Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Show server connection configuration dialog box
Bob Watson (a-robw)
Revision History:
17 Feb 94 Written
--*/ //
// Windows Include Files
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <tchar.h> // unicode macros
#include <commdlg.h> // common dialog defines
#include <lmcons.h> // lanman API constant definitions
#include <lmserver.h> // server info API's
// app include files
#include "otnboot.h"
#include "otnbtdlg.h"
#define IP_CHARLIMIT 15
// Local data structures
typedef struct _NETWORK_PROTOCOL_NAMES { UINT nDisplayName; UINT nTransportName; DWORD dwTransportNameLength; BOOL bLoaded; int nListBoxEntry; } NETWORK_PROTOCOL_NAMES, *PNETWORK_PROTOCOL_NAMES; //
// static data
{0, 0, 0, FALSE, CB_ERR} };
static LPCTSTR GetDefaultDomain ( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the domain the system is logged in to from the registry.
Return Value:
pointer to domain name string if successful or pointer to an empty strin if not.
--*/ { DWORD dwBufLen; DWORD dwDomainLen; static TCHAR szDomainName[32]; TCHAR szUserName[MAX_USERNAME + 1]; PSID pSid; SID_NAME_USE snu;
szDomainName[0] = 0; dwBufLen = MAX_USERNAME; if (GetUserName(szUserName, &dwBufLen)) { pSid = (PSID)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); if (pSid != NULL) { dwBufLen = (DWORD)GlobalSize(pSid); dwDomainLen = sizeof (szDomainName) / sizeof(TCHAR); LookupAccountName ( NULL, // Local system
szUserName, // username to look up
pSid, // SID buffer
&dwBufLen, // SID buffer size
szDomainName, // return buffer for domain name
&dwDomainLen, // size of buffer
&snu); FREE_IF_ALLOC(pSid); } }
return szDomainName;
static LPCTSTR GetDefaultUsername ( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the user name of the account running the app
Return Value:
pointer to user name string if successful or pointer to an empty string if not.
--*/ { DWORD dwBufLen; static TCHAR szUserName[32];
szUserName[0] = 0; dwBufLen = sizeof(szUserName) / sizeof(TCHAR); // compute # of chars
GetUserName(szUserName, &dwBufLen);
return szUserName;
static LPCTSTR MakeIpAddrString ( IN USHORT IpAddr[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
formats integer array into an address string for display
IP Address info structure
Return Value:
pointer to formatted IP address string if successful or pointer to an empty string if not.
--*/ { static TCHAR szAddrBuffer[32];
szAddrBuffer[0] = 0;
_stprintf (szAddrBuffer, fmtIpAddr, IpAddr[0], IpAddr[1], IpAddr[2], IpAddr[3]);
return szAddrBuffer; }
static LONG ListNetworkTransports ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN LPTSTR szServerName
) /*++
Routine Description:
reads the registry and builds a list of the network protocols that are supported on the selected server and loads the combo box with all possible transports.
IN HWND hwndDlg handle to dialog box window
IN LPTSTR szServerName server to validate protocols on
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful or WIN32 error value if not
--*/ { DWORD dwIndex; BOOL bDefaultFound;
DWORD dwSumOfEntries; DWORD dwEntriesRead; DWORD dwTotalEntries; DWORD dwResumeHandle;
if (pSrvrTransportInfo == NULL) { return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// initialize static data
for (pThisNetProtocol = &NetProtocolList[0]; pThisNetProtocol->nDisplayName != 0; pThisNetProtocol = &pThisNetProtocol[1]) { pThisNetProtocol->dwTransportNameLength = lstrlen (GetStringResource (pThisNetProtocol->nTransportName)); pThisNetProtocol->bLoaded = FALSE; pThisNetProtocol->nListBoxEntry = CB_ERR; }
// build list of available network transports on server
dwEntriesRead = 0L; dwSumOfEntries = 0L; dwTotalEntries = 0xFFFFFFFF; dwResumeHandle = 0L; while (dwSumOfEntries != dwTotalEntries) { netStatus = NetServerTransportEnum ( szServerName, 0L, (LPBYTE *)&pSrvrTransportInfo, MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, &dwResumeHandle);
if (netStatus == NO_ERROR) { dwSumOfEntries += dwEntriesRead; for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwEntriesRead; dwIndex++) { pThisSrvrTransport = &pSrvrTransportInfo[dwIndex]; for (pThisNetProtocol = &NetProtocolList[0]; pThisNetProtocol->nDisplayName != 0; pThisNetProtocol = &pThisNetProtocol[1]) { if (_tcsnicmp (GetStringResource(pThisNetProtocol->nTransportName), pThisSrvrTransport->svti0_transportname, pThisNetProtocol->dwTransportNameLength) == 0) { if (lstrcmp (pThisSrvrTransport->svti0_networkaddress, cszZeroNetAddress) != 0) { pThisNetProtocol->bLoaded = TRUE; break; } } } } } else { // bail out of loop if an error is encountered
break; } }
// so all the supported protocols have been identified here, now
// reload the combo box.
