#include "..\main\mttf.h"
VOID __cdecl main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { HANDLE statFile; StatFileRecord statRec; DWORD numBytes;
if (argc==1) { printf("Usage: mttfvwr <datafile> [/t]\n\n/t for terse (Excel text format)\n"); return; } if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE==(statFile= CreateFile(argv[1], GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL))) { printf("Unable to open %s: %ld\n", argv[1], GetLastError()); return; } if (argc<3 || tolower(argv[2][1])!='t') { printf("Mean Time To Failure data for %s\n\n", argv[1]); printf("Build: minor version number for each set of stats.\n"); printf("Busy: number of minutes with cpu usage greater than idle threshhold.\n"); printf("Idle: number of minutes with cpu usage less than idle threshhold.\n"); printf("Gone: minutes with cpu less than threshhold for 4 consecutive hrs.\n"); printf("CpuUsage: average percentage of cpu usage for all machines on that build.\n"); printf("Cold: number of cold boots due to a problem.\n"); printf("Warm: number of warm boots due to a problem.\n"); printf("Other: number of other problems.\n\n"); printf(" Build Busy Idle Gone CpuUsg Cold Warm Other\n"); printf(" ----- ---- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- -----\n"); } else { printf("Build\011Busy\011Idle\011Gone\011CpuUsg\011Cold\011Warm\011Other\n"); }
while (ReadFile(statFile, &statRec, sizeof(statRec), &numBytes, NULL)) { if (numBytes==0) { return; } if (argc==3 && tolower(argv[2][1])=='t') { printf("%ld\011%ld\011%ld\011%ld\011%ld\011%ld\011%ld\011%ld\n", statRec.Version>>16, statRec.Busy, statRec.Idle, statRec.IdleConsec, (statRec.Busy+statRec.Idle?statRec.PercentTotal/(statRec.Busy+statRec.Idle):0), statRec.Cold, statRec.Warm, statRec.Other); } else { printf("%6ld\t%6ld\t%6ld\t%6ld\t%6ld\t%6ld\t%6ld\t%6ld\n", statRec.Version>>16, statRec.Busy, statRec.Idle, statRec.IdleConsec, (statRec.Busy+statRec.Idle?statRec.PercentTotal/(statRec.Busy+statRec.Idle):0), statRec.Cold, statRec.Warm, statRec.Other); } }