/*** mh.h - common include file for the MS Editor help extension
* * Copyright <C> 1988, Microsoft Corporation * * Revision History: * 24-Feb-1989 ln Increase max open help files to 20 * 13-Jan-1989 ln PWIN->PWND * 09-Dec-1988 ln Changes for Dialog help * 28-Sep-1988 ln Correct GrabWord return value * 13-Sep-1988 Make EVTargs param a pointer * [] 17-May-1988 Created * *************************************************************************/
#ifndef EXTINT
#include "ext.h" /* z extension include file */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#if defined (DEBUG )
#undef ORGDBG
#if defined (_INCLUDE_TOOLS_ )
#include "tools.h"
#if defined (ORGDBG)
#undef DEBUG
struct findType { unsigned type; /* type of object being searched */ HANDLE dir_handle; /* Dir search handle for FindNext */ WIN32_FIND_DATA fbuf; /* Aligned structure for Cruiser and NT */ }; #endif
#endif // EXTINT
#include "help.h" /* help system include file */
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define MAXFILES 20 /* max open helpfiles */
#define MAXEXT 10 /* max default search extensions*/
#if defined(PWB)
#define CLISTMAX 20 /* max number of duplicates */
#define WIN_MIN 5 /* min number of lines in window*/
// Editor color indexes
#define C_ITALICS (1 + C_BOLD)
#define C_NORM (1 + C_WARNING)
// Info we keep for every helpfile
typedef struct { nc ncInit; /* initial context */ uchar exts[MAXEXT][4]; /* extensions */ } helpfile;
// Forward Declarations of help extension routines
void pascal near appTitle (char far *, nc); uchar pascal near atrmap (ushort); flagType pascal EXTERNAL CloseWin (EVTargs far *); flagType pascal near closehelp (char *); flagType pascal near errstat (char *, char *); flagType pascal near fContextCommand (char *); flagType pascal near fDisplayNc (nc, flagType, flagType, flagType); flagType pascal near fReadNc (nc); flagType pascal near fHelpCmd (char *, flagType, flagType); PWND pascal near FindHelpWin (flagType); void pascal near GrabWord (void); flagType pascal EXTERNAL IdleProc (EVTargs far *); flagType pascal EXTERNAL keyevent (EVTargs far *); flagType pascal EXTERNAL LooseFocus (EVTargs far *); void pascal near mhcwinit (void); void pascal near mhevtinit (void); nc pascal near ncSearch (uchar far *, uchar far *, nc, flagType, flagType); void pascal near opendefault (void); void pascal near openhelp (char *, struct findType*, void*); PWND pascal near OpenWin (ushort); void pascal near PlaceColor (int, COL, COL); int pascal near procArgs (ARG far *); void pascal near ProcessKeys (void); void pascal near procExt(int, char *); flagType pascal EXTERNAL prochelpfiles (char *); void pascal near stat (char *); flagType pascal near wordSepar (int); char far * pascal near xrefCopy (char far *, char far *);
#if defined(PWB)
nc pascal near ncChoose (char far *); #endif
#ifdef DEBUG
void pascal near debend (flagType); void pascal near debhex (long); void pascal near debmsg (char far *); /*
* assertion support * * assert - assertion macro. We define our own, because if we abort we need * to be able to shut down cleanly (or at least die trying). This * version also saves us some code over the C library one. * * asserte - version of assert that always executes the expression, regardless * of debug state. */ void pascal near _mhassertexit (char *, char *, int); #define assert(exp) { \
if (!(exp)) \ _mhassertexit (#exp, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ } #define asserte(exp) assert(exp)
#define debend(x)
#define debhex(x)
#define debmsg(x)
#define assert(exp)
#define asserte(exp) ((exp) != 0)
// Global Data
// results of procArgs.