bDefaultFound = FALSE; dwIndex = 0;
// empty the combo box
for (pThisNetProtocol = &NetProtocolList[0]; pThisNetProtocol->nDisplayName != 0; pThisNetProtocol = &pThisNetProtocol[1]) { // load combo box with each "transports"
pThisNetProtocol->nListBoxEntry = (int)SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_PROTOCOL_COMBO_BOX, CB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)GetStringResource (pThisNetProtocol->nDisplayName));
if (!bDefaultFound) { if (pThisNetProtocol->bLoaded) { bDefaultFound = TRUE; dwIndex = (DWORD)pThisNetProtocol->nListBoxEntry; } } }
// select default entry
SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_PROTOCOL_COMBO_BOX, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)dwIndex, 0);
return lStatus; }
static BOOL LoadIpAddrArray ( IN LPCTSTR szIpString, OUT USHORT nAddrItem[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
Parses the display string into the IP address array
IN LPCTSTR szIpString input string to parse
OUT USHORT nAddrItem[] array to receive the address elements. Element 0 is the left-most element in the display string.
Return Value:
TRUE if parsed successfully FALSE if error
--*/ { int nArgs; int nThisArg;
DWORD dw[4];
nArgs = _stscanf (szIpString, fmtIpAddrParse, &dw[0], &dw[1], &dw[2], &dw[3]);
if (nArgs == 4) { for (nThisArg = 0; nThisArg < nArgs; nThisArg++) { if (dw[nThisArg] > 255) { // bad value
return FALSE; } else { // valid so copy the low byte of the value since that's
// all that's allowed for an IP address or mask
nAddrItem[nThisArg] = (USHORT)(dw[nThisArg] & 0x000000FF); } } } else { return FALSE; }
return TRUE;
static VOID SetTcpIpWindowState ( IN HWND hwndDlg ) /*++
Routine Description:
enables the IP address fields when TCP/IP protocol is enabled and disabled the IP address fields when it is not selected.
IN HWND hwndDlg handle to the dialog box window
Return Value:
--*/ { LPTSTR szProtocol; int nComboItem; BOOL bFrameState, bAddrState;
szProtocol = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES);
if (szProtocol == NULL) return;
nComboItem = (int)SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_PROTOCOL_COMBO_BOX, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_PROTOCOL_COMBO_BOX, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)nComboItem, (LPARAM)szProtocol);
if (_tcsnicmp(szProtocol, cszTcpKey, lstrlen(cszTcpKey)) == 0) { bFrameState = TRUE; if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, NCDU_USE_DHCP) == CHECKED) { bAddrState = FALSE; } else { bAddrState = TRUE; } } else { bFrameState = FALSE; bAddrState = FALSE; }
EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,NCDU_USE_DHCP), bFrameState); EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,NCDU_FLOPPY_IP_ADDR_LABEL), bAddrState); EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,NCDU_FLOPPY_IP_ADDR), bAddrState); EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,NCDU_FLOPPY_SUBNET_LABEL), bAddrState); EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,NCDU_FLOPPY_SUBNET_MASK), bAddrState); EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,NCDU_DEFAULT_GATEWAY_LABEL), bFrameState); EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,NCDU_DEFAULT_GATEWAY), bFrameState); EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,NCDU_TCPIP_INFO_FRAME), bFrameState);
FREE_IF_ALLOC (szProtocol); }
static BOOL ComputeDefaultDefaultGateway ( IN HWND hwndDlg ) /*++
Routine Description:
Generates a default value for the default gateway using the IP address and Sub Net mask
Handle to the dialog box window
Return Value:
TRUE if a default value was entered, FALSE if not
USHORT usIpArray[4], usSnArray[4], usDgArray[4];
// if not initialized, then preset to
// default value
GetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_IP_ADDR, szIpAddr, IP_CHARLIMIT); if (LoadIpAddrArray(szIpAddr, &usIpArray[0])) { GetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_SUBNET_MASK, szSubNet, IP_CHARLIMIT); if (LoadIpAddrArray(szSubNet, &usSnArray[0])) { GetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_DEFAULT_GATEWAY, szDefGate, IP_CHARLIMIT); if (LoadIpAddrArray(szDefGate, &usDgArray[0])) { if ((usDgArray[0] == 0) && (usDgArray[1] == 0) && (usDgArray[2] == 0) && (usDgArray[3] == 0)) { usDgArray[0] = usIpArray[0] & usSnArray[0]; usDgArray[1] = usIpArray[1] & usSnArray[1]; usDgArray[2] = usIpArray[2] & usSnArray[2]; usDgArray[3] = usIpArray[3] & usSnArray[3]; SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_DEFAULT_GATEWAY, MakeIpAddrString(&usDgArray[0])); return TRUE; // value updated
