for the named module in the module list -- EXACT match only
{ VA vaMod;
vaMod = vaRootMod;
while (vaMod) { gMOD(vaMod);
if (strcmp(p,GetAtomStr(cMOD.vaNameSym)) == 0) { SetVMClient(VM_MISC); return (vaMod); } vaMod = cMOD.vaNextMod; } SetVMClient(VM_MISC); return vaNil; }
VA VaSearchSymbol (char *pStr) // search for the named symbol (not a module!)
{ WORD hashid; VA vaRootSym, vaSym; LSZ lszAtom;
vaRootSym = rgVaSym[hashid = HashAtomStr (pStr)];
if (vaRootSym) { vaSym = vaRootSym; while (vaSym) {
gSYM(vaSym); lszAtom = gTEXT(cSYM.vaNameText);
if (strcmp (pStr, lszAtom) == 0) { SetVMClient(VM_MISC); return (vaSym); // Duplicate entry
vaSym = cSYM.vaNextSym; // current = next
} }
SetVMClient(VM_MISC); return vaNil; }
LPCH GetAtomStr (VA vaSym) // Swap in the Atom page for the symbol chain entry pSym
// Return the atom's address in the page.
{ gSYM(vaSym); return gTEXT(cSYM.vaNameText); }
VA MbrAddAtom (char *pStr, char fFILENM) // create a new symbol with the given name
{ WORD hashid; VA vaSym, vaSymRoot, vaText;
if (!fFILENM) vaSymRoot = rgVaSym[hashid = HashAtomStr (pStr)]; else vaSymRoot = rgVaSym[hashid = MAXSYMPTRTBLSIZ - 1];
if (vaSymRoot) { vaSym = vaSymRoot; while (vaSym) { gSYM(vaSym);
if (!strcmp (pStr, GetAtomStr(vaSym))) { #if defined (DEBUG)
if (OptD & 2) printf("MbrAddAtom: duplicate (%s)\n", pStr); #endif
SetVMClient(VM_SEARCH_SYM); return (vaSym); // Duplicate entry
vaSym = cSYM.vaNextSym; // current = next
} }
// we are now going to have to add the symbol
if (fFILENM) { SetVMClient(VM_ADD_MOD); cModulesMac++; } else { SetVMClient(VM_ADD_SYM); cSymbolsMac++; }
vaSym = VaAllocGrpCb(grpSym, sizeof(SYM)); vaText = VaAllocGrpCb(grpText, strlen(pStr) + 1);
gSYM(vaSym); cSYM.vaNameText = vaText; cSYM.vaNextSym = rgVaSym[hashid]; pSYM(vaSym);
rgVaSym[hashid] = vaSym;
strcpy(gTEXT(vaText), pStr);
return (vaSym); }
VA FAR * near rgvaSymSorted;
// rjsa int CmpSym(VA FAR *lhsym1, VA FAR *lhsym2);
void SortAtoms () // create the "subscript sort" array pointers rgvaSymSorted
{ VA vaSym; char buf[PATH_BUF]; WORD i, iSym;
rgvaSymSorted = (VA FAR *)LpvAllocCb(cAtomsMac * sizeof(VA));
iSym = 0; for (i=0; i < MAXSYMPTRTBLSIZ; i++) { vaSym = rgVaSym[i]; while (vaSym) { gSYM(vaSym); rgvaSymSorted[iSym] = cSYM.vaNameText; vaSym = cSYM.vaNextSym; iSym++; } }
// sort symbols
qsort(rgvaSymSorted, cSymbolsMac, sizeof(VA), CmpSym);
// the files are in the last hash bucket so they went to the
// end of this array we just made -- we sort them separately
// sort files
qsort(rgvaSymSorted + cSymbolsMac, cModulesMac, sizeof(VA), CmpSym);
// convert the Page/Atom values back to virtual symbol addresses
for (i=0; i < cSymbolsMac; i++) { strcpy(buf, gTEXT(rgvaSymSorted[i])); rgvaSymSorted[i] = VaSearchSymbol(buf); }
for (; i < cAtomsMac; i++) { strcpy(buf, gTEXT(rgvaSymSorted[i])); #ifdef DEBUG
if (OptD & 64) printf("Module: %s\n", buf); #endif
rgvaSymSorted[i] = (VaSearchModuleExact(buf), cMOD.vaNameSym); } }
int __cdecl CmpSym (VA FAR *sym1, VA FAR *sym2) // compare two symbols given their pointers
{ register char far *lpch1, *lpch2; register int cmp;
lpch1 = gTEXT(*sym1); // LRU will not page out lpch1
lpch2 = gTEXT(*sym2);
cmp = strcmpi(lpch1, lpch2);
if (cmp) return cmp;
return strcmp(lpch1, lpch2); }