#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
extern "C" { #include <stdexts.h>
#include <dbgeng.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <comctrlp.h>
#include "msgs.h"
void PrintUser32Message(UINT uMsg) { IDebugClient* pDebugClient; IDebugControl* pDebugControl;
if (SUCCEEDED(DebugCreate(__uuidof(IDebugClient), (void**)&pDebugClient))) { if (SUCCEEDED(pDebugClient->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugControl), (void**)&pDebugControl))) { // Try calling the wm extension from userexts.dll
ULONG64 ulExtension = 0; CHAR szMsg[64];
pDebugControl->AddExtension("userexts", DEBUG_EXTENSION_AT_ENGINE, &ulExtension); pDebugControl->CallExtension(ulExtension, "wm", _itoa(uMsg, szMsg, 16));
pDebugControl->Release(); }
pDebugClient->Release(); } }
void PrintRegisteredMessage(UINT uMsg) { CHAR szMsg[64];
if (GetClipboardFormatNameA(uMsg, szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg))) { Print(" %x %s\n", uMsg, szMsg); } else { Print(" %x ???\n", uMsg); } }
void PrintComctl32Message(UINT uMsg, HWND hwnd) { BOOL fMatchClass = FALSE; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
CHAR szClassName[64]; if (hwnd && IsWindow(hwnd)) { if (GetClassNameA(hwnd, szClassName, ARRAYSIZE(szClassName))) { fMatchClass = TRUE; } }
for (int i = 0; !IsCtrlCHit() && (i < ARRAYSIZE(rgMsgMap)); i++) { if ((i > 0) && // always execute first iteration, contains msgs common to all
(fMatchClass && (_stricmp(szClassName, rgMsgMap[i].szClassName) != 0))) { continue; }
int j; MSGNAME* pmm; for (j = 0, pmm = rgMsgMap[i].rgMsgName; !IsCtrlCHit() && (j < rgMsgMap[i].chMsgName); j++) { if (pmm[j].uMsg == uMsg) { Print(" %x %-25s%s\n", pmm[j].uMsg, pmm[j].szMsg, fMatchClass ? "" : rgMsgMap[i].szFriendlyClassName); fFound = TRUE; break; } } }
if (!fFound) { Print(" %x ???\n", uMsg); } }
void PrintWindowMessageEx(UINT uMsg, HWND hwnd) { if (uMsg <= WM_USER) { PrintUser32Message(uMsg); } else if (uMsg >= 0xC000) { PrintRegisteredMessage(uMsg); } else { PrintComctl32Message(uMsg, hwnd); } }
extern "C" BOOL Iwmex(DWORD dwOpts, LPVOID pArg1, LPVOID pArg2) { PrintWindowMessageEx(PtrToUint(pArg1), (HWND)(HWND *)pArg2); return TRUE; }