/****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* ERNCCM.CPP */ /* */ /* Conference Manager class for the Reference System Node Controller. */ /* */ /* Copyright Data Connection Ltd. 1995 */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Changes: */ /* */ /* 07Jul95 NFC Created. */ /* 23Aug95 NFC Bad trace in StartConference(). */ /* 05Sep95 NFC Integration with CMP_Notify* API. */ /* 13Sep95 NFC Added handler for GCC_EJECT_USER_INDICATION */ /* 19Sep95 NFC Missing break in GetConfIDFromMessage(). */ /****************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h"
DEBUG_FILEZONE(ZONE_GCC_NC); #include "ernccons.h"
#include "nccglbl.hpp"
#include "erncvrsn.hpp"
#include "t120app.h"
#include <cuserdta.hpp>
#include <confreg.h>
#include "erncconf.hpp"
#include "ernccm.hpp"
#include "ernctrc.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "plgxprt.h"
#include <service.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
BOOL g_fInterfaceBreak = FALSE; #endif
// Global data structures.
DCRNCConferenceManager *g_pNCConfMgr = NULL; CQueryRemoteWorkList *g_pQueryRemoteList = NULL; INodeControllerEvents *g_pCallbackInterface = NULL; HINSTANCE g_hDllInst = NULL; IT120ControlSAP *g_pIT120ControlSap = NULL; BOOL g_bRDS = FALSE;
extern PController g_pMCSController; extern PTransportInterface g_Transport;
// Private function prototypes.
void HandleAddInd(AddIndicationMessage * pAddInd); void HandleQueryConfirmation(QueryConfirmMessage * pQueryMessage); void HandleQueryIndication(QueryIndicationMessage * pQueryMessage); void HandleConductGiveInd(ConductGiveIndicationMessage * pConductGiveInd); void HandleLockIndication(LockIndicationMessage * pLockInd); void HandleUnlockIndication(UnlockIndicationMessage * pUnlockInd); void HandleSubInitializedInd(SubInitializedIndicationMessage * pSubInitInd); void HandleTimeInquireIndication(TimeInquireIndicationMessage * pTimeInquireInd); void HandleApplicationInvokeIndication(ApplicationInvokeIndicationMessage * pInvokeMessage);
BOOL InitializePluggableTransport(void); void CleanupPluggableTransport(void);
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hDllInst, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID) { switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { g_hDllInst = hDllInst; ASSERT (g_hDllInst != NULL); DisableThreadLibraryCalls (hDllInst); DBG_INIT_MEMORY_TRACKING(hDllInst); ::InitializeCriticalSection(&g_csTransport); T120DiagnosticCreate(); break; }
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { g_hDllInst = NULL; /*
* Go cleanup all resources on behalf of the process that is * detaching from this DLL. */ T120DiagnosticDestroy (); ::DeleteCriticalSection(&g_csTransport); DBG_CHECK_MEMORY_TRACKING(hDllInst); break; } } return (TRUE); }
HRESULT WINAPI T120_CreateNodeController ( INodeController **ppNodeCtrlIntf, INodeControllerEvents *pEventsCallback, BSTR szName, DWORD_PTR dwCredentials, DWORD flags ) { DebugEntry(T120_CreateNodeController);
ASSERT(ppNodeCtrlIntf); ASSERT(pEventsCallback);
if (NULL == g_pNCConfMgr) { *ppNodeCtrlIntf = NULL;
g_bRDS = ((flags & NMMANAGER_SERVICE) != 0);
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE if (NULL != (g_pNCConfMgr = new DCRNCConferenceManager(pEventsCallback, szName, &hr))) { if (S_OK == hr) { *ppNodeCtrlIntf = (INodeController*) g_pNCConfMgr;
// Security. Create transport interface if we don't have one.
// Update credentials if we do.
if (!g_Transport->pSecurityInterface) { g_Transport->pSecurityInterface = new SecurityInterface(); if ( TPRTSEC_NOERROR != g_Transport->pSecurityInterface->Initialize()) { delete g_Transport->pSecurityInterface; g_Transport->pSecurityInterface = NULL; } } else { g_Transport->pSecurityInterface-> InitializeCreds((PCCERT_CONTEXT)dwCredentials); } } else { g_pNCConfMgr->Release(); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = UI_RC_T120_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; }
DebugExitHRESULT(T120_CreateNodeController, hr); return hr; }
/****************************************************************************/ /* Constructor - see ernccm.hpp */ /****************************************************************************/ DCRNCConferenceManager:: DCRNCConferenceManager ( INodeControllerEvents *pCallback, BSTR szUserName, HRESULT *pRetCode ) : CRefCount(MAKE_STAMP_ID('N', 'C', 'C', 'M')), m_eState(CM_ST_UNINITIALIZED), m_bstrUserName(NULL) { GCCError GCCrc; HRESULT hr = NO_ERROR;
// There should be only one NC conference manager in the system.
ASSERT(NULL == g_pNCConfMgr); ASSERT(pRetCode);
m_bstrUserName = SysAllocString(szUserName);
// Save the callback interface
g_pCallbackInterface = pCallback;
// Create the query-remote list.
ASSERT(NULL == g_pQueryRemoteList); DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE g_pQueryRemoteList = new CQueryRemoteWorkList(); if (g_pQueryRemoteList == NULL) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create Query Remote List")); hr = UI_RC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto MyExit; }
/************************************************************************/ /* For GCCInitialize: */ /* */ /* - pass in a pointer to CM as the user defined data, allowing */ /* GCCCallBackHandler to call back into CM to handle GCC callbacks. */ /************************************************************************/ GCCrc = ::T120_CreateControlSAP(&g_pIT120ControlSap, this, GCCCallBackHandler); if (GCCrc == GCC_NO_ERROR) { m_eState = CM_ST_GCC_INITIALIZED; hr = NO_ERROR; } else { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to initializeGCC, GCC error %d", GCCrc)); hr = ::GetGCCRCDetails(GCCrc); }
*pRetCode = hr;
DebugExitHRESULT(DCRNCConferenceManager::DCRNCConferenceManager, hr); }
/****************************************************************************/ /* Destructor - see ernccm.hpp */ /****************************************************************************/ DCRNCConferenceManager:: ~DCRNCConferenceManager(void) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::~DCRNCConferenceManager);
// Make sure no one can use this global pointer any more since
// we are deleting this object.
g_pNCConfMgr = NULL; g_pCallbackInterface = NULL;
// Clean up the query-remote list
delete g_pQueryRemoteList; g_pQueryRemoteList = NULL;
// If we have initialized GCC, uninitialize it.
if (NULL != g_pIT120ControlSap) { ASSERT(CM_ST_GCC_INITIALIZED == m_eState); g_pIT120ControlSap->ReleaseInterface(); g_pIT120ControlSap = NULL; } m_eState = CM_ST_UNINITIALIZED;
if (m_bstrUserName) { SysFreeString(m_bstrUserName); m_bstrUserName = NULL; }
DebugExitVOID(DCRNCConferenceManager::~DCRNCConferenceManager); }
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Implementation of INodeController interface
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
STDMETHODIMP_(void) DCRNCConferenceManager:: ReleaseInterface ( void ) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::ReleaseInterface); InterfaceEntry();
// End and delete all the conferences.
