Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Displays the Searching for clients dialog box and looks for the selected client distribution tree returning the path and type of path found.
Bob Watson (a-robw)
Revision History:
24 Jun 94 Written
--*/ //
// Windows Include Files
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <tchar.h> // unicode macros
#include <lmcons.h> // lanman API constants
#include <lmerr.h> // lanman error returns
#include <lmshare.h> // sharing API prototypes
#include <lmapibuf.h> // lanman buffer API prototypes
// app include files
#include "otnboot.h"
#include "otnbtdlg.h"
// local dialog box messages
// Search Phases
#define SEARCH_REGISTRY (0x00000001)
#define SEARCH_SHARED_DIRS (0x00000002)
#define SEARCH_HARD_DRIVES (0x00000004)
#define SEARCH_CD_ROM (0x00000008)
// module static variables
static BOOL bSearchForClients; // flag to trip out of search
static HCURSOR hOrigCursor = NULL; // cursor to save/restore
LONG GetDistributionPath ( IN HWND hwndDlg, // handle to dialog box window
IN DWORD dwSearchType, // type of dir to find: Client/tools
IN OUT LPTSTR szPath, // buffer to return path in (Req'd)
IN DWORD dwPathLen, // size of path buffer in chars
IN PLONG plPathType // pointer to buffer recieving path type (opt)
) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the default distribution file path for loading the dialog box entries with.
IN HWND hwndDlg handle to parent dialog box window IN DWORD dwSearchType type of dir to find: Client/tools IN OUT LPTSTR szPath buffer to return path in (Req'd) IN DWORD dwPathLen size of path buffer in chars IN PLONG plPathType pointer to buffer recieving path type (opt)
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if file found ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if unable to find file
--*/ { FDT_DATA Fdt; UINT nDBReturn;
// build data structure for search
Fdt.szPathBuffer = szPath; Fdt.dwPathBufferLen = dwPathLen; Fdt.plPathType = plPathType; Fdt.dwSearchType = dwSearchType;
nDBReturn = (UINT)DialogBoxParam ( (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_HINSTANCE), MAKEINTRESOURCE(NCDU_FINDING_CLIENT_DIRS_DLG), hwndDlg, FindClientsDlgProc, (LPARAM)&Fdt);
if (nDBReturn == IDOK) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } }
static LPCTSTR GetLastPathFromRegistry ( IN DWORD dwSearchType ) /*++
Routine Description:
looks up the last path (server\share) for either the tools directory or the client tree as it appears in the registry. If unable to find both components of the selected search, then an empty string is returned.
IN DWORD dwSearchType FDT_TOOLS_TREE for server tools path FDT_CLIENT_TREE for client distribution path
Return Value:
pointer to a read only string that contains the desired path if one was stored in the registry or an empty string if not.
--*/ { static TCHAR szLastPath[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkeyUserInfo; HKEY hkeyAppInfo;
LONG lStatus; DWORD dwBufLen;
// open registry key containing net apps
lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, cszUserInfoKey, 0L, KEY_READ, &hkeyUserInfo);
if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // unable to open key so return an empty buffer
szLastPath[0] = 0; } else { // open registry key containing this app's info
lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx ( hkeyUserInfo, szAppName, 0L, KEY_READ, &hkeyAppInfo);
if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // unable to open key so return an empty buffer
szLastPath[0] = 0; } else { // initialize path variable
lstrcpy (szLastPath, cszDoubleBackslash);
// get server name from registry
dwBufLen = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( hkeyAppInfo, (LPTSTR)(dwSearchType == FDT_TOOLS_TREE ? cszLastToolsServer : cszLastClientServer), (LPDWORD)NULL, (LPDWORD)NULL, (LPBYTE)&szLastPath[lstrlen(szLastPath)], &dwBufLen);
if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // unable to read value so return an empty buffer
szLastPath[0] = 0; } else { // get sharepoint name from registry
lstrcat (szLastPath, cszBackslash); dwBufLen = MAX_SHARENAME + 1; lStatus = RegQueryValueEx ( hkeyAppInfo, (LPTSTR)(dwSearchType == FDT_TOOLS_TREE ? cszLastToolsSharepoint : cszLastClientSharepoint), (LPDWORD)NULL, (LPDWORD)NULL, (LPBYTE)&szLastPath[lstrlen(szLastPath)], &dwBufLen);
if (lStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // unable to read value so return an empty buffer
szLastPath[0] = 0; } } RegCloseKey (hkeyAppInfo); } RegCloseKey (hkeyUserInfo); }
return (LPCTSTR)&szLastPath[0]; }
static LONG SearchForDistPath ( IN OUT LPTSTR szPath, // buffer to return path in (Req'd)
IN DWORD dwPathLen, // size of path buffer in chars
IN PLONG plPathType, // pointer to buffer recieving path type (opt)
IN DWORD dwSearchType, // type of tree to look for
IN DWORD dwPhase // phase(s) to search
) /*++
Routine Description:
function that looks for the desired directory tree in the following locations: a) the registry, for the stored server\share b) the shared directories on the system c) the local and redirected drives d) the CD-Rom
The search is divided into phases to allow the user to cancel the search.
