Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
String Constant definitions for the Net Client Disk Utility.
Bob Watson (a-robw)
Revision History:
17 Feb 94 Written
--*/ #include <windows.h>
#include "otnboot.h"
// ncadmin.c strings
LPCTSTR szAppName = TEXT("NCAdmin"); // The name of this application
// copyflop.c format strings
LPCTSTR cszNames = TEXT("_names"); LPCTSTR cszLabel = TEXT("_label"); //
// makeflop.c format strings
LPCTSTR fmtNetcardDefEntry = TEXT("netcard=%s,1,%s,1"); LPCTSTR fmtTransportDefEntry = TEXT("transport=ms$ndishlp,MS$NDISHLP"); LPCTSTR fmtTransportItem = TEXT("transport=%s,%s"); LPCTSTR fmtLana0Entry = TEXT("lana0=%s,1,%s"); LPCTSTR fmtLana1Entry = TEXT("lana1=%s,1,ms$ndishlp"); LPCTSTR fmtIniSection = TEXT("[%s]"); LPCTSTR fmtIniKeyEntry = TEXT("%s=%s"); LPCTSTR fmtCmntIniKeyEntry = TEXT("; %s=%s"); LPCTSTR fmtProtmanSection = TEXT("[protman]"); LPCTSTR fmtBindingsEntry = TEXT("BINDINGS=%s"); LPCTSTR fmtXifEntry = TEXT("%s_xif"); LPCTSTR fmtLanabase0 = TEXT("LANABASE=0"); LPCTSTR fmtNoFilesharing = TEXT("filesharing=no"); LPCTSTR fmtNoPrintsharing = TEXT("printsharing=no"); LPCTSTR fmtYesAutologon = TEXT("autologon=yes"); LPCTSTR fmtComputernameEntry = TEXT("computername=%s"); LPCTSTR fmtLanaRootOnA = TEXT("lanroot=A:\\NET"); LPCTSTR fmtUsernameEntry = TEXT("username=%s"); LPCTSTR fmtWorkgroupEntry = TEXT("workgroup=%s"); LPCTSTR fmtNoReconnect = TEXT("reconnect=no"); LPCTSTR fmtNoDirectHost = TEXT("directhost=no"); LPCTSTR fmtNoDosPopHotKey = TEXT("dospophotkey=N"); LPCTSTR fmtLmLogon0 = TEXT("lmlogon=0"); LPCTSTR fmtLmLogon1 = TEXT("lmlogon=1"); LPCTSTR fmtLogonDomainEntry = TEXT("logondomain=%s"); LPCTSTR fmtPreferredRedirBasic = TEXT("preferredredir=basic"); LPCTSTR fmtAutostartBasic = TEXT("autostart=basic"); LPCTSTR fmtPreferredRedirFull = TEXT("preferredredir=full"); LPCTSTR fmtAutostartFull = TEXT("autostart=full"); LPCTSTR fmtMaxConnections = TEXT("maxconnections=8"); LPCTSTR fmtNetworkDriversSection = TEXT("[network drivers]"); LPCTSTR fmtNetcardEntry = TEXT("netcard=%s"); LPCTSTR fmtTcpTransportEntry = TEXT("transport=tcpdrv.dos,nemm.dos"); LPCTSTR fmtNdisTransportEntry = TEXT("transport=ndishlp.sys"); LPCTSTR fmtNetbeuiAddon = TEXT(",*netbeui"); LPCTSTR fmtDevdir = TEXT("devdir=A:\\NET"); LPCTSTR fmtLoadRmDrivers = TEXT("LoadRMDrivers=yes"); LPCTSTR fmtPasswordListSection = TEXT("[Password Lists]"); #ifdef JAPAN
LPCTSTR fmtPause = TEXT("@pause"); #endif
LPCTSTR fmtPathSpec = TEXT("path=a:\\net"); LPCTSTR fmtNetPrefix = TEXT("a:\\net\\"); LPCTSTR fmtNetUseDrive = TEXT("net use z: %s"); LPCTSTR fmtSetupCommand = TEXT("z:\\%s\\%s"); LPCTSTR fmtFilesParam = TEXT("files=30"); LPCTSTR fmtDeviceIfsHlpSys = TEXT("device=a:\\net\\ifshlp.sys"); LPCTSTR fmtLastDrive = TEXT("lastdrive=z"); LPCTSTR fmtEmptyParam = TEXT("%s="); LPCTSTR fmtIpParam = TEXT("%s=%d %d %d %d"); LPCTSTR fmtAutoexec = TEXT("_autoexec"); LPCTSTR fmtNBSessions = TEXT("NBSessions=6"); LPCTSTR fmtLoadHiMem = TEXT("DEVICE=A:\\NET\\HIMEM.SYS"); LPCTSTR fmtLoadEMM386 = TEXT("DEVICE=A:\\NET\\EMM386.EXE NOEMS"); LPCTSTR fmtDosHigh = TEXT("DOS=HIGH,UMB"); #ifdef JAPAN