PCONFERENCE pConf; while (NULL != (pConf = m_ConfList.Get())) { RemoveConference(pConf, TRUE, TRUE); }
// Free the query remote list
// Empty our sequential lists of entries without owners.
m_InviteIndWorkList.DeleteList(); m_JoinIndWorkList.DeleteList();
// Reset the NC related data
g_pCallbackInterface = NULL;
// Release this object now.
DebugExitVOID(DCRNCConferenceManager::ReleaseInterface); }
STDMETHODIMP DCRNCConferenceManager:: QueryRemote ( LPVOID pCallerContext, LPCSTR pcszNodeAddress, BOOL fSecure, BOOL bIsConferenceActive ) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::QueryRemote); InterfaceEntry();
#if defined(TEST_PLUGGABLE) && defined(_DEBUG)
if (g_fWinsockDisabled) { pcszNodeAddress = ::FakeNodeAddress(pcszNodeAddress); } #endif
if (NULL != pcszNodeAddress) { // if winsock is disabled, block any IP address or machine name
if (g_fWinsockDisabled) { if (! IsValidPluggableTransportName(pcszNodeAddress)) { return UI_RC_NO_WINSOCK; } }
// Construct context for the life of the request.
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE CQueryRemoteWork *pQueryRemote; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pQueryRemote = new CQueryRemoteWork(pCallerContext, bIsConferenceActive ? GCC_ASYMMETRY_CALLER : GCC_ASYMMETRY_UNKNOWN, // GCC_ASYMMETRY_CALLER, // lonchanc: always want to be the caller
pcszNodeAddress, fSecure, &hr); if (NULL != pQueryRemote && NO_ERROR == hr) { //
// LONCHANC: The following call is to put this query remote work item
// to the global list, and do the work. We have to do this because
// we removed the physical connection.
// Put entry in list of pending query requests to
// issue GCCConferenceQuery on connection.
hr = NO_ERROR; } else { ERROR_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::QueryRemote:: can't allocate query remote work item")); delete pQueryRemote; hr = UI_RC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else { ERROR_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::QueryRemote:: null pcszAddress")); hr = UI_RC_NO_ADDRESS; }
DebugExitHRESULT(DCRNCConferenceManager::QueryRemote, hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP DCRNCConferenceManager:: CancelQueryRemote ( LPVOID pCallerContext ) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::CancelQueryRemote); InterfaceEntry();
HRESULT hr = g_pQueryRemoteList->Cancel(pCallerContext);
DebugExitHRESULT(DCRNCConferenceManager::CancelQueryRemote, hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP DCRNCConferenceManager:: CreateConference ( LPCWSTR pcwszConfName, LPCWSTR pcwszPassword, PBYTE pbHashedPassword, DWORD cbHashedPassword, BOOL fSecure, CONF_HANDLE *phConf ) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::CreateConference); InterfaceEntry();
if (NULL != phConf) { *phConf = NULL; if (! ::IsEmptyStringW(pcwszConfName)) { PCONFERENCE pNewConf;
/************************************************************************/ /* Create a new conference. */ /************************************************************************/ hr = CreateNewConference(pcwszConfName, NULL, &pNewConf, FALSE, fSecure); if (NO_ERROR == hr) { ASSERT(NULL != pNewConf);
/****************************************************************/ /* Only need the name for a new local conference. */ /****************************************************************/ hr = pNewConf->StartLocal(pcwszPassword, pbHashedPassword, cbHashedPassword); if (NO_ERROR == hr) { pNewConf->SetNotifyToDo(TRUE); *phConf = (CONF_HANDLE) pNewConf; } else { ERROR_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::CreateConference: can't start local conference, hr=0x%x", (UINT) hr)); if (hr != UI_RC_CONFERENCE_ALREADY_EXISTS) { RemoveConference(pNewConf); } } } else { ERROR_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::CreateConference: failed to create new conference, hr=0x%x", (UINT) hr)); } } else { ERROR_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::CreateConference: invalid conference name")); hr = UI_RC_NO_CONFERENCE_NAME; } } else { ERROR_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::CreateConference: null phConf")); hr = UI_RC_BAD_PARAMETER; }
DebugExitHRESULT(DCRNCConferenceManager::CreateConference, hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP DCRNCConferenceManager:: JoinConference ( LPCWSTR pcwszConfName, LPCWSTR pcwszPassword, LPCSTR pcszNodeAddress, BOOL fSecure, CONF_HANDLE *phConf ) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::JoinConference); InterfaceEntry();
#if defined(TEST_PLUGGABLE) && defined(_DEBUG)
if (g_fWinsockDisabled) { pcszNodeAddress = ::FakeNodeAddress(pcszNodeAddress); } #endif
if (NULL != phConf) { *phConf = NULL; if (! ::IsEmptyStringW(pcwszConfName) && NULL != pcszNodeAddress) { // if winsock is disabled, block any IP address or machine name
if (g_fWinsockDisabled) { if (! IsValidPluggableTransportName(pcszNodeAddress)) { return UI_RC_NO_WINSOCK; } }
// Create a new conference, or find a new conference that
// has just rejected a join because of an invalid password,
// and call its Join() entry point.
hr = CreateNewConference(pcwszConfName, NULL, &pNewConf, TRUE, fSecure); if (NO_ERROR == hr) { // First join attempt. Do all of the start connection.
hr = pNewConf->Join((LPSTR) pcszNodeAddress, pcwszPassword); } else if (hr == UI_RC_CONFERENCE_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // Conference already exists.
// Look to see if it is awaiting a join with a password.
// If so, then retry the join.
// Otherwise drop through to return an error.
// Note that we walk the list here again to find the existing
// conference rather than pass back from CreateNewConference(),
// because that would be a side effect behavior that can (and has!)