extern int cArg; /* number of <args> hit */ extern rn rnArg; /* range of argument */ extern char *pArgText; /* ptr to any single line text */ extern char *pArgWord; /* ptr to context-sens word */ extern PFILE pFileCur; /* file handle of user file */ //
// Global State
extern flagType fInOpen; /* TRUE=> currently opening win */ extern flagType fInPopUp; /* TRUE=> currently in popup */ extern flagType fSplit; /* TRUE=> window was split open */ extern flagType fCreateWindow; /* TRUE=> create window */
extern buffer fnCur; /* Current file being editted */ extern char *fnExtCur; /* ptr to it's extension */
extern int ifileCur; /* Current index into files */ extern nc ncCur; /* most recently accessed */ extern nc ncInitLast; /* ncInit of most recent topic */ extern nc ncInitLastFile; /* ncInit of most recent, our files*/ extern nc ncLast; /* most recently displayed topic*/ extern PFILE pHelp; /* help PFILE */ extern PWND pWinHelp; /* handle to window w/ help in */ extern PWND pWinUser; /* User's most recent window */ extern buffer szLastFound; /* last context string found */ //
// Global Misc
extern buffer buf; /* utility buffer */ extern helpfile files[MAXFILES]; /* help file structs */ helpinfo hInfoCur; /* information on the help file */ extern uchar far *pTopic; /* mem for topic */ extern fl flIdle; /* last position of idle check */ //
// Multiple search list
extern flagType fList; /* TRUE=> search for and list dups*/ #if defined(PWB)
extern nc rgncList[CLISTMAX]; /* list of found nc's */ extern int cList; /* number of entries */ #endif
extern flagType ExtensionLoaded;
// colors
extern int hlColor; /* normal: white on black */ extern int blColor; /* bold: high white on black */ extern int itColor; /* italics: high green on black */ extern int ulColor; /* underline: high red on black */ extern int wrColor; /* warning: black on white */ #if defined(PWB)
extern uchar far *rgsa; /* pointer to color table */ #endif
// Debugging
#ifdef DEBUG
extern int delay; /* message delay */ #endif
// The extension accesses the entry points in the engine thru a table
// which is initialize by DosGetProcAddr.
typedef void pascal (*void_F) (void); typedef int pascal (*int_F) (void); typedef ushort pascal (*ushort_F) (void); typedef f pascal (*f_F) (void); typedef char * pascal (*pchar_F) (void); typedef nc pascal (*nc_F) (void); typedef mh pascal (*mh_F) (void);
#if defined( HELP_HACK )
#define HelpcLines ((int pascal (*)(PB)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpcLines ]))
#define HelpClose ((void pascal (*)(nc)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpClose ]))
#define HelpCtl ((void pascal (*)(PB, f)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpCtl ]))
#define HelpDecomp ((f pascal (*)(PB, PB, nc)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpDecomp ]))
#define HelpGetCells ((int pascal (*)(int, int, char *, pb, uchar *)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpGetCells ]))
#define HelpGetInfo ((int pascal (*)(nc, helpinfo *, int)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpGetInfo ]))
#define HelpGetLine ((ushort pascal (*)(ushort, ushort, uchar *, PB)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpGetLine ]))
#define HelpGetLineAttr ((ushort pascal (*)(ushort, int, lineattr *, PB)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpGetLineAttr]))
#define HelpHlNext ((f pascal (*)(int, PB, hotspot *)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpHlNext ]))
#define HelpLook ((ushort pascal (*)(nc, PB)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpLook ]))
#define HelpNc ((nc pascal (*)(char *, nc)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpNc ]))
#define HelpNcBack ((nc pascal (*)(void)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpNcBack ]))
#define HelpNcCb ((ushort pascal (*)(nc)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpNcCb ]))
#define HelpNcCmp ((nc pascal (*)(char *, nc, f (pascal *)(uchar *, uchar *, ushort, f, f) ) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpNcCmp ]))
#define HelpNcNext ((nc pascal (*)(nc)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpNcNext ]))
#define HelpNcPrev ((nc pascal (*)(nc)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpNcPrev ]))
#define HelpNcRecord ((void pascal (*)(nc)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpNcRecord ]))
#define HelpNcUniq ((nc pascal (*)(nc)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpNcUniq ]))
#define HelpOpen ((nc pascal (*)(char *)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpOpen ]))
#define HelpShrink ((void pascal (*)(void)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpShrink ]))
#define HelpSzContext ((f pascal (*)(uchar *, nc))(pHelpEntry[P_HelpSzContext ]))
#define HelpXRef ((char * pascal (*)(PB, hotspot *)) (pHelpEntry[P_HelpXRef ]))
//#define LoadFdb ((f_F) (pHelpEntry[P_LoadFdb ]))
//#define LoadPortion ((mh_F) (pHelpEntry[P_LoadPortion ]))
#endif // HELP_HACK
// Some functions return an error code in the nc structure
// (yuck!)
#define ISERROR(x) (((x).mh == 0L) && ((x).cn <= HELPERR_MAX))
enum { P_HelpcLines, P_HelpClose, P_HelpCtl, P_HelpDecomp, P_HelpGetCells, P_HelpGetInfo, P_HelpGetLine, P_HelpGetLineAttr, P_HelpHlNext, P_HelpLook, P_HelpNc, P_HelpNcBack, P_HelpNcCb, P_HelpNcCmp, P_HelpNcNext, P_HelpNcPrev, P_HelpNcRecord, P_HelpNcUniq, P_HelpOpen, P_HelpShrink, P_HelpSzContext, P_HelpXRef, P_LoadFdb, P_LoadPortion, LASTENTRYPOINT } ENTRYPOINTS;
// Name of the help engine
#define HELPDLL_BASE "mshelp"
typedef nc pascal (*PHF) (void);