#ifndef __cplusplus
#error Install stub code must be C++!
#error HINST_THISDLL must be defined!
#define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0]))
#include <ccstock.h>
#include <stubres.h>
#include <trayp.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
#include <runonce.c> // shared runonce code for ShellExecuteRegApp()
#ifdef __cplusplus
}; #endif
BOOL CheckWebViewShell();
/* This code runs the install/uninstall stubs recorded in the local-machine
* part of the registry, iff the current user has not had them run in his * context yet. Used for populating the user's profile with things like * links to applications. */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL ProfilesEnabled(void) { BOOL fEnabled = FALSE;
if (staticIsOS(OS_NT)) { fEnabled = TRUE; } else { HKEY hkeyLogon; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Network\\Logon"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeyLogon) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD fProfiles, cbData = sizeof(fProfiles), dwType; if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyLogon, TEXT("UserProfiles"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&fProfiles, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwType == REG_DWORD || (dwType == REG_BINARY && cbData == sizeof(DWORD))) fEnabled = fProfiles; } RegCloseKey(hkeyLogon); } } return fEnabled; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// %%Function: GetVersionFromString
// Snarfed from urlmon\download\helpers.cxx.
// converts version in text format (a,b,c,d) into two dwords (a,b), (c,d)
// The printed version number is of format a.b.d (but, we don't care)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT GetVersionFromString(LPCTSTR szBuf, LPDWORD pdwFileVersionMS, LPDWORD pdwFileVersionLS) { LPCTSTR pch = szBuf; TCHAR ch; USHORT n = 0;
USHORT a = 0; USHORT b = 0; USHORT c = 0; USHORT d = 0;
*pdwFileVersionMS = 0; *pdwFileVersionLS = 0;
if (!pch) // default to zero if none provided
return S_OK;
if (lstrcmp(pch, TEXT("-1,-1,-1,-1")) == 0) { *pdwFileVersionMS = 0xffffffff; *pdwFileVersionLS = 0xffffffff; }
for (ch = *pch++;;ch = *pch++) {
if ((ch == ',') || (ch == '\0')) {
switch (have) {
case HAVE_NONE: a = n; have = HAVE_A; break;
case HAVE_A: b = n; have = HAVE_B; break;
case HAVE_B: c = n; have = HAVE_C; break;
case HAVE_C: d = n; have = HAVE_D; break;
case HAVE_D: return E_INVALIDARG; // invalid arg
if (ch == '\0') { // all done convert a,b,c,d into two dwords of version
*pdwFileVersionMS = ((a << 16)|b); *pdwFileVersionLS = ((c << 16)|d);
return S_OK; }
n = 0; // reset
} else if ( (ch < '0') || (ch > '9')) return E_INVALIDARG; // invalid arg
else n = n*10 + (ch - '0');
} /* end forever */
// Reg keys and values for install/uninstall stub list. Each subkey under
// HKLM\Software\InstalledComponents is a component identifier (GUID).
// Each subkey has values "Path" for the EXE to run to install or uninstall;
// IsInstalled (dword) indicating whether the component has been installed
// or uninstalled; and an optional Revision (dword) used to refresh a
// component without changing its GUID. Locale (string) is used to describe
// the language/locale for the component; this string is not interpreted by
// the install stub code, it is just compared between the HKLM and HKCU keys.
// If it's different between the two, the stub is re-run.
// HKCU\Software\InstalledComponents contains similar GUID subkeys, but the
// only values under each subkey are the optional Revision and Locale values,
// and an optional DontAsk value (also DWORD). Presence of the subkey indicates
// that the component is installed for that user.
// If the DontAsk value is present under an HKCU subkey and is non-zero, that
// means that the user has decided to keep their settings for that component
// on all machines, even those that have had the component uninstalled, and
// that they don't want to be asked if they want to run the uninstall stub
// every time they log on. This implies that for that user, the uninstall
// stub will never be run for that component unless the user somehow clears
// the flag.
