//... RLMAN.C
//... Contains 'main' for rlman.exe.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef RLDOS
#include "dosdefs.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "windefs.h"
//#include <tchar.h>
#include "custres.h"
#include "rlmsgtbl.h"
#include "commbase.h"
#include "rlman.h"
#include "exe2res.h"
#include "exeNTres.h"
#include "rlstrngs.h"
#include "projdata.h"
#include "showerrs.h"
#include "resread.h"
#ifndef RLDOS
int Update( char *, char *); #endif
extern MSTRDATA gMstr; //... Data from Master Project file (MPJ)
extern PROJDATA gProj; //... Data from Project file (PRJ)
HWND hListWnd = NULL; HWND hMainWnd = NULL; HWND hStatusWnd = NULL; int nUpdateMode = 0; BOOL fCodePageGiven = FALSE; //... Set to TRUE if -p arg given
CHAR szCustFilterSpec[MAXCUSTFILTER]; CHAR szFileTitle[256]="";
extern BOOL gfReplace; //... Set FALSE if -a option is given
extern BOOL gbMaster; //... TRUE if working in a Master Project
extern BOOL gbShowWarnings; //... Display warnining messages if TRUE
extern BOOL gfShowClass; //... Set TRUE to put dlg box elemnt class in
//... token file
extern BOOL gfExtendedTok; //... Set TRUE if -x option is given
extern UCHAR szDHW[]; //... Common buffer, many uses
extern int atoihex( CHAR sz[]); extern BOOL bRLGui; CHAR szModule[MAX_PATH];
void Usage( void) { int i;
for ( i = IDS_USG_00; i < IDS_USG_END; ++i ) { LoadStringA( NULL, i, szDHW, DHWSIZE); CharToOemA( szDHW, szDHW); fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", szDHW); } }
//... This is a stub for console programs
int RLMessageBoxA(
LPCSTR lpError) { fprintf( stderr, "RLMan (%s): %s\n", szModule, lpError); return( IDOK); // Should return something.
#ifndef __cdecl
#define __cdecl __cdecl
void __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[]) { BOOL fBuildRes = FALSE; BOOL fBuildTok = FALSE; BOOL fExtRes = FALSE; BOOL bChanged = FALSE; BOOL fProject = FALSE; //... Set to TRUE if -l arg given
BOOL fNewLanguageGiven = FALSE; //... Set to TRUE if -n arg given
BOOL fOldLanguageGiven = FALSE; //... Set to TRUE if -o arg given
FILE *pfCRFile = NULL; int iCount = 0; int iErrorLine = 0; UINT usError = 0; WORD wRC = 0; WORD wResTypeFilter = 0; //... Pass all resource types by default
char *pszMasterFile = NULL; char *pszProjectFile = NULL; int chOpt = 0;
wRC = GetCopyright( argv[0], szDHW, DHWSIZE);
if ( wRC != SUCCESS ) { ShowErr( wRC, NULL, NULL); DoExit( wRC); } CharToOemA( szDHW, szDHW); fprintf( stderr, "\n%s\n\n", szDHW);
//... Enough args on command line?
if ( argc < 2 ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_01, NULL, NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_01); } gbMaster = FALSE; //... Build project token file by default.
iCount = 1; //... Get the switches
while ( iCount < argc && (*argv[ iCount] == '-' || *argv[ iCount] == '/') ) { switch ( (chOpt = *CharLowerA( &argv[iCount][1]))) { case '?': case 'h':
WinHelp( NULL, TEXT("rlman.hlp"), HELP_CONTEXT, IDM_HELPUSAGE); DoExit( SUCCESS); break;
case 'e':
if ( fBuildTok != FALSE || fBuildRes != FALSE ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_02, NULL, NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_01); } fExtRes = TRUE; gbMaster = FALSE; fBuildTok = FALSE; break;
case 't': //... Create token file
if ( fBuildRes != FALSE || fExtRes != FALSE ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_02, NULL, NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_01); } gbMaster = FALSE; fProject = FALSE; fBuildTok = TRUE; break;
//... Update 1.0 token files to fit upper 1.7 version,
//... it is same as 'm' + 'l' option.