// introduce obscure bugs in unrelated code.
hr = NO_ERROR; pNewConf = GetConferenceFromName(pcwszConfName); ASSERT(NULL != pNewConf); if (! pNewConf->IsConnListEmpty()) { CLogicalConnection *pConEntry = pNewConf->PeekConnListHead(); if (pConEntry->GetState() == CONF_CON_PENDING_PASSWORD) { hr = pNewConf->JoinWrapper(pConEntry, pcwszPassword); } } }
// Delete the conference if the join fails
// for any reason other than trying to join
// a local conference.
if (NO_ERROR == hr) { pNewConf->SetNotifyToDo(TRUE); *phConf = (CONF_HANDLE) pNewConf; } else { if (hr != UI_RC_CONFERENCE_ALREADY_EXISTS) { ERROR_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::JoinConference: Failed to create new conference, hr=0x%x", (UINT) hr)); } RemoveConference(pNewConf); } } else { hr = (pcszNodeAddress == NULL) ? UI_RC_NO_ADDRESS : UI_RC_NO_CONFERENCE_NAME; ERROR_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::JoinConference: invalid parameters, hr=0x%x", (UINT) hr)); } } else { ERROR_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::JoinConference: null phConf")); hr = UI_RC_BAD_PARAMETER; }
DebugExitHRESULT(DCRNCConferenceManager::JoinConference, hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) DCRNCConferenceManager:: GetPluggableConnID ( LPCSTR pcszNodeAddress ) { return ::GetPluggableTransportConnID(pcszNodeAddress); }
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Implementation of Methods for DCRNCConferenceManager
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
void DCRNCConferenceManager:: WndMsgHandler(UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::WndMsgHandler); TRACE_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::WndMsgHandler: uMsg=%u, lParam=0x%x", (UINT) uMsg, (UINT) lParam));
switch (uMsg) { case NCMSG_FIRST_ROSTER_RECVD: { PCONFERENCE pConf = (PCONFERENCE) lParam; if (NULL != pConf) { pConf->FirstRoster(); } } break;
case NCMSG_QUERY_REMOTE_FAILURE: { CQueryRemoteWork *pWork = (CQueryRemoteWork *) lParam; if (NULL != pWork) { pWork->SyncQueryRemoteResult(); } } break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::WndMsgHandler: unknown msg=%u, lParam=0x%x", uMsg, (UINT) lParam)); break; }
DebugExitVOID(DCRNCConferenceManager::WndMsgHandler); }
/****************************************************************************/ /* CreateNewConference - create a new instance of DCRNCConference and add */ /* it to the conference list. */ /****************************************************************************/ HRESULT DCRNCConferenceManager:: CreateNewConference ( LPCWSTR pcwszConfName, GCCConfID nConfID, PCONFERENCE *ppConf, BOOL fFindExistingConf, BOOL fSecure ) { HRESULT hr;
DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::CreateNewConference); ASSERT(ppConf);
// Make sure there is not already an active conference of the same name.
PCONFERENCE pConf = GetConferenceFromName(pcwszConfName); if (NULL == pConf) { // Add new conference
DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pConf = new DCRNCConference(pcwszConfName, nConfID, fSecure, &hr); if (NULL != pConf && NO_ERROR == hr) { // Conference added, so include in list.
m_ConfList.Append(pConf); #ifdef _DEBUG
pConf->OnAppended(); #endif
// This reference is for nmcom.dll so that ReleaseInterface will do
// the right thing.
pConf->AddRef(); } else { ERROR_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::CreateNewConference: can't create conf, hr=0x%x, pConf=0x%p", (UINT) hr, pConf)); if (pConf == NULL) { hr = UI_RC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { pConf->Release(); pConf = NULL; } }
*ppConf = pConf; } else { WARNING_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::CreateNewConference: conf already exists")); hr = UI_RC_CONFERENCE_ALREADY_EXISTS; *ppConf = fFindExistingConf ? pConf : NULL; }
DebugExitHRESULT(DCRNCConferenceManager::CreateNewConference, hr); return hr; }
/***************************************************************************/ /* GetConfIDFromMessage() - Get the conference ID from the message. */ /***************************************************************************/ GCCConfID GetConfIDFromMessage ( GCCMessage * pGCCMessage ) { GCCConfID nConfID = pGCCMessage->nConfID;
#ifdef _DEBUG
/************************************************************************/ /* Dig the conference ID out of the message. */ /************************************************************************/ switch (pGCCMessage->message_type) { case GCC_CREATE_INDICATION: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.create_indication.conference_id;
case GCC_CREATE_CONFIRM: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.create_confirm.conference_id;
case GCC_JOIN_CONFIRM: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.join_confirm.conference_id;
case GCC_INVITE_CONFIRM: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.invite_confirm.conference_id;
case GCC_ADD_CONFIRM: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.add_confirm.conference_id;
case GCC_DISCONNECT_INDICATION: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.disconnect_indication.conference_id;
case GCC_DISCONNECT_CONFIRM: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.disconnect_confirm.conference_id;
case GCC_TERMINATE_INDICATION: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.terminate_indication.conference_id;
case GCC_TERMINATE_CONFIRM: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.terminate_confirm.conference_id;
case GCC_ANNOUNCE_PRESENCE_CONFIRM: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.announce_presence_confirm.conference_id;
case GCC_ROSTER_REPORT_INDICATION: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.conf_roster_report_indication.conference_id;
case GCC_ROSTER_INQUIRE_CONFIRM: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.conf_roster_inquire_confirm.conference_id;
case GCC_PERMIT_TO_ANNOUNCE_PRESENCE: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.permit_to_announce_presence.conference_id;
case GCC_EJECT_USER_INDICATION: // nConfID = pGCCMessage->u.eject_user_indication.conference_id;
default : // nConfID = 0;
ERROR_OUT(("Unknown message")); break; } #endif // _DEBUG
return nConfID; }
PCONFERENCE DCRNCConferenceManager:: GetConferenceFromID ( GCCConfID conferenceID ) { PCONFERENCE pConf = NULL; m_ConfList.Reset(); while (NULL != (pConf = m_ConfList.Iterate())) { if (pConf->GetID() == conferenceID) { break; } } return pConf; }
PCONFERENCE DCRNCConferenceManager:: GetConferenceFromName ( LPCWSTR pcwszConfName ) { PCONFERENCE pConf = NULL; if (! ::IsEmptyStringW(pcwszConfName)) { m_ConfList.Reset(); while (NULL != (pConf = m_ConfList.Iterate())) { if ((0 == ::My_strcmpW(pConf->GetName(), pcwszConfName)) && (pConf->IsActive())) { break; } } } return pConf; }
// GetConferenceFromNumber - get the T120 conference with the specified number.