} } } } return FALSE; // value not updated
static BOOL ServerConnDlg_WM_INITDIALOG ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Processes the WM_INITDIALOG windows message by initializing the display fields in the dialog box and setting focus to the first entry field
IN HWND hwndDlg Handle to the dialog box window
IN WPARAM wParam Not Used
IN LPARAM lParam Not Used
Return Value:
--*/ { LONG lProtocolNdx; LPTSTR szServerArg; LPTSTR szServerName; LPTSTR szPathOnServer;
szServerName = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES); szPathOnServer = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, MAX_PATH_BYTES);
if ((szServerName == NULL) || (szPathOnServer == NULL)) { SetLastError (ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); EndDialog (hwndDlg, (int)WM_CLOSE); return FALSE; }
RemoveMaximizeFromSysMenu (hwndDlg); PositionWindow (hwndDlg);
// get name of server with client tree
lstrcpy (szServerName, cszDoubleBackslash); if (!GetNetPathInfo (pAppInfo->szDistPath, &szServerName[2], szPathOnServer)) { // unable to look up server, so use local path
szServerArg = NULL; } else { szServerArg = szServerName; }
ListNetworkTransports (hwndDlg, szServerArg);
// select current protocol (if any)
if (*pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szName != 0) { lProtocolNdx = (LONG)SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_PROTOCOL_COMBO_BOX, CB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szName); if (lProtocolNdx == CB_ERR) { // selection not found so apply default
lProtocolNdx = 0; } SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_PROTOCOL_COMBO_BOX, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)lProtocolNdx, 0); }
SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_USERNAME, EM_LIMITTEXT, MAX_USERNAME, 0); if (pAppInfo->szUsername[0] == 0) { SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_USERNAME, GetDefaultUsername()); } else { SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_USERNAME, pAppInfo->szUsername); }
SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_DOMAIN, EM_LIMITTEXT, MAX_DOMAINNAME, 0); if (pAppInfo->szDomain[0] == 0) { SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_DOMAIN, GetDefaultDomain()); } else { SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_DOMAIN, pAppInfo->szDomain); } SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_IP_ADDR, EM_LIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)IP_CHARLIMIT, 0); SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_SUBNET_MASK, EM_LIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)IP_CHARLIMIT, 0); SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_IP_ADDR, MakeIpAddrString(&pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.IpAddr[0])); SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_SUBNET_MASK, MakeIpAddrString(&pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.SubNetMask[0])); SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_DEFAULT_GATEWAY, MakeIpAddrString(&pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.DefaultGateway[0]));
if (pAppInfo->bUseDhcp) { CheckDlgButton (hwndDlg, NCDU_USE_DHCP, CHECKED); } else { CheckDlgButton (hwndDlg, NCDU_USE_DHCP, UNCHECKED); }
if (*pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath == 0) { SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_TARGET_DRIVEPATH, cszADriveRoot); } else { SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_TARGET_DRIVEPATH, pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath); }
SetTcpIpWindowState (hwndDlg); SetFocus (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_COMPUTER_NAME)); // clear old Dialog and register current
PostMessage (GetParent(hwndDlg), NCDU_CLEAR_DLG, (WPARAM)hwndDlg, IDOK); PostMessage (GetParent(hwndDlg), NCDU_REGISTER_DLG, NCDU_SERVER_CFG_DLG, (LPARAM)hwndDlg);
FREE_IF_ALLOC(szServerName); FREE_IF_ALLOC(szPathOnServer);
return FALSE; }
static BOOL ServerConnDlg_IDOK ( IN HWND hwndDlg ) /*++
Routine Description:
Processes the OK button command by validating the entries and storing them in the global application data structure. If an invalid value is detected a message box is displayed and the focus is set to the offending field, otherwise, the dialog box is terminated.