// NOTE: mslocusr.dll also knows these registry paths.
const TCHAR c_szRegInstalledComponentsKey[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Active Setup\\Installed Components"); const TCHAR c_szRegInstallStubValue[] = TEXT("StubPath"); const TCHAR c_szRegIsInstalledValue[] = TEXT("IsInstalled"); const TCHAR c_szRegInstallSequenceValue[] = TEXT("Version"); const TCHAR c_szRegDontAskValue[] = TEXT("DontAsk"); const TCHAR c_szRegLocaleValue[] = TEXT("Locale");
UINT ConfirmUninstall(LPCTSTR pszDescription) { /* The only case where the user wouldn't want settings cleaned up on
* uninstall would be if they'd roamed to a machine that had had this * component uninstalled. If user profiles aren't enabled (which is * the case on a fair number of customers' machines), they're certainly * not roaming, so there's not much point in asking them. Just pretend * they said YES, they want to clean up the settings. */ if (!ProfilesEnabled()) return IDYES;
/* FEATURE - change to a dialog with a checkbox for
* the don't-ask value. */
LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_DESKTOP, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle)); #else
MLLoadString(IDS_DESKTOP, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle)); #endif
TCHAR szMessageTemplate[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pszMessage = NULL; int cchMessage;
LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_UNINSTALL, szMessageTemplate, ARRAYSIZE(szMessageTemplate)); #else
MLLoadString(IDS_UNINSTALL, szMessageTemplate, ARRAYSIZE(szMessageTemplate)); #endif
cchMessage = (lstrlen(szMessageTemplate)+lstrlen(pszDescription)+4)*sizeof(TCHAR); pszMessage = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cchMessage); if (pszMessage) { #ifdef USERSTUB
wsprintf(pszMessage, szMessageTemplate, pszDescription); #else
wnsprintf(pszMessage, cchMessage, szMessageTemplate, pszDescription); #endif
} else { pszMessage = szMessageTemplate; }
// due to build in UNICODE the following call is broken under win95, user wsprintf above
// (LPVOID)szMessageTemplate,
// 0,
// 0,
// (LPTSTR)&pszMessage,
// 0, /* min chars to allocate */
// (va_list *)&pszDescription)) {
// pszMessage = szMessageTemplate;
if (pszMessage != szMessageTemplate) LocalFree(pszMessage);
return idRet; }
HWND hwndProgress = NULL; BOOL fTriedProgressDialog = FALSE;
INT_PTR ProgressDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return TRUE;
case WM_SETCURSOR: SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); return TRUE;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
void SetProgressInfo(HWND hwndProgress, LPCTSTR pszFriendlyName, BOOL fInstalling) { HWND hwndInstalling = GetDlgItem(hwndProgress, IDC_RUNNING_INSTALL_STUB); HWND hwndUninstalling = GetDlgItem(hwndProgress, IDC_RUNNING_UNINSTALL_STUB);
ShowWindow(hwndInstalling, fInstalling ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); EnableWindow(hwndInstalling, fInstalling); ShowWindow(hwndUninstalling, fInstalling ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); EnableWindow(hwndUninstalling, !fInstalling); SetDlgItemText(hwndProgress, IDC_INSTALL_STUB_NAME, pszFriendlyName); }
void IndicateProgress(LPCTSTR pszFriendlyName, BOOL fInstalling) { if (hwndProgress == NULL && !fTriedProgressDialog) { hwndProgress = CreateDialog(HINST_THISDLL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_InstallStubProgress), NULL, ProgressDialogProc); }
if (hwndProgress != NULL) { SetProgressInfo(hwndProgress, pszFriendlyName, fInstalling); if (!fTriedProgressDialog) { ShowWindow(hwndProgress, SW_RESTORE); SetForegroundWindow(hwndProgress); } } fTriedProgressDialog = TRUE; }
void CleanupProgressDialog(void) { if (hwndProgress != NULL) { DestroyWindow(hwndProgress); hwndProgress = NULL; } }
BOOL RunOneInstallStub( HKEY hklmList, HKEY hkcuList, LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszCurrentUsername, int iPass ) { BOOL bNextPassNeeded = FALSE; /* See if this component is installed or an uninstall tombstone. */ HKEY hkeyComponent;
DWORD err = RegOpenKeyEx(hklmList, pszKeyName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeyComponent); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR szCmdLine[MAX_PATH]; DWORD fIsInstalled; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData = sizeof(fIsInstalled); HKEY hkeyUser = NULL;
/* Must have the stub path; if not there, skip this entry. */ cbData = sizeof(szCmdLine); if (SHQueryValueEx(hkeyComponent, c_szRegInstallStubValue, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szCmdLine, &cbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS || ((dwType != REG_SZ) && (dwType != REG_EXPAND_SZ)) ) { RegCloseKey(hkeyComponent); return bNextPassNeeded; }