PCONFERENCE DCRNCConferenceManager:: GetConferenceFromNumber ( GCCNumericString NumericName ) { PCONFERENCE pConf = NULL;
if (! ::IsEmptyStringA(NumericName)) { m_ConfList.Reset(); while (NULL != (pConf = m_ConfList.Iterate())) { LPSTR pszConfNumericName = pConf->GetNumericName(); if (NULL != pszConfNumericName && 0 == ::lstrcmpA(pszConfNumericName, NumericName)) { break; } } }
return pConf; }
/****************************************************************************/ /* Handle a GCC callback. */ /****************************************************************************/ void DCRNCConferenceManager:: HandleGCCCallback ( GCCMessage * pGCCMessage ) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::HandleGCCCallback); TRACE_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::HandleGCCCallback: msg_type=%u", (UINT) pGCCMessage->message_type));
switch (pGCCMessage->message_type) { case GCC_CREATE_CONFIRM: { PCONFERENCE pConf; LPWSTR pwszConfName;
// For create confirm, the conference won't
// know its ID yet (it is contained in this message), so get
// the conference by name.
if (NO_ERROR == ::GetUnicodeFromGCC( pGCCMessage->u.create_confirm.conference_name.numeric_string, pGCCMessage->u.create_confirm.conference_name.text_string, &pwszConfName)) { pConf = GetConferenceFromName(pwszConfName); if (NULL != pConf) { pConf->HandleGCCCallback(pGCCMessage); } delete pwszConfName; } } break;
case GCC_JOIN_CONFIRM: HandleJoinConfirm(&(pGCCMessage->u.join_confirm)); break;
case GCC_CONDUCT_GIVE_INDICATION: HandleConductGiveInd(&(pGCCMessage->u.conduct_give_indication)); break;
case GCC_JOIN_INDICATION: HandleJoinInd(&(pGCCMessage->u.join_indication)); break;
case GCC_ADD_INDICATION: HandleAddInd(&(pGCCMessage->u.add_indication)); break;
case GCC_SUB_INITIALIZED_INDICATION: HandleSubInitializedInd(&(pGCCMessage->u.conf_sub_initialized_indication)); break;
case GCC_ROSTER_REPORT_INDICATION: // update the (node id, name) list and user data
UpdateNodeIdNameListAndUserData(pGCCMessage); // fall through
case GCC_INVITE_CONFIRM: case GCC_ADD_CONFIRM: case GCC_DISCONNECT_INDICATION: case GCC_DISCONNECT_CONFIRM: case GCC_TERMINATE_INDICATION: case GCC_TERMINATE_CONFIRM: case GCC_ANNOUNCE_PRESENCE_CONFIRM: case GCC_ROSTER_INQUIRE_CONFIRM: case GCC_PERMIT_TO_ANNOUNCE_PRESENCE: case GCC_EJECT_USER_INDICATION: { /****************************************************************/ /* All these events are passed straight onto one of our */ /* conferences. */ /****************************************************************/
/****************************************************************/ /* Get the conference ID from the message */ /****************************************************************/ GCCConfID nConfID = ::GetConfIDFromMessage(pGCCMessage);
/****************************************************************/ /* See whether we have a conference with this ID; */ /****************************************************************/ PCONFERENCE pConf = GetConferenceFromID(nConfID); if (NULL != pConf) { /****************************************************************/ /* Pass the event onto the conference. */ /****************************************************************/ pConf->HandleGCCCallback(pGCCMessage); } else { // bugbug: should still reply to indications that require a response.
TRACE_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::HandleGCCCallback: No conference found with ID %d", nConfID)); } } break;
case GCC_TRANSPORT_STATUS_INDICATION: { WORD state = 0; TRACE_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::HandleGCCCallback: GCC msg type GCC_TRANSPORT_STATUS_INDICATION")); TRACE_OUT(("Device identifier '%s'", pGCCMessage->u.transport_status.device_identifier)); TRACE_OUT(("Remote address '%s'", pGCCMessage->u.transport_status.remote_address)); TRACE_OUT(("Message '%s'", pGCCMessage->u.transport_status.message)); state = pGCCMessage->u.transport_status.state; #ifdef DEBUG
LPSTR stateString = (state == TSTATE_NOT_READY ? "TSTATE_NOT_READY" : (state == TSTATE_NOT_CONNECTED ? "TSTATE_NOT_CONNECTED" : (state == TSTATE_CONNECT_PENDING ? "TSTATE_CONNECT_PENDING" : (state == TSTATE_CONNECTED ? "TSTATE_CONNECTED" : (state == TSTATE_REMOVED ? "TSTATE_REMOVED" : ("UNKNOWN STATE")))))); TRACE_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::HandleGCCCallback: Transport state %d (%s)", pGCCMessage->u.transport_status.state, (const char *)stateString)); #endif // DEBUG
} break;
case GCC_STATUS_INDICATION: { WORD state = 0; #ifdef DEBUG
} break; #endif // TSTATUS_INDICATION
case GCC_INVITE_INDICATION: /****************************************************************/ /* We have been invited into a conference: Create a new */ /* (incoming) conference. */ /****************************************************************/ HandleInviteIndication(&(pGCCMessage->u.invite_indication)); break;
case GCC_CREATE_INDICATION: /****************************************************************/ /* A new conference has been created. */ /****************************************************************/ HandleCreateIndication(&(pGCCMessage->u.create_indication)); break;
case GCC_QUERY_CONFIRM: HandleQueryConfirmation(&(pGCCMessage->u.query_confirm)); break;
case GCC_QUERY_INDICATION: HandleQueryIndication(&(pGCCMessage->u.query_indication)); break;
case GCC_CONNECTION_BROKEN_INDICATION: BroadcastGCCCallback(pGCCMessage); break;
case GCC_LOCK_INDICATION: HandleLockIndication(&(pGCCMessage->u.lock_indication)); break;
// This just indicates the g_pIT120ControlSap->AppletInvokeRequest succeeded.
// There is no official confirmation from the remote machine.
// FUTURE: Add protocol + code to respond to the launch request.
// break;
case GCC_APPLICATION_INVOKE_INDICATION: HandleApplicationInvokeIndication(&(pGCCMessage->u.application_invoke_indication)); break;
case GCC_UNLOCK_INDICATION: HandleUnlockIndication(&(pGCCMessage->u.unlock_indication)); break;
case GCC_TIME_INQUIRE_INDICATION: HandleTimeInquireIndication(&(pGCCMessage->u.time_inquire_indication)); break;
#ifdef DEBUG
case GCC_APP_ROSTER_REPORT_INDICATION: TRACE_OUT(("DCRNCConferenceManager::HandleGCCCallback: GCC msg type GCC_APP_ROSTER_REPORT_INDICATION")); break; #endif /* DEBUG */
DebugExitVOID(DCRNCConferenceManager::HandleGCCCallback); }
void DCRNCConferenceManager:: BroadcastGCCCallback ( GCCMessage *pGCCMessage ) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::BroadcastGCCCallback);
// An event has come in that is of potential interest to all
// conferences, so pass it on to them.