IN HWND hwndDlg Handle to the dialog box window
Return Value:
--*/ { int nComboItem; int nMbResult;
BOOL bProtocolLoaded; PNETWORK_PROTOCOL_NAMES pThisNetProtocol;
// save settings
GetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_COMPUTER_NAME, pAppInfo->szComputerName, MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH); TrimSpaces (pAppInfo->szComputerName); // see if there is a string...signal if no entry
if (lstrlen(pAppInfo->szComputerName) == 0) { DisplayMessageBox ( hwndDlg, NCDU_INVALID_MACHINENAME, 0, MB_OK_TASK_EXCL); SetFocus (GetDlgItem (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_COMPUTER_NAME)); return TRUE; }
GetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_USERNAME, pAppInfo->szUsername, MAX_USERNAME); TrimSpaces (pAppInfo->szUsername); GetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_DOMAIN, pAppInfo->szDomain, MAX_DOMAINNAME); TrimSpaces (pAppInfo->szDomain); nComboItem = (int)SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_PROTOCOL_COMBO_BOX, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_PROTOCOL_COMBO_BOX, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)nComboItem, (LPARAM)pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szName);
// look up keyname from protocol name
if (_tcsnicmp(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szName, cszTcpKey, lstrlen(cszTcpKey)) == 0) { lstrcpy(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey, cszTcpIpEntry); } else if (_tcsnicmp(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szName, cszNetbeuiKey, lstrlen(cszNetbeuiKey)) == 0) { AddMessageToExitList (pAppInfo, NCDU_NETBEUI_NOT_ROUT); lstrcpy(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey, cszNetbeuiEntry); } else if (_tcsnicmp(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szName, cszIpxKey, lstrlen(cszIpxKey)) == 0) { lstrcpy(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey, cszIpxEntry); } else { lstrcpy(pAppInfo->piFloppyProtocol.szKey, cszEmptyString); }
// see if this protocol is supported by the server
bProtocolLoaded = FALSE;
for (pThisNetProtocol = &NetProtocolList[0]; pThisNetProtocol->nDisplayName != 0; pThisNetProtocol = &pThisNetProtocol[1]) { // load combo box with "transports"
if (pThisNetProtocol->nListBoxEntry == nComboItem) { if (pThisNetProtocol->bLoaded) { bProtocolLoaded = TRUE; } } }
if (!bProtocolLoaded) { nMbResult = DisplayMessageBox (hwndDlg, NCDU_UNSUP_PROTOCOL, 0, MB_OKCANCEL_TASK_EXCL); if (nMbResult != IDOK) { return TRUE; } }
// Get target drive and path
GetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_TARGET_DRIVEPATH, pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath, MAX_PATH); TrimSpaces (pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath); mtDest = GetDriveTypeFromPath(pAppInfo->szBootFilesPath); if (mtDest == Unknown) { nMbResult = DisplayMessageBox ( hwndDlg, NCDU_NO_MEDIA, 0, MB_OKCANCEL_TASK_EXCL); switch (nMbResult) { case IDOK: break;
case IDCANCEL: // they want to go back to the dialog and insert a disk so bail out
return TRUE; } } else if (mtDest != pAppInfo->mtBootDriveType) { nMbResult = DisplayMessageBox ( hwndDlg, NCDU_DEST_NOT_FLOPPY, 0, MB_OKCANCEL_TASK_EXCL); switch (nMbResult) { case IDOK: break;
case IDCANCEL: // they want to go back to the dialog so bail out
SetFocus (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, NCDU_TARGET_DRIVEPATH)); return TRUE; } }
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, NCDU_USE_DHCP) == CHECKED) { pAppInfo->bUseDhcp = TRUE; pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.IpAddr[0] = 0; pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.IpAddr[1] = 0; pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.IpAddr[2] = 0; pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.IpAddr[3] = 0; pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.SubNetMask[0] = 0; pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.SubNetMask[1] = 0; pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.SubNetMask[2] = 0; pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.SubNetMask[3] = 0; PostMessage (GetParent(hwndDlg), NCDU_SHOW_CONFIRM_DLG, 0, 0); } else { pAppInfo->bUseDhcp = FALSE; GetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_IP_ADDR, szIp, (IP_CHARLIMIT *2)); if (LoadIpAddrArray(szIp, &pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.IpAddr[0])) { GetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_SUBNET_MASK, szIp, (IP_CHARLIMIT *2)); if (LoadIpAddrArray(szIp, &pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.SubNetMask[0])) { GetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_DEFAULT_GATEWAY, szIp, (IP_CHARLIMIT *2)); if (LoadIpAddrArray(szIp, &pAppInfo->tiTcpIpInfo.DefaultGateway[0])) { PostMessage (GetParent(hwndDlg), NCDU_SHOW_CONFIRM_DLG, 0, 0); } else { // bad Default Gateway
DisplayMessageBox ( hwndDlg, NCDU_BAD_DEFAULT_GATEWAY, 0, MB_OK_TASK_EXCL); SetFocus (GetDlgItem (hwndDlg, NCDU_DEFAULT_GATEWAY)); SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_DEFAULT_GATEWAY, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)-1); } } else { // bad Subnet Mask
DisplayMessageBox ( hwndDlg, NCDU_BAD_SUBNET_MASK, 0, MB_OK_TASK_EXCL); SetFocus (GetDlgItem (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_SUBNET_MASK)); SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_SUBNET_MASK, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)-1); } } else { // bad IP
DisplayMessageBox ( hwndDlg, NCDU_BAD_IP_ADDR, 0, MB_OK_TASK_EXCL); SetFocus (GetDlgItem (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_IP_ADDR)); SendDlgItemMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_FLOPPY_IP_ADDR, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)-1); } }
return FALSE; }
static BOOL ServerConnDlg_WM_COMMAND ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dispatches to the correct routine based on the user input. Enables/disables the TCP/IP address info fields when the Protocol is changed Ends the dialog box if Cancel is selected Dispatches to the IDOK function if OK selected.