TCHAR szDescription[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pszDescription = szDescription; cbData = sizeof(szDescription); if (SHQueryValueEx(hkeyComponent, TEXT(""), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szDescription, &cbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_SZ) { pszDescription = szCmdLine; }
if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyComponent, c_szRegIsInstalledValue, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&fIsInstalled, &cbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS || (dwType != REG_DWORD && (dwType != REG_BINARY || cbData != sizeof(DWORD)))) fIsInstalled = TRUE;
/* If it's installed, check the user's profile, and if the
* component (or its current revision) isn't installed there, * run it. */ if (fIsInstalled) { DWORD dwRevisionHi, dwRevisionLo; DWORD dwUserRevisionHi = 0; DWORD dwUserRevisionLo = 0; BOOL fSetRevision; TCHAR szRevision[24], szUserRevision[24]; /* 65535,65535,65535,65535\0 */ TCHAR szLocale[10], szUserLocale[10]; /* usually not very big strings */ TCHAR szInstallUsername[128+1]; /* 128 is the win95 system username limit */
DWORD fIsCloneUser; cbData = sizeof(fIsCloneUser); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyComponent, TEXT("CloneUser"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&fIsCloneUser, &cbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS || (dwType != REG_DWORD && (dwType != REG_BINARY || cbData != sizeof(DWORD)))) fIsCloneUser = FALSE;
cbData = sizeof(szRevision); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyComponent, c_szRegInstallSequenceValue, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szRevision, &cbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_SZ || FAILED(GetVersionFromString(szRevision, &dwRevisionHi, &dwRevisionLo))) { fSetRevision = FALSE; dwRevisionHi = 0; dwRevisionLo = 0; } else { fSetRevision = TRUE; }
cbData = sizeof(szLocale); err = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyComponent, c_szRegLocaleValue, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szLocale, &cbData); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_SZ) { szLocale[0] = '\0'; }
err = RegOpenKeyEx(hkcuList, pszKeyName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE, &hkeyUser); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbData = sizeof(szUserRevision); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyUser, c_szRegInstallSequenceValue, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szUserRevision, &cbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_SZ || FAILED(GetVersionFromString(szUserRevision, &dwUserRevisionHi, &dwUserRevisionLo))) { dwUserRevisionHi = 0; dwUserRevisionLo = 0; }
if (szLocale[0] != '\0') { cbData = sizeof(szUserLocale); err = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyUser, c_szRegLocaleValue, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szUserLocale, &cbData); /* If there's a locale string under the user key
* and it's the same as the machine one, then we * blank out the machine one so we won't consider * that when running the stub. */ if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_SZ && !lstrcmp(szLocale, szUserLocale)) { szLocale[0] = '\0'; } } if (fIsCloneUser) { /* Clone-user install stub. We need to re-run it if the
* username we used when we last installed to this profile, * or the one it was copied from, is different from the * current username. */ cbData = sizeof(szInstallUsername); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyUser, TEXT("Username"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szInstallUsername, &cbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_SZ) { szInstallUsername[0] = '\0'; } } } else { hkeyUser = NULL; }
/* Install if:
* * - User doesn't have component installed, OR * - Component installed on machine has a revision AND * - Machine component revision greater than user's * - OR * - Component installed on machine has a locale AND * - Machine component locale different than user's * (this is actually checked above) * - OR * - Component is a clone-user install stub and the username * recorded for the stub is different from the current username */ if ((hkeyUser == NULL) || (fSetRevision && ((dwRevisionHi > dwUserRevisionHi) || ((dwRevisionHi == dwUserRevisionHi) && (dwRevisionLo > dwUserRevisionLo) ) ) ) || (szLocale[0] != '\0') || #ifdef UNICODE
(fIsCloneUser && StrCmpI(szInstallUsername, pszCurrentUsername)) #else
(fIsCloneUser && lstrcmpi(szInstallUsername, pszCurrentUsername)) #endif
) {
if ( (iPass == -1 ) || ((iPass == 0) && (*pszKeyName == '<')) || ((iPass == 1) && (*pszKeyName != '<') && (*pszKeyName != '>')) || ((iPass == 2) && (*pszKeyName == '>')) ) { // the condition meets, run it now.