// Note that this is currently only used for broken logical
// connections that are actually on a single conference because
// T120 maps logical connections to conferences.
PCONFERENCE pConf; m_ConfList.Reset(); while (NULL != (pConf = m_ConfList.Iterate())) { pConf->HandleGCCCallback(pGCCMessage); }
DebugExitVOID(DCRNCConferenceManager::BroadcastGCCCallback); }
// HandleJoinConfirm - handle a GCC_JOIN_CONFIRM message.
void DCRNCConferenceManager:: HandleJoinConfirm ( JoinConfirmMessage * pJoinConfirm ) { PCONFERENCE pConf = NULL; LPWSTR pwszConfName;
// For join confirm, the conference won't know its ID yet
// (it is contained in this message),
// so get the conference by name.
HRESULT hr = GetUnicodeFromGCC((PCSTR)pJoinConfirm->conference_name.numeric_string, pJoinConfirm->conference_name.text_string, &pwszConfName); if (NO_ERROR == hr) { pConf = GetConferenceFromName(pwszConfName); delete pwszConfName; }
if (pConf == NULL) { pConf = GetConferenceFromNumber(pJoinConfirm->conference_name.numeric_string); }
if (pConf != NULL) { pConf->HandleJoinConfirm(pJoinConfirm); }
DebugExitVOID(DCRNCConferenceManager::HandleJoinConfirm); }
// HandleCreateIndication - handle a GCC_CREATE_INDICATION message.
void DCRNCConferenceManager:: HandleCreateIndication ( CreateIndicationMessage * pCreateMessage ) { PCONFERENCE pNewConference = NULL; HRESULT hr = UI_RC_USER_REJECTED; LPWSTR name;
TRACE_OUT(("GCC event: GCC_CREATE_INDICATION")); TRACE_OUT(("Conference ID %ld", pCreateMessage->conference_id)); if (pCreateMessage->conductor_privilege_list == NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("Conductor privilege list is NULL")); } else { TRACE_OUT(("Conductor priv, terminate allowed %d", pCreateMessage->conductor_privilege_list->terminate_is_allowed)); }
if (pCreateMessage->conducted_mode_privilege_list == NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("Conducted mode privilege list is NULL")); } else { TRACE_OUT(("Conducted mode priv, terminate allowed %d", pCreateMessage->conducted_mode_privilege_list->terminate_is_allowed)); }
if (pCreateMessage->non_conducted_privilege_list == NULL) { TRACE_OUT(("Non-conducted mode privilege list is NULL")); } else { TRACE_OUT(("non-conducted priv, terminate allowed %d", pCreateMessage->non_conducted_privilege_list->terminate_is_allowed)); }
hr = ::GetUnicodeFromGCC((PCSTR)pCreateMessage->conference_name.numeric_string, (PWSTR)pCreateMessage->conference_name.text_string, &name); if (NO_ERROR == hr) { hr = CreateNewConference(name, pCreateMessage->conference_id, &pNewConference); delete name; }
if (NO_ERROR == hr) { hr = pNewConference->StartIncoming(); if (NO_ERROR == hr) { g_pNCConfMgr->CreateConferenceRequest(pNewConference); return; } }
ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create incoming conference")); GCCCreateResponse(hr, pMsg->conference_id, &pMsg->conference_name);
DebugExitVOID(DCRNCConferenceManager::HandleCreateIndication); } #endif // ENABLE_START_REMOTE
void DCRNCConferenceManager:: GCCCreateResponse ( HRESULT hr, GCCConfID conference_id, GCCConferenceName * pGCCName ) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::GCCCreateResponse);
GCCError GCCrc = g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfCreateResponse( NULL, conference_id, 0, NULL, /* domain_parameters */ 0, /* number_of_network_addresses */ NULL, /* local_network_address_list */ 0, /* number_of_user_data_members */ NULL, /* user_data_list */ ::MapRCToGCCResult(hr)); TRACE_OUT(("GCC call: g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfCreateResponse, rc=%d", GCCrc));
DebugExitVOID(DCRNCConferenceManager::GCCCreateResponse); }
/****************************************************************************/ /* HandleInviteIndication - handle a GCC_INVITE_INDICATION message. */ /****************************************************************************/ void DCRNCConferenceManager:: HandleInviteIndication ( InviteIndicationMessage * pInviteMessage ) { LPWSTR pwszConfName; PCONFERENCE pNewConference = NULL; HRESULT hr; CLogicalConnection *pConEntry; CInviteIndWork *pInviteUI;
TRACE_OUT(("GCC event: GCC_INVITE_INDICATION")); TRACE_OUT(("Invited into conference ID %ld", pInviteMessage->conference_id));
// Create a new conference, using the constructor for an incoming T120
// conference.
hr = GetUnicodeFromGCC((PCSTR)pInviteMessage->conference_name.numeric_string, (PWSTR)pInviteMessage->conference_name.text_string, &pwszConfName);
// Check to see if we're allowed to be invited. We may never get here
// if we properly signal callers that we won't accept a nonsecure
// Invite, but if they do it anyway or lead with T.120 we will enforce
// the registry setting here.
#if 0
{ if ( !pInviteMessage->fSecure ) { WARNING_OUT(("HandleInviteIndication: CONNECTION is NOT SECURE")); hr = UI_RC_T120_SECURITY_FAILED; } } #endif
if (NO_ERROR == hr) { hr = CreateNewConference(pwszConfName, pInviteMessage->conference_id, &pNewConference, FALSE, pInviteMessage->fSecure); delete pwszConfName; if (NO_ERROR == hr) { // Make sure the conference object does not go away randomly.
pNewConference->SetActive(FALSE); DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pConEntry = pNewConference->NewLogicalConnection(CONF_CON_INVITED, pInviteMessage->connection_handle, pInviteMessage->fSecure); if (NULL != pConEntry) { // Save the T120 connection handle in the connection record
// so that disconnect indications take down the conference.
pConEntry->SetInviteReqConnHandle(pInviteMessage->connection_handle); hr = pNewConference->StartIncoming();
// Linearize the invite requests so that two invites don't fight each other
// for attention, and so that the second invite has a conference to see in
// rosters and join if the first invite gets accepted.
if (NO_ERROR == hr) { DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pInviteUI = new CInviteIndWork(pNewConference, (LPCWSTR)(pInviteMessage->caller_identifier), pConEntry); if (pInviteUI) { pNewConference->SetInviteIndWork(pInviteUI); m_InviteIndWorkList.AddWorkItem(pInviteUI); hr = NO_ERROR; } else { hr = UI_RC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } } else { hr = UI_RC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
// This Release corresponds to the above AddRef.
if (0 == pNewConference->Release()) { // Make sure no one will use it any more.
pNewConference = NULL; } } }
if (NO_ERROR != hr) { if (NULL != pNewConference) { pNewConference->InviteResponse(hr); } else { // LONCHANC: we have to somehow send a response PDU out.
g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfInviteResponse( pInviteMessage->conference_id, NULL, pInviteMessage->fSecure, NULL, // domain parms
0, // number_of_network_addresses
NULL, // local_network_address_list
DebugExitHRESULT(DCRNCConferenceManager::HandleInviteIndication, hr); }
/****************************************************************************/ /* HandleJoinInd - handle a GCC_JOIN_INDICATION message. */ /****************************************************************************/ void DCRNCConferenceManager:: HandleJoinInd ( JoinIndicationMessage * pJoinInd ) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::HandleJoinInd);
// Look up conference ID, and if not found, dismiss request.