case 'u': //...Update 1.0 token files to fit upper 1.7 version
if ( argc - iCount < 6 ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_01, NULL, NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_01); } gbMaster = TRUE; fProject = TRUE; fBuildTok = TRUE; pszMasterFile = argv[++iCount]; pszProjectFile = argv[++iCount]; break;
case 'm': //... Build Master token file
if ( argc - iCount < 2 ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_01, NULL, NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_01); } gbMaster = TRUE; fProject = FALSE; fBuildTok = TRUE;
pszMasterFile = argv[ ++iCount]; break;
case 'l': //... Build language project token file
if ( argc - iCount < 2 ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_01, NULL, NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_01); } fProject = TRUE; fBuildTok = TRUE; gbMaster = FALSE;
pszProjectFile = argv[ ++iCount]; break;
case 'a': case 'r':
if ( fBuildTok != FALSE || fExtRes != FALSE ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_02, NULL, NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_02); } fBuildRes = TRUE; gfReplace = (chOpt == 'a') ? FALSE : TRUE; gbMaster = FALSE; fProject = FALSE; break;
case 'n': //... Get ID components of new language
if ( argc - iCount < 2 ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_01, NULL, NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_01); } else { WORD wPri = (WORD)MyAtoi( argv[ ++iCount]); WORD wSub = (WORD)MyAtoi( argv[ ++iCount]); gProj.wLanguageID = MAKELANGID( wPri, wSub); fNewLanguageGiven = TRUE; } break;
case 'o': //... Get old language ID components
if ( argc - iCount < 2 ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_01, NULL, NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_01); } else { WORD wPri = (WORD)MyAtoi( argv[ ++iCount]); WORD wSub = (WORD)MyAtoi( argv[ ++iCount]); gMstr.wLanguageID = MAKELANGID( wPri, wSub); fOldLanguageGiven = TRUE; } break;
case 'p': //... Get code page number
gMstr.uCodePage = gProj.uCodePage = (UINT)MyAtoi( argv[ ++iCount]); fCodePageGiven = TRUE; break;
case 'c': //... Get custom resource def file name
strcpy( gMstr.szRdfs, argv[ ++iCount]);
pfCRFile = FOPEN( gMstr.szRdfs, "rt");
if ( pfCRFile == NULL ) { QuitA( IDS_ENGERR_02, gMstr.szRdfs, NULL); } wRC = (WORD)ParseResourceDescriptionFile( pfCRFile, &iErrorLine);
if ( wRC ) { switch ( (int)wRC ) { case -1:
ShowErr( IDS_ERR_14, NULL, NULL); break;
case -2:
ShowErr( IDS_ERR_15, NULL, NULL); break;
case -3:
ShowErr( IDS_ERR_16, NULL, NULL); break; } //... END switch ( wRC )
} FCLOSE( pfCRFile); break;
case 'f': //... Get res type to retrieve
wResTypeFilter = (WORD)MyAtoi( argv[ ++iCount]); break;
case 'w':
gbShowWarnings = TRUE; break;
case 'd':
gfShowClass = TRUE; break;
case 'x':
gfExtendedTok = TRUE; break;
ShowErr( IDS_ERR_04, argv[ iCount], NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_04); break;
} //... END switch
iCount++; } //... END while
lstrcpyA(szModule, argv[ iCount]);
if ( fExtRes ) { if ( argc - iCount < 2 ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_01, NULL, NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_01); } ExtractResFromExe32A( argv[ iCount], argv[ iCount + 1], wResTypeFilter); } else if ( fBuildTok ) { if ( ( fProject == FALSE && gbMaster == FALSE) && argc - iCount < 2 ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_01, NULL, NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_01); } //... check to see if we are updating a
//... Master Token file
if ( gbMaster ) { OFSTRUCT Of = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""};
CHAR *pExe, *pMtk;
if ( chOpt == 'u' ) //Update them
{ pExe = argv[iCount++]; pMtk = argv[iCount++]; } else { pExe = argc - iCount < 1 ? NULL : argv[ iCount]; pMtk = argc - iCount < 2 ? NULL : argv[ iCount+1]; } wRC = (WORD)GetMasterProjectData( pszMasterFile, pExe, pMtk, fOldLanguageGiven);
if ( wRC != SUCCESS ) { DoExit( wRC); }
LoadCustResDescriptions( gMstr.szRdfs);
//... check for the special case where Master
//... Token file does not exists. This is
//... possible if the MPJ file was created
//... automatically.