#ifdef TraceMsg
TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "Running install stub ( %s )", szCmdLine); #endif
IndicateProgress(pszDescription, TRUE); ShellExecuteRegApp(szCmdLine, RRA_WAIT | RRA_NOUI); if (hkeyUser == NULL) { RegCreateKey(hkcuList, pszKeyName, &hkeyUser); } if (hkeyUser != NULL) { if (fSetRevision) { RegSetValueEx(hkeyUser, c_szRegInstallSequenceValue, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szRevision, (lstrlen(szRevision)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); } if (szLocale[0]) { RegSetValueEx(hkeyUser, c_szRegLocaleValue, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szLocale, (lstrlen(szLocale)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); } if (fIsCloneUser) { RegSetValueEx(hkeyUser, TEXT("Username"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)pszCurrentUsername, (lstrlen(pszCurrentUsername)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); } } } else { // decide if this belong to the next pass
// if it is in Pass 2, should never get here
if ( iPass == 0 ) bNextPassNeeded = TRUE; else if ( (iPass == 1 ) && (*pszKeyName == '>') ) bNextPassNeeded = TRUE; } } } else { /* Component is an uninstall stub. */
err = RegOpenKeyEx(hkcuList, pszKeyName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeyUser); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD fDontAsk = 0;
/* Check the "Don't Ask" value. If it's present, its value
* is interpreted as follows: * * 0 --> ask the user * 1 --> do not run the stub * 2 --> always run the stub */ cbData = sizeof(fDontAsk); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyComponent, c_szRegDontAskValue, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&fDontAsk, &cbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS || (dwType != REG_DWORD && (dwType != REG_BINARY || cbData != sizeof(DWORD))) || fDontAsk != 1) {
if ( (iPass == -1 ) || ((iPass == 0) && (*pszKeyName == '>')) || ((iPass == 1) && (*pszKeyName != '<') && (*pszKeyName != '>')) || ((iPass == 2) && (*pszKeyName == '<')) ) { // uninstall stub has the reversed order comparing with install stub
if (fDontAsk == 2 || ConfirmUninstall(pszDescription) == IDYES) {
#ifdef TraceMsg
TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "Running uninstall stub ( %s )", szCmdLine); #endif
IndicateProgress(pszDescription, FALSE); ShellExecuteRegApp(szCmdLine, RRA_WAIT | RRA_NOUI); /* Component has been uninstalled. Forget that the
* user ever had it installed. */ RegCloseKey(hkeyUser); hkeyUser = NULL; RegDeleteKey(hkcuList, pszKeyName); }
} else { // decide if this belong to the next pass
// if it is in Pass 2, should never get here
if ( iPass == 0 ) bNextPassNeeded = TRUE; else if ( (iPass == 1 ) && (*pszKeyName == '<') ) bNextPassNeeded = TRUE; } } } }
if (hkeyUser != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hkeyUser); } RegCloseKey(hkeyComponent); }
return bNextPassNeeded; }
const TCHAR c_szIE40GUID_STUB[] = TEXT("{89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}"); const TCHAR c_szBlockIE4Stub[] = TEXT("NoIE4StubProcessing");
extern "C" void RunInstallUninstallStubs2(LPCTSTR pszStubToRun) { HKEY hklmList = NULL, hkcuList = NULL; LONG err;
TCHAR szUsername[128+1]; /* 128 is the win95 limit, good default */ LPTSTR pszCurrentUser = szUsername;
/* As far as clone-user install stubs are concerned, we only want profile
* usernames. */ if (!ProfilesEnabled()) { *pszCurrentUser = '\0'; } else { DWORD cbData = sizeof(szUsername); if (!GetUserName(szUsername, &cbData)) { if (cbData > sizeof(szUsername)) { cbData++; /* allow for null char just in case */ pszCurrentUser = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbData+1); if (pszCurrentUser == NULL || !GetUserName(pszCurrentUser, &cbData)) { if (pszCurrentUser != NULL) LocalFree(pszCurrentUser); pszCurrentUser = szUsername; *pszCurrentUser = '\0'; } } else { szUsername[0] = '\0'; } } }
#ifdef TraceMsg
TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "Running install/uninstall stubs."); #endif
err = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegInstalledComponentsKey, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hklmList);
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwDisp; err = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szRegInstalledComponentsKey, 0, TEXT(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkcuList, &dwDisp); }
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pszStubToRun != NULL) { // here we call with pass number -1 means no pass order enforced
RunOneInstallStub(hklmList, hkcuList, pszStubToRun, pszCurrentUser, -1); } else { DWORD cbKeyName, iKey, iPass; TCHAR szKeyName[80]; BOOL bNextPassNeeded = TRUE; HANDLE hMutex;
// This mutex check is to ensure if explore restarted due abnormal active desktop shutdown, and setup resume
// per-user stubs should not be processed till setup is done.