CJoinIndWork *pJoinUI; CLogicalConnection *pConEntry;
PCONFERENCE pConf = GetConferenceFromID(pJoinInd->conference_id); if (NULL != pConf) { //
// Under RDS, if this conference has been hit with bad passwords
// too many times, everyone is out of luck and we will not accept
// anyone into this conference anymore.
if (g_bRDS && ( pConf->InvalidPwdCount() >= MAX_INVALID_PASSWORDS )) { WARNING_OUT(("RDS: locked out by too many bad pwd attempts")); Result = GCC_RESULT_USER_REJECTED; } // Validate conference password, if required.
else if (!pConf->ValidatePassword(pJoinInd->password_challenge)) { //
// Only increment the wrong password count if one was
// supplied
if ( pJoinInd->password_challenge ) pConf->IncInvalidPwdCount();
if ( g_bRDS && ( pConf->InvalidPwdCount() >= MAX_INVALID_PASSWORDS )) { Result = GCC_RESULT_USER_REJECTED; } else { Result = GCC_RESULT_INVALID_PASSWORD; } } else pConf->ResetInvalidPwdCount(); } else { Result = GCC_RESULT_INVALID_CONFERENCE; }
if (Result == GCC_RESULT_SUCCESSFUL) { DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pConEntry = pConf->NewLogicalConnection( CONF_CON_JOINED, pJoinInd->connection_handle, pConf->IsSecure()); if (NULL != pConEntry) { HRESULT hr; DBG_SAVE_FILE_LINE pJoinUI = new CJoinIndWork(pJoinInd->join_response_tag, pConf, pJoinInd->caller_identifier, pConEntry, &hr); if (NULL != pJoinUI && NO_ERROR == hr) { m_JoinIndWorkList.AddWorkItem(pJoinUI); return; }
// Handle failure
delete pJoinUI; pConEntry->Delete(UI_RC_OUT_OF_MEMORY); } Result = GCC_RESULT_RESOURCES_UNAVAILABLE; }
::GCCJoinResponseWrapper(pJoinInd->join_response_tag, NULL, Result, pJoinInd->conference_id);
DebugExitVOID(DCRNCConferenceManager::HandleJoinInd); }
void HandleQueryConfirmation ( QueryConfirmMessage * pQueryMessage ) { DebugEntry(HandleQueryConfirmation);
CQueryRemoteWork *pQueryRemote;
// Must have a pending query and it must be first in
// sequential work list.
g_pQueryRemoteList->Reset(); while (NULL != (pQueryRemote = g_pQueryRemoteList->Iterate())) { if (pQueryRemote->GetConnectionHandle() == pQueryMessage->connection_handle) { // GCC has given us a valid query response, so handle it.
pQueryRemote->HandleQueryConfirmation(pQueryMessage); break; } }
if (NULL == pQueryRemote) { // Unexpected GCC Query Confirmation.
WARNING_OUT(("HandleQueryConfirmation: Unmatched GCCQueryConfirm")); }
DebugExitVOID(HandleQueryConfirmation); }
/****************************************************************************/ /* NotifyConferenceComplete() - see ernccm.hpp */ /****************************************************************************/ void DCRNCConferenceManager:: NotifyConferenceComplete ( PCONFERENCE pConf, BOOL bIncoming, HRESULT result ) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::NotifyConferenceComplete);
ASSERT(NULL != pConf);
// If the new conference was successfully added, then ensure that it
// is marked as active. This is for the invite case, and is done before
// telling the UI about the conference.
HRESULT hr = result; if (NO_ERROR == hr) { pConf->SetActive(TRUE); }
// If the conference failed to start, tell the UI so that
// it can display a pop-up.
// Note this this allows message pre-emption which can cause GCC to give back a GCC event.
// In particular, a JoinRequest completion event, which must be ignored.
// The following is a guard because NotifyConferenceComplete is called all
// over the place and we do not want the user notified through callbacks
// for inline errors. All inline errors are meant to trickle back through the
// originating API, so these callbacks are only enabled once the user is returned
// success.
if (pConf->GetNotifyToDo()) { pConf->SetNotifyToDo(FALSE);
// LONCHANC: This function may be called inside
// ConfMgr::ReleaseInterface(). As a result, the global pointer
// to the callback interface may already be nulled out.
// Check it before use it.
if (NULL != g_pCallbackInterface) { g_pCallbackInterface->OnConferenceStarted(pConf, hr); } }
if (NO_ERROR == hr) { // If the conference is new as the result of an invite, then it has an entry
// at the start of the sequential work item list. Now that the conference is up
// and the UI has been told, this entry is removed to allow other invite
// requests to be processed.
m_InviteIndWorkList.RemoveWorkItem(pConf->GetInviteIndWork()); pConf->SetInviteIndWork(NULL); } else { RemoveConference(pConf); }
DebugExitVOID(DCRNCConferenceManager::NotifyConferenceComplete); }
/****************************************************************************/ /* NotifyRosterChanged() - see ernccm.hpp */ /****************************************************************************/
// RemoveConference() - remove the conference from the conference list,
// and destroy the conference.
void DCRNCConferenceManager:: RemoveConference ( PCONFERENCE pConf, BOOL fDontCheckList, BOOL fReleaseNow ) { DebugEntry(DCRNCConferenceManager::RemoveConference);
if (pConf != NULL) { if (m_ConfList.Remove(pConf) || fDontCheckList) { pConf->OnRemoved(fReleaseNow); m_InviteIndWorkList.PurgeListEntriesByOwner(pConf); m_JoinIndWorkList.PurgeListEntriesByOwner(pConf); } else { // If we get here, we haven't found the conference.
// This actually happens because when a conference is being
// terminated, its destructor calls DCRNCConference::Leave()
// to ensure a speedy exit, if required. However, if the
// conference is currently not yet active (e.g. waiting for
// the user to supply a password), calling Leave() causes
// RemoveConference() to be called back. In this case,
// because the conference has already been removed from the
// list, this function does nothing.