IN OUT LPTSTR szPath, // buffer to return path in (Req'd)
IN DWORD dwPathLen, // size of path buffer in chars
IN PLONG plPathType, // pointer to buffer recieving path type (opt)
IN DWORD dwSearchType, // type of tree to look for
IN DWORD dwPhase // phase(s) to search
Return Value:
--*/ { LONG lStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; LONG lPathType = NCDU_NO_CLIENT_PATH_FOUND; LPTSTR szLocalPath = NULL; NET_API_STATUS naStatus = NERR_Success; DWORD dwTotalEntries; DWORD dwEntriesRead; DWORD dwEntriesProcessed; DWORD dwResumeHandle; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwBufLen; BOOL bFound; UINT nDriveType; TCHAR szRootDir[32]; PSHARE_INFO_2 psi2Data; UINT nErrorMode; BOOL bValidPath;
if (szPath == NULL) { // the pointer to the path is required
// allocate temp buffers
szLocalPath = GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES);
if (szLocalPath == NULL) { return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// disable windows error message popup
bFound = FALSE;
if ((dwPhase & SEARCH_REGISTRY) == SEARCH_REGISTRY) { // check registry for saved server/sharepoint
// if server/share found in registry, make into a UNC path
// and validate that it's really a client tree. return path if valid
lstrcpy (szLocalPath, GetLastPathFromRegistry(dwSearchType)); if (szLocalPath[lstrlen(szLocalPath)] != cBackslash) lstrcat (szLocalPath, cszBackslash); if (dwSearchType == FDT_TOOLS_TREE){ bValidPath = (BOOL)(ValidSrvToolsPath (szLocalPath) == 0); } else { bValidPath = (BOOL)(ValidSharePath (szLocalPath) == 0); } if (bValidPath) { // it's there so save it in user's buffer and leave
lstrcpy (szPath, szLocalPath); lPathType = NCDU_PATH_FROM_REGISTRY; lStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto GDP_ExitPoint; } }
if ((dwPhase & SEARCH_SHARED_DIRS) == SEARCH_SHARED_DIRS) { // if here, then no valid server/share was found in registry, so
// look at shared dir's on this machine and see if any of them are
// valid client trees. If one is found, return the path in UNC form
// search all current shares on this system
dwEntriesProcessed = 0; dwEntriesRead = 0; dwTotalEntries = 0; dwResumeHandle = 0; while ((naStatus = NetShareEnum( NULL, 2, (LPBYTE *)&psi2Data, 0x00010000, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, &dwResumeHandle)) == NERR_Success) { if (dwEntriesRead == 0) break; // then it'd done
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwEntriesRead; dwIndex++){ // don't check shares that translate to floppy drives A: & B:
if ((_tcsnicmp(psi2Data[dwIndex].shi2_path, cszADriveRoot, 3) != 0) && (_tcsnicmp(psi2Data[dwIndex].shi2_path, cszBDriveRoot, 3) != 0)) { if (dwSearchType == FDT_TOOLS_TREE){ bValidPath = (BOOL)(ValidSrvToolsPath (psi2Data[dwIndex].shi2_path) == 0); } else { bValidPath = (BOOL)(ValidSharePath (psi2Data[dwIndex].shi2_path) == 0); } if (bValidPath) { // make a UNC name out of share name
lstrcpy (szLocalPath, cszDoubleBackslash); dwBufLen = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1; GetComputerName (&szLocalPath[2], &dwBufLen); lstrcat (szLocalPath, cszBackslash); lstrcat (szLocalPath, psi2Data[dwIndex].shi2_netname); lstrcat (szLocalPath, cszBackslash);
if (lstrlen(szLocalPath) < (LONG)dwPathLen) { // save path string in user's buffer and leave
lstrcpy (szPath, szLocalPath); lPathType = NCDU_LOCAL_SHARE_PATH; lStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; bFound = TRUE; } break; } } } // free buffer created by Net API
if (psi2Data != NULL) NetApiBufferFree (psi2Data); // update entry counters to know when to stop looping
dwEntriesProcessed += dwEntriesRead; if ((dwEntriesProcessed >= dwTotalEntries) || bFound) { break; // out of while loop
} } if (bFound) goto GDP_ExitPoint; }
if ((dwPhase & SEARCH_HARD_DRIVES) == SEARCH_HARD_DRIVES) { // if here, then no shared path was found, so search hard drives for
// a client tree in the root directory and return the DOS path if one
// is found
szRootDir[0] = 0; szRootDir[1] = cColon; szRootDir[2] = cBackslash; szRootDir[3] = 0; for (szRootDir[0] = cC; szRootDir[0] <= cZ; szRootDir[0]++) { // if it's local or remote drive look for a clients dir.