if (CheckWebViewShell()) { hMutex = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, TEXT("Ie4Setup.Mutext")); if (hMutex) { CloseHandle(hMutex); goto done; } }
// check if we want to block the stub processing
cbKeyName = sizeof(szKeyName); if ((RegQueryValueEx(hklmList, c_szBlockIE4Stub, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szKeyName, &cbKeyName) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (*CharUpper(szKeyName) == 'Y') ) { goto done; }
/* we will do TWO passes to meet the ordering requirement when run component stubs.
Any KeyName with '*' as the first char, get run in the 1st Pass. the rest run 2nd pass */ for ( iPass = 0; ((iPass<3) && bNextPassNeeded); iPass++ ) { bNextPassNeeded = FALSE; // APPCOMPAT: in 2nd pass, we do want to special case of IE4.0 base browser stub
// to run first. The reason we did not use '<' for this is to 1) reserve < stuff
// for pre-ie4 stubs and this whole thing should redo in sorted fashion. For now,
// we hard code this IE4.0 base browser GUID
if ( iPass == 1 ) { if ( RunOneInstallStub(hklmList, hkcuList, c_szIE40GUID_STUB, pszCurrentUser, iPass) ) bNextPassNeeded = TRUE; }
/* Enumerate components that are installed on the local machine. */ for (iKey = 0; ; iKey++) { LONG lEnum;
cbKeyName = ARRAYSIZE(szKeyName);
// WARNING (Unicode, Davepl) I'm assuming that the data is UNICODE,
// but I'm not sure who put it there yet... double check.
if ((lEnum = RegEnumKey(hklmList, iKey, szKeyName, cbKeyName)) == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { // ERROR_MORE_DATA means the value name or data was too large
// skip to the next item
#ifdef TraceMsg
TraceMsg( DM_ERROR, "Cannot run oversize entry in InstalledComponents"); #endif
continue; } else if( lEnum != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // could be ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES, or some kind of failure
// we can't recover from any other registry problem, anyway
break; }
// in case the user say NO when we try to run the IE4 stub first time,
// we should not re-process this stub again.
if ( (iPass == 1) && (!lstrcmpi(szKeyName, c_szIE40GUID_STUB)) ) continue; if ( RunOneInstallStub(hklmList, hkcuList, szKeyName, pszCurrentUser, iPass) ) bNextPassNeeded = TRUE; } } } }
if (hklmList != NULL) RegCloseKey(hklmList); if (hkcuList != NULL) RegCloseKey(hkcuList);
if (pszCurrentUser != szUsername) LocalFree(pszCurrentUser);
CleanupProgressDialog(); }
// Check shell32.dll's version and see if it is the one which supports the integrated WebView
BOOL CheckWebViewShell() { HINSTANCE hInstShell32; DLLGETVERSIONPROC fpGetDllVersion; BOOL pWebViewShell = FALSE; hInstShell32 = LoadLibrary(TEXT("Shell32.dll")); if (hInstShell32) { fpGetDllVersion = (DLLGETVERSIONPROC)GetProcAddress(hInstShell32, "DllGetVersion"); pWebViewShell = (fpGetDllVersion != NULL); FreeLibrary(hInstShell32); } return pWebViewShell; }