} }
DebugExitVOID(DCRNCConferenceManager::RemoveConference); }
/****************************************************************************/ /* EjectUserFromConference() - see ernccm.hpp */ /****************************************************************************/
/****************************************************************************/ /* SendUserTextMessage() - see ernccm.hpp */ /****************************************************************************/
/****************************************************************************/ /* TimeRemainingInConference() - see ernccm.hpp */ /****************************************************************************/
/****************************************************************************/ /* GCC callback function. */ /****************************************************************************/ void CALLBACK DCRNCConferenceManager:: GCCCallBackHandler ( GCCMessage * pGCCMessage ) { DCRNCConferenceManager *pConfManager;
/************************************************************************/ /* The message has a user defined field which we use to store a pointer */ /* to the CM class. Use it to pass the message onto CM. */ /************************************************************************/ pConfManager = (DCRNCConferenceManager *) pGCCMessage->user_defined;
// Check the pointer isnt completely daft,
// and guard against getting events after shutting down
// (a current bug in GCC/MCS).
if (pConfManager == g_pNCConfMgr) { /************************************************************************/ /* Pass the message onto CM and return the returned code. */ /************************************************************************/ g_pNCConfMgr->HandleGCCCallback(pGCCMessage); } else { WARNING_OUT(("Dud user_defined field, pConfMgr=%p, g_pNCConfMgr=%p", pConfManager, g_pNCConfMgr)); } }
HRESULT GCCJoinResponseWrapper ( GCCResponseTag join_response_tag, GCCChallengeRequestResponse *password_challenge, GCCResult result, GCCConferenceID conferenceID, UINT nUserData, GCCUserData **ppUserData ) { HRESULT hr; GCCError GCCrc;
TRACE_OUT(("GCC event: GCC_JOIN_INDICATION")); TRACE_OUT(("Response tag %d", join_response_tag));
if (g_pControlSap->IsThisNodeTopProvider(conferenceID) == FALSE) { GCCrc = g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfJoinResponse(join_response_tag, password_challenge, nUserData, ppUserData, result);
} else { GCCrc = g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfJoinResponse(join_response_tag, password_challenge, 0, NULL, result); } hr = ::GetGCCRCDetails(GCCrc); TRACE_OUT(("GCC call: g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfJoinResponse, rc=%d", GCCrc));
if ((GCCrc != GCC_NO_ERROR) && (result != GCC_RESULT_USER_REJECTED)) { /********************************************************************/ /* If the call to join response fails, we must try again to reject */ /* the join request. */ /********************************************************************/ ERROR_OUT(("GCCJoinResponseWrapper: GCC error %d responding to join ind", GCCrc)); GCCrc = g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfJoinResponse(join_response_tag, password_challenge, 0, NULL, GCC_RESULT_USER_REJECTED);
TRACE_OUT(("GCC call: g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfJoinResponse (again), rc=%d", GCCrc)); if (GCCrc != GCC_NO_ERROR) { /****************************************************************/ /* If it fails a second time we really are in deep doggy-do. */ /****************************************************************/ ERROR_OUT(("GCCJoinResponseWrapper: g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfJoinResponse failed again...")); } }
DebugExitHRESULT(GCCJoinResponseWrapper, hr); return hr; }
void HandleQueryIndication ( QueryIndicationMessage * pQueryMessage ) { DebugEntry(HandleQueryIndication);
GCCAsymmetryIndicator ai, ai2; GCCNodeType node_type; GCCError GCCrc; CQueryRemoteWork *pQueryRemote = NULL; GCCResult result = GCC_RESULT_SUCCESSFUL; OSVERSIONINFO osvi;
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi); if (FALSE == ::GetVersionEx (&osvi)) { ERROR_OUT(("GetVersionEx() failed!")); }
if ( VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == osvi.dwPlatformId && g_bRDS ) { SOCKET socket_number; if (g_pMCSController->FindSocketNumber(pQueryMessage->connection_handle, &socket_number)) { TransportConnection XprtConn; SET_SOCKET_CONNECTION(XprtConn, socket_number); PSocket pSocket = g_pSocketList->FindByTransportConnection(XprtConn); ASSERT(NULL != pSocket); if (NULL != pSocket) { pSocket->Release(); } } } // If the caller did not pass in the protocol for deciding who is caller
// then fabricate something for him and make him the caller.
if (pQueryMessage->asymmetry_indicator) { ai = *pQueryMessage->asymmetry_indicator; } else { ai.asymmetry_type = GCC_ASYMMETRY_CALLER; ai.random_number = 0; }
// let's set default random number, which will be read only in the "unknown" case.
ai2.random_number = ai.random_number;
// prepare the query respone
switch (ai.asymmetry_type) { case GCC_ASYMMETRY_CALLED: ai2.asymmetry_type = GCC_ASYMMETRY_CALLER; break; case GCC_ASYMMETRY_CALLER: ai2.asymmetry_type = GCC_ASYMMETRY_CALLED; break; case GCC_ASYMMETRY_UNKNOWN: // Check if we are not in a pending query
ASSERT(g_pQueryRemoteList); if (! g_pQueryRemoteList->IsEmpty()) { pQueryRemote = g_pQueryRemoteList->PeekHead(); } // If we queryed as unknown
if (pQueryRemote && pQueryRemote->IsInUnknownQueryRequest()) { pQueryRemote->GetAsymIndicator(&ai2); if (ai2.asymmetry_type == GCC_ASYMMETRY_UNKNOWN && ai2.random_number > ai.random_number) { result = GCC_RESULT_USER_REJECTED; } } else { ai2.asymmetry_type = GCC_ASYMMETRY_UNKNOWN; // ai2.random_number = ~ ai.random_number;
ai2.random_number--; // lonchanc: we should always be the callee in this case.
} break;
default: result = GCC_RESULT_USER_REJECTED; break; }
// Figure out my node type.
LoadAnnouncePresenceParameters(&node_type, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// Issue reply.
GCCrc = g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfQueryResponse( pQueryMessage->query_response_tag, node_type, &ai2, 0, NULL, result); if (GCCrc) { TRACE_OUT(("HandleQueryIndication: g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfQueryResponse failed, rc=%d", GCCrc)); }
DebugExitVOID(HandleQueryIndication); }
void HandleConductGiveInd ( ConductGiveIndicationMessage * pConductGiveInd ) { DebugEntry(HandleConductGiveInd);
// Node controller does not accept conductorship being handed over
// from another node, so reject request.