IN HWND hwndDlg Handle to dialog box window
IN WPARAM wParam LOWORD contains the ID of the control issuing the command
IN LPARAM lParam Not used
Return Value:
FALSE if processed TRUE if not processed
--*/ { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case NCDU_USE_DHCP: case NCDU_PROTOCOL_COMBO_BOX: SetTcpIpWindowState (hwndDlg); return TRUE;
case NCDU_BROWSE: PostMessage (hwndDlg, NCDU_BROWSE_DEST_PATH, 0, 0); return TRUE;
case IDCANCEL: PostMessage (GetParent(hwndDlg), NCDU_SHOW_TARGET_WS_DLG, 0, 0); return TRUE;
case NCDU_DEFAULT_GATEWAY: if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_SETFOCUS) { ComputeDefaultDefaultGateway (hwndDlg); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; }
case IDOK: return ServerConnDlg_IDOK(hwndDlg); case NCDU_SERVER_CONN_CFG_HELP: switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: // return ShowAppHelp (hwndDlg, LOWORD(wParam));
return PostMessage (GetParent(hwndDlg), WM_HOTKEY, (WPARAM)NCDU_HELP_HOT_KEY, 0);
default: return FALSE; }
default: return FALSE; } }
static BOOL ServerConnDlg_NCDU_BROWSE_DEST_PATH ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Displays the file /dir browser to enter the destination path entry
IN HWND hwndDlg Handle to dialog box window
IN WPARAM wParam Not Used
IN LPARAM lParam Not Used
Return Value:
--*/ { DB_DATA BrowseInfo; TCHAR szTempPath[MAX_PATH+1];
GetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_TARGET_DRIVEPATH, szTempPath, MAX_PATH);
BrowseInfo.dwTitle = NCDU_BROWSE_COPY_DEST_PATH; BrowseInfo.szPath = szTempPath; BrowseInfo.Flags = PDB_FLAGS_NOCHECKDIR;
if (DialogBoxParam ( (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_HINSTANCE), MAKEINTRESOURCE(NCDU_DIR_BROWSER), hwndDlg, DirBrowseDlgProc, (LPARAM)&BrowseInfo) == IDOK) {
SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, NCDU_TARGET_DRIVEPATH, szTempPath);
} SetFocus( GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, NCDU_TARGET_DRIVEPATH));
return TRUE; }
static BOOL ServerConnDlg_NCDU_WM_NCDESTROY ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) { return TRUE; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK ServerConnDlgProc ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN UINT message, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dialog box procedure for the Server connection configuration dialog box. The following windows messages are processed by this function:
WM_INITDIALOG: Dialog box initialization WM_COMMAND: user input WM_NCDESTROY: to free memory before leaving
all other messages are sent to the default dialog box proc.
Standard WNDPROC arguments
Return Value:
FALSE if message not processed by this module, otherwise the value returned by the dispatched routine.
--*/ { switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return (ServerConnDlg_WM_INITDIALOG (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); case WM_COMMAND: return (ServerConnDlg_WM_COMMAND (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); case NCDU_BROWSE_DEST_PATH: return (ServerConnDlg_NCDU_BROWSE_DEST_PATH (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); case WM_PAINT: return (Dlg_WM_PAINT (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); case WM_MOVE: return (Dlg_WM_MOVE (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); case WM_SYSCOMMAND: return (Dlg_WM_SYSCOMMAND (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); case WM_NCDESTROY: return (ServerConnDlg_NCDU_WM_NCDESTROY (hwndDlg, wParam, lParam)); default: return FALSE; } }