// servconn.c format strings
LPCTSTR fmtRandomName = TEXT("%4.4x%4.4x%4.4x"); LPCTSTR fmtIpAddr = TEXT("%d.%d.%d.%d"); LPCTSTR fmtIpAddrParse = TEXT(" %d.%d.%d.%d"); LPCTSTR cszZeroNetAddress = TEXT("000000000000"); #ifdef JAPAN
LPCTSTR fmtWinntUs = TEXT("winntus.exe"); LPCTSTR fmtAppendUs = TEXT("us"); #endif
// findclnt.c
LPCTSTR cszToolsDir = TEXT("clients\\srvtools"); LPCTSTR cszSrvtoolsDir = TEXT("srvtools"); LPCTSTR cszClientsDir = TEXT("clients"); //
// exitmess.c format strings
LPCTSTR fmtLeadingSpaces = TEXT(" "); //
// INF file strings
LPCTSTR cszOTNCommonFiles = TEXT("OTN Common Files"); #ifdef JAPAN
LPCTSTR cszOTNDOSVFiles = TEXT("OTN DOS/V Files"); LPCTSTR cszDOSV = TEXT("dosv"); LPCTSTR cszDOSVLabel1 = TEXT("OTN-DISK1"); LPCTSTR cszDOSVLabel2 = TEXT("OTN-DISK2"); LPCTSTR cszDOSVCommonFiles = TEXT("OTN DOS/V Common Files"); #endif
LPCTSTR cszNetworkSetup = TEXT("[network.setup]"); LPCTSTR cszInfVersion = TEXT("version=0x3110"); LPCTSTR cszNdis2 = TEXT("ndis2"); LPCTSTR cszDrivername = TEXT("drivername"); LPCTSTR cszProtmanInstall = TEXT("protman_install"); LPCTSTR cszNetdir = TEXT("netdir"); LPCTSTR cszProtman = TEXT("protman"); LPCTSTR cszMsNdisHlp = TEXT("[MS$NDISHLP]"); LPCTSTR cszMsNdisHlpXif = TEXT("MS$NDISHLP_XIF"); LPCTSTR cszNetworkSection = TEXT("[network]"); LPCTSTR cszDirs = TEXT("Dirs"); LPCTSTR cszDontShowDirs = TEXT("DontShowDirs"); LPCTSTR cszSizes = TEXT("Sizes"); LPCTSTR cszOtnInstall = TEXT("OTN Install"); LPCTSTR cszClient = TEXT("Client"); LPCTSTR cszInf = TEXT("Inf"); LPCTSTR cszNetcard = TEXT("netcard"); LPCTSTR cszOEMInfs = TEXT("OEMInfs"); LPCTSTR cszOTN = TEXT("OTN"); LPCTSTR cszDiskSet = TEXT("DiskSet"); LPCTSTR cszCopyClients = TEXT("CopyClients"); LPCTSTR csz_ClientTree_ = TEXT("_ClientTree_"); LPCTSTR csz_ToolsTree_ = TEXT("_ToolsTree_"); LPCTSTR csz_SystemFileSize_ = TEXT("_SystemFileSize_"); LPCTSTR cszWarningClients = TEXT("WarningClients"); LPCTSTR cszCaption = TEXT("caption"); LPCTSTR cszDiskOptions = TEXT("DiskOptions"); LPCTSTR cszUseCleanDisk = TEXT("UseCleanDisk"); LPCTSTR cszUseCleanDiskYes = TEXT("Yes"); //
// "hardcoded" filenames
LPCTSTR cszAppInfName = TEXT ("ncadmin.inf"); LPCTSTR cszOtnBootInf = TEXT ("ncadmin.inf"); LPCTSTR cszSrvToolsInf = TEXT ("srvtools.inf"); LPCTSTR cszConfigSys = TEXT("config.sys"); LPCTSTR cszAutoexecBat = TEXT("autoexec.bat"); LPCTSTR cszSystemIni = TEXT("system.ini"); LPCTSTR cszProtocolIni = TEXT("protocol.ini"); LPCTSTR cszNetUtils = TEXT("netutils"); LPCTSTR cszSrvToolSigFile = TEXT("srvtools.inf"); LPCTSTR cszNetMsgDll = TEXT("netmsg.dll"); LPCTSTR fmtDiskNumber = TEXT("DISK%d");
// files to look for in order to tell if it's bootable floppy
// "hardcoded" registry entries