GCCError GCCrc = g_pIT120ControlSap->ConductorGiveResponse(pConductGiveInd->conference_id, GCC_RESULT_USER_REJECTED); TRACE_OUT(("HandleConductGiveInd: Failed to reject ConductGiveIndication, gcc_rc=%u", (UINT) GCCrc));
DebugExitVOID(HandleConductGiveInd); }
void HandleAddInd ( AddIndicationMessage * pAddInd ) { DebugEntry(HandleAddInd);
// Just reject the request because we don't do adds on behalf of someone else.
GCCError GCCrc = g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfAddResponse( pAddInd->add_response_tag, // add_response_tag
pAddInd->conference_id, // conference_id
pAddInd->requesting_node_id, // requesting_node
0, // number_of_user_data_members
NULL, // user_data_list
TRACE_OUT(("HandleAddInd: Failed to reject AddIndication, gcc_rc=%u", (UINT) GCCrc));
DebugExitVOID(HandleAddInd); }
void HandleLockIndication ( LockIndicationMessage * pLockInd ) { DebugEntry(HandleLockIndication);
// Just reject the request because we don't do locked conferences.
GCCError GCCrc = g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfLockResponse( pLockInd->conference_id, // conference_id
pLockInd->requesting_node_id, // requesting_node
TRACE_OUT(("HandleLockIndication: Failed to reject LockIndication, gcc_rc=%u", (UINT) GCCrc));
DebugExitVOID(HandleLockIndication); }
void HandleUnlockIndication ( UnlockIndicationMessage * pUnlockInd ) { DebugEntry(HandleUnlockIndication);
// Reject the request because we don't manage
// locking/unlocking of conferences.
GCCError GCCrc = g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfLockResponse( pUnlockInd->conference_id, // conference_id
pUnlockInd->requesting_node_id, // requesting_node
TRACE_OUT(("HandleUnlockIndication: Failed to reject UnlockIndication, gcc_rc=%u", (UINT) GCCrc));
DebugExitVOID(HandleUnlockIndication); }
void HandleSubInitializedInd ( SubInitializedIndicationMessage * pSubInitInd ) { DebugEntry(HandleSubInitializedInd);
CLogicalConnection *pConEntry = g_pNCConfMgr->GetConEntryFromConnectionHandle( pSubInitInd->connection_handle); if (NULL != pConEntry) { pConEntry->SetConnectionNodeID(pSubInitInd->subordinate_node_id); }
DebugExitVOID(HandleSubInitializedInd); }
// This function is used by the GCC_SUB_INITIALIZED_INDICATION handler.
// This handler was added to bind the request to enter someone into
// a conference to the resulting conference roster, so that you could
// tell which new entry in the roster was the one you requested in.
// Since the above handler only gets a connection handle (recast here to a
// request handle) and a userID, this means that the local GCC implementation
// is guarunteeing that connection handles are unique to a local machine
// and not duplicated in different conferences (this fact is also being used
// by the node controller to know when someone invited into a conference leaves).
CLogicalConnection * DCRNCConferenceManager:: GetConEntryFromConnectionHandle ( ConnectionHandle hInviteIndConn ) { PCONFERENCE pConf; CLogicalConnection *pConEntry;
m_ConfList.Reset(); while (NULL != (pConf = m_ConfList.Iterate())) { pConEntry = pConf->GetConEntry(hInviteIndConn); if (NULL != pConEntry) { return(pConEntry); } } return(NULL); }
void HandleTimeInquireIndication ( TimeInquireIndicationMessage * pTimeInquireInd ) { DebugEntry(HandleTimeInquireIndication);
// Since we don't currently time messages, and there is no mechanism to say this,
// or to even say that there is no such conference that we know about, just
// say that the conference has one hour remaining, with the same scope as the request.
UserID node_id = pTimeInquireInd->time_is_conference_wide ? 0 : pTimeInquireInd->requesting_node_id; GCCError GCCrc = g_pIT120ControlSap->ConfTimeRemainingRequest( pTimeInquireInd->conference_id, 60*60, node_id); TRACE_OUT(("HandleTimeInquireIndication: Failed to return Time Remaining, gcc_rc=%u", (UINT) GCCrc));
DebugExitVOID(HandleTimeInquireIndication); }
BOOL DCRNCConferenceManager:: FindSocketNumber ( GCCNodeID nid, SOCKET *socket_number ) { // Currently we are relying on the fact there is only one conference at a time.
PCONFERENCE pConf = m_ConfList.PeekHead(); if (NULL != pConf) { return pConf->FindSocketNumber(nid, socket_number); } return FALSE; }
/* H A N D L E A P P L I C A T I O N I N V O K E I N D I C A T I O N */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: HandleApplicationInvokeIndication
TODO: use GCC_OBJECT_KEY instead of GCC_H221_NONSTANDARD_KEY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void HandleApplicationInvokeIndication ( ApplicationInvokeIndicationMessage * pInvokeMessage ) { DebugEntry(HandleApplicationInvokeIndication);
DebugExitVOID(HandleApplicationInvokeIndication); }
// Update <NodeId,Name> pair
void DCRNCConferenceManager:: UpdateNodeIdNameListAndUserData(GCCMessage * pGCCMessage) { GCCConfID ConfId = pGCCMessage->nConfID; PCONFERENCE pConf = GetConferenceFromID(ConfId); if (pConf) pConf->UpdateNodeIdNameListAndUserData(pGCCMessage); }
void WINAPI T120_GetNodeName(LPSTR szName, UINT cchMax) { BSTR bstrName;
bstrName = ::GetNodeName(); if (!bstrName) { *szName = 0; } else { CSTRING str(bstrName); lstrcpyn(szName, str, cchMax); SysFreeString(bstrName); } }
BSTR GetNodeName(void) { if (g_pNCConfMgr) { return g_pNCConfMgr->GetNodeName(); } else return NULL; }
BSTR DCRNCConferenceManager::GetNodeName(void) { return(SysAllocString(m_bstrUserName)); }
// Query node name
ULONG DCRNCConferenceManager:: GetNodeName(GCCConfID ConfId, GCCNodeID NodeId, LPSTR pszBuffer, ULONG cbBufSize) { PCONFERENCE pConf = GetConferenceFromID(ConfId); if (pConf) return pConf->GetNodeName(NodeId, pszBuffer, cbBufSize); return 0; }
// Query user data
ULONG DCRNCConferenceManager:: GetUserGUIDData(GCCConfID ConfId, GCCNodeID NodeId, GUID *pGuid, LPBYTE pbBuffer, ULONG cbBufSize) { PCONFERENCE pConf = GetConferenceFromID(ConfId); if (pConf) return pConf->GetUserGUIDData(NodeId, pGuid, pbBuffer, cbBufSize); return 0; }