if ( OpenFile( gMstr.szMtk, &Of, OF_EXIST) == HFILE_ERROR ) { //... Master token file does not exists,
//... so go ahead and create it
wRC = (WORD)GenerateTokFile( gMstr.szMtk, gMstr.szSrc, &bChanged, wResTypeFilter);
SzDateFromFileName( gMstr.szMpjLastRealUpdate, gMstr.szMtk); } else { //... we are doing an update, so we need to make
//... sure we don't do unecessary upates
SzDateFromFileName( gMstr.szSrcDate, gMstr.szSrc);
if ( strcmp( gMstr.szMpjLastRealUpdate, gMstr.szSrcDate) ) { wRC = (WORD)GenerateTokFile( gMstr.szMtk, gMstr.szSrc, &bChanged, wResTypeFilter);
//... did we really update anything ??
if( bChanged ) { SzDateFromFileName( gMstr.szMpjLastRealUpdate, gMstr.szMtk); } } } //... write out the new mpj data
PutMasterProjectData( pszMasterFile); }
#ifndef RLDOS
if ( fProject ) //... Are we to update a project?
{ //... Yes
CHAR *pMpj, *pTok;
if ( chOpt == 'u' ) //Update it
{ pMpj = pszMasterFile; pTok = argv[iCount]; } else { pMpj = argc - iCount < 1 ? NULL : argv[ iCount]; pTok = argc - iCount < 2 ? NULL : argv[ iCount+1]; }
if ( GetProjectData( pszProjectFile, pMpj, pTok, fCodePageGiven, fNewLanguageGiven) ) { DoExit( -1); } //... Get source and master token file names
//... from the master project file.
wRC = (WORD)GetMasterProjectData( gProj.szMpj, NULL, NULL, fOldLanguageGiven);
if ( wRC != SUCCESS ) { DoExit( wRC); } //... Now we do the actual updating.
wRC = (WORD)Update( gMstr.szMtk, gProj.szTok);
//... If that worked, we update the project file
if ( wRC == 0 ) { SzDateFromFileName( gProj.szTokDate, (CHAR *)gProj.szTok); PutProjectData( pszProjectFile); } else { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_18, gProj.szTok, gMstr.szMtk); DoExit( IDS_ERR_18); } }
#endif // RLDOS
if ( !gbMaster && !fProject ) { wRC = (WORD)GenerateTokFile( argv[ iCount + 1], argv[ iCount], &bChanged, wResTypeFilter); }
if ( wRC != 0 ) {
#ifdef RLDOS
ShowErr( IDS_ERR_08, errno, NULL); DoExit( -1); #else
usError = GetLastError(); ShowErr( IDS_ERR_08, UlongToPtr(usError), NULL);
switch ( usError ) { case ERROR_BAD_FORMAT:
ShowErr( IDS_ERR_09, NULL, NULL); DoExit( IDS_ERR_09); break;
ShowErr( IDS_ERR_10, NULL, NULL); DoExit( IDS_ERR_10); break;
ShowErr( IDS_ERR_11, NULL, NULL); DoExit( IDS_ERR_11); break;
if ( usError < ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_12, _sys_errlist[ usError], NULL); DoExit( IDS_ERR_12); } DoExit( (int)usError); } //... END switch
} } else if ( fBuildRes ) { if ( argc - iCount < 3 ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_01, NULL, NULL); Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_01); }
if ( GenerateImageFile( argv[iCount + 2], argv[iCount], argv[iCount + 1], gMstr.szRdfs, wResTypeFilter) != 1 ) { ShowErr( IDS_ERR_23, argv[iCount + 2], NULL); DoExit( IDS_ERR_23); } } else { Usage(); DoExit( IDS_ERR_28); } DoExit( SUCCESS); }
void DoExit( int nErrCode) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
FreeMemList( NULL);
#endif // _DEBUG
exit( nErrCode); }