LPCTSTR cszSystemProductOptions = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions"); LPCTSTR cszProductType = TEXT("ProductType"); LPCTSTR cszLanmanNt = TEXT("LanmanNT"); LPCTSTR cszWinNt = TEXT("WinNT"); LPCTSTR cszNetDriveListKeyName = TEXT("Network\\"); LPCTSTR cszRemotePathValue = TEXT("RemotePath"); LPCTSTR cszLanmanServerShares = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LanmanServer\\Shares"); LPCTSTR cszPath = TEXT("Path"); LPCTSTR cszSoftwareMicrosoft = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft"); LPCTSTR cszCurrentVersion = TEXT("CurrentVersion"); LPCTSTR cszSoftwareType = TEXT ("SoftwareType"); LPCTSTR cszTransport = TEXT("transport"); LPCTSTR cszTitle = TEXT ("Title"); LPCTSTR cszProtocol = TEXT("Protocol"); LPCTSTR cszUserInfoKey = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Network"); LPCTSTR cszLastClientServer = TEXT("LastClientServer"); LPCTSTR cszLastClientSharepoint = TEXT("LastClientSharepoint"); LPCTSTR cszLastToolsServer = TEXT("LastToolsServer"); LPCTSTR cszLastToolsSharepoint = TEXT("LastToolsSharepoint"); //
// miscellaneous strings
LPCTSTR cszNet = TEXT("NET"); LPCTSTR cszTCP = TEXT("TCP"); LPCTSTR cszNetbeui = TEXT("NETBEUI"); LPCTSTR cszBrowseFilterList = TEXT("Config files (*.inf)\0*.inf\0\0"); LPCTSTR cszTcpKey = TEXT("TCP"); LPCTSTR cszTcpIpEntry = TEXT("tcpip"); LPCTSTR cszNetbeuiKey = TEXT("NETBEUI"); LPCTSTR cszNetbeuiEntry = TEXT("ms$netbeui"); LPCTSTR cszIpxKey = TEXT("NWLink"); LPCTSTR cszIpxEntry = TEXT("ms$nwlink"); LPCTSTR cszNetsetup = TEXT("netsetup"); LPCTSTR cszDisks = TEXT("disks"); LPCTSTR cszDisk = TEXT(" Disk"); LPCTSTR cszSetupCmd = TEXT("SetupCmd"); LPCTSTR cszDefaultGateway = TEXT("DefaultGateway0"); LPCTSTR cszSubNetMask = TEXT("SubNetMask0"); LPCTSTR cszIPAddress = TEXT("IPAddress0"); LPCTSTR cszDisableDHCP = TEXT("DisableDHCP"); LPCTSTR cszTcpIpDriver = TEXT("DriverName=TCPIP$"); LPCTSTR cszBindings = TEXT("BINDINGS"); LPCTSTR cszHelpFile = TEXT("NCADMIN.HLP"); #ifdef TERMSRV
LPCTSTR cszHelpSession = TEXT("Help"); LPCTSTR cszHelpFileNameKey = TEXT("HelpFileName"); #endif // TERMSRV
LPCTSTR cszWfwDir = TEXT("wfw"); LPCTSTR cszWin95Dir = TEXT("win95"); LPCTSTR cszDebug = TEXT("Debug"); LPCTSTR cszDefaultLocalizer = TEXT("LOCALIZER'S NAME"); LPCTSTR cszFrame = TEXT("FRAME"); LPCTSTR cszTokenRing = TEXT("tokenring"); LPCTSTR cszTokenRingEntry = TEXT("TOKENRING"); //
// characters
LPCTSTR cszEmptyString = TEXT("\0"); LPCTSTR cszCR = TEXT("\r"); LPCTSTR cszCrLf = TEXT("\r\n"); LPCTSTR cszComma = TEXT(","); LPCTSTR csz1 = TEXT("1"); LPCTSTR csz0 = TEXT("0"); LPCTSTR csz2Spaces = TEXT(" "); LPCTSTR cszPoundSign = TEXT("#"); //
// file related strings
LPCTSTR cszBackslash = TEXT("\\"); LPCTSTR cszWildcardFile = TEXT("\\*.*"); LPCTSTR cszWildcard = TEXT("*.*"); LPCTSTR cszAColon = TEXT("A:"); LPCTSTR cszBColon = TEXT("B:"); #ifdef JAPAN
// fixed kkntbug #11940
// Network client administrator can not make install disks on PC with C drive as FD
LPCTSTR cszLastDrive = TEXT("Z"); LPCTSTR cszColon = TEXT(":"); #endif
LPCTSTR cszDisksSubDir = TEXT("disks\\"); LPCTSTR cszDot = TEXT("."); LPCTSTR cszDotDot = TEXT(".."); LPCTSTR cszDoubleBackslash = TEXT("\\\\"); LPCTSTR cszADriveRoot = TEXT("A:\\"); LPCTSTR cszBDriveRoot = TEXT("B:\\");