// don't check CD_ROM, RAM Disks or Removable drive
nDriveType = GetDriveType(szRootDir); if ((nDriveType == DRIVE_FIXED) || (nDriveType == DRIVE_REMOTE)) { // see if this is drive has the appropriate sub-dir on it
if (dwSearchType == FDT_TOOLS_TREE){ lstrcpy (&szRootDir[3], cszToolsDir); bValidPath = (BOOL)(ValidSrvToolsPath (szRootDir) == 0); } else { lstrcpy (&szRootDir[3], cszClientsDir); bValidPath = (BOOL)(ValidSharePath (szRootDir) == 0); } if (bValidPath) { // a valid path was found
if (nDriveType == DRIVE_REMOTE) { // then this drive is shared on another machine
// so return the UNC version of the path
dwBufLen = MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR); if (LookupRemotePath (szRootDir, szLocalPath, &dwBufLen)) { // save path string in user's buffer and leave
lstrcpy (szPath, szLocalPath); lPathType = NCDU_LOCAL_SHARE_PATH; lStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { // unable to look up redirected drive so return dos
// version of path (this shouldn't happen);
lstrcpy (szPath, szRootDir); lPathType = NCDU_HARD_DRIVE_PATH; lStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else { // this is a Local drive so return the DOS
// version of path
lstrcpy (szPath, szRootDir); lPathType = NCDU_HARD_DRIVE_PATH; lStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } bFound = TRUE; break; } } // else ignore if not a local or remote hard drive
szRootDir[3] = 0; // reset string back to a drive only
} // end of for loop
if (bFound) goto GDP_ExitPoint; }
if ((dwPhase & SEARCH_CD_ROM) == SEARCH_CD_ROM) { // if here, then no client tree was found on a hard drive, so see if
// they have a CD-ROM with the client tree on it. If they do, then
// return the DOS path of the dir.
// find CD-ROM drive
szRootDir[0] = 0; szRootDir[1] = cColon; szRootDir[2] = cBackslash; szRootDir[3] = 0;
for (szRootDir[0] = cC; szRootDir[0] <= cZ; szRootDir[0]++) { if (GetDriveType(szRootDir) == DRIVE_CDROM) break; }
if (szRootDir[0] <= cZ) { // then a CD-ROM must have been found, so append the "clients" dir
// and see if this is a valid client tree
if (dwSearchType == FDT_TOOLS_TREE){ lstrcat (szRootDir, cszToolsDir); bValidPath = (BOOL)(ValidSrvToolsPath (szRootDir) == 0); } else { lstrcat (szRootDir, cszClientsDir); bValidPath = (BOOL)(ValidSharePath (szRootDir) == 0); } if (bValidPath) { // found one on the CD so return the DOS
// version of path
lstrcpy (szPath, szRootDir); lPathType = NCDU_CDROM_PATH; lStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; bFound = TRUE; } } goto GDP_ExitPoint; }
// if here, then NO client tree was found. so return an empty string
// bufffer and error code.
lStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; lPathType = NCDU_NO_CLIENT_PATH_FOUND; *szPath = 0; // make string buffer empty
if (plPathType != NULL) { *plPathType = lPathType; }
FREE_IF_ALLOC (szLocalPath);
SetErrorMode (nErrorMode); // restore old error mode
return lStatus; }
static BOOL FindClientsDlg_WM_INITDIALOG ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dialog Box initialization routine: calls routines that format the currently selected options for display in the static text fields of the dialog box
IN HWND hwndDlg Handle to dialog box window
IN WPARAM wParam Not Used
IN LPARAM lParam pointer to client search data strucutre
Return Value:
FALSE because focus is set in this routine to the CANCEL button
--*/ { PFDT_DATA pFdt = (PFDT_DATA)lParam; LPTSTR szTitle;
// locate windw
PositionWindow (hwndDlg);
// set global flag
bSearchForClients = TRUE;
// clear dialog box text
SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_CLIENT_SEARCH_PHASE, cszEmptyString);
// display Tools Tree search string if appropriate
szTitle = GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); if (szTitle != NULL) { if (pFdt->dwSearchType == FDT_TOOLS_TREE) { if (LoadString ( (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_HINSTANCE), NCDU_FINDING_TOOLS_PATH, szTitle, 80) > 0) { SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_SEARCH_TYPE_TITLE, szTitle); } } FREE_IF_ALLOC (szTitle); }
// start 1st phase of search
// set focus
SetFocus (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDCANCEL));
// need an arrow cursor to cancel out of dialog box.
hOrigCursor = SetCursor (LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
return FALSE; }
static BOOL FindClientsDlg_SEARCH_FOR_CLIENTS ( IN HWND hwndDlg, // dlg window handle
IN WPARAM wParam, // search phase
IN LPARAM lParam // search data structure
) /*++
Routine Description:
message processing routine to perform client tree search in phases
IN HWND hwndDlg dlg window handle
IN WPARAM wParam search phase
IN LPARAM lParam search data structure
Return Value:
--*/ { UINT nPhaseName; PFDT_DATA pFdt;
if (bSearchForClients) { // perform this phase of the search
// set dlg box text
switch (wParam) { case SEARCH_REGISTRY: nPhaseName = CSZ_SYSTEM_REGISTRY; break;
case SEARCH_CD_ROM: nPhaseName = CSZ_CD_ROM; break;
default: nPhaseName = CSZ_LOCAL_MACHINE; break; } SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_CLIENT_SEARCH_PHASE, GetStringResource (nPhaseName));
pFdt = (PFDT_DATA)lParam;
// search for clients
SearchForDistPath ( pFdt->szPathBuffer, pFdt->dwPathBufferLen, pFdt->plPathType, pFdt->dwSearchType, (DWORD)wParam);
if (*pFdt->plPathType != NCDU_NO_CLIENT_PATH_FOUND) { // client found, so end here
EndDialog (hwndDlg, IDOK); } else { // try next phase
if (wParam != SEARCH_LAST_PHASE) { wParam <<= 1; // go to next phase
PostMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_SEARCH_FOR_CLIENTS, wParam, lParam); } else { // this is the last phase so exit
EndDialog (hwndDlg, (bSearchForClients ? IDOK : IDCANCEL)); } } } return TRUE; }
static BOOL FindClientsDlg_WM_COMMAND ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
WM_COMMAND message dispatching routine. Dispatches IDCANCEL and IDOK button messages, sends all others to the DefDlgProc.
IN HWND hwndDlg Handle to dialog box window
IN WPARAM wParam windows message wParam arg
IN LPARAM lParam windows message lParam arg
Return Value:
TRUE if message is not dispatched (i.e. not processed) othewise the value returned by the called routine.
--*/ {
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: bSearchForClients = FALSE; return TRUE;
default: return FALSE; }
default: return FALSE; } } static BOOL FindClientsDlg_WM_DESTROY ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
restores original cursor when dialog box exits
std. windows message args
Return Value:
--*/ { if (hOrigCursor != NULL) SetCursor (hOrigCursor); hOrigCursor = NULL; return TRUE; }
static INT_PTR CALLBACK FindClientsDlgProc ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN UINT message, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
main dialog proc for this dialog box. Processes the following messages:
WM_INITDIALOG: dialog box initialization WM_COMMAND: command button/item selected WM_DESTROY: restore cursor on exit NCDU_SEARCH_FOR_CLIENTS: execute search message
IN HWND hwndDlg handle to dialog box window
IN UINT message message id
IN WPARAM wParam message wParam arg
IN LPARAM lParam message lParam arg
Return Value:
FALSE if message not processed by this module, otherwise the value returned by the message processing routine.
--*/ { switch (message) { // windows messages
case WM_INITDIALOG: return (FindClientsDlg_WM_INITDIALOG (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); case WM_COMMAND: return (FindClientsDlg_WM_COMMAND (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); case WM_DESTROY: return (FindClientsDlg_WM_DESTROY (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); // local messages
case NCDU_SEARCH_FOR_CLIENTS: return (FindClientsDlg_SEARCH_FOR_CLIENTS (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); default: return FALSE; } }